Testing Institutional Arrangements via Agent-Based Modeling Illustrative Findings for Electric Power Markets Leigh Tesfatsion Professor of Econ, Math, and Electrical and Computer Engineering Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ tesfatsi@iastate.edu
Presentation Slides: Last Revised 5/14/2010 www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/TestInstViaABM.Waterloo2010.pdf 1
Presentation Outline
Complexity of large-scale institutions
Agent-based test beds for institutional design
Illustration: An ABM test bed for studying efficiency and welfare implications of North American electric power markets operating under new market designs
Sample findings (incentive misalignments)
Complexity of Large-Scale Institutions Modern societies depend strongly on large-scale institutions for production & distribution of critical goods and services (e.g., energy, finance, health care, …)
Institutional outcomes depend in complicated ways on Physical constraints restricting feasible actions Rules governing participation, operation & oversight Behavioral dispositions of participants Interaction patterns of participants
• • • •
Mathematical Modeling of Institutional Systems: Classical vs. Agent-Based Modeling Approaches Classical
Approach (Top Down): Model the system
by means of parameterized differential equations
− Example:
Archimedes, a large-scale system of ODEs modeling pathways of disease spread under alternative possible health care response systems
Approach (Bottom Up): Model the system as
a collection of interacting “agents”
− Each agent is an autonomous software program
Meaning of “Agent” in ABM Agent = Encapsulated bundle of data and methods
acting within a computationally constructed world.
Agents can represent: Individuals (consumers, traders, entrepreneurs,…) Social groupings (households, communities,…) Institutions (markets, corporations, gov’t agencies,…) Biological entities (crops, livestock, forests,…) Physical entities (weather, landscape, electric grids,…) 5
Meaning of “Agent” in ABM … Cognitive agents are capable (in various degrees) of Behavioral adaptation Goal-directed learning Social communication (talking with each other!) Endogenous formation of interaction networks 6
Illustration: UML diagram with “is a” “has a”
agent relations for an economic ABM
ABM vs. Object-Oriented Programming
Key distinction is autonomy of ABM CogAgents
ABMs characterized by distributed control, not simply by distributed action.
Conventional OOP objects encapsulate data and methods but do not permit self-activation and local action choice.
Importance of Agent Encapsulation the real world, all calculations must be done by entities • In actually residing in the world.
• ABM forces modelers to respect this constraint. encapsulated into the methods of a particular • Procedures agent can only be implemented using the particular resources available to that agent.
Constructive Replacement In principle, as a result of agent encapsulation:
Any cognitive agent interacting with an ABM
through a particular input-output public interface can be replaced by a person that interacts with the ABM through this same public interface.
Since method implementations by the cognitive agent and its human replacement need not be the same, the resulting outcomes under replacement could differ. 10
Role of Equations
Any agent in an ABM can have data and/or methods involving equations.
These equations can be the basis in part or in whole for the agent’s actions.
ABM world events are driven solely by the actions undertaken by the ABM agents within their world.
ABM world events are not driven by equations existing outside of the data and methods of agents. For example, “sky hook” equilibrium conditions are not 11 permitted.
ABM and Institutional Design Key Issues:
Will a proposed or actual design promote efficient, fair, and orderly social outcomes over time? Will the design give rise to unintended consequences?
ABM Culture-Dish Approach:
Develop a computational world embodying the design, physical constraints, strategic participants, …
Set initial world conditions (agent states).
Let the world evolve with no further intervention, and 12 observe and evaluate the resulting outcomes.
Agent-Based Test Bed Development via Iterative Participatory Modeling Stakeholders and researchers from multiple disciplines join together in a repeated looping through four stages of analysis: analysis 1) Field work and data collection 2) Role-playing games/human-subject experiments 3) Incorporate findings into agent-based test bed 4) Generate hypotheses through intensive computational experiments. 13
Project: Integrated Wholesale/Retail Power System Operation with Smart-Grid Functionality Project Directors:
Leigh Tesfatsion (Prof. of Econ, Math, & ECpE, ISU) Dionysios Aliprantis (Ass’t Prof. of ECpE, ISU) David Chassin (Staff Scientist, PNNL/DOE)
Research Assoc’s: Dr. Junjie Sun (Fin. Econ, OCC, U.S. Treasury, Wash, D.C.) Dr. Hongyan Li (Consulting Eng., ABB Inc., Raleigh, NC) Research Assistants: Huan Zhao (ISU Econ PhD Candidate); Chengrui Cai (ISU ECpE PhD Candidate); Pedram Jahangiri & Auswin Thomas (ISU ECpE grad students)
* Supported by grants from DOE/PNNL (Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory, and the ISU EPRC (Electric Power Research Center)14
Retail & Wholesale Power System Operations Source: http://www.nerc.com/page.php?cid=1|15
Our Retail/Wholesale Test Bed Platform
Based on Texas (ERCOT) Retail/Wholesale Structure
Bilateral Contracts x
Test bed (AMES) AMES developed by ISU Team
Seaming in Progress
Test bed (GridLAB-D) GridLAB-D developed by DOE/PNNL
AMES/GridLAB-D Seaming: Timing Details
Meaning of “Smart Grid Functionality”? For our project purposes: Smart-grid functionality =
Service-oriented grid enhancements permitting more responsiveness to needs and preferences of retail customers.
