Building Innovations Winter 2014

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“Select Reinforcing focused on delivering quick lead times for customers”


3 Ryans Pl, Rangiora | 03 313 0433 |

Ashburton Ahead - 12-page Liftout Building Innovations 1-9.indd 1

27/06/2014 8:41:48 a.m.

Genesis - helping trades get connected Genesis Energy Trade Connections is the only trade specific service for new electricity and gas connections offered to the building and construction industry in New Zealand, says Stuart MacRae from Genesis Energy. The dedicated Trade Connections service not only saves time when arranging new electricity or gas connections, the money saved over the duration of a build can be significant, he says. Genesis Energy does not charge a daily line fee. Coupled with trade rates for electricity and gas this can add up to considerable savings on a build. “Our special rates for trades people are just 35 cents per kilowatt hour for electricity and 30 cents per kilowatt hour for gas, which means very competitive monthly energy bills” says Stuart. Genesis Energy has been offering a specialised service to the trade for a number of years. The service was rebranded as ‘Trade Connections’ in 2013. The service offers new electricity connections with reticulated gas and LPG in the North Island and bottled LPG in the South Island. Trade Connections is made up of a specialised team with specific experience and training in setting up new connections for the building industry. “We’ve done a lot of research to work out what the trade wants. Our Trade Connections team know the requirements of the industry and talk the talk. We make everything simple, easy and efficient. This ensures our trade clients don’t get mucked around.”

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New connections can be made through Genesis Energy’s Trade Connections call centre. Alternatively you can email or fax your requests or set them up in your own time online through the Genesis Energy Trade Connections website. Genesis Energy Trade Connections also offers an online calculator to help tradespeople work out what savings they could potentially make by using the Trade Connections service. Trade Connections supports the construction industry through associations with many large group building companies, Future-Proof Building, Master Builders, Certified Builders, Master Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers. “We attend many trade events throughout the country; this gives us an opportunity to talk to people in the trade to make sure we keep up with the industry and it lets us pass on any topical information to help the trade with their new connection needs.” Trade Connections is part of a range of services being offered by Genesis Energy to make life easier for customers. Genesis Energy has almost completed its roll out of Advanced Meters - an electricity meter with wireless communications that remotely reads how much electricity is actually being used each month, instead of relying on manual reads or estimates. Genesis Energy also offers benefits to customers that use both electricity and natural gas. Call 0800 155 010 to get in touch with a Trade Connections specialist or log onto tradeconnections to find out more.

Stuart MacRae: “We make everything simple, easy and efficient.”

27/06/2014 8:41:52 a.m.


Kerry McCollum, Donovan Group Principal Engineer with tapered box beams ready for installation

Coresteel is leading the New Zealand steel industry in both innovation and design with the development of box beam technology that will change the future of steel building.

already in use in a number of buildings across the North Island, with the largest building to date being 15,000m2, made up of three clear span 50m buildings. Donovan Group Principal Engineer Kerry McCollum believes the tapered box beam is the way of the future.

Currently under patent, the tapered box beam offers a superior alternative to the traditional I Beam for portal framed buildings. Rather than steel being forged in an offshore plant, the beams are produced in New Zealand from local iron sand, helping to build New Zealand’s economy and giving the end product a much smaller carbon footprint. The tapered box beams are a joint venture between Donovan Group, owner of Coresteel, and Steltech, a division of New Zealand Steel Ltd. The system is HERA verified and is


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“Not only is it 100% manufactured in New Zealand, but it is also more cost effective than I Beams as we can taper the steel to be deeper in the areas that need strengthening and shallower in the areas that don’t. “The design is completely vermin and bird proof, as well as stopping dust collection, which is a real bonus for most industries, including food manufacturing. I Beams, or Universal Beams, have dominated the industry for so long, and we can now offer a cheaper, more effective alternative, manufactured here in New Zealand.”

(0800 267 378)

Steltech Marketing Manager Nick Clements says the tapered box beam was designed to meet a specific need in the market between smaller cold formed steel solutions and Steltech’s optimised welded solutions for much larger scale builds. “What we’ve created is the ideal solution for portal frame buildings with clear spans over 30 metres, which is a good portion of the commercial building market. “With the design methodology approved by HERA and examples of tapered box beams already in the market, we’re expecting strong demand for this unique product.” A JOINT VENTURE BETWEEN


27/06/2014 8:41:57 a.m.


Building Innovations NZ | Winter



EDITORIAL Editor Nick Gormack


Journalists Jo Bailey, Karen Phelps, Kelly Deeks, Sue Russell

SALES ROOM Helena Watson, Debbie Bennett

PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Senior Designer Sadhna Nath

Staunchly Sustainable

Christchurch’s Bob Burnett is a staunch advocate of energy efficiency and sustainable building design.

17 Company Collection

A new gallery in Gisborne will house the treasures of the Maori Battalion’s C Company.

Graphic Artists Jesse Calder, Samantha Stuart, Liki Udam, Anton Gray, Sarah McQuilkin, Michael Parker Customer Services Ann-Marie Frentz Coral Levett, Sarah Bell Distribution Wendy McLarin



Manager Helen Bourne Subscriptions Jill Holland Credit Control Wendy Winggate Printed by

Theatre Transformation

The Globe Theatre redevelopment project has seen the 32-year-old building come of age.

26 Community Comfort

A new community for the elderly in Kaiapoi will help pensioners displaced in the earthquakes.

Waterford Press Limited 112 Wrights Road, Addington, Christchurch Phone 03-983 5500 P O Box 37 346 These conditions are prescribed for the sake of understanding between the Company and its clients. Advertising is charged for on the basis of space taken up using a standard tabloid page. Actual space may be reduced during the printing process but this will effect all advertisers equally so no credit will be given for any reduction in size due to processing. The Company reserves the right to alter, change or omit entirely any advertisement or article that it considers to be objectionable or which may contravene any law. In the event of a failure on the part of the Company to insert advertising as instructed the Company may publish the advertisement at the first available subsequent reasonable date unless the advertisement features date sensitive material. Every care shall be taken to publish the advertisement in accordance with the advertisers instructions as to page and position but the Company reserves the right for whatever reason to place advertising in a different position and in doing so shall incur no liability whatsoever. Advertisers must advise the Company immediately of any error or omission in advertisements and shall work constructively to remedy the situation which in the first instance shall be a rerun of the corrected advertisement in the next available issue. Where advertisement proofs have been faxed or mailed to the client 48 hours prior to the nominated printing cutoff time acquiesce shall be taken as confirmation and acceptance. Corrections made by telephone shall be accepted but the Company reserves the right to decide whether a further proof should be faxed or mailed to the client. Accounts for advertising are due for payment within seven days of publication of the newspaper. Accounts not paid within this time may incur a penalty of 3% per month until the account is paid. Any debt collection costs incurred by the Company will be added to the account of the debtor. Views and opinions expressed in Building Innovations NZ are not necessarily those of the editors, Waterford Press Ltd or publisher. Building Innovations NZ welcomes contributions from freelance writers & journalists. All articles published at editors discretion. Building Innovations NZ accepts no responsibilty for loss of photos or manuscripts.

34 Lifestyle Luxury

Expansion of the Settlers Albany lifestyle village near Auckland is well on track.

44 High-density Heaven

The Chiefs Court housing development in Hamilton is generating wide appeal.

ISSN 2324-1195

4 Building Innovations NZ

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27/06/2014 8:42:02 a.m.


Import move “short-sighted” Hugh de Lacy The Government’s efforts to cut the cost of building by suspending import duties on a range of building products is going to run into the same problems Australia has already encountered, according to the chief executive of the Building Industry Federation (BIF), Bruce Kohn. In its May Budget the Government temporarily removed countervailing duties on plasterboard, wire nails and reinforcing steel, and removed tariffs on a wide range of other products, from roofing and cladding materials to insulation, paint and electrical and plumbing fixtures. Its rationale was to reduce the cost of building the average house by around $3500, and to stimulate competition. But Kohn said that the move was “shortsighted”. He said the impact on building costs would be minimal, and would greatly increase the likelihood of sub-standard and not-fit-for-purpose materials being used in New Zealand home builds. “It’s easy for [sub-standard products] to get into New Zealand because of the immense difficulty of trying to police this type of activity at the border,” Kohn said. A recent report by the Australian Industry Group said there was significant non-conforming product getting into that country’s building and construction sector, it was increasing the safety risk to building staff and the public, and would have a long-term negative effect on asset values.

“From a consumer viewpoint [builders] are better sticking with branded products they know, and obtaining them through the merchant chain which maintains strong product assessment regimes, and generally source their materials from known quality suppliers.” Kohn said the same dangers now faced New Zealand. Once such materials had crossed the border it was difficult for local body building inspectors to check the validity and fit-forpurpose nature of products they had not encountered before. “From a consumer viewpoint [builders] are better sticking with branded products they know, and obtaining them through the merchant chain which maintains strong product assessment regimes, and generally source their materials from known quality suppliers,” Kohn said. Unlike Australia, New Zealand had a government-driven product assurance framework, but there was no guarantee imported materials would be subjected to it. Kohn cited the instance of Chinese-made non-shatter-proof shower doors appearing on the New Zealand market and then being snapped up by buyers unaware of their dangers. Customs had also recently intercepted a suitcase full of counterfeit Hitachi labels

that were being attached to power tools bought on-line in the United States, had their electrics modified for the local supply grid, and were then sold online and in street markets. Kohn said that the estimated $3500 saving from suspending tariffs and duties was a small percentage of the cost of building the average house. The BIF, which lobbies the Government on behalf of the building industry, was adamant that the savings on material costs would make only a small dent in the wider problem of housing affordability. “The real problem is the land cost, not the materials or the actual building cost,” Kohn said. He added that the suspension of antidumping duties on plasterboard, wire nails and reinforcing steel “casts doubt on the willingness of the Government to protect New Zealand businesses [from[ predatory international suppliers prepared to export to third countries at prices lower their domestic cost of production”.

Website targets more compliance The Commerce Commission has launched a new website for the construction industry, which is aimed at helping to increase the understanding of competition and consumer laws so they can improve their compliance. “The idea for the website arose from our work with the sector over the last few years,” said Commission spokesperson Kate Morrison. “We saw the need for a userfriendly guide specifically tailored to the needs of construction businesses and workers to help them understand and comply with the laws that we enforce.” “We’ve tried to make the language on the website really down-to-earth and practical. “We want it to be a ‘one-stop shop’ for busy people. And we’ve put in lots of examples to help make the concepts more relevant. “The wider construction sector is incredibly important to New Zealand’s economy for a number of reasons. Overseas experience indicates that the sector is particularly susceptible to cartel, or price-fixing conduct, mainly due to structural characteristics of many construction markets.

Select Reinforcing focused on quicker lead times Select Reinforcing is a Rangiora-based company offering a range of products including reinforcing mesh for concrete, reinforcing rods, mesh chairs, reinforcing cast moulds, and tie wire. General manager Hayden Yates believes the company offers the fastest service in terms of estimating and quoting in what is a very busy industry. “Service and prompt turnaround has always been our focus as we understand that down time waiting for quotes and delivery of products is an unnecessary cost to our customer,” he says. “Whilst being uncompromising on quality, our efficiency in getting your quote or estimate turned around, matched by our quick turnaround on the actual job, gives our customers a distinct advantage.” Given the growth in the Waimakariri District, which is forecast to continue for 2014 and 2015, Select Reinforcing is geared up to supply the requirements for the local industry as well as many projects that its customers are working on in Christchurch City itself. Recent investment in new automatic bending machinery will give greater ability for larger quantity work for commercial and light industrial jobs. With a full time qualified quantity surveyor on staff, Select Reinforcing has the experience and knowledge to ensure an exceptional level of accuracy in quoting and estimating the requirements of any project. “We have seen a shift with a lot of Christchurch based building companies now doing work in North Canterbury, and we know we are competitive on price for those companies wanting to use local suppliers for their out of town jobs, saving greater delivery costs and delays,” Yates says. Builders are dealing with a number of issues in this current market.

Select Reinforcing is geared up to supply projects throughout the greater Canterbury area. Firstly, much insurance work is at a set rate, and therefore the builder must be very diligent with obtaining the best possible price in the market. Select Reinforcing is constantly verifying its pricing is competitive to ensure it can confidently tell its customers that it always offers them the best possible price. Secondly, as the rebuild gains momentum, there are delays getting products. There is pressure on the builders to order products further in advance than has been required

in the past, causing delays on overall build times. This costs the builder and also their customer. Select Reinforcing’s focus remains on speed of turnaround, to avoid any downtime for the builder. This applies for both estimating/quoting and also the delivery of the actual job once signed off. “Ultimately, we put ourselves in the shoes of our customers, and strive to ensure we offer the speed of service, competitiveness and quality that we would expect ourselves.

“We take responsibility for making our customers’ job as easy for them as possible.” A customer-focussed and local company, Select Reinforcing encourages those looking at supplier options to get in touch for a chat, or request a quote to compare to their existing supplier. “I am confident you will appreciate the ease of service, expertise, and competitiveness that Select Reinforcing can offer you,” Yates says.

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27/06/2014 8:42:03 a.m.

Seismic Strengthening

Trials assess repair methods The best solutions for repairing the foundations of Canterbury’s damaged houses is of huge interest to homeowners, builders, engineers and insurers, and is the focus of a pilot programme to assess the viability of different foundation repair methods. The findings have a major influence on the repair programme for many of the most vulnerable properties damaged during the Canterbury earthquakes, meaning a faster programme of repair and a greater piece-ofmind for homeowners The collaborative study between Crown entities Housing New Zealand and Southern Response and construction company Arrow International (NZ) Ltd, was focused on developing viable repair methods across different housing, foundation and land types. Up until now, theoretical studies have determined best practice and many real life applications have not all been practically tested. Peter Rose, Chief Executive of Southern Response, says the ultimate benefit of the trials is far reaching. “The trials will prove to be of enormous significance to the entire community; particularly home-owners, and the construction industry,” says Rose. “For some home-owners these trials will speed up repairs and make a huge difference.” Conducted on a cross-section of single and multi-storey Housing New Zealand properties damaged in the February 2011 quake, the study has not only identified the most suitable methodology for a given project, it has resulted in the development of new methodologies. Technical Manager for Arrow International, Matt Tipa, says the trials have

helped to answer many questions around the rebuild. “We were committed to finding robust and innovative ways of effectively repairing the damage to foundations that would more than meet geotechnical and engineering requirements of any given situation”. “It was of critical importance to us that the results of these trials were supported with engineering logic, science and details that offer confidence to all parties involved in the earthquake repair programme, along with consenting authorities. “It’s all very well knowing what the guidelines are, but you have to be able to effectively interpret these within the context of the technical application.” The trials tested four key methodologies. • Jack and Pack – trialled on concrete ring and timber floor structures. This methodology was tested both on heavy and lightweight clad houses on TC2 and TC3 properties; • Screw pile – trialled on duplex units with concrete slab foundations and heavyweight cladding and roofs on TC3 land; • Mechanical lifting – trialled on TC3 properties with both concrete ring and slab foundations • Engineered resin lift – a fast repair methodology, trialled on slab-on-grade properties with minimal site damage Arrow says the study has been peer reviewed by members of the MBIE Engineering Advisory Group giving it technical endorsement for MBIE’s building and construction guidelines. Southern Response and Arrow are now conducting industry-wide seminars on the trials and how they can help the residential repair programme.


Contact: Ben Gorst

021 334 766

At Fahey Fence Hire our fences are delivered as promised. Our hire fences are ideal for commercial or domestic construction sites, security, events, and to safe-guard pool or pet areas. A temporary fencing company should give simple quotes and turn up when they promise. After all - it's NOT rocket science.

New product a winner Steel & Tube’s new ST963 roofing and cladding profile has taken the market by storm. ST963 addresses a gap in the market for a high strength, wide cover commercial roofing profile. “It’s stronger so is more resistant to damage from foot traffic during construction. It’s easier to install due to being the widest cover-for-profile in its class. And it’s costeffective providing material and labour savings,” says Steel and Tube National Manager, Roofing Mark Waterman. “Feedback from installers, architects/ designers and end user customers is very positive and this also extends to the attractive appearance which is seeing it being used for wall cladding and residential uses.” The product, which took 12 months to develop, has really upped the ante in terms of strength and cover in its product class.

and comes in response to Canterbury’s rebuild requirements. The machine employs a unique hands-free steel management system, which automatically feeds de-coiled steel into the roll former and eliminates the need for an operator to manually guide metal into the front of the machine. ST963 is suitable for a wide range of end uses including roof and wall cladding, ceilings and linings. The product is available in a variety of material including .40mm and .55mm Zincalume steel and .70mm and .90mm aluminium, both with or without factory applied paint coatings. Galvanised steel, stainless steel and other non-ferrous materials are available subject to limitations. The new profile is available in a large variety of colours. Steel & Tube is New Zealand’s leading supplier of steel products with distribution network in 40 locations.

The features which make ST963 stand out in the market are that it has four trapezoidal ribs of 46mm in height and unique design enhancements which stiffen the rib shape to provide industry-leading resistance to both wind uplift and point load distortion.

The company has been proudly supporting local businesses for over 60 years. Steel & Tube is New Zealand owned and among the New Zealand Stock Exchange’s top 50 companies.

The product is manufactured at Steel &Tube’s Auckland operation as well as on the recently commissioned state of the art dual-level-long run-roll forming machine based at its Christchurch facility.

The company’s extensive product range includes steel, stainless steel, piping, roofing, purlins, reinforcing, mesh, chain and rigging, fasteners, industrial products and more. ST963 is available nationwide.

This dual-level machine greatly expands the company’s capacity to manufacture ST900 and ST963 metal roofing profiles,

For more information go to www. or for personal assistance telephone 0800 478 335

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Contact the experts today on 0800 478 335

6 Building Innovations NZ

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27/06/2014 8:42:04 a.m.

