I need help with a forum mr horology whining

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I need Help with a Forum The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: Garbage

I need Help with a Forum by watchcollector on August 12th 2010, 4:17 pm

First topic message reminder : There is this forum and the owner and people on the form our saying Slanderous things and using bad language I do not want to send them a complaint about abuse cause the owner himself is doing this to. What can be done I have proof of this. Any help would be appreciated.

watchcollector Forumember

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by netsniper on August 21st 2010, 12:06 pm

zoids25 wrote:netsniper, the staff already told you about how ligitations work on your other

thread from the past about this and you don't need to create another issue here, you're just making the issue bigger and bigger.

I don't know what your problem is here ????? although I have made this a complaint before now, I still do not have any answers? and neither does watchcollector, and since this matter doesn't have anything to do with you I wonder why you seem to say the things you do? as soon as I get some answers from either Litigation or Typlo it will all be fine, but this matter has been going on now for some months and its effecting my life as a whole and something needs to be done, unlike some complaints this one is genuine.

netsniper Active Poster

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by Jophy on August 21st 2010, 12:15 pm

I thought you're problem about this is already sorted from your other thread? I'll give you the message that kirk posted about it: forumotion and or onlineguardian are not obligated to get back and answer anyone that puts in a report or a complaint.The same way they are not obligated to tell or give anyone a reason why a persons forum was shut down. If you have been reporting this.. and no action is taken then it means forumotion litigation's team or onlineguardian did not find the report or complaint to be enough for them to take any actions. what ever the complain or report is.. you have to provide as much proof as posibil along with screen shots.. if it's something with copyrights that some one owns and another person/forum is useing any such materials then you have to provide proof such as a pdf file of documentation stating you or persons in fact own the rights to any copyrighted material.. I mean you have to understand.. people are cut throats and will fabricate and complain about everthing and anything just to have another person shut down.. forumotion and onlineguardian know this. and get false and fabricated stories complaints all the time. So they are not going to shut anyone down unless there is some real proof or real indications that are legitimate and real violations of the given report or complain that is received. they are not going to shut someone down just for bickering with each other. if that was the case everyone would be shut down and know one would have any forums. forumotions litigation's team along with onlineguardian investigate all reports and complaints and make a decision. I mean i have explained this so many times to people that i am sick of hearing about this garbage. we are not even supposed to keep any such threads regarding complaints or reports about forums because this is a support forum for tech support and not where you make or discuss complaints about other forums. but i try to be a nice guy and explain to people.. It seems people only here what they want to here? the bottom line is you have to complain to forumotion litigation's.. it's in there hands and are a

seprate team/staff from us here on forumotion support. If a forum is in fact in real violations then they will be shut down.. Us staff here with the exception of typlo do not have anything to do with litigation's,policies or procedures.. but we do know they do not and will not shut anyone down without credible evidence and proof of any violations or accusations submitted. All you can do is keep reporting it and provide solid information or proof that will clearly show there is a legit violation and forumotions litigations team will decide what action to take. whether it be handed over to onlinegurdian,Warnings put in place,contentent remomoval, forum being shut or leagel actions to be taken. (depending on a given report) You can also check the status of a forum hat was reported and handed over to onlinegurdain@. www.onlineguardian.net if nothing comes up then that either means they did not feel the report was enough to have them shut down or forumotion has not handed it over to them yet.

Typlo is the head of the ligitation team, and does other things too, they're too many to be listed. Typlo is not a super worker that can handle all ligitations on all countries in 1 day with other things to do too, they need some rest too

Jophy ForumGuru

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by netsniper on August 21st 2010, 12:28 pm

Thank you for your reply however can you tell me how anyone on here or outside of forumotion can get anything done to resolve a situation such as mine, because all the above clearly doesn't work All you can do is keep reporting it and provide solid information or proof that will clearly show there is a legit violation and forumotions litigations team will decide what action to take. whether it be handed over to onlinegurdian,Warnings put in place,contentent remomoval, forum being shut or leagel actions to be taken. (depending on a given report) You can also check the status of a forum hat was reported and handed over to onlinegurdain@. www.onlineguardian.net if nothing comes up then that either means they did not feel the report was enough to have them shut down or forumotion has not handed it over to them yet. I have on several occasions filled out the forms and sent off all that was required complete with links and screen shots, if you want I can copy it all here and then maybe you can tell me if this is slanderous or not? ie "I am a paedophile" and then the posting of my whereabouts, there have been many people killed because of this kind of stupidity so it needs to be stopped before it gets out of hand or do you think its ok for me and my family to be victimised in this way and my life being at risk???????

netsniper Active Poster

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by Jophy on August 21st 2010, 12:33 pm

I don't know if I have any answers left, but I don't know where the thread is going and the answer is already provided above and from your previous thread bout this.

