Building Innovations Summer 2013

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“Working smarter to provide New Zealand builders with a better solution.�


Competitive Homes - 16-page Liftout

Building an Apprentice of the Year Ben Redmond is the employer and mentor of 2013 Apprentice of the Year, William (Bill) Harkness. Ben has been in the building trade all his life and, since starting his own business seven years ago, has trained 5 apprentices. “I’ve been in industry for almost twenty years, it wasn’t something I set out to do but I’m 37 now and it’s all I’ve ever done. “I like working with apprentices – I’ve had four complete since I started working for myself, Bill will be my fifth and I’ve got a sixth at he moment. Employing the right person is key and I’ve always had high expectations. One of the first apprentices I trained just won the Auckland House of the Year competition and I’m really proud of him. Although I guess now Bill has set the standard for my future apprentices pretty high. “It’s all about getting the right kid and training them well – finding someone you can work with, that works for your business. Training just makes sense. If you put the effort in, your business can really benefit. “I’ve known Bill since he was 10 years old, once he was old enough, he worked for us in the school holidays and he’s always been a stand out in my mind. He took instruction well, he always did what he could to impress but he wasn’t a try-hard. I saw early on that he had real potential. Once he was old enough and was getting ready to leave school, I approached him about an apprenticeship. He just has a natural ability. “I didn’t have a lot of work on - it was the middle of the recession - and he had already signed up with the army to do an apprenticeship in carpentry (one of only 5 on the

country I think). I really wanted to give him a go and he wanted to stay with me so I offered him an apprenticeship, I just had to convince his mum. “From there, Bill just went from strength to strength. The more confidant he got, the better he got. He was soon my go-to man, my leading hand. “I’d heard about the RMB Carters Apprentice of the Year competition through the grapevine and pushing yourself to be the best, amongst the best of your peers, is something that appeals to me. I hadn’t entered any apprentices before but I felt like it was a great opportunity and that Bill was up for the challenge. “Last year, when Bill was two and a half years into his apprenticeship, I encouraged him to enter and he did brilliantly, placing third in the regional finals. The judges suggested he enter again as they could see the potential. And this year, he took out the whole competition. “I think that’s the key really, to look at it as a two year hit and an investment in time and energy. I’ll enter Troy (my young apprentice) next year for the experience, expecting to do well regionally and to learn from it and increase his confidence. “I’m pretty competitive so I really enjoyed the competition. We gave it our everything. Bill had time off, interviews all around the Hawkes Bay, meetings with people about public speaking, finding all the relevant literature. Bill has all the practical skills but he’s naturally quite shy. I did everything in my power to give him the confidence he would need to speak in front of a panel. Obviously there is a little bit of financial hit that goes

Ben and Bill at the 2013 RMB Carters Apprentice of the Year Gala, the Cloud, Auckland

with competing. “I think one of the reasons Bill won this year, was that we blooded him in the right project. We had a house coming up that was full of old-school techniques and I knew he would have opportunities he wouldn’t otherwise get. “I knew the build had the potential to be a winning case project for the comp, so Bill ran the job. He was involved from the design stage, managed all the inspections and he knew the build back to front and inside and out. The practical knowledge he gained meant he could answer any question that was thrown at him and that really stood out for the judges. “I believe that being a mentor is about giving your apprentice a chance to excel, to push himself to be his best. Seeing the potential isn’t enough, you have to provide opportunities for your apprentice to reach that potential. “Watching Bill complete in the practical component of the finals, in front of a crowd, at The Cloud in Auckland was awful in a way but it was amazing to see him working. “Once he finished he was

absolutely exhausted; he had worked hard out and he had nothing left. He was so relieved that he was finished that he just about collapsed. We went and had a beer and I said to him ‘After seeing what you did out there today, If you don’t win this competition, then whoever does must be bloody amazing and they must really deserve it!’ “I felt really confident going into the evening’s awards that he was one of the top competitors. I felt like a proud dad. “Now it’s back to life as normal for all of us, luckily Bill’s a really down to earth guy. It was the title of ‘Apprentice of the Year’ that was the driver for him, but the ute is amazing and he drives it with pride. I’ve put my advertising on it alongside the Apprentice of the Year Branding. “The bottom line is that there aren’t any downsides to supporting your apprentice to be their best. When your apprentice succeeds so does your business. Who wouldn’t want a top class tradesman to work alongside every day?


Building Innovations NZ | Summer

112 Wrights Road, Addington PO Box 37 346, Christchurch PUBLISHER James Lynch


Nick Gormack Phone: 03 983 5559 Email:


Jo Bailey, Karen Phelps, Kelly Deeks



Phone: 03 983 5500 Email:

Post Office Transformed

The historic North Dunedin Post Office has been reopened as the Otago Museum H D Skinner Annexe.

Tavern in the Town

The new Northern Tavern in Invercargill has been a success for Henderson Construction.


Sadhna Nath, Samantha Stuart, Jesse Calder, Liki Udam, Anton Gray, Sarah McQuilkin Phone: 03 983 5560 Email:

MARKETING CONSULTANTS Helena Watson, Debbie Bennett

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Helen Bourne, Jill Holland Phone: 03 983 5500 Email:


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Sweet Delight

A stylish new fit-out has brought the colourful Mars and Wrigley brands under one modern roof.

Educated Environment

The outdoor environment at Rolleston School has undergone a stunning makeover.

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16 Rolleston recognition

JD Homes scooped national honours with this compact, stylish house in Rolleston.

21 Lakeside Luxury

A cedar weatherboard home at Lake Hayes is a triumph for Summerhill Construction..

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Industry boom puts squeeze on numbers Hugh de Lacy An influx of immigrants will be needed to keep pace with the burgeoning demands of New Zealand’s building industry, according to Warwick Quinn, the chief executive of the Master Builders’ Federation. “If all the dominoes fall in a row – Christchurch is flat out, the commercial sector’s busy, residentials are in the middle of re-build work, Auckland is still growing at its current rate of 25% over the last 12 months, and the rest of the economy picks up – in 18 months we’ll be well short of the number [of construction workers] we need,” Quinn said. “The projections are that we’re likely to need between 35,000 and 40,000 tradespeople during the peak of the building boom, which is expected to last from now until 2018. “You’re going to find that a lot more immigrants are going to be required because the rest of New Zealand is picking up, providing competition to Christchurch and Auckland.” Quinn said the country had been through five years of recession, and two years ago recorded the lowest number of building consents ever. The recession saw extensive shedding of staff and restructuring of companies to accommodate the shrinkage, which made

expanding to handle the current boom that much harder. “All things being equal and in a steady state, we can cope with 20,000 to 25,000 new homes a year, and if it’s a gentle growth curve we can cope with that,” Quinn says. “But many more house-starts than that and the sector “would start to creak at the seams,” he says. “Two years ago we were doing a little under 13,000 to 14,000; last year 17,000 new homes were built, and this year the total will top 20,000.” Residential building consents were the most reliable measure of overall construction activity because variations in the size of individual commercial building consents could distort the overall picture. Also, residential consents outnumbered commercial ones, and were four times bigger than consents for alterations and additions. Despite the booming outlook for the industry, there were some “headwinds,” Quinn said. There’s a potential increase in interest rates: the Reserve Bank can’t hold them low any more with the OCR (Overnight Cash Rate) being just 2.5%.” The bank’s loan-to-value-ratio (LVR) limits, which were imposed last month to take some of the steam out of the rapidly inflating housing market by requiring buyers to have 20% deposits, would flow through into reduced house-starts in March-April of next year.

“You’re going to find that a lot more immigrants are going to be required because the rest of New Zealand is picking up....”

More workers will be needed as the building upswing continues. That might prove useful, Quinn said. “It might stall the level of growth so we’re able to respond without so much need for immigration.” However the biggest impact on current house prices was not a shortage of workers, but a shortage of land, resulting in “rapid capital gains in the property market because we can build houses fast enough when we need them.” He cited the case of the Long Bay subdivision in Auckland where sections were selling for between $500,000 and $700,000. The appreciation in land values would also reduce the number of low-cost new homes being built, because the high cost of a section

EnviroWaste services limited earlier this year, announced that they had been purchased by CKI Holdings. This new ownership has allowed EnviroWaste to investigate potential environmental and waste recovery innovations that will lead the New Zealand waste industry into the future. EnviroWaste has taken up this challenge and will shortly announce some new innovations that will revolutionise the waste industry. As companies and municipalities embrace the changes and the impacts that waste has on their communities. EnviroWaste can offer their customers a full range of services backed by years of proven expertise. Through their EnviroSolutions service range, they are uniquely positioned to help

demanded a high-cost home to match. Grant Florence, the chief executive of the Certified Builders Association said the building industry was “definitely at capacity” in Christchurch and building quickly in Auckland. “In the regions, activity levels have increased but it’s not consistent – it’s quite choppy,” he said. “So I suspect there’s still capacity in the regions; not plenty but some.” However Florence said that an unintended consequence of the newly imposed LVR rules was that some of those who could afford the 20 percent required deposit had now lost confidence in the market and decided not to build.

customers achieve their recycling, environmental, and sustainability goals. EnviroWastes “EnviroSolutions” incorporates all their service capabilities such as collection, waste minimisation, technical services, landfill, and gas to energy into a total waste strategy. EnviroWaste’s “Working With You For A Greener Tomorrow” reflects our commitment to their stakeholders. EnviroWaste acknowledges that as a company operating within this industry they have added responsibilities to reduce waste and help to preserve the environment for generations to come. Do not hesitate to contact EnviroWaste on 0800 240120 for further information on how they can help with your requirements.

Building Innovations NZ 5

News /Christchurch Rebuild - Four Shore Building and Construction

Four Shore stepping up commercial repairs Kelly Deeks Having completed about 2000 residential earthquake repair jobs in the past three years, Christchurch’s Four Shore Building and Construction is now winding down its residential EQC work to focus on commercial and industrial earthquake repairs. Four Shore Building and Construction managing director Doug McDonald has a few commercial clients under his wing already, and is working closely with loss adjusting firms such as Cerno, and private insurance companies. Four Shore Building and Construction is currently completing a renovation to Rylock Windows and Doors’ premises on Dyers Road, and completing repairs to the Advanced Fuel Tanks building in Bromley, as well as several other private jobs on the east side of Christchurch. Rylock Windows and Doors has doubled in size due to recent demand for double glazing and is taking over the second half of the 40m by 60m building it currently occupies. The Rylock Windows and Doors building has been assessed under the Detailed Engineering Evaluation (DEE) required by the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA), and was deemed to sit at about 37%. McDonald says the $800,000 interior and exterior renovation will bring the building up to a higher code of compliance, and ensure it is safe to be occupied and worked in, and able to be reinsured. Four Shore Building and Construction is completing another large renovation to the Skellerup premises in Helinca Street. The Skellerup Building has already been assessed under DEE. Four Shore Building and Construction is working in conjunction with structural engineering company Centraus Engineering which has completed the design for the structural upgrades required to bring the building up to code. Four Shore Building and Construction has a close relationship with Centraus Engineering, with the two currently working together on about 15 projects. Centraus Engineering is directed by a group of three American structural engineers, who have worked on earthquake repairs around the world, including California and Haiti.

