2 minute read
Scope and Sequence: Literacy Standards Alignment
Grade Level Expectations
Describe the path information takes from the environment to long‐term memory. M.1 Explain the characteristics of short‐term and long‐term memory. M.2 Outline storage and retrieval in short‐term and long‐term memory. M.2 Discuss explanations for forgetting. M.3 Describe the different types of memory and their characteristic properties. M.2 Define schema and how schemata are used. M.2 Discuss how and why memories change over time. M.3 Describe and explain the brain structures and regions that are the bases for memory. M.2 Understand and use techniques for improving your memory. M.3 Explain the special types of memory: childhood amnesia, extraordinary memory, flashbulb memories, eyewitness testimony, and recovered memories. M.3
Instructional Strategies
Independent reading Activating prior knowledge Note‐taking Outlining Define, rich context, and an example Written reading reflections Oral reading reflections Collaborative group activities Demonstrations Class and small group discussion Focused lecture Multimedia presentation Graphic organizer Simulation activities Video clip Chunking
Evidence of Learning
Chapter outlines Informative/explanatory essay Selective Response Chapter notecards Text based response to:
“Memory” from Time magazine Simulations on sensory registers, short‐term memory, and long‐term memory Graphic organizer of memory Diagram of where memories are stored Class discussion/response to 60 minute video clip
“Endless Memory”
Grade Level Expectations
Define phonemes, morphemes, and grammar. LD.1 Distinguish between the concepts of "surface structure" and "deep structure." LD.1 Differentiate between images and concepts. Explain the use of prototypes. LD.1 Explain the process of language acquisition. LD.2 Summarize the relationship between language and thinking. Explain Whorf's linguistic relativity hypothesis. Cite criticisms of Whorf's hypothesis. LD.2 Describe efforts to teach primates to use language. Discuss whether it has been established that other species share our ability to acquire and use language. LD.2 Identify the brain structures associated with language. LD.3 Discuss how damage to the brain may affect language. LD.3 Define cognition. T.1 Describe the basic steps of problem solving. List and describe the four types of solution strategies. T.1 Distinguish between heuristics and algorithms. T.1 Discuss various obstacles to problem solving. Describe four ways in which a person can become a better problem solver. T.2 Distinguish between problem solving and decision making. T.1 and T.2 Compare two models of decision making, and explain why one leads to a better solution than the other. T.2
Instructional Strategies
Independent reading Activating prior knowledge Note‐taking Outlining Define, rich context, and an example Written reading reflections Oral reading reflections Collaborative group activities Demonstrations Class and small group discussion Focused lecture Multimedia presentation Graphic organizer Simulation activities Video clip Stations
Evidence of Learning
Chapter outlines Informative/explanatory essay Selective Response Chapter notecards Silence/nonverbal demonstration Demonstration of how personal expectancies affect perception Simulation of proper and improper grammar Diagram language centers in the brain Paired problem solving stations Decision making graphic organizer