Jophy ForumGuru

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by netsniper on August 21st 2010, 12:44 pm

zoids25 wrote:I don't know if I have any answers left, but I don't know where the thread is

going and the answer is already provided above and from your previous thread bout this.

Exactly my point you don't have any answers and neither do I ? all I want to know is why is this allowed to continue when it is blatantly clear what going on and that its breaking the rules let alone slanderous, I have to say that I am very disappointed with Forumotion and the so called care it offers its members which is next to ZERO, I have 2 days left on my

domain and will not be renewing it, I have now managed to transfer 13,029 posts along with all the members and their emails (with the help of some software) to another independent paid for site and I have only done this because Forumotion just don't care about its members as they should, it seems it all about revenue. Thank you for your input here but I don't think I or anyone that has a problem that is genuine will ever get any help or justice from Typlo or On-line guardian. and I say this from experience of endless contact with Typlo.

netsniper Active Poster

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Re: I need Help with a Forum

by watchcollector on August 30th 2010, 10:44 pm

Anything new on my Ligitation Have email typlo 6 times no results, yet what is the matter, the evidence is there

watchcollector Forumember

Posts : 27 Reputation : 0 Language : english

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by MrMario on August 30th 2010, 11:05 pm

You won't get a reply about it. If action is taken there was something breaking the ToS. If nothing Forumotion didn't find anything.

MrMario Helper

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by netsniper on August 30th 2010, 11:19 pm

I wish the above member all the best but take it from me you won't get any help from Typlo or anyone else when it comes to matters like this!! I've been waiting for something to be done for well over 6 months and the evidence is a clear as the nose on your face but nothing gets done? and no one will tell you why? I have written to Typlo well over 15 times and I haven't even had any reply about the matter, while I appreciate that all the mods on

here do a great job and help us all where they can I'm afraid matters like this are down to Typlo and he only answers to him self it seems ? all I can say is give up you won't get any help from Typlo, you will have to take legal action privately which is now what I'm looking at but unfortunately my lawyer can not get any contact with the owner of the forum in question and Forumotion don't have any contact details for lawyers. Good luck Hello

netsniper Active Poster

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by Thunder2 on August 30th 2010, 11:40 pm

online guardian has banned my forum Sports-Extreme.Net for no reason and i contacted typlo and contested the decision 100 times.I swear i did not violate the forumotion t.o.s so please re-activate my forum

Thunder2 New Member

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by Thunder2 on August 30th 2010, 11:46 pm

Online guardian has banned my forum Sports-Extreme.Net for no reason.I did not have nothing that will violate the t.o.s. all the site was a forum that I and the members discussed our favorite sports and hobbies.I even emailed and contested the decision 100 times.Please bring my forum back up

Thunder2 New Member

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by watchcollector on August 31st 2010, 12:17 am

All I want is help I have showed this to a attorney and also the local authority, I am seeking action against the forum in ligation and also forumation for not doing anything, typlo does not seem to care, there is plenty of information for them to be closed down, something is a matter some where. My proof was quite enough for this to happen, I do not thing he even looked at it. This forum should be closed down



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Re: I need Help with a Forum by netsniper on September 4th 2010, 5:11 pm

Just wondered if you have had any luck yet watchcollector with your request for help

netsniper Active Poster

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No Not Yet by watchcollector on September 4th 2010, 6:33 pm

No I have not and all the information that was sent to them, something is not right somewhere they have been closed down on scrib, and other places but why not here does not make sense. So many people our involved in this, I can not see them keeping them up, unless someone knows someone. I have wrote that typlo a number of times who is he anyways, I am busy but can reply to people. I am amazed that they will not look into this . thank you anyways.

watchcollector Forumember

Posts : 27 Reputation : 0 Language : english

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by netsniper on September 4th 2010, 6:43 pm

From what I can gather Typlo is the point of contact for the British side of Forumotion, so basically he is all we have and if he doesn't want to answer for whatever reason then its tuff on us? all I can tell you is that there is some connection between on-line guardian and forumotion but exactly;y what I do not know yet but I have a friend in France who is looking into it for me, as soon as he gets back to me I will let you know, and then you may have another contact point and so will I, but don't hold your breath it all seems to be a bit secretive from what I know up to now.

netsniper Active Poster

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by Redheads rock on September 13th 2010, 4:29 pm

@StoneRaven wrote:Yes it was. I just have seen way to many people posting complaints about

sites that you can tell by their wording that there are other reasons involved for the reporting is all.