Commercial - Fuze Business Interiors

Designs embrace new way of thinking Karen Phelps A new office culture is emerging where employers are increasingly recognising that looking after the well-being of their staff leads to improved productivity, profits and retention of key staff, says Fuze Business Interiors manager John Duffin. In fact he says that he has never seen such a rapid shift in his 30 years in office design. “New devices, new ways of working and sharing information mean that workplace design has had to change. “For example five years ago the concept of break-out space was only accepted by the most progressive employers. But today the modern office leaves behind cubicles and pokey meeting rooms to make way for more open-plan space - collaborative seating, breakout spaces, meeting areas and a more engaged working environment.” Enhancing employee well-being is an idea that has long been shared by Fuze Business Interiors which create workspaces to advance employee engagement, facilitating an office culture of productive well-being. Duffin says across New Zealand employers are now recognising that providing a dynamic, healthy, creative space for employees is critical to the success of the organisation. “Efficient office design focuses on allowing for optimal communication and collaboration which, in turn, leads to improved innovation with a more organic communication structure. “For example, employees using sit-stand desks and break-out spaces, are more likely to engage with one another in a more natural and impromptu way, providing immediate and spontaneous feedback as opposed to employees in a more traditional, less fluid, and limiting working environment. “By embracing a modern productive work environment and changing the way we work to create a new office culture we can increase

New trends in workplace design can enhance employee well-being and help to increase work engagement. employee engagement thus future-proofing our business in a significant way.” His claims are backed up by the recent State of the Global Workplace: Employee Engagement Insights for Business Leaders Worldwide report, which highlights findings from Gallup’s ongoing study of workplaces. The report, which polled 25 million employees, found that the vast majority of employed people around the globe were either

The well-being of employees directly impacts employee retention, absenteeism and health.

“The modern office leaves behind cubicles and pokey meeting rooms to make way for more open-plan space collaborative seating, break-out spaces, meeting areas and a more engaged working environment.” not engaged or were actively disengaged at work. “This means that these people are emotionally disconnected from their workplaces and less likely to be productive,” says Duffin. “Of the 13% of employees who were engaged in their jobs the report found that these people were emotionally invested in and focused on creating value for their organizations every day.” Duffin says that New Zealand fared a little better with 23% of employees engaged in their jobs but 62% were not engaged and 15% were actively disengaged and potentially hostile to their organisations. “We compare well on a global scale but the report found that only 19% of employees in leadership positions are engaged in their jobs. “Low engagement among managers is troubling for businesses as they play the most significant role in influencing engagement among workers who report to them.” According to the report successful organisations make engagement the focus of their growth, boosting engagement levels with strategies to hire the right employees, develop their strengths, and enhance their well-being. Duffin says clients often find that initiating changes in the workspace often don’t cost as much as they might think: “Good quality products last longer and can actually decrease the total cost of the office furniture expenditure over a five to 10-year period. “Items such as sit/standing desks are not only healthier for employees, but also mean employees will be moving around more so office footprints often do not need to be as large. “Employers are used to supplying a desk and chair, a place to work and perhaps a café space. “In real estate terms, we previously designed offices where 70% of the space was

devoted to traditional working areas and 30% to meeting and facilities areas. Changes in technology and office design, means the same space can be reorganised into 50% working areas and 50% collaborative/breakout/meeting and facilities space. “An employee sitting in comfortable lounge type chair, working on a tablet connected to the cloud is probably more productive than the one stuck in a cubicle,” he says. Duffin says that further to these benefits of increased productivity and communication the productive well-being of employees directly impacts employee retention, absenteeism and health. He says that while industrial workplaces have a large focus of safety, the sedentary office worker faces just as much danger from the health issues such as occupational overuse syndrome that come from the way workplaces have developed. But rather than just being all about furniture, creating workspaces that promote well-being is centred on company culture. “The right furniture will facilitate the culture of productive well-being. “When you start thinking about office furniture with Fuze Business Interiors expect to be confronted with a new design ethic that will also challenge why you work the way you do. “Great offices are good for you. They make you want to go to work, to be as engaged as possible in your day and to leave healthy and happy. “Employees and employers alike are beginning to recognise the value of great company culture.” Fuze Business Interiors, Auckland Showroom 15 Bath St, Parnell 09 309 1710, Christchurch Showroom 220 St Asaph Street, Christchurch Central 03 366 4400,

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27/06/2014 8:42:06 a.m.

Sustainability - Green Building

Recognition for sustainable design work Jo Bailey Christchurch architectural designer Bob Burnett’s advocacy for energy efficiency and sustainable building design has led to a commendation at the 2014 EECA Awards which attracted around 150 entries from throughout New Zealand. The award was one of three handed out in the Vector Energy Leadership category. “It’s great to receive this recognition for our practice for showing leadership in energy efficiency and sustainability, and not just for one project,” says Burnett. The EECA judges said Burnett is a “very good influential practitioner” working in a tight circle. “His work has longevity and integrity. We expect his advocacy to have more impact as the rebuild gathers momentum in Christchurch,” they said. Burnett has championed energy-efficient home design throughout his 25 year career, with a particular interest in passive solar home design, high-performing thermal envelopes and low running costs. He has been involved in the technical development group for the Homestar rating system and is a certified Homestar practitioner and assessor. Two demonstration homes in Christchurch are among the first seven and eight-star homes he has designed, which are already some of New Zealand’s most energy efficient, he says. “These homes are a great tool for showcasing what is possible in these sorts of designs. We are just about to start construction of two more demonstration homes in Christchurch for which we’re targeting nine stars. These will be the best to date.”

The Mi House project aims to provide high quality, environmentally sound, energy-efficient, pre-fabricated homes. Burnett says he also “strives to educate others” about design of efficient and environmentally sound homes and is regularly asked to give talks to his peers, industry bodies and groups; tertiary institutions; and trade events. His already busy practice, Bob Burnett Architecture, is going through a growth phase. “Around 80 to 90 percent of clients come to us because we’re known for environmental design, energy efficiency and better quality homes, which is really satisfying.”

The insulation experts Even the best insulation material can be ineffective if installed poorly, which is why it is so important to choose a company you can trust with the experience to do the job. Auckland Insulation Services Limited is a well-established installer of insulation into residential and commercial properties throughout the greater Auckland area. The company has been in business for over 20 years and has a long standing reputation for quality and value for money. Only highly experienced and knowledgeable appraisers and installers are employed by the company. Because every product the company supplies is different and has unique installation requirements to achieve maximum results, rigorous training means all installers are fully qualified in the installation of specific product lines. “Our installers are hardworking, honest and reliable with many years of experience making them the preferred installers for many large and small Auckland building companies,” explains Michele Wilcox who owns the business with husband Derryn. Auckland Insulation Services installs insulation to a high standard in a wide range of building projects from multi- level apartments and commercial buildings to minor dwellings and small extensions.

Only top quality branded insulation products are used including Pink Batts, Rockwool, Expol and Autex. The company is a preferred installer for Pink Batt. Auckland Insulation Services is also able to source other quality product lines as required making it a one-stop shop for busy builders and home owners. All product is backed by full manufacturer and installation warranties. Another focus of Auckland Insulation Services is offering honest advice. Michele says that the company will not make false recommendations regarding replacing an existing insulation if it is felt this is not necessary. “We provide an honest assessment of what is needed and present possible solutions to the client.” Working in the greater Auckland area, Auckland Insulation Services offers a free no obligation quotation service. The company will quote from plans or site measures both residential and commercial properties. Prompt and efficient service is hallmark of the business, in fact it can take as little as 12 working days from initial contact to finished job. “Our company has had a successful trading history in excess of 20 years. We have maintained an enviable reputation for honesty and reliability over that time.”

The company is also involved in an exciting $45 million joint venture project called Mi House, being developed by a Christchurch firm and a Chinese company that already exports high specification, pre-fabricated homes to Europe and North America. “We have designed the first home for the Mi House project, which aims to provide high quality, environmentally sound, energyefficient, pre-fabricated homes to the New Zealand market, particularly in Christchurch and Auckland where demand is greatest.”

Burnett says the homes would suit infill, brown-field or hill sites; with the developers planning to commit 20 percent of houses to social housing. “The combination of multiple dwellings erected on small lot sizes with advance prefabrication construction can help to reduce costs without compromising quality.” Although the homes are being designed for the New Zealand market, Burnett says there is the “interesting possibility” of designing similar homes for off-shore markets.


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8 Building Innovations NZ

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27/06/2014 8:42:07 a.m.

Education and Upskilling

Industry still woefully short of apprentices The construction industry is still woefully short of building apprentices despite a massive 55 percent increase in new apprenticeship sign-ups in 2013, according to the Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO). In 2013 there were 3230 new sign-ups to the BCITO, in comparison to 2083 in 2012. Although this is by far the largest increase in trainee numbers the BCITO has seen in recent times, chief executive Ruma Karaitiana says the industry is still short of 5000 apprentices. “The building and construction industry is going through a period of rapid growth and demand, particularly in Auckland and Christchurch. The challenge – and the reality – of the nature of work in both cities is that everything is high priority,” he says. “In Christchurch, people can’t cope with living in damaged homes for another year. In Auckland, the housing shortage is now so acute that starting the build is vital. “It’s estimated that because of the sheer magnitude of these projects, we’re in urgent need of another 5,000 building apprentices to meet demand.” Karaitiana says the 2013 increase in apprentice numbers signals business

“Now we’re seeing builders bring on more staff, which is a strong indicator that things are looking up in the building and construction industry. “Most builders have strong order books, and they are feeling much more confident about the future. They are willing to make the commitment of taking on apprentices.” Karaitiana says that if Kiwis are looking to make a career choice or change, this is a fantastic opportunity to enter the industry. “Building and construction is a cyclical industry. Everyone recognises that it has its boom periods, and it also has its quiet patches,” he says. “This is the best time you could hope for to enter the industry. “The scales have tipped and our job matching service is seeing a huge surge in employers requiring apprentices, but the

number of apprentices we have is nowhere near able to meet demand. “Apprentices entering the industry can be confident that they will get through their training and won’t struggle to get established. “They’re entering a period where wage rates are better than ever, and there is a spate of interesting projects to get involved with. The opportunities are endless.” After recently merging with the Joinery Industry Training Organisation (JITO) and Decorating NZ, the BCITO is now the third largest industry training organisation in New Zealand. To register your interest in joining the building and construction industry, fill in the Looking for Work form at nz/lookingforwork To learn more about an apprenticeship in the building and construction industry, visit

Ruma Karaitiana

confidence in the sector, following a decline resulting from the recession. “The reality with apprenticeships is you can’t have apprentices unless you’ve got employment. During the recession, builders cut back on costs and many had to reduce their staff,” he says.

“The scales have tipped and our job matching service is seeing a huge surge in employers requiring apprentices, but the number of apprentices we have is nowhere near able to meet demand.”

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27/06/2014 8:42:12 a.m.

Grow Your Business: getting the right people As our industry gains momentum, many builders are looking to the future, and expanding their teams. We know there’s already a skills shortage, and cracks are already starting to appear in areas of higher demand, namely Auckland and Christchurch. We take a look at how you, as an employer in the building industry, can ensure you get the right people to grow your business. For some, work is already starting to build up, and the decision to hire a new apprentice is becoming more appealing. But a lot may have changed since you last put on an apprentice, or you may have never had one before. So where do you start? You can start by calling the BCITO on 0800 422 486. We offer a dedicated job-matching service which puts young aspiring tradespeople in contact with employers. When you call, a team-member will want to discuss your staff requirements (such as experience, whether or not they need their own tools) to come up with a profile of who you’re looking for. We can then search our database on these requirements to see if anyone matches. If we can, we’ll contact the job-seeker and get them to contact you directly; it will be up to you (the employer)

Building Innovations 10-17.indd 10

to interview and decide whether the candidate is suitable for the job. However, you need to consider that in many areas most apprentices with on-site experience have already been snapped-up. As the industry gets busier, the reality is that employers will have no choice but to hire people with less experience. The upshot of this is that you get your apprentice to do things the way you want them done – no bad habits to break! The BCITO will of course continue to market the industry to youth to ensure the best people are available.There is also a host of things you can do to ensure you get job applications. Here are some options worth considering: Personal connections Many will do this anyway, but worth mentioning. The chances are you know someone who knows someone who needs a job. Once you have someone on site, the BCITO can send out a training advisor to setup formal training.

launched jobs section. Most HR people these days say you need to advertise on both websites to cover all bases. Traditional advertising This is becoming less popular, and certainly doesn’t get you in front of a national audience. However, it can still be effective in regional areas, targeting local people. Unconventional methods Here’s where the power of social media can work for you. Tweet your job, or put it on Facebook. If you don’t know how, ask your kids, nieces or nephews! You can also post on the wall of the BCITO Facebook page – just search BCITO in Facebook to find us. This costs nothing and you will be amazed at how many responses you will get. Bear in mind that getting a job application is one thing, but finding the right apprentice is a different matter altogether.

Online advertising Recent BCITO research has shown that about 90% of our apprentices use the internet every day. So if you’re going to advertise, make sure you do it online. is the most popular site in NZ, but is catching up with their recently -

26/06/2014 4:14:41 p.m.

Building Innovations 10-17.indd 11

26/06/2014 4:14:50 p.m.

Commercial - A-Line Construction

Solid values the key to A-Line’s success Sue Russell

The Jim Carney Cancer Treatments Centre, across the road from Whangarei Hospital, is due for completion in September.

A-Line Construction has two decades of experience building an extensive range of commercial projects. Senior manager, Andrew Abercrombie says the company’s reputation has been built on solid values of honesty and integrity. “We’re known for completing projects on time and to budget,” Abercrombie says. “This, along with the skill-set our core staff of employees bring to the projects we take on, means those clients can rest assured of having an excellent building experience.” A-Line Construction has centres in Kerikeri, Whangarei and Auckland. Over the years, the company has completed a wide variety of projects, including warehouses, hospital and school buildings, cool stores, retail centres, even bridge building, as far south as Hastings. Under construction and due for completion in September is the Jim Carney Cancer Treatments Centre, across the road from Whangarei Hospital. The unit has been partially funded by ‘Project Promise’ an appeal carried out by the Northland Community Foundation. It will provide much-needed care and support for cancer patients and their families. In mid-February the ground was blessed by local Kaumatua followed with a symbolic turning of the first sod by Northland District Health Board CEO Nick Chamberlain and Mrs Mary Carney. A-Line contributed to the funds raised during the appeal and has given a further $10,000 to this project. Many other local suppliers and subcontractors also gave through donating supplies or services.

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12 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 10-17.indd 12

26/06/2014 4:14:54 p.m.

Commercial - A-Line Construction

This office accommodation building for the Northland District Health Board is a design-and-build project with a 4-star green rated design. The centre features curtained treatment chair spaces, consultation rooms with beds, along with a special child and youth area and a meeting room. The extensive basement area has been designed to accommodate car parts and future building development. At 741sqm the centre is over twice the size of the existing oncology space. A-Line Construction tendered the facility successfully, and along with their own building team, have engaged a number of subcontractors to carry out the build. Also under construction for the Northland District Health Board, is an office accommodation building, which is a completed design-and-build project incorporating 3600sqm of floor space over two levels. The building is a 4-star green rated design. “Our design-and-build process reduces the need for layers of consultants, which means that more money is directed to the building

itself and avoids the often disjointed nature of large-scale building projects. “When considering that consultant’s fees can consume as much as 25% of the total cost of a project, we see the design-and-build process as the way forward, regulating these fees to around 6%,” explains Abercrombie. Another key to A-Line Construction’s success has been the way it takes care of its sub-contractors. “We look after our subbies, paying them on time. They work for us with that sense of security and even if we’re waiting for funds ourselves we make sure the boys get paid.” Abercrombie says the company is prepared to go the extra mile by offering solutions to meet the financial constraints of clients even once the project is underway. This ability to be flexible comes from an extensive understanding of how a building project evolves.



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Ph/Fax 09 430 0690 Building Innovations NZ 13

Building Innovations 10-17.indd 13

26/06/2014 4:15:03 p.m.

Commercial - Air NZ Aviation Institute Flight Simulator

Air training facility expansion to meet Karen Phelps

Each simulator requires a specialised bay to house it and to help create a realistic sense of a cockpit in an aircraft.

EUROGLASS is delighted to be a preferred supplier to ASPEC Construction for our custom made toughened safety glass installations

Expansion in the past twelve months has seen three new flight simulators added to Air New Zealand’s Aviation Institute’s capabilities at its Auckland campus. The Institute now offers ten full flight simulators housed in two separate buildings – a marked increase from the five simulators offered just six years ago. General manager of the Aviation Institute, Jignasha Patel, says that the growth of the training facility – there were 47,000 student enrolments in the last year - has been the result of offering a cost-effective high quality training solution. She says that adding in a new simulator is no easy task. Each simulator requires a specialised bay to house it and to help create a realistic sense of a cockpit in an aircraft. “We always envisaged modular expansion of the facility so as we acquired a new simulator we could just add on a new bay and the associated classrooms necessary,” she says. Aspec Construction built the two most recent bays and has also built four others for the facility over the past decade. The bays are each made from a structural steel frame with precast concrete panels and concrete floors. A three-level support structure houses computers, services and training rooms associated with the simulators as well as general amenity and administration areas. Aspec Construction managing director Dale Depenning says designing the bays with future proofing in mind has enabled additional simulator bays to be added with minimal disruption to the existing facility and its operations. Patel says that the most recent expansion also included a central administration hub to cope with the growing business, which has improved the flow and efficiency of the overall facility. The Aviation Institute has campuses in both Auckland and Christchurch and employs 135 training staff. It services 11,000 Air New Zealand staff, the staff of other airlines, militaries and maintenance, repair and overhaul companies from Asia, Oceania and the Middle East as well as individuals globally wishing to up-skill or enter the aviation industry.

You’ve never seen the sun like this before! HomeTech Solatube, proud to supply Solatube Daylighting technology to the Air New Zealand Flight Simulator Complex.

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Want to take your business to the next level? WE ARE PROUD TO SUPPORT AIR NZ FLIGHT SIMULATOR TRAINING CENTRE


14 Building Innovations NZ

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Summit Aluminium Ad 25 Sept 13 finalp.indd 1

25/09/13 3:35 PM

26/06/2014 4:15:11 p.m.

