Clark Lane Connects - October 12th Edition

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Clark Lane Connects! October 12, 2018 UPCOMING DATES

Wingman Kick-Off

10/15– Picture retake day – NL Science Technology and Magnet Presentation– Grade 8 interested students afterschool– Library Media Center 10/17– Wingman Wednesday 10/18– Osprey Field Trip (rescheduled from 10/12) 10/19– CLMS Band to perform with WHS band at Football Game– 7 PM 10/24– Wingman Wednesday 10/26– Sea Stars Field Trip — Halloneon Dance & Activity afternoon- sponsoted by Student Council 2:40– 4:30- Tickets $5 on sale at lunch 10/31– Wingman Wednesday 11/6– No School– PD 11/7– Wingman Wednesday 11/8– Stuff the Bus for Interfaith Food Pantry —PTO Meeting 6 PM– Library 11/12– No School– Parent/Teacher Conferences

On Monday, October 1st, CLMS students participated in a kick-off assembly and activity for our Wingman Program. This is the second year that CLMS has participated in this program, through Dylan’s Wings of Change. Dylan Hockley passed away at Sandy Hook, and his father, Ian Hockley shared Dylan’s story with CLMS students. In particular, how his son was the inspiration for the Wingman program in which students engage in activities throughout the year designed to build relationships with one another. We want all CLMS students to be wingmen for each other– to lookout for each other and to take care of each other. Student facilitators and staff will lead students through weekly activities during a 30 minute period on Wingman Wednesdays. On these days, we encourage all students and staff to wear their Wingman t-shirts! To watch the video of all CLMS students and staff creating the Wingman logo, click here.

Clark Lane Connects! Reminders about Attendance Policy: If your child is going to be absent, it is imperative that he/ she is called out by a parent. Otherwise the absence is unexcused. 4 unexcused absences in a month/10 in a year makes a student truant per CT state statute. Parents are able to excuse up to 9 absences a year– after that, all absences are unexcused unless a note from a medical professional is provided. Students who accumulate 27 or more absences in a year – for any reason– excused or unexcused– will be retained unless summer school is successfully completed. Students need to be in school to learn. If you are having difficulty getting your child to school for any reason, please contact the school counselor immediately.

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Attention 8th grade parents: High School Presentations will be held as follows this fall: October 2 – All 8th graders attend Lancer Fair at WHS October 11 – Tech School & WHS presentations (Norwich Tech, Grasso, Tech, Ledyard High School, WHS) October 15 – New London Science and Technology Magnet High School presentation (2:40-3:10 in library) October 29 –(tentative date) Marine Science Magnet School (2:40 – 3:10 in library) Additional information about open houses at each school and the application process for each will be provided.

A note from Mr. Sachs and Mrs. Moore about behavior: We would like to ask all parents to speak with their child about behavior in two areas in particular– on the bus, and in classrooms with substitutes. In our opening assemblies, we discussed with students the importance of sitting quietly on the bus so that the driver can safely drive the bus and not be distracted. We have had to address several situations in which student behavior is unacceptable (screaming, swearing, inappropriate language, moving around, etc). Students should remember that there are cameras on all busses. In classrooms with substitutes, we have had to address students for being disruptive and disrespectful. Our substitutes are guests in the building and help us to maintain a learning environment when teachers are out sick or attending professional development. We expect students to demonstrate the same level of conduct in a classroom with a substitute as they do with their regular teacher. In fact, we expect more; We expect them to be polite, courteous, and helpful. Please speak with your child and remind them of these expectations and understand that disciplinary consequences will be issued for students who demonstrate these behaviors.

Order Your Yearbook Now!

Yearbooks are currently on sale through the CLMS website or by going directly to and searching for Clark Lane Middle School! Don’t delay and get yours today!  NEW THIS YEAR! 8th grade parents can create a recognition ad for their high school bound student. The link for creating this ad can also be found on the yearbook ordering page. The link says “Yearbook Recognition Ads”!

See the attached fliers for several upcoming school and community events!

The CLMS PTO is off to a great start this year.! There have been two meetings and over a dozen parents have shown up to commit their support to the PTO this year! THANK YOU! The PTO works hard to provide support to the school through assisting at school events, and fundraising to provide additional resources to each team, and to support several events at the school. There are several easy ways for you to support the PTO. See the PTO website for details of all of these: 1– No frills donation– click on the link to the website above to make a donation through Paypal– or simply send a check to school– envelope marked “PTO.” Suggested family donation is $25. 2– Goodwill donation bin– located in school parking lot– PTO receives a donation per pound of items donated to Goodwill! Remember this way to support the PTO while cleaning out this fall! 3– Box tops– simply cut box tops off packages of products you use in your house. Start saving now. School collection will be in January! See attached flier. 4– Amazon Smiles– Shop on Amazon? If so, simply follow the directions at to select CLMS PTO, and a portion of your shopping sales is donated to the PTO. 5– Eat out on Nov 1 at Filomena’s! A portion of sales is donated to the PTO (see attached flier) 6– Shop at Five Below– See flier on website to bring to Five Below– Nov 18-24.