So very true! and that's why litigation and the likes of Typo take the time to investigate a complaint and those behind it completely before jumping to a complainants tune and closing down a forum that in most cases are competing with the complainant for members. The fact that the complainant hears nothing means nothing. I'm in a position to say that after numerous complaints of abuses from the same competing forum litigation do their job and investigate completely, they then clear the abuse themselves when satisfied. @StoneRaven wrote:But if they are slandering you I'm 100% behind you on the reporting.

It seems that some members expect their interpretation of "slander" and "posted my real name" to be taken as the legal fact when quite often and more likely it's far from it and in reality it's a complainant putting their slant on it in order to make the complaint stick. One shouldn't be so willing to condemn those here who are doing a job, just because you don't see the results of their labour.

Redheads rock Forumember

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by netsniper on September 13th 2010, 4:50 pm


I'm not going to get into a silly childish argument with you here just because

you off work and have nothing better to do, I'm satisfied at the moment that you have been told buy forumotion about using names and links which I've been told these have been removed just because I make a legitimate complaint doesn't mean I want you closed down I haven't even requested that, although I would have been well within my rights to ask since it was your forum who are pointing the finger at me which you as admin do not remove means you endorse it? and I truly believe that you allow this kind of drivel on your forum to try and close mine which you will never do no matter what I choose to write? but then I wouldn't sink to the level you and your members have, having said that I have had contact with some of your members who have apologised for getting involved in the first place once they had received notification of possible legal action, anyway I just wanted to make it perfectly clear that I had not requested at any point here or to Typlo to have you shut down which is more than can be said for your members and forum Thank you for your comments and complying with forumotin's request to Remove the offending post accordingly

I will assume that this matter is now closed and will contact Typlo

netsniper Active Poster

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by Adam360 on September 13th 2010, 7:45 pm

The forumotion ligitation team will take your complaint and they, along with online gaurdian will process the report, but what they decide to do about the forum, wether it be shut it down/warn the owner/or simply leave it alone, its completely confidential, and you will not be informed about the actions they have taken, If they decide to shut down the forum, then they will do exactly that, you will only find out if you try to access the forum one day and it is, well... shut down.

If they decide to leave the forum alone, the forum and yourself will not be effected in any way. As for the comment on it effecting your life and work, it completely depends on how you mean about this, are the owners writing things about you and then you are being either bullied in work or over the internet, if so, don't be afraid to ttake legal action, If the forum is about information for your work and the owner is messing around with it, simply contact your employer and mention the situation to him, he/she will then take the matter into their own hands and the forum may be shut down, once againl you will not be notified about this, you will just be able to access the forum. I have seen enough of these threads complaining about the same thing, but the fact of the matter is, once you have handed over a report about the complaint you have, it is out of your hands!!! It is completely up to the decision of forumotion and/or online gaurdian wether they want to provide you with any information, or continue their work and move onto the next report. As the staff of forumotion have said above, nobody here works other than typlo, work for the ligitation team, in which case, if Typlo decides to not provide you with the information, He has every right to do so. so, in conclusion, You will not receive any information about a report which you have handed over to the ligitation team, from this support forum unless Typlo decides otherwise, Regards, Adam

Adam360 Forumember

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by netsniper on September 13th 2010, 8:04 pm

Well my case took a while, but hats off to Typlo its now sorted to some degree its just hidden now and the Admin (Sova) thinks I can't see it but he should know better than that setting up groups to hide it is no answer, But I will have my day it looks like I will have to take legal action after all sorry Typlo

Last edited by netsniper on September 13th 2010, 11:58 pm; edited 2 times in total

netsniper Active Poster

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by Adam360 on September 13th 2010, 8:11 pm

Congratulations, but please refrain from asking members of forumotion about it in the future, because we know nothing about it and therefore, we can't help you.

