Wasib Mahmood|Architectural Portfolio Jan 2006 - Jan 2015
This portfolio is written & designed by Wasib Mahmood
Design Foundations.Tectonics DES 132.Spring.07
This was the first design project undertaken as part of my 5 year architectural education. “Foundations” serves as the first common year for all design majors such as interior design, visual communication, multimedia design and architecture. Bigger ideas of composition, materiality and tectonics are introduced. This project was a transformation of a linear 2D ‘spine’ into a 3D connecting composition. Right from the start, my personal interest has been in materials, textures, fabrication & connections.
Education Virginia Tech
(Washington.Alexandria.Architecture Centre)
M.Arch Fall 2015-Present
American University of Sharjah (Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. NAAB Accredited)
B.Arch Spring 2011 Dean’s list (Fall 2010 - Spring 2011) Chancellors List (2010 & 2011) CGPA: 3.39
Al-Ain English School (Al-Ain, UAE) 8 IGCSE Subjects (Spring 2005) 4A*s and 4 As
Skills Digital
AutoCAD Rhinoceros 4.0 + Vray Autodesk Revit Architecture 3D Studio Max + Vray Digital Project V4 MasterCam Adobe Design Suite Advanced knowledge of digital fabrication systems including Universal laser systems, 3d printing and 3 axis milling routers.
2014 - Key role in designing and
Wasib Mahmood
2012 - Key role in designing and
312 Missouri Avenue Herndon,VA 20170 USA
4115 IDP Hours Approved
Feb 2012-June 2015 Architect at DSA Architects
International, Dubai, UAE. Part of the core concept design team responsible for understanding the design brief and developing effective solutions from scratch. Major projects include Qamardeen Hotel (Downtown Dubai), Emaar Prefab restaurants, Springs Village expansion, Doha Marina Club, Dubai Sports Council Headquarters, Apple store MOE, Hermes store MOE & Lexus showroom DFC. Also responsible for managing all visualization in the office.
2010-Present - Design &
Visualization Director at the.wm.studio. Responsible for managing the design and visualization team. Please visit www.thewmstudio.com for more info.
July - September 2010 -
Architectural Intern at “Gehry Technologies”, Abu Dhabi, UAE. A challenging internship position involving extensive use of “Digital Project” and other 3d modeling software to construct detailed building information models. Projects worked on include the Abu-Dhabi Investment Council Headquarters and Cleveland Clinic, Abu Dhabi.
Achievements presenting DSA’s winning competition entry for Al Turath 5 star hotel. Full project was then awarded to DSA. Construction to be complete in 2017 presenting DSA’s winning competition entry for Omniyat Holdings. Residential Tower to be built on the palm Jumeirah by 2017
wasib@vt.edu +1.703.649.8866
Content 1.
Academic Work • Design Foundations.Tectonics • Observation • Micro Dwelling • Sub.Urban House • Bank of Sharjah Headquarters
Professional Work | DSA Architects International • Qamardeen Hotel Refurbishment • Lexus Car Showroom • Omniyat Apartments • Al Turath Hotel • Emaar Prefab Restaurant • Sarayah Bandar Jissah Resort • Apple Store • The Maze
Business | the.wm.studio ® • Jumeirah Ladies Club • Emirates Community Centre • Boom & Mellow Retail + Furniture Design
Personal Work
2011 - Short listed in top five for ‘Cityscape’ young architect award.
- First Place in Bank of Sharjah Headquarters competition, American University of Sharjah - Chancellor’s List 2011
2010 - Set up my own design &
visualization firm: the.wm.studio www.thewmstudio.com
- Won the “Open Source Arc” competition for primary school in Cameroon, Africa. Project built in Summer 2010 - Chancellor’s List 2010
2009 - Won the British Petroleum award
for sustainable & Innovative building design at the AUS
• Umbissa Primary School • InfoCart Kiosk • Isfahan Bazaar
Observation professional
ati o
na lA irp o
rt R un wa
ARC202.Spring08 Dubai,UAE
Although one of my very early projects, I think it still remains one of the most successful. This observation deck aims to provide an ideal location for a visitor to observe the landing of an aircraft at Dubai International airport. The architecture allows for a choreographed journey providing moments of pause and reflection throughout the building until one arrives at the pinnacle moment where only one person stands in front of a perfectly oriented and framed view towards the runway. The journey however, then gradually ends as one descends through the feature staircase and exits the site.
