PROGRAM Workshops of teaching the regional educational managers in the context of inclusive education and heterogeneous environment
October, 30-31, 2014
Berdyansk 2014
We look forward to see you in Berdyansk! Dear colleagues, welcome you to the training of regional educational managers in questions of inclusive education and heterogeneous environment. Wish you good mood, pedagogical inspiration and creative accomplishments.
CONFERENCE PROGRAM Thursday, October 30 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – Conference registration 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. – Opening Ceremony (Plenary Session) 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Coffee-break 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Workshops
Friday, October 31 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. – Workshops 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Coffee-break 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Workshops 4:00 p.m. –5:00 p.m. – Round Table Conference (summarizing)
OPENING CEREMONY V. Zarva – rector of Berdyansk state pedagogical university; Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor L. Shapowal – Deputy Mayor of Berdyansk I. Bogdanov – vice-rector of Research of Berdyansk state pedagogical university, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor I. Lyman – specialist of the department of international relations of Berdyansks state pedagogical university, Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor
O. Gurenko – coordinator of the project in Berdyansk state pedagogical university, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor “Participation of Berdyansk state pedagogical university in joint European project Tempus-IV “Training of teachers and educational managers for work with heterogeneous groups and organizations” V. Zagorodnova – director of the competence centre of inclusive education of Berdyansk state pedagogical university, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor “Conceptual principles of activity the Competence centre of inclusive education of Berdyansk state pedagogical university”
Workshop 1 LANGUAGE AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY: CHALLENGES OF MODERN SOCIETY Summary. The work of the workshop is focused on the realization that situation in modern Ukraine where varied ethnic stuff of the population is superimposed on historically inherited language question is not unique and tragic although needs special attention to balance between human rights, rights of national minorities and interests of state. The comparison of Ukrainian situation with situations of some European countries which faced with the problem of hidden and obvious separatism or language opposition has to contribute to tolerant attitude of citizen to language and cultural diversity and awareness of the importance of language factor in realization of human rights. The purpose of the workshop is to show complexity, fragility of social and language situation in multiethnic states and great responsibility all citizen in situations of communication as for own expressions, speech behaviour, mutual perception. Moderators: V. Zagorodnova – Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), professor of the chair of Ukrainian language and method of teaching of special disciplines of Berdyansk state pedagogical university; V. Nischeta – Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), associate professor of the chair of Ukrainian language and method of teaching of special disciplines of Berdyansk state pedagogical university; Audience: methodists-philologists, vice-directors of schools in educational work, teachers of language and literature, postgraduates, students. Problem field October 30 (1 working day) October 31 (2nd – working day) The cultural identity as a realizing by Cultural and ethnic stereotypic units pupils of their attachment to definite of organizing of ethnocultural culture: work in microgroups; analysis competence of language teachers: of problem situations; working out Work of in microgroups; analysis of methodical recommendations; problem situations; to develop ability to development of skills of organizing of take adequate and responsible decisions interpersonal and intercultural contacts, taking into account the ethnocultural communication of pupils in specific, peculiarities of educational inhomogeneous groups in multicultural needs of pupils; working out of environment. methodical recommendations for primary school teachers. st
Peculiarities psychological
of organizing of and pedagogical
Actual requirements to language teacher’s personality in modern
interaction on Ukrainian language lessons in actual conditions of daily: Work in microgroups; creating of bank knowledge about psychological features of pupils-inifons, theoretical principles of bellinguism; development of methodical recommendations of social interaction of pupils on principles of tolerance.
stage of school development in Ukraine: work in microgroups; analysis of problem situations; mastering modern methodical means, educational technologies of teaching and inculcation them in multicultural environment; working out of methodical recommendations of language and cultural communications in professional sphere.
Pedagogical workshop 2 INCLUSION: FOR OR AGAINST? Summary: The important peculiarity of daily is forming of new pedagogical vision of organizing the inclusive education. This is not only integration of children with special needs in cultural and education space, but creating conditions of equal participation in all school affairs of different group: children with special needs, gifted, “risks group”, children from families which are in difficult life situations, migrants, temporary migrants, different national and religious minorities. In spite of physical, intellectual, ethnic, social and other peculiarities have the right for general system of education, to educate with their coevals according to their place of leaving. The inclusive education is not only rise the status of child with special needs and his gamily, but contributes to development the tolerance and social equality in society. The purpose of the pedagogical workshop is introduction with conceptual principles of innovative abilitational technologies which create conditions for providing compensation of limited abilities of child and give real chances for integration in society; forming abilities of defining needs and problems of the family; working out models of programs, directed to social and psychological support of the family, which educates child with special needs. Taking into account the essence of diversity, heterogeneity in the sector of education is very actual for society because losses from not implemented possibilities and “broken lives” will be bigger then investment in effective and fair system of education. The education has a special place in life of man because namely the definite level of education and culture can provide assertiveness and self-realization of personality, worthy work place and successful socialization. School is the space where should function the democratic idea, respect for different cultures. The educational establishments should react on existing differences, correlate them with norms and value orientations of state, provide every child the equality and availability of educational possibilities, realizing main
social functions – education, cultural experience and socialization. The teacher who works with heterogeneous groups of pupils and parents should master professional competencies, necessary for work that is provided by study in pedagogical workshops. Moderators: N. Zakharov – Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), associate professor of the chair of social pedagogics of Berdyansk state pedagogical university; O. Starynska – Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), associate professor of the chair of applied psychology and logopaedics of Berdyansk state pedagogical university. Audience: educational managers, social educators, practical psychologists, specialists of educational and social services, teachers, postgraduates, students. Problem field October 30 (1 – working day) October 31 (2nd – working day) Inclusion and heterogeneity in the Forming of professional competence format of modern reality: discussion of social educators in the context of as for state of inculcation of inclusive training for work with heterogeneous education in region; working out groups and organizations: discussing propositions. of the problem; creating of bank of knowledge about theoretical and Professional and imitational game: Modeling of problem situations; practical principles of organizing work development of flexibility of thinking with heterogeneous groups; and behaviour reactions at solving of development of professional thinking, professional tasks and situations, working out propositions as for forming abilities of analysis and their of competencies of specialist in interpretation; making the plan of inclusive education. actions of specialist; working out methodical recommendations. st
Transforming of personality perception by parents the child with special needs in the process of abilitation: mini-lections; analysis of situations, group discussion; development of professional thinking, forming of ability to create social interaction with children and their parents on principles of tolerance. Lesson of tolerance: witching a video film and discussing it; exchange of experience in giving problem; development of theoretical and professional thinking; working out the lesson of tolerance for children of preschool educational establishment,
Ways of overcoming the manifestations of handicapism among children and youth as for people with limited functional abilities: solving problem tasks; role-playing situations; development of professional thinking, forming of the plan of preventive actions of specialist. Working out of informational materials (posters, booklet, leaflet) in popularization of inclusive education; Development of pedagogical creativity; forming of corporative culture.