Adam360 Forumember

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by netsniper on September 13th 2010, 9:06 pm

@adam360 wrote:Congratulations, but please refrain from asking members of forumotion about

it in the future, because we know nothing about it and therefore, we can't help you.

I think if some one on here wishes to ask a question then why not? and its the mods job to moderate Thank you

netsniper Active Poster

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by Adam360 on September 13th 2010, 9:09 pm

Its the mods job to moderate, not to answer questions which they have no answers for, like i said, nobody other than Typlo has access to the ligitation side of forumotion, We can not always give you answers, although we will try!

Adam360 Forumember

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by netsniper on September 13th 2010, 9:11 pm

Thank you

netsniper Active Poster

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by Adam360 on September 13th 2010, 9:22 pm

Okie Dokie =]

Adam360 Forumember

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by koimaster on September 16th 2010, 5:55 am

As the owner of the site this idiot is complaining about I am going to say something. This jerk posted at his facebook page that I posted something there but he forgot that you had to be friends of his and I am not one of them. When confronted via email he took the post down and sent me a threat. He has posted similar garbage at the site where he claims to be a watchmaker.He was called to the mat by members of his own forum and I can prove it. I need to make clear that complaints about my forum stem from exposing a certain watch company for fraud and deceptive trade practices. And for exposing a certain TV host for the acts he has done includong allegations of previous fraud in several states as well as sending my personal information from a Intellius background check to over 7000 people via email. I can of course provide the emails at anytime. This whiner is from a forum called watchgeeks.met, a sales forum for shopnbc & Invicta Watch group. My forum has provided evidence to several attornies, the SEC and Dept of Justice as well as the Swiss Federation of wrong doing by those belonging to the whiners forum. These complaints as they call them are orchestrated and several of these idiots have joined my forum and made threats of personal harm to myself and to members there. My forum is for adults discussing watches and what have you as adults. We are uncensored because the members are all over 18, most in their 40's, some are lawyers, doctors, two judges, and many business owners. I would warn everyone that these morons crawl out of the woodowork. The owner of watchgeeks in fact called me out on Cable TV last week daring me to take him on, not one but three times. Guess what.... the SEC and US customs are now investigating his sponsor. Fraudulent claims of copyright infringement, threats and more are part and parcel of this group. The forum this yo-yo comes from, watchgeeks and by the way he goes by Mr. Horology there and his name is public since he goes by it has banned their own members for being members at watchlords. Do a google search for watchgeeks.net or Jim Skelton and you will see what I mean. These scum insulted my late, deceased wife, threatened me, threatened at least 4 members of my forum. This is a post (colored) that he claims was made by me at facebook. I might add that I was driving on Interstate 5 between Seattle and Portland when I allegedly made the post at

facebook as he claims. He later retracted this fraud.

Koi our "friend" Mr Horology has been saying on facebook that someone, claiming to be you, has been leaving threating messages on his facebook. Here is his page http://www.facebook.com/Mrhorology And here are the messages that he says came from you. Between You and Koi Masster August 24 at 5:47pm Look out for my next post mr HOROLOGY! This time, pictures from you will be on the newly developed forum. Just so people can see who the con artist is. So wait and check it out. I looked at your so call fan page lol, LAME brother. I managed to come across someone who seemed to be dear to you. The person is no longer on the fan page, but I think with a little convincing, I can show the ...person your scam ways and hope that the word gets spread across.I think I may have to contact that dear someone and ask for them to join forces with us. We're bringing you down brother. Fakes like you don't need to be around.

I want to clearly state that this "watchcollector" aka Mr. Horology at watchgeeks was sent this facebook message from the only account I have at facebook AFTER I was informed he posted that garbage above at watchgeeks.net claiming I posted it using the facebook account koimaster which is not my account.

Between Mehdi Motavasseli and You

Watch Lords August 25 at 11:08am If you are going to accuse Koimaster of something, remember to spell the name correctly and try to duplicate how I post. The garbage you are publicly claiming I wrote was written by a 5th grader which seems to fit the mold of so many watchgeeks these days.