Examples: Introduction of advanced metering and
other technologies to support flexible retail contracting between suppliers and retail consumers embedding and use of distributed energy resources 18
− −
Project Context: North American
restructuring of wholesale power markets In April 2003 the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) proposed adoption of a wholesale power market design with particular core features.
Over 50% of North American generation now
operates under some variant of the FERC design.
Adopters to Date: New York (NY-ISO), midAtlantic states (PJM), New England (ISO-NE), Midwest/Manitoba (MISO), Texas (ERCOT), Southwest (SPP), and California (CAISO)
Regions Operating Under Some Version of FERC Design http://www.ferc.gov/industries/electric/indus-act/rto/rto-map.asp
Core Features of FERC’s Market Design •
Market to be managed by an independent system operator (ISO) having no ownership stake
Two-settlement system: Concurrent operation of day-ahead (forward) & real-time (spot) markets
Transmission grid congestion managed via Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs), where LMP at bus k = least
Example: Complex MISO Market Organization Business Practices Manual 001-r1 (1/6/09) X x S s
X x
Core of FERC design Two-Settlement Power Market System under LMP AMES project to date
Actual Electricity Prices in Midwest ISO (MISO) April 25, 2006, at 19:55 Note this price,$156.35
Five Minutes Later… 73% drop in price in 5 minutes!
Actual Electricity Prices in Midwest ISO (MISO) September 5, 2006, 14:30 Note this price, $226.25
Five Minutes Later… 79% drop in price in 5 minutes!
Project Work to Date: Wholesale Level
Development and open-source release of AMES (Agent-based Modeling of Electricity Systems)
AMES = ABM test bed with core FERC design features
Used to test performance under FERC design 27
Used to test performance under modifications of design
AMES (V2.05) Architecture
(based on business practices manuals for MISO/ISO-NE)
GenCos (sellers)
LSEs (buyers) Learning capabilities
Independent System Operator (ISO) System reliability assessments Day-ahead scheduling via bid/offer based optimal power flow (OPF) Real-time dispatch
Two-settlement system Day-ahead market (double auction, financial contracts) Real-time market (settlement of differences)
AC transmission grid Generation Companies (GenCos) & Load-Serving Entities (LSEs) located at user-specified transmission buses Grid congestion managed via Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) LMP at bus k = Least cost of servicing one additional MW of 28 power at bus k. k
AMES Modular & Extensible Architecture (Java)
Market protocols & AC transmission grid structure ―
Graphical user interface (GUI) & modularized class structure permit easy experimentation with alternative parameter settings and alternative institutional/grid constraints
Learning representations for traders ―
Java Reinforcement Learning Module (JReLM)
“Tool box” permitting experimentation with a wide variety of learning methods (Roth-Erev, Temp Diff/Q-learning,…)
Bid/offer-based optimal power flow formulation ― ―
Java DC Optimal Power Flow Module (DCOPFJ) Permits experimentation with various DC OPF formulations
Illustrative AMES Experimental Findings: A 5-Bus Test Case Definition: Incentive misalignment
Institutional design fails to align incentives of market participants with efficiency objectives (non-wastage of resources) and/or welfare objectives (socially desirable distribution of net benefits)
Experiments Reported Below:
Incentive misalignment problems under FERC wholesale power market design for a range of experimental treatments:
• •
Generator learning [intensive parameter sweep] Sensitivity of wholesale demand to price [0 to
5-Bus Transmission Grid
(Used in many ISO business practice/training manuals) Five GenCo sellers G1,…,G5 and three LSE buyers LSE 1, LSE 2, LSE 3
Bus 5
Bus 4
250 MW Capacity
Bus 1
Bus 3
Bus 2 G1 G2 $
G3 $$
LSE 2 31
GenCo True Cost & Capacity Attributes
32 32
Activities of AMES ISO During Each Operating Day D: Timing Adopted from Midwest ISO (MISO) 00:00
Day-ahead market for day D+1
Realtime (spot) market for day D
ISO collects bids/offers from LSEs and GenCos 11:00
ISO evaluates LSE demand bids and GenCo supply offers 16:00
Real-time settlement
ISO solves D+1 DC OPF and posts D+1 dispatch and LMP schedule Day-ahead settlement
33 33
