Business South September

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businesssouth September / October 2016

Flying High Queenstown tourism business Ziptrek Ecotours delivers sustainability education with a dose of adrenalin.

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In Action for 25 years

New era for Emerson’s

Dunedin’s Action Engineering is celebrating 25 years of being at the forefront of engineering excellence.

Dunedin’s iconic craft brewer Emerson’s Brewery has ushered in a new era with the opening of its stunning new premises.

ISSN: 1175-9674; ISSN 1174-6246



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Page |4 Celebrating energy savers

Commerce and Conservation

The good things going on in energy efficiency and conservation were well demonstrated at this year’s EECA Awards.

Award-winning Christchurch company Isaac Construction has led the way in combining conservation with it’s construction works.

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New life for Hulbert House

Restoration masterpiece

A sensitive restoration project has given one of Queenstown’s heritage gems a whole new lease of life.

The biggest challenge during the restoration of Christ’s College Hare Memorial Library was the historic nature of the building.

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Page | 86 A Stake in the glass market

Sending cherries to the world

Christchurch construction company Stake Consulting has opened a new purpose-built glass processing plant in the city.

Lusscious cherries bursting with intense flavour are the business of Cromwell company New Zealand Cherry Corp.


Rex Lynch

Colin Morais, Chris Pearce, Adam Shirra, Linda Sigvartsen, James Anderson, Debbie Bennett, Andrew Stafford, Alasdair Thomson Email:



James Lynch Christchurch 112 Wrights Road PO Box 37 346, Christchurch Phone 03 983 5500 Queenstown 70 Glenda Drive PO Box 2581, Wakatipu Phone 03 983 5510 Published by:


Nick Gormack Sub Editor Paul Mein

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Journalists Kelly Deeks,Chris Hutching, Karen Phelps, Kim Newth, Sue Russell, Russell Fredric

SALES ROOM ISSN 1175-9674 ISSN 1174-6246

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Business South September 2016

NEWS » Waitangi Wharf Upgrade


‘Big Dig’ to play big part in upgrade Kim Newth A huge 28-metre long-reach excavator has been delivered by barge to the Chatham Islands as work continues to gather momentum on the Chatham’s $52 million Waitangi Wharf Upgrade project. Work on the two-year project to completely rebuild the wharf, a vital lifeline for the Chatham Islands, began earlier this year. The upgrade is set to boost the reliability and usability of the wharf, safeguard health and safety of port users, enhance livestock welfare and improve port operations. Pitt Island School students have named the project’s large PC1250 excavator ‘Big Dig’. At a special ceremony held in June, the school’s principal Suzanne Kiel unveiled the excavator’s catchy new magnetic nameplate. Big Dig was part of the project’s first barge delivery of construction equipment, out of Tauranga. For all involved, it was a mammoth logistical exercise to organise the delivery in time to meet a nominated weather window ahead of winter. Big Dig’s arrival, after 10 days at sea, had been keenly anticipated by both Memorial Park Alliance staff and Chatham Islanders. The Alliance, which has been engaged to carry out the upgrade, is a co llaborative partnership of construction companies (Downer NZ and HEB Construction), design companies (Tonkin + Taylor and AECOM) and the NZ Transport Agency. A key part of the project is a new breakwater, up to 160m long, for wharf protection. It will be constructed with interlocking blocks - Xbloc concrete armour. A concrete batch plant has been commissioned and is now producing concrete for both the construction yard setup in Waitangi-Tuku Road and the casting of Xblocs. Hundreds of these will be needed for the breakwater. Big Dig will be busy this winter as construction of the breakwater gets into full gear. Permanent works are on schedule to commence in mid-July. Another smaller excavator, also on the job as part of the project, has a new name too – Monsta Mutt – bestowed by Te One School principal Barbara Moore and pupils. In June, pupils of a third Chatham Islands’ school, Kaingaroa, had a field trip to Ohinemama Quarry to watch a spectacular ‘Big Blast’. Rock from the quarry, which was established at the start of this year, will be used for the breakwater and for reclamation works to enlarge the wharf area. New buildings for the port will be built on this reclaimed land to enhance port operations. The improved wharf precinct will also include: • A new commercial wharf and fishing wharf, including an inspection and sanitation area. • Dredging of the harbour and surrounding seabed to enable construction of new coastal structures and to improve berthing for vessels. • Improvements to the existing livestock holding area and track, including a feeding shed, new livestock pens and livestock race. • Seabed dredged to assist safe approach for ships. • Dredged sand to replenish Waitangi Beach. Plans for the upgrade were fine-tuned for a year

A $52 million upgrade for the Waitangi Wharf on the Chatham Islands is under way. An excavator with a 28-metre reach, named ‘Big Dig’ by Pitt Island school students (below) will play a key role in the upgrade work.

A key part of the project is a new breakwater up to 160m long, for wharf protection. ahead of the contract being signed in December 2015 and finalising of environmental resource consents. A ship simulator at the Royal New Zealand Navy’s Devonport base was used to model planned approach and departure routes for the upgraded wharf, while testing of a model of the planned breakwater was undertaken at the Sydney University Water Research Laboratory that showed the design would cope with Waitangi Bay’s harsh conditions. In 2014, a Department of Internal Affairs initiated review of the existing Waitangi Wharf found it did not meet operational or regulatory requirements. The review also included consideration of community feedback that identified Waitangi Wharf and the surrounding area as a critical lifeline for the residents of the Chatham Islands.

PROUD SUPPORTERS Bunnings is a proud supporter of the Waitangi Wharf upgrade. With it comes opportunity and development in the Chatham Islands. We like to think our Trade Promises will help make this project a success. For your nearest store visit or call 0508 BUNNINGS Trade Promises terms and conditions apply. See Trade Desk for details.

We are The quarry provider for Ohinemama Quarry

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We supply Aggregate and selected product from our Aylesbury Quarry

Proud to be associated with the Memorial Park Alliance 50 Bealey Road, RD 1, Aylesbury, Canterbury 7671, NZ T 03 318 1198 | E


September 2016 Business South

NEWS » EECA Awards

Tangible rewards from energy awards Kelly Deeks There are good things going on out there in energy efficiency and conservation, well demonstrated at this year’s EECA Awards, where excellence and innovation in energy efficiency and renewable energy are resulting in some impressive numbers around energy, cost, and emissions savings, and productivity gains. Supreme Award winner Project Litefoot Trust, which also won the Community Award, runs the LiteClub project to help community sports clubs become more efficient with energy, water and waste. More than 710 community sports clubs have signed to LiteClub’s free service, and there is now international interest in replicating the model. So far the trust has achieved $3.9 million worth of energy savings. Large Energy User Award winner Orora Beverage Cans New Zealand has established an energy management plan which has seen the company’s least efficient site increase productivity by 30%, while the Small to Medium Energy User Award went to organic food distributor Ceres Organics, whose new state-of-the-art warehouse and office building has shed 40% off the company’s energy use. ANZCO Foods was rewarded with the Energy Management Award and has a company-wide commitment to become more energy efficient. It has achieved a 17% reduction in overall energy use, saving $2.6 million each year. Auckland based Energy Solutions Providers (ESP) won the Business Service Excellence Award for energy management programmes that have saved the company’s clients more than $18.5 million. Panuku Development Auckland sustainability manager Dr Viv Heslop is credited with pioneering energy efficiency in the regeneration of Auckland’s waterfront, and received the Energy Leadership Award. The Public Sector Award went to Te Puni Kokiri and Argosy Property for the retrofit of historic Te Puni Kokiri House in Wellington. The refurbishment has seen the 1940s building transformed into one of New Zealand’s highest-performing green buildings. Charge Net NZ was awarded the Transport Award for its moves to increase the number of charging stations for electric vehicles in New Zealand. Butchery company Hellers and Active Refrigeration took out the Innovation Award for a heat recovery project which produces hot water from waste heat generated by the factory’s cooling system, reducing Hellers greenhouse gas emissions by 91%. The Renewable Energy Award went to Antarctica New Zealand for Kiwi-designed and built wind turbines which are generating enough energy to

Canterbury company Hellers and Active Refrigeration have taken out the Innovation award for a heat recovery project, which produces hot water from waste heat generated by the factory’s cooling system.

Collectively, the 2016 Awards entries will save or generate 1.1 petajoules (PJ) of energy, equivalent to the annual energy use of all households in New Plymouth, and avoid 120,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, about one-fifth of the annual emissions of all households in New Zealand. power both New Zealand and America’s Antarctic research stations. Collectively, the 2016 Awards entries will save or generate 1.1 petajoules (PJ) of energy, equivalent to the annual energy use of all households in New Plymouth, and avoid 120,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, about one-fifth of the annual emissions of all households in New Zealand.

EECA spokesperson Jane O’Loughlin says EECA and the award judges were really impressed by the variety and quality of this year’s entries, and picking winners was a challenge. She says many businesses, councils, community groups, schools, and individuals in New Zealand are striving hard to become more energy efficient, make use of renewable energy, and to

A world of taste It takes maximum efficiency for Christchurch based Hellers to be NZ's biggest small goods producer. And it takes a world of taste in sausages bacon, ham and cold cuts to become NZ's Butcher.

generally reduce their carbon footprints. “Through our EECA Award winners, many other people and organisations will be introduced to ways they can also improve their performance, save money, and benefit the environment,” she says. “A lot of people think their energy costs are fixed and they can’t do much about them, until someone comes along and shows them improvements are possible. “Innovative projects can be risky, but once one trailblazer gives it a go, they give others confidence they can do it too, and the process is a lot easier if someone else has gone there first and ironed out all the wrinkles.” Benefits of energy efficiency often stretch beyond pocket and planet to productivity. For example, Jane says even installing energy efficient lighting can not only save money but improve lighting quality to such an extent productivity also improves.

0800 435 537

Business South September 2016

NEWS » EECA Awards


Antarctica New Zealand took out the Renewable Energy Award for its wind turbines (top); Orora Beverage Cans won the Large Energy User Award for its energy management plan and Charge Net NZ, right, was awarded the Transport Award for its moves to increase the number of charging stations for electric vehicles in New Zealand.

Winning system improved

11 Lunns Rd, Christchurch 8024 PO Box 6298 Christchurch 8024 Phone (03) 339 2617 Email

Active Refrigeration, winner of this year’s EECA Awards University of Waikato Innovation Award for a refrigeration heat recovery system the company built for Hellers, has already made advancements on its winning system so it can produce even hotter water for sterilisation applications. Active Refrigeration has recovered waste heat and used it in another area of energy generation, with ammonia-based refrigeration utilising simultaneous cooling and high temperature heating from the same plant. Hellers’ hot water used to be generated by expensive LPG. Active Refrigeration’s upgrade to Hellers’ hot water system, and installation of a unique refrigeration heat recovery system combined with a high temperature heat pump has resulted in significant cost and energy savings, and has lowered Hellers’ hot water heating greenhouse gas emissions by 91%. Since the system was installed in 2014, Hellers’ cost of water heating is down by more than 84% and the company is saving $148,000 a year on energy costs. Reduced LPG usage and transportation of fuel has increased health and safety on site and the money saved is being reinvested in maintenance and plant upgrades, improving productivity levels. “Hellers’ savings are still growing as they find more uses for their hot water,” says Active Refrigeration director Craig Duff. “We’ve now designed systems that will discharge usable heat at 85°C to 90°C for which we’ve had significant interest.” He says Active Refrigeration is making

sure the things it does today cater for the next generation, and has recently become the first New Zealand company to be accredited to ISO 14001:2015. Co-director Graeme Green says Active Refrigeration wants to do the right thing for both the community and the industry, and as it is part of an industry very heavily focused on the environment and sustainability, the ISO standard sets the company up as a sustainable business, with sustainable procedures and health and safety policies, and also looks after the sustainability of its clients’ businesses. As well as full design facilities in Christchurch and Auckland, Active Refrigeration has a nationwide spread of service and maintenance engineers and offers a turn-key service. “We can deal with any enquiry from the point of initial consultation, design, manufacture, installation, service, and maintenance all in-house,” Craig says. “We have highly educated and qualified staff and an internal training programme to help develop them. It’s part of our sustainability – being accountable and giving back to the industry.” With Active Refrigeration working on all things from the smallest domestic heat pump through to complex industrial design, staff get a taste of all aspects of refrigeration and air conditioning. “Our staff out there spinning the spanners are educated to seek out ways to save money and energy for our clients,” Graeme says. “They know how to make a difference.”

Active Refrigeration is a proud New Zealand owned leader in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry offering design, sales, service and installation. Active Refrigeration is a proud New Zealand owned leader in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry offering design, sales, service and installation. We are committed to creating and maintaining innovative and efficient refrigeration systems for our clients, benefiting both the client and the environment. We employ over 90 Trade Qualified Refrigeration Engineers across the North and South Island. Our local knowledge and international experience combined with loads of personality is delivered to reassure our clients 24/7 that their crucial production processes are

receiving the attention needed to perform efficiently and profitably. Active Refrigeration Limited are New Zealand’s first company to receive ISO 14001 accreditation to the 2015 standard. Further to this major accolade and achievement, another recent success was winning the Innovation category for the 2016 EECA Awards. The particular award for generating hot water at over 830% efficiency is but one of Active’s innovative concepts using otherwise wasted heat from a primary refrigeration plant to produce magnitudes of water at a usable industry temperature and quality.

The Judges at the 2016 ECCA awards said: “A combination of intelligent engineering and practical application has achieved massive energy savings. An excellent project that uses outstanding innovation”


TOURISM » Ziptrek Ecotours

September 2016 Business South

Sustainability at heart for high flyers Kim Newth New Zealand’s top environmental tourism business, Ziptrek Ecotours, delivers sustainability education with a dose of adrenalin. From its base high above Queenstown, on Skyline Gondola Hill, Ziptrek Ecotours takes visitors on personal guided zipline journeys through the forest canopy. It is a thrilling way for travellers to engage with the environment and, at the same time, learn about sustainability through interpretation boards and from guides who have a deep understanding of the area’s natural systems. Traveller reviews have been glowing. Last year Ziptrek Ecotours was admitted to the TripAdvisor Hall of Fame after winning its fifth certificate of excellence. In May, it picked up its sixth such award, acknowledging the consistently strong ratings it continues to receive from travellers. In 2015, the multi-award winning company won the Environmental Tourism Award at the Tourism Industry Awards, setting a new benchmark of excellence for the industry. “From an industry perspective, it was definitely a highlight to be recognised nationally for the work we have been doing stretching back ten years, including the planning that was undertaken before we opened,” says Ziptrek Ecotour’s director Trent Yeo. While the business puts a lot back into the local environment in terms of planting programmes and pest control, Trent says what excites him most is the impact the tours have on those taking part. “The experience conveys a meaningful message about sustainability through promoting an understanding and appreciation of the environment. With the thousands of guests we have, I believe we have shown them a side of New Zealand that we love to show – that is, that this country really cares about its environment.” The sustainability ethos infuses the entire operation. Treehouses built for the course include the trunks of invasive wilding pine, while solar panels provide its limited power needs. Ziptrek Ecotours offers a choice of guided aerial tours: the Moa tour has four ziplines that start and finish at the top of the Skyline Gondola – it starts slow and gets progressively longer, higher and faster; the Kea tour is a six zipline tour that includes the world’s steepest zipline, reaching speeds of up to 70kmh. Twilight tours depart daily in the late afternoon (June to August). Combo tours that link up with other local eco-tourism options are also

Hanging out: Multi award winning company Ziptrek Ecotours takes visitors on guided zipline journeys through the forest canopy high above Queenstown. available. “Every school holiday, it’s definitely ‘Moa tour time’ but usually our Kea tour is marginally more popular.” As is the case with other popular Queenstown destinations, Ziptrek Ecotours attract a lot of international visitors but this also a uniquely thrilling and inspiring experience for domestic tourists. Trent is a former employee of Ziptrek Whistler in Canada, which pioneered the concept of combining nature-based learning with aerial adventure in 2001. He is proud to have opened the first global Ziptrek operation in Queenstown. “I love seeing the reactions of people on our tours. You see really adventurous people and really timid people all sharing this experience in a beautiful environment and enjoying it in different ways and at different levels.”

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Jolly Good Software Christchurch 03 366 9008

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September 2016 Business South

TOURSIM » Tekapo Springs Hotel

Cooler pools add to fun at Tekapo Kim Newth It is hard to beat the experience of relaxing in a hot pool at Tekapo Springs that boasts one of the best views in the world. Overlooking Lake Tekapo and the Two Thumb mountain range, Tekapo Springs’ three-tiered hot pools are as inviting as they look. Landscaped with native plants to add to the alpine environment, Tekapo Springs is a great combination of recreation and relaxation. Now Tekapo Springs has even more for visitors, thanks to the opening of two new pools and a kids’ aqua-play area last December. Designed to resemble the Mackenzie alpine tarns, the new aqua-green pools are a little cooler than the other three-tiered hot pools, being heated to a warm 2833degC, (as opposed to 36-40degC). For families, the 80sqm aqua-play area is a fantastic new addition with exciting water features including water jets, fountains, geysers and a water umbrella. Adjoining it is the new ‘beach access’ 130sqm Macaulay Pool that can be accessed by wading straight in. “It’s working so well because parents can sit in the pool while they watch their kids play,” says Online Media and Marketing Manager Jennifer Heuett. The other new 80sqm pool, dubbed the Godley, is 1.8m at its deepest and targeted more at adult visitors. Tekapo’s peak tourist seasons are summer and winter, making the new cooler pools an additional year-round attraction for Tekapo Springs to meet these peak periods. “People love having the option to cool off and, of course, we wanted to offer more variety for families and children as we are a family friendly destination.” But for the springs at the moment it’s all about the winter season, especially the opening of their Snow Tube Park. Opening early July for school holidays, the 150m snow slope is a thrilling ride for both kids and adults. “It’s pretty fast, and it’s not uncommon to hear a lot of laughs coming down the snow tube. There’s also a great viewing area at the bottom for photos and videos of those looking on.”

Really cool: Tekapo Springs on a picture perfect day with the lake and snow clad mountains beyond. Ice hockey tournaments, curling clubs and ice skating are also included as part of the winter action at Tekapo Springs. The outdoor internationalsized rink is open from April to September. “School field trips also prove to be a massive part of our winter season. We have well over sixty to eighty schools come from all over the South Island to skate, tube and have fun.” For those who want to opt out of the adrenalininduced activities, the Glacial Day Spa is well worth

a visit. The spa has four fully equipped spa rooms and has recently introduced a new product called Moana, a luxurious 100 per cent certified organic New Zealand-made skincare range. It’s the perfect choice for those seeking time out to relax and revive. Tekapo Springs is also lifting its profile as a social destination with the creation of a new photo platform, located up the path to the day spa. Visitors are invited to take a photo and tag it

with the hashtag #MyTekapoSprings for a chance to be featured on the spring’s Facebook and on Instagram. “It is a beautiful spot for that iconic photo with the three pools below and the lake and mountains in the background.” To top the day off, the Tekapo Springs’ Tahr bar and café boasts an outdoor and an indoor fireplace, which is a great option for coffee and something to eat after skating, tubing and relaxing in the pools.

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Business South September 2016

HOSPITALITY » Coal Fire Restaurant


‘Flavour by fire’ smokin’ hot addition Kim Newth Fired up and delivering smoky hot flavours, Queenstown’s newest restaurant – Coalfire Barbecue Bar – is proving an exciting and popular addition to the resort town’s dining out scene. Coalfire Barbecue Bar, which opened in midJuly, has a menu inspired by pit masters from around the globe whose passion is to cook low and slow over hot coals to craft food with a distinctive smoky edge. Perfecting that tradition in Queenstown is Coalfire’s head chef Steredenn Tregoat, formerly of popular Italian restaurant Bella Cucina, whose kitchen features two hand built smokers and a Spanish style charcoal oven. Ste’s signature sauces at Coalfire include a mean Bourbon BBQ sauce and a punchy hot sauce. It is hard to imagine a more apt venue for this new venture than historic Eureka House, which has been extensively renovated to create a robust, earthy and approachable dining environment that is perfectly in sync with the smoky slow cooked cuisine. Wai Dining Group, which has owned and operated restaurants in Queenstown since 2001, is behind this latest ‘flavour by fire’ venture. Bella Cucina, seafood bar and grill Finz and the waterfront’s Public Kitchen are also part of the group, whose owners are Martin and Megan James, Alex Boyes and Jan Rae. Maniototo farmers Sam and Debra Stevens joined the group as silent partners in the Coalfire development. “Since we opened, the response has been really good,” says Wai Group co-owner and director Jan Rae. “The smokehouse barbecue style is definitely something new to Queenstown, in terms of the extent to which we have done it here. On top of that, the building is absolutely beautiful. We’re really pleased with how it has come up and have had a lot of very positive feedback.” Favourites include sticky sweet St Louis pork ribs, a 14 hour slow cooked beef brisket, pork belly with maple glaze, and a chargrilled seafood platter. Open from 8am to late, Coalfire kicks off every day with a robust breakfast menu, followed by daytime offerings of bar snacks, light bites and burgers. Coalfire boasts its own ‘Pit Master’ Ale, brewed locally by Altitude Brewery, sitting on tap alongside

Real Ale, Real Taste. Not for your average snow bunny. Phone: 021 188 3143 Email:

Queenstown’s newest restaurant, Coalfire Barbecue Bar is a popular addition to the resort town’s dining out scene. four other craft beers from Altitude, Kereru and Queenstown Brewers. Two restaurant bars – one upstairs and one down – also offer a choice of cocktails, including the ‘brain eraser’, a naughty milkshake that pays homage to former late night venue Chicos that operated from Eureka House for more than 30 years. Eureka House in the Mall has been renovated sympathetically to showcase the heritage fabric of the 150-year-old building. With its old schist walls, locally made metal gantries, raw metal balustrades,

rough sawn wood panels and exposed brick, the ambience is warm and earthy. An old brick wall, previously hidden behind gib-board in the stairwell, is now a striking feature on the internal staircase leading to the upper dining room and bar. The comfortable heritage vibe is further enhanced by Southland cow hide in the upstairs landing area and plush seating upholstery in tones of warm cream and brown. Lighting is a stylish mix of industrial, hunting lodge and vintage. Upstairs, there is seating for around 50 with

room for another 28 on the verandah, where original pew seats and tables have been beautifully restored. The upstairs bar area seats another 15 on high bar leaner booths that have an uninterrupted bar and kitchen perspective. Booth seating, bar leaners and a red leather fire-side couch are inviting options in the warm downstairs bar that seats around 20. ‘Where there’s smoke there’s fire, where there’s fire there’s flavour’ is the Coalfire legend that is fast gaining traction in the Queenstown market.


Daniel Hillidge Joiner/Carpenter Proud to support Coal Fire Restaurant

021 033 1771

10 |

September 2016 Business South

ENGINEERING » Action Engineering 25 Years

Engineering firm stands test of time Kelly Deeks Now celebrating the completion of 25 years in business, the team at Dunedin’s Action Engineering are very proud of the extensive range of services they have to offer. Services include infrastructure projects, such as water and waste water treatment plants, structural steel fabrication and erection, ship repair, road transport engineering and general engineering. Founding director Mark Cameron completed his trade certificate in fitting, turning, and machining before starting out as an engineering contractor at 21 years old. With the support and assistance of his parents Barry and Sandra, he started Action Engineering in 1991, at the age of 23. Some of the first work Mark secured was for AgResearch at Invermay, where Action Engineering built pilot plants to turn laboratory trials into full scale treatment processes. “It was one of those very fortunate times in life,” he says. “I was very interested and what they were doing, I was young, and really keen to help them.” Two years in, Dave Crosland joined Action Engineering and really invigorated the business and helped it to grow. He became a shareholder and director in 1996. “We gradually got up to five or six staff, and in the mid 1990’s we moved premises for the first and only time to our current building,” Mark says. “We bought the workshop and we’ve since extended it several times, to now 4500sqm. We took over two buildings beside us, our last expansion being about two years ago when we set up a new structural steel department.” He says to compliment the experimental and pilot-plant work it was undertaking, Action Engineering started to look at the water and wastewater industry, and won a game changer project with the mechanical and electrical works for the Mt Grand water treatment plant in Dunedin around the turn of the century. “It was a really large project for us in terms of the size of the job and also the responsibility we had,” he says. “The next major project for us was the build of a water treatment plant in Nelson, where we worked in conjunction with Fulton Hogan. It was a particularly complex project using membrane cassette technology to purify three different water sources.” The project was a success due to the team collaborating to come up with solutions. “We were all totally committed to it, and we wanted it to work,” Mark says.

A dedicated structural steel workshop means Action Engineering can create and deliver quality steel work.

“We were motivated young guys and we wanted our clients to succeed.” By 2009, Action Engineering had identified capacity and quality issues in the structural steel industry, and was encouraged by clients to open a new workshop to service the building and construction sector. As an example of its continued commitment to quality, Action Engineering recently joined a select group of 20 New Zealand engineering companies who hold externally audited Steel Fabricator Certification to ISO 3834. The scheme provides clients and designers with greater certainty of product quality, and the knowledge they are dealing with a fabricator

• • • • •

Transport Marine Structural Project Engineering

“We were all totally committed to it, and we wanted it to work. We were motivated young guys and we wanted our clients to succeed.”

who has both the procedures and personnel to represent international best practice. Steel Fabricator Certification has been developed by the Heavy Engineering Research Association (HERA), and Steel Construction New Zealand (SCNZ).


The scheme is based on the European system, which is the only mandatory structural steel system internationally. The focus of the scheme is on quality assurance, and the reduction of risk for clients and designers. • to page 14




Suppliers of precision cut plate components


Proud to support Action Engineering

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Phone: 03 983 5500 Fax: 03 983 5552

Business South September 2016

ENGINEERING » Action Engineering 25 Years

| 11

From maintenance to machining, fitting and turning and specialised welding, Action Engineering does the lot.

FARRA ENGINEERING LTD Well done Action Engineering on reaching 25 years. You are continuing a proud heritage of engineering in the City.



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Additionally, JTM are able to manufacture items in New Zealand.

JTM Products Ltd - Preferred Supplier to Action Engineering

The famous national project we have undertaken.

The famous overseas contracts we have supplied to.

14 |

September 2016 Business South

ENGINEERING » Action Engineering 25 Years

Robotic welding next

Action Engineering undertakes civil and mechanical projects involving treatment processes for water and waste water as well as general engineering and road transport and rail engineering.

• from page 10 Currently the compliance regime for structural steelwork in New Zealand largely relies on selfinspection and self-certification, which depends on the expertise, ethics, and quality systems of those involved. Steel Fabricator Certification introduces independent expert certification for New Zealand fabrication companies, ensuring they have appropriate quality management systems in place, and provides a competitive edge against imported pre-fabricated structural steel of uncertain provenance and quality. “It ensures proactive companies are doing everything they can to deliver outstanding structural steel,” Mark says. “It reduces mistakes and improves efficiencies and workflow, so it offers financial returns to the business and quality to the clients.” Mark’s dad Barry passed away about five years ago and at that time, Mark decided to change the way Action Engineering operated and put much more focus on the board of directors. “Leadership became one of the really important focuses for us,” he says. “We were running a really large small business, and we realised that we needed the board to perform at a much higher level. I wanted to be making effective board decisions instead of making decisions on the floor with no planning for the future.”