Since you claim I sent that idiotic post I have contacted law enforcement since it appears to be a threat and just spoke personally with Facebook security in Palo Alto. I am certain they will be contacting you about this. watchlords.com This was his response to that and I refer you to the fact that now it is not me that posted the so called comments but "whoever" "August 25 at 11:29am Well Watchlord, that's ok. Whoever that was, was reported to Facebook anyway. And since your in contact with law enforcement, I guess you should know I am also. I am in contact with both the state police, and a attorney, for the slanderers posts about me. a "Hate" site like yours does not need to be on the internet."

My response to that fraudulent claim he made is below in blue. It was posted at my forum for all to see. I think if is very important to understand that watchlords as a forum is a threat to Invicta Watch group and Mr Skelton and his continued employment.

I see the so called watch expert at watch geeks is at it again. First it was the whining about "if you could say something about my ill brother at watchlords you would" post at watchgeeks which we have saved on this forum and now this bullshit at his Facebook page. I recieved a message today that you are claiming I posted the below crap on your facebook page. It is too bad your profile requires you to approve your friends. I am not one of them. So that shoots your bullshit down there. Second, I never call anyone "brother" That is for losers and people that are wannabes. It seems you fit right in with that group. Third Asshole, learn how to spell my moniker. It is one word, one s, not two like the aSShole you apparently are. What is it with people like you anyway. You seem to need attention just like your leader the

knife lord troll. I do like the comments about photos of you though. I suppose I would have to look at losers.com to find those. Since you seem to follow the leaders so to speak, are you planning on becoming an informant like GTWG was, getting paid $200 a week for 2 years and requiring an actual police officer to go undercover to give him credibility? Do you have tax problems like a couple of the honchos at geeks have had over the years. In fact one appears to have had a court case where the IRS had a $34,000 claim against them. And yes I can prove what I just stated. In closing Horology or not, since I was sent the posts and you are making these bogus claims on line, I have referred them to law enforcement. Since it appears you are being threatened by someone claiming to be me, they can get the IP address of the poster from Facebook. I have just gotten off the phone with someone at facebook and pointed them to this post you claim is me. I will let them do their thing also. One last item, the time you have this posted at 5:47 PM on the 24th, I was driving between Seattle and Salem. Idiot! Oh and for the record asshole...... I do not have a facebook account in the name of Koimaster

And in response to Mr. Skelton and his comments on TV, the thread in the link contains that response. http://watchlords.forumotion.net/general-watch-talk-f1/nothing-to-be-coy-koi-aboutt5133.htm

Watchlords is considered to be a very important site, not only to watch collectors who buy something other than chinese watches labeled as Swiss but to consumers in general who purchase a watch for family ofr friend. I apologize to everyone about this but I will defend watchlords and the right to free speech from people like this who want things their way and are willing to lie and make up things to get their way.


koimaster Forumember

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by kirk on September 16th 2010, 1:32 pm

well i have spoken to netsniper about his problem before. i have tried to give him all of the advice i could and plus he was saying that he was going to get a lawyer to which i then advised him to gather all of the evidence and have his lawyer submit the complaint to litigation's along with his lawyers contact information. I believe i have also spoken to koimaster through pm as well and basically gave all the advice i could. Now let us remember here.. we are only seeing one side of the story.. that is the side coming from you all that are submitting the complaints.. if these incidents have been reported as many times that yous are saying.. then something is not adding up on your end or there is just not enough evidence or serious violations taken place for the forums or persons in questions to be shut down or legal action to be taken. I am not a lawyer nor do i know the procedures that forumotions litigation have in place?

but i do know that they will not shut a forum down with out significance proof against the forum that is in any so called alleged violations. And talk is talk,gossip is gossip, if forumotion was to shut every forum down of people being jerks and just saying things because there mad,jealous etc... then there would not be many forums open.. everyone talks junk on many forums and sites. the same way if facebook closed every persons account that may be in disagreement or arguing with other spreading rumors etc.. then you would not have many people on facebook either. Social networks and forums like this are people talking. your going to have people bash etc other spread rumors and talk much gossip.. but talk is talk and bull shit can take a walk. So i mean unless there is someone personally threatening someone or it is effecting someones personal life or people around them in a harmful way.. then people can basically talk all the shit they want.. Netsnipers situation is a lil different and from his side of the story it is indeed effecting his personal life and those around him including his job if i remember correctly. but i am only hearing his side of the story.. things have to be investigated.all of yous that have reported these issues more then once for the last few months and nothing is being done tells me that there is not enough evidence or proof being provided or this is nothing more then people just bickering back and forth and do not like each other. I do not know.. but i know if what yous are saying is 100% accurate then there would be no reason why forumotion would allow any such forum with these such violations to remain open.So all of that being said.. once again we do not have anything to do with forumotion litigation's.. i will not take sides i have heard your complaints and if what is taking place is 100% accurate then i would stand behind you all 100% and see the abuse stop and the forums shut down and or any legal actions taken against them. But all you can do is report it to litigation's.. if you feel they are not doing anything and allow such activities against others to continue then you would have to go through other resources on possible putting in a complaint against forumotion.. i mean we have no idea what forumotions litigation's policies are only that all reports are investigated and the decisions on what actions to take if any are from forumotions litigation's or handed over to

