Clark Lane Connects! August 31, 2018 UPCOMING DATES 9/4– Labor Day– NO SCHOOL
9/12– BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT 6:30– 8:00 PM
Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year! We are all very excited to have your children back at school with us, and want them all to have a wonderful school year! There are numerous things in this newsletter, in this edition and in future ones, that will help ensure everyone has the best year possible. Please be sure to review the contents of each newsletter, sent via email biweekly, and then posted to the CLMS website.
9/19– Yom Kippur– NO SCHOOL
Handbooks/ Notifications
9/27– PTO Meeting– Media Center
Each student received a copy of the Waterford Public Schools Annual Notifications of important policies and procedures and the CLMS Agenda Handbook which outlines important school rules. All students and families are asked to review those documents in order to fully understand these policies. They can also be found on the school and district websites or by following this link: policiesprocedures/handbooks
6:00 10/2– Grade 8 to WHS for Lancer Fair
Introducing New Staff to CLMS: Mrs. Dorrian Galvin– LA and Literacy Intervention (REACH) Mr. Nicholas Giori– Spanish & Latin Mrs. Kirstin Hallden– Paraprofessional Mr. Collin Kanee– Speech Pathologist Mrs. Michelle Lee– Paraprofessional Mrs. Lynn Masciarelli– Orchestra Ms. Rachel Patten– Paraprofessional Mrs. Kay Parulis– Special Education Ms. Taylor Shannon– PE Mrs. Liz Sutman– Social Studies Ms. Christine Wertz– Paraprofessional
**Picture Day forms were sent home in the manila envelope that each student received Thursday or Friday. Additional forms can be picked up in the main office or Mrs. Moore’s office. Payment for pictures, if desired, should be brought in on picture day and given directly to the photographer. ALL students are photographed regardless of whether they are purchasing as they are used for student IDs and yearbook. Welcome Officer Daniel Lane of the Waterford Police Department as our new School Resource Officer
Clark Lane Connects!
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Morning and Afternoon ProceduresEvery child’s safety in and around our parking lots is our primary concern. Please adhere to all pick up and drop off procedures. DROP OFF– Cars should pull all the way down to the cafeteria entrance. Students should exit from the passenger side of the car only. Do not pass other cars waiting for drop off. Drop off is no earlier than 7:15. Students who wish to have breakfast must be dropped off prior to 7:40. Homeroom begins at 7:50. Students arriving after 8:00 need to be signed in by a parent in the office. PICK-UP– The only pick up area is in front of the main entrance. Parents may wait in their vehicle in the line, or park in the parking lot. Students will exit the building and find your vehicle. Students should never exit from another exit in the building, nor should they walk to the sides of the building to find you. Please be patient at pick up and wait for cars in front of the main office to move. When passing waiting cars, please do so slowly and always be alert. Students should only cross in to the parking area at the cross walk. BREAKFAST– Breakfast is served between 7:15– 7:50 (students should be done purchasing and in homeroom at 7:50). Students need to be efficient in the morning in order to have the opportunity to purchase breakfast as students cannot miss homeroom for breakfast.
Schedules– Elec ves Update Students in 7th and 8th grade selected preferences for electives in the spring. Please remember that these were preferences. Every attempt was made to give students their preferences, but due to scheduling and staffing constraints that was not always possible. The electives program is part of our Unified Arts Rotation, and the purpose of that is to provide kids trimester-based experiences in a variety of potential career pathways. Student schedules are maximized to provide the most opportunities possible. Changes to schedules can generally not be accommodated. In grade 8, we were able to offer an Introduction to Latin course that was not part of the choice list in the spring. Students who had room in their schedules after their other electives were put in were scheduled for this course, again as an opportunity to explore something they may want to study in high school. Other students interested in this course can see Ms. Dolce who can see if an adjustment can be made to add this to their program.