“It reduces mistakes and improves efficiencies and workflow, so it offers financial returns to the business and quality to the clients.” To develop the ability of the board, they committed to receiving further training from the Institute of Directors, and Graham Crombie joined the team as an independent chairman, setting structure and strategy for the meetings and helping to develop and refine the skill-sets of the board. The next phase of growth for Action Engineering is likely to involve robotic welding processes. Increasing automation of the fabrication process started several years ago, with the installation of an Ocean Avenger beam drilling line. This machine enabled improved accuracy and repeatability, and greatly improved productivity. As part of its continual drive to improve fabrication quality and productivity, Action Engineering now intends to introduce robotic welding technology as soon as possible.

Action Engineering’s CNC “Ocean Avenger” drilling machine.




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Trombone Trailer • General Cartage Container & Artic Work • Fly Jib Crane Trucks with Winches & Man Bucket

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Business South September 2016

ENGINEERING Âť Action Engineering 25 Years

| 15

Action Engineering services a wide variety of vessels including tugs (above), barges, dredges, container and cruise ships.

Rainbow Paints Proud suppliers of PPG Industrial Coatings to Action Engineering Rainbow Paints have had a long relationship with PPG Industries, the world’s leading coatings and specialty finishes company. Rainbow Paints 32 Ward Street, Dunedin Phone: 03 474 0659

16 |


September 2016 Business South

Boats that look good, perform well Russell Fredric The owner of recently launched Timaru company Finlay Boats is buoyed by the positive feedback he is getting from buyers of his boats. Grant Finlayson says although starting a business two years ago manufacturing aluminium pontoon hulled boats in a relatively crowded market was challenging, he is motivated in part by a point of difference offered in his craft. He has more than 40 years experience in the marine industry “I liked the designs of some earlier pontoon boats and I thought I would try and aim at a niche market to provide an aluminium boat that not only looked good, but performed well,” Grant Finlayson says. Although there were some ups and downs in establishing a new product and creating brand awareness, the company has successfully broken into the market. Finlay Boats has collaborated with Scott Robson, of Robson Design, a Christchurch company with an international reputation in the marine industry. “I had noted some of his designs, and more particularly, what people thought of them. If I was going to break into the market, which was a very hard market, I needed some credibility and I think Scott provided that.” “Scott has a history of designing good pontoon boats. He’s come up with a hull design that provides both stability, but it also provides a smooth and dry ride.” This is achieved through the combination of a steeper 23.3 degree hull dead-rise and a double chine design which creates a smooth, dry ride and stability at rest. This dead-rise makes the boats ideal for sea use, and comments from clients who have bought Finlay Boats have confirmed their hull has achieved the aim of the design and the claims made, Grant Finlay says. “There have been repeated comments about the ride and stability and the space available.” “One owner, and he was a deep sea fishing skipper, his comment was ‘I would be happy to go out in bigger weather, further, in this boat.’” One of Finlay Boats craft is living out its life in the Panama Caribbean after a New Zealander who was moving there bought a boat ‘off the shelf’ from the company’s workshop. As well as the expertise of Scott Robson, Finlay

Finlay Boats feature a hull design that looks sharp and provides stability with a smooth, dry ride.

Boats is fortunate to have the former owner of another boat company, Michael Coombs on staff as a boat builder. “We are aiming at the higher end of the aluminium boat market, and we are trying to adapt each boat for the customer, and Mike is very good at that. He has great adaptability due to his vast experience.” The company offers five models, the Striker 400, Sports 5900, Escape 5900, Ignite 6300, and Ranger 8000. The Ignite 6300 and Escape 5900 have achieved International Marine Certification Institute CE certification, which means these models comply to stringent European safety standards including hull stability, free-board, flotation and buoyancy. Complementing the safety features of Finlay

“I liked the designs of some earlier pontoon boats and I thought I would try and aim at a niche market to provide an aluminium boat that not only looked good, but performed well.”

Boats are high quality marine paint work and many practical features such as hydraulic steering, alloy rod holders, a bonnet access hatch, Portofino transom island, live fish tank, and a lined cabin with special touches such as teak trim.

Looking ahead, Grant Finlayson plans to build on the confidence shown by present boat owners to further develop the brand and capitalise on the interest now being shown in the company’s range of boats.

With over 15 years experience Carl at Auto Care can supply the perfect alloy wheel for your tow car or trailer

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Cnr Bank & Arthur Streets, Timaru 7910 PO Box 426, Timaru | Phone 03 688 6666 | Email

DO OUR READERS KNOW YOU EXIST? Put yourself in front of potential clients. Phone: 03 983 5500 Fax: 03 983 5552


Business South September 2016


| 17

Apart from their proven stability and safety features, Finlay Boats also sport quality marine paint, hydraulic steering, live fish tank and a lined cabin.

Proud to support Finlay Boats • General & Precision Engineering • Machinery Repairs & Maintenance • Alloy & Stainless Welding & Fabrication • Guillotining & Folding 7 Laughton Street, Timaru P: 03 688 2725 E:

• Sheetmetal • Livestock Feeders • Supplier to Farmlands • Full Hydraulic Service Workshop

We are proud to support Grant at Finlay Boats 39 Treneglos Street, Washdyke, Timaru Phone: 03 6882227 | Email:

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September 2016 Business South

BREWING » Emerson’s Brewery

Emerson’s launches new brewery Kim Newth Several loud toots on a steam locomotive whistle ushered in a whole new era for Emerson’s Brewery in July as it opened its new premises to the public. It has been a hectic year for Dunedin’s iconic craft brewery which began operating from its new site in Dunedin’s Anzac Avenue in April, even while construction was still underway. “With tradesmen everywhere, it was amazing that we managed to get brewing done,” says founder Richard Emerson. “A lot of work went into preparing for the move.” New outdoor tanks were commissioned in time for liquid wort to be transported over from Emerson’s old site in Wickliffe Street for fermentation and for the building up of buffer stock. The Wickliffe brewery was removed during April, while a new 1200L workshop brewery in Anzac Ave kicked into action. The new brewery was officially opened on 21 June, followed by two weeks of training for kitchen and bar staff before the final public opening on 4 July. What this move achieves for Emerson’s is greater flexibility to meet growing demand for a craft-beer thirsty market. The production capacity of Emerson’s existing 5000L brew plant, relocated to Anzac Ave, has been streamlined through the addition of a new whirlpool and larger hot water tanks. Richard is particularly excited by the potential of the new 1200L brewery kit. “(It) enables us to be flexible to marketplace changes, develop new beers and should any of the new beers become popular, they can easily be scaled up to the five thousand litre plant.” New beers produced out of the 1200L plant will be marketed under Emerson’s new ‘workshop’ brand. One of the more visible features of the new brewery is its outside tank farm, currently comprised of six 25,000L fermenters with room for more to be added in the near future. The Anzac Ave site, purchased by Emerson’s with support from parent company Lion in October 2014, was in a pretty dishevelled state prior to this development.

The new Emerson’s brewery on Anzac Ave in Dunedin has extra brewing capacity and greater flexibility to meet a growing demand from craft beer drinkers.

“The land, prior to the purchase, was a real eyesore and rather embarrassing when cruise ship passengers went past by train or bus. Now we are proud to have a showcase for both our brand and Dunedin.” Emerson’s design brief to Mark Green, of Beca Architecture, was for a building that would reflect Dunedin’s industrial heritage with a roofline and bricks reminiscent of the city’s old locomotive shed.

• to page 21


9 Donald St, Dunedin • 03 477 9093 •

Business South September 2016

BREWING » Emerson’s Brewery

| 19

The new brewery is a welcome and home-grown addition to the local hospitality scene.

Farra Stainless integral to Emerson’s success Farra, one of Dunedin’s oldest companies, has worked with Emerson’s Brewery right from the start and is proud to have played a key part in its latest new brewery on Dunedin’s Anzac Avenue. The integrated engineering company, organised into six trading divisions, has been providing engineering solutions to its customers throughout New Zealand now for 150 years. Its specialist stainless steel division – Farra Stainless – made Emerson’s 5000L plant, as well as the new 1200L workshop brewery. “In fact, this is the fourth brewery we have been involved with for Emerson’s,” says Farra Stainless Divisional Manager Grant MacMillan. “For the latest brewery, they told us what they wanted and we designed it for them. They signed off the drawings for manufacture and off we went.” As well, Farra Stainless updated Emerson’s original 5000L plant, made in 2005, to streamline its capacity. The workshop team also made six new fermenters for the new brewery and the building’s stainless steel pipework. “It was a big job for us – from design and manufacture to installation, it was more than a year’s work.” In conjunction with Emerson’s, Farra Stainless has also developed a small, compact and portable brewery called the 50SBB that is being used by home brew

enthusiasts and larger breweries wishing to test out new recipes. “We made the prototype and Emerson’s trialled it for us … Richard has been fantastic for Farra. He promotes us at every opportunity and he also promotes Dunedin whenever he can. He has been very good for this region.” Since Farra Stainless first began designing and manufacturing microbreweries two decades ago, it has become a leader in this specialist area and has completed numerous installations throughout New Zealand. It is currently working with Tuatara Brewery in the North Island to produce new fermenter tanks and has made breweries for many other companies, including a 1200L plant for Meenan’s in Dunedin. Farra Stainless works not only in food and beverage manufacturing, but also across a range of other industries including dairy, meat processing and waste water treatment. It has a team of 25 staff, mostly workshop based, who can convert concepts and drawings into high quality products, ready for installation. If required, design assistance is available through the latest 3D modelling and drafting systems. Meanwhile, Farra Stainless is proud of its role in Emerson’s new brewery in Anzac Ave. “It is a great development for the city.”

Farra Stainless has built its reputation in the stainless steel fabrication on the back of the food and beverage and dairy industry and in recent times has emerged as a leading manufacturer for all stainless requirements. With our experienced design team combined with skilled tradesmen and supporting QA systems, Farra has engineered to New Zealand, Australian and British standards, a wide range of projects. The projects include specialised fabrications for dairy, heat exchangers, pressure vessels, storage tanks/silos, steam jacketed pans, milli-screens, mini breweries, shrink wrap tunnels, conveyors, material handling systems and plant process layout and design.

Phone 03 477 5891 45 Cresswell Street PO Box 672, Dunedin

20 |

September 2016 Business South

BREWING » Emerson’s Brewery

The design brief for the new Emerson’s brewery was for a building that would reflect Dunedin’s industrial heritage with a roofline and bricks reminiscent of the city’s old locomotive shed.

Proud to support Emerson’s Brewery • Industrial Installations • PLC Programming • AutoCAD Drawing • Turn Key Design • Industrial Servicing • Control Panels

Christchurch, Ph. 453 0791 • Also Dunedin

Workshop: 03 476 4142 Fax: 03 476 4146 Email: 154 Kaikorai Valley Road, PO Box 7030, Mornington, Dunedin

Proud to supply and install the filters that provide the cleanest, purest tasting water for Emerson’ss premium craft beers… cheers!

Dechlorination Filter for chlorine removal

03 488 6200

Multimedia Filters for final clarity of water supply

Business South September 2016

BREWING » Emerson’s Brewery

| 21

Brewery a drawcard for locals and visitors • from page 18 The brief has been fully expressed in the new brewery, whose industrial interior has been softened with comfortable leather chairs and furniture. For the people of Dunedin, the new brewery is a welcome and uniquely home grown addition to local hospitality scene. The brewery’s new taproom and restaurant has a contemporary industrial style, with polished concrete floors featuring abstract tracks, leather furniture and coloured tiles. The evening menu includes sharing plates for social browsers, plus a tasty line-up of mains, sides and desserts. Twenty hospitality staff have been employed, bringing Emerson’s total staff to 40. “We hope that our new brewery, taproom and restaurant will attract more people to Dunedin, a city we are extremely proud of.” Brewing giant Lion purchased Emerson’s in 2012 and to judge by the new brewery, the ownership arrangement is working out very well. “We were struggling to see how we could expand with the existing shareholders but then when Lion ‘knocked on the door’ they gave us the perfect opportunity to move forward. Moving into the Lion fold has also opened up amazing distribution networks that would otherwise be very hard to break into.” While Lion assists Emerson’s on the financial side of its operations, the Emerson’s team has retained full control over brewery operations so enabling them to maintain the unique character of the craft brands for which they are so wellknown.

The taproom and restaurant have a contemporary style with coloured tiles and polished concrete floors.

“We hope that our new brewery, taproom and restaurant will attract more people to Dunedin, a city we are extremely proud of.” As Richard sees it, Emerson’s is in good hands going forward. “Life is good in the Lion’s den!” Emerson’s use a range of malts imported from leading European maltsters and premium New Zealand grown hops to achieve a high standard of excellence in their craft beer range. Its commitment remains the same as always: to produce fresh, naturally carbonated living beers full of natural flavour.

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21 Bath Street

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22 |

CHCH REBUILD » Isaac Construction

September 2016 Business South

Isaac at forefront of Canty rebuild Kim Newth Road aggregate from a quarry established by the late Sir Neil and Lady Diana Isaac in the 1950s helped build and develop many key South Island roads, such as the widening of Memorial Avenue in Christchurch. Today, the company they founded – Isaac Construction Limited – continues to play a lead role in the city’s future through quarrying activities and road contracting work that is part of Canterbury’s rebuild. At the same time, it strongly upholds the vision

that Sir Neil and Lady Diana Isaac had of commerce and conservation progressing in partnership, the tag line of the company being ‘Combining Construction with Conservation’. Their legacy was to develop a conservation park on rehabilitated former quarry land at McLean’s Island that is now being used for the protection of endangered bird, reptile and plant species. The Isaac site, which covers 1100 hectares at McLean’s Island, is today under the guardianship of the Isaac Conservation and Wildlife Trust. Its vital work is funded by income generated onsite and Isaac Construction is an important source of support.

In July 2016, Isaac Construction’s quarry at McLeans Island won a gold award for environmental excellence at a Quarry NZ conference in recognition of its commitment to conservation and its leading edge quarry rehabilitation. Isaac Construction, which employs a full-time staff of 220 people, is a specialist in all aspects of road contracting, including design, construction, drainage, sealing and paving. It also has a traffic management division, a transport fleet and an engineering workshop, along with a quarry that has a new crushing, screening and processing plant. The Isaac group has several joint venture

companies that include the Isaac Asphalt plant, Emulco emulsion supply plant and Harewood Gravels Quarry. “We really are a one-stop shop,” says Isaac Construction’s general manager Jeremy Dixon. “We can deliver the supply chain for the entire project from quarry aggregate supply to transporting of metal, construction of the road pavements, to supply of asphalt and binder for paving and sealing crews to lay. “It means our operations are very efficient and effective.

• to page 24

PETER TURNER CONTRACTING LTD Est. 1982 Personal Reliable Service

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EXCAVATOR & TRUCK HIRE PO Box: 161-52 Phone: 0274 355 625 Hornby, Christchurch AH: 03 349 7115 Fax: 03 349 9571

Adam Kreisel


−contracting−1988−LTD− Proud to support Isaac Construction Ltd Mobile. 027 414 2000 | Phone. 03 312 6340 | Email.

MIMICO leads market in heavy machinery arena Whether it is a mining or forestry operation, quarrying or construction, MIMICO has the plant and equipment for every job. MIMICO’s extensive range of heavy machinery is supported by an efficient and professional sales and service operation that spans the country. In Christchurch, MIMICO is a leading supplier to significant industry operators, such as Isaac Construction Ltd. Along with subsidiary QMI Engineering Ltd (now operating as MIMICO Engineering), MIMICO recently installed a new plant at the McLean’s Island quarry run by Isaac Construction.

production, the plant is also efficient and has the flexibility to produce chip for general use and crusher dust for asphalt and concrete production. Working closely with Isaac Construction, MIMICO and QMI ensured the plant was future proofed, with options for future development. Isaac Construction Ltd needed to know they could add things to the plant in the future, without significant changes to the original layout.

At the quarry, a Metso GP100S is being used in open circuit, with rock then sent to a Metso GP220 secondary cone as the main chip production machine. After rock passes through the two cones, a new single drive Barmac The installation was completed in three stages. B6150SE VSI produces quality polished cube-shaped chip at the lowest possible cost per Work on the primary and secondary sections tonne. The crusher setup is adjustable to allow started in early 2013 and was completed in September 2014. The tertiary section was started for production of more dust and less chip, in November 2014 and was completed by May as required. 2015. MIMICO supplied Metso crushers, screens As well as being a New Zealand distributor for and accessories and the company’s process Metso crushing and screening equipment, engineer David McCaffrey designed and modelled the new plant using Metso’s Bruno MIMICO distributes Kobelco hydraulic process simulation software. excavators, Moxy articulated dump trucks, Atlas Copco rock breakers and demolition equipment, Kawasaki 27 wheel loaders, Bruce Materials wet Delivering the capacity to double chip

processing equipment, ZF transmission and drive components for construction equipment, and Metso Lamella water treatment plants and slurry pumps. MIMICO carries an extensive range of stock to support the equipment it sells and its customers. A specialist in parts for Metso, ZF and Kobelco, MIMICO carries in excess of five million dollars’ worth of parts in stock. This ensures that plant and equipment can continue to operate with minimum downtime. A huge range of Moxy spares are also available and MIMICO is an indent parts specialist for all makes of machinery. MIMICO has a professional parts service and a large workshop. Its head office is in Matamata and there are branches located in Auckland, Paraparaumu and Christchurch, as well as service agents in other locations from Whangarei to Invercargill. MIMICO Engineering (previously QMI Engineering) has more than 30 years’ experience in providing specialist engineering solutions to the quarry industry. MIMICO also sells cranes through Crane Sales New Zealand Limited.

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CHCH REBUILD » Isaac Construction

September 2016 Business South

Canterbury based company building for Canterbury • from page 22 “We are also very flexible so we can do anything from driveways for homes through to major infrastructure projects.” Working in the heart of Christchurch, Isaac Construction has recently been assisting the Christchurch City Council to create a more modern city transport network under the umbrella of An Accessible City. Last year, Isaac Construction upgraded sections of Tuam, Manchester and Lichfield Streets in the central city. This involved constructing separate cycle lanes, new stormwater piping, kerb and channel, footpaths and road resurfacing. On top of that, new traffic lights were installed, along with cobblestone pavers and traffic islands, and a number of trees were planted. Adding to the complexity of working in a busy inner city environment were constraints imposed by other activity taking place in the area at the time, including demolition and construction of buildings and SCIRT water and waste projects. “Coordination with other stakeholders was a

big part of the job, as was extensive liaison with affected businesses.” Isaac Construction is also on the city council’s first tier panel for the Urban Cycleways Programme that was announced by the Prime Minister in 2014 with the aim of significantly improving cycling infrastructure in main urban centres. The Christchurch City Council has plans to build 13 new major cycle routes over seven years that will connect suburbs, shopping areas, businesses, schools and sporting destinations. “We expect to be starting work on site in September.” As well, the company has recently completed work in conjunction with Downers to widen the east-west runway at Christchurch International Airport, a year-long night shift project with very tight quality and operational constraints, and has another contract for hard stand work on the airport’s east side about to get underway. Isaac Construction is a Canterbury based company, building for Canterbury. “We as a company – and our people - are proud to be contributing to the city’s rebuild and the future of Canterbury.”

Isaac Construction specialises in all aspects of road contracting and upholds the vision that Sir Neil and Lady Diana Isaac had of commerce and conservation progressing in partnership. Their legacy was to develop a conservation park on rehabilitated former quarry land at McLean’s Island that is now being used for the protection of endangered bird, reptile and plant species.

Trenching Dynamix is proud to support and work with Isaacs installing water mains and services

03 352 1002

“Quality Work Environments for Quality Workers”

Specialist water and services installation contractor using trenching and or directional drilling. Please contact Nigel today at Email. Phone. 03 3811 771 Mobile. 027 490 1458

Business South September 2016

CHCH REBUILD » Isaac Construction

| 25

Burnside Contractors delivers complete earthmoving and excavation Since its launch in 1993, Burnside Contractors Ltd has been constantly evolving to meet the growing demands of the Canterbury region by regularly upgrading and adding to its fleet of vehicles and range of machinery. Its commitment to safe, good quality equipment is coupled with a strong focus on valuing qualified and experienced staff from its project managers through to its office administrators. The team at Burnside Contractors is vastly experienced in the fields of trucking and transport, roading and contracting, quarry work, drainlaying and traffic management. Together, the professional team is meeting the needs of clients across many different industries. Developing and maintaining excellent client relationships is a key priority for Burnside Contractors. It does so by providing quality services that deliver value for money. With a strong focus on health and safety and the flexibility to develop unique solutions to complex problems, Burnside Contractors has the expertise to complete jobs on time, within budget and to set specifications. Burnside Contractors Limited is a specialist in the following key areas: • Bulk Earthworks – from subdivisions and roading to rock drilling and quarry excavation. Burnside Contractor’ professional team uses excavators and 6x6 dumper trucks

to move material on and off site, while graders and bulldozers are deployed to create a level finish. Its track record includes work on projects of significant size and scale including a new railway siding in Rolleston for the Westland Dairy Co-op. With shingle consents from the Waimakariri totalling 70,000m³, no job is too big or small. • Wood grinding and tree removal mulch – services include removal of shelter belts, hedges and large trees for land clearing. In line with growing demand around environmental issues, Burnside Contractors uses a wood grinder to recycle trees for mulch that is suitable for landscaping, farm tracks and calf bedding. Wood chips are available for furnace fuel. • Soil and shingle screening – Burnside Contractors supply screened soil from a minimum of five cubic metres. • Heavy haulage – transport up to 60 tonne NZ wide, class 1 and 2 wide load pilots. Passionate about Canterbury, Burnside Contractors strives to deliver efficient and professional contracting services in a timely and cost effective manner to meet clients’ requirements. Its trusted reputation rests on its proven track record of achieving client satisfaction and superior results. Burnside Contractors Ltd, proudly supporting and working alongside Isaac Construction Ltd.

Burnside Contractors Limited proudly supporting and working alongside Isaac Construction Ltd.

Burnside Contractors Limited is the complete package for earthmoving and excavation for all our client’s needs. • Bulk Earthworks

Excavators and 6X6 dumper trucks to move material on and off site, graders and bulldozers to create a level finish.

• Wood grinding • Tree removal mulch

Removal of shelter belts, hedges and large trees for land clearing. To keep in line with the growing demands of environmental issues we use a wood grinder to recycle trees for mulch, suitable for landscaping, farm tracks and calf bedding. Wood chips available for furnace fuel.

• Soil and Shingle Screening

We can supply screened soil from a minimum of 5 cubic metres.

• Heavy Haulage

Transport up to 60 ton NZ wide, class 1 and 2 wide load pilots

Contact John Taylor Ph: (03) 322 4140 Mob: 0274 329930 E:

Proud preferred contractor to




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September 2016 Business South

DEVELOPMENT » Glen Tui Heights Subdivision

Focus on family, nature and outdoors Russell Fredric Glen Tui Heights is a unique subdivision nestled among bush bordering scenic Bob’s Cove nature reserve near Queenstown. Project manager Mark Wikstrom says Glen Tui Heights, 12 kilometres from Queenstown, is a lakeside development with a difference because of a strong emphasis on the natural environment as well as family and outdoor lifestyle. The development is being carefully managed, with sections being released in groups of five at a time.

The area was previously earmarked for a subdivsion of more than 100 sections until the original developer went into receivership in the wake of the global financial crisis in 2008. Glen Tui Heights is taking a completely different approach, with a total of just 35 sections being offered. With stage one sold out, there is strong interest in stage two which comprises 15 lots. Sections vary from 1000m2 to 6000m2. Infrastructure work for stage two was completed in June. “We’ve got five sections waiting on title now,

two have already sold, so there’s still three available,” Mark Wikstrom says. Those fortunate enough to secure a section will enjoy the benefits of rural living while still being in close proximity to Queenstown with all it offers, with Glen Tui also being a practical place for parents with school-aged children to live. “Property owners here are a mix of young families and retired couples from both local and international backgrounds. At this stage it’s 75% local and 25% holiday makers.” For the developers of Glen Tui Heights, who comprise Mark Wikstrom, his wife Tracy and

Janine Twose, the project is also personal as they all live in the subdivision. “We are not developers coming in to do as much as we possibly can for as cheap as we possibly can and get out. “This is a family project and we are really taking time and pride in doing it.” In keeping with creating a family friendly environment the subdivision will include two swimming ponds, a lodge, a jetty, a playground, a school bus turnaround area and shelter.

• to page 28

Supplier of tough Southern natives to Glentui Heights Justin Lewis 022 043 2123





03 442 1288 | 027 454 9028


03 349 0010

Stonewood Homes New Show Home 26 Jack’s Point Rise Jack’s Point, Queenstown A gold medal winner at the prestigious Master Builder’s House of the Year awards for the Southern region, taking out the Showhome of the year and Category winner of the year, this Jack’s Point home is sure to please–even the most discerning person will love this. This stunning new Showhome was design by our in house architect and is now open for viewing. The house combines contemporary lines and expansive views, a series of individual but linked spaces that

26 Jack’s Point Rise Land Area 826m2

connect with the outside, as well as providing sheltered outdoor spaces that can be enjoyed all year round. Stonewood Homes Queenstown Ltd have been building houses in and around Queenstown Lakes for almost 10 years we are the Queenstown Lakes most preferred builder according to the what’s on report. We are proud to be involved with the Glen Tui development and have considerable experience in the Bobs Cove region with Mark and his development. We built one of

the first houses in the development and it was entered in the master builders house of the year awards and became one of the many awards we have won in the Master Builders house of the year awards. Stonewood Homes Queenstown have many standard plans which will fit perfectly onto any one of the sites available in Glen Tui. Stonewood Homes also have the option of using our in house Architect Filiberto Rayon-Villela. He is there to help you design the house of your dreams.

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DEVELOPMENT » Glen Tui Heights Subdivision

September 2016 Business South

Songbirds galore and no cats allowed • from page 26 The entrance-way to Glen Tui Heights features two sculptures of Tuis created by renowned local Queenstown artist Dan Kelly. The environment is also being carefully considered with the least amount of bush possible being cleared for building platforms, a native planting programme is being undertaken and a pest trapping programme appears to be resulting in increasing numbers of native birds. “We’ve got Tuis and Bellbirds, more and more all the time. “That’s again why we are wanting to keep the bush. No cats are allowed out here.” “What we like about it is it’s very unique because there is nothing else like it in the Lakes District.” Glen Tui is ideal for people who enjoy an active outdoor lifestlye. Directly across form the lake-front, walking and mountain biking tracks include the Bob’s Cove Track, the historic Bridle Trail, and the local track section of the 12 Mile Delta. Although stage one took two years to sell, the level of interest for subsequent stages is accelerating with people now “snatching them up”, or wanting to be wait-listed, even before council consents are processed. “Without even advertising we sold 13 lots (for stage two) in two days just by word-ofmouth.”

A native planting programme is resulting in increased bird numbers at Glen Tui Heights.

“The key in developing this stunning area was to retain it’s natural New Zealand beauty and give people unique and well-priced healthy lifestyle options and I think that’s exactly what we’ve achieved.” The entire development is expected to take 10 to 15 years to complete.

“The key in developing this stunning area was to retain it’s natural New Zealand beauty and give people unique and wellpriced healthy lifestyle options and I think that’s exactly what we’ve achieved.”

Marlborough based, and providing specialised legal and business advice for quality developments, such as Glen Tui Heights subdivision, throughout New Zealand.

The lawyers at Hardy-Jones Clark are here to provide advice on all resource management and property law matters, utilising considerable combined years of experience and detailed knowledge.

03 578 5339 |

Stihl Shop are proud to support the Glen Tui Heights Subdivision

Business South September 2016

DEVELOPMENT » Glen Tui Heights Subdivision

| 29

Glen Tui Heights, 12 kilometres from Queenstown, is a lakeside development with a difference because of a strong emphasis on the natural environment.