$20/shirt ___________________________________________________________________________________

NAME __________________________________________ GRADE/HOMEROOM TEACHER_______________________ SIZE YM____







Come join us after school to make sugar skulls and other ornaments Location and Sign up

L201 Contact Sra. Dearborn

All are Welcome!

$5 Proceeds to benefit Spanish Junior Honor Society

Wednesday October 17th

Monday October 22th

Make the sugar skulls / ornament. Select materials to decorate

We will decorate all sugar skulls and ornaments

If you are unable to attend on the 17th, let Sra. Dearborn know, and we will have your ornament ready to be decorated on the 22nd.

Join us at

FILOMENA’S for a dine-in!

262 Boston Post RD, Waterford, CT 06385 November 1, 2018 Time: 5pm – 7pm

Bring this flyer with you or have it on your smart phone! Enjoy a delicious meal with your family, friends or co-workers. Have a night out in a decadent environment, With excellent service!

SUPPORT CLARK LANE MIDDLE SCHOOL The PTO will get 10% of all sales. Help us make a community for our students to thrive in!

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION YES! We still collect Box Tops in Middle School! It’s time to start bringing them into your homeroom. We will be collecting them throughout the year until January 31st. We will keep a running count and the homeroom that collects the highest number of Box Tops will receive a Pizza Party! Please email us with any questions @ Thank you!

Due by Oct. 19, 2018 to Mrs. DeLea in C105

LANCER NATION SHIRTS Name (please print legibly) ___________________________________________ Homeroom Teacher name_______


NAME ON SHIRTS: (Cannot be more than 14 letters including spaces, no inappropriate acronyms. All names are subject to administrative approval)

Number on Shirt

Circle your size:







$15.00 Method of Payment:


Check (made out to WHS-SAF) #

Please turn into Mrs. DeLea in C105.




Saturday, November 3, 2018 10:00 am-3:00 pm Crafters Bake Sale Door Prizes Book Fair Fun for the whole family!

470 Boston Post Road Waterford, CT

Waterford High School Class of 2019 7th Annual 5K

Cert # CT10027JHP

Saturday, November 17, 2018- 9:30 AM

Great Neck School • 165 Great Neck Road • Waterford, CT  Pre-Registration $25 (must be post marked before November 15th, 2018)  Race day registration $30 from 8:30 am – 9:15 am  Bib distribution will start at 8:45 on Race day

 T-Shirts to the first 100 registrants  Awards for overall male & female and top 3 male & female finishers in each age category SNERRO Timing Results and Refreshments Available After the Race ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mail form and Non-Refundable Fee to: Waterford High School*c/o Erica Baumgartner *20 Rope Ferry Rd. Waterford CT 06385 Checks payable to: WHS-SAF (Waterford High School Student Activity Fund) Last Name:_______________________________ First Name:____________________ Sex:______ Age:_____ Address:______________________________ City:_______________________________________________________ State:____

Zip:___________ Telephone:____________________ T-shirt Size YS





Email: Signature (parent or guardian must sign if under 18):______________________________________________________ In consideration of acceptance of this entry, I the undersigned intending to be legally bound, do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I have against Waterford High School, and any and all associated parties, race organizers, sponsors and volunteers for any and all injuries suffered by me in connection to the event; Waterford High School’s 5K Turkey Trot 2018. I attest and verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained to participate in the 5K Turkey Trot 2018. Further, I hereby grant permission to any and all foregoing to use my photos, videotapes, or any other record of this event without compensation.


Waterford Youth Hockey At Connecticut College’s Dayton Arena

The Waterford Recreation and Parks Commission & the WHA is looking for players of all ages!

Starting Sunday October 14th we will be offering another exciting 10 week session of skating, stick handling and fun games. Focusing on the basics of the game of ice hockey. We need a minimum of 25 players for a commitment to the 10 week program. The dates and times will be as follows: Sunday Mornings 11:00am to 12:30am Starting: Sunday October 14th, ,21st, 28th, November 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th December 2nd, 9th, and the last skate 16th (Please note if any conflict arises with College hockey time we may have to adjust or start times or date)

Each player will need a hockey helmet with shield or cage, a hockey stick and hockey skates. Protective pads are suggested. We encourage the participation of male and female players of all ages and levels of hockey experience. 10 Session program will be $130. per skater (Multiple player discount available)

Please contact us as soon as possible to confirm your spot. - Dave Collins

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