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Fall sports are beginning soon. All students in all grades are invited to participate in Cross Country which will begin afterschool on Tuesday, Sept.11. 7th and 8th Girls and Boys may try out for the school’s soccer teams. Try-outs begin afterschool on Tuesday, Sept. 11. In order for any student to participate in CLMS sports, they must do the following: 1- Go to CLMS Nurse and get a sports participation packet which includes * Individual Health Questionnaire * Emergency Information * Concussion Education Plan & consent Form * Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Informed Consent Form 2- Ensure they have an updated physical– MUST be within the last 13 months 3- Return entire sports participation packet & physical form if needed to School Nurse Students should also review the eligibility requirements outlined in the handbook with regards to behavior and grades.
PTO NEWS– Mark your calendars for the first PTO meeting of the year– Thursday, September 27th at 6 PM in the CLMS Media Center. The PTO could use your help!! All work of the PTO directly benefits students in the classroom and every contribution of time, money, and ideas is gratefully appreciated! Come to the meeting to see how you can help this year! If you have ideas or questions for the PTO, please contact them at . Look for the PTO table at Back to School Night for ways your can help!
CLMS Handbook Notification Dear Parents/Guardians: Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year! We are excited to begin this year. This letter is to inform you that each student has received the CLMS Student Handbook, which is within their agenda book. It is expected that they bring this agenda book to school every day and use the portion in the back to track assignments, quizzes and tests, project due dates, and other school events. It is also expected that they read and understand the ENTIRE handbook contained within the front portion of the agenda book. Our CLMS handbook outlines all school and Board of Education rules and policies and our Student Code of Conduct. Some of the topics in the handbook will be reviewed by classroom teachers and the administration within the first few days of school and at various times throughout the year. However, students are expected to be aware of all of the content in the handbook, as violation of any rule or policy is subject to disciplinary consequences whether explicitly reviewed by a staff member or not. We encourage you as the parent/guardian to also review the entire content within the handbook so you are aware of CLMS expectations and other school/ district rules and policies. The handbook is always available on the school/district website and additional hard copies are available in our school’s main office. If you or your child has any questions regarding the content within the handbook, please contact one of the school administrators. Sincerely, Mr. Sachs, Principal Mrs. Moore, Assistant Principal
Come find out on Saturday September 22, 2018 for the 3rd Annual 5K Foot Pursuit! Where: Great Neck Elementary School 165 Great Neck Rd, Waterford CT 06385
* Entry Fee is $25.00 to Pre-Register * * Registration the day of the event is $30.00* Register by Wednesday September 5, 2018 to guarantee a TShirt T-Shirt and Number pickup starts at 8:00 am and the race starts at 9:00 am Pre-Register On-Line using the following link
Please provide your shirt size when you register All proceeds go towards two Waterford High Student Scholarships
Waterford High School Class of 2019 7th Annual 5K
Cert # CT10027JHP
Saturday, November 17, 2018- 9:30 AM
Great Neck School • 165 Great Neck Road • Waterford, CT Pre-Registration $25 (must be post marked before November 15th, 2018) Race day registration $30 from 8:30 am – 9:15 am Bib distribution will start at 8:45 on Race day
T-Shirts to the first 100 registrants Awards for overall male & female and top 3 male & female finishers in each age category SNERRO Timing Results and Refreshments Available After the Race ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mail form and Non-Refundable Fee to: Waterford High School*c/o Erica Baumgartner *20 Rope Ferry Rd. Waterford CT 06385 Checks payable to: WHS-SAF (Waterford High School Student Activity Fund) Last Name:_______________________________ First Name:____________________ Sex:______ Age:_____ Address:______________________________ City:_______________________________________________________ State:____
Zip:___________ Telephone:____________________ T-shirt Size YS
Email: Signature (parent or guardian must sign if under 18):______________________________________________________ In consideration of acceptance of this entry, I the undersigned intending to be legally bound, do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I have against Waterford High School, and any and all associated parties, race organizers, sponsors and volunteers for any and all injuries suffered by me in connection to the event; Waterford High School’s 5K Turkey Trot 2018. I attest and verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained to participate in the 5K Turkey Trot 2018. Further, I hereby grant permission to any and all foregoing to use my photos, videotapes, or any other record of this event without compensation.