Curriculum Vitae Nicolas Dendoncker, PhD. Born in Etterbeek, the 23rd of May 1979 Nationality: Belgian Education PhD in Sciences (Geography), Université catholique de Louvain (UCL, Belgium). 08/2006. DEA in Sciences (Géography), UCL, 09/2004. Licence (Masters) in Geographical Sciences, UCL, 09/2002. Employment Lecturer – Department of Geography – University of Namur, Belgium. Since 10/2009 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh. 4/2007-9/2009 Research assistant at the Department of Geography, UCL, 4/2006 -6/2006 Research Networks -Director of the University of Namur’s research group on sustainable development. -Coordinator of Belspo funded project – Call 5 ‘Science for Sustainable Development’– VOTES: Valuation of Terrestrial Ecosystems Services in a multifunctional periurban space. (2010-2011). -Coordinator of FRFC funded project – Modelling Agrarian and Population Dynamics in the Philippines – MAPDIP. (2011-2014) -Partner of the Belspo funded project – Call 6 ‘Science for Sustainable Development’ – BIOSERF. Sustainability of tropical forest biodiversity and services under climate and human pressure. (2011-2014) -Participation to the EU-funded project ECOCHANGE: Biodiversity and Ecosystems Changes in Europe. -Participation to the EU-funded project FRAGILE: FRagility FR agility of Arctic Goose habitat: Impacts of Land use, conservation, and Elevated temperature. -Participation to the EU-funded project ALARM: Assessing LArge scale Risks for European biodiversity with tested Methods. -Participation to the ALTERNet (A long-term biodiversity, ecosystem and awareness research network) summerschool in septembre 2005 (student) and in septembre 2008 and 2010 (tutor and speaker) -Participation to the mistra-SWECIA project: Mistra SWEdish research programme on Climate, Impacts and Adaptation -Participation to the Belspo project MULTIMODE: A Multiscalar and Multiagent Modelling Framework for Assessing Sustainable Futures in a Globalised Environment IT skills OS: Windows, Mac, UNIX Microsoft Office, LaTeX, ARCGIS, Matlab, SAS, Java, SIMILE,Repast, Photoshop, Indesign… Languages -French: Mother tongue -English: Excellent knowledge. One-year exchange in Anglophone Canada and ERASMUS exchange in Portsmouth. -Spanish: Excellent knowledge. Three years of evening classes, various stays in Spain and Latin America. -Dutch: Very good knowledge. -German: Average level. -Portuguese: Basic notions.
MAIN PUBLICATIONS A. Articles in international peer-reviewed journals (ISI citation index) A.1 Chytry M., Wild J., Pysek P., Jarosik V., Dendoncker N., Reginster I., Pino J., Maskell L., Vila M., Kühn I, Spangenberg J., Settele J. (2011) Projecting trends in plant invasions in Europe under different scenarios of future land-use change. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 21 (1) – 75-87. A.2 Van Herzele A., Gobin A., Van Gossum B., Acosta-Michlik L., Waas T., Donnez N., Dendoncker N., and Henry de Frahan B. (2012) Effort for money? Farmers’ response to agri-environment measures with different implementation complexity. Submitted to: Land Use Policy. A.3 C. M. Fontaine, Dendoncker N., A. Marek et al. (2012) Participatory Valuation and Modelling of Ecosystem Services under Land Use Change. Submitted to: Journal of Land Use Science A.4 Murray-Rust, D., Dendoncker N., Dawson T., Acosta-Michlik. L., Karali, E., Guillem, E. and Rounsevell M.D.A. (2011). Conceptualising the analysis of socio-ecological systems through ecosystem services and agent based modelling. Journal of Land Use Science. 6(2): 88-99. A.5 Van Herzele, A., Dendoncker N., Acosta-Michlik L. (2011). Mobilisation capacity for agrienvironmental management. Journal of Environmental Management. 92:1023-1032. A.6 Ficetola G. F., Maiorano L., Falcucci A., Dendoncker N., Boitani L., Padoa-Schioppa E., Miaud C., and Thuiller W. (2010) - Knowing the past to predict the future : land-use change and the spread of invasive Bullfrogs. Global Change Biology, 16 (2), 528-537. A.7 Ortolani, L., McRoberts, N., Dendoncker, N. and Rounsevell, M., 2010. Analysis of farmers' concepts of environmental management measures: An application of cognitive maps and cluster analysis in pursuit of modelling agents' behaviour. 247 pp. 363-381 A.8 Wisz M., Dendoncker N., Madsen J., Rounsevell M., Jespersen M., Kuijken E., Courtens W., Verscheure C. and Cottaar F. (2008). Modelling Pink-footed goose (Anser branchyrhynchus) wintering distribution for the year 2050: Potential effects of land use change in Europe. Diversity and Distributions. 14, 721-731. A.9 Dendoncker N., Schmit C., and Rounsevell M. (2008). Exploring spatial data uncertainties in land use change scenarios. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 22 (9), 10131030. A.10 Dendoncker N., van Wesemael B., Smith P., Lettens S., Roelandt C., and Rounsevell M. (2008). Assessing scale effects on modelled soil organic carbon contents as a result of land use change in Belgium. Soil Use and Management. 24, 8-18. A.11 Dendoncker N., Bogaert P., and Rounsevell M. (2007). Spatial analysis and modelling of land use distributions in Belgium. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 31, 188-205. A.12 Roelandt C., Dendoncker N., Rounsevell M., Perrin D., and van Wesemael B. (2007). Projecting future N2O emissions from agricultural soils in Belgium. Global Change Biology. 13 (1), 18 -27. A.13 Dendoncker N., Bogaert P., and Rounsevell M. (2006). A statistical method to downscale aggregated land use data and scenarios. Journal of Land Use Science. 1 (2), 63-82.