Four Shore Building and Construction is busy with a number of commercial repair and renovation projects in Christchurch. Doug McDonald says the Skellerup job is a big one for Four Shore Building and Construction, and requires strict management in order to work around Skellerup’s busy manufacturing schedule. Skellerup is a previous client of Four Shore Building and Construction, and the building team are happy to work outside business hours and often through the night to get the job done. Four Shore Building and Construction has also built the latest stage of the ArtBox project, Chart, on the corner of Madras and St Asaph Streets. The ArtBox project, which is being developed in conjunction with CPIT, will eventually comprise 18 individual modules which will be configured as four separate buildings. They are intended for use as a design retail space, studio spaces, and a gallery.

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6 Building Innovations NZ

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Working smarter to provide better solutions It started no differently to many other start-ups in New Zealand – two electricians working from a backyard operation. Now, 16 years later, Kinetic Electrical is a successfully franchised electrical contracting company with independently owned franchises throughout New Zealand. Their stated objective is to be “New Zealand’s leading provider of electrical services and solutions”. The group undertakes a variety of electrical work within the building sector, ranging from home renovations, new homes, new subdivisions through to office fit outs and major construction projects. Kinetic Electrical business development manager Ken Parsons says the company’s strength as a group lies in its systems.. “By working smarter we provide our clients with a better solution. It sounds a little cheesy but its true,” says Parsons. “A successful project is not just about the end result. It’s also about the process, making sure our on-site work and our business administration operates efficiently and effectively, all of which reduces hassle, stress and the risk of project delays and overruns.” “The Hobsonville development is a one example of this. As each new home was completed we reviewed our systems and how we connected with the construction company (Jalcon Homes) during the project. “The end result of that review was the development of a tablet-based completion check list, providing instant feedback (via email) to Jalcon Homes. “It allows them to move through the final stages of the project with confidence and not discover that a “call back” is required, just as the inspector is pulling into the driveway.

Kinetic Electrical has worked in closely with construction company Jalcon Homes on this Hobsonville development. “Its been a great project and our guys are proud of the part they played in helping Jalcon to creating an innovative, masterplanned coastal development on the upper Waitemata Harbour,” says Parsons. Certificates of Compliance forms can also completed on site in this way then emailed to the necessary recipients quickly and efficiently. These onsite systems are backed by the Kinetic Electrical group accounting and invoicing systems.

Parsons says this is particularly important for the company’s clients who require accuracy and exact timing for budgeting and scheduling of projects. “Having appropriate systems and documentation is essential to any construction project. Our systems ensure we have the correct materials on site at the correct time so there are no project delays.’ “We understand fully our obligations under the Construction Contracts Act and have the right internal systems in place

making management of progress claims, variations and retentions accurate and efficient.” Parsons says a key to the company’s success has been to focus on getting things right from the outset. That means investing sufficient time to understand the project fully, being realistic regarding timeframes and recognising potential challenges.” Kinetic Electrical

Quoting just got easier Is your office full of folders and filing cabinets? Do you have storage sheds filled with quotes and invoices dating back 10 years? Is your wife ready for some time off? Tradesmen can ditch the paper trail and get into the cloud with quote generation tool easyTrack, which manages quotes and charge up jobs right up to invoicing clients. EasyTrack has been developed by Wellington builder Mike Reid. Self-employed since 1989, Reid says as soon as he purchased his first computer he began experimenting with Excel spreadsheets, creating his own quoting system, which easyTrack is now based upon. “I thought I would like to get this out there for other tradesmen to use,” he says. In 2011 he approached website designer and software developer Enlighten Design who used his spreadsheet as a model to create a cloud based, online quoting, invoicing, and job tracking system. EasyTrack is designed for all tradespeople who deal with estimates, quotes, or charge up jobs. The programme is totally online, so there is no need to download and install software. It can be accessed from the internet on any computer, smartphone, or tablet at any time. “You can enter in your quotes, daily workings, a brief job description, and there are worksheets for labour and materials,” Reid says. “When you work out your quote, easyTrack puts it onto a pdf that you can print or email. Same goes for your invoices. EasyTrack helps people to work smarter by cutting down on paperwork and only having to record things once.”

He says there are still a lot of builders out there using a pen and paper and a calculator to work out their quotes and invoices. “He adds them up twice, then gets his wife to type them out and she adds them up again. With easyTrack your wife is made redundant!” Each quote features an invoice tab and a job tab. Each individual invoice for the same job is itemised separately, then in the job tab the information is collated so everything that has been charged appears on one page. As invoices are sent out, the job tab ticks the items off and it is no longer editable. Two additional users can be added to one account for no extra charge, making easyTrack a great solution for partnerships and people working in different locations. Although Reid is now focused on easyTrack, he still operates as a part time one man band builder and uses easyTrack every day. “Through the initial development phase, I was the system’s biggest tester,” he says. “I use easyTrack on a daily basis and this gives me an insight to what other people are thinking and feeling about what they are using.” Development of the easyTrack system is ongoing, and Reid is looking into linking it as an add on into other invoicing packages. EasyTrack is a user friendly system offering a 30 day free trial, and 24 hour support on the end of the phone or Skype to answer questions, solve problems, or even talk people through a demonstration. There are no contracts to sign and easyTrack can be cancelled any time. It is available for $34 per month with a $5 discount for licensed and certified tradespeople.

0800 4 easytrack Building Innovations NZ 7

Seismic Strengthening

The benefits of steel Over the last twelve months Red Steel has been busy with the rebuild. Not in Christchurch but at home in Hawkes Bay. “Many of the buildings that were built following the 1931 Napier earthquake have required major re-strengthening and unfortunately many have had to be demolished and rebuilt,” says Red Steel managing director Bob Hawley. “There was a period earlier this year that visitors to the Napier CBD could have been excused for thinking they were somewhere further south such was the volume of strengthening, demolition and reconstruction going on.” Steel has been the material of choice in both strengthening and rebuilding projects, says Hawley. “It goes up quickly and performs extremely well during seismic activity.” Hawley says the strength to weight ratio of steel allows it to be easily formed and joined. “This makes steel easy to handle and allows for inventive design options. Today’s technologies allow architects to create challenging building designs and incorporate sophisticated solutions that are too costly to achieve with other materials,” he explains. Other advantages of using structural steel include speed, accuracy and faster construction due to it being lighter than other framing material and needing simpler, smaller foundations.

“These factors are all critical to the creation of a building and stakeholder value. Steel can be fabricated down to the last critical millimetre. Faster construction times mean lower financing costs and overhead expenses,” says Hawley. The most efficient projects the company has completed are those in which it has been involved in the early stages of design. Hawley says the benefit to the client is that it ensures that the project has been designed with buildability in mind. Based in Napier, Red Steel had its beginnings in the 1960’s but was officially formed in 2002. The company’s Napier workshop is well-equipped with modern plant and equipment together with a selection of irreplaceable items, some of which have been manufactured in the workshop they now function in. Red Steel undertakes structural steel contracts throughout New Zealand but predominantly in the lower North Island. The company’s services include steel detailing, steel fabrication, surface protection and steel erection. One of the company’s most high profile projects was the Rugby World Cup 2011 party venue called The Cloud in Auckland. Red Steel supplied and installed 160 tonnes of structural steel for the venue, which was almost 180 metres long. Red Steel is an active member of Steel Construction New Zealand, Site Safe and Hera. The company won the 2013 Steel Construction New Zealand award for Excellence in Steel Construction in the category of $0.5-1.5 million.

Strengthening structures with steel

20 Edmundson Street, Onekawa, Napier Phone: 06 843 2001 Meeting industry needs Steel & Tube leads the industry in providing comprehensive technical information and products to suit changing building requirements. “It’s vital the industry is kept up to date and can make informed decisions,” says company group product manager steel Peter Donohue. “Steel & Tube supports customers and consulting engineers with product and technical design tables in hard copy booklet format or available as downloadable pdfs on the company website.” He says recently there has been a great deal of interest from industry in the latest seismic products. Steel & Tube has been at the forefront in introducing seismic steel products to the market including being the first company to design a ductile reinforcing mesh after the Christchurch earthquake. Steel & Tube now also stocks a full range of seismic structural steel sections. “The new AS/NZS seismic standards requires increased ductility and testing in mesh, rounds, hollows and structural steel products, giving greater movability in the event of an earthquake,” explains Donohue. The company’s new purlins design guide shows improved loading performance, providing increased strength and possible

8 Building Innovations NZ

saving in total build costs. Steel & Tube has also introduced new roofing profiles in its commercial range including ST963, which has been engineered for increased strength and buckling resistance. Steel & Tube is New Zealand’s leading supplier of steel products with distribution network in 40 locations. The company has been proudly supporting local businesses for over 60 years. Steel & Tube is New Zealand owned and among the New Zealand Stock Exchange’s top 50 companies. The company’s extensive product range includes steel, stainless steel, piping, roofing, purlins, reinforcing, mesh, chain and rigging, fasteners, industrial products and more. Steel & Tube has made considerable investment to ensure it is offering products that meet new market needs, any changes to the AS/NZS standards and, in some cases, exceeding industry standards. As an example the structural bolts and nuts the company offers are third party batch tested in New Zealand. “Our customers can trust that Steel & Tube has a high focus on quality and compliance so your building is built stronger in every way.” For technical information on products including downloading booklets and more visit


Survey points to increase in use of steel Karen Phelps The results of the latest Steel Construction New Zealand CBD survey show that steel accounts for around 60% by floor area of the new builds taking place in Christchurch. It’s a trend welcomed by the steel industry, which believes that steel has an important part to play in the rebuild. “Christchurch was a concrete city due to its proximity to rivers providing plentiful aggregate but the earthquake proved a game changer,” says manager of Steel Construction New Zealand Alistair Fussell. “Steel gives lighter more flexible structures rather than the rigid concrete constructions which Christchurch previously favoured.” He says that steel has proven seismic performance and that most buildings in Christchurch based on steel construction came through relatively unscathed including the 12-storey HSBC Tower and the 22-storey Pacific Tower. “HSBC came through with no requirement for structural repairs; the Pacific Towers sustained repairable damage to the seismic load resisting system and following repairs is now back in service. “This demonstrates both the resilience and economic value of steel-framed buildings as any damaged components can simply be removed and replaced. “This is not always possible with concrete, which, once cracked, is very difficult to repair economically.”

Steel is increasingly being used in commercial construction in New Zealand. He says that due to Christchurch’s generally poor ground conditions steel will provide an economical alternative to concrete construction due to it being lighter weight and therefore requiring less intensive foundations to support it. “Steel is around 30-40% lighter than concrete and has a good strength to weight ratio. Because steel is more flexible it doesn’t attract such large earthquake loads.” He says a new generation of seismic loading systems have been developed, which can withstand major earthquakes and require no major post-earthquake repair.

