ORDER YOUR CAP AND GOWN IN THREE EASY STEPS! 1. Go to highschool.herffjones.com and search for Waterford High School or click here to be directed to your school specific website automatically. 2. Click Shop Grad Products to review our selection of graduation items and keepsakes. For cap and gown only purchases, proceed to the bottom of the page and select the Continue Shopping bottom. Cap and gown is located on page 4 with the other a la carte items. You can proceed to checkout at any time by selecting the shopping cart in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. 3. Fill out payment information to finish placing your order. An email receipt will be sent to the address provided shortly after completing the transaction. Caps and gowns and memory tassels will be delivered to your home prior to graduation. All other products ordered will be shipped to your home within two to three business days of order placement.
HAVING TROUBLE PLACING YOUR ORDER? Contact Customer Service toll free at 866-238-5336 or via email highschoolcs@herffjones.com. Your order deadline is 2/3/22. Any orders placed after this date will incur a $5 late fee.
Order online at highschool.herffjones.com
EXCLUSIVE FOR WATERFORD. UNIQUE TO YOU. This custom designed ring was created exclusively for your school. For more options, see the Class Ring catalog or shop online at: highschool.herffjones.com
Check out our class ring video
Western New England