Watermark Issue 21.16: Dubious Appeal

Page 1

Daytona Beach • orlanDo • taMPa • st. PetersBUrg • sarasota • issUe 21.16 • JUly 31 - aUgUst 13, 2014 • waterMarkonline.coM

Your lgbt life.

HILLSBOROUGH takes stePs towarD


LGBTS orlanDo MUseUM of art DeBUts


gay christian singer


heaDs to floriDa’s west coast


orange Mayor JacoBs on Marriage eQUality


APPEAL despite petitions and polls in favor,

attorney general Pam Bondi

continues appealing Florida's marriage equality decisions


watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

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July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


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July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

departments 6 // mail 8 // orlando news 12 // tampa bay news 17 // state 21 // nation & world news 29 // arts & entertainment 39 // community calendar 41 // tampa bay oVerheard 43 // orlando oVerheard 45 // transitions 46 // tampa bay marketplace 47 // sports 48 // orlando marketplace 53 // looking back



America’s federal contracts should not subsidize discrimination against the American people. —president baraCk obaMa


on the coVer

PAGE Florida Attorney General

Bondi continues to 17 Pam fight for Florida’s same-sex

marriage ban, even though every indicator points to it being overturned. We re-imagine the thrice-married Republican as a Drop Dead Gorgeous pageant participant.


32 finding his Voice: Out, Christian songwriter and performer Shawn Thomas brings his message of hope and love to several west coast churches in August. He tells us about his journey and his inspiration.

watermark issue 21.16 //J uly 3 1 - august 13 , 2014

page 8 orlando news

tampa bay news

PAGE Orange County Jacobs’

PAGE Rep. David Jolly of District

‘art in equality’

looking back

Photo illustration by Jake Stevens

Read it online!

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In addition to a Web site with daily LGBT updates, a digital version of each issue of the publication is made available on WatermarkOnline.com


statement on marriage equality elicits cheers and jeers from Orlando’s LGBTs; Orlando takes step toward trans protections; Parliament House remains operational despite bankruptcy filing; more


13 shares why he supports a south Florida judge’s decision that Florida’s ban on samesex marriage is unconstitutional; The Hillsborough County Commission takes steps toward creating an LGBTinclusive human rights ordinance.

PAGE The Orlando Museum of


Art begins a new program in August to reach a broader LGBT audience. Art in Equality showcases local LGBT artists within the museum’s halls and will continue to do so the first Thursday of every month.

PAGE In this issue, publisher

Dyer looks back at 53 Tom the years 2009 and 2010

as he continues his look back at 20-years of Watermark history. The paper celebrates its anniversary in September this year.

wondering what to do this weekend? View our community calendar at watermarkonline.com watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


reader feedback Concerning Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs’ statement on marriage equality: “Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” —Michael Davis

“Her non-statement is disappointing, but not surprising at all. It’s what I would have expected from her. When the Supreme Court gives us the green light down the road, she can at least tell her base she was clearly on their side all along.” —Mark

“Mayor Jacobs is not a friend of our community. Yes, she likes to hang with us socially, and she sheds tears at gay events. But at the end of the day, her political future is more important to her than civil rights. I hope people remember her bigotry when she decides to run for governor or senator in a few years.” —Randy

“Political double-speak at its best.”

“Unfortunately, like every single one of her previous opportunities to show support and compassion for us and our families, [Jacobs] blew it.” —Bob Poe

Editorial cartoon

letters to the editor Infuriating non-statement


read, with interest, Teresa Jacobs recent (non) statement to Watermark regarding marriage equality.

To be clear, nowhere in her statement does she say she supports marriage equality. I had been aware, for several weeks, that a potential statement in support of marriage equality was forthcoming and was prepared to embrace her change of heart and courage to take a stand with open arms. Unfortunately, like every single one of her previous opportunities to show support and compassion for us and our families, she blew it. Her latest attempt to appease our community is nothing short of insulting and infuriating. Bob Poe, Orlando

—Ullrich Braun“

I am hopeful that she will allow herself to be educated and open. The response of the LGBT community will have the most impact. We cannot expect people to just do a 180 against things that have been engrained into them their entire lives. I prefer a heart-felt comment than a cold, fake endorsement.” —Bryan Beal

“The main issue is not about compromising religion, Ms. Jacobs, it’s about an issue totally separate from religion.” —Jim Crescitelli “This treasure is running unopposed! —Doug Bowser

“What do you expect from an ally of John Stemberger, John Dowless and Lew Oliver? Pretty predictable.” —Vicki Nantz

“I believe in equality as a concept, but value ‘religious


top web comments freedom’ to discriminate more”? —Brian Cahill

“Thoughtfully evolving and progressing.” —Randy Ross

“She didn’t say she supported marriage equality, but she did support the right of religious institutions to define marriage (which was never an issue due to that whole “Free Exercise Clause” thingy).” —Michael May

“I believe she’s saying she will follow the law and so should everyone else. That’s about it. A bland statement from a bland leader.” —Matt Tabakman