Project Site
1. Arrival & Entry 2. Moment of Pause 3. Moment of observation 4. Cross Ventilation inlet 5. Reflection Pool 6. Terrace 7. Floor Mirror 8. Pinnacle 9. Feature Staircase 10. Exit
4 3 6
1 5
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
Bank of Sharjah HQs
A R C 5 0 5 . F a l l . 2 0 1 0
Rhino Model | Vray Render
Al Khan Road . Sharjah . United Arab Emirates
The South Facade is coated with solar cells in contrast to solar panels. The cells are maufactured in a spherical form allowing views from inside while capturing light from all diirections to produce energy.
Process Sketches & Diagrams
s o u r c e : w w w . k y o s e m i . c o . j
Public Observation Deck +64m
B. Staff Cafeteria - 3rd & 4th Floor
D. Board Room & HR - 10th floor
A. Auditorium - 2nd floor
F. Women’s Prayer Hall - 12th floor E. Gallery & Men’s Prayer Hall - 11th floor
C. Typical office plan floors 5-9
H. Helipad & VIP reception lounge -14th floor
Board Room
G. Retail Store & Viewing Deck -13th floor
+60m +12m
Roots of Light
(skylights for parking)
Office Floor
Public Arboretum Helipad
Bar Grating
Porous Secondary Skin
Retail Store & Deck
Carved Staircase Underground Parking
Cantilevered Prayer Room
Sphela solar Cells
User Controlled Panels Outdoor Terrace
Site Plan A regular visitor ascends through a carved staircase composed of a series of retaining walls into a carefully orchestrated entry sequence which leads to one of the two entries into the building. The basic organization of the architecture is similar to the horizontal layers of a tree trunk however the outer layers have been peeled off on the north side to reveal the office façade representative of the vertical strands inside of a trunk. The core volume extends past piercing the sky in order to serve as a ring that holds the gem and allows a distinguished reading of the office volume
North Elevation
West Elevation
South Elevation
East Elevation
Staff Smoking Balcony
I mage
adapted from Evermotion
12 Rhino Model | Vray Render
Qamardeen Hotel
R e f u r b i s h m e n t
Downtown Dubai,UAE academic
Qamardeen Hotel is property that belongs to Dubai’s most famous developer - Emaar Properties and is in the immediate vicinity of the famous Burj Khalifa. DSA Architects International has a very good relationship with them and many of our projects come from Emaar, hence DSA has played a significant role in building Dubai’s hospitality skyline. This project was special to me because it was my first built design at a commercial scale. The developer basically wanted to add two contemporary restaurant spaces to the already existing traditional building built in 2006. Below are two of the main options we initially presented and then pursued option 2. The next page shows the transformation from ‘before’ to ‘after’.
Option 1
Option 2
Photograph | Existing
Process Render
Construction Photos
Photograph | Built
Rhino Model | Vray Render
A l . Tu r a t h
Dubai,United Arab Emirates
From the lobby, two restaurants align the wings of the hotel and serviced apartments with extensive outdoor terrace extending to the edge of the site to take advantage of the unobstructed view to the Creek.
Al Turath (The Heritage) hotel is a five star luxury property situated on Dubai Creek. This was another competition that DSA won and the project is currently under Scheme Design. Dubai’s traditional architecture has carefully considered proportional relationships and although ornamentation does play a part, it is not the driving factor behind its principles. Rather the play Sitevery Analysis Analysis Analysis are & RESIDENCES AL ALTURATH TURATH HOTEL HOTEL | on Dubai, &UAE &RESIDENCES RESIDENCES | Dubai, | Dubai, UAE SiteSite of light as it falls a surface is important and UAE climatic challenges addressed through utilization of thermal mass and abundant wind towers. Having worked with DSA for 3 years, I can confidently say that I have studied those principles and produced this hotel design. primary primary view view
Links to the promenade level is encouraged with escalators/ lift and steps provided for ease of access. Direct access to the spa from this level is also possible with a designated lift/ lobby provided.
primary primary view view
Prevailing Wind
primary primary view view
Prevailing Prevailing Wind Wind Summer Sunrise
Summer Sunrise
Summer Sunset
TEL &&AL RESIDENCES || Dubai, UAE Design Goals Goals &&| Objectives Objectives OTEL RESIDENCES TURATH HOTEL Dubai, & RESIDENCES UAE Design Dubai, UAE
s d al e s n
This is the point of arrival for guests arriving by cars. From the main entrance, separate dropoff points are provided for the ballroom, the hotel, the spa and the serviced apartments entrances. A double volume lobby greets the guests and presents an immediate water view as the first impression.