Innovations include braces that yield under pressure and can easily be replaced and steel frames that rock in an earthquake to dissipate energy. Fussell says that developers are now willing to invest more upfront in these types of systems. To date more than $3 billion of steel building construction has been undertaken in New Zealand featuring low-damage steel seismic load-resisting systems. “As we have seen in Christchurch if there is an earthquake tenants can be out of buildings for months or years.

“If you invest in a better performing system upfront tenants can get back in the building quickly, which makes a huge difference to recovery and getting a return out of the asset.” Another huge benefit of steel in the Christchurch rebuild, according to Fussell, is the fact steel arrives to site prefabricated meaning it can be made anywhere in the country. Small rigging crews are needed to assemble it on site reducing the need for accommodation and labour, factors Christchurch will struggle with in the future, he says.


now spanning 50 metres! Formsteel’s high strength products and unique interlocking system allows for the construction of at least 50 metre clear spans. The need for less internal support posts creates more flexible and spacious interiors in a building, something that is proving popular with architects and their clients, says Formsteel Sales manager Lawson Suckling. “Formsteel can span further and build higher than most other building systems up to 8.5 tonne gantries supported across at least 50 metre clear spans. Other benefits of using Formsteel products include reduced labour time and quicker delivery of the final product and well as

cost savings. We use rolled steel which is more cost effective than structural steel because you only pay for the stock you actually use as the steel starts as a coil and is rolled into profile,” explains Suckling. Formsteel manufactures a number of different product lines. Purlindek is a cold-rolled, load-bearing roof profile that can span up to six metres with a 1.8 metre overhang. It can also be used for unsupported internal walls up to 10 metres high. Smartdek is used for longrun roofing and cladding. Its trapezoidal profile gives it a much stronger and more rigid shape than the profiles other companies commonly use. Composite Tray Flooring is a system designed to interlock and act as core reinforcing elements within a building once the steel and concrete bond together. Formsteel also manufactures a range

of standard and custom cold rolled steel components. Formsteel can take on any project from the smallest car port all the way up to major industrial buildings, tailoring solutions to match client needs. Because Formsteel manufactures all the components it needs from its one site, getting orders designed, completed and delivered on time is streamlined and stress free. The company can undertake full design of buildings including taking care of things like foundations which other companies have to subcontract meaning no time or money is wasted. Formsteel is a proudly New Zealand owned and operated company that has been in business for over 40 years. Formsteel has developed and perfected designs in nearly

every industry but is always open to the challenge of a new design that requires some thinking outside the box. With a solutions-orientated approach that is popular internationally, Formsteel currently exports to countries around the world that value incredible strength and durability including Australia, Argentina and the South Pacific. “We like to think of Formsteel as a solutions company not a products company. Formsteel helps clients by working alongside them and their architects, engineers and construction companies, providing solutions and flexibility that add value to any project.” For more information on superior strength, please call Formsteel on 0800 800 003 or visit

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CARPORTS Building Innovations NZ 9

Commercial - North Dunedin Post Office

North Dunedin Post Office transformed Kelly Deeks

The category 2 heritage-listed bluestone building, which dates from 1878, is now called the H.D. Skinner Annexe. Photos: Graham Warman Photography

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Naylor Love Dunedin has completed a historic restoration project this year, after years of planning and redevelopment, of the former North Dunedin Post Office it was reopened in July this year as the Otago Museum’s H.D. Skinner Annexe. Naylor Love Dunedin worked closely with the Otago Museum and architect John McCoy of McCoy and Wixon Architects to transform the historic North Dunedin landmark into modern exhibition and function spaces for the Otago Museum. The category 2 heritage-listed bluestone building, which dates from 1878, is now called the H.D. Skinner Annexe after a distinguished former director of the Otago Museum. Naylor Love Dunedin regional manager Ian McKie says the renovation included the addition of a glass atrium on the north side of the building; a glassed in extension to a balcony on the east side, some seismic strengthening, and a complete refit of the interior. The refit included exposing some of the bluestone walls and timber floors, and adding some internal walls and display cases in the exhibition spaces. “The blending of old and new elements is fantastic,” he says. “Portions of wall around a doorway have been left uncovered to show the old stone construction, and on the stair landing a wall has been taken back to its original state, again to show how it once was.”

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10 Building Innovations NZ

Commercial - North Dunedin Post Office

The refit included exposing some of the bluestone walls and timber floors and adding some internal walls.

Besides the two extensions, the exterior of the building remains unchanged. On the inside however, the redeveloped building now boasts an elevator, new toilets, upgraded information technology capability, several exhibition spaces downstairs, and several function and meeting spaces on the upper level. Passers-by will also be able to purchase take-away coffee from the street level café – ‘Roast Office’ - accessed from the original entrance. Appropriately, the first exhibition to be displayed at the Otago Museum H D Skinner Annexe was developed in partnership with the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, and featured important aspects of Dunedin’s built heritage that have been demolished or redeveloped. For Naylor Love Dunedin, the project was a continuation of a long term relationship the construction company has had with the Otago Museum, having completed all the major construction and redevelopment work

on the main museum building since about 2000. “In terms of maintaining that relationship, this project was very important,” McKie says. “We also enjoy the challenge of historic renovations and restorations, and we try to be involved in them whenever we can.” Naylor Love is one of New Zealand’s largest national construction companies, and has proudly served our country’s property industry for 100 years. The company’s heritage has been built around a commitment to building long-term relationships, and a continuous improvement policy as it strives to deliver measurably the best construction services for its clients. As well as a comprehensive construction management skills base, Naylor Love has retained a technical culture. This has provided the company with a practical and pragmatic site management capability, augmented by the trade supervisors who have an intimate knowledge of the project process at the coalface.

“We enjoy the challenge of historic renovations and restorations, and we try to be involved in them whenever we can.”

The redeveloped building features exhibition spaces downstairs and function and meeting spaces on the upper level.


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Building Innovations NZ 11

Commercial - Henderson Construction

New Tavern work a winner for Henderson Jo Bailey The staged demolition and rebuild of the old Northern Tavern in Invercargill has won a 2013 Master Builders Silver Award in the Commercial category for long-standing Invercargill firm, Henderson Construction. The challenging project saw the company work around staff and patrons while simultaneously demolishing the old Tavern, and rebuilding new bar areas, a restaurant, bottlestore and integrated TAB to an awardwinning standard. More than 2500 customers are served at the Northern each week, which is the flagship tavern of the Invercargill Licensing Trust. Demolition work got underway at the site in January 2011, with stage one – the construction of new open plan Sports Bar areas and TAB completed on schedule in time for the Rugby World Cup. Stage two works saw construction of the Saucy Chef Restaurant, with an adjoining function room, formal reception and bar areas, plus a conservatory, courtyard and garden. A mix of materials such as timber, glass, and feature masonry, using Dunite from a Bluff quarry, add interest to the exterior. Striking internal features include a curved window wall at the eastern end of the restaurant, with asymmetrical framing and coloured glass panes; and an upholstered revolving wall between the restaurant and function room that can be a solid wall, dual corridor or provide a change of decor according to need. Invercargill Licensing Trust marketing manager Gary Muir said Henderson Construction adapted well to the constantly evolving plans as the build progressed. “They were able to not just adapt to those changes, but also contribute positively to them. “There was never a question of ‘can’t’ - it was always a matter of ‘how can we?’” The Northern Taven project was led by Murray Henderson, who founded Henderson Construction in 1970. The firm was originally based at Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter, where it continues

Henderson Construction has been awarded for its rebuild of the Northern Tavern in Invercargill.

to work as a construction and maintenance contractor. In the early 1990’s the company shifted to Invercargill, and cemented its reputation as one of Southland’s most prominent and respected construction firms. Murray Henderson’s son Brent Henderson now owns the company and has worked in it for 34 years. He says there is plenty of work to keep the company’s 18 staff (including its own team of painters) busy; but the effects of the Global Financial Crisis still linger. “I wouldn’t say the market has picked up a lot, but we’re happy with our current workload.”

“They were able to not just adapt to those changes, but also contribute positively to them. There was never a question of ‘can’t’ - it was always a matter of ‘how can we? Over the years Henderson Construction has constructed numerous high profile buildings in the greater Southland region, including the new Couplands Bakery, Quest Apartments, Peacehaven Rest Home, and Invercargill Brewery.

Remodelling of existing commercial buildings and fit-outs for the office, retail and the hospitality sectors are a “very large” part of its current workload, along with plenty of school work for the Ministry of Education, he says.

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Commercial - Henderson Construction

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SPECIALISTS IN... Internal features include a curved window wall at the eastern end of the restaurant.

“We’re currently building a foundation at Tiwai; have completed another bar fit-out for Invercargill Licensing Trust and have finished a number of shop fit-outs this year. “Several of our clients are moving out of older buildings that don’t meet the current earthquake code and re-modelling new premises instead.” Although the company is a tender and commercial specialist, it has both the “capability and capacity” to take on residential work, and the ability to offer design and build services too. Henderson Construction is a member of the Master Painters and Master Builders

Associations, and has several licensed building practitioners on its team. The company is also a licensed applicator and installer of Sika Sealants and Concrete Repair, Equus coatings, USG Suspended Ceilings and Potter Interior Systems. “Our philosophy has always been to take pride in what we do and stand by our work,” says Brent. “We also look after our staff, suppliers and subbies and are rewarded with loyalty in return. “Many of our staff have been with the company over 20 years which is something we’re pretty proud of.”

Servicing Invercargill, Bluff and Southland. Proud to provide Plumbing services to Henderson Construction


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We've got Southland covered Marshall Industries has been covering Southland with its high quality roofing products for more than 75 years. So it seems fitting the firm would join another longstanding Invercargill company, Henderson Construction, on the award-winning Northern Tavern redevelopment. “We have been a preferred subcontractor to Henderson Construction for at least 25 years and really value the association we have with Murray, Brent and all their staff,” says roofing sales manager Kevin Valli. “We do most of Henderson’s work, and have also completed several other projects with them for the Invercargill Licensing Trust over the years including the Southland Tavern redevelopment.” The Marshall Trays roofing system, designed and manufactured by Marshall

Industries in Invercargill, was chosen for the Northern Tavern project. The system’s large flat pans are designed for excellent water flow, with hidden fixings and a square top profile achieving a stylish and architecturally designed look. Another high profile example of the seamless finish achieved with the Marshall Tray roofing system is at the Clearwater Clubhouse in the Clearwater international golf resort in Christchurch. The “prickle bend” in the A-frame roof has no seams showing at all, thanks to the product design, and the skill of Marshall’s experienced installers. Other quality products offered by Marshalls include a range of Longrun Roofing Profiles, Rainwater Systems, Light Engineering, Fencing, Sheetmetal Fabrication and Roofing Accessories. The company was established

in Southland in 1936 by Owen Marshall who built his own machinery to produce some of the first longrun roofing steel in New Zealand under the name Pioneer brand. Today, Marshall’s unique Pioneer Brand products continue to offer a distinctive solution to domestic and commercial clients for any roofing or wall cladding project. Marshall Industries’ range is manufactured predominantly from New Zealand Steel products including New Zealand Steel Galv steel,

Zincalume, Colorsteel Endura™ and Colorsteel Maxx. Other materials including Aluminium and ZAM are also available.

