Clark Lane Connects - March 22, 2019

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Clark Lane Connects! March 22, 2019 UPCOMING DATES 3/27– Wingman Wednesday 3/28– Wingman Recognition Breakfast 4/3– Wingman Wednesday

4/5– PTO Annual BASKET BONANZA! 4/8– Faculty Meeting– NO Late Busses 4/9– French and Spanish Jr. Honor Society Induction Ceremony 4/15– 4/19 No School– Spring Recess

is overflowing with stuff!! Please have your child look on the table in the back of the cafeteria if they are missing anything. ALL items left at April vacation will be donated!

On Monday, March 18th, the Unified Basketball Team celebrated the eighth graders at the last home game against Mys c Middle School. There were flowers, personalized faces, and a half me Dance Party. Everyone had a great me celebra ng the end of a great season.

Clark Lane Connects!

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PTO Basket Bonanza– Friday, April 5th at 6:00 This is the PTO’s largest fundraiser of the year. Please help in any way you can! All funds raised go directly back to CLMS programs. Please contribute to your child’s homeroom basket– Refer to individual emails from teachers for details on what to donate if questions:

Heron Team: Money Jar/Tree

Morosky/Quiles: Baking Basket

Egret Team: Gift Card Basket

Agins: Gum Basket

Deojay/Dearborn/Giori: Spa Basket

Bonillo/Sheridan: Tablet/Kindle

Corazzelli/Eident: Snack Basket

Williams: Local Eateries Gift Cards

Bushey: All Things Summer

Stahl: Creative Cash

Sutman: Beach Basket

Lee/Capasso: Movie Night

McNeil: Tubby Time (relaxing bath)

Montanaro: Happy & Healthy Basket

Randall: Travel Basket

Barnes: Gift Card Basket

There are MANY amazing baskets and gift certificates for local experiences and excursions that have been donated. Please plan to attend this evening of fun! The PTO will meet onThursday April 4th at 6:00 PM to wrap baskets and finish preparations. If you can help this evening, OR, if you can help the day of, please email

OTHER PTO NEWS: The 8th grade dance is Saturday, June 8th from 6:30– 9. Please see the attached flier for more information! T2 Grades have been finalized and can be viewed in PowerSchool. As we beginT3, a reminder of BOE policy regarding promotion. Students who have more than 27 absences, or 2 F’s in core classes will be required to attend Summer Academy in order to be promoted. 8th grade students who need to attend Summer Academy cannot walk at the promotion ceremony at the end of the year.

The Pet Club will have their first mee ng Wednesday, March 27th a erschool un l late busses and will run during the months of April and May. Listen to morning announcements for more details. We will learn about service animals, caring for pets, meet some fury friends, and have other fun ac vi es. Contact Mrs. Hauser with any ques ons!

♫♪♫ Music Notes ♪♫♪ One last look back at Eastern Region participants, ready to roll at 7am on Saturday, March 9th!

CLMS represented at Enfield High School the picture!

Suhana and Samanta, who didn’t make

Looking ahead to music events happening in the near future— 4/12 CMEA Elementary Honors Choir (we have 4 sixth graders going) 5/15 7th & 8th grade Spring concert 5/22 6th grade Spring concert 5/23 Orchestra Festival 5/26 Waterford Jazz Festival 5/30 7th & 8th grade trip TBD Sixth graders who are in Honors Choir are rehearsing after school with Mrs. King. Make sure you’re signed up for Remind for continuing information. Remaining rehearsal dates are 3/27, 4/2, and 4/10.

World Language Week 2019 March 11-15th, the World Language department hosted World Language Week at CLMS. There was trivia (won by Mr. Ghiglia’s homeroom), Human Bingo and many displays around the school to promote languages. 8th grade students participated in a poster contest. Mrs. Stahl’s Wingman group won the door decorating contest, featuring the French-speaking country of Vanuatu.

CLMS French & Spanish Clubs are hosting a

PANCAKE BREAKFAST ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

Saturday, April 6, 2019 8am -10am

Applebee’s 350 Long Hill Road, Groton, CT 06340 $7 per person, $5 for kids 4-12 & under 3, free Raffle basket! ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

Proceeds to benefit Les Jeunes Amis du Français & Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad (French & Spanish Junior Honor Societies) Contact or for tickets

CLARK LANE MIDDLE SCHOOL WEBSTORE IS NOW OPEN To view and purchase spiritwear items, go to: and click on your store

Store is open for a limited time only Your webstore open dates: Today - Friday, May 10th Online store cannot accept any orders after midnight on close date

More options/colors available on the webstore!

Dear 8th Grade Parents:

As you know, the end of year 8th grade dance, will be held this year on Saturday, June 8th. The theme is the Red Carpet and the dance committee has begun making plans.

The committee has come up with a “wish list” of items and services that would help make this night a great one for our kids. If you or someone you know is willing to provide the following services or offer a discount on them, please let us know:

DJ Food - pizza, chips, water Ice cream truck or ice cream delivery We have also set up the following Amazon wish list for items we would like to use to help make the cafeteria a little more festive

In addition, we also have a PayPal account that can be used to make a monetary donation We would greatly appreciate a donation of $5 from each family. If you would like to send a check, please make it out to CLMS PTO with 8th grade dance in the memo line.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated! The next committee meeting will be on April 4th at 6:30pm in the library. If you’re interested in helping out, please join us.

