H2bid.com is a website that caters exclusively to the needs of the water and wastewater utility sector. It is an online marketplace where buyers, that is the water utility companies, meet sellers or vendors/service providers in the water industry. Water utility companies from around the United States, Canada as well as some other countries post bids for work projects at H2bid.com. Vendors and service providers in the field wanting to bid for these projects visit the website to find a suitable work opportunity. H2bid’s user friendly ebidding services make it easy for the vendors to bid on projects of their choice. If a water utility company has decided to accept bids online, then vendors may use H2bid’s user friendly ebidding services to place their bids. Ebidding is a cloud-based service designed especially to cater to the water industry. The software is designed so as to meet the strict requirements of the water resources sector. Water utility companies can create bids electronically with the help of H2bid’s user friendly e-bidding services. Writing the bid specifications is not at all difficult as they can use the pre-bid forum to guide them. Bids are then posted online to the H2bid website. Once the bid goes up on the website, it can be monitored online so that the buyer can make quick decisions during the selection process. Contractors and vendors servicing the water industry can easily find bids and Water Treatment Tender of their choice at H2bid.com. The website has a centralized database containing the latest contracting opportunities which include large projects like construction of water treatment plants, desalination projects, building of dams, laying of pipelines for the distribution of water, setting up sewage treatment systems, etc. Smaller job tenders like supply of pipes, pumps and chemicals as well as supply of labor are also listed on the site.
Besides using H2bid’e-bidding service, vendors and service providers who subscribe to membership of the site get email alerts as soon as a tender is posted in their selected category of jobs. If interested, they can begin working on a response to the tenders they wish to bid for. The e-bidding service allows them to deal directly with the water utility concerned. E-bidding services on H2bid.com have streamlined the tendering process saving time and money for both, the utility companies as well as the contractors. The Water Desalination Tenders process is completed within a specific time frame. H2bid’suser friendly e-bidding services allow the buyer to monitor the bidding as it happens online thus helping him make a selection easily. H2bid.com is the only portal that deals exclusively with the water industry. It is a useful resource providing information related to the water sector along with news articles and analysis of water issues from around the world. H2bid’s user friendly e-bidding services allow the members global access to Water Utilities Opportunities in the water and wastewater management industry.