Industries on the design and construction of water and wastewater treatment plants, specialising in membrane treatment.

Tom Marshall now runs the family owned and operated business, started by his grandfather Owen, and continued by his father Peter.

”Marshall Projects gives us another string to our bow and provides opportunities for our staff to work in both sectors. We have already completed a number of large, mainly North Island projects, and have several more coming up.” Kevin says whatever the job, Marshall Industries has it covered.

Over the years the business has expanded, acquiring a second branch, Roofcraft Industries, located in Gore. It also has a subsidiary company, Marshall Projects that works alongside Marshall

team of professionals work closely with our clients right from the initial consultation through to installation and follow up to ensure they receive the most suitable products and service for their project.”

“Our friendly, experienced

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Commercial - Mars New Zealand Building

Mars NZ building ticks all the boxes Karen Phelps When Mars New Zealand wanted to bring the colourful Mars and Wrigley brands under one modern roof the result was a successful commercial space that led three businesses to collaborate closely together to achieve the finished result for the client. Central Park, the building in which Mars New Zealand is now located, is owned by Goodman Property Trust (GMT), a listed unit trust that invests in high quality industrial and business space property. The company owns 40,000 square metres of office space in Central Park, which is situated on Great South Road in Auckland. GMT worked with project managers RDT Pacific to facilitate the design of the Mars New Zealand fit out. RDT Pacific’s Simon Wilson and Liam Joyce worked closely with Goodman portfolio manager Jarrod MacGregor to provide advice and package an offer favourable to both landlord and tenant – in this case a lump sum contract. BAAK Architects worked with Mars,

Goodman and RDT Pacific to create an integrated building refurbishment and fit out. The building was gutted and stripped back to its base structure. In order to open up the space a section of the first floor was removed to add a staircase through the building’s centre. A neutral palette of colours was chosen for the finishes – black carpet and white walls – and any colour added was in a natural finish. This meant that when the company branding was introduced it stood out. The new fit-out has been strongly aligned with the non-hierarchical culture of Mars New Zealand. All associates are on one floor and the entire office is open plan with only one size and type of desk. Directors sit in desk clusters with their teams. Joyce says it’s this egalitarian culture that saw Mars New Zealand named winner in the Kenexa Best Workplace Awards medium/large category in 2012. MacGregor says that value for money was a primary consideration coupled with sustainability. Mars wanted to integrate existing office furniture as much as possible and so all desks, meeting tables and task chairs were reused.

The new fit-out includes environ-mentally sustainable design considerations, with LED lighting throughout and using the greenest products possible.

The new Mars Building fit-out has been strongly aligned with the non-hierarchical culture of Mars New Zealand. The new fit-out also includes environmentally sustainable design considerations such as an energy efficient mechanical system with CO2 monitoring to enhance and protect indoor air quality, LED lighting throughout and using the greenest products possible. One unique aspect of the brief was to create a special area for dogs outside the building with grass and an herb garden to cater to the company ‘dog Friday’ where staff are permitted to bring their furry friends to work. There is also a vegetable garden where staff can grow their own produce. MacGregor says the company prefers to use its own contractors, in this case Lanta Interiors and Construction, to make the process quicker and easier. Lanta Interiors and Construction is a privately owned construction company owned and led by managing directors Ross Pett and David Rodgers who have over 45 years combined experience in management and construction. Lanta Interiors and Construction was head contractor on the project with three management staff and six to ten carpenters on site. The company took charge of both the base building works and office fi tout. Rodgers says the main challenge was the tight construction time frame – 14 weeks. “This required us to schedule carefully and pre-order as well as work through holiday periods,” he says. The design has many stunning features including a glass and steel stairwell and a timber slat feature wall running from ground

to ceiling. Each of the slats had to be laid by hand on site showcasing the company’s high levels of craftsmanship. As in most builds there was also the element of the unexpected that sometimes came into play. For example the hard basalt and volcanic rock the building was built on was tougher than expected to dig into to make room for construction of parts of the lift shaft and stairwell putting the company’s organisational abilities to make up for lost time to the test. The project was completed on time and on budget. Rodgers say a big part of the company’s ability to successfully complete such projects boils down to the fact that Rodgers and Pett take a hands on approach to running their company. “I was actively involved in the Mars project. That makes a big difference for our business. “As directors we are not only accountable but we also like to get hands on involved in what we do. Lanta Interiors and Construction has been established on traditional values, with an absolute belief in strong and lasting relationships. It is these values and strong relationships which have culminated in our status as a preferred contractor to the design and construction industry.” MacGregor says he is extremely pleased with the project’s outcomes. “The synergies achieved with this project have resulted in an environmentally sensitive commercial fit out that was delivered quickly, to a very high standard.”


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Landscaping - Morgan & Pollard

Stunning makeover of school environment Jo Bailey Morgan and Pollard’s landscaping team has almost completed a stunning makeover of the outdoor environment at Rolleston School on the outskirts of Christchurch. Director Adam Pollard says the company has enjoyed the opportunity to work on the “exciting project” that should be finished by Christmas. “I congratulate the school for having the foresight to create an overall environmental plan for the whole campus, rather than taking a piecemeal approach to this project.” The plan, designed by Kamo Marsh landscape architects, was completed in stages. The junior school was the first to enjoy its new surroundings, which includes an interactive play area and new entranceway. “Each space was individually designed to fit its differing needs. For example the senior school has big seating areas and rebound walls which are more suited to the older students.” In early December, Morgan and Pollard added the finishing touches to a native walkway with soft landscaping, lawns, and seating. Other work completed under the programme includes extensive paving, plantings, more seating areas and outdoor classrooms. One of Morgan and Pollard’s project managers was dedicated to the development,

Landscaping features at the junior school include an interactive play area and new entranceway. and assisted by up to eight staff plus subcontractors at its busiest times. Pollard says the project had to be well programmed to avoid disruption to the school timetable.

“The school board, teachers, students, and project team have been fantastic to deal with. “We’ve been involved with the project from the earliest tender stages and have enjoyed sharing their excitement as it has come to life.” Two years ago Adam Pollard took over the ownership of the long-standing Christchurch firm from his father Roger. Alongside landscape construction services, the company’s other main divisions are landscape architecture and landscape maintenance. “We believe we offer the most comprehensive landscape service in the South Island which clients can access on a serviceby-service basis or as a turnkey solution - from the earliest design and consent stages, to construction of their landscaping project and its ongoing maintenance.” Pollard says the company works on a “broad range” of commercial and domestic projects. “We’ve always had a good mix of the two. However in the last year the balance has tended to swing more towards commercial work.

Halswell Timber

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“We have been involved in a large number of rest home projects over the last three years with ongoing work at the Alpine View Retirement Village in Preston’s Road. We also have another rest home project underway for Bupa in Rangiora.” He says the company also has several residential projects underway. “Our staff loves to do them just as much as the bigger commercial jobs, as they have a quicker turnaround and often allow them to be a little more creative.” Morgan and Pollard also provides ongoing landscape maintenance services for a range of clients - from rest homes, shopping malls and sports fields to subdivisions, restaurants and suburban homes. The company has a current staff of 29 - a level Pollard is comfortable with. “We could grow but I try to limit it at around this size. “We constantly strive for the highest levels of performance and going bigger isn’t always best if you want to stay customer and quality focused.”

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Decking Flooring

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Fax 03 3495 140 Building Innovations NZ 15

Residential - JD Homes

The award-winning house features a mix of exterior cladding including Viblock veneer concrete block, long run steel cladding and roofing, and Shadowclad.

Rolleston home scoops national award Jo Bailey Christchurch firm JD Homes is a rising star in the New Zealand construction sector. The three-year-old company was a national award winner at the recent Master Builders House of the Year Awards in the New Homes under $250,000 category for a compact, stylish house in Rolleston. It was also a gold reserve finalist in the $450,000 to $600,000 category for a striking barn-style home in Burnham. “It was a phenomenal result as the under $250,000 category is potentially one of the

hardest to win,” says Jesse de Wys, who owns the company along with his wife Marcella. “You have to work extra hard to produce something special when you are limited by budget,” The award-winning three-bedroom house was designed by architectural designer Ross Nevin. It features a clever mix of exterior cladding including Viblock veneer concrete block, Steel and Tube long run cladding and roofing, and Shadowclad. “The clients wanted something a bit different that would make the house stand out.”

Inside, the “economically designed” 160sqm home has a large open plan living area, with thoughtful use of glazing to provide passive heating. Although built less than two years ago, de Wys says it would be impossible to build a house of this quality at the same price in the current climate, giving rising building and materials costs and additional health and safety costs required during construction. “It would probably be more like $310,000 to build this house today.” Much of JD Homes’ work is in the Selwyn region, just west of Christchurch - currently the fastest-growing district in New Zealand

- although it also has four residential projects at the design or construction stage on the Port Hills. De Wys says most of the company’s projects are design and build. “We place a real emphasis on bespoke design and have a flair for creating something a bit different or edgy that allows the client’s to express their own unique style.” The company’s current workload highlights its broad diversity of projects. “Among our current projects is a challenging, $2 million home with an English country homestead feel at Tai Tapu which requires incredible attention to detail.

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Proud to support JD Homes Ltd

16 Building Innovations NZ

Residential - JD Homes

“We also have another great family home in the $350,000 category underway.” JD Homes’ team of 11 staff builds around 10 new homes each year. “We could certainly build more. However I prefer to be a bit more selective about the projects we take on and really deliver on the quality of construction and finish,” says de Wys. He has been a builder since leaving school 17 years ago, but is off the tools these days, managing the company’s projects and liaising with clients, staff and sub-contractors. JD Homes recently opened a new showhome at 15 Firsby Drive, Halkett Grove, West Melton which is open to view by appointment. The design of the five-bedroom home has been influenced by early Warren and Mahoney designs and also has a Central Otago feel, he says. “We are really happy with the show home, and have our offices based on one of two mezzanine floors inside. Other features include a diverse range of exterior claddings, lots of raking ceilings, feature wallpapers, polished concrete floors and a huge outdoor fire. It is the perfect tool to show potential clients what we can do and the level of quality and workmanship they can expect from an award-winning company.”

The award-winning three-bedroom house was designed by architectural designer Ross Nevin.