MORAN FABRICATION – 21 YEARS IN THE MAKING A lot has happened since Ian Moran started Otago Sheetmetal & Engineering in 1995. Quickly gaining a reputation for quality workmanship and service, OSM became the go-to for construction companies looking for metalwork solutions, HVAC companies requiring custom-made ducting from plans and glass companies needing Stainless Steel Balustrades and hand rails. As the business grew, Ian invested heavily in new technology giving the company unique advantages over their competitors. The Mandrel bender enabled staff to bend up to six metre continuous lengths of stainless steel handrails without welding, the only machine of its kind in Dunedin. Bringing in a Plasma cutter and a Waterjet cutter again offered advantages not available elsewhere. Now twenty-one years later the company barely resembles the original model, providing such a diverse range of services and expanding the areas worked. The time had come to rebrand the business to better match what is being done today. The first change was geographical. The company operates extensively in Queenstown and has now begun work in Christchurch. There is a skill shortage in these areas and stop-gap solutions such as imported labour has not been successful for existing businesses. Having a business model that is solution based has become a point of difference.

Secondly the original focus on folding sheet for ducting and ventilation systems is still a key contributor to the business but more and more the specialist services such as stainless steel handrails, balustrades and stainless steel architectural metalwork are dominating the workflow. Like any significant change it was important to respect the past while looking to the future. Ian Moran and his vision is what made this company successful today so it seems appropriate to rename the business MORAN FABRICATION. This doesn’t limit where the company works or what work is performed there.

PHONE. (03)4772123 DARREN JENNINGS. (027)6550044 EMAIL.


The Team At Moran Fabrication we understand how important it is to have a good company culture. A lot of effort has been made when recruiting to hire on not only skills but also on personality. With most of work we do we are one of the last trades on-site which typically means customers are under the pump to meet deadlines. Historically our Industry was renowned for doing a good job but were not very helpful or understanding what the Main Contractor was needing. We have tried to build a team that asks the right questions, offers solutions and basically are easy to deal with. This is the Moran Fabrication difference.

• Water Cutting • Plasma Cutting • Metal Forming • Metal Fabrication • Welding • Installation

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DEVELOPMENT » Glen Tui - G.J. Gardner Queenstown / Wanaka September 2016 Business South

Well organised team handles boom Kelly Deeks The Lakes Districts’ largest builder of homes, G.J. Gardner Homes Queenstown/Wanaka has worked hard to gain the area’s majority market share, with franchisee Nick Tapper saying representing a fantastic brand has certainly helped. Nick has owned the franchise since 2013, coincidentally 100 years since his grandfather started bike, mower, and motorbike shop Tappers Ltd in Invercargill, which was sold 80 years later. Now Nick says he is proud to put the Tapper name behind another southern business in a new era. “There is no better building company in New Zealand than G.J. Gardner Homes,” he says. “We’re the largest building company in New Zealand and about 50% ahead of our nearest competitor. Because of that we get fantastic supplier deals based on volume, and I certainly believe we provide the best warranties in the business.” Prior to buying the Lakes District franchise, Nick worked with the G.J. Gardner Homes master franchise for six years, helping to develop advertising campaigns. He liked what he saw, and gained valuable knowledge with a focus on customer relationships and service. He runs the business with his wife Charlotte, who has a degree in fine arts from the University of Canterbury, and manages colour consulting and interior design services. Nick’s role is to ensure every customer gets the best possible service and commitment from the G.J. Gardner team. He says clients choose G.J. Gardner Homes because the construction process is efficient and flexible. “90% of our homes are custom designed to suit each client and their site,” he says. “We provide a free initial drafting service so before anyone signs on the dotted line they know the house they’ll be living in, and what it will cost.” G.J. Gardner Homes avoids including provisional cost (PC) sums in its contracts. Creating undefined allowances for the supply of work or materials can create a minefield of confusion in building contracts for both builders and their clients. “PC sums tend to go up rather than down, and clients end up blowing the budget,” Nick says. “We take out the PC sums and make a commitment to that price. Our clients are looking for that security in this market, and so are lenders.” As Queenstown is going through one of its biggest ever building booms, Nick says anyone wanting to build a new home needs to use a well

It’s all smiles from the team at GJ Gardner Homes Queenstown/Wanaka, the largest builder of homes in the Lakes District. organised, well resourced company with a lot of experience. “We’ve got a fantastic, long-term team of trades and subcontractors working for us and rarely do they leave to go and work for anyone else,” he says. “They enjoy working with us and that always rubs off onto our clients’ experience as well.” Demand for land in the Lakes District is still outstripping supply, and G.J. Gardner Homes is happy to meet clients on site to advise them before they purchase a section, so they can make the best decisions in terms of the aspect of the house and the site’s ground conditions. Covering the areas of Wanaka, Hawea, Cromwell, Bannockburn, Queenstown, Arrowtown, and Glenorchy, G.J. Gardner Homes Queenstown/ Wanaka builds a broad spectrum of homes from $250,000 to $1 million plus.

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“90% of our homes are custom designed to suit each client and their site. We provide a free initial drafting service so before anyone signs on the dotted line they know the house they’ll be living in, and what it will cost.”


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Business South September 2016 DEVELOPMENT » Glen Tui - G.J. Gardner Queenstown / Wanaka

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G.J. Gardner Homes Queenstown/ Wanaka builds a broad spectrum of homes from $250,000 to over $1million.

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September 2016 Business South

BUILDING » HRS Construction

Structural steel is in place for a new two-storey building at Cashmere Primary School, part of a $6 million redevelopment.

Cashmere school in $6m facelift Kim Newth After five months of site preparation at Cashmere Primary School, Christchurch’s HRS Construction is entering the build phase of a $6 million redevelopment that is poised to transform the school. The concrete pad is now in place for a new two-storey building at the school that will house flexible learning spaces. It is on track for completion in time for the 2017 school year. After that, the focus will switch to refurbishing the rest of the school’s learning and administration areas, with the whole project expected to be completed by the start of 2018. “Cashmere Primary School’s buildings were damaged in the Canterbury earthquakes, but the school also had some buildings which were leaky, and some which were nearly at the end of their economic life,” says Jerome Sheppard, head of education infrastructure services at the Ministry of Education. “Redeveloping the whole school meant we had the opportunity to make all of the learning areas flexible, bringing them up to design

standards which would ensure the students will have high quality environments to support their learning.” HRS Construction, the project’s main contractor, started work in April. To date, a number of old classrooms have been removed, the build site has been excavated and a steel post and timber retaining wall created. Almost 900m³ of soil was removed during excavation. Preparing the site well has been of critical importance. “It means we now have a safe and secure site and are not so dependent on the weather,” says HRS Construction Director Andrew Marshall. With logistical challenges to be met along the way, close communication has been maintained at all times between the school itself and the project’s site management team. “We have worked really hard to keep everyone in the loop and that has been working very well,” says Andrew. “Health and safety is also a key priority that is being externally audited every month.” The Ministry of Education is keeping a close eye on progress, with construction observed by

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“Cashmere Primary School’s buildings were damaged in the Canterbury earthquakes, but the school also had some buildings which were leaky, and some which were nearly at the end of their economic life.”

engineers, the project manager (The Building Intelligence Group) and architects Stephenson & Turner. As well, the Christchurch City Council is conducting regular inspections. “We are satisfied with the progress so far,” says Jerome. At any one time there are 10 to 15 subcontractors on site working with HRS Construction personnel. With so much activity unfolding at the school, every effort is being made to also include the school community itself in the week-by-week developments. The school is posting regular updates online and the HRS team has also removed part of the fencing mesh/cloth around the build site so children can follow progress from the play area. “We think it is important to let children see what is going on as much as possible,” says Andrew. “We also talk to them directly, for example, our project manager will go to school assembly to brief everyone on the latest and answer any questions.” Once the new learning hub is complete, Andrew says the school’s administration centre will be relocated and a new ‘front door’ for the school created off Dyers Pass Road as part of the wider redevelopment.


“It means that the main entry will be from a different side where there is also better car parking. It will be better for everyone. Essentially, the whole school is being reoriented and, at the same time, upgraded. “We will convert an existing older building into the new administration area and the former administration area will become a classroom block.” HRS Construction has completed a number of other contracts for the Ministry of Education in recent years, including the Hagley College gymnasium and the Russley School Hall. It has also just finished some work at Lincoln University. The company is also very active outside the education section. It is currently building a new fire station for the Lyttelton Volunteer Fire Brigade, is working on infrastructure projects for Orion and is about to start on a multi-million project in Rolleston to build a processing facility. “We’re a long established Canterbury-based construction company with a strong customer focus. “Our clients know we are not just a management company: we know how to build and we have the resources and capacity to get the job done.”



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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » HRS Construction

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HRS Construction is the main contractor building a new learning hub at Cashmere Primary School.


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CONSTRUCTION » Apollo Projects

September 2016 Business South

Apollo delivers on UHT expansion Kim Newth Adding one more production line to Christchurch’s Meadow Fresh facility without disrupting existing production has been a major accomplishment for design and construction specialist Apollo Projects. As the building and utilities contractor for the UHT expansion project, Apollo was tasked with building a new sterilisation room and filling room, as well as a packing area, mini-filling HVAC room and staff amenities. The total build area encompassed 2692sqm. Work got underway in November 2014 and was successfully completed by August 2015. Apollo’s impressive track record in the food and beverage industry, dating back to 2001 when the company was founded by Craig Waghorn and Paul Lloyd, ensured its team had the experience and expertise required to meet the considerable challenges presented by this complex project. Not least of these involved having to coordinate all the various services associated with the facility during construction, such as conveyors, sterilisation and filling processes and water supply. “(But) the key complexity for us was that this was a 24/7, 365 day/yr operational facility,” says Apollo’s national health and safety manager Gerry Sullivan. “What that meant was the existing plant was still producing milk within our building site and we had to provide safe access through it the whole time. That involved creating fenced off areas and walkways, as well as putting in container tunnels for Goodman Fielder’s fork lifts to safely travel through while big concrete panels and steel were installed over, above and around them.” These container tunnels had to be moved repeatedly as the work progressed. On top of that, part of the building also had to be demolished and this necessitated the building of temporary walls to protect the plant’s existing operation. “We had to shrink wrap the whole area and build a scaffold birdcage over the top before we could even start building … the whole project was incredibly challenging, like an ongoing jigsaw puzzle, but our project manager had a very clear vision of what we needed to do.” Apollo is not just a trusted construction leader; in fact, it is a turn-key specialist in this field of

Design and construction specialists Apollo Projects was tasked with adding another production line to Christchurch’s Meadow Fresh facility. The project was completed without disrupting existing production. controlled environments, from design to build. “We are experts in design and construction for the food and beverage industries; anything with a temperature controlled environment or where hygiene is pivotal.” Specialist products such as Kingspan insulated wall panels are used by Apollo to meet industryleading fire and environmental performance standards. These panels are being used extensively in another project for Apollo, currently underway, namely the construction of a new factory for Original Foods in Wigram. Kingspan panel, along with concrete, was also used in the UHT expansion project.

For Apollo, a client’s trust is everything. The company works closely with clients to achieve what they want and to minimise risk by generating accurate costings from preliminary designs. Beyond the food and beverage sectors, Apollo is in demand for warehouse and commercial projects, as well as for designing fit-for-purpose sports

and aquatics facilities. It has recently completed contracts at Christchurch’s Waterloo Business Park and Christchurch International Airport. Apollo has a core staff of 42 and also works with experienced and qualified engineers, architects and contractors to achieve industry-leading standards.

“We had to shrink wrap the whole area and build a scaffold birdcage over the top before we could even start building … the whole project was incredibly challenging, like an ongoing jigsaw puzzle...”

The UHT extension project covered an area of 2692 sqm included a new sterilisation room and filling room, as well as a packing area, mini-filling HVAC room and staff amenities.



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Business South September 2016

CONSTRUCTION » Apollo Projects

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Conveyor systems and a new packaging room were part of Apollo Projects’ expansion of the Christchurch Meadow Fresh facility.

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September 2016 Business South

CONSTRUCTION » Countdown Redwoodtown

Community embraces new store Kelly Deeks A new Countdown supermarket on the south side of Blenheim has brought a bigger and better shopping environment for customers, 24 new jobs to the area, as well as an increased customer base creating a positive spin off for neighbouring businesses at Redwoodtown. Countdown general manager for property Adrian Walker says Countdown has operated from the site for about six years, seeing the potential to provide the community with a better supermarket offer than the small 1575sqm Super Value store previously on the site, which was turned into a replacement Countdown store before construction of the new generation Countdown began in 2015. “We’re delighted to be able to expand and modernise our offer for our local Redwoodtown customers,” he says. “The community love it, and we’ve had lots of very positive comments about the new store.” He says Countdown is working around New Zealand to roll out five more brand new stores this year, and refurbish 18 existing stores. With a growing population on the south side of town, the redevelopment of the Redwoodtown site on the corner of Alabama Road and Weld Street, which includes the conversion of the replacement Countdown building into retail stores, means an upgraded neighbourhood business district and more jobs for the area. “That is one of the benefits of bringing Countdown to local communities,” Adrian says. At 3500sqm, the new Redwoodtown Countdown is twice the size of the original building, and is owned by Redwood Development, with co-director Phil Robinson’s company Robinson Construction the main contractor for the supermarket’s construction. As a new generation store – those that have been built or refurbished since mid-2008 – 30% of the supermarket’s retail floor space is dedicated to fresh foods; it holds a wider range of products than older stores; it is run by more energy efficient and sustainable refrigeration and heating systems,

At 3500sqm, the new Redwoodtown Countdown is twice the size of the original building. The new store includes wider aisles, a full service deli and a postal offer for customers to send and receive parcels in-store. and equipped with energy efficient fittings and equipment. These features are in place to assist Countdown in achieving its goal of holding its carbon emissions to the 2006 levels, despite a 37% increase in selling space. The new store has been designed with Countdown’s latest features, wider aisles, a more

expansive fresh produce department, plus a few added extras such as a full size service deli, and a postal offer that will allow customers to send and receive parcels from in-store. Store manager David Smale is leading a team of 75 staff with the broad range of expertise required to run several different departments on a large scale. The new Countdown Redwoodtown store was opened on April 14 by Marlborough Mayor Alistair Sowman, who thanked Countdown for its vote of

confidence in Blenheim’s economy by providing the town with three supermarkets. Redwoodtown School pupils performed a haka and waiata, and a $500 trolley of groceries was presented to the local Salvation Army foodbank. Countdown Redwoodtown will join Countdown’s Food Rescue programme, which has donated $3.5 million worth of food to food banks around New Zealand in the past year. Customers can donate grocery items for the Countdown Food Rescue programme at a designated trolley in store.

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The new generation Countdown supermarket opened at Redwoodtown, Blenheim in April this year. Access to its energy efficient heating and refrigeration systems was taken care of by Monkey Toe Group and its world-leading products. The roof is the perfect place to store a supermarket’s heating and refrigeration plant, and safe and easy access to these is imperative, with tradesmen regularly servicing and repairing items on the roof. Countdown Redwoodtown has a well laid out Monkey Toe system, from hydraulic hatches to large platforms, to provide safe and easy access. Monkey Toe Group marketing manager Jeff Poole says the Monkey Toe system protects both people and buildings, providing safe access without damaging the roof. Company director Tim Prestidge developed a series of clips that can safely grip a roof, without penetrating it or destroying its structural integrity. One of these looks like a monkey’s toe. For the past 10 years, these clips have been refined and developed into a complete roof access system, with new product lines including condenser mounts and gutter guards that use the clip system, and more

recently the company has made a natural progression through its work with aluminium to include a range of glass balustrades. And the product shines when it comes to installation. With a lot of the system prefabricated at the Monkey Toe workshop, when it comes to site, installation goes smoothly. Countdown Redwoodtown’s system includes condenser mounts, walkways, ladders, platforms, and hatches. The Monkey Toe condenser mount system provides full roof protection and structural integrity, with mounting carried out using specialised Monkey Toe clips, put the load back to the sub-structure, not the roof sheeting. Monkey Toe walkways differ from the traditional timber walkways which are merely placed on top of the roof, trapping debris and leaching tannins from the wood causing damage and corrosion. Monkey Toe walkways are aluminium for a long span and extreme conditions, or fibre reinforced plastic for a more lightweight option. Both use a knurled, non-slip mesh to ensure safe roof access under all conditions, and are raised 200mm above

the roof to allow rain and debris to wash through. The Monkey Toe ladder system includes premium quality KATT ladders and a range of lightweight, high strength products for enclosed roof access or easy folding roof access. Monkey Toe platforms don’t add unnecessary loads to roofs. “Our system takes the loads back to the purlins so you’re not putting a big load on the roof, you’re putting it on the building,” Jeff says. Lightweight and innovatively designed, the system is capable of supporting loads of up to 6000kgs. Skeletal platforms offer a robust and cost effective solution to the mounting of air handling units, capable of carrying loads up to 2000kg. The system can be expanded to multi-bank units, providing cost effectiveness and good presentation. “We also supply a range of options for screens and louvres to hide unsightly air conditioning units and other plant equipment.” Monkey Toe also provides fully engineered and certified roof hatches for safe access to a ceiling or roof from inside.

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BUILDING » CYB Construction

September 2016 Business South

Collaborative effort wins the day Russell Fredric The $8 million Westland Recreation Centre did not come easy for Greymouth, but it was a collaborative approach that won the day to see it completed last month on time and within budget. The 2875sqm centre is designed to provide for sport and recreation, education and training, civil defence, community and economic development needs. With its large court spaces and amenities, it will also provide a welfare base and communication centre in the event of a civil emergency. Because of this, it has been built to IL4 (importance level) seismic standards. Funding for the new stadium was initiated by a Government grant of $3.5 million to the Grey district community following Pike River mine disaster in November 2010. The Grey District Council subsequently decided to use the Government grant towards a much needed new indoor community recreation facility for the district. Greymouth company CYB Construction was the main contractor for the project which was completed last month. CYB Construction owner Chris Yeats says the project had a long gestation period following his company’s initial involvement when it submitted a tender in September 2014. “We had to cut out several hundred thousand dollars to meet the amount the council had available and that process took about six months of meetings, with consultants in Christchurch mainly,” Chris Yeats says. Consultants involved in the project insluded BGBB Architects of New Plymouth, Structex Structural Engineers Christchurch, Mechanical Engineers Aurecon, Siteworks consultant Site Solutions of Christchurch and Rawlinsons Quantity Surveyors, Wellington. While there was some initial angst among the parties involved to meet the budget constraints,

The $8 million Westland Recreation Centre in Greymouth provides a much needed indoor community centre for the district and also doubles as a welfare base and civil emergency communication centre. CYB Construction, their own quantity surveyor, Suckling Stringer and the project’s architects and consultants worked collaboratively to find solutions to build a quality facility within budget. “There were numerous meetings in Christchurch, sitting around the table trying to figure out “how do we do it”. We bounced ideas around

and we came up with a solution and in the end we did meet the budget. I think the finished product is a very good outcome considering the budgetary constraints.” Construction subsequently started in May 2015, with a 15 month contract period. Because CYB Construction and the project’s

consultants had worked so closely together, they developed good relationships and gelled even before the project started. “We already had six months of negotiating and collaborating and that really set the job up well. I was very involved in the front end of this job and once it was underway it was handed to the site

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Business South September 2016

team, led by Steve Gibson with help from Murray, Adrian and Tony with Denise supporting in the office, who took it on and made it happen. “It was all very clear – we had a good schedule of quantities with all pricing information and there was also a vision set out with a mission statement for everyone on site. I would like to pay tribute to CYB’s team: Steve, Denise, Murray, Adrian, Tony and Nicole as well as all the other contractors and consultants who worked together so well to achieve a great outcome.” Because the building site was on contaminated ground, the result of previously being a refuse site, the Grey District Council controlled the excavation of 12,000 cubic metres of material, up to six metres deep in places, over about two months before CYB Construction started the foundations. The structural design of the centre’s stadium includes a tubular truss roof sitting on steel columns and pre-cast panels half-way up the walls. Its height from the floor to the roof is 12.5 metres. The total concrete used in the whole job was 1040 cubic metres.

BUILDING » CYB Construction

For the court areas, the sprung floor is made of European Beech supplied from Norway. The elaborate system and its complex installation was undertaken by specialist sub-contractor Hardwood Technology of Auckland. The quality of the finished centre is proof that it was “a happy site” for contractors and consultants and a rewarding contract for CYB Construction, Chris Yeats says. “It’s been a great job. It’s a pleasure to have delivered a community facility that’s going to stand for a long time and people are going to get a lot of enjoyment out of it.” The Westland Recreation Centre is the highest value contract completed by CYB Construction, but not the largest building. In recent years it has built the 3000m2 West Fleet Seafoods Greymouth factory, Fresh Choice (now Countdown) Greymouth, Mitre 10 Greymouth and numerous new-builds or refurbishments in the hospitality, tourism, commercial, retail, education and civic sectors in West Coast, in addition to projects in Oxford, Canterbury.

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The Westland Recreation Centre has been built to IL4 (importance level) seismic standards and includes tubular truss roofing sitting on steel columns. The sprung floor in the court area is made of European beech imported from Norway.


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40 |

BUILDING » Coldstream Builders

September 2016 Business South

Strong demand in North Canterbury Kim Newth Since launching his Rangiora-based home build company in 2011, experienced local builder Curtis Dyer has been enjoying strong demand from a responsive North Canterbury housing market. Curtis is a Licensed Building Practitioner who has worked in the industry for more than 10 years. Having grown up in North Canterbury, he is also steeped in the needs of the area and its market. New residential homes are his speciality, catering for a range of budgets and lifestyles. “We have done quite a few spec homes, where we have bought a section, built a house and then put it on the market,” says Curtis. “Increasingly, we are also building new homes for clients who come to us. “We can build anything from a modest home to the million dollar mansion. “Currently we have a couple of decent family homes underway, including one at Pegasus.” Coldstream Builders’ spec homes are built with meticulous attention to detail and sited in some of North Canterbury’s leading subdivisions, (associated with prominent local property developers, such as Peter and Judy Van Beek, of VB Properties). Coldstream works closely with Woodendbased designer Bud Caldwell, of DesignNZ (formally Watkins Design), that has a full design studio service. Clients are able to view 3D conceptual renderings, so they can get an idea of how their future home will look, inside and out, even down to the colours. “We have worked with Bud right from the start – in fact, he designed our first spec home,” says Curtis. “We can do the whole house and land package for our clients.” Thorough by nature, Curtis says his focus is on delivering a quality build for every client, taking the time to get the job done to a high standard. He works with a select group of trusted subcontractors that he has known for some years. “They are not generally the cheapest out there, but cheapest is not always the best. If you do a good job, it pays dividends at the other end.” Working directly with Curtis in the business are two carpenters – Liam, who is a qualified carpenter and Alex, who is doing his apprenticeship - and a labourer, Jack, who is also considering an apprenticeship.

Coldstream Builders works closely with Woodend-based designer Bud Caldwell, of DesignNZ.

Coldstream Builders, based at Coldstream Road in Rangiora, is also a family business. Curtis’ partner Kate Graham assists with accounts and administration, while his mother, Gill Dyer, manages time sheets and wages. Outside of work, Curtis likes to play squash when he can find time. In fact, Coldstream Builders completed some work at the local squash club premises last year. Compared to a few years ago, Curtis says the local market is quieter than it was but he has no shortage of work on his books. “I still can’t get enough hours in the week but I’m not working every weekend anymore. “ Things were almost too hectic before; I think things are at quite a good level now and we are enjoying life.”


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Coldstream Builders

Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Coldstream Builders

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Coldstream Builders’ spec homes are built with meticulous attention to detail and sited in some of North Canterbury’s leading subdivisions.



Relationship building is a key to the success of DesignNZ (formally Watkins Design), says the firm’s General Manager, Bud Caldwell. “We offer so much more than simply pumping out plans and moving onto the next project. Our design team of five has a vested interested in what they do, and the impact of their work on the client.

Builders and other key clients has seen the firm operate largely under the radar. “We do very little marketing given our solid workload, and enjoy the opportunity to grow alongside our core client group.”

We work hard to exceed expectations which has helped us to build strong, ongoing relationships with many builders in the Canterbury market.”

DesignNZ is currently based in Woodend but shifting to new offices soon in Silverstream, and is part of the wider DSC Group (formerly Watkins Consultancy), which has two other divisions, SurveyingNZ and ComplyNZ.

One of the architectural design studio’s key clients is Coldstream Builders, he says. “We are Coldstream Builder’s principal designer, working on the majority of his projects. Our focus is on creating designs his company’s client’s love, which helps to drive repeat business and referrals, a win-win for everyone.” DesignNZ also designs most of Coldstream Builder’s speculative builds, says Bud. “These projects are designed with the needs of the market in mind to ensure the property will sell well for a good price.” Bud says the strong relationship with Coldstream

Units 16 & 17, 42 Silverstream Boulevard Ph: (03) 310 0272

The wider group’s experience negotiating the consent process has given the DesignNZ team a helpful insight into the level of detail required to progress its plans more rapidly through the system, says Bud.” Bud says the group’s North Canterbury location is no barrier to it operating nationwide. “We have designed projects for clients as far afield as Cromwell and the Coromandel. However our core client base are local builders in North Canterbury and Christchurch, a number that continues to grow given our strong rate of referrals.”

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BUILDING » Preston Residences

September 2016 Business South

Regeneration in the heart of Chch Kelly Deeks The Preston Residences, two new neighbourhoods currently under construction on Worcester Street and under design on Barbadoes Street, are perfectly placed in the heart of the rebuild to enjoy all of Christchurch’s new and upcoming developments. Award winning Context Architects has brought its experience and sharp eye for excellent design to the Preston Residences. Context Architects’ passion for creating beautiful homes for Christchurch is clearly evidenced in the apartments’ thoughtful and considered design. The designs include clean lines, modern simplicity, and bold use of enduring materials and textures results in highly desirable and stylish apartments with generous indoor and outdoor space. The Preston Residences will accommodate a selection of well-appointed one and two bedroom apartments, each with different amenities and options available so that all requirements are catered for. All apartments have open plan living areas, creating a modern and spacious style of living, designed with careful consideration to maximise the comforts of open plan living. Christchurch has been called ‘the newest city in the world’ because of the unique opportunities presented by the earthquakes to recreate something amazing for the future. The renewal of the city includes state of the art public buildings, world class health and innovation sectors, a new convention centre, and a new shopping district. These are all within walking distance of Preston Residences, with cafes and restaurants, schools, Cathedral Square, the convention centre, city library, and the new stadium which will be the second largest in New Zealand. The Preston Residences is a defining development for the project’s developer Rockwell. Managing director Soung Kim says the company is prepared to develop more and more homes that live up to the high quality standards of living required by its customers. “To accomplish this, we have assembled a truly top class team of architects and designers and set very high standards from the exterior appearance down to the fine details of interior finishing,” he says. “The result is two apartment buildings inspired by the dynamic and innovative vision to be part of making Christchurch the best and most liveable city in the world.”

The Preston Residences development will accommodate a selection of well-appointed one and two bedroom apartments, each with different amenities and options available.

