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Life is never really predictable, but in these times, it seems even more difficult to see into the future. What will the situation in Ukraine be when you read this? What we can easily predict are the consequences of climate change and the increasing global water shortages it is bringing. These are not pleasant prospects; it is clear that humanity faces great challenges.

Fast action is proving difficult. Humanity resembles an unwieldy oil tanker on the high seas struggling to adjust its course. It is a sluggish turn, and that takes a lot of space.

Fortunately, there is also a positive note: science is continuously developing. We learn more about how things work and find new solutions to existing problems every day. The water sector is a great example. Day in and day out, bright minds and innovative spirits around the world are working on ways to purify water more efficiently, reuse residual streams, recycle water and prevent future pollution. Dozens of water innovations make a definitive breakthrough in the market every year. I am proud that we can contribute to that as the Water Alliance and WaterCampus Leeuwarden. If you need hard evidence, you need only read on in this issue of WaterProof for numerous wonderful examples. It is a beautiful and optimistic start to the new year— a year with great challenges in store for us again. Under the familiar name of Water Alliance, we are teaming up with the Dutch industry association ENVAQUA to join the forces of over 200 members. In addition to our existing activities, members work together in various Expert Groups to address important societal challenges and exert influence on existing laws and regulations where necessary. From 2023, we will be doing that together. This will enable us to serve the water sector even better. The many international clusters we cooperate with will help us get knowledge and innovative products to the right places around the world faster.

Teamwork has always been the most important word in our strategy. Only together can we rise to the challenges we face.

Hein Molenkamp Managing Director, Water Alliance

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