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Email: Building Innovations NZ 17

Residential - Henry Construction

Firm evolves as rebuild work gathers pace Kelly Deeks As a Christchurch building company that has over the last two years focused on the repair and rebuild of the city and surrounding areas, Henry Construction owners Dave and Emma Henry are now turning their attention to the long term sustainability of the company, with a further focus on expanding its new home construction programme. As a husband-and-wife team with a staff of 22, Emma and Dave have extensive building industry experience with Dave a licensed building practitioner who has worked in the construction industry for the past 15 years. His experience ranges from building residential homes, repairs, working on large commercial sites, and for the past six years prior to launching Henry Construction, owning one of Christchurch’s most predominant cladding companies. Emma has worked alongside Dave over the last 10 years and comes with her own experience of building spec homes and apartments, as well as extensive experience in sales and customer service. As born-and-bred Cantabrians, the Henrys are proudly helping to rebuild Christchurch and pride themselves on offering a first class and personalised service. Emma works one-on-one with each of Henry Construction’s new home build clients and will work either with existing plans or can assist through the design stage in conjunction with an architectural designer to create their dream home. “I am the main point of contact for our clients throughout the project,” she says.

Henry Construction has been busy with earthquake repair work in Christchurch and is now building new homes. “I liaise with our clients in all aspects from the initial meeting, through to getting building consent, the construction of the home, and finally handing over the keys when the dream is complete.” Dave is the company’s general manager, working with Henry Construction’s own team as well as its trusted subcontractors

throughout the build. He ensures everything runs smoothly, to schedule, and is up the high standard that Henry Construction prides itself on providing. Henry Construction has completed more than 100 residential earthquake repairs since it was established in 2012. Both Fletchers-managed and opt-out repairs were the main source of business, and with four staff including the Henrys the company set about repairing Canterbury’s earthquake damaged homes. For the next two years, the company has continued to grow, building up to 22 staff and

taking on repairs over $100,000 for Arrow International. Henry Construction now operates a separate building team, including builders, plasterers, painters, and a project manager that is dedicated to earthquake repairs. In todays’ market with the repair and rebuild process starting to include residential rebuilds and with an increasing number of people wishing to build again, Henry Construction has developed a range of five concept plans with a further 20 architecturally designed homes coming online in the new year.


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Residential - Henry Construction

Henry Construction has expanded its services with a range of five concept plans, and another 10 due to be released soon. “Many people enjoy having plans to look at when they are coming up with a concept for their dream home,” Emma says. “It gives them a good starting point. Our new plans will give people more options. “ The first five we put out were standard plans, whereas the next 20 will be slightly more edgy with an architectural flair to them,” she says.

Ten of these are very stylish “small footprint” homes ranging from 120sqm to 150sqm. “With building costs rising as the rebuild really takes hold it is nice to offer a solution for people who are either looking to build their first home or those that are maybe downsizing from a large family home,” says Emma.

Henry Construction has two house and land packages currently in progress. The first is under construction in Sovereign Palms, Kaiapoi – offering 231sqm of living with four bedrooms, two living, and two bathrooms on 700sqm this home offers fantastic family living. With the cladding currently going on, this home will be complete in early 2014.

The second home is a stunning architecturally designed, two-storey 268sqm home in the prestigious Waitikiri subdivision that is about to go into council and will start construction as soon as building consent is granted. With growth planned they are booking in no-obligation consultations for those thinking of building in the next 12 months.

The ‘rimu specialist’ Halswell Timber backs up its large range of timber species and timber products with some of the best quality and service available in the business. This year the company has been making its name as the ‘rimu specialist’, with a wide range of sustainably sourced New Zealand rimu products available, at a time when rimu is thought to be too difficult to source. Halswell Timber general manager Hayden Stuart says the company has found a sustainable source of New Zealand rimu from various mills up and down the West Coast of the South Island. “We source our rimu from the West Coast as it is richer in colour than that of the East Coast,” he says. In its fully-equipped machine shop, Halswell Timber can machine timber to a required profile It also stocks a large range of pre-run standard profiled timber including weatherboards, flooring, panelling, skirting, architrave, mouldings, and many others required for construction and finishing both inside and out. “In the past, while some projects may have been limited to a certain timber species or size, we have the capability and the flexibility to cut and machine our timbers to certain requirements,” Hayden says. “Adaptability is our specialty.”

Halswell Timber is offering a range of rimu products, including the most popular flooring, wall panelling, and mouldings. Different grades of rimu are available, from heart rimu which comes from the centre of the log, to sap rimu from the outside of the log, and colour rimu which is a mixture of both. “Heart rimu is usually a rich red-brown colour with hints of golden yellow,” Hayden says. “Sap rimu has a lighter brown tone and is generally even in colour. The intermediate colour rimu is a varied light brown colour, giving rise to interesting shadings of colour and grain.”

Radiata H4 Radiata H5 Mouldings Panelling

Beech Cedar

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Heart rimu is ideally suited to exterior joinery and flooring applications, while colour and sap rimu are ideal for furniture and internal finishings, like panelling and moulding. Halswell Timber also has two feature grade rimus available, sap feature and colour heart feature, which are tight, knotty, character grades in a rich brown colour. Both feature grades make beautiful flooring, wall panelling, and furniture. Hayen Stuart says the use of timber in a construction project exudes warmth and style, while adding value and contrasting well with other materials. Halswell Timber 03 338 9199

193 Halswell Road PO Box 37172 Phone: (03) 338 9199 | Fax: (03) 338 9231 Halswell, Christchurch Building Innovations NZ 19

Residential - Justbuilditnz

Awards win gives boost to company profile Kelly Deeks After scooping six regional awards at the Registered Master Builders House of the Year awards this year - including the Supreme Award for the House of the Year and the Westpac New Homes over $2 million category - Queenstown’s justbuilditnz has had an increase in enquiries from people recognising the company’s capabilities and high quality workmanship. As well as the regional awards, justbuilditnz also secured the Plumbing World Bathroom Excellence Award, the Outdoor Living Award, Resene Sustainable Home Award, and the Craftsmanship Award. Justbuilditnz managing director Geoff McNee says the media coverage of the win has been great for the company and has really increased its profile. McNee says that, for him, the most pleasing award to win was the Craftsmanship award, for the recognition from Registered Master Builders that justbuilditnz is doing things right. “That recognition is for all the employees that work for me, and shows they are proud of what they do, and they’re there to do the best job they can for the owner,” he says. Justbuilditnz will enter the awards again this year, with a new, architecturally designed 110sqm guest house. McNee says that the house is a rectangular cedar box, with the roof pitched to the front over the deck area, and an insitu concrete spine wall through the middle of the interior, which separates the kitchen and living areas from the two bedrooms and bathroom. “The architect and the client wanted exposed concrete walls on the inside, and with the shape they wanted we couldn’t do it in precast concrete,” McNee says. “It was quite an intense build to make it look simple, which it does.” The interior also features four pivot hinged doors, and high-spec American white oak joinery in the kitchen, bathrooms, and bedrooms. Justbuilditnz has now been in business for 11 years and runs a team of 15 staff, which includes a quantity surveyor and administration staff.

Justbuilditnz has built a wide range of architecturally designed homes in the Southern Lakes region.

Working around Queenstown and Arrowtown, justbuilditnz has built a wide range of projects for a diverse client base, ranging from alterations and additions, refurbishments, restaurant fit-outs, residential housing, an apartment complex, a commercial winery, and of course award winning, architecturally designed housing. An exciting project for justbuilditnz this year is a $5 million Warren and Mahoney designed house at Kelvin Heights in Queenstown. The 750sqm house is spread over three levels, and includes an elevator, an indoor pool, sauna and spa, and a media room. While McNee says the reality is he lives in a normal house in a normal subdivision, there is nothing like the enjoyment he and the justbuilditnz team get from building architectural houses.

“The work can be tough, but the satisfaction at the end is awesome,” he says. “All my guys enjoy doing it because every house is so different.

“We’ll be on a site for up to 16 months building architectural houses, and they require a completely different set of skills from building housing company houses.”

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Residential - Summerhill Construction

Lake Hayes property wins for Summerhill Jo Bailey A focus at the top end of the residential market is paying dividends for Summerhill Construction. The Arrowtown company was a gold reserve finalist at the recent national Master Builders House of the Year Awards, for a stunning cedar weatherboard home it constructed at Lake Hayes. Director Peter Swain says the company is just finishing a Warren and Mahoney designed home overlooking Kelvin Heights Bay in Queenstown; and has another exciting project lined up for 2014 - a country homestead in Domain Road between Queenstown and Arrowtown. “We focus on quality builds, rather than quantity. “These homes usually take around a year to build, and allow us to have all the boys on one job. “This sole focus allows us to provide an exceptional finish, which is vital when architects are giving the project the final tickoff.” Swain has been a builder for almost 30 years, but didn’t go out on his own until he started Summerhill Construction around eight years ago. All his team are locally trained and he uses the same sub-contractors for each job to ensure a consistently high quality finish. The Lake Hayes home on an “extremely challenging site” won the national Master Builders Gold Reserve Award in the $1 to $2 million category. Swain was in Auckland to collect the award, which he says was “great recognition” for his team. “It was a fairly tricky build as we had to go down a steep driveway to get to the site and negotiate a three-metre retaining wall. We were very pleased with the end result.” Stunning views of the lake are revealed through floor to ceiling windows and sliders

The Lake Hayes home won the national Master Builders Gold Reserve Award in the $1 to $2 million category. in the spacious open plan kitchen and living areas in the home. Oak joinery was used to great effect throughout, with a matching hipped oak panel ceiling in the living areas. Polished concrete floors and a zinc roof imported from Europe were other top quality materials used in the project.

A 350sqm home at Kelvin Heights has been Summerhill Construction’s major project for 2013. Swain says his team is enjoying the last few weeks on-site. “We hope to have the owners in their lovely new home by Christmas.” Superior quality materials are again a feature, with a cedar weatherboard and precast panel exterior, and extensive use of Italian tiles and central heating throughout. This home also has a stylish oak kitchen and an extensive deck on top of the garage with expansive views across the bay. Swain says his team has a “very different” project lined up for next year - a substantial home for an overseas client.

“This home has been designed by Team Green, with a strong English country homestead influence. It has a courtyard in the middle with two stories on one side. Team Green is also very conscious of energy efficiency and sustainability in their designs, so this home will have many of these features.” Summerhill Construction also does house renovations and commercial fit-out works as time allows, but the main focus will continue to be at the top end of the residential market. “I can see the company growing further but only if we get the right staff that are able to meet our strict adherence to quality in everything we do.”

Queenstown Experts in high quality interior and exterior paint and paper finishes Ph. 021 259 8189 Email. Stunning views of the lake are revealed through floor to ceiling windows.