onlinegurdian. So back to netsnipers report.. in his case he felt he was going to pursue legal advice.. if he gets a lawyer to submit the complaint then i am sure it would be haded over to forumotions lawyers then they would take care of the matter.. but once again if litigation's is not doing anything about this then something in your reports are not adding up.. because forumotion would never knowing allow a forum to continue with violations taken place especially something that may put a person or persons in jeopardy or harms way. Would in fact put forumotion in violation for allow such a thing and forumotion are obligated to follow all laws and procedures to ensure that any such illegal activities or harmful violations taken place or would put a person in harms way would not continue. Formotion would never tolerate any such actions. Meaning Formotion would never ignore any such complaint and take all actions necessary to see the abuse stop and or pass any information onto the appropriate authorities if necessary depending on the complain,situation and seriousness of any given complaint or inquiry. So that's why litigation's has to take all complaints serious and investigate them. if nothing is not being done then there is a lack of proof or evidence. And as far as people arguing or disagreeing with one and other.. that is no violation.. it would literally have to effect someone in a harmful or threatening way for any serious actions to take place. Once again talk is talk.. if it is something effecting you in a threatening and harmful way.. then you should contact your local authorities and or any other law enforcement or lawyers and take the matter in to your own hands and do what you have to do in a legal way to see these abuses resolved. Now here is what i will do. If yous can send me a detailed written complaint with the violation and abuses taken place from the forums in questions, then i will go through everthing and try to put it together and send my own report of my evaluation and conclusion of the content submitted to me to typlo,litigation's and anyone else who may need to reevaluate,review and or investigate. Now dont go sending me long drawn out useless conversations of disagreements,bickering back and fourth gossip etc... i need to see the facts (THE SMOKING GUN) and the abuse taken place to were it is indeed harming you or any others surrounding you in your personal

lives,threatening or harmful way.. only the facts and proof to the real abuse taken place. Send me any links and screen shots.This will most likely take me a week to go over all this and try to put together the best way to support yous and your complaint.. but now this dose not mean it will mount out to anything..i am merely just going to try to help and have your complaints review and investigated once again Note this is not an invitation for members to start sending me there complaints. Support staff with the acceptation of typlo have nothing to do with litigation nor is this where people make complaints.We have stated this more then once and i am sure you all are aware of this by now. The only reason i am doing this is because these are complaints that go back pretty long and you have all been continuing to bring this up and feel you are being ignored and nothing is being done.This will be the last of these complaints discussed here on forumotion support.. We can not allow members to continue to start threads here about litigation's issues or forums that are reported. WE DO NOT DO THIS HERE ON THE FORUMOTION SUPPORT FORUM. IT IS FOR LITIGATIONS ONLY If you keep continuing to do this then you will be given warnings or possibly even banned from support. I give you my word i will go over all that you submit to me and try to analyse the information the best i can to see your matter resolved once and for all or at least given a reply on your situation..How ever i can not make any promises.Foromotion litigation's are not obligated to answer if they do not wish too. So all i can to is try to bring this to there attention once again review all of whats submitted. So dont send me nonsence.. i need all the hard evidence and explanations that these alleged abuses are indeed effecting yous in a harmful way.. with out any such proof and only arguments there is no real harm being done other then you being upset with what others may be posting or saying.. If there is real evidence of the persons and forum involved in doing these abuses. Then your damn right i will stand behind you all and see this no longer continues..But you need to send me something real to make your case and explain in much detail along with sending me and pointing out how this is indeed affecting you personally and harmfully. Then after i do this.once again that's it. it ends here. there will be no more talk about this.