Commercial - Air NZ Aviation Institute Flight Simulator

Commercial - Apollo Projects

growing demand Patel says domestic and international customers are able to access all the training programmes provided to Air New Zealand and benefit from the operational industry experience which is embedded into those programmes. “A typical customer for the Aviation Institute is an airline seeking to address these manpower shortages with one of our ab-initio programmes or to solve a short-fall in training capacity,” she says. “This can be driven by either a lack of own facilities or an increase in demand driven by the acquisition of new or additional aircraft fleets.” The School of Flight provides ab-initio flight bridging and aircraft type specific training. Aircraft types catered for with full flight simulators are B737-300, B747-400, B767, B777200/300, A320 (x2), ATR72-500, Bombardier Q300, Beech 1900D and B787. It is just one facet of the Aviation Institute’s training offerings. The School of Engineering operates from both Auckland and Christchurch campuses, providing apprentice level programmes for domestic and international companies and students.

Post-employment courses are also offered and range from specialist processes to type training for licensed aircraft maintenance engineers. Customer service roles are catered for by the Aviation Institute’s School of Service. The 17-week Airline Customer Service Programme prepares people for flight attendant, check-in and call centre positions as well as any customer-service role in the wider tourism industry. Role specific training for airline employees is then completed in modern service classrooms, while safety and emergency procedures are taught in wellequipped aircraft cabin trainers. The Aviation Institute also offers a School of Ground Operations providing airport land and airside operations training including baggage handling, loading, cleaning, fuelling, driving, dangerous goods and air cargo operations. The School of Business Leadership’s airline business programmes provide airline employees access to general staff management and aviation specific modules. Patel says that further expansion for the facility is planned and an order for an ATR72600 full flight simulator has just been placed.

“A typical customer ... is an airline seeking to address these manpower shortages with one of our ab-initio programmes or to solve a short-fall in training capacity.”

Aspec Construction provides total solutions for the construction industry. We specialise in the industrial, commercial and institutional markets.

8 Boston Road, Grafton, Auckland 1023

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Ross Galt’s new 500sqm building has an office, workshop, and spare parts facility.

Lightweight system meets rebuild needs Kelly Deeks Following Christchurch’s earthquake of September 2011, an immediate solution was required for many displaced businesses and organisations. Apollo Projects was at the forefront of earthquake remedial solutions with a modular, open-plan, and thermally efficient building system developed to meet the immediate requirements of businesses in the Canterbury region. Apollo Projects business development manager Bevan Hames says complying with Importance Level 4 (IL4) seismic standards for critical infrastructure buildings, Apollo’s modular office design was proven, costeffective, and immediate. “The modular system is designed for rapid assembly and can be configured in any size and format to suit specific user requirements,” he says. “A modern, architectural, insulated and fire-safe panel cladding is combined with a strong steel frame, providing an attractive, functional and cost-effective workspace.” House of Travel, St John, FMG, SCIRT and Dispute Resolution Services were

five companies which capitalised on this innovative delivery technique, which was purposely engineered by Apollo Projects. By utilising a lightweight insulated panel product, building weight can be reduced to one fifth that of concrete tilt-slab construction. The immediate benefits are recognised in seismic zones, where the light weight aspect of Apollo’s modular design allows the system to adhere to higher seismic regulations, and IL4 buildings. Another IL4 building was completed by Apollo Projects in December 2012, with the handover of the new 7600sqm single storey Christchurch Central Police Station. Due to liquefaction potential with the site, Apollo Projects was instrumental in developing an innovative ground stabilisation solution, minimising this risk from future events at a fraction of the cost of standard ground improvement techniques. The result was the development of a 400mm thick concrete raft foundation which covering 8300sqm. Hames say this pour set the record for the South Island’s largest continuous concrete pour within a 12-hour period. • To page 16

Congratulates Air New Zealand and Aspec Construction in the construction of the Air New Zealand Flight Simulator Training Centre at Mangere McAlpine Hussmann supplied and installed an innovative air conditioning and ventilation system throughout the building. When you want heating, ventilation, or air conditioning that meets high standards of performance, call

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Building Innovations NZ 15

Building Innovations 10-17.indd 15

26/06/2014 4:15:17 p.m.

Commercial - Apollo Projects

System meets rebuild needs • From page 15 “This project was very much a fast tracked process, with preliminary design work completed in a matter of weeks, and the total project designed and built within nine months, where this phase can normally take up to a couple of years for a new police station,” Hames says. “Crews worked extended hours, seven days a week to meet the tight programme.” Another recent Apollo Projects job, also within a thermally efficient envelope, is the construction of a new Ross Galt Lock and Alarm facility in Sydenham. Moving from Fitzgerald Avenue to a site on Kingslea Street in Sydenham, Ross Galt’s new 500sqm office, workshop, and spare parts facility was completed by Apollo Projects this year, ahead of schedule and on budget. Hames says Ross Galt engaged Apollo Projects very early on, before the site was purchased. “They bought the site with the geotech report in hand, and we reviewed that and assisted in appraising other various due diligence documents,” he says. “That’s the Apollo way. “We operate under an early contractor involvement model (ECI) which means we act as an additional consultant offering advice and certainty around design, buildability, programme, and budget, at no extra cost to the client.” A key aspect of the Ross Galt project was timing, with the company needing to get into their new building as soon as possible. “That’s where a design and build contract can help out,” Hames says. “Also the insulated panel is prefabricated

The new 7600sqm single storey Christchurch Central Police Station was designed and built by Apollo Projects in nine months. and very quick to install, saving considerable time on the wall and roof installation, which reduces project running costs.” Hames says that the thermal performance properties of the insulated panel will give ongoing benefits to Ross Galt, with low operational costs thanks to the panels’ unique, polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam core. To suit the site’s relatively poor soil conditions, a lightweight construction with insulated panels and a lightweight cold rolled steel frame system, meant large foundations would not be required. Apollo Projects is now managing the

design and build of the first building under construction at the new Waterloo Business Park development near Christchurch Airport. The 2600sqm chicken processing facility for Santa Rosa Foods has Apollo Projects getting back to its specialist field of design and construction of industry-leading food and beverage processing and storage facilities. The Santa Rosa facility will contain a variety of specialist processing and storage areas, including raw and cooked production areas, two freezers, nine chillers and four cookers. Once complete, the processing areas will

consist of an insulated panel box within a traditional portal frame envelope, ensuring a temperature controlled and critical hygiene safe environment. Hames says that the new facility will be industry leading and will feature the latest technology – resulting in an outstanding finished product for Santa Rosa. Apollo Projects is also currently managing the design and build of three new warehouse and office projects at the Dakota Park development near Christchurch Airport, and multi-unit warehouse, showroom and office facilities at Wigram Park and Ferry Road.

Brown & Syme on a roll Relationships with construction companies developed over decades has made Brown & Syme Holdings Limited the go-to company for interior and exterior painting and decorating during the Christchurch rebuild. In fact Brown & Syme has now doubled in size since the earthquakes. Brown & Syme undertakes residential, commercial and public projects. It offers a complete range of painting services and has been building its reputation since 1936. The company started in Christchurch as Alfred Brown & Co (Painters) and in 1949; R M Syme Ltd (Painters) was established. In 1989, a son and grandson of the original owners Colin Brown and Steve Syme, merged the two companies and Brown & Syme Holdings. Peter Mason joined Brown & Syme as a director in 1993. He had been apprenticed to Alfred Brown & Co as a painter in 1973 and after serving his time, was promoted to supervisor and contracts manager. Mason became a shareholder in Brown & Syme with the retirement of Steve Syme, and eventually he took over the Brown & Syme business. In 2005, he was joined by Bruce Hodges, an employee for many years, who had worked his way through the ranks from an apprentice to a supervisor, and now a business partner. Brown & Syme expanded to Nelson in the late 1990s, and in 2003, Richard Haynes became a business partner looking after the Nelson Tasman region. Haynes has extensive experience in the paint industry

having worked as the branch manager and sales representative for Resene for 10 years. Today Brown & Syme employs close to 40 staff in Christchurch and another 15 in Nelson. Immediately following the Christchurch earthquakes, Brown & Syme was quick to double its staff in order to assist with the huge amount of repairs and relocations needed to get businesses back up and running. With the rebuild now in full swing the company has been busy undertaking a number of contracts in the CBD and private homes. Recent major projects include the temporary police station and the new Orion building. These projects were successfully completed on time, despite the tight time frames, something Brown & Syme specialises in. High quality workmanship, professionalism, reliability and completing work on time and on budget are just some of the factors responsible for the company’s sound reputation. The long-standing South Island painting and decorating company is predicting further growth as the rebuild speeds up. Brown & Syme Holdings, Telephone Christchurch (03) 381 8423, email; Nelson (03) 546 5145, email brown-symenelson@,

Holdings Limited


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Ph 03 381 8423 Fax 03 381 7212 PO Box 15010, Christchurch 8643 Email:

16 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 10-17.indd 16

26/06/2014 4:15:18 p.m.

Commercial - C Company Gallery

Memorial Gallery starting to take shape Sue Russell For the last six months Sam Bain, owner of Landmark Homes Gisborne, has been building a fitting home for the treasures of the World War 2 Maori Battalion’s C Company. Constructing the impressive wooden structure, designed in the shape of a cross, near to Gisborne Museum, ranks as one of Bain’s career highlights. “The trustees behind the project approached me in the design stage because they had been inspired by a Landmark home we had built and the whole project grew from that original concept,” Bain explains. The 220sqm building, lined with ply with overlaying gib, contains one main gallery of approximately 180sqm and boasts 4.2 metre high ceilings. In the middle of the building a special exhibition area is being built and the entire inside space will have track lighting, capable of being altered to focus on particular exhibits. Bain says that much credit must be given to Tere Insley of Kauri Architects, Derek Lardelli and Steven Gibbs of Toihoukura who have helped to give culture and historical enhancement to the C Company Gallery. Bain says the Gisborne District Council has also been very helpful in many aspects from consenting to leasing of the land, C Company, one of five companies in the 28th Maori Battalion, was formed from volunteers from the Eastern Bay of Plenty region to close to Gisborne and no fewer than 1100 Maori men aged between 18-35 served overseas. The gallery will contain the oral history recordings and thousands of photographs from servicemen and whanau. Bain says that building the structure has not been without its fair share of challenges, starting with having to lay a much deeper foundation because of the difficult soil conditions of the site. “We also had to work around three protected trees and position it to have minimal effect on the trees.” At times the entire team from Landmark Homes were committed to working on the gallery though, with just over a month or so to go come late May, three builders now remain to complete the build.

The gallery will contain the oral history recordings and thousands of photographs from servicemen and whanau. Bain has owned Landmark Homes Gisborne for a year and was drawn to acquiring the franchise because the designs and building standards are at the high end. Along with building homes, another construction company Bain owns services the light and heavier commercial sectors. Building the C Company building has thrust Bain and his company into the domain of public opinion at times. “Some people are not happy with it but that goes with the territory. “I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the trustees who have been easy to deal with and open to suggestions,” Bain says. While overseeing the arms of his building businesses and keeping his fingers on the pulse of all his projects Bain still finds time to enjoy other pursuits, including the plot of land he owns about 20 minutes from Gisborne.

Pete the Plasterer Pete Franklyn • Top Quality Paint Finish • Gib Cove • Work Guaranteed Proud to Support C Company Gallery Phone Pete 021 214 4168 06 862 2681

Proud to be associated with C Company Gallery

• Earthquake Strengthening • Construction • Engineering • Manufacturing • Fabrication • Hydraulics • Design Building Innovations NZ 17

Building Innovations 10-17.indd 17

26/06/2014 4:15:22 p.m.

Commercial - Dunrobin Place

Challenges aplenty in cinema conversion Karen Phelps Summit Construction’s latest project at Dunrobin Place in Auckland’s Highland Park is a good example of the company’s ability to add value for its clients, says company director Andrew Burden. A syndicate-owned property, the building at Dunrobin Place was originally a purposebuilt cinema complex which has now been converted into eight retail spaces. Burden says from a construction perspective it was a challenging project due to the significant structural changes that were required. He says one of the biggest challenges was coming up with the right methodology which was where Summit Construction was able to add significant value. “We needed to remove the precast panels that divided the theatre to make it into one large space,” says Burden. “The precast panel went up through the roof so we had to figure out how to prop up the existing roof while we removed the wall and strengthened the structure.” The plan Burden came up with was to remove the roof entirely, take out the wall then install new structural steel before putting the existing roof back in place again. Another significant challenge was the fact that the building didn’t have any credible as-built documentation which meant some unexpected discoveries as the structure was opened up. “We worked in with the Client, Canvas Investments, to find solutions to any problems that arose on site.” One example was that an outdoor ladder and walkway had been designed to access the plant room but as the project progressed Summit Construction saw that an existing staircase scheduled for demolition might be able to provide a cheaper solution. “We identified that we could keep the staircase, modify it and make some savings for the client.”

The Dunrobin Place building was originally a purpose-built cinema complex which has now been converted into eight retail spaces. The existing theatre pit with sloping floor from 0-1.5 metres was infilled to provide a flat floor surface for the retail spaces. Large openings were cut into existing precast panels to create new entrances and windows for tenants. A new mezzanine floor was also formed inside the building. Summit Construction also undertook two of the interior fit-outs for tenanats. The project was started in November 2013 and completed by April this year.

Although Summit Construction is a relatively new company, established in August 2013, Burden has extensive industry experience and contacts which has seen the business grow rapidly. Burden forged a successful career in the industry for well over two decades prior working for Fletcher Construction and Hawkins Construction as a manager of the Auckland interior divisions for each company. He was a part owner in another construction company when he made the decision to go out on his own and start Summit Construction. Burden says that Summit Construction exists because of his relationships within the industry. The company has seen more than 50 project enquiries since it started.

Burden says that the Dunrobin Place project is a good example of the type of challenging commercial and residential work the company likes to undertake. “We typically will tackle the projects that others don’t like to do,” he says. “We invest upfront in preconstruction providing the client with advice on design, buildability and programme. “This can bring cost savings from simplifying details, finding time advantages or coming up with more efficient methodologies for the work.” Summit Construction is presently completing maintenance work for Fonterra’s Takanini plant and is Prefered Contractor for converting an existing nine storey building in Hopetoun Street in central Auckland into 91 apartments.

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Happy in their work: Andrew Burden, left, and John Carter.

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Want to take your business to the next level?


18 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 18-25.indd 18

26/06/2014 4:16:44 p.m.

Commercial - The Globe Theatre

The Globe Theatre has long been a dominant feature on the northbound road into Palmerston North.

New lease of life for Manawatu theatre Kelly Deeks Ten years in gestation, the Globe Theatre redevelopment project has seen the 32- yearold building come of age and again take its place at the cultural heart of Palmerston North and Manawatu. The redevelopment project was awarded to McMillan and Lockwood Group, the company that had built the original Globe Theatre designed by Palmerston North architect Brian Elliott, in 1982. Elliott was also back on board drawing up the plans for the major redevelopment.

The project included a 100-seat flat floor auditorium which will be used for performance, training, and rehearsal space, and a new foyer complete with management office, bathrooms, and café/bar, to accompany the original 200 seat theatre. The Globe Theatre has long been a dominant feature on the northbound road into Palmerston North. Its name was derived from the unique circular design of the building, which was inspired by Shakespeare’s original famous open air circular theatre in London. McMillan and Lockwood Group project manager Murray Fleury says the new foyer is

“The biggest challenge in this project was to marry the old shape of the building into the new.” built mainly in glass, allowing the iconic design of the original building to be visible in the new Globe facility. The distinctive roof lines have been retained and enhanced, and new retractable seating will make the space flexible and modern. “The biggest challenge in this project was

to marry the old shape of the building into the new,” he says. “Because the old building is not a square box, it was a bit of a challenge to marry the two structures together. It has turned out a lot better than I could have hoped.”

Professional Service Offering:

Proud to work with McMillan & Lockwood on THE GLOBE

Splashbacks, Balustrades, Frameless Glass Showers, Double Glazing, Mirrors, Commercial Glazing

• To page 20

Cnr. Tremaine Avenue & North Street, Palmerston North

Ph: (06) 358 8937

PO Box 4346 Palmerston North Mobile 021 426-222 Phone (06) 354 9094 24 hours

Fax (06) 355-1734

Proud to be associated with Globe Theatre

Building Innovations NZ 19

Building Innovations 18-25.indd 19

26/06/2014 4:16:51 p.m.

Commercial - The Globe Theatre

Commercial - Lady Ruby Drive

Rethink on plans brings best result Karen Phelps

The Globe Theatre redevelopment included a new 100-seat flat floor auditorium which will be used for performance, training, and rehearsal space and a new foyer.

Theatre’s new lease of life • From page 19 Fleury says it was a project that McMillan and Lockwood had looked forward to working on, and it was enjoyable to work alongside the Globe Theatre Trust Board and the project’s subcontractors. “It was a very good job, and the subcontractors worked well together to produce a good result,” he says. “Everyone is happy with the redevelopment.” The cost of the project came in at just over $2 million, with $1.119 million raised for the project with generous donations from NZ Lotteries, the Central Energy Trust, Eastern and Central Community Trust, New Zealand Community Trust, and others. The remaining redevelopment cost was funded by the Palmerston North City Council.

The newly refurbished theatre opened its doors and raised its curtains on May 22, for a 10-week long performing arts festival including the Manawatu Theatre Society’s take on British show Calendar Girls, in a Manawatu premiere. Over Queen’s Birthday weekend the Globe also hosted the International Jazz and Blues Festival. A couple of Kiwi icons, Sam Hunt and Gary McCormick added to the festival mix, with Hunt ‘lifting the words off the page and giving them a good listen to,’ and McCormick leading a team in The Great Debate. Former Palmerston North Freyberg High School teacher Delia Hannah will also return for the festival, guest presenting the Globe Theatre Awards in June. The kids will then get a look-in during the school holidays in July, when the Manawatu Theatre Society will perform Bad Jelly the Witch.