Supporting Summerhill Construction with high quality electrical services For all your electrical, automation and security needs phone Mike 03 409 2977 Cell 0274 439 302 | Email mike@shotoverelectrix



Sustainability / Weathertightness

Leaky buildings - getting it sorted on site Harry Dillon Re-cladding projects are like renovations on steroids, there are very few aspects of the house that won’t be affected. It is a very stressful time for the homeowner. All they typically get at the end of it is the house they thought they bought in the first place and all they have to show for is usually a bigger mortgage. It is not just the homeowner who is effectively the client. Their funder has a vested interest in restoring value in their collateral. The TA along with government may also be contributing if the client is participating in the Financial Assistance Package scheme. On multiunit sites, a body corporate will be involved and usually an elected building committee will represent all of the owners. Whether the building occupants are going or staying can make a significant difference to the operation and efficiency of a project. Some owners may not have the desire or the means to vacate their home. If they are vacating, will they be taking their chattels, too, as there may be insurance implications for them remaining? It is also much more efficient if household items don’t have to be moved or protected during the repair process. As has already been seen in Canada, where they have been dealing with a similar problem for 20 years, we are already carrying out second generation repairs in New Zealand. As we all know, we builders carry significant latent liability for our work. Therefore it is critical to minimise any risks

and consequences of future failures. Getting the repair done right is simply the best way to achieve this. Working with suitably experienced professionals is critical. A builder should expect a designer to provide details that are timely, that work and are appropriate. The law is getting much clearer on this. If the builder comes up with his own detail or builds something that is on the plans that they know will possibly fail, who is liable if it does? Builders, myself included, are not exactly well known for their paperwork, but good record keeping helps variation management and really helps resolve current or future potential disputes. In addition, documenting all the damage discovered with location specific photographs builds a historical record of what was found. Quality control systems and good site supervision can assist in catching even minor errors or omissions in the rebuild process that could otherwise accumulate and contribute to future building failures. Discovering as much damage as early as possible allows budgetary implications and design clarifications to be dealt with right at the start. This is especially important if the damage is worse than initially assessed. On every project I have been involved with there is at least some degree of noncompliant work discovered in the original structure. How is this dealt with? Other things to consider include the temporary bracing that may be required as the removal of bracing (either external or internal) or removal of cladding to allow

Quality control systems and good site supervision can assist in catching even minor errors or omissions in the rebuild process.

for concrete nib installation may affect the integrity of the structure. A fundamental question for most remediation projects is what timber to leave in, treat insitu or replace. There are many types of timber rot and ways of testing for them. Visual and strand tests, for example, have their uses but also their limitations. The only way to be absolutely certain of its type and history is a lab test. Some rots are visually hard to detect and timber sampling of what appears to be sound wood (even if only as a datum) can help prevent the consequences of leaving structurally unsound timber behind. Having suitably qualified and experienced experts to interpret and instruct not only helps with compliance but could also potentially help narrow a builder’s related

latent risks. If builders have doubts about what has been instructed they can simply get testing carried out themselves as an inexpensive form of insurance. As with risks on any type of project, understanding the risk is key to managing it. Wrap Up: Our penultimate article goes back to basic first principles of weathertight design to get a better remediation solution. Suggested follow up areas for more information Building and Housing website: http://www. The Building and Housing publications Guide to Remediation Design Guide to the Diagnosis of Leaky Buildings Dealing with Timber in Leaky Buildings Code Watch Issue 1: October 2011

This is the seventh article in a series of articles based on a number of workshops on weathertight remediation for builders which the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment – Building and Housing group has been running at centres all over New Zealand. Harry Dillon has been involved with the repair of more than 300 homes as a builder over the last ten years. This article represents Harry’s views which may not necessarily be same as the Department’s

Inspections provide security Mark Waters from Weather Tight Solutions says that he has never inspected a building or home and found it to be it to be perfectly weather tight. “There are usually issues at the time or small things which will become issues in the future,” he says. There is a growing trend towards weather tightness inspections, undertaken either pre or post purchase as part of a regular maintenance plan.

Home Inspection – Weather Tightness Inspections

Banks are increasingly demanding such inspections as a mortgage requirement, recognising the degree to which a good inspection can identify or help to mitigate future problems.

A Weather Tight Solutions’ home moisture and weathertightness inspection provides a complete written and photographic report of your property. Leaky Home Repair and Recladding As experienced specialists in recladding and leak repairs for home and commercial properties, our team can provide the best solution to your leaky building problems. Having a leaky home can be extremely stressful, therefore we want to provide professional solutions that make the process easy and as stress free as possible. Building and Renovation We Offer Complete Project Management on all our Building Projects This means I am the one point of contact for you. I will run the job from beginning to completion. I will keep you informed throughout the entire process with regular on site meetings so that there are no nasty surprises at the end. Talk to us about the complete building and renovation services we offer. M: 021 163 6232 22 Building Innovations NZ

Homeowners are also choosing to undertake inspections yearly or two yearly to safeguard their investment. Waters says issues which lead to huge problems typically start with something very small, such as silicon seal around a window that needs replacing or a poorly installed Sky dish that has allowed water to enter the structure. He points to one recent home where the light fittings had been badly fitted eight years previously when the house was built. Just 16 screw holes that had allowed water into the home were the cause of a $400,000 reclad on the eight year old house.

0800 532 578

Based in Auckland and Cambridge, Weather

Tight Solutions offers professional weather tightness inspections, home inspections, leaky home repairs and recladding services. The company only employs registered and qualified local builders (licensed building practitioners) and is a member of Registered Master Builders. “Our team of building contractors have a combined experience of over 50 years in the industry so our knowledge of building is extensive. We do the job once and do it properly.” “We sometimes work with clients for months and years before we even start the reclad or leaky home repair.” Weather Toght Solutions provides clients with a comprehensive report. “We do extensive on-site inspections that take between 1 -1/2 to 2 hours but sometimes longer. “We use the latest non-invasive and probe moisture testing meters and thermal imaging equipment. “We provide typed, detailed reports including digital photography not ‘tick the box’ style reports. “As a building inspection specialists my goal when appraising a building is to be 100% certain of my assessment and recommended course of action for all my clients. ” Weather Tight Solutions, 25a Wilkinson Road, Ellerslie, Auckland, 0800 532 578,

Sustainability / Weathertightness

Understanding duty of care After the leaky building syndrome more emphasis has been placed on building contractors who owe a duty of care to present and all future owners of buildings to ensure that the performance based requirements of the Building Code are met. But what exactly does ‘duty of care’ mean? “Duty of care includes strict observance of, and adherence to, the manufacturers’ specifications and instructions; compliance with the Building Act and the Code; building strictly in accordance with the consented plans and specifications and meeting industry standards. “This is judged against accepted industry practice, applicable New Zealand Standards and Good Practice. Guides such as BRANZ publications, industry publications and other literature,” explains Philip Bremer, partner in law firm Grimshaw & Co, a litigation and dispute resolution practice best known for representing clients affected by leaky homes and buildings. For liability to be established it is necessary for a claimant (or plaintiff) to prove that there has been a breach of the duty owed. Bremer says there are a number of things building contractors can do to protect themselves against potential litigation. Get it in writing Get your instructions in writing. If undertaking a temporary repair make sure you record in writing you are undertaking a temporary repair and it is not intended to be a final solution. Adopt best practice Fully familiarise yourself with the

manufacturer’s specifications and instructions. For example ensure that contractors receive proper training in the application and other aspects of product and that product is fit for intended purpose.

Leaky Building and Insurance Lawyers

Be familiar with product Be cautious of using a product simply because it has been specified by an architect or supplied by the developer without first satisfying yourself that it is fit for purpose and are confident that you will know how to go about applying the product. Work wisely Do not adopt bad practices to meet unreasonable construction deadlines or in order to work in around other contractors where the fault lies with poor work programming. When leaving the site leave detailed instructions with the project manager/head contractor as to what the other contractors may or may not do that may affect the work you have completed on the site. Only undertake the work if you are satisfied that it will be fit for the intended purpose. Avoid ‘patch up’ jobs and targeted repairs that may be at risk of future failure. Only provide producer statements where you are satisfied in all respects and be cautious if asked to provide advice – especially where some damage is already evident. Keep records Take detailed diary and other notes recording what was done and when, weather conditions, time and dates of attendance, discussions with head contractor etc. Take photos at all stages and particularly at the completion of the works.

Grimshaw & Co Lawyers 0800 377 300 Philip Bremer | Bryan Easton | Paul Grimshaw | Matt Josephson | Gareth Lewis | Sarah Mitchell Your contacts:

Building Innovations NZ 23

Health & Safety

Industry takes steps to improve height safety One year on, we are seeing builders, roofers, and other tradesmen now taking some positive steps to manage the hazard of working at height. A number of companies are now using scaffolding as their preferred option to ensure workers are safe while working at height. While there has been some resistance from parts of the construction sector about the cost of scaffolding, many of the companies we talk to are now seeing that initial cost being offset by productivity gains. Builders can move around a site with greater ease and confidence, and that ease of access continues to benefit other trades like painters and spouting installers as work progresses on the site. The project team has been collecting success stories from companies around the country which have reported increased productivity and other benefits stemming from the use of height safety systems. These stories are published on the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment website to showcase how small and large companies alike can benefit from a safer working environment. As well as these case studies, a number of factsheets have been developed to provide further clarity about safe working at heights. The factsheets address: roof inspections the installation of trusses installing tile support chainsaw use on roofs. The Ministry has also produced a set of FAQs that were collected during roadshows, trade events and worksite visits.

These provide practical advice in response to the following questions: Can I walk on the top plate without any fallthrough protection? Can ceiling battens be used as a method of fall protection? Do I have to use edge protection on a single-level dwelling? Is it alright for me to use my saw horse as a working platform? Is my three-step ladder still legal to use? What is the maximum height I can use my ladder? What training is required to erect my own scaffolding and to what height can I go? Do I need a rescue plan when working at height? How often does scaffolding need to be inspected? Can I use a safety harness when working alone? From what height do I have to use fall protection? You can find the FAQs, factsheets and case studies on the Preventing Falls project page at information-guidance/national-programmes/ preventing-falls-from-height-in-construction Pledge your commitment The Partners in Action Pledge is a public commitment to improve health and safety and help reduce the work toll. Pledge Partners are kept in the loop about workplace health and safety activities via email and will be recognised on the Ministry’s website. Visit for more information.

Height safety is being taken seriously by the building and construction industry.

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Licensed Building Practitioners can earn Skills Maintenance points for subscribing to each edition of Building InnovationsNZ. Go to the website for the Department of Building & Housing and navigate to "Skills Maintenance" to learn how to use Building InnovationsNZ to earn maintenance points.