Rockwell is fully committed to providing sustainability and quality, and is also building its own new home on High Street in Christchurch’s city centre to fulfil its vision of becoming an inspiring urban regenerator. “As an urban regenerator, our vision is always to create modern mixed-use communities where people can live, work and play,” Soung says. “We have a passion for detail, a passion for being the best, a passion for doing it right, and a passion for empowering people to excel. “Those are the drivers in everything we do.” Project managers Kensway Property Group was brought in to the project mid-way through the design of the Barbadoes Street apartments, and when the design of the Worcester Street apartments was almost finished. Kensway associate director Carl Eckhart says Rockwell appreciates a project manager is a vital

“As an urban regenerator, our vision is always to create modern mixed-use communities where people can live, work and play.”

component in the successful completion of the Preston Residences. “We embrace projects and deliver them to meet and satisfy our clients’ expectations,” he says. “We organise and coordinate teams to ensure all aspects of the project are covered, we manage and lead the team and represent the

client, and our goal is to deliver a product on time, within budget, and of the highest quality,” says Soung. He says it is all about the planning, and Kensway provides an extensive range of inhouse property management services to take projects through each stage until a successful conclusion is reached.

Warm, Safe, Quiet You can trust Hebel.

Business South September 2016

BUILDING Âť Preston Residences

The Preston Residences are perfectly placed in the heart of the rebuild to enjoy all of Christchurch’s new and upcoming developments.

| 43

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BUILDING » Fitzgerald Construction

September 2016 Business South

Place of belonging for students Kelly Deeks Nelson’s Fitzgerald Construction’s cultural competence was put to the test this year when the company completed the build of a new cultural education centre at Motueka High School. The new building is providing a place of belonging for all Motueka High School students, especially Maori and Pacifica learners, as well as a much-needed community resource. The multi-use facility has a Kaupapa Maori focus for school-wide use, providing a place of belonging for Maori students, and is available for the wider community as a meeting place and learning centre. The site for the cultural education centre was thoughtfully chosen to place it at the front of the school, thereby signifying the importance of the facility and providing easy access for all. Fitzgerald Construction worked for five months on building the cultural education centre, which includes a large hall, offices, a kitchen, and amenity block, all under one roof. Fitzgerald Construction managing director Stephen Fitzgerald says the company has worked on cultural projects before, and they require attention to certain details traditional projects do not. “The main challenge with the Motueka High School cultural education centre was getting the building lined up with the hills beyond,” he says. “It is all lined up exactly so as you walk through the main door, there is a huge window that looks out onto the hills with the main peak right in the middle.” Other cultural requirements saw a piece of greenstone placed in the ground underneath the foundations before Fitzgerald Construction even got on site.

Motueka High School’s cultural education centre is situated at the front of the school, signifying the importance of the facility.

The site was also blessed when the ground was broken, and again when the cultural education centre was officially opened on August 5. Stephen says the site’s landscaping came off really well, with Concrete and Metals providing paving around the cultural education centre in a wishbone design. Fitzgerald Construction is well-versed in this type of cultural construction project having built a new library and resource room

“It is all lined up exactly so as you walk through the main door, there is a huge window that looks out onto the hills with the main peak right in the middle.” for Nelson Library, and a hall for Whakatu Marae in Nelson. Fitzgerald Construction is a 19-year old building company which has been driven

by Stephen’s industry knowledge and understanding, as well as his appreciation and unrelenting commitment to quality. A licensed and qualified carpenter,


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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Fitzgerald Construction

| 45

Lining up the education centre with the background hills, capturing the main peak in the middle of the large rear window, was one of the main challenges for Nelson’s Fitzgerald Construction.

Stephen’s years of experience have provided him the expertise, insight, and organisational skills to complete successful construction projects. “Our projects are always extremely well planned, well organised, and effectively managed,” he says. “We apply this approach to any job we do, whether it be large or small. “We are not too big to do the smaller jobs, and we pride ourselves on being approachable and friendly to deal with.” He says Fitzgerald Construction is proud to

have its performance and reputation measured by the success of every building contract it completes. Fitzgerald Construction expanded from Nelson into Canterbury two and a half years ago, to lend a hand with the rebuild of the region following the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011. The company is currently building three high end architecturally designed houses in Christchurch, six relocatable classrooms at Christchurch Boys High School, and doing remedial work at Oxford School.

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46 |

September 2016 Business South

BUILDING » Gibb Construction

Dog kennels, dams all in a day’s work Russell Fredric The dramatic West Coast of New Zealand is a place of superlatives, particularly its glacier regions. Amidst this ruggedness and isolation, it is not surprising Fox Glacier based company Gibb Construction Ltd is up for a challenge. The portfolio of work completed by the 28 yearold company highlights the skills and diversity of its owners Grant and Marietta Gibb and their team of builders who are prepared to tackle anything from dog kennels to dams. The couple are extremely grateful to have an “awesome” team of carpenters and contractors who join forces to make things happen. Two large projects presently being undertaken by Gibb Construction Ltd in Fox Glacier are building a new community centre and the major refurbishment of the Scenic Circle Heartland Hotel. Construction of the 1200 square metre $2.2 million community centre started on April as a joint venture with site manager Clint Jarvis Contracting and is expected to be completed mid December. The community raised almost $400,000 from generous business pledges, group and personal donations, and fundraising. “All of this has enabled the West Coast development Trust, Westland district Council and Lotteries New Zealand to see that the community wanted and need this facility, and have funded the rest of the bricks and mortar.” Signal Management Group Dunedin are the project managers for the centre and were involved in the initial tendering process. Planning and fund raising for the project has taken about 10 years. Building is being carried out in two stages; the centre will comprise a full-size 9.6m high netball court, an exercise room and ablution block, meeting room, office and utility room. The netball court’s construction includes LVL timber veneer portal frames, supplied by Timaru company Timbercore, while it’s sprung floor which sits on a concrete base, is made of Strandfloor, a high density reconstituted wood panel bonded with moisture resistant resin and wax. One of the main challenges during the early stages of the build was a run of wet weather, however Gibb Construction is pleased to be involved in a project which will make a big difference in the community.

The mountains make a spectacular backdrop to the new Fox Glacier community centre being built by Gibb Construction. “We are hoping that it will enable the locals to have a focal place where they can go and gather together,” Grant Gibb says. The Heartland Hotel project involved stripping out and refurbishing its 50 room accommodation area in the two-story complex, with completion targeted for September in time for the tourist season. “Everything’s come out. The inside will be completely new when its completed.” Grant Gibb says the logistics of being involved in two major projects at once keeps him busy with paper work and organisation “but we are used to it.” One of the more unusual projects completed by Gibb Construction was building a weir and intake for the 7.7 megawatt Amethyst Hydro Power Station, commissioned by Westpower in June 2013.

The weir, situated in the Amethyst Gorge just north of the township of Hari Hari, had to be constructed solely using helicopter access as the terrain precluded the installation of any roadway, which presented some difficult engineering challenges. “We flew to work every day in a helicopter because that was the only way to get there. It cost $900 a day to get to work.” “It was such a tight gorge they had to use Hughes 500’s and they could only cart three barrow loads [of concrete] at a time. Some days they had 100 hundred flights.”

Gibb Construction builders enjoy the variety of work that comes from being based on the West Coast and the fact that they are not “building square boxes all the time”. In contrast to the hydro project which is hidden in the back-blocks, last year the company completed a high profile double-story 792 square metre complex for Ngai Tahu Tourism. The complex is the base for their Franz Josef Glacier Guides business, and the entrance to Glacier Hot Pools. The complex also includes an I-Site and Department of Conservation area office.

“It was such a tight gorge they had to use Hughes 500’s and they could only cart three barrow loads (of concrete) at a time. Some days they had 100 hundred flights.”

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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Gibb Construction

| 47

Above left, Gibb Construction completed this complex at Franz Josef for Ngai Tahu Tourism last year. It includes a Department of Conservation area office and an I-site; above right, the LVR timber portals used in the construction of the new Fox Glacier community centre.

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48 |

September 2016 Business South

BUILDING » Galletly Builders

Beckenham church facility takes shape Russell Fredric The Beckenham Methodist Church is currently undertaking an exciting project to strengthen and upgrade their facilities. The project started in May and involves three stages: building a new hall, structural strengthening of the main church building and upgrading kitchen and toilet facilities. Galletly Builders Ltd is the main contractor for this project. The company is owned by Mark and Nadine Galletly, who are its project director and managing director respectively. “We are proud to be involved in the project. It’s very rewarding watching it take shape,” Nadine says. The project is being managed in a way that enables the church congregation to use the parts of the building which are completed before work is started in other areas. Work is overseen on behalf of the church parish by Christchurch project management company Tripro, who have experience in earthquake remediation projects. Tripro are managing a number of earthquake strengthening and rebuild projects for the Methodist Church. Beckenham Methodist Church property committee chairman John Dunlop says the church’s now demolished original brick clad hall, built in 1926, became unstable after the September 2010 earthquake, but was damaged beyond repair in the February 2011 earthquake. The property committee subsequently

developed a draft design which was further refined by Paul Wilkins of PXA Architects, Christchurch. “We were fortunate that we had established with the Christchurch City Council the footprint of the original hall and we were able to build on that same footprint. Because we existed there a long time we had the right to rebuild what was lost,” John Dunlop says. The main church building was built in 1963. Its roof comprises multiple gables supported by steel beams, and is safe to be used by the church’s 100-strong congregation until the strengthening work to bring it up to 67% of New Building Standard is started. The church is also being used by the St Martins Presbyterian Church for its Sunday services due to their own building being rendered unusable, however the present lack of a hall means some of Beckenham Methodist Church’s youth programmes such as Boys Brigade and Girls Brigade have had to be held off-site. Once the hall is completed services will be held there while strengthening work is being undertaken in the main church building. “We’ve not had to stop operating from the site because of the phased way the project is being done.” John Dunlop says Galletly Builders has been responsive to everything needed to be discussed as the project progresses. “We’ve really appreciated their willingness to go the extra mile.” The entire project is expected to be completed by autumn next year.

“We were fortunate that we had established with the Christchurch City Council the footprint of the original hall and we were able to build on that same footprint.” The project is being managed in a way that enables the church congregation to use the parts of the building which are completed before work is started in other areas.

Sharing in the success of Galletly Builders

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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Galletly Builders

| 49

Galletly Builders is the main contractor working on the upgrade of the Beckenham Methodist Church. The project involves three stages – building a new hall, structural strengthening of the main church building and upgrading kitchen and toilet facilities.

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50 |

BUILDING » Springlands Mall

September 2016 Business South

New cafe brings new dimension Karen Phelps A new cafe has just opened at the Springlands Shopping Centre. Kotare Cafe is the latest addition to the multi-million dollar redevelopment of the Blenheim retail precinct. The cafe is owned by Rebecca Hill and her partner Craig Stringer, who also own Figaro’s Cafe on Scott Street. Kotare Cafe offers a lunch menu as well as cafe style food including vegan, raw and paleo options. It includes an area for children and an outdoor dining area. John Derry, director of Derry Properties Limited, developer of the Springlands Shopping Centre, says that the new cafe is trading well and provides a much needed option for the area catering to a variety of market segments. Located in Middle Renwick Road, the Springlands Shopping Centre has been owned by Derry Properties Limited for a number of years and was in need of an upgrade to bring a more upmarket offering to the area, says John. He says award winning architectural firm Arthouse Architects was brought on board to create a modern stylish look with a mix of structural steel and cedar shutters used on the shop fronts. Hamish Ryan Construction has undertaken the build works. Both have previously worked with Derry Properties on other projects. The cafe is the only real new addition to the shopping centre with the other tenants – Unichem Pharmacy, Springlands Health medical centre and Illusions hair salon expanding their premises. The New Zealand Post and Kiwibank will operate from the new Unichem Pharmacy premises. Countdown has taken on the lease to the supermarket, which was previously operated by Derry Properties. “Existing tenants had outgrown their premises and needed more space so this will enable them to expand their offering,” says John. • to page 52

The Kotare Cafe is the latest addition to the multi-million dollar redevelopment of the Springlands Shopping Centre precinct. in Blenheim

Envision Aluminium is one of Marlborough's leading manufacturers of window and door system. We are proud licensed manufacturer and suppliers of Vantage Aluminium joinery & The local Distributor and Installer of Conqueror Garage Doors Proudly supporting Hamish Ryan Construction | (03) 578 3650 |

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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Springlands Mall

| 51

Located in Middle Renwick Road in Blenheim, the Springlands Shopping Centre has been owned by Derry Properties Limited for a number of years and was in need of an upgrade to bring a more upmarket offering to the area.

Making your home smart and your life easier Wouldn’t it be great to arrive back from work to a warm home? Home automation lets you control your home from anywhere with the touch of a button through a remote, keypad, installed touchscreen, smart phone, iPad or computer. You could open the garage, disarm the alarm, light up the hallway and close the blinds. Home automation integrates the different elements of a home - audio, visual, security, comfort, lighting and energy management. The number of features available is endless and includes underfloor heating, blinds, alarm, fireplace, water features, pool and spa temperature control. Steve and Nicole Banks, the owners of Advanced Electrical, are the masters of home automation. They put the hard work in, designing robust systems that result in something that is easy to use. Advanced Electrical specifically tailor each system to the home and the homeowner’s lifestyle. The benefit is that each customer can choose what suits their needs as well as have the opportunity to change and update their system in future. For example they have customers who travel often and are able to secure their entire home with a touch of a button, then can check on their home with their smart devices from anywhere in the world. They have customers who love entertaining, and are able to fill their entire home and outdoor

area with music or play different things in each zone. The Banks started Advanced Electrical in 2007 in Blenheim and now have offices in Auckland and Christchurch. Steve, an electrical engineer with over 25 years’ experience, brings vast knowledge to the businesses. He is complemented by a team of experienced registered Master Electricians who provide a full range of general electrical services. Advanced Electrical was named the 2015 Master Electricians of the Year winners for their region. The company can offer general electrical services, such as power points and switchboards, right through to major renovations and outdoor lighting. As an example a recent project completed was the general electrical work for the Springlands Shopping Centre Kotare Café. For people that want to see home automation in action the Advanced Electrical team are installing a complete whole home system in the new GJ Gardner showhome in the Taylor Pass Subdivision opening soon. “Home automation is becoming more and more affordable as the technology advances,” says Nicole. “In short, we’re a one-stop-shop for home automation and electrical services, looking after our customers’ needs both now and into the future.”



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52 |

BUILDING » Springlands Mall

September 2016 Business South

Cafe helps make mall a popular destination • from page 50 Hamish, who was born and bred in Marlborough and has nearly twenty years experience constructing residential and light commercial properties, says the main challenge from a construction perspective has been working in around trading businesses and the general public. His team started work on the Kotare Cafe in mid February and the project was completed by July. An old garden centre and cafe was demolished to make way for the expanded Unichem Pharmcay premises, which Hamish Ryan Construction is presently working on. The company is working on one half of the premises while Unichem continues to trade from the other half. A temporary sound proof wall has been installed and Hamish Ryan Construction has scheduled works to mitigate interruption on the functioning of the pharmacy as much as possible, he says. John says the overall aim of the project has been to make Springlands Shopping Centre more of a destination. The Countdown supermarket, Illusions hair salon and New Zealand Post and Kiwibank, will be next to be redeveloped as the project progresses. Extra car parks will be added behind the mall when the upgrades are completed, which is expected to be by March 2017. Derry Properties also owns the Speights’ Ale House located next door to the Springlands Shopping Centre. It was a new build project completed a couple of years ago after Derry Properties identified a need for an upmarket bar in the area, which is located a few kilometres out of the central business district. Also built by Hamish Ryan Construction and designed by Arthouse Architecture, the building offers split level dining areas, indoor and outdoor seating, off street parking and a function room. Derry Properties is owned by John and his two sisters, all of whom live in the local area. John says that this gives them a good understanding of what is needed and will be enjoyed by locals. John says that the Blenheim economy, which

Hamish Ryan Construction started work on the Kotare Cafe in mid February and the project was completed by July. is reliant on the wine and aquaculture industries, is currently strong. Derry Properties is due to begin work shortly on another development next to Springlands Shopping Centre which will house a Hell Pizza and a restaurant/wine bar, as well as upstairs office space. John has not yet revealed what the restaurant will be but has hinted that it will have a meat-focused menu and be something new and exciting for Marlborough, which will complement the Speight’s Ale House and Hell Pizza.

Proud to Support Springlands Mall



Phil Barrett 0274 819 808 • after hours 579 4477 • email

Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Fair Dinkum Sheds

| 53

Fair Dinkum Sheds has it covered Kelly Deeks Christchurch’s authorised distributor of Fair Dinkum Sheds, Durasteel, is increasing its market share in both industrial and residential construction, with durable and cost-effective solutions to suit all budgets and requirements. Fair Dinkum structures are designed for New Zealand’s sometimes harsh and changeable weather conditions, to meet the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code. The company specialises in the design, engineering, supply, and construction of quality New Zealand-made sheds, industrial buildings, barns, carports, workshops and dwelling conversions. Fair Dinkum Sheds uses a high-tech design software package called Multi-Build. The Multi-Build package offers customers a first-hand input into the design of their own structure and allows them to view their dream building design in layout and 3D format. “This is a huge advantage over our competitors’ modular and often paper-based design systems,” says Durasteel, owner Brent Collins “Another advantage is the fact that our buildings are New Zealand made, so when you buy from us you know you are supporting New Zealand companies, local businesses, and New Zealand families.” Fair Dinkum has many decades of experience in the steel shed industry, and the company knows it has a product which has been fully tried and tested, and can be modified to suit its clients’ exact requirements, whether it be a single garage or a large industrial building. Fair Dinkum structures are designed for New Zealand’s sometimes harsh and changeable weather conditions, to meet the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code. “The adaptability of our industrial and commercial sheds make them perfect for any situation which requires a large steel industrial or

Fair Dinkum Sheds pecialises in the design, engineering, supply, and construction of quality New Zealand-made sheds, industrial buildings, barns, carports, workshops and dwelling conversions. commercial building,” Brent says. “Whether you require a large space for warehousing, an industrial workshop, storage, an airport hangar, a factory space, or anything else, look no further for strength and durability.”

The Fair Dinkum building designs can be customised to suit specific requirements, including first and second floors, adjustable bay sizes and can be engineered up to 35m clear span, providing ample open areas. Durasteel offers foundation and firewall solutions on all industrial and commercial buildings. They come with full structural certified plans to New Zealand standards, and Durasteel co-ordinates your build with recommended contractors. In the residential market, Fair Dinkum buildings use New Zealand industrial steel framing, giving Durasteel homes extreme structural strength, integrity, and affordability.

“We offer potentially the strongest and most value-conscious housing in New Zealand, using industrial steel framing with cladding options,” Brent says. “Our dwellings are economical to build compared to traditional methods. With land prices on the increase, we’re getting more and more popular with people who have invested a lot of money into their section, and now need to build a cost-effective dwelling.” Whether a first home, retirement home, bach, or storage with living options, Durasteel provides a consented package and build to lock-up stage, including foundations.

“Whether you require a large space for warehousing, an industrial workshop, storage, an airport hangar, a factory space, or anything else, look no further for strength and durability.” scrapes and topsoil levelling. Our landscaping team can design and build everything you need for a stunning outdoors. Let us help you with decks, fences, lawns, Call us today to book your free appointment with one of our experts. Exposed Aggregate Fair Dinkum Sheds’ structures are designed for New Zealand’s harsh and changeable weather conditions, to meet the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code.

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Innovative Driveways o er you the full package for your Foundation, Slab and Excavation works with combined experience of 30 years in the industry. As members of the NZ Master Concrete Placers Association, all our workmanship and finish is Decks and fences fully guaranteed. Everything is organised for you from Council Inspections through to the final clean up. Call us today to book an appointment with one of our experts.

Visit our website for this month’s special

54 |

September 2016 Business South

BUILDING » Henderson Construction

A graphical image of the new Waikiwi Tavern complex currently being built by Henderson Construction. A feature of the new building’s contemporary design is exposed steel portals in the interior and an eight metre diameter rotunda on the north-west street corner.

Southland company leaving its mark Russell Fredric Since 1970, Henderson Construction has gained a reputation as one of Southland’s most prominent and respected construction companies. Started by the late Murray Henderson and originally based at Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter, the company has been operating from Invercargill since 1992, making its mark on the landscape of the city, Southland and in areas further afield such as Queenstown. Although the company specialises in tender and commercial work, it has both the capability and the capacity to take on residential work as well, including design and build. Among its commercial work, Henderson

Construction has completed several key projects for the Invercargill Licensing Trust (ILT), including the Northern Tavern refurbishment which won a New Zealand Commercial Project Awards silver award in 2013. The company is presently building a new 1100sqm premises for the ILT on a new site to replace the Waikiwi Tavern. Henderson Construction managing director Brent Henderson says the project, started last November, is progressing well with the internal fit-out presently under-way. “We won the tender last year to build the new Waikiwi Tavern. In the past we have built the new Thar and Feather in South Invercargill and the Northern Tavern as well. “This is the third tavern we’ve built,” Brent Henderson says.

“We won the tender last year to build the new Waikiwi Tavern. In the past we have built the new Thar and Feather in South Invercargill and the Northern Tavern as well. This is the third tavern we’ve built.” Progress on construction of the building’s foundation and main structure has been helped by generally favourable conditions, particularly during summer and autumn. One of the challenges of the project was the size of the foundation, requiring 277 cubic metres of concrete, and the timing of the pour on December 21. “It was poured at night-time. We started

at eleven o’clock at night and had it in by six o’clock the next morning. It was a very tight time frame.” The logistics of the pour included having sufficient cement delivered to Invercargill as it was more than normally held in stock by local suppliers, as well as sufficient concrete pumps, concrete placers and weather “ordered”.

• to page 56


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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Henderson Construction

| 55

The foundation for the new Waikiwi Tavern involved pouring 277 cubic metres of concrete. Work started at 11pm and was completed at 6am the next morning.

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56 |

BUILDING » Henderson Construction

September 2016 Business South

New Waikiwi Tavern an “exciting facility” • from page 54 “It took virtually a lead-up of working seven day weeks to get that concrete pour in prior to

Christmas so we could start the structural steel after the Christmas period.” Up to ten Henderson Construction staff have been working on the project along with about 25 sub-contractors. Brent Henderson praised the commitment of the company’s staff on this and the many other projects completed by the company across a range of sectors. “I am very proud of the staff we have, and the standard of work they put through, and how much they care about what they do. That’s a very big focus.” A feature of the new building’s contemporary design is exposed steel portals in the interior, while an 8.0 metre diameter rotunda on the north-west street corner is a striking feature of the exterior. “I love the design. It’s something different for Invercargill, away from the conventional.” Designer Mike Marshall of Two Point Zero Design, Auckland, says he has attempted to create a building of significance which will function as a welcoming gathering place in the suburb of Waikiwi and surrounding areas. The exterior is a combination of Villa Veneer, a brick cladding system which offers a traditional weatherboard-cladding look, pre-cast concrete, timber and coloured-steel roofing. “We’ve gone for strong, noble materials. It has a real visual permanence,” Mike Marshall says. In keeping the theme of contrasts, the interior includes extensive use of American white oak

and Southland beech along with a palette of soft, muted colours complemented by strong accents. The ILT’s retired former sales and marketing manager Gary Muir is managing the project on behalf of the trust. Henderson Construction won the construction contract through a very robust tendering process among a “select” tender group, Gary Muir says. “The quality of the work is very good and like most Invercargill company’s, (Henderson Construction) stand by their work.” The present Waikiwi Tavern, built in the mid 1960s, would have needed a considerable amount spent on it to bring it up to today’s standards, including earthquake compliance. A change of site from a relatively obscure area to a main road will give the new building, which will feature a cafe, sports bar, gaming lounge and a stand-alone restaurant, a much higher profile “We had this opportunity to bring this development on to North Road which gives it far more presence in a much better spot; its design and location is very attractive. The decision looked after itself.” Mike Marshall had a largely “open hand” in terms of the building’s style and contemporary design. “One of the features in the sports bar is a mezzanine with balconies. You can go out and overlook North Road. It’s just going to be an exciting facility.” The new site, which is among a juxtaposition of commercial, industrial and residential zones, is reflected in the design’s use of painted steel portals inside, which are complemented by timber and soft furnishings. “If what we see at this point is anything to go by, it looks quite fantastic.”

The logistics of pouring the foundation for the new Waikiwi Tavern included having sufficient cement delivered to Invercargill as well as sufficient concrete pumps, concrete placers and weather “ordered”.

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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Smith and Sons Blenheim

| 57

Blenheim renovator in strong demand Kim Newth Marlborough renovations specialist Smith and Sons Blenheim is growing fast off the back of strong demand for its services in the region. In just two years, franchise owners Daniel and Jess Francis have grown their team from the parttime contractor and apprentice they started with to seven carpenters, a project manager, two full-time painters and two administration staff. “The market for renovations has increased a lot in the last couple of years and there a lot of new people moving into the district, but I also believe our growth stems from the fact that we provide a comprehensive service that takes someone’s idea through to a fully completed, signed-off project,” says Daniel, who is a qualified master builder with more than 12 years’ building experience. Franchise co-owner Jess manages the office on a part-time basis and is also busy managing the couple’s active toddler. The business also has an in-house designer who works on construction designs and plans, an interiors consultant, a project manager and a team of builders and painters who are all an integral part of the Blenheim Smith and Son’s team. Renovation work is not typically as clear cut as a new build, with every job coming with its own unique set of challenges. Smith and Sons Blenheim are meeting those challenges by having good systems and processes in place to ensure every project is managed consistently and to a high standard. “I think where we help people the most is by opening their eyes to what the possibilities are. We are able to utilise their existing space to the max.” The Blenheim-based team offers a three-step process – Design, Plan and Construct – for their clients: • Design: Developing client’s ideas into an effective design and costing the project out to provide an initial estimate. • Plan: Plans and drawings are finalised, consents are gained and a renovation construction schedule is drawn up to fit around the client’s lifestyle. • Construct: An expert term of builders and tradespeople brings the plan to life. With one point of contact throughout the entire renovation process, clients are kept up to date at every stage. From design to completion, the range of home renovation services provided by Smith and Sons Blenheim includes full house renovations and

Renovations specialists Smith and Sons Blenheim has grown itsteam to seven carpenters, two full time painters a project manager and two administration staff on the back of growing demand for its services.

extensions, kitchen and bathroom refurbishments and new decks, fencing and landscape construction. Currently, demand for bathroom makeovers is a leading source of work. “Across New Zealand as a whole, bathrooms in houses are really below standard. We are finding there’s so much work out there, particularly as the life of the bathroom is typically not as long as the rest of the house.” One-off projects are not unusual. For example, the team recently built a three-storey lift shaft on the side of an existing Waikawa home as an extension. With such strong regional demand for renovation services, Daniel says people need to get the ball rolling in plenty of time, rather than expecting quick results. “There’s always quite a bit of paperwork that needs to be done too if the council is involved, so it certainly pays to think ahead.”