She’s refusing to endorse in a very ‘Rick Scott-type’ of non-answer.” —Kevin Cunningham

“Step by step. She could have been like so many others and just said, ‘No way in Hell!’ But she didn’t. That is a win, albeit a small one.” —Ron Legler

“She did a great job of skirting the issue. It would be nice if religion would stop getting involved in the law. Is she saying that if the law changed her church would be affected?” —Carrie Winkel

On Marco Rubio’s claiming opposition to samesex marriage faces intolerance: “Rubio was quoted as saying, ‘at the outset, it is important to openly acknowledge that our history is marred by discrimination against gays and lesbians. This is shameful and must be condemned.” So I say, Marco, get to condemning those anti-gay bigots in your party. Then

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via WatermarkOnline.com and Facebook:

we can talk.”

—Steve Watson “He’s not conservative, he’s just plain bigoted. True conservatives support individual freedoms for everyone and want less government involved in personal decisions. Rubio is just a mean-spirited bigot with lots of hate in his heart.” —Jim Langford

“Rubio has always been a suck-up to the Religious Right.” —Caroline Irene

“Ridiculous. It’s like he doesn’t even try to appear competent.” —Garrett Grainger

On MLB honoring Glenn Burke at All-Star game: “Why honor him for this? Honor him for being good, not gay. [Burke] wasn’t even open about it during his playing time; he hid it every way

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

he could. He made it to the show, but his playing career is not honor worthy. Jackie Robinson came up and had no intention of hiding his race; he was also a great baseball player who would’ve been honored even if he wasn’t the first openly black MLB baseball player.” —Picachu1

On Family OutFest: “It was a great day! Hope this becomes an annual event! Great to see a different side of gay life in Orlando.” —Paul Smith

On a study that concludes HIV diagnoses are down by 1/3 in U.S.: “While the overall rates of new HIV infections are declining, it should be noted 1-in-19 gay men account for all new infections.” —Jim Buresch



Steve Blanchard EDITOR




mbracing marriage equality

isn’t always easy. After years of hearing how awful we gay people are, it’s difficult for some to embrace shifting attitudes and accept, even respect, same-sex couples.

It can be done, and without infringing upon a person’s religious or personal beliefs. Call it evolution, call it common sense. But there is a right way and a wrong way. Rep. David Jolly of Pinellas County got it right. Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs got it wrong. Both elected officials made statements about marriage equality last month. Republican Rep. Jolly, who edged out Democrat Alex Sink in a special election to finish out the late Rep. C.W. Bill Young’s term, was asked about a Monroe

watermark staff

County judge’s ruling holding Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. “As a matter of my Christian faith, I believe in traditional marriage,” Jolly told the Washington Post. “But as a matter of Constitutional principle I believe in a form of limited government that protects personal liberty. To me, that means that the sanctity of one’s marriage should be defined by their faith and by their church, not by their state. Accordingly, I believe it is fully appropriate for a state to recognize both traditional

Publisher: Tom Dyer • Ext. 305 • Tom@WatermarkOnline.com Chief Financial Officer: Rick Claggett • Ext. 108 • Rick@WatermarkOnline.com Admin. Assistant: Kathleen Harper • Ext. 100 • Kathleen@WatermarkOnline.com Editor-in-Chief: Steve Blanchard • 813-470-0899 • SteveB@WatermarkOnline.com Reporter: Samantha Rosenthal • 104 • Samantha@WatermarkOnline.com Online Media Director: Jamie Hyman • Ext. 106 • Jamie@WatermarkOnline.com Proofreading: Ed Blaisdell Art Director: Jake Stevens • Ext. 109 • Jake@WatermarkOnline.com Creative Assistant: Patrick O’Connor • Ext. 109 • AdProduction@WatermarkOnline.com

marriage as well as samesex marriage, and therefore I support the recent decision by a Monroe County Circuit Judge.” I may not agree with all of this man’s politics, or even his religious views on same-sex marriage. But I can respect his stance on the separation of the two entities. He answered the question clearly, transparently, and moved on. Jacobs should take note. She released her statement about marriage equality to this newspaper last week, referencing a similar lawsuit over same-sex marriage rights in Miami-Dade. It was a wordsalad that meandered through religious freedom, questioned whether gay couples were even denied rights, and avoided taking sides. “Our country was founded on certain core values, chief among them equality and religious freedom,” her statement read in part. “Therefore, I am glad the question of Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage is before the courts to determine if it denies same-sex couples equal rights and protections under the law.” Jacobs supports equality and religious freedom. She’s also glad same-sex couples’ arguments are being heard, because it’s possible—not certain—that our rights are being denied. She then makes a general disclaimer that she has no jurisdiction on the issue but nonetheless read the lawsuit and believes “that a very strong case was made.” By which side? She doesn’t give any more information. Finally she finds clarity, when speaking about religious freedom, not equality or civil rights.