The new multi-unit warehouse and office development at 63 Lady Ruby Drive could be viewed as a good example of architect, builder and client working together to achieve a successful result. Built on a challenging site which was originally part of a quarry, the land required extensive geotech investigation and analysis before the build commenced. “There were two main types of ground,” explains architect Alan D Palmer, who has operated his own self-titled practice specialising in industrial projects since 1979. “The front half of the site was the quarried area, which, in the formation of the industrial subdivision, had been filled to a depth of eight metres with rock fill. “The rear half of the site however was natural ground. The floor slabs therefore had to be specifically designed to ensure that the industrial loads could be satisfactorily carried on the two different types of ground.” The concrete floors and driveways were designed and constructed using fibre reinforcing by Conset Construction Ltd, a company specialising in high volume concrete placement and finishing. Another challenge was the fact that the site rose three and a half metres from front to rear. To accommodate this, the floor levels of the

units were stepped up from front to rear but the roof was maintained at a constant level. This provided internal stud heights which related well to the floor areas of the units suiting the various needs of a wide range of tenants, says Palmer. The original design process was started in 2009 and the project, for client Synergy Properties 63 Ltd, was initially planned to be a single occupancy building. But after initial marketing of the proposed building, feedback from real estate agents determined that a greater demand existed for smaller units. Following this change in approach to the development of the site Palmer came up with a concept in conjunction with the client which saw a dramatic shift from the original multiunit idea, which resulted in significant cost savings and efficiencies being created. “The original multi-unit plan was to put the buildings around the exterior of the site with car parking in the middle. “But this would have resulted in constricted traffic movement on the site and greater firewall requirements,” he explains. The plan that Palmer conceived in order to deal with the slope of the site, and to take greatest advantage of the site’s orientation to the street split the design into two separate buildings, a front block with a central spine wall and back-to-back units on either side and a rear block with two units side by side.

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PlaceMakers Mt Wellington proudly supporting Lady Ruby Drive Account Manager: Andrew McNab 021 241 2172 102 Lunn Ave, Mt Wellington Telephone (09) 570 8300


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Phone + 64 (9) 973 5089 Fax + 64 (9) 973 5090 Email Address Unit 5, 15 Accent Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland Mail P.O. Box 217-108, Botany Junction 2164

20 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 18-25.indd 20

26/06/2014 4:16:55 p.m.

Commercial - Lady Ruby Drive “This provided circulatory traffic movement around the front building increasing flexibility for car parking and loading/unloading.” It also meant all individual unit frontages now faced towards oncoming traffic on Lady Ruby Drive giving maximum exposure for all tenants. The extreme rear of the site was then terraced to create an elevated car park area behind the rear building. The interior and exterior walls of the units are constructed of pre-cast concrete which provides security, reduced maintenance and improved thermal insulation. Recessed roller shutter doors provide unloading/loading facilities and the main roof overhangs by six metres providing maximum protection from weather. Strong location identity has been achieved by casting the number 63 (the site address) into the concrete panels on the front wall. Offices have a full height double-glazed facade and are fully air conditioned. Construction by head contractor Gibson O’Connor began in August 2013. Construction manager Michael Powell says that the biggest challenge from a construction perspective was planning and site access. “As the buildings take up the majority of the site sequencing works was vital. We worked our way out from the back of the site and had to think very carefully about who was going in and when,” he says. Inevitably, due to the nature of the ground, striking rock during the excavation of foundations meant the process of breaking it up and digging it out was slow. Around 30 workers were on site at the peak of the project. Powell says the project is the second it has built for Synergy Properties and is typical of the work Gibson O’Connor undertakes in Auckland where it has its company headquarters. “Our site managers generally have a trade background and have come up through the ranks from building to managing jobs and therefore understand how buildings go

There are two separate buildings - a front block with a central spine wall and back-to-back units on either side and a rear block. together. This helps us to add value to how we approach jobs.” Palmer says the project has been a success with three tenants already signed up prior to completion of construction: Newly Weds Foods New Zealand, Faber-Castell NZ Ltd. and LabelTec Ltd. Gibson O’Connor is also undertaking the three tenancy fitouts.

“The original multi-unit plan was to put the buildings around the exterior of the site with car parking in the middle.”

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Building Innovations NZ 21

Building Innovations 18-25.indd 21

26/06/2014 4:17:00 p.m.

Commercial Building

Steelmasters has it covered If you can imagine it Steelmasters can probably manufacture it – and quickly. Steelmasters Auckland Ltd manufactures and distributes arguably New Zealand’s largest range of metal fasteners. The company is also the only commercial bolt and nut manufacturer in New Zealand. The range of bolts and nuts manufactured in-house or sourced from quality assured sources makes it the one-stop-shop for metal fasteners. The company supplies all head styles and finishes including mild steel hex head, cup head and coach screws that are high tensile and high strength with a choice of both G304 and G316 stainless steels. Threads offered are ISO metric both coarse and fine, UNC, UNF, SAE, UN8, BSW and BSF in diameters from 2.5mm to 64mm. Steelmasters manufactures and stocks a wide range of holding down bolts including rag, L and U styles, sag and tie rods, turnbuckles, pipe and trailer U bolts, eye bolts and screw eyes, building brackets, pole house bolts, straps, braces, threaded rod and washers. Screws stocked include wood screws, chipboard screws, self-drilling and self-tapping screws, cladding fasteners and machine screws. A full range of masonry anchors including such diverse products as expansion sleeve anchors, tru-bolts and chemical anchors fit well with the company’s standard holding down bolts. Most are also available in stainless steel. Steelmasters is a privately owned New Zealand company founded in 1973. The company initially manufactured special bolts and fittings, for the construction industry.

This expertise in custom threading led to the expansion of manufacturing into standard commercial bolts and nuts by both the hot and cold forging processes. Steelmasters is part of the Steelmasters Group which includes six Boltmasters branches in Australia and four Steelmasters branches in New Zealand in Palmerston North, Whangarei and Napier with company head office and bulk store in Penrose, Auckland. Customers include most major manufacturers and construction companies. The company also supplies products to the general public. Having in house zinc plating and hot dip galvanising gives Steelmasters a competitive edge. These coatings divisions, while initially set up to process the company’s own production, also offer these quality assured services to other manufacturers who need the assurance of ISO.9002 certification. The company places great emphasis on producing high quality products and ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction to generate repeat business. In order to achieve this one of the main objectives is to maintain a properly managed quality system and provide objective evidence that these systems are functioning correctly.

Bolts, Nuts, Washers Screws & Rivets in all grades & materials • Mild Steel, High Tensile & Stainless Bolts & Nuts • Washers • Screws • Cladding Fasteners • Rivets • Tie & Sag Rods • Turnbuckles & Stubs 79 O’Rorke Rd, Penrose, Auckland PH 09 579 8196 FAX 09 579 1392 email:

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cost savings. We use rolled steel which is more cost effective than structural steel because you only pay for the stock you actually use as the steel starts as a coil and is rolled into profile,” explains Suckling. Formsteel manufactures a number of different product lines. Purlindek is a cold-rolled, load-bearing roof profile that can span up to six metres with a 1.8 metre overhang. It can also be used for unsupported internal walls up to 10 metres high. Smartdek is used for longrun roofing and cladding. Its trapezoidal profile gives it a much stronger and more rigid shape than the profiles other companies commonly use. Composite Tray Flooring is a system designed to interlock and act as core reinforcing elements within a building once the steel and concrete bond together. Formsteel also manufactures a range

of standard and custom cold rolled steel components. Formsteel can take on any project from the smallest car port all the way up to major industrial buildings, tailoring solutions to match client needs. Because Formsteel manufactures all the components it needs from its one site, getting orders designed, completed and delivered on time is streamlined and stress free. The company can undertake full design of buildings including taking care of things like foundations which other companies have to subcontract meaning no time or money is wasted. Formsteel is a proudly New Zealand owned and operated company that has been in business for over 40 years. Formsteel has developed and perfected designs in nearly

every industry but is always open to the challenge of a new design that requires some thinking outside the box. With a solutions-orientated approach that is popular internationally, Formsteel currently exports to countries around the world that value incredible strength and durability including Australia, Argentina and the South Pacific. “We like to think of Formsteel as a solutions company not a products company. Formsteel helps clients by working alongside them and their architects, engineers and construction companies, providing solutions and flexibility that add value to any project.” For more information on superior strength, please call Formsteel on 0800 800 003 or visit

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22 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 18-25.indd 22

26/06/2014 4:17:03 p.m.

Commercial - CYB Construction

CYB expands with Nano House brand Kelly Deeks Greymouth residential and commercial construction company CYB Construction has expanded its offerings this year with the establishment of Nano House, a subsidiary company specialising in custom-built prefabricated buildings. CYB Construction was formed in 2010, when Chris Yeats offered some staff a shareholding of Chris Yeats Builders, in order to create a new company with a new, fresh energy. The same people are operating the business from the same headquarters and with the same plant and equipment. CYB Construction continues to operate to a high, professional standard, building on the foundations laid by Chris Yeats Builders. Chris Yeats Builders was established by Yeats in 1994. In 1996 he took a year off from the business to tutor carpentry at Tai Poutini Polytechnic in Greymouth. During this time he was the building site manager for the construction of a two-storey classroom block, with his students acting as labourers on the project. When going back to Chris Yeats Builders a year later, the company’s first substantial job was the Olsen house, which at the time was the largest house in Greymouth. The company continued to grow with the developing West Coast, and soon employed seven staff to work on the mines rescue station in Rapahoe. Chris Yeats Builders took on the Franz Joseph Scenic Circle Hotel project in 1999, growing the company to 15 employees, and this led to a series of projects in the South Westland area. By 2002, the demand for bigger commercial projects increased, and Chris Yeats Builders began to purchase heavy machinery. The purchase of a hiab truck opened up more opportunities to engage in commercial building, as well as providing heavy lifting services around the West Coast.

The construction of a Fresh Choice supermarket required more staff, and soon the company employed 32. Since then, the company has picked up several national awards, has reached the national final of the Registered Master Builders House of the Year awards five times, and won the 2005 National Supreme Commercial award. Now CYB Construction is entering a new phase and a new region, with the company’s work in Canterbury increasing as it keeps its prices competitive. CYB Construction is currently completing a number of projects in Oxford, including the seismic upgrade and renovation of the Oxford Town Hall, and a 12-unit motel complex. Yeats says he hopes CYB Construction can also get involved with Oxford’s new supermarket project. Complementing this new phase is the development of Nano House, CYB Construction’s new South Island wide brand of custom-built prefabricated buildings. The Nano House brand covers everything from sleepouts or farmhouses to sleek, permanent housing. “We currently have two different options, both 3.6m wide, one 6m long and suitable for a single person, and one 8m long, suitable for a couple,” Yeats says. “We have provided five relocatables to CERA in Christchurch, serving as demolition headquarters offices, and we are using two relocatables in Oxford, housing some of our staff on contracts there.” Nano Houses are available with ensuite bathrooms and full kitchens, including washing machines if required. All of the Nano House units are wired and fitted out with lights, power points, heat pumps, and full electrical compliance as required. Floor coverings, painting, and installation on piles on site are all available. Decks, verandahs, and other customised items can be supplied and installed as required.

CYB Construction’s new subsidiary company Nano House specialises in custom-built prefabricated buildings.

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P.O. Box 2358 Stoke Nelson 7041 Phone: (03) 548 1567 Fax: (03) 548 1572 Building Innovations NZ 23

Building Innovations 18-25.indd 23

26/06/2014 4:17:09 p.m.

Commercial - Pannill Place Townhouses

Leaky building renovation a major work Sue Russell When you are dealing with clients experiencing the stresses and strains that come with discovering their home is a ‘leaky home’, the ability to empathise and work with honesty and integrity are critical. Such is the case with Auckland-based specialist building company, Boss Projects Ltd which is currently rebuilding a 14-unit block of townhouses at Pannill Place, Albany. Company director and construction manager, Brent Boden, says the project is well within schedule, with the first five units that commenced in September having been completed in February and the remaining nine units expected before their scheduled date in September. “As we had been established in the Leaky Home market for some years we were invited by several leading building surveyors, consultants and architects to tender on their various projects. We proved to be a very competitive player in the field,” Boden says. The Pannill Place project is a major reconstruction involving new foundation works, additional structural bracing, redesign and construction of wall claddings, new roofs and balconies. The first construction stage was to secure and protect the existing structure for the remediation period. This involved full scaffolding and shrink-wrapping with plastic film to the entire building, to eliminate any weather hindrances that could occur. “We go through the interior of each unit and ensure the chattels and personal effects of the owners are to be kept in the same state at completion.” The next stage is the demolition process involving removing all the existing exterior wall cladding, balustrading, decks and balconies, removing the roof and bringing the structures back to the bare framing - exposing any decayed and rotting timber. Boden says the failure of the buildings was a result of poor site management and supervision, design issues, cladding material, workmanship and compliancy checks. The redesign entails the removal of failed curved roof detailing and parapets, new roof eaves and soffit overhangs, new deck construction with compliant falls, new balustrading and aluminium weatherboard cladding.

Boss Projects has completed the first five units of the Pannill Place townhouse rebuild. For remediation projects Council demands extra detailing during the processing of the consent with the plans, specifications and working drawings. “It’s critical to engage an architect familiar with these requirements,” Boden explains. Boden entered the building trade at an early age with his father already established in the industry.







Vantage Windows 58 Ellice Rd Glenfield P 09 444 7035 E W

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24 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 18-25.indd 24

26/06/2014 4:17:30 p.m.

Commercial - Pannill Place Townhouses

The Pannill Place rebuild project involves new foundation works, additional structural bracing, redesign and construction of wall claddings, new roofs and balconies. He spent many years managing projects in Papua New Guinea and returned to New Zealand in 1999, to find a totally different concept of housing design and fabrication than when he left. “Suddenly there were way-out designs, large houses and developments on small sites, multi-unit developments, monolithic claddings, use of structural steel in residential buildings, decks and balconies above living areas. “Combine these with untreated framing timber and you’ve got a ticking time bomb.” The majority of leaky home constructions ended in 2003 and Boden says progress remediating them has been slow. “There are still a large amount of weather tight affected houses untouched.” With a 10-year window for home owners to get their claims submitted, Boden says many home owners will be unable to afford the

remediation costs, having missed out on the opportunity for financial assistance. “They will have to abandon their properties which in time will become structurally unsafe or present as a health hazard.” Boden and his construction supervisors are Licensed Building Practitioners. They work with a team of 14 staff, some of whom have had a long-term association with the company. “The attitude that ‘that’s the way things have always been done’ is not what we condone,” he says. Boden admits it was never his intention to grow the company to its present size. However, as the company became more experienced dealing with leaky buildings their reputation spread and more work came. Boss Projects also specialises in new housing, alterations and additions, light commercial construction and office fit-outs.

OnSite window testing Managing to work with a short timetable, as presented with the Pannill Place townhouse reconstruction process, is something Pat O’Hagan, takes in his stride. Not surprising given O’Hagan and colleagues John Andrew and Geoff Pope of O’Hagan Building Consultants, have collectively accumulated more than 100 years’ experience in the construction industry. “I think it was the depth of experience we have that got us the Pannill Place project. The body-corporate knew they could rely on us to deliver and to work effectively with the builders and to project manage through the whole process,” O’Hagan says. “Not only was this a very complex construction project due to non-building code compliant construction, major variation to the original construction plans not recorded and extensive timber decay, but it also had a very tight time-frame.” “Under the new fire regulations we had to use non-combustible cladding. The body corporate decided on the white and grey friars colour options in aluminium cladding which has given the units a striking colour distinction. “Rebuilding the 14 town-houses also proved an opportunity to eliminate dated design features and combined with the aluminium cladding has resulted in units that have a contemporary look. “The silver-lining in all of this for the owners was that out of the crisis came an opportunity to create new and wonderful spaces. We were only too happy to help the body corporate achieve their objectives.”

O’Hagan has been a recognised weathertight remediation specialist since mid 2009. He has served as an executive member of the NZ Claddings Institute, Interior Systems Association and the NZ Institute of Building Surveyors Inc. Given his depth of understanding when it comes to all issues relating to the leaky homes it was logical that O’Hagan would introduce an on-site window-testing technology he sourced from the US.


Leaky building inspections and solutions demand the attention of weathertight experts, among which O’Hagan Building Consultants are one of the most established in Auckland. With decades of experience in design and construction, our services now cover a wide range of issues concerning building performance and aesthetics.

The sophisticated spray rig is designed to deliver a set pattern of spray at specific droplet size and flow rate to the outside of windows already installed.

Founded as a building performance specialist, we have acquired invaluable insight into many types of building failure and solutions over different decades in New Zealand. This insight has resulted in us seeing the need for a standardised and repeatable method of testing windows and doors installed on site so we have imported a test rig that allows us to do this to AS/NZS 4284.

OnSite Window Testing is a new service to architects, territorial authorities, building consultants, construction companies, window manufacturers as well as for homeowners. It is used for certification of newly installed windows and the forensic testing of windows installed in older buildings.”

We can help you if you need: • Building Code Compliance and Contraventions • Project Management • Reclad Plans • Window, Door and Facade onsite Water Testing • Clerk of Works • Internal Plastering Stopping Inspections and Reports • Special Building Related Defects Reports • Building Pre-purchase Surveys • Expert Witness • Weathertight Building Surveys and Reports

Although having been only recently introduced to the New Zealand building industry the rig has already been used by government departments, local authorities, specifiers and homeowners to certify and forensically test both new and old windows “The beauty about it is you can go back and reproduce the exact same testing conditions again and again and again which is going to evidence with certainty if there have been any deterioration in performance. It’s an ideal tool for local authorities and specifiers to use to verify window integrity before signing off the final code of compliance or completion certificates on a building.”


Address: Contact: 7 Williamson Ave, Belmont P: 09 445 2144 E: North Shore City, Auckland

Building Innovations NZ 25

Building Innovations 18-25.indd 25

26/06/2014 4:17:32 p.m.