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58 |

September 2016 Business South

BUILDING » Boden Building

Hulbert House restored to full Victorian grandeur Kim Newth A sensitive restoration project has given one of Queenstown’s heritage gems a whole new lease of life. Japanese billionaire Soichiro Fukutake, who purchased Victorian-era Hulbert House three years ago, has a love of heritage architecture and art. Determined to fully restore the 1888 villa, he employed one of New Zealand’s leading interior designers, Auckland-based Neil McLachlan, as project manager. Queenstown builder David ‘Bod’ Boden, of Boden Building, who had worked with Neil on the restoration of the Fukutake family’s holiday home in Queenstown, was also employed for the restoration of Hulbert House. Following building consent approval, the 20-month restoration project began in earnest in October 2014. “It was definitely the best constructed house of that era in Queenstown and the previous owner had looked after it well, but a lot of work had to be done to really bring it back to its former glory,” Bod says. “I knew from the outset it was going to be a high level restoration.” Removing the existing stone ring foundation – and keeping the house floating while a new reinforced concrete foundation was added – was a significant engineering challenge that was successfully completed to strengthen the villa. The project also involved the addition of a completely new first floor with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, carefully contained within the existing roof space so as not to disrupt the original heritage fabric. A grand stairwell has also been added. “This was another engineering feat,” says Bod. “The first floor was loaded through the existing structure to the earth, rather than onto the ground floor itself.” Original wall linings, lined plaster ceilings, cornices and other heritage features were left undisturbed. Timberwork, dados and windows have all been restored, with triple glazing now

The restoration of Hulbert House in Queenstown posed significant engineering challenges, including removing the existing stone ring foundation and the addition of a new first floor. The restoration has achieved over 90 per cent compliance with earthquake/building code requirements. providing added warmth. (Cast iron radiators from the old Queenstown maternity home have also been upcycled and installed at the villa to run on a gas central heating system). “No ground floor walls were moved though we opened up space between rooms here and there and put partition walls up in one of the rooms to create a bathroom area. The emphasis of the job was to restore, not to replace.” Hulbert House has an elegant new main room

called the Palm Room that serves as breakfast room and lobby. This two-storey high space, finished with decorative steel trusses, replaced what used to be a courtyard between the old servants’ wing and the back of the house. Throughout the project, 12 carpenters worked on site and up to 40 sub-tradespeople. The entire house has been rewired and replumbed, new insulation has been added where possible and a new sprinkler system and an alarm

system installed. With its new foundation and steel bracing, the restoration has achieved over 90 per cent compliance with earthquake strengthening/ building code requirements. “Neil was very good to work with. We’re both ecstatic about the end result – it has been an absolute pleasure to work on this project and see a grand original like this come back to life.” Hulbert House is now open as boutique accommodation in Queenstown.

Proud to be part of the team which assisted Boden Building to complete the restoration project on Hulbert House


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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Johnson Building

| 59

The Fairlie Bakehouse was started in 2009 and has outgrown itself.

Expansion for booming bakery Russell Fredric The growing need of a South Canterbury bakery has given rise to a solution, in the form of Timaru company Johnson Building Ltd. After becoming a runaway success with national and international recognition for its gourmet hand-made pies and many other temptations, Fairlie Bakehouse gave the thumbs up to Timaru company Johnson Building Ltd to expand the Fairlie premises it operates from. On an average day the bakehouse sells 1500 pies alone, in addition to all the other offerings made on-site by a top-class bakery such as bread,

“We have grown so fast over the last seven years. On a normal day we do about 1500 pies and on busy days more than 2000. We had queues for seven hours some days.” pastries, sandwiches and hot drinks. Ben Johnson says the work in progress, which started early June, will double the size of the bakery’s kitchen to about 140 square metres along with improving its bakery’s servery and cafe area; the pies are made in a separate factory. The logistics of the expansion means the

bakery has temporarily moved to allow work to be completed efficiently. “We were going to do work in stages around [the operating business], but that would’ve proved too difficult and expensive for both parties, so it was more cost effective to move the bakehouse next door to a makeshift shop,” Ben Johnson says.

The window

to your world

The design for the project was provided by Moore Architecture of Ashburton. Fairlie Bakehouse owner Franz Lieber says the bakery was started in 2009 and had outgrown itself. “We have grown so fast over the last seven years. On a normal day we do about 1500 pies and on busy days more than 2000. We had queues for seven hours some days.” While the business has become famous for its pies, it is the bakery’s kitchen, and cafe that is receiving attention. “At the bakehouse itself I want to get more focused on the cafe scene.” • to page 61



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60 |

September 2016 Business South

BUILDING » Johnson Building

Work on the Fairlie bakery is expected to be completed mid-September. While the bakery is a high-profile commercial job, much of Johnson Building’s work comprises new residential builds.


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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Johnson Building

| 61

Expansion for booming bakery • from page 59 Franz Lieber says Johnson Building stood out as the best contractor because Ben Johnson was thorough and particularly good to deal with during the initial consultation and quotation process. “He showed an interest in my business as well. That’s what I quite liked,” Franz Leiber says. “I am quite happy with how its going. He’s excellent to work with, and his staff as well.” Work is expected to be completed midSeptember. While the bakery is a high-profile commercial job, much of Johnson Building’s work comprises new residential builds. The company offers the option of a range of competitively priced plans, which are ideal as a starting point to develop a design to meet individual client’s needs.

These have been a popular option for dairy farm worker’s accommodation. Johnson Building has also seen growing demand for architecturally designed houses, particularly during the past two years. “Word of mouth and repeat clients is where a lot of our work is coming from. “We pride ourselves on quality and a transparent service. “We have very capable builders that make it an easy process for our clients.” Johnson Building’s location means it is proving an ideal choice for those wanting to build in inland areas such as Tekapo, Omarama and Twizel. In addition to residential and commercial work, the company specialises in renovations, additions, dairy sheds, farm buildings, and in building design support.


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62 |

BUILDING » Level Construction

September 2016 Business South

Skifield work takes firm to new heights Russell Fredric Considerable experience in project management is a defining point of difference for Dean Millar, co-director of Wanaka building company Level Construction. Dean Millar has been involved in the construction industry for 24 years, which includes 20 years as a fully qualified builder, based in Wanaka. Although trained in old-school building practices, he has embraced the transformation of the construction industry over the years, using that experience to develop a successful career as a qualified, licensed builder and project manager. Collaborating with several reputable architects, tradesmen and contractors in the area during the past two decades, Dean Millar has built a strong industry network and a reputation for successful client outcomes. In 2003, after working with a successful national franchise as a builder for more than a year, he was offered a project management role, gaining valuable management experience which augmented his skills within the industry. That role and subsequent industry experience has enabled him to establish a stronger and more balanced understanding of the building process and Wanaka construction industry in general. Dean says his wife, co-director Robyn Millar, provides a vital support to the business in her client liaison and administration role. “She’s keeps everything in check and is an important part of the company and its operations, as well as bringing skills that are complementary to mine. I think this ultimately benefits both our clients and staff.” The company has developed a strong reputation for building high-quality architecturally designed houses as well as commercial projects. One commercial project, refurbishing and refitting Cardrona Alpine Resort’s Wanaka office

Wanaka building company Level Construction was involved in a series of projects on Cadrona ski field during its off season. last year, led to a series of projects on Cardrona ski field during its off-season for about seven months to June this year. Among the infrastructure work completed was building two separate sheds to house a new snowmaking pump and a supporting power supply.

“They were great. When we wanted something done they would jump and make it happen. They were willing to take on quite a lot of the project management for us too. It was great working with them.” The interior refurbishment of the of the skifield’s Noodle Bar, to a design by renowned architects Warren and Mahoney, was one of the upgrades undertaken in its hospitality areas. Work included new a colour scheme and new wall cladding. The addition of acoustic ceiling panels plus a new ceiling system was a key part of the project, with improved heating and bespoke furniture further transforming the bar to create a “warm, calm and inviting” environment for skiers. The Captain’s Cafe also received attention, with its coffee servery being expanded and extended to include a bar while the counter point-of-sale area was also altered to improve its flow for customers. Work was completed to a tight time frame, especially considering the environment Level Construction worked in. While the ski field is just a 30 minute drive from Wanaka, the logistics of working on the mountain

Level Construction has developed a strong reputation for building high-quality architecturally designed houses as well as commercial projects.

means work takes longer, with the weather in particular having a greater effect. “We had the last truck pulling out of there at six o’clock on the Friday and they were opening on the Saturday,” Dean Millar says. Cardrona Ski Resort general manager Bridget Legnavsky says Level Construction were always on the ball. “They were great. When we wanted something done they would jump and make it happen. “They were willing to take on quite a lot of the project management for us too. It was great working with them,” Bridget Legnavsky says. She is delighted with the end result, both of Warren and Mahoney’s design and Level Construction’s workmanship. “It’s absolutely brilliant, people love it. It looks really stylie, it’s really well built. A lot of thought’s been put in.”


We are proud to be involved with Level Construction and Cardrona Alpine Resort again with this year’s projects.

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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Nicoll Thomson Builders

| 63

Builder bridging gaps, building trust Kelly Deeks After 20 years in the construction industry, Queenstown builder Nicoll Thomson’s role today is about bridging the gap between clients, architects, and builders, and bringing some of the trust that’s been missing back into the process of constructing a new home or commercial premises. “With costs on the increase and the industry so busy, there is this huge lack of trust between clients and builders, and it needs to be improved,” he says. “A lot of that comes down to communication, and there is also a huge lack of communication between architects and builders. If the architects and builders are introduced early on, they get a better result design wise and budget wise. When the practical guy and the creative guy work together, and also introduce a quantity surveyor, you can monitor the process and the budget all the way through so you don’t lose control.” He says a fully transparent and collaborative process between the client, architect, and builder gives the best results. He has put together a framework of specialists he has used before and proven it works. As well as top architects, Nicoll Thomson Builders works with accepting and somewhat brave clients. “When you’re building something special you can’t just say it will cost this much and that’s it. The client has to trust that process. We always employ a representative, a quantity surveyor, who sits on the client’s side of the table keeping them informed on the budget and the results. The client knows they’re being looked after and that everyone is doing what they can to keep the costs down. That’s the way forward.” The ideal client wants to be involved in the process, and experience what it’s like to design and build. “The sort of clients that say ‘just go with it’ are not the sort of people who build these houses successfully,” Nicoll says. “They have to come along for the journey.” Nicoll is mainly working with Auckland based architects currently, and also some from off shore, making transparency and collaboration even more crucial. He has a project under design and due to start building next year with a Sydney based architect. “I’ll work with him right through the consenting process,” Nicoll says.

The unique 540 square metre Lake Hayes home built by Nicoll Thomson Builders was a 30-month project using organic concrete forms and built into the hills surrounding the site.

“We formed a team of local professional people in Queenstown to help. “We’ve got planners, landscape architects, engineers, and quantity surveyors all working together, and the process becomes more streamlined when we work as a team.” He says ideally, he would have one office with all of these people in it. “The industry requires a lot of management and process now, so it’s become very important to work that way. “The architects want to see their projects being built, and we want to build them. “It’s not about the money, it’s about all of us doing what we do best.” Nicoll Thomson Builders completed its most

complex project to date last year with the build of an Auckland based architect Ponting Fitzgerald designed home at a premier rural residential lifestyle development at Lake Hayes. The 30-month project saw the build of a 540sqm home comprised of organic concrete

forms and pleated cedar planes, surrounded with the most precise detailing, and built into the hills surrounding the site. The architect’s brief was to let the land speak, and the result is one of New Zealand’s most unique homes.

Proud to support Nicoll Thomson Builders P.O Box 1965, Queenstown, Phone 03 442 9893 Fax 03 442 9892 Cell 021 942 605 (John)


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64 |

BUILDING » W Hamilton Building

September 2016 Business South

Restaurant renovation labour of love Russell Fredric W Hamilton Building’s award-winning approach to every project is underlined by the company’s commitment to excellence, even before a job is started. W Hamilton Building has won a string of Registered Master Builder House of the Year Awards, both regionally and nationally during the past ten years, in addition to a silver Commercial Project Award in 2011. This year the company also won two awards at the NZ Commercial Project Awards for its major renovation of the Esplanade, St Clair, restaurant and bar; it was the Gold Award Winner in the Heritage Restoration category and National Category Winner – Projects Up To $2 million. The design for the restaurant’s redevelopment was provided by Cheshire Architects of Auckland. Significant structural upgrading was required to strengthen and repair the building, followed by a meticulously detailed interior fit-out. W Hamilton Building founder and co-director, Bill Hamilton, says he was “thrilled” to win both awards.

The Esplanade project was a particularly innovative and creative project which the company was excited to be a part of. Bill Hamilton believes the company’s success is a result of its in-grained quality ethos and from having the same attitude to every job. “To win an award at this level, for any project you’ve got to start the project with that thought in mind. That is our attitude to all our projects,” Bill Hamilton says. As well as clearly thinking through the practical steps of a project from beginning to end, having “your creative hat on all the time” is necessary to achieve the best result for a client, he says. Selecting the right sub-contractors who share the company’s quality focus also has a huge impact on the end result.

“To win an award at this level, for any project you’ve got to start the project with that thought in mind. That is our attitude to all our projects,”

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For the Esplanade project, the brief was to renovate and refit the restaurant area including a commercial kitchen and bar facilities. From this, the requirement for earthquake strengthening to the Hydro building emerged, as well as the need to upgrade its fire rating and mechanical systems. “There was quite a lot of deconstruction that had to happen to achieve that. “Our brief was to completely make over the Esplanade, but make it look like we’d never been there.” Achieving a sophisticated result while maintaining the character of the building and its interior required sourcing recycled materials, such as Rimu and tongue and groove timber from the Christchurch earthquake recovery, along with hard-

Phone: 03 489 1802 Fax: 03 742 1182 Web:

wood power poles from Central Otago. Bill Hamilton machined the power-pole timber on-site to create joinery for the restaurant’s striking bar and counter-front which features a three dimensional box-like design. “It was a job I kind-of fell in love with. It was quite creative.” While creating character was part of the brief, consideration for the restaurant’s acoustics, in order to soften noise generated as a result of the hard surfaces, was also needed. To achieve this W Hamilton Building made bespoke boxes drilled with 20mm holes and with acoustic dampening material inside. “It is certainly a project we are very proud of and it was great to receive acknowledgment from our industry peers recognizing that.” W Hamilton Building was founded in Central Otago 1996 by Bill Hamilton. The company now employs 20 staff, including a quantity surveyor, and general manager/business partner Greg Cramond. The company has a portfolio of more than 220 high-end projects to its credit during the past 10 years, covering Dunedin and Central Otago, all completed with the highest level of attention to detail.

Business South September 2016

BUILDING » W Hamilton Building

| 65

W Hamilton Building won two awards at the NZ Commercial Project Awards for its renovation of the Esplanade, St Clair, restaurant.

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66 |

September 2016 Business South

BUILDING » T&D Construction

The new Isuzu dealership for Wadsco Trucks in Blenheim includes a truck showroom, workshop and service bays, parts store, offices and cafeteria.

Company makes it mark on Blenheim Russell Fredric T & D Construction Ltd could potentially lay claim to building much of Blenheim in recent decades, from its commercial property in and around the central business district to schools, wineries, healthcare, retirement facilities, and exclusive homes in the Marlborough Sounds. Its portfolio of work extends well beyond Marlborough to Christchurch, Wellington and Tauranga. The company also offers services in project management, cost estimating, tendering, concrete construction, pre-cast concrete, carpentry and joinery. T & D Construction Ltd managing director Kelly Thompson says this year has been particularly busy for the company, which employs 32 construction related staff.

“It looks like its going to continue that way. Its looking very positive,” Kelly Thompson says. Eighty to 90% of the company’s work involves commercial projects which can vary massively in their size and scope. T & D Construction are presently building a new Isuzu dealership premises for Wadsco Trucks in Blenheim. After assessing the needs of Wadsco Trucks and the cost of a major refurbishment of its existing building, it was apparent the most cost effective-option was to start with a clean slate. “It was originally tendered on an alteration to an existing shell of a building which wasn’t viable.” Wadsco Truck’s new 1300 square metre clear-span portal-frame building will comprise a truck showroom, workshop and service bays, parts store, offices and cafeteria. One of the eco-features of the building will be

“Because of the pit construction we started at both ends and worked back to the pits. Effectively we had the mezzanine/ showroom floor fully clad to allow work to continue in that area while the pits were constructed.”

underfloor heating fuelled by waste oil recycled from the workshop. Special consideration had to be given to the construction and waterproofing of its service pits and reinforcing of the 150mm thick floor to allow for the weight of heavy trucks. The floor was poured in stages. “Because of the pit construction we started at both ends and worked back to the pits.

“Effectively we had the mezzanine/showroom floor fully clad to allow work to continue in that area while the pits were constructed.” Construction started October last year and is expected to be completed this October. It’s going to be a very modern facility with the latest equipment.”

• To page 68

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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » T&D Construction

| 67

Wadsco Truck’s new 1300sqm clear-span portal-frame building being built by Blenheim’s T & D Construction.

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• Commercial property • School buildings • Winery buildings • High-end residential homes • Homes in the Marlborough Sounds

68 |

BUILDING » T&D Construction

September 2016 Business South

New workshop boosts capacity • from page 66

“A truck can come in and it can be serviced and COF’ed all on the same premises. We are trying to make it more efficient for the operator.”

Wadsco co-director John Wadsworth says the

dealership sells and services new and used Isuzu trucks as well as all other makes and models of trucks and trailers. The new premises, which was “on the drawing board” for three years, is being built on a site ext-door to the existing dealership. “Kelly (Thompson) came up with a design, after it wasn’t worth while doing the old building, which fitted in with what we wanted to do,” John Wadsworth says. The dealership’s new workshop will have seven truck bays, five of which will be drivethrough. Its size means it can accommodate 23 metre long heavy truck and trailer units. One of the biggest enhancements to the business resulting from the new building will the inclusion of a dedicated bay for carrying out Certificate of Fitness work. “It means a business like ours can do our own COF’s. A truck can come in and it can be serviced and COF’ed all on the same premises. We are trying to make it more efficient for the operator.”

John Wadsworth says T & D Construction have been excellent to work with because of their proactive approach and their flexibility to accommodate changes to the design early in the build, John Wadsworth says. “They’ve really gone out of their way to help us to make sure we get what we want.” Along with providing a better environment for staff and customers, the dealership’s new premises is expected to create multiple efficiencies by improving productivity and the workshop’s capacity to take on more work than was possible in the past.

The new Wadsco workshop includes seven truck bays and a dedicated bay for carrying out Certificate of Fitness work.

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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Watts & Hughes Construction

| 69

Rangiora celebrates new stores Kim Newth Farmers Rangiora is back in town after a four year-long absence and a twelve month construction phase to build a brand new store. Watts & Hughes Construction was awarded the contract to build the new two-storey Farmers building last year, with work commencing in August 2015. The old Farmers Rangiora store had shut in 2012 in the wake of quake-related safety concerns and was then demolished two years later. Local residents have been eagerly awaiting the return of Farmers, which opened the doors on the new 5000sqm premises at the start of this month (1 September). “The Rangiora community is buzzing and so too are the James Pascoe Group of store staff,” says Michael Power, Chief Financial Officer Farmers Trading Company. “It has been four years since we were last in Rangiora and we are delighted to be a central part of the community again.” Rangiora swung into celebration mode with a festival in early September that aligned with the new Farmers, Pascoes, Stevens and Whitcoulls store openings on High Street. “It provides a level of retail excitement to the community (and) for many staff from Farmers, there is also a sense of ‘coming home’ after working in other stores within the region since the 2012 closure.” The new store has been purpose built to meet the needs of both the community and the retailers within it. Watts & Hughes Construction, which completed the base build a few weeks ago ahead of the final fit-out, is proud to have made its mark on the town centre. “The building looks smart and our workmanship shows in the end result,” says Stuart Shackel, project surveyor for Watts & Hughes. Designed with earthquake resiliency in mind, the new store is much stronger than its predecessor being substantially reinforced with concrete and steel. “A lot of engineering has gone into it, particularly the foundations, but the superstructure also has a lot of structural steel,” observes Stuart. “Its bones are structural steel, with steel bracing arms used in conjunction with straight steel members.”

The new 5000sqm Farmers store in Rangiora was designed with earthquake resiliency in mind and includes heavily engineered foundations and use of structural steel, says Stuart Shackel, project surveyor for Watts & Hughes. Ignite Architects designed the new store, with Beca on board as the consultant engineers. Maintaining site safety at all times was a top priority for Watts & Hughes, which employs a safety management expert to closely monitor onsite practices. The company’s impeccable site safety record was upheld throughout the Farmers Rangiora

project, including public safety. While the construction phase was relatively long and at times noisy, Stuart says neighbouring businesses were kept informed at every stage and had been generally “very understanding”. Watts & Hughes Construction has a commitment to quality from concept through to design, management and construction. Its project

management and quality assurance practices are backed by experience. Other recent projects it has undertaken in Canterbury include seismic upgrade work on retail premises, the Chateau on the Park fitout ($4.5m), the Heathcote Community Centre ($0.63m) and a number of residential projects for IAG/Hawkins and the Christchurch City Council.

Proud to support Watts & Hughes




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September 2016 Business South

BUILDING » Triple Star Management

Wellness retreat ticks all the boxes Kelly Deeks A project which brought together the latest in modern design principles which maximise environmentally sustainable practices whilst ensuring comfort and architectural experience are not compromised, has won its project manager and main contractor a Gold Award and the National Tourism and Leisure Award at the 2016 New Zealand Commercial Project Awards. Triple Star Management was responsible for the full delivery of the Aro Ha Wellness Retreat, starting from the acquisition of the land, through consenting and design, and finally the handing over the fully completed product. The Aro Ha Wellness Retreat is a luxury spa, ascetic retreat, and self-sustaining community set amongst breathtaking scenery at the head of Lake Wakatipu near Glenorchy. It provides its own energy, and manages its own waste, and incorporates hi-tech systems including photovoltaics, hydro power generation, and on-site waste processing. Award judges said despite the need to provide buildings, roading, and all the other infrastructure necessary to supply water, generate electricity, grow food, and dispose of waste, Aro Ha Wellness Retreat seems to barely touch the land. Triple Star Management managing director Peter Campbell says it was a significant project for his company, and very important for everyone involved. “It was a very unique project in its design and in what our client was trying to achieve,” he says.

• To page 72

That winning feeling: The Triple Star management team celebrates at the 2016 New Zealand Commercial Project Awards.

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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Triple Star Management

| 71

The Aro Ha Wellness Retreat near Glenorchy in Queenstown provides its own energy and manages its own waste.

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72 |

BUILDING » Triple Star Management

September 2016 Business South

Project ‘bucking the trend’ • from page 70 “It was a significant employer of people at a time when the market was very low and we were in recession. “A significant project like this was bucking the trend. It put a lot of local people to work and kept them going through a difficult time in the market. “We threw everything but the kitchen sink at it in terms of our resources to make it happen because it was very important.” The project features a complex internal infrastructure designed to allow the facility to function both on and off the main power grid. To achieve this, the team adopted the most modern design principles with respect to building envelopes and the services that are provided to them. “The project was also challenging due to the size, scale, and topography of the site,” Peter says. “A considerable roading network needed

to be constructed, together with large water dams and reticulated services over the 10ha site. “Large rock excavations were undertaken on site to bury water tanks and obtain rock to utilise as the cladding on the buildings.” The project was a considerable exercise in logistics to ensure all of the materials and components were ordered and delivered in time to meet the program. This meant a large storage area had to be constructed on site where deliveries could be received and checked, then distributed around the multiple building areas. With the design team largely located out of Wellington, there were few site visits and the use of reliable communication was critical. “The end result speaks for itself where a solid team effort ensured the creative and challenging design was delivered,” Peter says. “The finished product is a tribute to level of skill of the many local tradespeople that worked on the site.

“We threw everything but the kitchen sink at it in terms of our resources to make it happen because it was very important.”

The Aro Ha Wellness Retreat near Glenorchy features extensive use of natural woods and a complex internal infrastructure that allows the facility to function on and off the power grid.

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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Orange Joinery

| 73

Joiner’s young gun takes award Kelly Deeks One of Nelson’s longest established timber joinery firms has now been recognised for its young talent, winning the best fitment by an apprentice 4001 to 8000 hours at the 2016 New Zealand Master Joiners Apprentice Awards. Orange Joinery former apprentice, now fully qualified craftsman joiner Howie Weeden, won the award for his part in building one of the company’s more unique projects, for a client who wanted a set of stairs with a shelving unit installed underneath. Orange Joinery manager John Andrew says the shelving unit under the stairs was a difficult project for Howie to complete as there were a lot of different angles, and the installation was difficult due to the limited access to get in under the stairs and put the shelves together. “The shelving had to be installed in a precise sequence so minimal fixings were seen,” he says. “The whole thing was screwed together in position from the back, in very limited space, and the final unit was designed to slide into place from the front. It was very technical to do.” Apprenticeship now complete, Howie assists John with everything from customer liaising to building, along with delivering and installing custom joinery needs. Orange Joinery has been around in Nelson for more than 50 years, and is now part of the long established Orange Building Group, a locally owned Nelson building company. Orange Residential Homes is one of Orange Joinery’s regular clients, with the company completing most of its joinery work, and also completes a range of joinery projects for other private clients. Orange Joinery provides custom-made designer kitchens and timber joinery to the wider Nelson Tasman region. John’s experience in kitchen design has him creating ergonomic spaces that keep all kitchen essentials to hand when they are needed. Hundreds of samples of a wide range of materials from

“We have specialist guys that do it the old school way using modern materials and techniques, and know what they’re doing.” leading suppliers is available to browse through at Orange Joinery’s showroom, with friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable staff also on hand to talk through the options. Kitchens are manufactured in Nelson by trained and experienced tradespeople, and installed by expert installers to ensure the kitchen units, doors, and work surfaces are integrated into the home, with a minimum of fuss and disruption. Orange Joinery also designs and manufactures all styles of timber and wooden joinery, from traditional timber designs to architectural creations for a contemporary new home. Everything at Orange Joinery is custom made, with no CNC equipment on site. “My guys cut everything out from scratch and assemble it,” John says. “We have specialist guys that do it the old school way using modern materials and techniques, and know what they’re doing.” He says the team is committed to delivering designer joinery that exceeds the customers’ expectations. Design concepts are functional and modern, quality control in the workshop and on site is consistent, and installation services are professional. As a Registered Master Joiner, all Orange Joinery custom made kitchen and joinery projects are backed by a full five year Registered Master Joiners workmanship guarantee, as well as individual product warranties.

The shelving unit built by Orange Joinery’s Howie Weedon which won an award at the 2016 New Zealand Master Joiners Apprentice Awards.

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74 |


September 2016 Business South

Flexible buildings meet demand Kim Newth Combining the expertise of his home-grown construction company with a proven nationwide brand of custom designed homes – TRENZ Homes – has proven a successful business model for Southland-born builder Ben McHugh. A Licensed Building Practitioner, Ben has been in the building industry for 18 years and trading as McHugh Building Ltd in Southland for eight years, undertaking a range of work from light commercial to farm sheds and architecturally designed homes. He currently employs a team of six. Several years ago, he joined forces with TRENZ Homes, enabling this leading New Zealand brand of kitset homes to be offered throughout the Southern Lakes, Southland and Te Anau. With options for every budget, flexibility in design and a choice of online home plans, TRENZ has generated a lot of interest amongst Ben’s southern clientele. “What I’d noticed was that there were a lot of people in the dairy industry looking at options for farm cottages; it was something that was missing from that market,” says Ben.

“It has been great to be able to help out those farmers and others who can now go to the Trenz website and take a look at the forty or fifty standard plans that are there.” Popular plans include the 3118 – three bedroom, 118sqm home – often chosen by first home buyers; the 390 – three bedroom, 90sqm home – for the farm cottage; and the 3204 – three bedroom, 204sqm home – ideal for families. Ben and his team have had their busiest winter ever this year, with half a dozen or more new building enquiries every week. And not all are for smaller dwellings. For example, they are currently building a new home in Gore, the 4379, a beautiful four bedroom 379sqm home. “We try to cater for everyone from the farm worker’s cottage to the first home to the retirement home. We can design for every budget, whether $80,000 or $800,000.” What Ben enjoys about working alongside TRENZ is the ease with which permits and resource consents are processed and designs customised to suit the individual client. He brings his knowledge of the local building industry to every project, supported by the

“We try to cater for everyone from the farm worker’s cottage to the first home to the retirement home. We can design for every budget, whether $80,000 or $800,000.”

expertise of the TRENZ Homes design team. “You can chop and change plans without having massive draughting fees. Plus, if people want a turnkey package, we can take care of the whole build for them – or, we can sell a kit to them and they can choose a builder of their own choice.” Ben says most people customise plans in some way, perhaps to reconfigure windows, or to add an extra bathroom or a double garage. Turnaround time for completed plans is very fast, generally around a week. Whatever the preference, changes to plans can be readily accommodated. “We don’t charge extra for that.” Once plans are settled, clients then view product samples and select finer details, such as window sizes and colours. Trusted local suppliers in Christchurch and

Dunedin supply all the quality materials required, including pre-nailed frames, trusses, roofing iron, windows, Gib board and fittings, insulation and cladding. “We are building from the Chatham Islands to the Catlins, Central Otago, Cromwell, Queenstown, Frankton and down to Bluff, Invercargill and Winton. We always use good local subcontractors.” New TRENZ signage on the company’s vehicles – and side curtain signage on a large Central Southland Freight truck – is further promoting this exciting option for the area. Meanwhile, Ben also has a busy life away off the building site. He has represented his region in rugby and cricket and is this year coaching the Southland B rugby team and the Central Southland College First XV.