AMES ISO (Market Operator) Public Access: // Public Methods getWorldEventSchedule( clock time,… ); getMarketProtocols( bid/offer reporting, settlement,… ); Methods for receiving data; Methods for retrieving stored ISO data;
Private Access: // Private Methods Methods for gathering, storing, posting, & sending data; Method for solving hourly DC optimal power flow; Methods for posting schedules and carrying out settlements; Methods for implementing market power mitigation; // Private Data Historical data (e.g., cleared bids/offers, market prices,…); Address book (communication links); 34
AMES ISO Solves Hourly DC Optimal Power Flow (OPF) GenCos report hourly supply offers and LSEs report fixed & price-sensitive hourly demand bids to ISO for day-ahead market LSE gross buyer surplus GenCo-reported total avoidable costs
Subject to
Fixed and pricesensitive demand bids for LSE j Operating capacity interval for GenCo i
RU i
SLMax Max j
Dual variable for this bus-k balance constraint gives LMP for bus k Purchase capacity interval for LSE j 35
AMES ISO Solves DC-OPF via DCOPFJ Module DC-OPF raw data (SI)
Solution output (SI)
DCOPFJ Shell Per Unit conversion Per Unit SCQP output Form SCQP matrices QuadProgJ: An SCQP solver 36 36
AMES Generation Company (Seller) Public Access: // Public Methods getWorldEventSchedule( clock time,… ); getMarketProtocols( ISO market power mitigation,… ); Methods for receiving data; Methods for retrieving GenCo data;
Private Access: // Private Methods Methods for gathering, storing, and sending data; Methods for calculating own expected & actual net earnings; Method for updating own supply offers (LEARNING); // Private Data Own capacity, grid location, cost function, current wealth… ; Data recorded about external world (prices, dispatch,…); Address book (communication links); 37
AMES GenCos are learners who report strategic hourly supply offers to ISO
In 5-bus study, AMES GenCos use VRE learning (version of Roth-Erev stochastic reinforcement learning)
choose Action Choice a1
Choice Propensity q1
Choice Probability Prob1
Action Choice a2
Choice Propensity q2
Choice Probability Prob2
Action Choice a3
Choice Propensity q3
Choice Probability Prob3
Each GenCo maintains action choice propensities q, normalized to choice probabilities Prob, to choose actions (supply offers). A good (bad) reward rk resulting from an action ak results in an increase (decrease) in both qk and Probk. 39
AMES GenCo learning implemented via JReLM module (Java Reinforcement Learning Module developed by Charles J. Gieseler, Comp Sci M.S. Thesis, 2005)
Market Simulation Learning Agent
AMES Load-Serving Entity (Buyer) Public Access: // Public Methods getMarketProtocols(posting, trade, settlement); getMarketProtocols(ISO market power mitigation); Methods for receiving data; Methods for retrieving LSE data;
Private Access: // Private Methods
Methods for gathering, storing, and sending data; Methods for calculating own expected & actual net earnings;
// Private Data Own downstream demand, grid location, current wealth…; Data recorded about external world (prices, dispatch,…); Address book (communication links); 43
AMES LSE Hourly Demand-Bid Formulation Hourly demand bid for each LSE j Fixed + Price-Sensitive Demand Bid Price-sensitive demand bid = Inverse demand function for a purchase capacity interval:
= cj - 2dj pSLj
0 ≤ pSLj ≤ SLMaxj
R Measure for Systematically Varying the Amount of Demand-Bid Price Sensitivity For LSE j in Hour H: pFLj = Fixed demand for real power (MWs) SLMaxj = Maximum potential price-sensitive demand (MWs) R = SLMaxj /[ pFLj + SLMaxj ] $/MWh
R=0.0 (100% Fixed Demand)
pFLj SLMaxj
R=1.0 45 (100% Price-Sensitive Demand) 45
LSE Hourly Fixed Demands for R=0.0 17 = Peak demand hour
Mean total GenCo net earnings (Day 1000) for R=0.0 under varied VRE learning parameter settings
Small beta ≅ “zero-intelligence” budget-constrained trading. Learning matters ! = Sweet spot
= Selected 47
Price outcomes with/without GenCo learning as demand varies from R=0.0 (100% fixed) to R=1.0 (100% price sensitive) Avg LMP (locational marginal price)
Avg LI (Lerner Market Power Index)
With GenCo Learning (Day 1000)
Single-Run Illustration of Findings for R=0.0 (100% Fixed Demand)
W/O Gen Learning
(Day 1000)
With Gen Learning
(Day 1000)
Summary of price findings under learning and price-sensitive demand treatments
Even with 100% price-sensitive demand bids (R=1.0), prices are much higher under GenCo learning due to strategic supply offers (econ capacity withholding)!