Retirement - Hazeldine Construction

Fast-tracked project for Kaiapoi elderly Jo Bailey

The attractive, single bedroom flats are clad in brick and linear, and feature a Coloursteel roof and double glazing.

Some lucky Kaiapoi pensioners forced to move from red-zoned Waimakariri District Council units will soon be making a new home in a brand new 25-unit community for the elderly. The units, which front Williams Street, in the heart of the river town, are being developed by the council in conjunction with high-profile North Canterbury developers Jedd Pearce and Mark Revis of William Hill Consulting, who originally sold the council the 6000 square metre site. Local Kaiapoi firm Hazeldine Construction, owned by Jared and Jasmine Hazeldine, is the main contractor on the project, which was in the finishing stages when Building Innovations took a recent tour of the site. Work on the fast-track project got underway in September 2013 with completion due early June. “The project has gone really well, with bad weather being the only constraint,” says Jasmine. “It’s been a great team effort, with everyone involved, from our team, to our subcontractors and the developers working hard to deliver what is an exciting rebuild project for Kaiapoi.” The attractive, single bedroom flats are clad in brick and linear, and feature a Coloursteel roof and double glazing. They are incorporated into seven triple units, and two double units, which are configured on either side of the long site, with a large communal strip in the middle encompassing a driveway, paths, and carport area.


The Complete Aluminium Window & Door Solution 50 Leeds Street, Phillipstown, Christchurch Tel. 03 379 7660 • Email. Proud to support & supply Hazeldine Construction


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PO Box 54, Kaiapoi Phone 03 327 3580 A/H Fax 03 327 3581 Mobile 027 245 8140 Em:


26 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 26-33.indd 26

26/06/2014 4:18:58 p.m.

Retirement - Hazeldine Construction

The developers of the Kaiapoi elderly community have created a village atmosphere where communal living will be encouraged. Inside, the units resemble a luxury motel unit, with a spacious lounge appointed with heatpump leading to a small private, outdoor area. The well-thought out design includes a compact kitchen with oven and hob and good sized pantry. Hidden away behind a sliding internal door next to the panty is the laundry. The bedroom has good wardrobe storage and a linen cupboard, and leads to a stylish tiled bathroom, with wet floor shower, toilet and vanity. A small utility shed attached to each unit offers extra storage. Jasmine Hazeldine says the developers have created a village atmosphere where communal living will be encouraged.

“An area has been set aside for large planter boxes where residents can develop a community vegetable garden. ‘They also have space for their own small gardens around their units. It’s a really well thought out development.” Hazeldine Construction already has plenty of experience in the Lifestyle village market, having built the Northbook Villas in Rangiora, a lifestyle village for the over 55-year age group, which were developed by Pearce and Revis’s firm, PLC Developments. The Hazeldine’s next large project in this sector is likely to be PLC’s Maltworks Villas, a village with double bedroom units, apartments and a retail development which is due to start in 2015. • Kaiapoi landmark - page 30

Bricks add to project Desert Oak bricks from Brick and Stone South Island’s Midland Brick range are a striking feature of new pensioner units being constructed by main contractors Hazeldine Building in Williams Street, Kaiapoi.

which give customers the opportunity to create a truly personal look. Texture is a key feature in today’s building designs, which can be achieved through a balance of finishes and surfaces that contrast and complement”.

“These light coloured exterior bricks incorporate slightly warmer terracotta tonings which create a really nice aesthetic,” says director, Neil Blackburn.

Many of the company’s clients are combining natural clay Midland bricks, with its Designa Schist or Cultured stone products to “stunning effect”, he says. Brick and Stone are South Island distributors of the Midland Brick range, manufactured in Perth from local clays, which give the bricks their unique natural look.

The company has supplied Hazeldine Construction for over a decade, and values the relationship, he says. “We have supplied many of the Hazeldine’s projects over the years and work hard to develop these sorts of long term relationships with our clients.” Brick and Stone provide an extensive range of quality brick and stone products that can be used for external cladding or internal features on residential and commercial projects. The company was under corporate ownership until 2012, when a management buyout saw it revert to being a family owned and operated company. Blackburn says it took a few months to reestablish the company’s product range after the previous corporate owners pulled out of the New Zealand market. However the company is now back servicing most of its former major clients. “We have brought distinct new ranges in a diverse palette of colours to the market,

Proud to support Hazeldine Construction

Brick & Stone South Island Have your styling options covered

The modular Designa Schist system combines the ease of brick installation with the natural beauty of schist. “Pieces of high quality schist are hand selected and embedded in a pre-formed concrete module which significantly reduces the material and labour costs associated with traditional stone installation.” Cultured Stone is a manufactured stone cladding product that has been popular in the US market for over 50 years. “Cultured Stone is made of lightweight aerated concrete, but has all the qualities, aesthetics and feel of traditional stone. The range comes in a wide variety of colours, shapes and textures.” Brick and Stone South Island has a new showroom and yard at 35 Edmonton Road where the public, commercial and residential clients can view its extensive product range.

Florentine Limestone We bring you distinct new ranges in diverse palette of colours, there are numerous options for size, colour and texture, providing the artistic freedom to create a truly personal look.

17/06/13 10:48 AM

Midland Large Signs 1200mm x 300mm .indd 3

17/06/13 10:48 AM

A: 35 Edmonton Road, Hornby, Christchurch P: 03 349 5006 W:

Building Innovations NZ 27

Building Innovations 26-33.indd 27

26/06/2014 4:19:12 p.m.

Retirement - Hazeldine Construction

Firm plays its part in Kaiapoi Jo Bailey Kaiapoi firm Hazeldine Construction has played a big part in the renewal of the earthquake-stricken town and wider North Canterbury region, having completed numerous high quality residential and light commercial projects. Last year it built the Times Square retail development, the first to be constructed in Kaiapoi post-earthquake. “This landmark development has eight well-designed steel frame, concrete floor retail buildings and is a good reminder of how the town is bouncing back from the disaster,” says Jasmine Hazeldine, who owns the company with husband Jared. One of their most recent commercial projects was the construction of Riverside Bowling Club’s new clubhouse at Hinemoa Park. “It’s a beautiful building. “The club held its first tournament there just a few days after it was signed off in early May.” Residential projects, however, continue to provide the bulk of the construction firm’s workload. Jasmine says the company doesn’t shy away from challenging projects, with Jared able to “turn his hand to anything”. “Jared has a can-do attitude backed by smart thinking, with a strength in uncovering cost-effective solutions for issues others may not even consider.”

Hazeldine Construction built the Times Square retail development, the first to be constructed in Kaiapoi post-earthquake. The Hazeldines have a “tight-knit” team of 14 builders, and in 2012 started a subsidiary company, T and R concrete which provides concrete construction and decorative concrete applications for a range of projects including paths, patios, driveways, swimming pools, landscaping features, floors and foundations. “We’ve always provided concrete services, but decided to create a separate entity in

order to specialise in this market, both for our own, and outside projects,” she says. Jared Hazeldine grew up in Kaiapoi and did his apprenticeship with local builders Gary Cassidy and Brent Youngman before going out on his own in his early twenties. “We are big supporters of the apprenticeship programme, and currently have four on the team.”

Hazeldine Construction is very much community-focused, sponsoring and supporting numerous Kaiapoi sports teams, and a local rally driver. “We pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality residential home building and commercial construction in North Canterbury, and building strong foundations, both in our buildings and in the community.”

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28 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 26-33.indd 28

26/06/2014 4:19:17 p.m.

Retirement - RCC Healthcare

RCC meets challenges in stylish village Karen Phelps Two recent projects by RCC Healthcare Ltd amply demonstrate the company’s ability to provide building solutions and work in a collaborative environment with teams of consultants and contractors. The company has finished an integrated retirement village/aged care facility for retired veterans after getting involved in the preliminary designs in 2012. Located in Mt Albert Road, Auckland, Ranfurly Village has a unique history in that it was originally built by Lord Ranfurly as a war veterans’ centre. Elements of the classic heritage of the existing building have therefore been combined with the new modern facilities being constructed on the site. RCC Healthcare has completed a new 60bed facility comprising four wings, a residents’ lounge, offices, laundry, kitchen and staff facilities. RCC Healthcare commercial manager, Stuart Mills, says that the project involved a significant site works component because of the undulating levels of the site. Around 4500 cubic metres of soil were removed and the site levelled and refilled where necessary. Another challenge, typical of projects of this nature, is that significant value engineering of the design was required to ensure the project met the required budget of the trust. “This meant coming up with different ideas that the team discussed to find the best solution for the client,” says Mills. RCC Healthcare is now constructing the next stage of the project, a series of 28 retirement apartments built around the perimeter of Ranfurly House, an existing building on site. Ranfurly House is also being renovated to function as a village community centre downstairs and veterans care centre on the first floor. Another project, which RCC Healthcare is currently working on, also demonstrates the company’s ability to complete healthcare projects. The He Puna Waiora mental health unit for the Waitemata District Health Board is a standalone unit. The unit is constructed from structural steel with a timber and brick veneer.

Elements of the classic heritage of the existing building have been combined with the new modern facilities constructed on site. Connected to the main building are two double storey plant and services rooms. RCC Healthcare contracts manager Andrew Neun says that the He Puna Waiora project required a high level of finishing and attention to detail. “It was about understanding the end users requirements and how their needs had been catered for and integrated into the construction. “We gave our input as part of the team into the process from a construction perspective to ensure the project is completed to the client’s exact requirements,” says Neun. Based in Mt Wellington, Auckland, RCC Healthcare falls under the Robert Cunningham Construction brand, along with RCC Commercial, RCC Education and RCC Remediate. • To page 30

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0508 687 732 | Building Innovations NZ 29

Building Innovations 26-33.indd 29

26/06/2014 4:19:25 p.m.

Retirement - Overhaul Construction

Retirement - RCC Healthcare

Retirement sector has special demands Kelly Deeks

The new 60-bed Ranfurly Village facility has a residents’ lounge, offices, laundry, kitchen and staff facilities.

Ranfurly Village sits well • From page 29 Robert Cunningham Construction is a privately owned company specialising in commercial and industrial building projects including both new builds and refurbishment. The company’s senior management team is headed by Robert Cunningham. Neun says that clients not only benefit from Robert Cunningham Construction’s technical expertise but also sound commercial judgement due to the high level of involvement of the principals of the company in every project. “Our company principals oversee and liaise with the project and site managers and other key personnel,” explains Mills. “Our project staff, who are responsible for the day-to-day site operations, are known for their professional approach and proactive client service.

“Both our site staff and management work closely with our clients throughout the project providing a seamless coordinated team all working to a common goal.” “Our wealth of accumulated industry expertise – coupled with the fact we are management-owned – means that we have a real sense of investment in every one of our projects,” agrees Neun. Mills says that as an experienced building team, Robert Cunningham Construction understand that every client has their own commercial objectives and constraints. “While most of our projects are negotiated we also complete projects by selected tender, design and build, preliminary, general and margin, open book, joint venture and guaranteed maximum price. “It’s about providing our clients with flexibility by offering a range of procurement options.”

“Our wealth of industry expertise – coupled with the fact we are management-owned – means that we have a real sense of investment in every one of our projects.”

Renovation specialist Overhaul Construction is going where the work is in Auckland’s busy building market, with two retirement village projects recently completed including a major extension at Bupa’s Parkhaven Hospital, and the first 10 villas at Summerset at Karaka. Overhaul Construction managing director James Sutton says he has grown his business since it began in 2006 by tackling challenging and complex renovation projects. Back in 2007, Overhaul Construction completed new retirement village projects before going back to its renovation focus. Now with an extremely busy time for builders in Auckland, the company has moved back into new builds once more.

“Retirement villages are a niche market that Overhaul Construction works in well with both the property owners and working around the elderly,” he says. “The work requires a lot of care and a personality that can handle the challenging conditions these projects can sometimes bring.” He says the major challenges in this market are upholding the strictest health and safety standards, and working around complexes that are fully functional. At Parkhaven Hospital, Overhaul Construction renovated three parts of the complex and completed a major laundry extension to an existing building. “The laundry was a complex renovation as we had to undertake the changes and extension while still servicing two complexes,” Sutton says.

At Parkhaven Hospital, Overhaul Construction renovated three parts of the complex and completed a major laundry extension to an existing building.

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30 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 26-33.indd 30

26/06/2014 4:19:27 p.m.

Retirement - Overhaul Construction “We had to manage the shut down periods of gas, power, and water for a maximum of two hours within specific time frames so it wasn’t going to affect the running of the facility.” Sutton says that the property division at Bupa and Parkhaven Hospital has a fantastic team. “This really enabled us to work together with them to minimise disruption to the residents.” The team effort extended to the project’s subcontractors, with Frear Surveyors, McGhie Plumbing, and Universal Drainage and Earthworks among a number of key reliable subbies who Sutton says were all on the same wavelength as Overhaul Construction. “Their efforts helped out considerably during those challenging periods of the build, and they are an asset to every project,” he says. At Summerset at Karaka, Overhaul Construction has built the first 10 villas at Summerset’s seventeenth retirement village, which will eventually have more than 200 residents. Summerset construction manager Mike King says that Overhaul Construction lived up to their recommendations and worked well on the villas, which were all completed on time. Once completed, the Summerset at Karaka development will include a care centre, offering rest-home and hospital level care. As a member of the Certified Builders Association of New Zealand, the highest standards of quality and safety are assured on all Overhaul Construction building projects. Sutton has also pursued further NZQA qualifications to fulfil the requirements necessary to register as a Site 2 Licensed Building Practitioner, meaning that Overhaul Construction can oversee all building projects including residential and commercial builds. Overhaul Construction is still

Overhaul Construction has completed renovations of parts of the Parkhaven Hospital complex.

undertaking projects in its specialist field of renovations, and can handle any project from a total home makeover to a smaller scale renovation from design, to project management, to completion. Overhaul Construction helps its renovation clients by advising in selection of the right design, then executes the project from demolition through to floor and wall finishes.

“The work requires a lot of care and a personality that can handle the challenging conditions these projects can sometimes bring.”

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Building Innovations 26-33.indd 31

26/06/2014 4:19:31 p.m.

Retirement - Omokoroa Country Estate

Omokoroa provides ideal environment Sue Russell Settled on 25 acres of park-like landscaped land, Omokoroa Country Estate is one of two original retirement villages to be built in the Bay of Plenty 25 years ago. Sales manager, Grant Norton is proud of the fact that through all the building phases that have occurred since that time the original concept, to create a feeling of privacy and space, has been retained. “The big thing is the sense of space. Something the newer villages don’t have. “We have a lot of gardens and open spaces which our 213 current residents have easy access to. It’s given us a unique feel, creating a life-style intrinsically valuable.” The latest building project which will cap off the next phase of development at Omokoroa came about through the acquisition of the original orchard space next to the estate. “We were fortunate that the owner contacted us about selling the space. “It’s worked out perfectly because of the shared boundary and the amazing northfacing sites, some of which command harbour views,” Norton explains. Belvedere Construction, one of the Bay’s major building companies has been engaged to build the architecturally designed large units. Each unit has two bedrooms plus a study, or three bedrooms and Norton says when the 17-unit project is completed early 2015 the homes will be an impressive addition to the existing homes. “Most of the units have already been sold which speaks for itself. “Omokoroa is such a well established settled village, ideally located 15 or so minutes from Tauranga, yet feeling away from the hustle bustle of city life. Our residents really have the best of both worlds living here.” Norton is ideally suited to talk about the village and all it has to offer. When he first joined the village he lived in a home there. He also understands that the baby-boomers, now entering retirement age are demanding more in the way of life-style facilities. “People are a lot more aware of retirement villages than they were 15 years ago. They’re a lot more accepting of the concept of communal living but equally their expectations of what will be on offer have increased.” Omokoroa has an abundance of facilities,

Omokoroa Country Estate prides itself on its sense of space, featuring numerous gardens and outdoor areas. including workshops and thermal pools, an all-weather outdoor bowling green, individual vege garden plots, a social centre complete with dance-floor and stage and a well-stocked library. “One of the factors that is really important to us is that we provide the facilities our residents want. We understand that what is asked for continues to evolve as new residents join us here and we work really hard to achieve a first-class facility for all.” Norton has no doubt that when the new building phase is completed, the owners will very much become a part of the whole community - adding to its character and vibrancy in the process.



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Proud Suppliers of Quality Flooring to Omokoroa Country Estate PH: 07 542 5300 14 Enterprise Drive, Papamoa PH: 07 577 1009 25 Koromiko Street, Tauranga 32 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 26-33.indd 32

26/06/2014 4:19:35 p.m.

Retirement - Omokoroa Country Estate

Estate’s new units coming on stream Sue Russell Bay of Plenty company Belvedere Construction is well underway with the development of Stage 5 at Omokoroa Country Estate, comprising 18 new units. Senior Quantity Surveyor Paul Chapman says the project has run well to date. “We have completed six of the 18 units and we’re preparing to start another three soon. “I have to say the Omokoroa team and the current residents have been very tolerant of the ongoing construction work,” he says. Working alongside residents living on the site is a challenge Belvedere Construction take in their stride. For the bulk of the last 15 years or so the company has focused on working in existing villages as well as developing new ones. While Omokoroa is a new project for the company, being able to draw on the experiences of designing and building other retirement village has held this project in good stead. Once completed Stage 5 will comprise a mix of single and two-story standalone units along with single-level duplex units. Chapman says the next set of units will be completed in the spring on time and to budget. The Omokoroa units are being marketed as spacious modern homes with floor-plans of around 200sqm. Inside the units are packed with high quality features including 2700mm high ceilings, treble cove and overheight doors – a departure from the traditional units Belvedere has built in other villages. “It gives a great tremendous sense of satisfaction to look at the quality and whole feel of these substantial residences. “They have certainly added value to what is already a lovely retirement village and we’re very proud to have been associated with this build,” says Chapman. Belvedere Group began in 1998 and since then it has been involved in a wide range of

construction projects, large and small. These days with its reputation established there is plenty of work on its books. “We’re fortunate that we always seem to be busy. This is largely because the bulk of our works comes from existing, long-term clients.” Nearing completion is a new 57 room facility and ancillary refurbishment project at Elizabeth Knox Hospital in Auckland. “Ever since I joined the company in 2007 we have been involved in construction at Althorp Village in Pyes Pa. “Right now we’re in the midst of building 28 villas having just finished a 27-room hospital and 14 apartment complex.” Belvedere’s success can be put down to some core strengths according to Chapman. “It’s about a clear set of values we apply to everything we do. We pride ourselves on being open and honest, acting with integrity in all aspects of the business. “Coupled with this we have retained a core staff of highly skilled individuals who are all committed to the success of our clients, the company and their own professional development. The company has recently launched a new residential arm. They have become part of the Competitive Homes national network of independent designers, project managers and builders. “Among the many benefits for home-owners being part of the Competitive Homes national group offers is the significant savings we pass on due to our buying power.” Since 2008 the company has been preferred builders for IAG/State insurance and last year it became preferred builder for Tower Insurance. “Both myself and our commercial manager Iain Gleaves, have experience working in the insurance sector. “We spent time developing our systems and getting the right people in place. It has become another valuable service the company provides.”