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Business South September 2016


TRENZ Homes has proven a successful business model for Southland-born builder Ben McHugh.

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| 75

76 |

BUILDING » Naylor Love - Queenstown

September 2016 Business South

Townhouse development popular Kim Newth Queenstown’s Remarkables Park continues to grow apace, with Naylor Love Construction’s Central Otago team leading key construction projects within the master planned development. In July, Naylor Love completed construction of Alta Queenstown, a sought after $10 million townhouse development at Remarkables Park comprised of 16 two and three bedroom townhouses. Demand for medium density high quality homes is running high in Queenstown, with all 16 units sold off the plans. Manageably sized and designed for comfortable low maintenance living, the new townhouses are sited within the town’s mixed use/educational precinct, conveniently located within easy walking distance of the town centre and the Southern Institute of Technology (SIT). Naylor Love has also been closely involved with development of the Remarkables Park Town Centre, designed to meet the shopping, dining and business needs of visitors and locals alike. “Our offices are located there and we have built most of the existing centre for the owners, namely the Porters (RPL) and Diversified New Zealand Property Limited,” says regional manager Justin Calder. “Naylor Love is also currently involved with the development of the T20 commercial office building adjacent to the new Ramada Hotel.” For the Alta townhouse development, Naylor Love worked closely with Auckland-based architect John Lenihan, of RCG. Given Queenstown’s busy construction climate, the main potential challenge for Naylor Love was being able to find enough skilled labour to complete the project on schedule. However, this challenge was more than met ensuring the project went to plan. At the peak of construction, Naylor Love had 20 full-time carpenters along with 18 subcontractors on the job, totalling up to 40 people on site at any one time. “We work with a great team of Queenstown’s best subcontractors,” says project manager John Seely. “Our long term relationships allowed the project to run smoothly with all subcontractors working together to achieve a fantastic result both in terms of time and quality.” A very high standard of quality was achieved in the nine-month long construction project. High pitched tongue and groove ceilings in the living and main bedroom areas contribute to the townhouses’ light and spacious feel.

A variety of alpine tray exterior cladding broken up with cedar infills lends plenty of interest to the exterior aesthetics. Externally, a variety of alpine tray exterior cladding broken up with cedar infills lends plenty of interest to the exterior aesthetics. Colour is used in a complementary way to add additional flair across the development. Finished to an executive ‘high spec’ level, all the townhouses have been fitted with the latest Fisher and Paykel appliances, paired with premium granite waterfall bench tops. Bathrooms and private ensuites have digitally controlled underfloor heating and Italian style tiles and fixtures. Clever orientation of windows and garden areas ensure every dwelling has pleasant surroundings and a stunning backdrop of the Remarkables mountain range. Exterior landscaping design, completed by RCG, includes a variety of trees, shrubs and hedging in keeping with the feel of adjacent properties while also providing privacy between units. Each

“We work with a great team of Queenstown’s best subcontractors.Our long term relationships allowed the project to run smoothly with all subcontractors working together to achieve a fantastic result both in terms of time and quality.” townhouse has its own dedicated area of paving and lawn. Looking ahead, Naylor Love has a busy line-up of projects in the region’s booming retail, office and accommodation sectors including the second and further planned stages at the Five Mile Retail Centre, Foodstuffs new Pak ‘n’ Save store, as well as the new office building for Remarkables Park Ltd. “We have also commenced a $30 million

addition and remodel of the Rydges Hotel and a remodel of the seventy five-unit Beechwood townhouse development on Frankton Road,” says Justin. “We have a very full and exciting current and forward workload as would be expected in the dynamic construction market here in the Queenstown Lakes region.”

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Naylor Love would like to thank all subcontractors and suppliers for their hard work and dedication on the Alta Townhouse project.

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Business South September 2016

BUILDING Âť Naylor Love - Queenstown

| 77

The Alta townhouse development in Queenstown’s Remarkables Park has proven popular with all 16 two and three bedroom townhouses sold off the plans.

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78 |

BUILDING » Naylor Love - Christ’s College

September 2016 Business South

Library restoration a masterpiece Karen Phelps The biggest challenge during the restoration of Christ’s College Hare Memorial Library was the historic nature of the building coupled with the fact that the work had to be undertaken in a live school environment, says Naylor Love project manager Stephen Lynch. “With heritage projects you can do a lot of research but you never really know what you’re going to find until you start opening up the building. “It was a matter of working closely with the client and consultants when something unexpected came up and finding a solution,” he says. The project involved strengthening and refurbishment of the Historic Place Category 1 Victorian Gothic-style building, bringing it up to 80 per cent of code. Stephen says it was a complex project involving a number of innovative techniques, which saw it awarded gold at the National 2016 New Zealand Commercial Project Awards. For example, to strengthen the building steel post tension rods were threaded through stonework and brickwork by carefully drilling a 90mm hole from roof to foundation before securing it with a bolt. As water drilling would damage the historic Oamaru stonework it had to be dry cut – something that had never been done in Christchurch before, believes Stephen. It was meticulous and time-consuming work taking seven days to drill a single hole through the building. Stephen credits the skills of subcontractor Concut, which completed this aspect of the project, as a key factor in the success. Internal brick skin walls were replaced with a new shear wall.

Extensive restoration of the traditional stone exterior was part of the work done on the Christ’s College Hare Memorial Library.

The project also included the careful internal deconstruction of heritage items including the main staircase, which were catalogued and

stored off-site until they were re-installed. Only small areas of the site could be worked on at one time due to the precise nature of the work and historic nature of the building, says Stephen. As Naylor Love has been on site at Christ’s College since 2010, when the company was first engaged to carry out earthquake repairs following the September earthquake, Stephen says this familiarity with the site helped. “We also had to ensure the college could keep operating as normal. “We have a good working relationship with the college and everything was well planned and scheduled. But of course events can change at the college at short notice so we also had to be flexible to the requirements,” he says. Previously the company completed the strengthening and refurbishment of Harper and Julius Houses. The structural works consisted of the

installation of steel brace frames, in situ concrete shear walls, FRP skins to walls, epoxied threaded rod horizontally and vertically through existing brickwork, and floor to wall connections. Extensive restoration of the traditional stone exterior and brick interior also took place, and a new slate roof was installed. As with the library project all the original features of the building were meticulously preserved. The Miles Warren Building, which Naylor Love had also previously completed work on, was the winner of the Future Heritage category of the New Zealand Commercial Project Awards. The Naylor Love Christchurch team is still at work at Christ’s College with on-going projects. “The Hare Memorial Library was an astounding project to finish,” says Stephen, “and shows there is a wealth of experience in both the Naylor Love team and subcontractors to achieve such an award winning result.”

“With heritage projects you can do a lot of research but you never really know what you’re going to find until you start opening up the building.” Structural work included installation of steel brace frames, epoxied threaded rod horizontally and vertically through existing brickwork, and floor to wall connections.


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Business South September 2016

BUILDING » Naylor Love - Christ’s College

| 79

The Christ’s College Hare Memorial Library restoration included the internal deconstruction of heritage items including the main staircase, which were catalogued and stored off-site until they were re-installed.

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80 |

BUILDING » David Reid Homes Canterbury

September 2016 Business South

Making unique and innovative homes Kelly Deeks Design and build specialist David Reid Homes Canterbury has been getting busier producing unique and innovative homes for a growing customer base of people looking to move into their last home. David Reid Homes has developed a tried and proven building process over the past 22 years, allowing clients to experience a smooth transition through their building project, from initial concept, including budget, right through to the final reality of moving into their new home. David Reid Homes Canterbury franchise general manager Chris Solly says with the company’s ability to handle all planning and resource consent requirements, down to lighting and interior design consultation and the latest in energy efficiency, the David Reid Homes Canterbury team provide a complete and professional building service.

“We realise everyone is different, so we build houses which reflect the individuality of the owners,” he says. “Because we design houses around our clients’ needs and wants, they end up with the home of their dreams. Whatever the budget, we will ensure they get what they are looking for.” He says one of David Reid Homes Canterbury’s growing customer bases is people looking to downsize from their large family home and build one they can call their last. “These homes are a bit more user friendly, with features our older clients want to have in their homes, or may need to have at a later date,” he says. “We can future proof these homes so our clients can remain comfortably at home in their old age, providing flexible lay outs the accommodate changing needs.” He says David Reid Homes appeals to

“We can future proof these homes so our clients can remain comfortably at home in their old age, providing flexible lay outs the accommodate changing needs.”

people who want a home that is personalised rather than generic. “We spend a lot of time with our clients before we come up will the design, and for every home we build, as part of the process we provide time with interior designers and we walk them through our suppliers and help them make those choices.” David Reid Homes Canterbury currently has a four bedroom plus office show home open Friday to Sunday 12pm to 4pm at 1 Glenturret Drive, Highsted. The home displays an entertainer’s design with spacious indoor and outdoor living areas, pitched ceilings,

and clad with James Hardie Linea Oblique weatherboard. An upcoming show home planned for March next year is now under design, from David Reid Homes’ Pavillion series. David Reid Homes is committed to the rebuilding of Canterbury after the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 and has introduced a new range of plans, the Fusion series, specifically for the region. The Fusion series features modern exteriors combined with clever internal spaces for an easy living home that maximises value without compromising style.

Business South September 2016

BUILDING » David Reid Homes Canterbury

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David Reid Homes Canterbury currently has a four bedroom plus office show home open Friday to Sunday 12pm to 4pm at 1 Glenturret Drive, Highsted.

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September 2016 Business South


Blenheim building sector booming Kim Newth Blenheim ITM is experiencing significant growth in sales as regional demand for building supplies continues to grow. Over the past decade since it opened, Blenheim ITM has served the region well as a destination store for the building trade, from housing and other commercial building companies through to larger DIY customers. Home builders and renovators make a large proportion of the customer base. The building supplies specialist has four departments well stocked with building products, frames and roof trusses (using the well-recognised Gang-Nail system), kitchen joinery and premium Nulook aluminium joinery. If any item is not in stock, it can generally be ordered in overnight and the company also offers an efficient delivery service, along with full quantity surveying services. “Marlborough is experiencing a mini-boom and as a result we have seen quite an increase in demand across all departments from both existing and new customers,” says Blenheim ITM’s managing director Rick May. “We are a growing business.” Working from builders’ plans, Blenheim ITM can quote on all that is required to complete the job from foundation steel through to the roof. “We can supply everything needed for a big building project: frames, trusses, building supplies, joinery and aluminium windows … one of our biggest projects this year has been doing all the joinery for the Chateau Marlborough expansion in Blenheim.” Blenheim ITM was also a key supplier for the ASB Theatre Marlborough, a new multi-use and purpose built venue in Blenheim’s CBD, overlooking the Taylor River. All joinery, aluminium and frames and trusses are manufactured locally on site by suitably qualified staff, including five qualified joiners. The locally owned company works closely with its suppliers, as well as Registered Master Builders and New Zealand Certified Builders. It regularly hosts training and informational breakfasts, barbecues and other events to support the local industry.

A mini building boom has seen Blenheim ITM experience a big growth in sales. Blenheim ITM also has a strong community focus. This year it has been assisting Marlborough SPCA’s project to build new dog kennel facilities, donating materials to the kennels. “It has been a great project to be involved with.” The premises in Houldsworth St, Blenheim operated as a local joinery business before Gary Knofflock, who also owns Picton ITM, bought the business in 2006 and expanded the range of supplies and services to include building supplies, and also became another member of the ITM cooperative.

“We can supply everything needed for a big building project...” Rick came on board as a partner in 2010. “Including myself, we now have twenty six staff working here, supplying across the board to the

building industry.” Blenheim ITM is a member of ITM, New Zealand’s largest group of independent timber, hardware and building supply merchants. The 90plus store nationwide co-operative has the buying power to ensure customers get the best brands and materials at competitive prices. Whether building materials are needed for a new house or commercial build, Marlborough’s construction sector is well served by its specialist, independently owned building supplier, Blenheim ITM.

• Glass Showers & Mirrors • Glass Windows & Doors • Interior Glazing • Balustrades • Glass Pool Fences

PH 578 0850 | 15 Bomford St, Blenheim |

14 Auckland Street Blenheim Phone 03 578 8821 Email

EXPERTS IN CONSTRUCTON • Commercial property • School buildings • Winery buildings • Homes in the Marlborough Sounds • High-end residential homes

Business South September 2016


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Blenheim ITM was a key supplier to the ASB Theatre Marlborough.

Wheelie Bin & Skip Hire • • • •

Commercial & Residential Casual or permanent Regular service available Your satisfaction is our aim!

Proud to support Blenheim ITM • Residential • Commercial • Industrial Construction • Complete Project Management 03 577 5964 Topzone is a locally owned and operated Benchtop Manufacturing Company that has been successfully providing Nelson, Marlborough and the West Coast with quality durable Benchtops for over 10 years

Topzone is proud to supply Blenheim ITM

topzone T: 0274470274 AH: 03 578 0974

Ph: 03 547 6923 |

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September 2016 Business South

BUILDING » Monkey Toe Systems

Walkway system proves superior Karen Phelps Having recently replaced the existing safety lines on Airways Christchurch building with a new walkway and handrail system, Monkey Toe Group marketing manager Jeff Poole says the new handrail system has proved to be easier, safer and more cost effective for the client in a number of key areas. “Safety lines require people to work in pairs in case of a fall. Also, the safety line doesn’t stop a person from falling - it just catches them before they fall too far and a coworker has to be ready to pull the other person up should they fall. While there are technologies that can monitor lone workers, these are not readily available and it is another expense. A handrail and walkway system eliminates these problems,” he says. Not only safer, a handrail and walkway system is also easier, says Jeff. Workers don’t need to use cumbersome movement limiting harnesses or switch from one safety line to the next as they move around the building. Jeff says that significant cost savings have also resulted as Airways has eliminated the need for annual safety line training for staff. “As certification for safety lines is required to be updated every year, for companies who have to provide this for a lot of staff, this is a huge expense, not only in the cost of providing training but the downtime to take staff out of their regular duties to train them,” explains Jeff. Monkey Toe walkways provide safe and secure access without damaging the roof. The unique beam design allows walkways to span up to three metres between supports and still maintain a massive live load of 2.5kPa/m. (That is about three people per square metre.) Jeff says that this provides greater flexibility for installations and means there are fewer contact points with the roof. Elevated to over 200mm rain, snow is no problem for Monkey Toe walkways as the open mesh stops it collecting. The company offers aluminium walkways for longer spans and more extreme conditions or SkyWalk fibre reinforced plastic for a more lightweight option. Both use a knurled, non-slip mesh to ensure safe roof access under all conditions and come with a lifetime warranty. Monkey Toe provides aluminium and galvanised handrails and steel railing systems. All are manufactured to withstand extreme conditions and suit many applications, including guardrail isolation, industrial handrails, walkways, handrails

Monkey Toe walkway and handrail systems have replaced existing safety lines at Airways Christchurch. for disabled access and stairs or full roof edge protection guard rails. A New Zealand owned and operated company Monkey Toe Group was started in 2006 and offers a unique clip fixture, which clings to buildings like a monkey’s toe, safely gripping the roof without compromising its structural integrity. The Monkey Toe Group range of products provides owners, specifiers and architects with an easy way to protect people and buildings. It includes roof access systems (walkways, ladders, hatches, aluminium handrails, steps and stiles, gutter guards and snow guards); roof mounting (plant platforms, condenser mounts, solar mounts); handrails and glass balustrades and stairways (steps and stiles, external fire stairs and accessories). All products are made from high-grade materials and are easily installed - simply clipped

A FANALCO Ltd Business

Proud to support

“As Airways has found, installing handrails, walkways and platforms immediately creates a safe environment.”

and screwed together but able to bear loads that rival costly structural installations. Because Monkey Toe Group has an engineer and design team as well as a nationwide network of installers the company can assist customers from concept to installation. Jeff says the company prefers to become involved in a project early on in

Designer, manufacturer and exporter of aluminium extrusions.

order to contribute its expertise at the design stage, which can save clients time and money. “As Airways has found, installing handrails, walkways and platforms immediately creates a safe environment,” says Jeff. “And as we all know prevention is always the best medicine.”

NALCO Freephone: 0800 77 77 44

Business South September 2016

JOINERY » Ezy Kitchens / Glacier Joinery

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New showroom a bonus Kelly Deeks The West Coast’s Glacier Joinery now has the showroom it has always wanted with a new refurbishment to its Hokitika factory making space to display three kitchens, a laundry, and other cabinetry and a dedicated samples room providing a quiet space for clients to mull over their choices. Glacier Joinery managing director Murray Nixon says his former showroom displayed one kitchen and the company’s designer had to sit right by the door. “We wanted to up our game so we made a bit more room by changing our factory footprint and making four times more space for our showroom,” he says. With tourism developments on the increase on the West Coast, and as the preferred supplier for several of the main housing companies and independent builders in the region, Glacier Joinery is now well placed to showcase its products and craftsmanship. As part of the Ezy Kitchens and Appliances franchise, Glacier Joinery manufactures all types of joinery projects apart from kitchens in its Hokitika workshop, while Ezy Kitchens are manufactured in Christchurch, and installed by the local franchise in areas throughout the South Island. “The system works for us because it means with Ezy Kitchens, we can do about 80 or 90 kitchens a year,” he says. “To do those numbers in our factory would require a huge investment in machinery and staff. Having Ezy Kitchens manufactured in Christchurch allows us to keep doing all that wooden joinery here in our workshop, and it gives our business some diversity so if

kitchens slow down, we’ve still got custom joinery projects to work on.” Ezy Kitchens and Appliances was established in 2007 by a group of South Island joiners who came together to create production efficiencies while bringing smart design, the latest technology, and high quality craftsmanship to their customers. Ezy Kitchens’ award winning design consultants create clever and highly functional kitchen designs to suit any space and any style of home, whether a new build, a complete renovation, or just an update. Ezy Kitchens applies innovative ideas to achieve new levels of form and function, employs the latest manufacturing techniques to ensure the highest degree of accuracy, and uses high quality materials for superior performance and longevity. “We can make any cabinet, any size, any design, with any bench top, and any materials, and any type of finish,” Murray says. “The only difference is we have direct control over the quality, the costs, and the time-frames of our kitchens, allowing us to provide the best possible product and service to our customers.” In custom joinery, Murray says Glacier Joinery is currently enjoying a large demand from the West Coast’s tourism sector, with many accommodation providers, bars, and restaurants refurbishing, upgrading, and even opening to cater for those visiting the region. The Glacier Joinery team now includes Murray’s wife Sarah-Jane who joined the office recently to look after the showroom. The company has a kitchen designer to help turn those ideas into dream kitchens, and Murray is supported in the workshop by two tradesmen and the company’s apprentice. The new showroom at Hokitika’s Glacier Joinery allows the company to showcase its products and craftmanship.

Proud to assist ezykitchens and glacier joinery with residential and commercial fitouts New Houses | Renovations | Commercial Projects

5 Newtown St Bromley,Christchurch

Ph 03 384 3547 Please send any inquiries to


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86 |


September 2016 Business South

Prime Minister John Key at the official opening of Stake Glass, a $10 million purpose built glass processing plant in Sockburn, Christchurch. He is flanked by, from left, chair Jamie Tulloch, directors Steve Spencer and Jake Lane.

Quality glass, right here, right now Kelly Deeks A quest for a better level of customer service to reduce construction project delays has seen well-established Christchurch construction company Stake Consulting build a brand new, purpose built glass processing plant with the intention of providing its clients with high quality glass solutions on time, every time. Since April, Stake Glass has been operating out of a $10 million complex in Distribution Lane, Sockburn, designed by Chilton + Mayne Architecture and built by Stake Consulting. The plant is currently employing about 29 full time staff, and running from 4am to 10pm, and producing about 1000sqm of glass every day.

Director Jake Lane says there is room for future expansion, and once running at full capacity, the plant will be operational 24 hours a day with staff numbering in the 40s. It has a furnace unique to Christchurch, and the best in the South Island, if not New Zealand. The furnace features upper convection which blows air on the top surface of the glass, keeping it flat and providing very even heat through the top and bottom surfaces of the glass. It has the ability to deal with highly energy-efficient glass, so Stake Glass can process what others can’t, such as annealed, argon-filled, cut, decorative, double-glazed, laminated, low-e, shaped, and toughened glass, as well as splashbacks, architectural


“There is also a growing number of builders and construction firms who want to source locally. Stake Glass is all right here on your door-step, and you can literally see your glass being processed.” cladding, balustrades, fridge fronts, and fireplaces. Jake says Stake Glass is meeting a growing need for glass in both the residential and commercial building sectors throughout the South Island, and in Christchurch in particular since the earthquakes. “There is also a growing number of builders and construction firms who want to source locally,” he says.

“Stake Glass is all right here on your doorstep, and you can literally see your glass being processed. “With Stake Glass, you deal with the owners of the company and not some remote organisation where you’re not sure who is actually looking after you and your order. “We actually care about what we do.”

• to page 88

Business South September 2016


Prime Minister John Key is shown around the new Stake Glass complex by operations manager Jon Cole and director Jake Lane (top and left) and shares a joke with Chair Jamie Tulloch (above).

Stake have assembled a local team with decades of glass experience and technical expertise who specialise in glass products for all applications, using only quality glass and the best manufacturing processes. Stake’s goal – to deliver Quality Glass Solutions to you – on time – every time.

3 Distribution Lane, Christchurch 8042 PO Box 8806, Christchurch 8440 P. 03 348 7778 W.

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September 2016 Business South

Glass when and where it’s needed • from page 86 Stake Consulting had itself experienced many issues with the glass industry which was previously controlled by two major players in New Zealand, and customer service was beginning to slip. “We’ve heard continual feedback from the market about delays and the impact on builds, and so the opportunity was there for us to take all our knowledge and experience and build a plant and service model that clients and customers would welcome and back,” he says. “Hold ups for glass can have a big impact on an overall build timeline and therefore cost, and that’s where our service model and fleet of delivery trucks come into play. “ It’s all integrated and we take responsibility for getting the product to our clients and customers when they need it and without any costly delays.” With many years’ worth of development and building in Christchurch’s CBD and right around the city in the commercial, industrial, and residential sectors, as well as growing demand from Queenstown and Wanaka, Stake Glass is perfectly placed to easily service this demand.

The new Stake Glass facility will help it to meet a growing need for glass in both the residential and commercial building sectors throughout the South Island.

Jake says glass is the perfect material for the Christchurch rebuild. “Look around the CBD, there is glass everywhere,” he says. “It’s energy efficient, and it brings light into the buildings. People love working in clear open workspaces, and it’s architectural – there are lots of different things people love about glass.”

Stake Consulting has also been researching innovative ways from around the globe to undertake repairs, including the use of carbon fibre, epoxy injection, and ground-penetrating radar. The investment, the technology, and the innovation, combined with the hands-on role of the owners, place Stake Glass in good stead for success.

“Hold ups for glass can have a big impact on an overall build timeline and therefore cost, and that’s where our service model and fleet of delivery trucks come into play.”

Otago expansion timely Based in Canterbury for more than eight years, Prestige Frameless Glass is now expanding into Otago with a new subsidiary called Otago Frameless Glass, operating out of Cromwell. Prestige Frameless Glass specialises in frameless glass and custom produces showers, balustrades, pool fences, mirrors, and splashbacks, and installs these products using its own proprietary installation methods. The company has a very good range of trade and retail clients in Canterbury, from large building companies to smaller owner operator builders. Prestige Frameless Glass prides itself on providing a quality product, backed up with very good levels of service at a competitive price. From this proven track record, the decision was made to expand the business. Owner David Caldwell says the Otago construction market is showing good growth opportunities in residential and light commercial construction, especially in Central Otago. Alongside this is a new glass supplier relationship with Stake Glass, based in Christchurch and providing very good lead times from measure to installation. It is hoped to extend relationships with building companies from Canterbury which are also operating in Central Otago, albeit as a different regional franchise.

“We are aiming to build on our track record in Canterbury of providing quality products and expertise, to open up new business in Otago,” David says. “We are providing a high level of service with a good relationship with our supplier, good turnaround times and a team who are customer focused.” Tony Spence will be the operations manager in Otago. Having been born and bred in Otago, he knows the area well. He has 10 years of industry experience and has worked for Prestige Frameless Glass previously, and more recently has had contracting experience running his own business. Otago Frameless Glass will be customer service driven, with premises in Cromwell to service Queenstown, Wanaka, and other Otago locations. The Otago operation will have the backup of all the technical expertise of Prestige Frameless Glass in Christchurch, with any technical, detailed, or complicated designs being completed by the Christchurch team. Custom designed frameless showers are the company’s most popular product. Another product gaining popularity in recent years are splashbacks for both kitchens and bathrooms. With a range of regular, metallic, or even digital print, they can add a splash of colour and style. Otago Frameless Glass will open for business on September 1, 2016.

Showers • Mirrors • Splashbacks • Balustrades • Pool Fences prestige glass 1/4 + 1/4 Opening 1st September 2016 Advert

16A Connelly Way, Cromwell

03 445 8283 Tony 021 432 199 David 027 201 9253

Quality, Style and Expertise

Business South September 2016


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Sought after scaffolding system Kelly Deeks With a busy commercial construction industry in Christchurch, and high demands on the allocation of scaffolding and edge protection, as well as the labour to install it, the award-winning INTAKS system improves safety on site while also reducing costs and improving efficiencies. Starting in 1997 as an idea by a kiwi bloke in his shed, INTAKS is a lightweight, multiconfigurable system, supported by a range of interconnecting components and boasting a growing range of combinations to provide solutions for working at height on residential and commercial sites. Veteran of the New Zealand scaffolding and building industries Lew Cleveland designed and developed INTAKS in response to the challenges and shortcomings of traditional scaffold systems and increasingly rigorous health and safety legislation. The recipient of multiple health and safety and design awards, INTAKS has become a highly recognised and sought after scaffolding and edge protection system. INTAKS saves time, money, and manpower on site in a number of significant ways. The INTAKS scaffolding and roof edge protection system provides more than 20 different multi-functional configurations, with a range of interconnecting components that can be used in many ways, adapting to virtually any job or terrain, and minimising the amount of equipment required on-site. Being 80% lighter than steel scaffolding, the aluminium INTAKS system takes far less time, truck tonnage, and manpower to put up, pack down, and transport. INTAKS components are designed to be faster and simpler to install. For example, INTAKS Spring Clips quickly lock directly onto the handrail tube for a safer, completely tool-less handrail installation that’s 15 times faster than the traditional method. INTAKS’ innovative design allows for ground space and lower walls to be kept clear, enabling multiple trades to work simultaneously. Site progress is uninterrupted, and tighter build schedules can be achieved, significantly expediting build progress – faster builds, less team downtime, more jobs. INTAKS NZ General Manager Joel Warren says

The INTAKS scaffolding system is 80 per cent lighter than steel scaffolding, so takes less time, truck tonnage and manpower to erect, take down and transport. All system components are designed to be simpler and faster to install.

