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Current Waterford Facilities 5 D: Direct Payment Grant Descriptions
from 2022-2023 Waterford Board of Education Budget Approved by the Board of Finance - March 28, 2022
Appendix C The Physical Education department at WHS revamped the Personal Wellness Curriculum, adding new courses: Lifetime Fitness and Dance. They also wrote curriculum for new courses to be offered in 2021-22: Aquatics, Recreational Sports, Adventure PE, and Lancer PE. The Technology Education department at WHS continued the development of the Youth Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative with parts of the program embedded in the drafting, manufacturing, and automotive areas. College credit is now available for WHS students in CAD 2 and Architectural Drafting classes through the articulation agreement with Three Rivers Community College. All elementary schools continued in PK and K workshops with EASTCONN to build capacity in Executive Function and Purposeful Play. QH awarded $1,000 CT PTA grant and a $1000 Walmart Community grant for STEM education.
WHS athlete was selected as the CT Gatorade Baseball Player of the Year. WHS Athletic Achievements (Team Results, Season Winners, All state Achievements) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HpKbyiAXnlsJl1oZ8sPXU_6H4JIMzIhX6-0lAtmbsMg/edit#gid=1040253830 After a year without any live performances, the WHS Music department held outdoor concerts for the community under the big tent in June, and band and orchestra members performed for the WHS Graduation ceremony. Although CLMS had to suspend athletics, concerts, and after school programming, some teachers held clubs virtually and even created new and exciting activities for the Wednesdays when all students were virtual. Students played academic bingo games, shared artwork, attended lessons, participated in book talks, and enjoyed a variety of fun things teachers created for them! It wasn’t the normal after school, it was the hybrid afterschool. OSW Students participated in Laps with Lance, a whole-school running fundraiser, and raised over $9,697to support school activities and resources in coordination with the OSO. OSW students were visited by Camp Hazen staff to participate in collaborative team-building physical activities. OSW students participated in the Waterford Virtual Art Show. QH held a virtual talent show for students in Grade 4 and 5. GN held an afterschool running club to promote physical activity for students. GN participated in the All School Workout Warriors Challenge. GN held a whole school Virtual Art Show during the pandemic as well as Virtual Concerts.
Direct Payment Grants Description
Title I, Improving Basic Programs
The federal government provides funds for education of needy students. These funds are used to partially fund Literacy and Math Support Teachers at the elementary, middle and high schools.
Title II, Part A, Teachers
Money is used to fund professional learning for staff to improve instruction.
Title III, English Language
This grant is used to provide professional development for the ELL teacher. It is also used to purchase curriculum materials for English Language Learners.
IDEA, Part B, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
A grant provided by the federal government based upon the number of identified special education students. This supplements special education programs in all Waterford schools. A proportionate amount is used for non‐public special education students.
IDEA, Part B, Preschool Incentive
An Entitlement is provided to local school districts serving preschool handicapped children ages three, four, and five. Funds are used to provide handicapped students opportunities to learn in an environment that does not segregate them from their normal peers. These funds are applied to The Friendship School.
Special Education Excess Cost
The State Department of Education will reimburse out of district placement tuition costs that exceed 4.5 times the district’s annual per pupil expenditure for students placed by Waterford Public Schools as well as the excess of tuition costs beyond the one time standard pupil cost for students placed by a State agency.
Adult Education
A grant is received from the state to help fund the required adult basic education program. We have a cooperative arrangement with New London, which administers courses leading toward a high school equivalency diploma.
Carl Perkins Grant
A federal grant used to enhance vocational training at the high school by providing an increased focus on the academic achievement of career and technical education students and strengthen the connections between secondary and postsecondary education. The funds are used in the areas of Business and Finance Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Technology Education and Engineering.
Community Center
The Waterford Community Center reimburses the School Department for 1.0 FTE custodian that serves the center.
IT (Information Technology)
The Waterford Public Schools provides technology support to the Town of Waterford. This revenue represents the Town’s reimbursement for service on a pro‐rata basis.