24 Building Innovations NZ

Health & Safety

Dealing with Asbestos Asbestos is a group of natural mineral fibres which are very small, strong, and resistant to heat, chemicals and fire. Until the late 1980’s more than 3000 products containing asbestos were used in house construction. Asbestos was used in cement cladding and roofing; as backing material for floor tiles and vinyl sheets; insulation board for thermal protection; textured ceilings and sprayed-on wall surfaces; lagging for insulation around pipes, heaters and hot water cylinders, textiles, spouting for drainage and water supplies. Asbestos harming health Asbestos is a risk to health only when it is inhaled (breathed in) as fine dust. The risk to health increases with the number of fibres inhaled and with frequency of exposure. Smoking can increase the risk of developing lung cancer following exposure to asbestos. There are a number of diseases that can be related to asbestos fibres: Asbestosis (scarring of lung tissue) Mesothelioma (malignant tumours, cancers which develop around the lungs or intestine) Pleural plaques (thickening of membranes around the lungs), and Lung cancer. How will you be affected by asbestos? The highest risk of exposure to asbestos in the home is through home renovating, by cutting or drilling through asbestos-cement sheeting or sanding down asbestos-containing lino or tiles. Left undisturbed, such materials pose little risk, therefore it is recommended that asbestos-containing material in good condition be left alone. How to tell if a suspect material contains asbestos

Testing a sample in an approved analytical laboratory is the only way to find out if a material contains asbestos What should you do if you have asbestos in your home or workplace? Leave it as it is - disturb it as little as possible Seal, encapsulate or enclose it* Seal: is done by applying paint to the surface. When hardened this stops the release of loose asbestos dust. Encapsulate: is when asbestos-containing materials is coated with a material that soaks through and hardens, stopping the release of loose asbestos fibres. Enclose: a construction is placed around the asbestos-containing materials to contain the asbestos. Remove it. If asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are found in buildings, they must be sealed or encapsulated with a suitable coating, or bonded in a matrix, to comply with the Building Code. Get advice about this from your local authority (city or district council). External cladding should not cause any concern if not damaged. Even if the cladding is deteriorating, the Ministry of Health advises that the cladding should be sealed rather than removed or replaced. The process of removal will disturb the asbestos, releasing high-risk concentrations of fibres into the air, endangering the health of everyone in the locality. If left in place, the amount of fibres released is not considered to be a health risk. However, if you have asbestos-containing roofing, be aware that the ceiling space under the roof may have high concentrations of asbestos dust, particularly if the roofing is weathered and brittle.

Safety emphasis increases With the creation of the new stand-alone Crown agency WorkSafe New Zealand, businesses will see an even greater emphasis placed on them to ensure the safety of their workers, says Mark Millar, national business manager for Safety ‘n Action, a New Zealand Qualifications Authority Accredited Private Training Establishment that delivers occupational health and safety training, qualifications and unit standards. “The need to change New Zealand workplace health and safety statistics is nonnegotiable in the eyes of the Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment. “More than ever businesses need to ensure that they are in alignment with regulations, best practice guidelines, codes of practice and that they have the necessary systems in place to protect worker’s health and safety,” he says. Part of this greater emphasis placed on businesses includes the onus being placed on employers to analyse and report on certain incidents themselves. “When reporting an incident an inspector may decide not to attend the scene but require you to complete a duty holder investigation report. “These obligations will be more indepth than current internal investigation requirements with reports being required to identify what went wrong and why, what the underlying causes were, and what the duty holder has decided to do about it. Inspectors will review these reports and follow up where they consider necessary, for example undertake a site visit to ensure

corrective actions have been followed through,” explains Millar. WorkSafe New Zealand will be the lead regulator of workplace health and safety in New Zealand as of 1 December 2013. There are now three different types of inspectors focusing on their specific area of work: response/triage inspectors, proactive or assessment inspectors and investigative inspectors. Millar says that it is imperative that employers and other duty holders review their current internal practices to ensure in the event that an inspector visits that their systems will stand up to the kind of investigation system now being implemented. Safety ‘n Action runs a wide variety of courses including an accident investigation course, which covers exactly what the recent changes are and how businesses should undertake an accident investigation in order to best protect themselves and their employees.

We are an innovative nationwide safety training company that provides a range of courses in occupational health and safety. Whether you are an individual or a large corporation, we can cater to your training needs. Our training is in alignment with the latest changes in government health and safety policies. We provide practical, fun and relevant health and safety training with proof in your pocket on completion.

As a nationwide provider, Safety ‘n Action can deliver training directly at the client’s site anywhere in New Zealand or at one of the company’s purpose built training centres located at Albany, Highbrook, Morrinsville and Christchurch. Company specific courses can be arranged and are tailored to meet the company’s own procedures and policies and unique work environments. The company also offers online courses where people can undertake reassessmen or the paper-based element of the practical courses.

Auckland Freephone:0800 222 388 Phone: 09 414 5944 Fax: 09 414 6299 Email : Building Innovations NZ 25

Health & Safety 11 March Place, Belfast, Christchurch 8051 PO Box 227, Kaiapoi 7644 P (03) 323 4477 M 027 307 8092 F 03) 323 4466 E

We sell scaffolding New & 2nd Hand

Firm prides itself on top quality products Christchurch firm Direct Scaffolding Supplies has a simple philosophy. To offer top quality, safe and affordable scaffold fittings and accessories to the New Zealand market. “Our goal is to offer top quality scaffolding products manufactured from both locally sourced and outsourced materials that cater for all our clients scaffolding requirements,” says Ash Cowlishaw, sales manager. Direct Scaffolding manufactures and supplies direct to a wide range of professional and private clients including scaffolding companies, builders, painters, construction and hire companies, as well as the general public. “We supply everything from a full range of tube and clip scaffolding for scaffolding companies, to the more basic scaffold systems that are ideal for home owners doing general maintenance work,.’

Set of full frames (2x full frames 2x full braces) ONLY $300+gst until the end of February

All Direct Scaffolding products are tested to meet all current New Zealand and Australian industry health and safety standards, and come with a 100 percent safety record. “We make sure any new customers are familiar with their obligations under the legislation and industry standards around the erection of scaffolding set by SARNZ,

to ensure the safety of themselves and their staff.” Direct Scaffolding Supplies is a subsidiary of Christchurch scaffolding firm Sky High Scaffolding. It was established to meet a growing demand for scaffolding supplies following the Canterbury earthquakes. The company now employs around eight staff, either on the floor helping with manufacturing and distribution both locally and nationally, assisting with client relationships, or in the office promoting Direct Scaffold Supplies’ products. Although the company predominantly services the Canterbury market, it also has clients throughout the South Island, into Wellington, Auckland, New Plymouth, Taurange, the Bay of Plenty and even the Pacific Islands. “We are proud to be a 100 percent New Zealand owned and operated company of scaffolding experts, with the knowledge and experience to ensure our clients get the right scaffolding products for their job.” “Customers can view our full product range of scaffolding systems, equipment and accessories online at www. or are welcome to visit our Christchurch showroom for a chat about their scaffolding needs.”

WHY IS HAZARD MANAGEMENT IMPORTANT FOR ME? There are a number of key reasons why you should manage hazards on your site. 1. YOU WANT TO GO HOME UNHARMED AT THE END OF EVERY DAY In the last year, HazardCo clients have reported 474 accidents. Of these, 101 were serious harm accidents resulting in injuries that put individuals out of work for weeks. Of the 31 falls from height, 1 resulted in death, 5 in spinal injuries and the rest in numerous broken bones and internal injuries. As you imagine this is traumatic and stressful for the individuals, families, workmates and employers of those involved. 2. YOU ARE A PROFESSIONAL Hazard management is a necessary step to ensure everyone is working safely on site and that no one visiting the site will be at risk of being harmed. As a professional, you pride yourself on doing a good job - hazard management is part of that. Instead of assuming that you won’t have an accident; ensure that you don’t by having active health and safety management in place. 3. ACCIDENTS ARE COSTLY Injured employees off work on ACC, being investigated by MBIE, or having to appear in court as a result of a serious harm accident are all bad for business and bad for the unfortunate people involved.

WHAT IS HAZARD MANAGEMENT? Below is a summarised overview of the four steps of hazard management 1. IDENTIFYING THE HAZARD Prior to starting any work, a hazard ID should be completed for the work site to identify any significant hazards. 2. ASSESSING THE HAZARD To assess a hazard you need to decide that if nothing is done could it cause injury or serious harm either now or in the future. 3. CONTROLLING A HAZARD Controlling significant hazards is a legal requirement and you must always eliminate them if you can. As we know, elimination isn’t always practical, so often the best option is to isolate the hazard. If you can’t isolate the hazard, then you must minimise the risk of harm occurring through measures such as good procedures, training, wearing PPE etc. 4. MONITORING THE HAZARD After you have put in place the appropriate hazard controls, it is important that you regularly check they are working.

Hazard management needs to be done in a systematic and regular way. The HazardCo system gives you the resources to manage and control hazards on your work site. For further information or assistance on hazard management or health and safety in general please contact HazardCo. Phone: 0800 555 339 Email: Web:

26 Building Innovations NZ

Health & Safety

Nets for residential use Safety Nets NZ is at the forefront of driving compliance to ensure their safety nets address the fundamental concerns of the Labour Group of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment around working at heights on house construction sites. After discussions with the Department, Safety Nets NZ has developed a safety net solution that is specifically aimed at the residential sector. The carefully designed system suits all house construction projects and offers a cost effective and robust solution to the Department’s concerns. The system is based on the 3 C’s of safety nets installation: compliant nets, compliant rigging and certified installers. Safety Nets NZ general manager Craig Daly says that the installation of safety nets on residential construction sites adds minimal cost to the overall build cost of the house. “The nets are installed very quickly with no impact on the overall works programme and upon completion are certified via handover certificate to enable overhead works to commence. “Once these works have been completed, we return to site to remove the nets. Unlike with some other soft fall arrest systems available, works can also continue unimpeded below the nets whilst they are in place,” Daly says. One of the main advantages of using safety nets on residential construction sites is the fact that the net system, unlike a personal

harness for example, is not reliant on workers themselves having to take steps to establish fall protection measures. Safety Nets NZ has been providing a cost effective, professional and fully compliant fall arrest solution on construction sites since 2008. The company has since carried out over 100 commercial and 1000 residential netting installations. On commercial projects the Safety Nets NZ process involves a site visit to determine the best solution, development of a site specific safety plan and method statement, rigging of nets by professional riggers and certification before handover. The company is on hand to deal with any issues during the job and returns later to take down the nets once the builders works have been completed. All of Safety Nets NZ products are installed by fully trained, qualified and certified installers. Safety Nets NZ is a corporate member of the New Zealand Safety Council. Daly says that the safety net fall arrest solution is increasingly becoming the preferred means of providing soft landing internal fall protection measures on residential construction sites for builders and roofers alike. The company’s list of repeat customers includes some of the country’s largest and most respected construction and house building companies. For more information visit www.




As part of our service to clients we offer a free, no-obligation quotation, tailored to suit your requirements, and carried out by our most senior staff members. Advantages of using Safety Nets NZ on house construction projects • Provide collective , passive fall arrest solution i.e. no reliance of worker action – e.g. securing harnesses. • Installed and certified by our fully qualified, professional team of riggers. • Minimises impacts on builders works , permitting works to also continue in the house BELOW the nets whilst they remain in place – unlike other means of soft fall protection systems that are available. • Is quickly installed and removed, having little, if any, impact on project timeline. • Is extremely cost effective and adds very little to overall cost of house build. • Enables truss installation , roof construction, installation of exterior linings etc. to be undertaken unimpeded. • Range of net sizes available mean that any size room can be protected. • Specially designed and developed brackets are secured to the face of the top plate to ease net installation, and enable builders works to continue. • Nets are fitted as close as possible to the working level, thereby minimising fall distance into net. Fall distances much less than with other alternative means of soft fall protection.