INTAKS offers industry-leading levels of safety and compliance for builders and installers alike. “INTAKS offers a multitude of features for enhanced safety, including, reduced trip hazards, tool-less installation of many components, and the ability to install planks and handrails on the level above without leaving the safety of the existing level,” he says. “Every component is manufactured in New Zealand to the highest quality standards and rigorously tested and certified to NZ/AU Safety Standards.” INTAKS is certified as complying with AS/ NZ 1576.1, AS/NZ 1576.3, AS/NZS 1664.1

Department of Labour Best Practice Guidelines for Scaffolding in New Zealand, AS/NZS 4994.1.2009 Temporary Roof Edge Protection, and AS 6001 Working Platforms for Housing Construction. A

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CIVIL CONSTRUCTION » Breen Construction

September 2016 Business South

Weir upgrade increases capacity Russell Fredric Work presently being undertaken by Breen Construction on the Opuha Dam downstream weir enhancement, near Fairlie, South Canterbury, is designed to provide increased capacity for irrigation and hydro power generation for its owner, Opuha Water Limited. Commissioned in 1998, the dam comprises a 50 metre high earth dam with a single hydro turbine and a lake covering up to 710 hectares with a capacity of more than 74 million cubic metres of water. The lake provides water to maintain environmental flows in the downstream catchment and for irrigation as well as urban and industrial supplies. Renewable hydro electricity is generated from all water released from the dam. With Breen’s history of involvement in infrastructure development since 1960, including building bridges, irrigation facilities, refuse centres, power stations, reservoirs and dams, the company has been able to provide the expertise and resources for the work being undertaken on the Opuha project. Breen Construction project manager Andrew Kerr says the company has had a long association with Opuha dam. The enhancement presently under-way has involved major demolition work to lower the weir’s existing spillway and to prepare a new spillway top platform on which a new 26 metre long, 1.8 metre high flap gate was installed. Manufactured in the United States, the steel gate and its pneumatic operating system are a similar design and from the same supplier, Obermeyer Hydro Inc, as the gates installed at the top of the dam’s main spillway. “We’ve basically rebuilt a new foundation slab and walls in preparation for the new spillway gate. We installed the gate and the associated

Upgrading capacity at the Opuha Dam downstream weir will achieve a 10 per cent increase in irrigation and hydro generation.

plant and equipment that goes with it and also there’s some additional works on site as part of the project,” Andrew says. Workers at the site have been “very lucky” with the weather, with absolutely minimal time lost.

Laser Electrical Timaru 35 Holmglen Street, Washdyke, Timaru E. P. 03 688 2732

Pleased to be associated with Breen Construction for the Opuha Dam Downstream Weir Enhancement


• • • • • • • • •




“We’ve basically rebuilt a new foundation slab and walls in preparation for the new spillway gate.”

About 250 cubic metres of concrete is being used for the weir spillway and other parts of the $2 million project, which is is scheduled to be completed early September. MWH senior engineering geologist - dams and hydro-power Matt Shore, says the weir enhancement is designed to increase the flood passage capacity of the weir from 120 cubic metres per second to 250 cubic metres per second. It makes it safer and then it can pass larger floods, but another driver is that it actually unlocks more water in the main dam, Lake Opuha. At the moment they leave some storage in there for flood attenuation because the downstream weir doesn’t have sufficient flood capacity.” Upgrading the capacity of the weir will result in the ability to use all the hydro storage in Lake Opuha, achieving a 10% increase for

irrigation and hydro generation. Breens have a large staff of about 130 based in Alexandra, Wanaka and Oamaru, including 12 project managers. With such a significant resource of skilled workers strategically based in the lower South Island, the company is able to undertake a variety of work over a broad range of sectors including civil, commercial, retail, architecturally designed homes, rural, historic buildings and jobbing. Other large projects presently being undertaken by Breens include a two-year, 40 apartment development in Queenstown which is near completion, a major extension to New World supermarket, Alexandra, ongoing work at Highlands Motorsport Park, Cromwell and a 24 hour fuel stop in Wanaka for McKeown fuel.

55 Sheffield St, Washdyke 7910 P: 0800 773 2002

Business South September 2016

CIVIL CONSTRUCTION » Breen Construction

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About 250 cubic metres of concrete is being used by Breen Construction in the Opuha Dam downstream weir enhancement project, which will increase the flood capacity of the weir from 120 cubic metres per second to 250 cumecs.


Specialising in engineering solutions tailored specifically to your needs 0800 426 663 • • 75 Hayes Street, Timaru Port

92 |

LIFESTYLE » Olive Estate Lifestyle Village

September 2016 Business South

Strong demand for Village lifestyle Kim Newth Nelson’s Olive Estate Lifestyle Village, a park-like community for people over the age of 55, is proving very popular with all but 13 villas in the development now sold. Construction started at the 8.4 hectare site in September 2014 and almost a third of village is now completed. To date, 20 villas and eight terrace houses have been built in stage one and an additional 10 villas and four terrace houses in the first part of stage two. Another 14 villas and four terrace houses are currently under construction and are due for completion by early November. “We have got one two bedroom villa available in the first part of stage two; the rest are fully sold,” says Kristin Nimmo, who is a director of The Integrity Care Group Limited (ICG) that is spearheading the development. “What we are finding is that people are planning in advance and want to have their name on the one they think is the best. Our master plan has made it easy for people to see what we’re offering and to plan for their future.” Demand for homes at Olive Estate is coming not just from the Nelson region, but also from Auckland and Christchurch. Olive Estate is located within easy walking distance of Richmond’s main shopping precinct and every street has gorgeous views of Tasman Bay. The village is spacious and relaxed, with a lower density than would be the norm at most other retirement villages. With its parks, sea views and modern design aesthetic, Olive Estate is more like a lovely holiday resort than a conventional retirement village.

• to page 95

Demand for villas at Nelson’s Olive Estate Lifestyle Village is coming from far afield as Auckland and Christchurch.


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“Proud Builders for Olive Estate”

Business South September 2016

LIFESTYLE » Olive Estate Lifestyle Village

| 93

Olive Estate has views of Tasman Bay and is located within easy walking distance of Richmond’s main shopping centre.

Licensed and Registered Professional Surveyors Resource Management and Land Development Consultants THE WORLD’S MOST ADVANCED GARAGE DOOR SYSTEMS DOMINATOR NELSON 23c Packham Crescent, Stoke, Nelson. Tel: 03 547 8131 Email: Proud to supply and support Olive Estate 0800 DOMINATOR • WWW.DOMINATOR.CO.NZ

Pleased to provide surveying and engineering services to Olive Estates 20 Years Professional Experience Combined with a Focus on Client Satisfaction Office: 03 548 3358 • A/H: 03 546 8388 • 60 Vickerman Street, Nelson, PO Box 152


94 |

LIFESTYLE » Olive Estate Lifestyle Village

September 2016 Business South

Olive Estate has extensive leisure options with access to golf courses, cycle trails, rivers and parks.

EDWARD GIBBON Edward Gibbon is New Zealand’s largest independently owned plumbing supplies merchant with 11 branches located from Invercargill through to Hamilton.

Consulting Engineers to Olive Estate Lifestyle Village



Business South September 2016

LIFESTYLE » Olive Estate Lifestyle Village

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Community integration, lifestyle focus at Nelson development • from page 92 It is not a gated village and a main road runs through it; the whole philosophy is about community integration and providing a great lifestyle. Today’s retirement generation is more active and health conscious than ever before. Olive Estate has extensive leisure options with access to some of the region’s best golf courses, cycle trails, rivers, fishing spots and parks. “There are a number of people in the village with mountain bikes and some who walk several kilometres every day. So they’re always off walking or biking - they are a really active bunch of people.” Architect Robert Weir, of Christchurch-based practice Weir Architecture, and Luke Porter, of Canopy Landscape Design, delivered ICG’s unique vision for the village. “We didn’t want a village made up of little

“We didn’t want a village made up of little boxes that looked the same.” boxes that looked the same,” Kristin explains. “We really felt Robert’s style was a good fit for what we wanted Olive Estate to look like. We had a team of consultants that included Robert and Luke, who is very experienced in the urban planning arena. What really impressed us was how well they captured the essence of what we were trying to achieve. Together, they came up with a plan that really works and is something quite special and unique to the retirement lifestyle industry.”

• to page 96

Architect Robert Weir, of Christchurch-based practice Weir Architecture, and Luke Porter, of Canopy Landscape Design, helped deliver The Integrity Care Group’s vision for the village.


Proud to support Olive Lifestyle Village • | CALL GARRY OR GLENN FOR A NO OBLIGATION FREE QUOTE Ph 03 546 9928

96 |

September 2016 Business South

LIFESTYLE » Olive Estate Lifestyle Village

Individual designs a priority • from page 95 Considerable care has been taken to create a diversity of colours, rooflines, patios and gardens, with every dwelling tailored to its specific site. “It is not a cookie cutter model and that is something people have picked up on quite quickly – they really like it. “Each unit has its individual design and the people who move in are individuals as well.” All homes have top quality fittings and appliances (e.g. Miele), beautiful tiling, good quality carpet and benchtops (e.g. Tristone). With everything from fridge to TV provided, the process of moving in is very easy and stressfree. Research by ICG, conducted through focus groups, helped guide the master plan. The research found that newly retired people did not want to be overtly reminded that at some point in the future they would need assistance. At Olive Estate, the emphasis is on independent living, but a range of support

services are available if required. “We have been able to provide that assurance and security and peace of mind in a subtle way so that for anyone coming into the village it is not glaringly obvious that down the track the people living there may need help.” All homes have been fitted with security and fire alarm systems and monitored emergency assistance buttons. Olive Estate also plans to include a comprehensive care facility with rest home, hospital and dementia care. Olive Estate’s third stage, including another eight terrace houses and 14 villas, is currently in its design phase with construction due to commence in October. The whole village is due to be finished by 2019. Kristin and her husband Mark, who is ICG’s managing director, have been involved in the retirement sector for 24 years, both in the Nelson area and South Canterbury. In 2005 they developed Stillwater Gardens, another premium village in Richmond, before buying the land for Olive Estate.

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All homes at Nelson’s Olive Estate Lifestyle Village have quality appliances and fittings with fridges and TVs provided.

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Business South September 2016

LIFESTYLE » Olive Estate Lifestyle Village

| 97

All residential options at Olive Estate will have easy access for those with disabilities, underfloor heating to tiled areas, quality carpets and a heatpump in the living area. Established 1929


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September 2016 Business South

LIFESTYLE » Willowlea Retirement Village

Best practice exemplified at Willowlea Revision


Reason for revision


Willowlea Hospital 2014 Ltd

August 2015

Check all dimensions on site. Do not scale from plans. If in doubt consult architect.

27-31 Shirley Road/ 7-17 Arawa Street External View 3


Kim Newth Willowlea Retirement Village, under construction on Christchurch’s Shirley Road, is on track to become one of Christchurch’s most outstanding rebuild projects. It is replacing a quake-damaged care facility that has now been demolished. Once complete, the new 5500sqm retirement village will offer 34 ground floor serviced apartments with facilities including a contemporary reception, café and lounge spaces, plus 68 aged care beds on the first floor. Additional staff training, kitchen facilities and a staff room will be located on a third level. One of Hay & Associates directors Andrew Noble is project managing the cutting edge

To Scale at A3



jerram + tocker + barron architects ltd

Resource Consent Issue 17.08.2015

development and is excited by the high standard being achieved. Andy’s background as a main contractor’s quantity surveyor guided the tendering process that governed selection of the design team, key sub-contractors and the main contractor, Jones & Wyatt Construction. “I have known the client for a number of years and completed a number of projects with them. “We discussed the best way to procure the building and we arrived at the decision that an open book negotiated tender would be the most efficient and cost effective approach to take.” Hiway Geotechnical – New Zealand’s largest provider of ground improvement technology – used deep soil mixing techniques to extensively strengthen the site. Christchurch geotechnical engineer Ian McCahon, a recognised professional in seismic design, advised the client that this

remediation technique was ideal for his site. “There is a deep raft of improved ground over the whole site and the piles themselves go down eight metres,” observes Andy. “The ground floor slab has now gone in and we have put up around a quarter of the steel framing so far.” One unusual aspect of the project is that there are 102 ensuite bathrooms, all of which are being prefabricated, with everything from tiles to tapware completed off site. Construction Components has manufactured these bathroom pods at their factory just down the road in Belfast. “This is the first time this approach has been adopted in a care facility project in New Zealand. Care facilities by design have a very high ratio of bathrooms; adopting the deliver-to- site

box 302 | studio 180 bridge street | nelson tel 64 3 5488781 | fax 64 3 5488782 |

Sheet No: Rev:


methodology will shave three months off the construction programme.” Another feature that sets Willowlea apart is its steel structure, also being supplied by Construction Components. “It will be one the biggest steel framed structures in Australasia,” Andy says. Overseeing the project’s structural engineering is Orlando Barcena, of Centraus Structural Consulting, who explains that steel framing was chosen because it is lightweight and easy to use. All the wall and roof framing, along with the bathroom pods, are being made to fit seamlessly with the architectural design. In terms of seismic safety, Willowlea will rank in the top tier.

Carpentry | Pre-cast Construction Concrete Placing | Project Management Expert Advice | High Quality Finishing Email:

• To page 101

Construction spin-offs from off-site manufacture Construction programme timelines are being slashed by up to a third with no compromise on quality, thanks to advances in prefabrication being rolled out by an innovative Christchurch company, Construction Components New Zealand. Builders and developers are embracing the benefits of using products the company manufactures off-site for commercial and residential buildings. Construction Components is the umbrella company for Saponé Bathroom Solutions and Precision Steel Framing. Both products are precision-made using factory-controlled manufacturing. The process delivers a consistently high-quality product in a fast and efficient way that fits seamlessly with on-site construction requirements. “Building repeated designs in a factory environment offers a significant commercial advantage that smart developers have recognised,” says the company’s chief executive Andrew Crossland. Prefabrication does not imply regimentation, as all Saponé Bathrooms are 100 per cent custom-manufactured and can be made-to-order to suit individual design, installation and functionality preferences. Saponé Bathrooms are a revolutionary step ahead of prefabricated bathrooms of the past. Construction Components has developed and patented a 20mm composite fibreglass floor that sits directly on the building platform without a rebate being required. As well, bathroom walls are made from CNC machined Triboard panels with a level five paint finish, with no stopping required on any of the faces. The product is finished to a superior standard, much greater than that of a standard traditional bathroom-build. Saponé Bathrooms are delivered straight from factory to building site, all ready to go. Only one subcontractor is needed on-site to incorporate a Saponé bathroom, as opposed to the team of six or seven that would otherwise be required. “Internationally, prefabricated bathrooms are now the preferred construction method for hotels, apartments and retirement villages. Our product makes installing bathrooms so easy and gives our customers a real competitive advantage by saving precious construction time.” Precision Steel Framing is Construction Component’s latest innovation, one that has evolved out its investment in a Framecad lightweight steel roll-forming machine. This type of framing is widely used throughout Europe and North America and is fast replacing timber as a preferred building material. Steel offers many advantages over timber. A standard steel stud weighs only 30 per cent of its timber equivalent but is twice as strong. Structurally, this results in a building that is simultaneously lighter and stronger, so it will perform much better in earthquakes. In parts of California school buildings are required to use steel for this precise reason. Steel is inherently stable so does not twist, warp out of shape or shrink. Hence, warranty call-backs are reduced by virtually eliminating the potential for plaster-board cracking. Steel is also unaffected by moisture, which mitigates weather related delays for construction when framing is being erected. Likewise, no pre-lining inspection is required as service holes are pre-punched. All the plumbing and electrical cabling can be easily and efficiently installed in walls and ceilings. In addition, steel framing has no added preservatives, as recognised by its Sensitive Choice approval from the New Zealand Asthma Foundation. Construction Components is proud to have delivered both Saponé Bathroom Solutions and Precision Steel Framing to the Willowlea Retirement Village development.

Deep Soil mixing puts Willowlea on solid ground Willowlea Retirement Village has a firm footing, thanks to ground improvement technology used on the site by Hiway Geotechnical. Deep soil mixing, using the TurboJet technique, was deployed by Hiway Geotechnical to mitigate the potential for liquefaction in future earthquakes. In essence, the technique involves creating columns of strengthened soil using cement and lime binders, batched as grout slurry on site, as required. “We constructed grids of soil columns across the development including the entire footprint and two metres beyond it,” says Rob Whitfield, general manager of Hiway Geotechnical. “There is a zone of influence around these columns that mitigates lateral spread and settlement issues.”

construction company and one of the world’s largest geotechnical contracting firms.

mechanics, ground improvement and contamination remediation.

“A lot of work has been done with deep soil mixing in Hong Kong and elsewhere in the world.” This has been a standard project for Hiway Geotechnical, whose services are in demand throughout New Zealand. In Canterbury, it has used deep soil mixing techniques on a number of other sites, including St George’s Hospital (to create a retaining wall for a basement and for ground improvement) and at Pegasus town (to create an in-ground wall around the town centre perimeter to prevent lateral spread).

“We have also been doing a lot of contamination remediation in Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter as well as other in-ground lateral restraint projects at the Trafalgar Centre in Nelson and currently have another ground improvement project similar to Willowlea involving an apartment building development in Auckland.”

Hiway Geotechnical is part of the Hiway Group that is New Zealand’s largest provider of specialist solutions for pavement stabilisation, slip and slope reinforcement, soil

Contact details: Hiway Geotechnical, Phone 03 341 7603, Email, Web:

During the two-month ground improvement phase, the Hiway Geotechnical team formed columns down to eight metres, through a mixture of silt and sandy soils. In total, the site now has 760 columns, each 900mm in diameter and spaced 2.9m apart. The final stage involved adding a load transfer platform over the top of the columns. Hiway Geotechnical had a cement storage facility on hand, with wet grout mixed on site. A high pressure pump was used to transfer the grout to a drill rig. “As it drills into the ground, it mixes the cement grout binder with the soil to produce a homogeneous ground mix column. You also don’t get as much spoil, as you would with other more traditional techniques. All the spoil from the columns is a grout mixed product that can be utilised in the load transfer platform. Waste is minimal.” Close to the stream, a secant wall was formed with overlapping columns to provide an in-ground retaining wall to prevent lateral spread. Hiway Geotechnical has been using deep soil mixing in New Zealand since 2002. Rob says the technique they are using was developed by Trevi, a specialist Italian

INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR CHALLENGING GROUND CONDITIONS Hiway Geotechnical is a pioneer in the field of geotechnical ground improvement solutions. Our team offers lateral thinking and innovative technology to tackle the toughest engineering challenges.

Proud to support Willowlea Phone. 03 341 7603 Email. Web. PO Box 36580, Merivale 8146, New Zealand

At Hiway Geotechnical, he is leading a team that offers lateral thinking and innovative technology in the field of ground improvement.

LIFESTYLE » Willowlea Retirement Village

Business South September 2016

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Energy efficiency a key design feature • from page 98 “It has been designed in excess of one hundred per cent of the National Building Standard and as an importance-level three building, (namely, a level above what is required for normal commercial and large residential buildings),” says Orlando. However, residents will not see a lot of ugly structural steel in the finished design. Rather, the building will be braced in a plywood sheath, with hold down devices adding extra strength. “We’re taking advantage of what we have – the walls will work for us double time. “A common strategy used in North America is now being applied in high seismic Christchurch,” says Orlando, who has considerable experience in the field of seismic design, having worked for several firms in California in this area. Architect Marc Barron, of JTB Architects, says the brief was to design a mix of care wings and serviced apartments. The scale of the site suited a two-storey building, though there was scope for a third storey over the main entrance lobby. All the ground floor serviced apartments will have outdoor areas and views of beautifully landscaped grounds. Energy efficiency has not been overlooked at Willowlea. In fact, it is another key design feature. Every room will be fully ventilated and a heat recovery system will operate to ensure the internal environment is maintained at a comfortable temperature with fresh clean air. The ground floor slab has premium MagRoc insulation to prevent any heat loss from around the

“We have ensured that what we have done in terms of planning and structural design is best practice. We have also tried to be as innovative and creative as we can.....” ground floor perimeter. Photovoltaic solar energy will be generated on site and gas used to heat water. Chris Stokes, one of Willowlea’s directors, says extensive planning, investigation, analysis and market research has gone into the project, which will be the most contemporary retirement village in Christchurch’s eastern suburbs. “We have ensured that what we have done in terms of planning and structural design is best practice. “We have also tried to be as innovative and creative as we can whilst keeping a close eye on our budget,” Chris says. “It is rare for a new retirement village of this scale to be located within such close proximity to a large shopping precinct such as the Palms Mall, along with the other ancillary services needed by the elderly, such as a medical centre and dental surgery,” Chris says.

• To page 102

The Willowlea Retirement Village on Shirley Road in Christchurch has been designed in excess of one hundred per cent of the National Building Standard.

Best design solutions, award-winning results Founded 30 years ago, Jerram Tocker Barron Architects is an experienced innovation driven firm with a strong focus on architecture design. Since 1986, the practice has undertaken more than 1500 commissions throughout New Zealand, and across a wide range of areas from residential and commercial to educational and public buildings. Working out of studios in Wellington, Nelson and Christchurch, the practice produces designs for beautiful contemporary buildings of all sizes and for a variety of end uses. The practice is led by four principals: John Tocker, Marc Barron, Simon Hall and Michael Dillon who collectively share extensive local, national and international experience. All four are registered architects, operating to standards established by the New Zealand Registered Architects Board. Their specialist areas of expertise include architecture, urban design, master planning and environmentally sustainable design. Marc Barron, who is director-in-charge of Willowlea Retirement Village, is proud of the development’s elegant design that places apartments at ground level – connecting with the site landscaping – and care suites above. The scale of the surrounding buildings and the site itself dictated that Willowlea would be largely two-storey. “However, as the site got bigger in the middle, there was also an

opportunity to go to three-storeys for that part of the building’s concept plan.” Under the required resource consent process the development was subject to limited public notification but no objections were received, so affirming the sensitive design. Alongside the Willowlea Retirement Village, the practice is currently working on a number of significant projects around the country including a paired apartment building complex in Auckland, a new school in Wellington, and the redevelopment of the Bishop Suter Art Gallery in Nelson. The practice also undertakes commercial office projects – such as a new and innovative Plant and Food Research Centre under construction in Nelson – and private residential houses. Marc and the rest of the architectural team take pride in achieving a high standard across a range of projects. He attributes their success to working closely with clients to ensure positive outcomes are achieved. “We listen closely to our clients from the outset of every project, and work hard to meet their requirements with the creativity that we bring.” The award winning architectural team is committed to designing robust and durable buildings without compromising aesthetic quality. Innovation also forms a central part of its approach in terms of materials technology and energy use.

Award-winning NZIA Registered Architects


Providing specialist expertise in Architecture, Urban Design, Master Planning and Environmentally Sustainable Design.

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September 2016 Business South

LIFESTYLE » Willowlea Retirement Village

Central location boon for residents • from page 101 Central Christchurch is only 10 minutes away by bus or car and, given that a number of the village residents’ families and friends will work in the CBD, visiting residents at the village will be just that much easier. “It appealed to us as a good site for a rebuild; it had operated very well previously as a rest home,” Chris says. “We were also able to procure extra land around it to ensure we had the scale we needed. We have also remediated the land and designed the building to make sure there will be no major problems in another earthquake. “A lot of retirement villages are built on large tracts of land that have only recently been rezoned residential as that land can be acquired cheaply. The problem for the elderly in these villages is that often they are isolated from the services they need most, such as retail outlets, medical services and entertainment venues. With its Shirley Road location, Willowlea is only five hundred metres from the Palms Mall and is on a main traffic corridor with a bus stop out the front. Family and friends can visit on a regular basis and residents can catch the bus or take their mobility scooter to the shops.” Willowlea will provide a continuum of care having 34 beautifully appointed serviced apartments which will be available to intending residents by way of a licence to occupy or, if residents prefer, they can get higher levels of care in a state of the art modern care facility providing care at both rest home and geriatric hospital levels of care. The project is due to finished by September 2017. Thursday, 18 February 2016 @ 11:53 a.m. N:\Data\1513 Willowlea\06 Drawings\1513 Willowlea -DETAILED DESIGN.pln Ben

With a deep raft of improved ground over the site and piles driven eight metres into the ground, Willowlea Retirement Village ranks in the top tier in terms of seismic safety. The village is due to for completion by September 2017.



Reason for revision


Willowlea Hospital 2014 Ltd

Check all dimensions on site. Do not scale from plans. If in doubt consult architect.

27-31 Shirley Road/ 7-17 Arawa Street External View 10

August 2015


MB/BW To Scale at A3



Resource Consent Issue 17.08.2015

jerram + tocker + barron architects ltd box 302 | studio 180 bridge street | nelson tel 64 3 5488781 | fax 64 3 5488782 |

HAY & ASSOCIATES Building Project and Cost Management





Phone: 355–5619 Mobile: 0274 332–684

Phone: 385–5079 Mobile: 021 332–684


T: 03 421 8460

M: 021 433 418

Sheet No: Rev:


Thursday, 18 February 2016 @ 11:52 a.m. N:\Data\1513 Willowlea\06 Drawings\1513 Willowlea -DETAILED DETAILED DESIGN.pln Ben

Business South September 2016

LIFESTYLE » Willowlea Retirement Village

| 103

The new 5500sqm retirement village will offer 34 ground floor serviced apartments with facilities including a contemporary reception, café and lounge spaces, plus 68 aged care beds on the first floor.



Reason for revision


Willowlea Hospital 2014 Ltd

August 2015

Check all dimensions on site. Do not scale from plans. If in doubt consult architect.

27-31 Shirley Road/ 7-17 Arawa Street External View 7

MB/BW To Scale at A3



Resource Consent Issue 17.08.2015

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September 2016 Business South

LIFESTYLE » Naylor Love - Russley Village

High standards achieved at village Kim Newth Developed on the site of the iconic Russley Hotel, the Russley Village has been described as a peaceful and tranquil haven offering retirement living at its finest. As the main contractor on site from February 2014, Naylor Love has played a key role in ensuring that high design specifications set for the village development were met. The company has considerable capability and experience in the area of site management on multi-million projects such as this one. With its attractive villas and apartments, white picket fences, rose gardens, bowling green and pavilion, the village today exudes a friendly English country style. A majestic homestead will provide community facilities for residents. Two new apartment blocks – a three-storey block of 23 units and a two-level block of 12 units - were finished by Naylor Love last year, bringing to a successful conclusion its contract at the village. The two blocks are connected by an elegant link-way that opens onto pretty paths, lawns and gardens. Parking is provided in a basement level that also links the two blocks. “The basement was quite challenging, in terms of controlling groundwater,” says Naylor Love’s contract manager Jake Van Tuinen. “It was dug some six or seven metres below ground. We also had to allow for pumping out of storm water in the design.” Working with Naylor Love on the architecturally designed apartment blocks were structural engineers Ruamoko; the apartments have been well-designed for earthquake resilience. The two blocks exude a pleasing, well-unified style.

Russley Village is a peaceful and tranquil haven offering the best in retirement living. There is a focus on warmth, light and contemporary living. Everything is beautifully detailed, down to the wooden shingles roofing the link-way, copper spouting and thoughtfully placed balconies and outdoor garden spaces.