Please note that this is not a formal event, despite the Red Carpet theme! All students are invited to dress in their “Sunday Best”. Any questions or if you have any information to share, please feel free to contact Kari-Ann Antonelli at

HEALTH ROOM NEWS: Don’t Forget Your Dental Health Oral health is often taken for granted, but it is an essential part of our everyday lives. Good oral health enhances our ability to speak, smile, smell, taste, touch, chew, swallow, and convey our feelings and emotions through facial expressions. However, oral diseases, which range from cavities to oral cancer, cause pain and disability for millions of Americans each year. What parents and caregivers can do Take your child for an oral health assessment between ages 1-2, and every six months thereafter. Encourage your children to eat regular nutritious meals and avoid frequent between meal snacking. Protect your child’s teeth with fluoride. Use a fluoride toothpaste. If your child is less than 7 years old, put only a pea-sized amount on their toothbrush. If your drinking water is not fluoridated, talk to a dentist or physician about the best way to protect your child’s teeth. Talk to your child’s dentist about dental sealants. They protect teeth from decay. Make sure your child wears a helmet when bicycling and uses protective headgear and mouth guards in other sports activities.

Top Ten Toothbrushing Mistakes 1. Not using the right brush 2. Not picking the right bristle 3. Not brushing often enough or long enough 4. Brushing too often or too hard 5. Not brushing correctly 6. Starting in the same place each time 7. Skipping inner tooth surfaces 8. Not following up with a rinse 9. Not letting the toothbrush dry 10. Not changing the toothbrush often enough

Remember – early and continuous care for your children’s teeth will protect their smile and their health.

Attention 6th Grade Parents Mandatory Physicals

In order to fulfill Connecticut State Requirements, the Board of Education requires each student to have a comprehensive health physical before th starting 7 grade. The date of this physical must be between June 12, 2018 (the last day of 5th grade), and Aug 28, 2019 (the first day of 7th grade). This is over a 13 month period in which to get the physical . In addition to this, all students must have completed the following immunizations in order to enter 7th grade:  Proof of the Tdap vaccine  At least 3 Polio (OPV/IPV) immunizations, with the last one being completed on or after the child’s 4th birthday.  2 Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) immunizations  3 Hepatitis B vaccinations  Proof of chickenpox disease OR 2 Varicella (chickenpox) vaccines  A health physical dated after June 12, 2018  Blood work must be done with this physical. Either a hematocrit

(Hct) or a Hemoglobin (Hgb), dated after June 12, 2018  Proof of a Meningitis vaccine (McV4)  Proof of 2 Hepatitis A vaccines This Waterford Board of Education and State of Connecticut requirement states that any student who has not fulfilled these requirements will not be allowed to begin 7th grade and will be held out of school until the requirements are completed. If you have any questions, please call the health room at 860-437-6977.

Great Strides 5K Road Race And Kid Fun Run Sunday April 7, 2019, 10 a.m., Rain or Shine Great Neck School ▪165 Great Neck Road ▪Waterford, CT 5K Run/Walk Certified Course CT10027JHP

Adults registered before April 5th -$20, race day $25 Students registered before April 5th -$15, race day $20

On-line registration can be done at:

Awards for overall male & female and top 3 male & female finishers in each age category T-shirts for the first 100 registered 5K runners (sizes first come, first serve on race day)

Kid Fun Run Free!!! Open to all children 11 and under. Kids Races begin at 11:00 a.m. Four age group races: 5 and under, 6-7, 8-9, and 10-11 Awards for the top three finishers in each age group, ribbons for all participants. All proceeds to benefit Great Neck School Questions? Contact: Jen Lercara and Erica Benvenuti . Race applications and course map at

✂--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------✂ Mail entry to Great Neck School, c/o Great Strides Race Committee, 165 Great Neck Road, Waterford, CT 06385 Please make checks payable to Waterford GN PTA



Phone number:

Gender: M F



Official use only



Please check which race you are registering for: ▢ 5K Run/Walk ▢ Kid Fun Run

T-shirts included for the first 100 registered 5K runners. Additional t-shirts can be ordered for $10 each. For extra shirts only specify quantity and size and include payment. Adult: S M L XL

Women: S M L

Youth: M L

I agree to assume all responsibility for all risk of damage or injury that may occur to me as a participant in this event. As a condition of acceptance of my entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release, the Waterford GN PTA, the organizing committee, the Town of Waterford, SNERRO, USATF, the sponsors and their representatives and employees for any injuries suffered me while competing in or traveling to or from the events described in this application. I certify that I have properly trained for and to the best of my knowledge am physically fit for this run/walk.

Signature of participant (Legal guardian if under 18 years of age)


SNERRO officiating, computer timing, and water stop. Fast course!! One participant per application.

Enjoying live music! Learning Waterford’s art history! Enjoying ylive usic! earning aterford’s Creating our m own art, no Lm atter yW our age! art history!

Creating your own art, no matter your age!




Touring historic buildings! Touring historic bauildings! Buying contemporary rtwork! Buying contemporary artwork!

Free event offered by Free event offered by E R U WATERFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INC. T WATERFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INC. U F + Saturday, April 27, 2019 T SSunday, aturday, April 27, 2019 N A pril 2 8, 2 019 E S 1S0:00AM unday, A–pril 28, 2.M. 019 E 4 :00 P PR Rain o–r S4hine 10:00AM :00 P.M. Rain or Shine corner Route 156 & Route 213 (beside Waterford Public Library) Jordan Green: Jordan Green: corner Route 156 & RCoute 213 Waterford Public Library) Waterford Community enter, 24 (beside Rope Ferry Road, W aterford, CT Free Parking: Waterford, CT Free Parking: Waterford Community Center, 24 R ope Ferry 8Road, 60-­‐389-­‐7529


CAL L 860. 444. 5848 T O SI GNUP !

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