Summer Sunset
Summer Sunrise
Summer Sunset
Design Goals & Objectives
Qibla Winter Sunset
±33.9 C
12:00 o ±21.9 C
Winter Sunrise
Winter Sunset
Winter Sunset
12:00 o ±33.9 C
12:00 o ±33.9 C
12:00 o ±21.9 C
12:00 o ±21.9 C
Winter Sunrise
Winter Sunrise
secondary secondary view view
Road VIEWS VIEWS & Access
Noise Road Road & Access & Access
Sun Noise Noise & Wind
Sun Sun & Wind & Wind
Access The The site is from site offers offers secondary unobstructed unobstructed roadwater network water views planned views towards towardsTheAccess siteAccess is unaffected is from is from secondary by secondary surrounding roadroad network noise. network Minor planned planned TheThe The site site is unaffected iswith unaffected surrounding byentrance surrounding noise. noise. Minor Minor site is open theby main orientated within Dubai Dubai theCreek masterplan. Creek withwith theApproach the primary primary views to the views orientated siteorientated is traffic within noise within thefrom the masterplan. Garhoud masterplan. Bridge Approach Approach is present, to the to as well the site site is is towards traffic traffic noise fromfrom Garhoud Garhoud Bridge Bridge is present, is present, as well as well the noise south and the primary views towards from towards the towards south the north the side north and of and the easteast site across accommodating across to Dubai to Dubai Festival Festivalas from boats from the from the south the south Creek sideside ofand the offrom the site the site accommodating immediate accommodating theasnorth. boats as boats fromfrom the Creek and and from from the immediate the immediate Due tothe theCreek scale of the development, both City. service City. Secondary Secondary and guest views vehicles. views looklook inwards In inwards addition, toward toward thethe theadjacent bothboth service developments. service and and guest guest However, vehicles. vehicles. this In addition, isInunlikely addition, the the over adjacent adjacent developments. developments. However, However, this this is unlikely is unlikely shadowing will be minimal and solar access Dubai Culture Culture Creek Village provides Village development. development. an opportunity Sunset for Sunset water viewview is isto Dubai haveDubai anCreek adverse Creek provides impact provides an on opportunity the an opportunity site. for water for water to to have to parts have an adverse an the adverse impact on the on site. the site. most of site isimpact possible. North-west transports possible possible for from further from elevated links elevated to level, thelevel, site. withwith BurjBurj Khalifa Khalifa in in transports transports for further for further linkslinks to the to site. the site. prevailing wind is fairly well shielded by adjacent the backdrop the backdrop towards towards the south-west the south-west direction. direction. developments.
Public Pedestrian PublicRealm Realm Permeability
edestrian pedestrian irculation circulation sizes asizes onon bution ofof tribution
Vital to the promenade public realm is pedestrian An ofofthe is the Animportant importantaspect aspect themasterplan masterplan thepublic public permeability and connectivity. The is circulation realm waterfront promenade. Here, realmatatthe the Here,we wehave have planning of waterfront the lowerpromenade. levels emphasizes on made attempt totocreate aapleasant madea adeliberate deliberate attempt create pleasant permeability to maximize access and distribution of pedestrian experience and a sense of place that the pedestrian experience people across the site. and a sense of place that the public publicwill willrespond respondto/ to/enjoy, enjoy,and andreturn returnto. to.
