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Staal Instruments Level Monitoring Made Simple
Staal Instruments is a manufacturer of radar level sensors with its own patented mmWave radar-on-chip (RoC) technology. This radar chip enables highly accurate remote level monitoring for water, wastewater and all other types of fluids.

Our mission is to offer the world’s easiest and most reliable remote level monitoring solution. Our Cloud Level Radar is installed in a minute and remotely configurable through the StaalCloud platform. The level sensors work completely stand-alone on batteries. With Staal, we proudly serve a rapidly growing global customer base that demands user-friendly, reliable level measurements at a competitive price point.
Torenallee 20
Office 6.080
5617 BC Eindhoven
The Netherlands
T +31 85 744 14 93
E sales@staalinstruments.com
Contact person: Martin van Rijn staalinstruments.com
SusPhos has developed a technology that can upcycle several phosphate rich waste streams into high-quality products according to market specifications, such as fertilizers for greenhouses, and high-end flame-retardants at competitive prices. This will completely change the phosphate market that is now based on fossilsources whilst also tackling the issue with recovered phosphorus containing wastes. SusPhos is an early stage start-up preparing the pilot production for customer sampling in the first quarter of 2020. End-users will be consumers of high-end fertilizers such as the greenhouse fruit and vegetable industry and eco-friendly flameretardant for the sustainable furniture industry.

Bert Haanstrakade 982
1087 HJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T +31 6 28 50 29 59
E marissa.deboer
Contact person:
Marissa de Boer susphos.com