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Belvedere Construction is well underway with development of Stage 5 comprising 18 new units at Omokoroa Country Estate. Heirloom Kitchens design and build kitchens to suit your style and space. From low budget “hearty faire” kitchens to top of the range “haute cuisine” kitchens for designer homes, Heirloom Kitchens are all about delivering quality kitchens when you need them. Their great reputation has been developed through the skills and commitment of their design, joinery and management teams.

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Building Innovations 26-33.indd 33

26/06/2014 4:19:40 p.m.

Retirement - Settlers Albany

Settlers development continues apace Sue Russell Construction of the Lucas Apartments project at Settlers Albany lifestyle village is well on track to be completed at the end of October this year. The 33 two- and three-bedroom Lucas apartments are being built to the same exacting standards as the earlier residential dwellings on site. When construction of all the residences is completed in early 2016 Settlers Albany will have over 250 high quality apartments and townhouses.

Marketing and Development spokesperson for builder CMP Construction Ltd Jenna Macrae says the project, the first one of this size the company has taken on, is progressing well despite some special challenges. “Because Settlers is an already established lifestyle village there were some challenges around access to the site and the fact that we were working around completed buildings as well as ensuring at all times the safety of residents,” Macrae says. “We had a tight programme to work with and had to adapt to ongoing design changes but our experienced team took these things in their stride.”

“There is everything you could possibly want in a home and there’s also such a nice feeling about the place.” A visit inside any of the townhouses is nothing short of ‘amazing’, she says. “There is everything you could possibly want in a home and there’s also such a nice feeling about the place, testament to the fact that the designers have done a wonderful job focusing on all the details that go into making a home special.”

Managing the work-flow of the 30-50 sub contractors each with an average four staff on the site makes for a dynamic working space, but with the history CMP Construction has of taking on large construction jobs the project management systems are tried and true.

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34 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 34-41.indd 34

26/06/2014 4:22:46 p.m.

Creating community feel without uniformity Leading Auckland architecture and multi-discipline consultancy Babbage Consultants has enjoyed the experience of designing Settlers Albany, a stunning example of what modern-day design thinking can achieve. Senior Architect at the company Tammy Ashley says designing the high-density village caused a whole new set of design parameters to be used. “The design acknowledges a shift in the demographic of people looking at this quality of retirement village, seeking a variety of options and sizes. This is then balanced with the physical constraints of the site and a need for greater density than traditional retirement villages.” To achieve this objective Babbage found innovative ways to reduce the feeling of density. Key to this was designing an array of different multi-level apartment blocks, from two- to four-storeys high. This added interest to the whole view of the settlement and avoided any sense of uniformity. When the project was going through the resource-consent stages, planners were concerned about the breaking down of mass. This was achieved not only in the diversity of building form but in the use of colour and in the different roof pitches. “The overall lay-out of the site also supported this feeling of less mass because the larger buildings were centred toward the middle of the site while the smaller blocks are on the edge.” With a brief to create a community feel without uniformity, Ashley says the design answered this aspiration well. The initial master plan used for the purposes of gaining resource consent gave planners a view of the lay-out of the whole site along with general colour schemes. “They could see from the building

Settlers Albany: the high-density village caused a whole new set of design parameters to be used.

designs and their placement that the overall concept sat comfortably with the wider Albany environment.” Babbage Consultants has been involved in a lot of retirement-style projects on the North Shore and Ashley and her team have seen the changing nature of the demography and its expectations. “It’s certainly been very interesting to see the shifts and to respond to these in architectural form.” She says another factor that has come into play when considering retirement

type design is that no longer is it a case necessarily of wanting to scale down. “The make-up itself of retirement settlements, to now include those who are still working either full or part-time, has also had an impact on the design considerations.” “Not everyone is looking for smaller necessarily, but rather a whole lifestyle of which security, community and great facilities are all key factors.” With the Settlers development about 90% completed, Ashley says the working relationship with the owners and the building

companies has been tremendously positive. She says that Babbage Consultants has carved itself a strong presence in the competitive architectural market, largely due to its people. “It’s definitely our people and the way we support our people. “The company cares for its people and without exception we reflect the relationship back into the common vision and aspirations of this company.” “This support is extended also from the company and staff to our clients.”

Babbage is proud to be part of the Settlers Albany Retirement Village Project. With over 130 qualified professionals in offices across New Zealand we have the skill, knowledge and commitment to make your next project a success. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you.




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26/06/2014 4:22:50 p.m.

Retirement - Settlers Albany

Development at Settlers continues • From page 34 Settlers Albany is located at 550 Albany Highway. The townhouses, apartments and facilities were designed by Auckland-based architects Babbage Consultants. The complex has been landscaped to create a sense of peace for its residents with views of a nearby native bush reserve. Within walking distance is Albany Village. At the heart of Settlers a luxury lodge, opened by Prime Minister John Key on Valentines Day 2013, includes a heated pool, spa, BBQ patio, gym along with a purpose-built movie theatre to name just a few of its features. Outside an all-weather bowling green, croquet lawn and petanque court are popular with residents and their guests. Each apartment and townhouse is crammed with special features to assist those of more senior years to enjoy the very best lifestyle possible; features such as nurse call buttons, extra hand rails and under floor heating. “We have very much enjoyed the challenge and satisfaction of building Settlers Albany. “As a lifestyle village it has raised the bench-mark and we’re proud to have our name associated with such a wonderful facility.” CMP Construction Ltd was founded by Ron Macrae in 1990. In those two decades plus the company has completed a diverse range of substantial projects in this time, from commercial,

The Settlers Albany townhouses are geared towards comfort and luxury. industrial, refurbishment and remedial builds on heritage sites such as the restoration of Victoria Market, an iconic piece of Auckland’s history and culture. “We have excellent staff committed to their respective projects and to their successful delivery. “Through the years there has evolved a real team environment where everyone works well together. Settlers Albany also has a comprehensive website which includes a video tour of the whole site. Floor plans of the various apartments and townhouses can also be viewed online.

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Albany Lifestyle Village.

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36 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 34-41.indd 36

26/06/2014 4:22:55 p.m.

Residential - David Reid Homes Counties

Design-and-build packages proving popular Sue Russell Business has been growing in leaps and bounds lately for Brendon Hamill and his team at David Reid Homes Counties. Hamill, who took over the company in 2008 when the economic squeeze was beginning to take hold, puts the increase down to some key factors, including an upsurge in the building industry rebounding back from the recent tight years as well as a new focus David Reid Homes Counties has put on their design and build packages. “We are truly design-and-build,” says Hamill. “No two homes we build are the same and we go to great length to ensure the unique design elements desired by our clients are delivered in every build we undertake,” Hamill says. The David Reid team are all skilled practitioners and some have been with the company several years. Hamill concerns himself mainly with liaising with architects in the development of designs and with the experience his team carries every aspect of the building process is managed. The company has had a presence in the Counties district, south of Auckland since establishing in 2003. It’s business extends from Manukau City in the north to Franklin in the south, providing the challenge of building on a variety of land forms. Hamill is very proud of the company’s new showhome at 10 Fountain Road, Karaka Lakes which was completed in February, 2013.

• To page 38

The new David Reid Homes Counties showhome at 10 Fountain Road, Karaka Lakes, is an absolute stunner.


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Building Innovations NZ 37

Building Innovations 34-41.indd 37

26/06/2014 4:22:59 p.m.

Residential - David Reid Homes Counties

Design-andbuild brings unique homes • From page 37 The five-bedroom, three-bathroom, 303sqm home has been tastefully designed to utilise the maximum amount of space inside. “We wanted to show-off what good architecture is,” Hamill explains. “Many design features really pushed the guidelines of the covenants applying in the Karaka Lakes area. “We’ve cleverly turned constraints into opportunities.” Stunning and striking features of the home, nestled on its 700sqm section, include a 7.5 metre poured concrete structure that ‘flows’ through the house along with the views from inside capturing every element on the site. “It’s easily the best house in the area, completely well-designed and well-executed. “There is no wasted space inside with an open plan flowing feeling. “We tried to eliminate wasted space and have achieved this with only three metres of hallway.” Inside, the whole house is kept warm with only two panel heaters designed to operate eight hours a day necessary given the “highly specced” thermal products used throughout. The exterior of the home uses a new product from James Hardie, while the Eurotray

The exterior of the showhome uses a new product from James Hardie, while the Eurotray roofing has a classically modern look. roofing anchors the house down into the subdivision exuding a classically modern look. Even the colour pallet is anything but

ordinary. Ohai, Dulux’s colour of the year, features inside complimented by darker tones used outside. “The economics and the foot-print of the materials used go together to create a home that is as inexpensive to run as can be achieved,” says Hamill. The team at David Reid Homes Counties is busy at any one time with up to 15 jobs on the go. Hamill says it is not a surprise to be so consistently busy given the same passion for excellence and excitement in creating beautifully designed and crafted homes is shared by everyone in the team.

“Designing is all about listening. I am alongside our clients all the way through the design phase. “We also promote the use of quality products and we won’t recommend anything that we don’t have complete faith in. “We’re particular about researching product performance and knowing who is behind the product.” David Reid Homes Counties website is a good place to initially view the show-home and to learn about the complete design and build capability, the company’s signature speciality.

“It’s easily the best house in the area, completely welldesigned and well-executed. There is no wasted space inside with an open plan flowing feeling.”

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38 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 34-41.indd 38

26/06/2014 4:23:42 p.m.

Residential - David Reid Homes Counties

Nestled on a 700sqm section, the Karaka Lakes showhome includes a 7.5 metre poured concrete structure that ‘flows’ through the house.

Helping to make building sites safe What was once a single product Port A Loo operation is being changed by the new owner Neville Holt to a specialised construction hire company.

“Regardless of the size or shape our trained safety net riggers are able to install the netting to comply with the appropriate standards,” Holt explains.

Holt has considerable experience in the hire industry having worked for leading and specialist hire companies in New Zealand.

The ideal time to install the safety netting is after the walls have been braced prior to the roof truss positioning providing a safe work area for those involved with the roof truss fixing. Superior Hire has developed specific installation techniques that give builders safe access into the roofing void especially in the gable and hip areas.

“The introduction of fall arrestor safety netting is giving construction companies the ability to provide a mitigating soft landing fall arrestor facility, a requirement of having a safe work site,” says Holt. The team at Superior Hire are fully trained to FASET and equivalent standards so quality and compliance is assured. The safety netting is supplied by several reputable and very experienced suppliers who source the highest quality netting materials for purpose made nets. All safety netting is supplied compliant to the EN 1263-1:2002 standard and are supplied with a clearly marked identification label containing specific information such as the manufacturer, date of manufacture and test date. “Annually prior to the anniversary of the manufacture date we remove one of the test panels and send it away for testing. “When passed we attach a new label which indicates the net conforms to the EN standard to which it was made.





Safety netting do’s and don’ts: Never walk on the safety netting – it is a safety device Never allow heavy objects to rest on the safety nets Never place sharp object on the safety netting – such as skill saws Never remove the label or test strips DO CALL the supplier if someone falls into the net as it must be checked and certified as operational by the installer. DO have an evacuation plan for the removal of an injured worker “But if you have any questions as to the suitability of safety netting for your site, then please give me a call,” says Neville. The company also supplies temporary fencing, portable showers, flushing, nonflushing and trailer mounted Port A Loos. Email your plans to neville@superiorhire. for a price for your next job.

W M 021398936 P 09 238 6524 E

Building Innovations NZ 39

Building Innovations 34-41.indd 39

26/06/2014 4:23:54 p.m.

Residential - David Reid Homes Hawkes Bay

New showhome displays best of brand Karen Phelps A new showhome has cemented the position of David Reid Homes as a serious player in the Hawkes Bay market. David Reid Homes Hawkes Bay owner Brendan Williams says it has already generated a lot of local interest. The four-bedroom, 246sqm home is located at 25 Te Heipora Place in Havelock North. The Californian bungalow-style home is clad in linea weatherboard and Williams describes it as a “craftsman’s home”.

“We have focused on a very high level of finishing and true craftsmanship. It has distinctive detailing such as oversize skirting boards to give it a unique look,” he says. Since Williams took over the David Reid Homes Hawkes Bay franchise in September last year he has seen the brand growing in recognition in the region. A builder with 25 years experience Williams is well positioned to lead the franchise forward. He had previously worked on a number of David Reid Homes projects for the previous franchise owner when the opportunity

presented itself to become part of the brand. “It fitted in really well with my own personal attitude to building and ethos of quality,” says Williams. He says “building quality homes at a good price to meet any budget” is his focus as well as a “hands-on” approach. Williams builds from Wairoa in the north to Dannevirke in the south and says including everything in his quotes means no hidden surprises for clients although this can also sometimes cause confusion. “It can be difficult for clients to compare our quotes with those from other companies.

“We include everything in our quotes offering them the total package right down to kitchen appliances, driveways and patios if that is what they require. “It’s a matter of reading the fine print and being able to compare apples with apples,” he advises. Williams says a big advantage for his clients is the national buying power of David Reid Homes and the deals the company has managed to secure with suppliers. “For example I can buy appliances through companies such as Fisher & Paykel for phenomenal prices.

Interior / Exterior Painting Professionals Free Quotes | Prompt Servfice | Call us today M: 021 163 6136 E:


40 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 34-41.indd 40

26/06/2014 4:24:00 p.m.

Residential - David Reid Homes Hawkes Bay

David Reid Homes is one of the largest building groups in New Zealand and has achieved numerous accolades for the quality of its workmanship. “Our buying power is incredibly strong and getting stronger.” David Reid Homes Hawkes Bay covers design, construction, project management and on-going maintenance of homes all with the backing of a well established national brand. David Reid Homes is one of the largest building groups in New Zealand and has achieved numerous accolades for the quality of its workmanship, including winning more Registered Master Builder gold awards in recent years than any other national building group. The company started in 1993, and has gone on to become a nationwide network of 22 franchised branches.

Williams says that with David Reid Homes all builds come with the offer of a Master Build Guarantee or a Homefirst Builders Guarantee. “In addition people can request a David Reid Homes Guarantee. The David Reid Homes Guarantee is an enhanced deposit and non-completion guarantee to make sure the initial deposit you pay to your David Reid Homes builder is protected, assuming that you don’t pay more than 10% of the contract price. “It also guarantees that when you start building a David Reid Homes house it will be completed,” he explains. David Reid Homes offers a range of set plans which can be modified to suit and also offers a complete design and build service.

Methven Satinjet - know the shower that knows you After hundreds of hours of showering, testing, listening and watching, Methven has created Satinjet®. The showerhead has a special water volumising effect where two jets of water collide creating 300,000 droplets per second giving an incredibly luxurious showering experience. “We love showers, but we hated the experience that showers were giving us, painful streams of water, cold zones and poor coverage, a disappointing overall experience,” says Methven marketing communications manager Natalija PaladaSneddon.

The product has won a raft of prestigious design awards including in 2011 the Green Award at the Chicago Athenaeum GOOD DESIGN Awards and in 2010 the Gold Award at the DINZ Best Design Awards in New Zealand in the sustainability category. “We don’t design for trends or fads. Design to us is all about simplicity, attention to detail and providing an experience that enhances our customers lives,” “Our team of industrial designers, engineers and marketing experts spend a lot of time talking with all our customers to unravel what they like and love about showers and tapware.

“So we went about designing our own shower, something with great coverage, fantastic warmth and saturation.

“We talk about their experiences with water and how that may influence what our designers create.

“We wanted to design the perfect shower experience, after all it’s a big part of our lives morning or night, to awaken or to relax.”

“Our love of water and design means we are passionate about giving the world something special, to make everyone’s lives better and yet not harm our environment.

Satinjet® offers a shower experience that suits a variety of needs, whether it be invigorating with a regular width spray, or luxurious with an ultra wide spray or a water flow that you can personalise depending on your water and energy saving priorities.

“We are driven by understanding how people use our products today and dreaming of what products they may be using in the future.”

But the experience of luxury is not only on the skin – it is also to the eye.

Methven is New Zealand’s largest supplier of distinctive showerware, tapware and hotwater valves to home renovators, plumbers and the construction industry.

Designed by Methven’s award winning team Satinjet® is beautifully and elegantly designed.

For more information visit www.methven.

Building Innovations NZ 41

Building Innovations 34-41.indd 41

26/06/2014 4:24:04 p.m.