scalators escalators evel. level. AnAn nedge edgeofof art partofofthe the
Ground floor road access is linked with escalators Our intent isistotocreate a alively public with aa Ourlifts intent create lively publicrealm realm and to connect to the promenade level. with An shaded waterside walkway in the shaded waterside walkway theform formofofaacolonnade colonnade additional set of steps on inthe western edge of that runs around the atatthe promenade level. that around thesite site the promenade the siteruns provide access to the western part of level. the The shading will improve the walkability of the The shading will improve the walkability of the promenade. promenade, promenade, together together with with activating activating the the retail, retail, F&B spaces along water’s edge to create an spaces alongthe thethe water’s edge A F&B marina is provided on eastern edgetoofcreate the sitean interesting inside/ outside experience for inside/to outside forthe themany many forinteresting guests arriving attend experience ballroom functions, the F&B outlets, the private boundary to F&B outlets,blurring blurring thepublic/ public/ privateF&B boundary sky restraurant or access to the many outletsto create a more experience. create morewelcoming welcoming experience. along theawaterfront promenade.
ofofthe thesite site ions, the ctions, the B &Boutlets outlets
Whilst Whilstthis thisintervenes intervenesthe theplanning planningguidelines, guidelines,we we feel feelthis thisisisananimportant importantaspect aspectofofurban urbandesign designand and our ourinitial initialdiscussion discussionwith withthe theZoning ZoningAuthority Authorityhas has indicated a positive response and acknowledgement indicated a positive response and acknowledgement ofofthe thebenefits benefitsofofthis thisdesign designapproach. approach.
The The site site is open is open withwith the main the main entrance entrance orientated orientated towards towards the south the south and and the primary the primary views views towards towards the the north. north. DueDue to the to the scale scale of the of the development, development, overover shadowing shadowing will be will minimal be minimal and and solarsolar access access to most to most partsparts of the of the site site is possible. is possible. North-west North-west prevailing prevailing windwind is fairly is fairly well well shielded shielded by adjacent by adjacent developments. developments.
Maximizing Maximizing the Views Views Public Realmthe
Design Design Flexibility Flexibility Maximizing the Views
Design Flexibility
a.a.important Upon arrival An Uponaspect arrival of the masterplan is the public b.b. atF&B outlets terraces realm the F&Bwaterfront outletsand and promenade. terraces Here, we have c.c. aGuest rooms &&atrium made Guest deliberate rooms attempt atrium to create a pleasant d.d. Roof top &&bars pedestrian Roof experience topsignature signature and arestaurant restaurant sense of place bars that the e.e. will Infinity edge swimming pools public Infinity respond edge to/ swimming enjoy, and pools return to. Our primary objective is to maximize Our primary objective is to maximizethe thefull fullpotential potential ofofthe to value Our intent the site site is through to through createcareful careful a livelyplanning planning public realm to add add with value a and allallwalkway revenue shaded and allowing allowing waterside revenueingenerating the generating form of afunctions colonnade functions to to capitalize on that capitalize runs around onthe thewaterfront the waterfront site at views. the views. promenade level. The shading will improve the walkability of the The double with promenade, The main main entrance entrance togetherlobby lobby with isis activating double volume volume the retail, with immediate upon arrival. F&B immediate spaces view along view out out the to water’s to the the water edge waterto upon create arrival. an From lobby, (All Day interesting Fromthe theinside/ lobby,two outside tworestaurants restaurants experience (Allfor Day theDining Dining many&& Specialty Restaurant) occupy wings, with F&B Specialty outlets, Restaurant) blurring the occupy public/the the private wings, boundary withindoor indoor to && extensive terraces, create extensive a more outdoor welcoming outdoor dining dining experience. terraces, which which offer offer unobstructed unobstructedviews viewstotoDubai DubaiCreek. Creek. Whilst this intervenes the planning guidelines, we The wings aligned waterfront feel The this wings is anhave important have been beenaspect aligned of to urban to offer offer design waterfront and views totothe ofofthe rooms. This re-alignment our views initial discussion themajority majoritywith the the rooms. Zoning This Authority re-alignment has creates atrium which benefit from indicated creates aan an positive atrium response whichand benefit acknowledgement from daylight daylight totothe corridors, creating ofaccess access the benefits theofinternal internal this design corridors, approach. creating aa unique unique circulation circulationexperience. experience.
has a.The The planning Upon planning arrival has been been based based on on aa common common grid that accommodates b.structural structural F&B outlets grid and thatterraces accommodates efficient efficient for the and c.modules modules Guest forrooms the hotel hotel & atrium and serviced serviced apartment apartment This to for d.components. components. Roof top signature This isis crucial crucial restaurant to cater cater & bars for future future aa swimming hotel e.flexibility. flexibility. InfinityAs As edge hotel operator operator pools has has yet yet to to be be identified has Our identified primaryand objective and the the accommodation is accommodation to maximize themix mix full potential has yet yet be confirmed, common structural will ofto tothe besite confirmed, throughthis this careful common planning structural to addgrid grid value will allow the of mix at and allow allowing the flexibility flexibility all revenue of the the generating mix to to be be determined determined functions to at aalater capitalize later date. date. on the waterfront views.