Countervailing power = Active LSE demand bidding as well as active GenCo supply offers at wholesale level to support more competitive pricing at wholesale. POSSIBLE MEANS: Integrated wholesale/retail restructuring providing 50 array of price-sensitive retail contracts and permitting
Unfortunately, since 2000 Enron scandal, retail restructuring has been slowed Retail
(Jan 2010)
Source: www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/page/restructuring/restructure_elect.html
Extraction of net surplus by ISOs in day-ahead energy markets under Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP). H. Li & L. Tesfatsion, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2011, to appear. Day-ahead market activities on a typical operating day D: 52
ISO Net Surplus Extraction Example Cleared load = pFL. LSE at bus 2 pays LMP2 > LMP1 for each unit of pFL. M units of pFL are supplied by cheaper G1 at bus 1 who receives only LMP1 per unit. ISO collects difference:
ISO Net Surplus = [ LSE Payments – GenCo Revenues ] = M x [LMP2 – LMP1]
ISO Net Surplus Extraction Example … Cont. ISO Net Surplus: INS=M x [LMP2 – LMP1] GenCo Net Surplus: Area S1 + Area S2 LSE Net Surplus: Area B Total Net Surplus: TNS = [INS+S1+S2+B] ISO Objective (OPF): maximize TNS subject to trans/gen constraints. 54
5-Bus Test Case Results Without GenCo Learning: Daily ISO net surplus as LSE demand varies from R=0.0 (100% fixed) to R=1.0 (100% price sensitive) $
R Value 55 55
5-Bus Test Case Results with GenCo VRE Learning: Mean ISO net surplus on Day 1000 as LSE demand varies from R=0.0 (100% fixed) to R=1.0 (100% price sensitive) $
R Value 56 56
Empirical Comparisons
From PJM 2008 report: ISO net surplus from day-ahead market: $2.66 billion
From MISO 2008 report: ISO net surplus from day-ahead market: $500 million
From CAISO 2008 report: ISO net surplus from day-ahead inter-zonal congestion charges: $176 million. million
From ISO-NE 2008 report: Combined ISO net surplus for real-time and day-ahead markets: $121 million. million 57 57
Implications of ISO Net Surplus Findings
ISO net surplus extractions not well aligned with market efficiency
Treatments resulting in greater GenCo economic capacity withholding (hence higher & more volatile LMPs) also result in greater ISO & GenCo net surplus
ISO net surplus collections should be allocated for ex ante remedy of structural/behavioral problems that encourage GenCo economic capacity withholding.
Should not be used ex post for LMP payment offsets 58 and LMP risk hedge support (current norm)
Restructured wholesale power markets are complex large-scale institutions encompassing physical constraints, administered rules of operation, and strategic human participants.
Agent-based test beds permit the systematic dynamic study of such institutions through intensive computational experiments.
For increased empirical validity, test beds should be iteratively developed with ongoing input from actual market participants.
To increase usefulness for research/teaching/training and to aid knowledge accumulation, test beds should be open source.
On-Line Resources
Presentation Slides
AMES Test Bed Homepage (Code/Manual/Publications) www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/AMESMarketHome.htm
Agent-Based Electricity Market Research www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/aelect.htm
Agent-Based Computational Economics Homepage www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace.htm
ISU Electric Energy Economics (E3) Group www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/E3GroupISU.htm