you can just keep sending it to litigation's and once again the only reason i am doing this is because these are on going complaints from a wile ago and your feel that forumotion is taken no action. so submit your complaints to me and i will do what i can to have it all looked at once again and hopefully have the matters resolved once and for all. Oh and just to add as-well.. i believe i have sent information off to typlo regarding your complaints before. So please do not wast my time on sending useless information regarding your complaints.. i need the smoking gun and the real abuses and violations taken place.Once again i cant not make any promises all i can do is try to resubmit the reports and have all the proof in place for litigation's to one again look it over. SMOKING GUN FOLKS!!!! THE SMOKING GUN!!!!!

kirk Forumaster

Posts : 11037 Reputation : 651 Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by koimaster on September 16th 2010, 4:10 pm

@ Kirk, We have never spoken before on any topic and until yesterday I was unaware of this guys (watchcollector aka Mr. Horology) complaints. I was made aware of them by a member here. He does not have a leg to stand on and I am getting tired of all of these fraudulent complaints by members of watchgeeks who are not members of my forum but lurk there spying on my members and reporting back to the owners of watchgeeks everything posted and tryying to see if they regonize any members there as also belonging to their (watchgeeks.net) forum so they can be banned. This "watchcollector" has an agenda and if I have to be concerned that my forum will be shut down because of idiots like this than perhaps I need to move the forum to a private server and off forum motion. Alain aka Koimaster owner watchlords@juno.com

koimaster Forumember

Posts : 162 Reputation : 0 Language : english

Location : Oregon

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Re: I need Help with a Forum by kirk on September 16th 2010, 9:46 pm

@koimaster wrote:@ Kirk,

We have never spoken before on any topic and until yesterday I was unaware of this guys (watchcollector aka Mr. Horology) complaints. I was made aware of them by a member here. He does not have a leg to stand on and I am getting tired of all of these fraudulent complaints by members of watchgeeks who are not members of my forum but lurk there spying on my members and reporting back to the owners of watchgeeks everything posted and trying to see if they recognize any members there as also belonging to their (watchgeeks.net) forum so they can be banned. This "watchcollector" has an agenda and if I have to be concerned that my forum will be shut down because of idiots like this than perhaps I need to move the forum to a private server and off forum motion. Alain aka Koimaster owner watchlords@juno.com

Ok i am beginning to see this is a dispute between you and watchcollector.

This is something that you are both going to have to submit to litigation's. honestly you should just both come to at truce. you dont allow any talk about him and his members and he dose not allow any discussions about him, your members and your forum.Yous are both adults here and should be able to resolve this in a rational and mature manner.For people who appear to have the same or similar interest in watches, I am baffled to understand why such a feud would even take place or begin. but that is beyond the point? I do apologize for getting Koimasters complaint mixed up with another old one that has been brought up many times. How ever since i have stated that i would look over your complaints and send them off to typlo or litigation then i will.. but thats it. and as said above i cannot make any promises or predictions of any outcome or actions taken, nor do we staff have anything to do with litigation's.Once again the only reason i have stated what i have said above was to try to bring some closure to an on going dispute and complaints that you feel forumotion was ignoring or not taken any actions against. Further more i can honestly say that stating what i have said above was probably not the best decision for me to make or even try to help narrow down what serious violations or threats may be taken place. Because once again i am only a support moderator and have nothing to do with litigation's.But at the same time i do want to make it clear that forumotion would never ignore any complaints and take all complaints serious and investigate all matters as they are received. So you can both submit what ever it is you would like to me and continue to send any reports to litigation's you feel are necessary.But it stops here. as far as conversations,arguments or discussions being conducted on forumotion support in regards to litigation reports ..We do not do this and will not allow this here. And if members are persistent to continue any such threads dealing with issues of complaints,reported forums or litigation's then warnings will be put in place and banishment from forumotion support if necessary. We have rules here on support and discussing matters of the status of any forum that has been reported to forumotions litigation's are prohibited on forumotion support and must be submitted to typlo or litigation only. It is threads and reasons such as this on why Forumotion Support Forum Staff do not get involved or have anything to do with litigations.

To put a stop to any further arguments and or discussions of this matter i will now lock the thread.

kirk Forumaster

Posts : 11037 Reputation : 651 Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn

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