A.14 Rounsevell M.D.A., Reginster I., Araujo M., Carter T., Dendoncker N., Ewert F., House J., Kankaanpää S., Leemans R., Metzger M., Schmit C., Smith P., and Tuck G. (2006). A coherent set of future land use change scenarios for Europe. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 114 (1), 57-68. A.15 Dendoncker N., Van Wesemael B., Rounsevell M.D.A., Roelandt C., and Lettens S. (2004). Belgium’s CO2 mitigation potential under improved cropland management. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 103, 101-116. B. Book Chapters B.1 Dendoncker N. et Van Herzele A. (2011). Les Services Ecosystémiques au service de l’agroécologie et d’un aménagement durable du territoire. In: Van Dam D., Nizet J. et Stassart P. (eds). L’agroécologie: des semences à l’assiette. Educagri (à paraitre). B.2 Nagy L., Dendoncker N., Butler A., Reginster I., Rounsevell M., Grabherr G, Gottfried M., Pauli H. (2010). Where have all the flowers gone? From natural vegetation to land use – land cover types: past changes and future forecasts. In: Atlas of biodiversity risk. Chapter 4. Settele J. et al. (Eds.). Pensoft publishing. Sofia. 2010. ISBN 978-954-642-446-4. 280pp. B.3 Reginster I., Rounsevell M., Butler A. and Dendoncker N. (2009). Land use change scenarios for Europe. In: Atlas of biodiversity risk. Chapter 4. Settele J. et al. (Eds.). Pensoft publishing. Sofia. 2010. ISBN 978-954-642-446-4. 280pp.O B.4 Ortolani, L., McRoberts, N., Dendonker, N., and Rounsevell, M. (2010). Analysis of Farmers’ Concepts of Environmental Measures: An Application of Cognitive Maps and Cluster Analysis in Pursuit of Modelling Agents’ Behaviour. In (M. Glikas, ed) Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: Advances in Theories, Methodologies, Tools and Applications. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. Springer (Forthcoming). B.5 Kuldna P., Peterson K., Reginster I., and Dendoncker N. (2009). Agricultural land use and biodiversity changes in EU new member states. In: Spangenberg J. and Rodriguez-Labajos B. (Eds.) Assessing biodiversity risks with socio-economic methods: ALARM experience. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia. In press. B.6 Uustal M., Peterson K., Luig J., Roberts S., and Dendoncker, N. (2009). Historical land use and pollinator diversity: a comparative study of bumble bees in Kent County (UK) and Tartu County (Estonia) In: Spangenberg J. and Rodriguez-Labajos B. (Eds.) Assessing biodiversity risks with socio-economic methods: ALARM experience. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia. In press. B.7 Dendoncker N., Bogaert P., and Rounsevell M. (2007). Empirically derived probability maps to downscale aggregated land use data. In: Koomen E., Stillwell J., Bakema A., and Scholten H. (Eds.) Modelling Land-Use Change, Progress and Applications. Series GeoJournal Library, Vol. 90. 414p. Springer, Amsterdam. B.8 Dendoncker N. (2006) Downscaling the ATEAM scenarios of land use change – bioenergy crops in the British Isles. In: Lambin E.F., and Geist H. (Eds.) Land-Use and Land-Cover Change –Local Processes and Global Impacts. IGBP Series. 222p. Springer, Berlin.