Residential- ZB Homes

Relaxed approach sees business boom Sue Russell Zane Beckett views his building business as very much one big family and it is that attitude that has laid the foundation for ZB Homes success. The company began in 1998 and since that time has grown in leaps and bounds. He now has a team of 16 builders and administration staff, including five apprentices. “During the recession years the main thing I wanted was to not have to lay anyone off and we managed to achieve this.” These days the company is involved with construction in Christchurch, Taupo, Auckland, Waikato and the Bay of Plenty and Beckett admits there are times when he just doesn’t sleep. “Shirley and Ange in the office handle the administration and project management leaving me free to find jobs and keep an eye on the builds underway. “My builders are all extremely talented, dedicated craftsmen who share the same vision for the highest standards and attention to detailing in everything they do.” Building is in Beckett’s blood. His Dad, a property developer was looking for a builder at the time his son was thinking about a career to pursue – this was Beckett’s introduction to building and he’s never looked back. “The thing ZB Homes enjoy about being a builder is we can give people exactly what they want and to hear them say they have honestly had a good experience means a great deal.” ZB Homes is based in Te Awamutu and at Tamahere on Hamilton’s outskirts. A whopping 90% of the projects are building new residential homes, along with light commercial and renovations. “Renovations can be more problematical sometimes because there is an emotional factor in place that is different from that experienced by someone building something new from scratch,” Beckett says. Energy efficiency has become a key component in modern-day house design and construction Beckett says, with elements like LED lighting, instant hot-water taps

Most of ZB Homes’ projects are new residential homes, along with some light commercial and renovation .

and induction cooking surfaces becoming common-place. “I have an induction cook top in my home in Tamahere. To boil water on it uses less energy than boiling the same volume in a little jug.” With building projects extending into 2015 ZB Homes, given its size and experience, has the capacity to take on jobs that come ‘out of the blue’, something Beckett says is very satisfying. A good work/life balance is, however a priority these days with the arrival of daughter Imani last year. Beckett also enjoys golf and mountain-biking when he can fit into his busy schedule. “It’s important to have down-time. It contributes to the overall performance of the team and that’s why we don’t work the weekends. “My team deserve the break so they are fresh Monday morning,” he says.

A successful build is all about quality communication and Beckett says that starts with the first conversation. “It’s all about understanding what they require, gleaning from clients what their key points are, even when their thinking isn’t necessarily completely formed. “The quicker I pick up on that the better. “I am in this business all day every day so one thing I have learnt is that you have to put things in lay-man’s terms so people

understand how the process of it is all going.” Looking back on his years in the industry Beckett says he is satisfied with the journey so far. “I have got a great team and we’re all on the same page. We keep things pretty relaxed. There’s a lot of support, respect and friendship between us all. “That’s why we enjoy doing what we do and why we get the results.”

Proud to support ZB Homes Ltd

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92 Bruce Berquist Drive, Te Awamutu P: 07 871 6188 F: 07 871 6128


Want to take your business to the next level? CONTACT US TODAY ON 03 983 5521

Gerard Davidson: 027 257 5612 Adam Davidson: 027 540 8901 Email:


Building Innovations 42-52.indd 42

26/06/2014 4:26:55 p.m.

Residential - Robertson Building Canterbury

Canterbury firm keeps up with demand Kelly Deeks Robertson Building Canterbury is evolving with the construction market in Christchurch with the nearly 10-year-old company now employing a project manager to enable company founder Arthur Robertson to get back on the tools and keep up with demand. Robertson Building Canterbury offers a wide range of professional carpentry construction services and advice, and specialises in all building projects from new homes to renovations and alterations and even general maintenance. Robertson says the company is focused on delivering every project in a timely fashion, providing superior quality services and long-lasting solutions to its valued clients in the Canterbury region. A licensed building practitioner, EQCaccredited and registered with Fletchers, Robertson Building Canterbury is able to take care of any earthquake repairs. “The earthquakes that overcame Christchurch were a tragedy that Robertson Building Canterbury would like to help the locals to recover from,” Robertson says. “Given the fragile nature of working on earthquake repairs, we take a great deal of care to prevent further damage, or harm to those close the structure.” Robertson Building Canterbury is just starting to get back to its roots of new building projects, after the past three years of a workload dominated by Fletcher EQC projects and earthquake repairs. With five new builds currently on the go, as well as four Fletcher EQC projects, Robertson Building Canterbury’s new project manager Nick May certainly has his work cut out for him. Robertson Building Canterbury has the expertise to work through big or small building or remodelling jobs from concept to completion. “We make sure our clients’ great ideas are backed up by great planning and execution,” Robertson says. “We provide the carpentry construction design and planning, and expert carpentry construction on every project.” Each Robertson Building Canterbury project is carried out by dedicated, qualified, and experienced tradespeople. “We have a highly dedicated team with a lot of experience working together. “We coordinate our team to make sure that everybody plays to their strengths and learns from one another. “We look forward to each new challenge as a chance to surpass ourselves and

Each Robertson Building Canterbury project is carried out by dedicated, qualified, and experienced tradespeople.

deliver a final product that leaves our clients breathless.” When building its clients’ dream homes, Robertson Building Canterbury takes a committed approach to working to deadlines, and sees getting the job done as quickly as possible an integral part of its business. The company is also focused on 100% customer satisfaction, including minimising the intrusion on its clients’ lives when building or renovating. “We see our job as facilitating their dreams, and therefore leaving behind a mess is simply inexcusable,” Robertson says. “We promise to get in, get the job done quickly, and leave only our work behind once we’re done. “Building services include the clean up. “That’s a Robertson Building Canterbury guarantee.” With Fletcher-managed earthquake repair projects coming to an end later this year, Robertson has discovered a gap in the market for commercial fit-out crews, and is now setting up his own crew with a light commercial/interior fit out focus. By the end of the year he hopes to take Robertson Building Canterbury into the realm of spec housing.

“We look forward to each new challenge as a chance to surpass ourselves and deliver a final product that leaves our clients breathless.”

Proud to be associated with Robertson Building Canterbury Ltd

Michael Kelly Painting Contractor

Interior/Exterior • Residential/Commercial 27 Rossiter Avenue, Redwood, Christchurch

Mob: 021 264 9492 027 647 5755 GST No. 33-074-492 Email:

P: 0225 225 574

Building Innovations NZ 43

Building Innovations 42-52.indd 43

26/06/2014 4:26:58 p.m.

Residential - Chiefs Court

High intensity development ticks boxes Sue Russell Due for completion in February next year the 59-unit Chief Courts multi-residential project has been a rewarding and challenging experience for Hamilton construction company Livingstone Building Ltd., something the team at Livingstone have enjoyed from the outset. The sheer size of the project in Hamilton East has at times created logistical challenges for construction manager Chris Dinan to overcome. Case in point: With a substantial number of contractors and subbies working on the site at the same time Dinan had to work a little creatively around splitting up and specialising the trades to minimise any waiting time.

“We’re always looking at the most efficient way to work people on the site and so far with some adjusting the project has gone along well,” Dinan says. While the Chiefs Court project is a general residential build and not specific to a particular demographic, the fact that Livingstones has experience building retirement villages has been beneficial he says. “Chiefs Court definitely has a theme or collective sense about it. It has an English style and with the three blocks, once completed, centred round a central common area, the design works really well. “It is affordable housing which reflects old school style ways.” Keeping the project on track is Dinan’s responsibility and to help him achieve this

goal has weekly meetings with all involved in the project. Some real ‘light-bulb’ ideas come out of these collective discussions. “We had a revolutionary idea on site which saved us time, avoiding delays caused by wet weather. “We put three 10mm by 10mm chasers into the concrete floor as flood protection to keep the bottom plate dry so we could line the walls earlier. A simple procedure that means we wouldn’t be held up by the weather.” The complex has a lot of infrastructure built into it below ground. Dinan says it has been built to withstand the 100 year flood with enormous capacity to hold its own reserve storm water, a requirement of the consenting process. With a successful history building largeand small-scale projects during its 60-plus

Aluminium Joinery

Total Management Services In The Construction Industry



years, Livingstone Building Ltd is one of the Waikato’s leading construction companies. Dinan puts this longevity down in part to the family team-work culture the founders, brothers David and Mike Livingstone along with fellow director Peter Clarke, consciously worked hard to create and nurture. “It’s a good feel and I think it is unusual in businesses of the size and scale of Livingstone to have this close sense of common purpose and relationship to the company by its staff. It is a huge factor in the market.” That culture pervades every strata of the company from the directors through to the apprentices learning on the job the craft of building. It creates a space where new thinking and innovative, ‘out of the box’ ways of achieving the best outcome for the clients is encouraged.

102 Kent Street, Hamilton Phone: 07 8479882 Fax: 07 8474035 Email:

Proud to support Livingstone Building NZ Limited Auckland Office: Phone: 09 5281420 Mike Gibbon Mobile: 021 223 5343

Hamilton Office: Phone: 07 839 4423 Jason Smith Mobile: 021 0217 6484

Your Subdivision and Land Development Specialists

Proudly Supporting Chiefs Court | 67 Norton Road, Hamilton | Ph 07 848 1093

44 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 42-52.indd 44

26/06/2014 4:27:10 p.m.

Rural - Glenavy Dairy Factory

Residential - Chiefs Court

Ground-breaking project a developer’s dream Sue Russell There is something very satisfying with being involved with a ground-breaking residential housing project. For Mike Gibbon - partner with Jason Smith in Elemental Construction Solutions - the 59 townhouse ‘Chiefs Court’ project in Hamilton has been just that. Having bought the camping ground site near the University of Waikato, the pair have managed all aspects of the development, including the sales and marketing, design and construction phases. Gibbon says that while their original thinking was that the two-, three- and fourbedroom town-houses would appeal more to owner-occupiers, he says that has not been the experience to date. “With the first stage of 21 houses complete, the vast majority have been purchased as an investment property and now occupied by tenants, rather than home owners. “I think the high proportion of investment purchasers is partly because the price range is well suited for those wanting to enter the property investment ladder, or increase their existing portfolio.”

Recent valuations indicate an average increase of 9 percent in the capital value of the houses, a good gain according to Gibbon. Gibbon says the Cameron Road site is an excellent place to build. He says that the aspiration to create a “village-communal” feel, balanced with residents’ privacy, at Chiefs Court has been achieved in the design, orientation and landscaping of the spaces. All the houses face inwards and the two central landscaped areas are visible from every balcony, which creates a sense of centre. At the back, each house has its own private courtyard with fences deliberately built slightly higher than standard for privacy, “but not too high so as to be claustrophobic”. “Two of the corner sites have the larger four-bedroom homes, but all four corner sites have larger private garden spaces with every house having a minimum of 40-50 square metre courtyards at the back.” “Even though this is a fairly large-scale operation and development at our core we are a family business, with my wife Clare contracted as a quantity surveyor and Jason’s wife running the accounting and financial management arms.”

All the Chiefs court houses face inwards and the two central landscaped areas are visible from every balcony, creating a sense of centre.


The utilities and services building houses the factory’s admin and mechanical areas.

Glenavy factory gearing up Kelly Deeks Commercial and industrial construction specialist Lund South has recently completed another successful project with the construction of the utilities and services building at the Oceania Dairy Group factory near Glenavy. The new building was the latest of several projects Lund South has completed at the site to assist project team Babbage to achieve the infrastructure required for the plant’s first start-up later this year. Lund South has completed a significant amount of smaller concrete structures in a number of construction methodologies, including services concrete works, tanker wash facilities, and a chlorine building to name a few. The utilities and services building houses the dairy factory’s administration and mechanical areas. Its primary function is the control of all of the utilities required by the plant’s drier tower and other satellite buildings. Lund project manager Anthony Fawcett says it means a lot to Lund to be a part of this project. “The opportunity to be part of large successful projects are opportunities to be cherished,” he says. “This is another successful dairy project under our collective belt. “The diversity of projects we undertake

at Lund is genuinely endless, no project too big or too small can trouble our team, and we pride ourselves on our ability to forge positive long term relationships as we go,” says Fawcett. He says one of the major challenges of this construction was maintaining an acceptable and positive programme for the client, while also taking the time to methodically make most of the precast panels on site. “Lund staff are extremely versatile and in fact thrive on this additional type of work,” he says. “The guys on site did a fantastic job on the precast panels, and we have handed each section of the project over to the client as required. “The project required full use of the Lund 100-tonne crawler crane on site, without this the job would have been very difficult indeed.” Along with the crane and a “brilliant long established construction team”, Lund was also able to provide numerous scissor hoists, a 25-tonne Kato crane, Merlo forklift, site containers, and numerous trucks and other plant in order to facilitate the high programme requirements and construction methods at Glenavy. He says in all the project ran smoothly and steadily. Architectural consultants for the project Styles and Hooker noted the quality of Lund Joinery’s work on the inside of the building as being some of the best ever seen.

The Cancast team comprises some of the most experienced and successful operators in precast building products in the south island. Our people have an unparalleled depth of knowledge and current understanding of the manufacture and use of precast concrete in the New Zealand construction industry. Cancast are proud to be involved with Lunds on the Glenavy project. PO Box 9 Rolleston

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Proud to be associated with Glenavy Dairy Factory Building Innovations NZ 45

Building Innovations 42-52.indd 45

2/07/2014 9:43:47 a.m.

Interiors - National Kitchen and Bathroom Association

Top speakers set for conference Jo Bailey The keynote speakers for the 2014 National Kitchen & Bathroom Association’s (NKBA) annual conference have been announced. NKBA executive officer Suzie Rees says the association is excited to welcome acclaimed architect and Grand Designs Australia host Peter Maddison - who is being brought to NZ by Kitchen Things and Smeg - as a guest speaker at the event, being held on August 1-2 at Trinity Wharf, Tauranga. “We expect a thoroughly entertaining session with Peter, who is an accomplished speaker, in addition to his high-profile architectural and presenting work.” Laminex New Zealand is bringing Renee Hytry-Derrington, Vice President of Design for Fletcher Building Laminates and Panels to New Zealand for the conference, who will discuss ‘Kitchens of the Future’. The conference programme also provides delegates with plenty of opportunity for networking and professional development, with some “stimulating educational and interactive” sessions being planned. The trade area display will include a working kitchen complete with working chef. A highlight of the programme is the keenly anticipated annual NKBA Design Awards which will be presented at a gala dinner during the event. “We’re very happy with entry numbers which have exceeded last year’s awards. It is a great way to recognise the outstanding achievements of our members and to raise the profile of the winners’ businesses and work.” A retreat for members of the Certified Designers’ Society (CDS) will be held on July 31, just prior to the conference.

A highlight of the programme is the annual NKBA Design Awards. CDS membership is only open to certified kitchen and bathroom designers who are also members of NKBA. Suzie Rees expects there to be a lot of discussion at the conference about two major international trade shows which have been held in recent months, and attended by many New Zealand kitchen and bathroom designers and manufacturers. The Kitchen and Bath Industry Show, the largest North American platform devoted to the industry, was held at Las Vegas in February. It attracted 500 exhibitors, and 31,092 industry professionals. EuroCucina, Europe’s major biennial trade show in the kitchen and bathroom field was

held in Milan in April, with more than 300,000 visitors attending the event. Another event called ‘FTK - Technology for the Kitchen’ was also held at EuroCucina, showcasing the built-in appliance sector, cooker hoods, and various products, prototypes and ideas for the kitchen of the future. “We are gathering information and fresh ideas from some of our members who attended EuroCucina, with the aim of putting together a presentation which we will take around the association’s nine chapters to share the latest trends and products. It is such an exciting event.” Registrations for the NKBA Conference are now open.

NKBA plans for future The National KItchen & Bathroom Association (NKBA) is working on many initiatives to improve the value of being a member, says president Ingrid Geldof. “We are now working closely with the Certified Designers Society and BCITO to gain understanding and create a cohesive structure around education and the promotion of the industry.” The NKBA’s role is to provide leadership and direction for the kitchen and bathroom industry; offering reputable services to its members; and promoting professionalism and integrity in all business practices. “One of our key areas of focus is to increase designer and manufacturing member numbers and to ensure we continue to provide the best possible value to our members, including suppliers.” Ms Geldof says the association has been invited to join other trade and industry groups to develop industry standards in line with the Building Amendment Act 2013 that was passed by Parliament in November. “The review of industry standards has raised several points the kitchen and bathroom sector needs to be aware of and we will be keeping members up to date with the changes.” With no current licensing scheme for interior designers and the continuing growth in the kitchen and bathroom industry, Ms Geldof says membership of an industry organisation such as NKBA is vital.

Lennox extends reach Bathroom supplies specialist The Lennox Bathroom has a growing nationwide presence, with two South Island stores opened in the last three years. The company’s Christchurch store was the first to open in the southern marketplace, with a Dunedin store opening last year to meet a growing demand for its products from the Otago region. In the North Island, The Lennox Bathroom is well established in Auckland and Hamilton, with a new Wellington store planned in the short term. The reason behind the growth of the 12 year old company, which was founded in Auckland in 2002, can be attributed to its simple business philosophy – to supply high quality affordable products, and deliver friendly, knowledgeable service. The Lennox Bathroom retails directly to the public and wholesales to trade professionals. Its wide range of bathroom products and accessories includes showers, vanities, toilets, heated towel rails, mirrors and tapware. The company stocks popular brands such as Engelfield, Clearlite and Methven and many more, alongside its own quality Lennox product range, which is made in the firm’s own factory in China. Having its own factory enables The Lennox Bathroom to offer our customers greater flexibility on product design, size and colour. For example, it manufactures 15 different

models of shower box, which each have different size options available.” The company also makes several vanity models under the Lennox brand, ranging from 460 to 1500mm, which come in two colour options. The Lennox Bathroom offers several Bathroom Combo Packages that provide a cost effective option for customers, with all the product combination decisions made for them.

Your Bathroom One Stop Shop

It also has a thriving online store on the TradeMe site, where customers can buy in complete confidence. Any products not on the company’s listings can usually be ordered in. Along with its wide variety of quality, affordable products; superior customer service is at the heart of The Lennox Bathroom’s operation. There is always several of the company’s well-trained and knowledgeable staff on the shop floor to advise and assist our customers so they are not left waiting. The company doesn’t carry out installation work but can recommend several plumbers and builders who are familiar with its products. Most of The Lennox Bathroom’s business comes from referrals from existing customers, so it rarely advertises. Its owners look forward to even more New Zealand retail and trade customers becoming familiar with The Lennox Bathroom brand as the company’s nationwide network continues to grow. Auckland Branch A: 3/23 Springs Road, East Tamaki, Manukau P: 09 271 0168 M: 021 2710162, 021 2696747 (Connie)

Christchurch Branch A: 4/301A Blenheim Rd, Riccarton, Christchurch P: 03 3488885 M: 021 1647900 (Lee)

Hamilton Branch A: 21 Somerset Street, Frankton, Hamilton P: 07 8477722 M: 012 847770, 012 369528 (Tony)

Dunedin Branch A: 217 Crawford Street, Dunedin P: 03 4775885 M: 021 588537 (Neo)

46 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 42-52.indd 46

26/06/2014 4:27:18 p.m.