The planning has been based on a common structural grid that accommodates efficient modules for the hotel and serviced apartment components. This is crucial to cater for future flexibility. As a hotel operator has yet to be identified and the accommodation mix has yet to be confirmed, this common structural grid will allow the flexibility of the mix to be determined at a later date.
Space of The Space mainallocations allocations entrance for lobby for the theisFront Front double of House House volume(FOH) (FOH) with and of (BOH) based on immediate and Back Backview of House House out to (BOH) the have have waterbeen been upon based arrival. on industry possible been From industry the standards lobby, standards twowhere where restaurants possible (Alland and Dayhave have Dining been & allocated inin context with of Specialty allocated Restaurant) contextoccupy with the the the constraints wings, constraints with indoor of the the the stipulated &maximum maximum extensiveallowable allowable outdoor GFA dining GFA for forterraces, the site site as as which stipulated offer on Plan. unobstructed onthe the Affection Affection views Plan. to Dubai Creek.
Space allocations for the Front of House (FOH) and Back of House (BOH) have been based on industry standards where possible and have been allocated in context with the constraints of the maximum allowable GFA for the site as stipulated on the Affection Plan.
The wings have been aligned to offer waterfront views to the majority of the rooms. This re-alignment creates an atrium which benefit from daylight access to the internal corridors, creating a unique circulation experience.
Rhino Model | Vray Render
SarayaBandar J
Muscat,Sultanate of Oman academic
This was an amazing project because of the design challenges and opportunities it brought with it. The site is a beautiful rock mountain with a soft fresh beach at its foot. The most exciting place in the project is the speciality restaurant which cantilevers off the edge of the farthest cliff. This project gave me an opportunity to study traditional Omani Architecture principles and implement them in our project. The hotel suites are structured in a triband arrangement going from a stereotomic rock construction for the first row at the top of the mountain to a lighter white plaster finish as it reaches down to the beach. Although we would have liked to have more freedom with the architectural style, the client had his requirements which we had to respect. The project is currently under construction.
Concept Sketches
Rhino Model | Vray Render| Photomontage
Apple Store
Mall of the Emirates, Dubai,UAE academic
I am very proud to have completed this project single handedly. MAF, owner of the famous ‘Mall of the Emirates’ needed to convince Apple officials that their mall could offer the largest Apple store in the world in great style. DSA was asked to provide a concept design in 3 days and I was chosen to deliver. The ‘glass box’ acts as a monolithic volume protruding both into the interior and exterior of the mall serving as an attraction for those commuting on the metro. Apple has since confirmed to be in MOE by 2015.
Rhino Model | Vray Render Rhino Model | Vray Render
32 Rhino Model | Vray Render Rhino Model | Vray Render
Emirates Community Centre Abu-Dhabi ,UAE
Abu-Dhabi Police department ran a competition in 2012 for a community centre complex. The design was to be adaptable to various sites across the city to facilitate replication. This was the.wm.studio’s entry.
I n f o c a r t k
Sharjah,United Arab Emirates academic
A very interesting project because we were able to defy all preconceived notions of what a kiosk is or should be. This mobile kiosk was designed to be driven around town collecting information from the public that would then be used to produce a new map of Sharjah. Along with professor Kevin Mitchell I was responsible for leading the design, coordination and construction of this Infocart. Managing the construction process was extremely fruitful for me as an architectural student.
Project Team: Heba Hammad, Kevin Mitchell, Wasib Mahnood
Rhino Model | Vray Render
Isfahan.Bazaar Physical presentation model
I s f a h a n , academic
I r a n personal
Building physical models has been a passion since early childhood. Due to the high quality of craft, ‘Al Max Design’ commissioned me to produce this basswood model of an Iranian shopping mall entrance. I used laser cut sections of museum board to accurately depict the muqarnas, a popular feature of Persian Architecture.