C. Conference papers:
C.1 Jolibert, C., Rauschmayer, F., Dendoncker N., and Omann I. (2010). A need story, the essence of communication : Using the needs approach for sustainable-based scenario building. 2010 ISEE Conference, 22-25 August 2010 ; Oldenburg and Bremen, Germany. C.2 Kuldna P., Peterson K. Reginster I., and Dendoncker N. Agricultural land use and biodiversity changes in EU new member states In Proceedings of the EURECO-GFOE 2008, Leipzig 11-15 September 2008. Stadler J., Schöppe F., Frenzel M. (Eds.) C.3 Nagy L., Dendoncker N., Butler A., Reginster I., Rounsevell M., Grabherr G. Where have the flowers gone? From natural vegetation to land use and land cover types: past changes and future forecasts. In Proceedings of the EURECO-GFOE 2008, Leipzig 11-15 September 2008. Stadler J., Schöppe F., Frenzel M. (Eds.) C.4 Uustal M., Peterson K., Luig J., Roberts S.P.N., and Dendoncker N. Land use and bumblebee diversity: comparative study of Kent County (UK) and Tartu County (Estonia) In Proceedings of the EURECO-GFOE 2008, Leipzig 11-15 September 2008. Stadler J., Schöppe F., Frenzel M. (Eds.) C.5 Dendoncker N., Bogaert, P., and Rounsevell, M.D.A. Empirically derived suitability maps to downscale aggregated land use data. Paper presented at the 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association Land Use and Water Management in a Sustainable Network Society, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 23-27 August 2005. D. Conference presentations: D.1 Dendoncker N. Deforestation, farming and ecosystem services. A story from Mindanao, the th Philippines. Presented at the 6 workshop of the Belgian Ecosystem ServiceS (BEES) Network, Impacts of international trade on ecosystems services. Brussels, 24 October 2011. D.2 Jacquemin I., François L., Fontaine C., and Dendoncker N. Biophysical valuation of ecosystem services in the VOTES project: use of a dynamic vegetation model. ESP Conference, Wageningen, 4-7 October 2011. D.3 Fontaine C., Dendoncker N., Marek A. et al. Valuation Of Terrestrial Ecosystem Services in a multifunctional peri- urban space: the VOTES framework. ESP Conference, Wageningen 4-7 October 2011. D.4 Dendoncker N. L’agriculture globalisée: de la Belgique aux Philippines. Impacts, enjeux et perspectives. Congrès des sciences, Namur, 22 aout 2011. D.5 Dendoncker N. La ville durable. Concepts et Exemples. Séminaire interfacultaire, FUNDP, Namur, 17 mai 2011. D.6 Dendoncker N. The Valuation Of Terrestrial Ecosystem Services framework. PLUREL conference, Copenhaguen, 18-22 October 2010. D.7 Dendoncker N., Modélisation participative et prospective des changements d’utilisation du sol et des services écosystémiques. Exemples de recherche en Belgique. Séminaire sur la recherche participative en géographie. Namur, Belgique. 28-30 September 2010. D.8 Dendoncker N. Participatory modelling of land use change and ecosystem services. Talk given at th the 6 Alternet summer school on biodiversity and Ecosystem services. Peyresq, France. 4-14 September 2010.
D.9 Dendoncker N., Van Herzele, A., Acosta-Michlik, L. Social network analysis of agri-environmental management in Belgium. Presentation given at the Social Network and Multi-agent Symposium, Edinburgh, UK 6-9 April 2009. D.10 Dendoncker N., Butler A., Rounsevell M.D.A., and Marion G. Downscaled projections of European land use. Presentation given at the ALARM project conference, Sevilla, January 2008. D.11 Dendoncker N. A statistical methodology to downscale land use data. Poster presented at the international ALTERNet summer-school, Peyresq, France, September 2005. D.12 Dendoncker N., Bogaert, P., and Rounsevell, M.D.A. Empirically derived suitability maps to downscale aggregated land use data. Paper presented at the 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association Land Use and Water Management in a Sustainable Network Society, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 23-27 August 2005. D.13 Dendoncker N. Agent-Based Modelling – An introduction. Training talk given at the ECOCHANGE workshop – Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 2008. D.14 Dendoncker N. Modelling ecological processes at the meso-scale. Presentation given at the Global Land Project workshop on data and model integration for coupled models of land use change, Glenesk, UK, 17-19 July 2008.