Contact Craig Daly - General Manager PO Box 305 206, Triton Plaza, Mairangi Bay Tel 09 478 9047 Fax 09 479 9524 Mob 021 782 583 Email



Introducing a revolutionary system for roof edge protection and working platform. 100% NZ DESIGNED AND MADE.

07 577 6469 | Building Innovations NZ 27

Health & Safety

Contact us for a quote

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Working at Heights - don’t compromise on quality Safety when working at heights comes down to two things – the right equipment and the right advice. ATF has been involved in the edge protection and height safety industry for the past 16 years in New Zealand making the company one of the pioneers in this country. Many years of research, development and consultation with industry clients and business partners has helped ATF develop the extensive Guardrail range of edge protection, offering systems that are unique, versatile and the ultimate in height safety. ATF Guardrail products offer a choice of systems to suit the toughest height safety problems and have been recognised throughout the industry and awarded by key industry bodies. All Guardrail products fully comply with and are regulated to domestic standards AS/NZ 4994.1/.2 and commercial standards AS/ NZ 1576 and AS/NZ 4576. All solutions are installed by fully ticketed and accredited installation crews. For existing houses ATF has just developed a new under eave compression system, which makes re-roofing and maintenance a breeze for contractors. The system is not fixed to the structure but rather fits up under the eaves making it quick and easy to install.

28 Building Innovations NZ

The system is fully tested and complies with the AS/NZS 4994:1 2009 temporary edge protection standard. ATF’s range of height safety solutions

includes both residential and commercial edge protection, platform, void protection, gantry and access tower solutions. The other major product line offered by the company is temporary fencing. ATF is the largest temporary fencing supplier in New Zealand with branches located throughout the country. Temporary fencing has been supplied to many construction sites including the $2.4b Waterview Connection project in Auckland. ATF supplies product for a wide range of customers including Fletcher Construction, Monier, Metalcraft Industries, Placemakers, Fulton Hogan, Leighton, Hawkins Construction and Downer. A personal ATF account manager is appointed to look after each customer’s requirements from pre-planning to completion. The account manager works closely with each client to tailor a solution to suit their needs and who will help each client to meet critical construction or event schedules saving costly delays and importantly unwanted injury. ATF equipment is locally made and rigorously tested to meet the highest New Zealand standards and the toughest conditions. All solutions offered by the company are backed by comprehensive safety policies and operation manuals.

Green Building

Demonstrating the ‘future of housing’ Queenstown firm Rilean Construction has started work on its first permanent Evolution Series show home at Jack’s Point to help educate people on eco-friendly building methods. Designed by architect Mark Gray, the fourbedroom, two-bathroom home will open in April 2014. It will have a consultant on site five days a week to show people around the home and answer questions on building energy efficient homes. The Queenstown-based company pioneered sustainable and energy-efficient home building in the South Island when it launched the Evolution home series in December 2010. The Evolution philosophy is simple; to design and construct healthier, warmer, more energy efficient and sustainable homes while reducing CO2 emissions. Since its launch the series has exceeded expectations with a total of 10 contracts underway this year alone. One home on Speargrass Flat Road, completed last year, achieved a highly-rated six-star Homestar rating for excellence in eco-friendly building, making it the first in Queenstown to receive the accolade. Rilean Construction director/shareholder Mick Moffatt said over the last two years people had become more interested in building environmentally-responsible homes for environmental and financial reasons. “We’re increasingly being asked questions about building energy efficiency homes and how they can save people money in the long

run, be healthier and protect the environment for future generations,” says Moffatt. “People have a genuine interest and desire to be better educated about their options and want to understand the value of building an eco-friendly home. “We monitor all of our homes for energy efficiency post construction and all of our homes are performing way better than we expected at design and modelling stage.” Moffatt recently returned from a trip to the UK where it’s compulsory for all houses to have an energy rating to build, sell or rent. “Much like we’re seeing cars, household appliances and electrical equipment rated for its energy efficiency. I’m pretty sure we’ll see something similar for homes within the next few years in New Zealand,” says Moffatt. “Investors and new home owners that invest in their home now will see the benefits when selling and renting in the future. “House A that is minimum code and has a low scoring energy rating will be a lot less attractive than House B that has a higher energy rating, is energy efficient, warmer, and healthier and could save people upwards of $2,000 per year in running costs.” Moffatt says that Rilean Construction’s Evolution series has become “something of a revolution” in just three years and will account for 25% of the company’s turnover this financial year. Tthe company’s eco-friendly options don’t stop with the Evolution series. In preparation for the “future of housing”, Rilean will offer ‘Passive House’ options to clients sometime in 2014.

One of the first evolution homes at St Andrews Park in Queenstown.

Solar modules a hit CSUN high-tech solar modules have proved a hit with New Zealand home and business owners and installers since their introduction to the market earlier this year. The NASDAQ-listed, leading manufacturer of solar cells and modules for reliable green power generation, is being represented in New Zealand by Power Technology and managing director Ray Littin says the CSUN brand brings a number of key advantages to the New Zealand market. “CSUN offers a high efficiency solution and passes comprehensive salt mist corrosion testing, which is very important in the New Zealand market. “The modules are certified to high wind standards and snow loadings. But the biggest advantage of all is that they perform well even in weak sun conditions. In fact the CSUN modules have the world’s highest cell conversion efficiency.” Power Technology has just completed an installation of the modules on a house in Glenorchy and Littin says the project is a good example of the excellent value for money CSUN modules represent. “In less than a week after installation of the 4kW system they generated 100kW of solar energy. That’s almost enough to supply all the energy needs for this home,” he says. Littin says CSUN modules are particularly suited to New Zealand’s cool climate with high sun availability. CSUN modules have a 25 year rated life and CSUN has technical centres

located worldwide with support in New Zealand provided by the experts at Power Technology. Power Technology takes pride in being a leader in New Zealand of solar electric technology and has been in the remote area power business for nearly 30 years. The company has established itself as a leader in electronic components, power devices, UPS, batteries and renewable solar power energy. Power Technology distributes a number of brands of OEM panels and modules including Schott Solar Power Products, Wagner & Co Image by Laurence Belcher - - Glenorchy

Solartechnik solar, Auria solar modules, ChinaSol and CSUN. The company also complements this range with inverters by Kaco, Selectronic SP Pro and EnaSolar for on grid and off grid installations. Also supplied are solar system controllers, mounting kits and battery backup support. Products supplied by the company can convert solar energy from the sun to provide enough power to supplement a power system or even to replace it entirely taking a home or building off the grid. Whether the solar electric system contributes to the power needs of the home or building or supplies them completely depends on the number of solar panels installed and the size of the equipment selected. Power Technology supply products to installers and electrical dealers throughout New Zealand and the Pacific. For more information visit


Solar System Installers, Specifiers, Electricians, System Integrators, Designers Call us for your clients’ Solar Power System Kits - Residential, Industrial, Marine, OEM, Commercial and Rural - even Custom-made Panels Stand Alone Off-grid and Grid-Tied Systems 1W to 1MW plus Power Technology - a leader in Solar Energy for home, farm and business. High quality systems from ground arrays to rooftop power generation. Turn Key Solar Power Generation - Solar Controllers, Inverters and Energy Management, Ground and Roof Array Mounting

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Building Innovations NZ 29

Increase the flow of visitors through your showhomes!!! Where ARE all the Showhomes? Our readers say that it's difficult to find where the showhomes are in their regions. They say they would visit more, if it was easier to obtain a list of them. Some regions have showhome directories in their local paper, but readers say that only a small number are represented. Googling showhomes, brings up a limited list of building companies that might have a showhome. You must then enter each individual website, and Photo Credit: Lockwood Homes search for the page that might show where the showhomes are. Many will not even be relevant to the selected region. You then must print the page off, if the showhome is in the right region, or take a note of the address. You then have to repeat the process with each building companies websites. This is very time consuming, and most say they would not bother. Waterford Press is launching a new on-line Showhome directory on the 1st of April 2014, and marketing it regularly via our

publications, which reach the majority of New Zealand's working adult population. When users google "showhomes" the directory will appear. Users will see a map of New Zealand, and when they click on their Photo Credit: JE Colette Builders Ltd region, a list of showhomes (registered with us) will pop up. The list will contain the building companies names, the physical addresses of the showhomes, a contact phone number and a website address. Users can print off the list and take it with them as they tour the showhomes. The key to its success is in its simplicity. It's easy to use!!! Photo Credit: Stonewood Homes Queenstown

Please contact Helena Watson on (03) 983 5521 for further information and rates etc.

In the 62 years that Lockwood have been building, our commitment to the quality of our designs and our homes has never wavered. Our recent award as the “Most Trusted Home Building Brand 2013” is evidence of this commitment.

In addition to demonstrating consistency and quality, it should assist in a smoother building consent process, since under the Building Act, Councils are required to accept CodeMark product certification, as evidence of compliance.

As a result we enjoy an enviable reputation; outstanding performance in very high wind, earthquakes and extreme temperatures. We continually challenge ourselves to demonstrate that what we say we are, is translated into reality.

Lockwood is also recognised for its commitment to sustainability. The Rainforest Alliance has recently certified the Lockwood Group to Forest Stewardship Council™ Chain of Custody certification standards.

CodeMark certification is a tool that is enshrined in legislation and gives certainty of compliance with the NZ Building Code. Applications for CodeMark can be made for a single building product or for a building system. Once again Lockwood has led the way. We are the first company to receive CodeMark certification for a complete wall system. In order to obtain a CodeMark certificate, we had to provide robust evidence to show that our system complied with the stringent NZ building code. We also needed to demonstrate that the quality of manufacture of our product that is engineered in our factory, is produced to the exacting standards necessary to continually maintain that compliance. In other words, from design right through to the final build process, it’s always done - “The Lockwood Way”.

This certification provides a credible link between responsible production and consumption of forest products, enabling consumers and businesses to make purchasing decisions that benefit people and the environment. If you are tackling the path to home ownership, you can choose from Lockwood‘s extensive range of contemporary home designs and sizes. Our house plans can be personalised to suit your specific requirements – quicker than starting from scratch, but still your very own home. Alternatively, our design team can breathe life into your ideas with our design and build option. We are very proud of our NZ first achievements and the vote of confidence bestowed on our iconic brand, it has certainly been a momentous year for us - but then again, leading the way is what Lockwood has always done best. To find out more visit

The home you deserve Office details Stonewood Homes Queenstown 161 Glenda Drive Frankton, Queenstown 03 409 0924 | 0800 86 00 00

Show Home 1 2 Herries Lane Lake Hayes Estate Frankton Queenstown

Show Home 2 Stalker Road Shotover Country Frankton Queenstown

Christmas Open Hours 2 - 4pm every day except the 25-26th December and 1st-2nd of January

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