Interiors - National Kitchen and Bathroom Association

M-Series hits the mark There are so many decisions to be made when it comes to fitting out a project but the decision about which sliding door hardware to choose is an easy one with the new M-Series by Mardeco. The M-Series range of sliding door hardware represents a new age of flush pull handles and privacy locks for timber and aluminium sliding doors. Packed with innovation and sophistication, these sleek, modern handles represent simplicity through uncompromising design. With Mardeco taking the time to get the range perfect, quality and ease of use have been emphasised in every aspect, from the handles themselves to the installation resources and packaging. Designed in New Zealand, the M-Series perfectly represents what Mardeco is all about - quality, design and good service. M-Series hardware comes with detailed installation instructions and additional parts for multiple applications, giving your project a cohesive look. Aesthetic design combined with manufacturing excellence backed up by excellent customer service has always been a hallmark of Mardeco. The company places a high priority on looking after clients and ensuring that they can get the products they’re looking for when they need them. As an example due to customer demand Mardeco has been searching for some time to find a stunning range to offer to the high-end market

within New Zealand. The result is the JNF range, a sophisticated high quality European design. Conceived in Portugal, the range of handles, hooks, flush pulls, door stops, locks and hinges fit seamlessly into any building and help New Zealanders to create distinctive homes and buildings. The JNF range addresses and creates trends within contemporary architecture, while always adhering to strict quality guidelines. Like all Mardeco products the JNF range is aesthetically appealing, durable, and most importantly, practical. Mardeco International Ltd is an independent privately owned New Zealand company based in Auckland. The company has been importing designer architectural hardware for over a decade sharing products from all over the world with kitchen and furniture manufacturers, hardware wholesalers and retailers, architects, interior designers and Kiwis throughout New Zealand looking to add a touch of sophistication to their homes. Architects and interior designers have specified Mardeco products in various projects around New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. Mardeco keeps many products in stock meaning often orders can be delivered the same or next day depending on location. For more information about the M Series, JNF range or other Mardeco products call toll free for a non-obligation free overview of the range of products on 0800 820 840 or visit

Brown & Syme on a roll Relationships with construction companies developed over decades has made Brown & Syme Holdings Limited the go-to company for interior and exterior painting and decorating during the Christchurch rebuild. In fact Brown & Syme has now doubled in size since the earthquakes. Brown & Syme undertakes residential, commercial and public projects. It offers a complete range of painting services and has been building its reputation since 1936. The company started in Christchurch as Alfred Brown & Co (Painters) and in 1949; R M Syme Ltd (Painters) was established. In 1989, a son and grandson of the original owners Colin Brown and Steve Syme, merged the two companies and Brown & Syme Holdings. Peter Mason joined Brown & Syme as a director in 1993. He had been apprenticed to Alfred Brown & Co as a painter in 1973 and after serving his time, was promoted to supervisor and contracts manager. Mason became a shareholder in Brown & Syme with the retirement of Steve Syme, and eventually he took over the Brown & Syme business. In 2005, he was joined by Bruce Hodges, an employee for many years, who had worked his way through the ranks from an apprentice to a supervisor, and now a business partner. Brown & Syme expanded to Nelson in the late 1990s, and in 2003, Richard Haynes became a business partner looking after the Nelson Tasman region. Haynes has extensive experience in the paint industry

having worked as the branch manager and sales representative for Resene for 10 years. Today Brown & Syme employs close to 40 staff in Christchurch and another 15 in Nelson. Immediately following the Christchurch earthquakes, Brown & Syme was quick to double its staff in order to assist with the huge amount of repairs and relocations needed to get businesses back up and running. With the rebuild now in full swing the company has been busy undertaking a number of contracts in the CBD and private homes. Recent major projects include the temporary police station and the new Orion building. These projects were successfully completed on time, despite the tight time frames, something Brown & Syme specialises in. High quality workmanship, professionalism, reliability and completing work on time and on budget are just some of the factors responsible for the company’s sound reputation. The long-standing South Island painting and decorating company is predicting further growth as the rebuild speeds up. Brown & Syme Holdings, Telephone Christchurch (03) 381 8423, email; Nelson (03) 546 5145, email brown-symenelson@,

Holdings Limited


• Residential & Commercial • Project Management of Earthquake Damage & Repairs • Specialising in Historic & Character Homes & Buildings • All Types of Wallpaper & Wall coverings • Textured & Spray Coatings SOUTH ISLAND WIDE

Ph 03 381 8423 Fax 03 381 7212 PO Box 15010, Christchurch 8643 Email: Building Innovations NZ 47

Building Innovations 42-52.indd 47

26/06/2014 4:27:20 p.m.


More to come from Leaky Building crisis? Nick Hill As a country we need to protect those that invest in our biggest national asset—buildings. In 2002, the then Building Industry Authority released what is now known as the Hunn Report which detailed the results of an inquiry into the weathertightness of New Zealand buildings, having particular regard to leaky and decaying homes. The outcomes were twofold; firstly specific concerns about weathertightness and secondly issues in relation to the building sector, which the authors saw as critical if weathertightness issues were to be addressed. The resulting recommendations ranged from warnings around collapses to cantilevered balconies and decks supported by untreated timber through to health risks associated with fungal decay especially when removing cladding; the sponsoring of research into effective moisture management systems for New Zealand conditions; improving detail requirements for building consent applications and reviewing and developing guidelines for the inspection regime, among many other items. The building sector recommendations included regulatory changes that focused on improvements to the compliance process, and reviewing territorial authority and building certifier roles and responsibilities. Other areas of concern were the need to develop tertiary qualifications and programmes of continuing professional development of building inspectors and certifiers, the analysis of documentation tracking in the building process, the national

registration of builders and other related trades and so on. The Hunn Report cited significant incidences of water damage to upmarket single dwellings and multi-unit condominium style apartments, where the use of monolithic panel cladding was used. These designs were characterised by roof structures with no eaves, solid balconies and parapets, and flush windows and doors with inadequate flashings. However the report couldn’t quantify the extent of New Zealand’s weathertightness problem as much of the problem was “hidden within the walls of buildings”. However an early estimate at the time had 50% of monolithic cladding type buildings needing repairs at an average of about $20,000, which put the problem cost at the time between $12-24 million a year, or, if backdated 10 years, about $240 million. To affect the changes identified as being needed, the Building Industry Authority was disbanded and the Department of Building and Housing (DBH) established. The Building Act 2004 became the base instrument of change and setting the guidelines. The most effective change has been in the Building Consent area. Within councils there is now a requirement to have a dedicated Building Consent Authority (BCA) established under which clear and transparent processes are now clearly adopted nationally. Councils have also adopted quality processes, trained staff, and undergone auditing of their procedures. Owner awareness of Leaky Building issues, however, is far from comprehensive, despite the DBH highlighting issues

Maintenance of buildings on a regular basis is a fundamental part of the building code.

through the Weathertightness Homes Resolution Service, the Financial Assistance Package (FAP) and providing educational documentation. Politicians are shy of escalating the issue and it has been easier for many of our homeowners to “bury” the problems until critical safety and health issues arise. Over time the weathertightness problem has moved south, with Wellington and Christchurch now experiencing increasing weathertightness activity. This is probably the “nub” of our future national disaster. The FAP, while a good starter in terms of assistance to residences that have identified leaky building issues, is now fast running out of time as the 10-year window to apply for assistance closes in. The net result is that many, many thousands of homeowners who have yet to identify their buildings have leaky issues will be without assistance financially. In my opinion the scale of the Leaky Building syndrome will be a legacy that will negatively impact on the next two to three generations of New Zealanders. Having to repair a building is out of the reach of the many New Zealand homeowners on a modest income, meaning that as

buildings gradually erode, their equity declines and generationally we become poorer as a nation. Maintenance of buildings on a regular basis is a fundamental part of the building code (in all countries), and this has slipped away from building owner’s attention somewhat over the last generation. This requirement to constantly monitor the state of the building should be fundamental to protecting the health of the building. Different building materials require a varying degree of regular inspection, along with repair and replacement of some components. The chain of passing on information from the manufacturer through the distributor to the designer and builder, and, ultimately, on to the building owner in a clear and workable format has some substantial work to be done to be effective. The challenge is for the whole construction sector to work on programs of identification and education for building owners about their maintenance responsibilities. Nick Hill is the chief executive of the Building Officials Institute of NZ

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48 Building Innovations NZ

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26/06/2014 4:27:25 p.m.

SWP - offering cost-effective solutions SWP Commercial has experienced significant growth in the past few years establishing an Auckland branch in 2011 and expanding into the Christchurch market in 2013. The company started in the 1990’s in Wellington and initially focused on roofing and specialist coatings of commercial properties. It has since expanded into waterproofing, refurbishments, car park and industrial coatings and seismic strengthening. It operates several distinct divisions. A specialist coating and restoration division concentrates on both new exterior facades as well as restoring existing ones using plastering and paint techniques which can replicate even intricate façade details. Completed projects include the Supreme Court of NZ and Parliamentary Library in Wellington. The car-parking division waterproofs carpark surfaces by removing failed coatings then building up a system to provide both a waterproofing membrane as well as a trafficable and lasting finished surface. Examples of projects include Riccarton Mall car park, Countdown Highland Park and Westfield Glenfield. The company also offers commercial resin flooring. This is applied by layering various specialised coatings to obtain the desired effect, whether it be to provide an architectural finish such as in Te Papa or low-maintenance high impact resistance as required in commercial kitchens, hospitals and swimming pool concourses. SWP Commercials roofing division is focused on being at the cutting edge of designing and installing roof systems in New Zealand for new commercial properties being constructed as well as re-roofing existing commercial buildings. “We offer solutions,” says SWP Commercials’ director Damond Gundesen.

SWP Commercial’s roofing division is focused on both new commercial properties as well as re-roofing existing buildings. “This means we come up with the right solution to suit the client and their needs. One example is bringing older commercial roofs up to modern building codes. “We work with architects, specifiers and main contractors to ensure we come up with the solution that will be the most economical for the client across the life of the building.” One example he offers is that it can be more cost effective to re-cover/overlay a new roof over a failing existing roof. “This avoids expensive shut -owns of commercial spaces as the roof can be

installed without disturbing the business operating below,” says Gundesen. “This system has very little impact on tenants and their customers and is safer and quicker, it also allows the client the opportunity to upgrade thermal performance and noise attenuation. “As the largest membrane roofing company in New Zealand we have our choice of the best suppliers to work with to get the job done. New Zealand roofs have traditionally been poorly insulated with the insulation crushed over the purlin.

“The systems we install ensure enhanced long- term thermal performance is achieved.” A current job is the re-roofing contract for Te Papa. SWP Commercial has also just completed the Te Tuhoe facility in Tanetaua which is the first building in the Southern Hemisphere to achieve Living Building status. “The roof design was integrated with the natural environment so aesthetically it looks as if the roof belongs there. It’s an example of the fact that when someone has a special requirement or a problem we aim come up with an effective solution.”

SWP Commercial Ltd New Zealand’s largest and only nationwide roofing, coatings and flooring contractor for commerical projects. We specialise in: • Membrane & metal roofing • Car park waterproofing

• Specialist coating • Exterior building restoration and refurbishment

• Concrete repair and injection • Warm roof solutions

Building Innovations 42-52.indd 49

26/06/2014 4:27:43 p.m.

Health and Safety

Safety charter working well in Canty rebuild Construction workers are safer, and productivity better, in Canterbury than elsewhere in the country, according to leaders in the rebuild industry. Effective health and safety leadership has been the focus of senior leaders across the industry with the formation of the Canterbury Rebuild Safety Charter. Now, the industry is reaping the benefits of such a concerted effort. Chair of the Charter Leadership Working Group, Rob Sloan, general manager of Jennian Homes, believes that there has been a distinctive change in attitudes towards health and safety since the rebuild began. “Health and safety is no longer the outdated, solemn dinosaur it used to be. “Real energy has been invested into this space in recent years, and with the commitment of leaders to getting people home safely every day, we’re seeing the results.” Sloan says that the enormity of the rebuild meant that industry leaders immediately

recognised the risk of numerous injuries. “We estimated that if we didn’t act, 1-2 construction workers may die each year on the rebuild and many would be seriously injured or suffer a life-changing work-related illness,” he says. “We could even go as far as saying safety is becoming ‘cool’ now. “Leadership is about engaging with the right attitude and the right ethics, and embracing a change of philosophy. “We’re hearing of young guys coming out of their training and questioning their supervisors, because we’re encouraging people to speak up for their own wellbeing,” says Sloan. “The business costs of lost time injuries, stopping work, and reporting, are huge. Effective safety systems remove these costs, and benefits are gained through reduced ACC levies. “At the same time, they actually speed up our work.

Edge system a winner An innovative commercial edge protection range by INTAKS is saving time on site during commercial projects. The easy-to-use access system provides guardrails for roof edge protection and working platforms for all trades to work safely. The patented system was developed in New Zealand and has already taken the residential market by storm since it was released two years ago. Made from lightweight aluminium INTAKS is incredibly versatile and can be assembled into over 15 different configurations. It is 80% lighter than steel scaffolding, which means that INTAKS takes far less time, truck tonnage and manpower to put up and pack down. The innovative design of INTAKS means that it offers many safety benefits on site. The interlocking system makes the planks strong and steady offering workers unparalleled support to work safely. The system’s planks also butt join end to end eliminating overlapping of planks and reducing opportunities for trip hazards and the dreaded 50mm death drop. The INTAKS system is certified as complying with AS/NZS 1664.1, Department of Labour Best Practise Guidelines for Scaffolding in New Zealand, AS/NZS 4994.1.2009 Temporary Roof Edge Protection and AS 6001 Working Platforms for Housing Construction. INTAKS has been especially designed for the busy construction industry to be simple to set-up and easy to adjust. INTAKS can

be adapted to suit any job or terrain. It can be hung from the existing structure of the building, from over the top plate, off the rafter or gable even from parapet and tilt slab to provide a working platform.

“We estimated that if we didn’t act, 1-2 construction workers may die each year on the rebuild and many would be seriously injured or suffer a life-changing work-related illness.” “For example, introducing fully scaffolded perimeter work platforms speeds up the pace at which our contractors can work,” he says. Charter Steering Group Chair and Chief Executive of Fletcher Building’s Construction Group, Graham Darlow, agrees: “The essence to working safely is in top leadership practices and leading by example,” says Darlow. “There are economies to be gained, and businesses benefit from the discipline that stems from effective health and safety systems.

“Safety in Canterbury has actually been enhanced due to the scale of the rebuild,” says Darlow. “We’d like to think the rest of New Zealand will pick up on these learnings.” “For those of us in leadership roles, it’s about keeping people safe while we rebuild this city. “Enough people have been hurt as a result of the earthquakes, and we need to ensure our work doesn’t cause any further harm,” he says.

The revolutionary one system solution providing roof edge protection and a working platform which adapts to suit the job requirement.

This means that lower walls and ground space is clear for multiple trades to work simultaneously. Alternately it can be jacked up under a balcony or eave to provide roof edge protection for maintenance, painting, re-roofs etc. With minimal ground footprint and very wide spans, INTAKS means a building site becomes more accessible and multiple trades can work together meaning shorter project time frames. With INTAKS there is no need for harnesses leaving workers free to complete the job quickly as workers don’t need to worry about lengthening and shortening ropes. INTAKS also opens up the labour field as workers can now work in a passive environment and no longer need to be trained in the use of harnesses. INTAKS has agents based around the country offering customers nationwide coverage. As new regulations from industry safety organisations are now requiring roof edge protection on all builds and platform systems to replace traditional trestles, saw stools and ladders, INTAKS is growing rapidly in popularity as it provides builders with a quick easy and affordable solution. For more information on INTAKS or agent areas please call 07 577 6469 or email or check out the website at

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• No drilling or rivets required • Fast installation, 20 seconds or less • Never rusts • Gutter outlet drop sizes 65mm, 80mm, 90mm & 100mm • Available in all plumbing and roofing outlets nationwide 50 Building Innovations NZ

Building Innovations 42-52.indd 50

26/06/2014 4:27:48 p.m.


Company Index A-Line Construction Whangarei 0800 002 776

CYB Construction Greymouth 03 762 6040

Lund South Christchurch 03 477 5912

Alan D Palmer Architect Auckland 09 522-4324.

David Reid Homes Counties Auckland 09 294 9145

McMillan and Lockwood Palmerston North 06 357 0979

Aspec Construction Auckland 09 309 3612

David Reid Homes Hawkes Bay Havelock North 06 875 09 77

Overhaul Construction Auckland 021 797 945

Apollo Projects Christchurch 03 358 9185

Elemental Construction Hamilton 07 839 4423

RCC Construction Auckland 09 570 0020

Belvedere Group Tauranga 07 579 0109

Gibson O’Connor Auckland 09 570-3300

Robertson Building Rangiora 027 245 1601

Boss Projects Ltd Auckland 0272 416 537

Hazeldine Construction Kaiapoi 03 327 6329

Select Reinforcing Rangiora 03 313 0433

Bradford Group Ashburton 03 308 9039

Landmark Homes Gisborne Gisborne 06 867 9957

Summit Construction Auckland 09 2137219

CMP Construction Auckland 09 442 0937

Livingstone Building Hamilton 07 849 0082

ZB Homes Te Awamutu 021 550 744

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Licensed Building Practitioners can earn Skills Maintenance points for subscribing to each edition of Building InnovationsNZ. Go to the website for the Department of Building & Housing and navigate to "Skills Maintenance" to learn how to use Building InnovationsNZ to earn maintenance points. Building Innovations NZ 51

Building Innovations 42-52.indd 51

26/06/2014 4:27:51 p.m.

Building Innovations 42-52.indd 52

26/06/2014 4:27:58 p.m.

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