“I would hesitate to single out a particular design feature. Everything was just linked and tied together very well and finished to a very high standard, including all the interior detail such as benchtops and tiling.”

Each apartment has been designed to match individual needs and all have views over the village gardens. As well as maintaining a high standard on site at all times, Naylor Love had to ensure that its work to

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Business South September 2016

LIFESTYLE » Naylor Love - Russley Village

| 105

As the main contractor on site from February 2014, Naylor Love has played a key role in ensuring that high design specifications set for the Russley Village development were met.

“Everything was just linked and tied together very well and finished to a very high standard, including all the interior detail such as benchtops and tiling.” complete the apartments did not disrupt the peace of residents already living at the village. Even in the closing stages of the fit-out, there were still some 80 to 120 people working on site so their programme had to be carefully managed around existing residents. “We had to be very mindful of their needs so it meant that some of the work could only happen at certain times of day.” These spacious apartments, completed in November 2015, embody Naylor Love’s commitment to excellence, fostered through an outstanding workplace culture and solid business values.

It is a commitment that has earned Nayor Love a reputation as one of New Zealand’s top performing construction companies. Naylor Love has approximately 300 staff nationwide working from five regional divisions and it has served the property industry in New Zealand for over 100 years. The combined skill base includes single line accountability design and build, environmentally sustainable design and construction, project costing and estimating, professional quantity surveying, building technology, project and construction management and seismic strengthening.

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LIFESTYLE » Lochlea Lifestyle Resort

September 2016 Business South

Demand running high for stage two Kim Newth Ashburton’s leading lifestyle resort is entering its next phase of development with new villas and assisted care apartments under construction as part of Stage Two. From its inception in 2012, Lochlea Lifestyle Resort has attracted strong interest from those wishing to retire into a friendly safe community, with superb facilities. Of 56 standalone and duplex villas completed in the resort’s first stage, all but one has been sold. Another 55 villas – designed by Auckland’s HPA Group, specialists in the healthcare and retirement lifestyle sector – are planned for the second stage of the 6.2 hectare resort. “We now have around fourteen in Stage Two that are at various stages of construction,” says resort manager Tony Sands. “Given the level of interest being shown now, we could quite easily see the entire resort completed within twenty four months. We’re definitely ahead of schedule.” Demand for a place in the gated resort is running high after the mid-year opening of Radius Millstream, a new purpose-built 80-room aged care, rest and dementia hospital adjacent to the resort. Dovetailing with that are 19 assisted care apartments, currently under construction, that will link up with the hospital while remaining a part of the wider Lochlea Resort. Two of these are already on hold from interested buyers. The apartments are available in four different sizes, offering three stages of care. The two-storey apartment complex will have a lift connecting the ground floor to the first floor and a covered walkway to the hospital. “The resort is being described as a one-stop shop by many because it offers good independent living in villas, but if your situation changes then you can go into one of the apartments and receive the care you need, or if necessary, the hospital. It is peace of mind. “Some residents cannot drive but it means they don’t have to use any form of transport to see a loved one in the hospital. At most, they are only two hundred metres away from the hospital.” At Lochlea Lifestyle Resort, all villas have been thoughtfully sited for sun, fitted with quality drapes and floor coverings and designed with accessibility, comfort and energy efficiency in mind. That means excellent insulation, double glazing and no gaps or draughts. Surrounded by landscaped gardens and lawns, the villas enjoy lovely views and are also fitted with a 24 hour medical emergency system. Three gardeners ensure the resort always looks at its best. Lochlea Lodge is a real focal point for the resort, offering a great range of indoor and outdoor activities for residents. Its facilities include a heated swimming pool, spa, gym, hobby/craft room, library, lounge and bar, dining room, pool table, bowling green, putting green, croquet lawn, petanque piste, massage/beauty therapy room and a hairdressing salon. As well as having a resort bus to provide regular outings and shopping trips, Lochlea offers a

“Given the level of interest being shown now, we could easily see the entire resort sold within 24 months.” monthly line-up of functions for residents. “From what I have seen in this industry, our resort and the facilities attached to it are right at the top. All the comments we receive from people living in the resort or coming to visit are very positive.” New friendships are being forged amongst residents as the lifestyle resort continues to grow. The resort’s founder, Ashburton man Les Briggs, had long seen a need for a lifestyle resort and associated aged care facility in Ashburton. Tony says his passion has created a lasting legacy for the area. “Les left no stone unturned in planning for this resort and its facilities, the hospital and assisted care apartments.”

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Residents share a laugh at Ashburton’s Lochlea Lifestyle Resort (top). A focal point at the facility is Lochlea Lodge, which includes a heated swimming pool and spa.


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Business South September 2016

LIFESTYLE » Lochlea Lifestyle Resort

| 107

Of 56 standalone and duplex villas completed at Lochlea Lifestyle Resort’s first stage, all but one has been sold. Another 55 villas are planned for the second stage of the 6.2 hectare resort.


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September 2016 Business South

CONTRACTING » Aspiring Earthmoving

The current building boom in Wanaka has led to house sites being a major focus for local company Aspiring Earthmoving.

Business thriving after tough start Russell Fredric Time and timing have been important factors in seeing Aspiring Earthmoving develop into a reputable and expanding business in the Wanaka area. After operating an excavator for 11 years, coowner Jeff Campbell took a risk to start the family business in 2013 as a means of getting ahead in an area which can be expensive to live in. At the time the construction industry was relatively quiet, with the first year of business “fairly hit and miss” which made covering the cost of covering overheads and the finance on the company’s machine a tough call. Jeff and his wife Megan Campbell, who have three children, lived “pretty tough” during that first year as they focused on paying the excavator off, however Jeff is very proud of this achievement. “There wasn’t a lot of work to go around, but I managed to get through that. It’s a different place now. There’s more than enough for everyone.” Jeff Campbell says.

Last year the couple were able to build a new house in nearby Luggate. Aspiring Earthmoving operates a 13 tonne Hitachi excavator which has clocked up more than 6000 hours and has proven to be an extremely versatile machine. “It’s great. It’s ideal for small jobs and big enough to do some big earth moving jobs.” This versatility means an extremely wide range of work can be covered, from trenching, tree works, post driving, irrigation, scrub removal, site preparation and general landscaping, to drainage and irrigation, subdivisions and dam construction. “I’ve built a good client base who know what I can do. I think I’ve proved myself.” “Now that the building boom has gone wild in Wanaka, I am doing a lot of house sites. I can do work that small diggers can do, but more efficiently and a lot faster, almost at the same hourly rate.” Aspiring Earthmoving has secured contracts for site preparation and landscaping work for Jennian Homes and G. J. Gardener homes. Jeff Campbell’s strategy for house sites means

r e p p i t n o t 12

“I like to call it land-shaping rather than landscaping. We come in, take the soil off every square inch, cut the building platform down and then shape everything around the house to exactly what you want and how you want it to the right height.” all the work is done without needing to return after a house is built. “I like to call it land-shaping rather than landscaping. We come in, take the soil off every square inch, cut the building platform down and then shape everything around the house to exactly what you want and how you want it to the right height.” By the time the house is finished, the landscaping and plantings are already becoming established. This process can reduce the overall cost and usually results in one bill at the start of the job.

The busy workload means Jeff Campbell is presently looking to expand the business soon by adding another 13 tonne digger. Jeff’s wife Megan Campbell takes care of the administration and book work which is a “massive” help and means he can more easily focus on productive work. During the past three years the Campbell’s have greatly appreciated the support of their extended family, Craig Jolly of Jolly Earthworks who transport Jeff’s digger and supply landscaping rock, and Devon Shanks of transport company All Loads.

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Business South September 2016

RETAIL » Nichol’s Group

| 109

Growth spurt for garden centre Russell Fredric A plethora of popular television gardening shows in recent years appears to have regenerated the desire for people to grow their own fruit and vegetables and to enhance their home environment with the use of plants. Nichol’s Group is a southern South Island retail garden centre business which has been a benefactor of this trend, supported by glossy magazines as a source of information and creative inspiration for many gardeners. The company operates garden centres in Invercargill and Cromwell, and from Dunedin where Nichol’s Pet Warehouse was added following the purchase, in February, of a pet business which operated from its former Dunedin premises. General manager Rhys Gibbs says Nichol’s Pet Warehouse is a great fit to complement the company’s lifestyle businesses of destination garden and landscape centres which also incorporate cafe’s and florists. Last year Nichol’s celebrated its 150th year of operation and its long history shows a willingness to readily innovate, adapt to trends and add value while always keeping its customers’ wants and needs at heart. From its origins in whaling and as agent for Cobb and Co’s Bluff to Invercargill coaches, Nichol’s is now looking at possibilities which are likely to include significant future investment in an internet business model to complement its existing operations. Having both survived and thrived through the many trends and economic cycles, today its strongest sales growth as a percentage is in potted house plants. “That’s really interesting because house plants used to be all the rage year’s ago, then they went out of fashion, and now they’ve come back,” Rhys says.

South Island retail garden centre Nichol’s is experiencing a boom in potted house plants, fruit trees and vegetable seedlings. “Now its actually quite hard to secure stock to satisfy demand.” This resurgence has resulted in a spin-off in companion sales of products such as indoor plant pots and stands, giftware and homeware, with

a tangible link to items shown on television or in magazines. “If something is featured, you start getting enqiries for it.” A trend towards consumers wanting to grow their own produce, as part of knowing where edible plants come from and what products have been applied to them, are also contributors to increased year-on-year sales. “We’ve got the highest number of fruit tree preorders we’ve ever had. The amount of pre-orders have been absolutely phenomenal. The whole edible market is huge. Our biggest product sales in terms of volume and dollar value is vegetable seedlings.” The various trends which stimulate sales for the company also creates some challenges in trying to predict these trends in advance and planning to have stock available. For this to happen

the company looks to overseas magazines and television programmes to provide some early clues. Rhys Gibbs also attends an annual workshop in New Zealand run by an international retail “gardening guru” who is in tune with overseas trends in gardening and within the retail environment relating to customers’ buying habits, social media and demographics. The company has experienced significant growth in Central Otago after opening its strategically located Cromwell garden centre in 2009, while the acquisition of Invercargill nursery Evandale Gardens, in 2005 was another important strategic move in securing the supply of “what we want, when we want it”. “Plants take time to grow. If a trend comes along you can’t just go out and buy the stock. You have to plan ahead and have it grown ready for you.”

Proud Supplier of Fruit Trees to Nichols VISIT WAIMEANURSERIES.CO.NZ FOR MORE INFORMATION. If you want to grow it from seed, we’ve got it.

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September 2016 Business South


Nothing but the best at panel shop Kelly Deeks Repairing Christchurch’s damaged vehicles for the past 47 years, DR Collision is committed to providing excellence in panel repairs and customer service. DR Collision specialises in all forms of motor vehicle repair, ranging from chassis repair to light panel repairs, and full repaints and light touch ups. All of the company’s work is backed up by a lifetime guarantee. Qualified and registered repair certifier Daniel Robin started the business in 1969, and his son Jason got involved in 1984, completing his apprenticeship before heading out on his own and receiving additional training from various tradesmen in various locations. Coming back home to the family business after a few years, Jason is now the owner. “We’re known as one of Christchurch’s top chassis straightening and panel beating shops,” he says. “We pride ourselves on being the best in town for customer service, efficiency, and quality. We keep busy because everyone likes our product and everyone likes the end results we achieve. If you make an exceptional job, and people like you as a character, they keep coming back.” The professional team of 11 staff at DR Collision are continuously upskilled on new technology and repair techniques. Vehicle painters and repairers are qualified tradesmen who are committed to excellent

service and fast and efficient turn around times. The company works in association with and is a preferred repairer to all of the major insurance companies. DR Collision is a member of the Collision Repair Association of New Zealand and a registered structural repair centre. As such the company engages in structural collision repair work with the required equipment to undertake three dimensional measuring of a vehicle, and a spray booth oven facility. It has also attained the required points to complete the Continuing Compulsory Annual Retraining (C-CAR) programme. DR Collision runs a bake oven, a Blackhawk chassis straightening machine, a 3D measuring system, various spot welders, and has 15 courtesy cars on offer to ensure its customers can continue to get around for the short time their cars are being repaired. Located at 43 Leeds Street, Phillipstown, DR Collision acquired 41 Leeds Street 18 months ago. Currently tenanted, the building will be taken over by the company at the end of this year, creating more space for more work. “We’ll have two work bays so the boys will be able to work on more vehicles at a time,” Jason says. “We won’t grow our staff, but we’ll focus on creating more efficiencies in the repair process.” Qualified and registered repair certifier Daniel still works at DR Collision, and completes inspections of vehicles which have been imported damaged and subsequently repaired, to ensure the repairs meet New Zealand standards.

Christchurch firm DR Collision has a professional team of 11 staff, runs a spray booth oven facility, chassis straightening machine and a 3D measuring system.

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Business South September 2016

AUTOMOTIVE » CM Trailer Parts

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Safety drives coupling innovation Kelly Deeks For the past 10 years, Ashburton-based development and manufacturing company CM Trailer Parts has been commiting time, energy, and money into research and development, aiming to make trailer components safer and more user friendly. The recent release of its new Multifit Master Dual Auto-Select Coupling unit has been widely welcomed throughout the industry, and was named Most Innovative Local Product at this year’s Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show. At the same time, the company’s Trident Lever Trailer Coupling was also selected as a finalist in the competition, and CM Trailer Parts is extremely proud of the recognition received. “The awards reflect our strong commitment to innovation, safety, and quality, which we are proud to say runs throughout our entire company,” says CM Trailer Parts general manager Alasdair Cleland. “It is particularly pleasing as we were up against strong competition from other world-class products.” The Multifit Master Dual Auto-Select Coupling was developed in response to safety concerns and inadequacies of the previous multi-fit couplings on the market. “Many models create serious safety issues through incorrect use. Without the correct attachment a trailer unit can easily disconnect - and that poses a serious danger to everyone,” Alasdair says. “With our new design, you simply pull the handle, let it go and it finds its own way. It’s intuitive, user friendly, and has bridged a gap that has been in the market for quite some time.” The safety aspect of the Multifit Master Dual Auto-Select Coupling has picqued the interest of many New Zealand hire companies for use on their trailers. The new component was eight years in the making, and required a considerable amount of research and development. While CM Trailer Parts received some Trade and Enterprise funding, the majority of the costs have been funded directly by the company. Alasdair says CM Trailer Parts philosophy is

CM Trailer Parts general manager Alasdair Cleland with the company’s award winning multi-fit coupling. The new coupling automatically adjusts to 50mm or 1 7/8” and has a 2500kg rating. safety over function, and as such it continues to work on improving components going forward to make them safer, better, and more user friendly. Part of CM Trailer Parts quest for betterment has taken the company down the road of manufacturing quality and efficiencies, and it has established extensive relationships with manufacturers it knows and trusts to do the best job. “All of our business

is about the right people working with the right people,” Alasdair says. After experiencing consistently strong growth since it started 24 years ago, the company is once again undergoing expansion to satisfy demand. Market share is growing, three new staff have joined the company in a month, and it is expanding its premises, all allowing the company to

accomplish more in-house. The three original staff have now grown to 21 and lessons have been learned throughout the previous growth phases. CM Trailer Parts is now reaching out to specialists to help with its directorship and infrastructure, so their growth can be developed, managed, and sustained at the same time as the business.

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HORTICULTURE » Remarkable Orchards

September 2016 Business South

Diversity key to orchard business Russell Fredric Growing a diverse range of fruit has been one of the keys to the successful operation of Remarkable Orchards. Run as a partnership between Sid and Toni Birtles and Toni’s father Con van der Voort since 1994, the orchard is situated in Roxburgh East, about four kilometres from the town of Roxburgh in a prime fruit growing region of Central Otago. The Birtles moved to New Zealand from Australia about 1990. The couple owned a panel beating and dry cleaning business in Eastern Sydney for several years before moving to Central Otago.

Although Toni, who is a New Zealander had experience in horticulture, Sid was a newcomer to the industry at the time, but gained experience while working for Con van der Voort, a wellestablished orchardist, before the purchase of the Roxburgh orchard. Remarkable Orchards is on 99 hectares and comprises 50% apples, 30% apricots,

10% cherries and 10% peaches; all apples and cherries are grown for export while 10 to 15% of stone-fruit is supplied to the domestic market. Of the 99 hectares, 33 hectares added in 2001 has been developed into cherry, apricot, peach and apple production. “We are heavily involved in the cherry industry in the Asian markets. Nowadays,

“We are heavily involved in the cherry industry in the Asian markets. Nowadays, certainly, the apples are also moving into the Asian market more now. That’s a national trend, Asia is in our back yard.”

certainly the apples are also moving into the Asian market more now. “That’s a national trend, Asia is in our back yard,” Sid Birtles says. The orchard has accreditations for Global GAP, Integrated Fruit Production programme and Tesco Nature’s Choice, which together provides an assurance of how food is produced by reducing the use of chemical inputs, use of good agricultural practices, recognition orchard practices are safe and sustainable, operate in an environmentally responsible way and with regard to the health and well-being of staff.


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Proud to be associated with ‘Remarkable Orchards’ 4 Hawick Street, Roxburgh | Ph: 03 446 8511 Fax: 03 446 8502 | Email:

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• to page 114

Business South September 2016

HORTICULTURE Âť Remarkable Orchards

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Sid Birtles walks the rows on his Remarkable Orchards. The business, run as a partnership between Sid and Toni Birtles and Toni’s father Con van der Voort, sits on 99 hectares of prime fruit growing land in Central Otago and produces apples, apricots, cherries and peaches, mostly for the export market.

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HORTICULTURE » Remarkable Orchards

September 2016 Business South

Diversity key to orchard’s success • from page 112 The orchard has been using a Compac computerised grading system, which enables reduced labour and improved consistency and accuracy for sorting stone-fruit, for the past five years. A new 1250m2 packing shed built two years ago was a radical improvement over its aged predecessor and created further efficiencies while also providing a much improved work environment. An on-site cool store enables the efficient storage and distribution of quality packed summer fruit from the orchard. Cherries are hydro-cooled, sized, quality inspected and packed for transport to market while apples are packed in a purpose- built complex, owned by Con van der Voort, in nearby Ettrick. The orchard employs 15 permanent staff, supplemented by 140 to 150 seasonal workers, including Vanuatuan’s employed under the Regional Seasonal Employment scheme. Sid Birtles says running an orchard carries a degree of risk because of the variables of weather, including the possibility of a late frost or snowfall in the area, along with the volatility of prices, however the variety of fruit grown and their different harvest periods throughout the season helps to spread this risk. “In the export side of the business prices are certainly a lot more firmer in relation to where returns are at year-to-year. Domestic supply can be all over the place, it can be either a feast or a famine.” “To have that mix of varieties certainly spreads the risk, that’s for sure. Weather conditions can be pretty challenging any year. It’s a critical thing in all respects.”

A computerised grading system and new packing shed have helped orchard efficiences, says Remarkable Orchards’ Sid Birtles.

“To have that mix of varieties certainly spreads the risk, that’s for sure. Weather conditions can be pretty challenging any year. It’s a critical thing in all respects.” QUEENSTOWN, WANAKA, CROMWELL, ALEXANDRA & SURROUNDS

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Business South September 2016


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Delivering export quality fruit to the local market “We’re a company built by people who have a love for quality produce and wanted to share it with other New Zealanders.”

Russell Fredric Fruit Direct is an online store sending export quality fruit and fruit juice direct from its Richmond orchard to New Zealand clients. Marketing and sales manager Lucille Hamilton says while it has taken time for the service to become known, it is gradually increasing in popularity. “We are an online store offering fresh apples, pears and juice to homes and workplaces all over New Zealand,” says Lucille. “We’re a company built by people who have a love for quality produce and wanted to share it with other New Zealanders.” Fruit Direct guarantees the very best quality and to ensure this they have a streamlined process from the orchard to the final destination; the fruit is picked from the tree, packaged to suit individual requirements and delivered door-todoor. This process eliminates much of the usual handling which occurs between the tree and other retail outlets, meaning Fruit Direct provides clients with a much better quality product for a very competitive price. The service is proving most popular with rural clients, as well as businesses and corporates who have seen the benefits of providing top-quality fruit and pure orchard-sourced fruit juice for their staff, or as gifts for their clients. “We target families with a desire to provide their family with the best produce at an affordable price, businesses with a health conscious ethos and staff, individuals with a fruit and juice addiction and rural dwellers who, due to their location, find it difficult to access quality produce.”

The quality of the fruit and juice has drawn many positive responses, with one client commenting “that juice is to die for; it has to be the best juice I have tasted”, while other feed-back has highlighted the freshness and flavour of the apples and pears. Fruit Direct offers plenty of choice with popular apple varieties including Royal Gala, Braeburn, Granny Smith, Cox’s Orange and Champion, while pears include, Beurre Bosc, Packham’s Triumph, Taylors Gold and more. A total of ten varieties of apples are seasonally available from January to December, and eight varieties of pears seasonally available from February to December. Fruit comes in 5kg or 9kg cartons with free standard delivery on all products. There are also split carton options available of, apples and juice, pears and juice or apples and pears of the week. Apple and juice cartons have been very popular with businesses sending gifts to their customers. “We have had a lot of positive feedback from businesses saying their customers have enjoyed the fresh gift, and it being a nice healthy change from the chocolates and wine.” Online orders for Fruit Direct’s range of apples, pears and fruit juice can be made at www.


Fruit Direct is an online store offering export-quality fresh apples, pears and juice to homes and workplaces all over New Zealand.

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HORTICULTURE » New Zealand Cherry Corp.

September 2016 Business South

Cherry Corp. getting it right in Asia Russell Fredric Like deep red rubies harvested from a tree, luscious cherries bursting with intense flavour are the business of Cromwell company New Zealand Cherry Corp. For New Zealand Cherry Corp., quality is everything when it comes to growing and packing cherries, however for the company’s discerning Asian customers, size is also an important motivator of their purchase, says international sales manager Sharon Kirk. The 40 hectare Central Otago orchard, which supports 23,000 trees, is New Zealand’s largest fully climate-controlled netted orchard. These specialised controls allow fruit varieties, comprising Stellar, Lapins, Romance, Skeena, Sweetheart, Staccato and Kordia the best opportunity to develop into large, delicious cherries for domestic and export markets. The biggest overseas markets are Taiwan and China. Emerging markets are Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and South Korea, while Russia is presently a developing market. “The most relevant markets for the New Zealand cherry industry are Taiwan and China,” Sharon says. “We hit the market right in time for the Chinese New Year which is massive. It’s the biggest celebration, probably, in the world,” she says. “The significance is gift giving. Cherries are red, and they’re expensive, [in Asia] so they represent wealth and health.” Each spring the orchard’s co-owner Henry van der Velden and other key staff travel to Asia to market 600 to 700 tonnes of cherries, of which about 500 tonnes is grown by New Zealand Cherry Corp. each year. The trip includes attending a three-day international annual fruit and vegetable trade show, Asia Fruit Logistica, which is being in Hong Kong in September. Last year the show attracted more than 9000 visitors from 70 countries and NZ Cherry Corp. was the only New Zealand cherry grower/packer/ exporter to exhibit, Sharon Kirk says. Because developing personal, long-term relationships is an important aspect of the company’s overseas trade, Sharon and Henry


During the intense peak harvest period, 250 to 300 pickers work in New Zealand Cherry Corp.’s orchard

will also visit Vietnam and China this year. Personal visits are important not only to promote New Zealand Cherry Corp. and its product, but also to understand clients’ needs, whether in Asia or in New Zealand where major clients include Turners and Growers, Fruit World and Countdown. “What the buyers like is that we are a grower, packer, exporter,” says Sharon. “We control every step of that process.” During the intense peak harvest period, 250

to 300 pickers work in New Zealand Cherry Corp.’s orchard and 100 in the pack-house, also based in Cromwell. Following a major investment in the construction of its own packhouse two years ago, state-of-the-art technology plays a crucial role in selecting and maintaining the quality of the fruit. “We use the latest technology for grading developed by New Zealand owned Compac who provide us continual updates on software to

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ensure we continue to have the lastest and most efficient system for grading. “The rest of the packhouse was developed and made by EB Engineering Solutions from Dunedin.” After harvesting, cherries are gradually cooled. The first stage of this process happens when the fruit enters the pack-house where the temperature is 10 degrees to 11 degrees Celsius. From there they go into a water bath to continue cooling and by the time the cherries are

Business South September 2016

HORTICULTURE » New Zealand Cherry Corp.

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The 40 hectare Central Otago orchard, near Cromwell, supports 23,000 trees and is New Zealand’s largest fully climate-controlled netted orchard.

“We hit the market right in time for the Chinese New Year which is massive. It’s the biggest celebration, probably, in the world. The significance is gift giving. Cherries are red, and they’re expensive, [in Asia] so they represent wealth and health.” ready for packing, they are between zero and two degrees. This gradual cooling process, without any temperature spikes, is a key to getting fresh, good quality cherries to customers. The 10 lane Compac grader takes 36 colour and 36 infra-red photographs of every cherry. “It is looking at the colour and checking for defects. The infra-red technology is looking at the internal properties of the fruit and for bruising.” The system also selects fruit size to enable

each cherry to go either to an export or domestic market line. Another key in getting the fruit to market in pristine condition is the use of skilled freight companies and freight forwarders who have experience in refrigerated transport. New Zealand Cherry Corp. is GlobalG.A.P accredited which means the company meets criteria for all stages of production, from soil management and plant protection to product application, post-harvest produce handling, packing and storing.

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Cherry Corp uses the latest technology for grading, developed by New Zealand owned Compac.


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Business South September 2016


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NZ wine exports reach $1.5 billion high New Zealand wine exports have reached a new record high of $1.54 billion for the 2015 year, up 14% on 2014 according to New Zealand Winegrowers. ‘The new record level of wine exports is an outstanding achievement for New Zealand wine exporters and testifies to the strong global demand for our wines,’ said Philip Gregan, CEO of New Zealand Winegrowers. New Zealand wine is exported to more than 90 countries, and is New Zealand’s 6th largest export “The past year has seen particularly strong growth into the USA, with export value up 26% to $430 million, Canada up 18% to $100 million, and the UK up 12% to $380 million. “The lower New Zealand currency has assisted the increased returns, but underlying the growth is the very positive reputation of New Zealand wine amongst consumers and the wine trade globally.’ New Zealand wine exports reached $1 billion in 2010 and the industry has a goal of $2 billion of annual wine exports in 2020. “Achieving the $1.5 billion record means the industry is well on track to achieving exports of $2 billion by 2020,” said Mr Gregan. Meanwhile the 2016 New Zealand grape harvest has finished, with high quality fruit being picked across the country. Producers benefited from excellent summer and early autumn weather in grape growing regions, enabling full ripening and flavour development. “Going into harvest, growers and wineries were looking for a larger vintage,” said Mr Gregan. “In the past year we have seen continued strong demand in our key export markets, which exacerbated supply constraints following the small 2015 harvest. “With good weather through the summer expectations for the vintage were high”. “This year’s vintage of 436,000 tonnes of grapes will be a welcome boost for markets, growers and wineries”. The 2016 harvest is up 34% on the small 2015 crop, but is still below the record breaking 2014 vintage. “New Zealand wine exports are now valued at $1.56 billion, up 13% in the past year,” said Mr Gregan. “The rebound in production from the 2016 Vintage will be another boost to the export ambitions of our sector. “The 2016 Vintage will definitely keep us on track to achieve our goal of $2 billion of wine exports by 2020.”

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The 2016 harvest is up 34% on the small 2015 crop, but is still below the record breaking 2014 vintage.

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