pupils of general school, presentation. Socialized potencial the family of– child with special needs: mini-lections, conversations, analysis of situation, group discussion, development of– abilities of the analysis and prognostication risks of educational environment in process of socialization of special child, skills of planning of complex actions as for their prevention.
Work with parents in general educational schools as for adoption of models of inclusive education: role-playing situations; forming the ability to take and inculcate in educational process programs, which take into account special educational needs of children and provide interaction with family.
Pedagogical workshop 3 PEDAGOGICAL MANAGEMENT IN CONDITIONS OF REALIZATION OF INCLUSIVE TEACHING IN GENERAL EDUCATIONAL SPACE Summary: One of the main principles of the development of national educational system is equal access to qualitative education for all citizens of Ukraine, without reference to nationality, sex of the person, social origin, religious, place of leaving and state of health. Children with mental and physical disabilities can realize their potential of the social development provided timely initiated and adequately organized training and education in accordance with principles of inclusive education that provides both general and special educational needs. Involvement children with significant differences in inclusive class is a fundamental condition for school’s existence, which seeks to achieve the best results and create equal conditions that gives possibilities all pupils to take part in the life of preschool educational establishment’s collective. Approaches and ways of forming of basic skills and abilities in inclusive class are quite different. First of all, the approach which is focused on the child, where the most important will be needs of every child with features of the development or without them. This is using the individual programs of teaching, partnership and work in team as well as pupils and teachers. The inclusive education is the most progressive system of teaching children with disorder of the development which is eager to develop methodology directed to the giving social group and to define that all children are individuals with different needs in teaching. The ideology of inclusive education requires not child’s adaptation under conditions of teaching, but adaptation conditions of teaching under peculiarities of child. The purpose of the workshop is: introduction with practically-oriented strategies of the development and improvement of inclusive educational process, management basics of organization of activity of inclusive educational establishment; presentation of basic components of manager’s activity as for
implementation of inclusion; opening conditions of creating and functioning of psychological and pedagogical support of persons with special educational needs; giving the recommendations for teachers as for organizing work in inclusive class; considering main approaches and technologies of differentiation of teaching and educating children in conditions of inclusive environment; providing the coordination of services for satisfaction of educational needs of people with peculiarities of mental and physical development. Moderators: O. Revutska – Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), associate professor the chair of applied psychology and logopaedics of Berdyansk state pedagogical university; A. Lopatina – Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), associate professor the chair of applied psychology and logopaedics of Berdyansk state pedagogical university; Audience: heads of town and region PMPK, methodists of NMC/NMK, directors, vice-directors (preschool, general educational, inclusive and special educational establishments), teachers-diffectologs, practical psychologists, educators, teachers, assistant of teacher, teachers and students of higher educational establishments, representatives of public and parents organizations and other specialists who are interested in inculcation of inclusive education. Problem field October 30 (1 – working day) October 31 (2nd – working day) The technological model of realization The psychological and pedagogical of inclusive education in general support of children with special educational establishments: educational needs in the process of presentation the model of inclusive inclusive teaching: modeling the establishment; pedagogical discussion; specialist’s activity; making the oriented business game; brain ring; development plan of supporting; working out the of ability to percept live or professional methodical recommendations of situation, taking adequate and supporting children in problem, crisis responsible decisions. situations. st
The development of professional competence of teacher of inclusive establishment: modeling of problem situations, analysis and interpretation, forming of ability of corporative interaction with specialists, readiness for giving different kind of special help; working out methodical recommendations for specialists of inclusive establishment.
The system approach to the development of inclusive education in programs of correction work in general educational establishments: Analysis of programs, defining their actuality, argumentation, proposition as for improving organizing the correction work; working out of methodical recommendations.
Summarizing Round table conference: experience exchanging, summarizing of workshops’ work on questions of inclusive education and heterogeneous environment.