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“I hope that religious institutions will continue to have the freedom to define marriage according to their own doctrines,” she said. “Protecting the right to practice one’s religion without interference from government is an equally important cornerstone of our free nation.” In other words, Mayor Jacobs’ statement on marriage equality was instead a call for religious freedom. Four years ago, Jacobs stated her opposition to same-sex marriage rights in

Rep. David Jolly of Pinellas County got it right; Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs got it wrong.

this newspaper. Since then, supporters claim she has spoken in favor of equality at public forums. They also say that she is “evolving,” just a few steps behind President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. That may be true, and I prefer to be optimistic. But if elected officials are to evolve, they must first speak candidly about where they are in their journey. Sen. Marco Rubio doesn’t support marriage equality, and he recently made that clear. I don’t like his point of view, but at least I know where he stands. Rep. Jolly and those he represents should be proud of the way he handled this thorny political issue. Jacobs’ constituents deserve better.

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July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

Ken Kundis

is a Florida native and a long-time contributor to Watermark. He lives in New York City. Page 25

Aaron Alper is a

photographer and writer in St. Petersburg. He holds a Masters in English Education from the University of South Florida. Page 12, 29

Greg Burton, Scottie Campbell, Zach Caruso, Susan Clary, Amy Dees, Kirk Hartlage, Rev. Phyllis Hunt, Joseph Kissel, Ken Kundis, Mary Meeks, Stephen Miller, David Moran, Gregg Shipiro, Greg Stemm, Brett Stout, Jim Walker

photography Vinny D’Ippolito

is a freelance photographer and interior designer living in Dunedin, Fla., with his husband. He specializes in event coverage and male photography with a focus on physique. Page 41

Nick Cardello, Angie Folks, Tom Eckert, Julie Milford, Travis Moore, Chris Stephenson, Lee Vandergrift, Tinkerfluff, Lonnie Thompson

distribution Debbie Oliver, Phil Garris, Ken Caraway CONTENTS of WATERMARK are protected by federal copyright law and may not be reproduced in whole or part without the permission of the publisher. Unsolicited article submissions will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Although WATERMARK is supported by many fine advertisers, we cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles, advertising, or listing in WATERMARK is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such persons or members of such organizations. WATERMARK is published every second Thursday. Subscription rate is $55 (1st class) and $26 (standard mail). The official views of WATERMARK are expressed only in editorials. Opinions offered in signed columns, letters and articles are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the newspaper’s owner or management. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material submitted for publication. WATERMARK is not responsible for damages due to typographical errors, except for the cost of replacing ads created by WATERMARK that have such errors.

Watermark Media Inc. est. 1994


orlando news

orlando moVes forward with trans protections Christal Hayes


rlando | Orlando’s City Council unanimously approved revisions to include gender identity and expression in the city’s anti-discrimination ordinance during its first reading on July 28.

The ordinance — Chapter 57 — if approved, will be amended to include protections for Orlando’s transgender community and protect against discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. “Our community looks to attract creative and talented people and their looking for communities just like ours,” Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer said during the meeting. “Today we are taking another step that will allow us to amend our code to include gender identity as a protective category under our antidiscrimination policy in Chapter 57.” In 2001, Orlando was one of the first cities to add sexual orientation protections to its human rights ordinance, but it did not approve the transgender revisions. Gina Duncan, transgender inclusion director with Equality Florida, spoke and commended the revisions. “By passing this protection you are truly saving lives,” Duncan said. “Within the transgender community, there will be one more person who will not lose their livelihood; there will be one more person who will not lose their ability to provide for their families and who will not decide to take their own life.” Duncan also pointed out how personal and important these protections are for those involved. “Being transgender is not a choice and the need to live a true and authentic life is a difficult and perilous journey,” Duncan said. “For many transgender people who go through transition on the job everything that we hold dear is at risk: our families, our friends, our jobs, our quality of life.” Civil Rights Attorney Mary Meeks also spoke before the council to thank them for the approval and reminisce on the lengthy road that has led to this moment. “It was a far more contentious issue back then,” Meeks said, referring to the HRO meeting of 2001. “It was horribly ugly back then.” Meeks also said that these transgender protections show how different the community and world are viewing the LGBT community and how those who are against these human rights are in the minority. “Today, in 2014, any reasonable passionate and fair-minded person doesn’t listen to those [hateful] voices anymore. Those voices used to have an audience, and they don’t anymore, and I think that is great cause for celebration,” Meeks said. The second reading is scheduled for Aug. 11.


where does she stand?:

Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs’ statement to Watermark about marriage equality seemed to cause more confusion than clarification on July 25.

sending a mixed signal Statement from Orange Mayor sparks debate Tom Dyer


rlando | In late July, same-sex marriage was advanced by two South Florida circuit courts. But the debate made an unexpected stop in Orange County Commission chambers.

Responding to queries from activists and the media, a majority of commissioners endorsed marriage equality. “I am personally supportive [of marriage equality] and look forward to the continued advancement of equal rights, respect and freedoms for all individuals under the law,” said Republican Commissioner Scott Boyd. And in a long-awaited move, County Mayor Teresa Jacobs issued a confusing statement of qualified

watermark Your lgbt life.

support to Watermark that drew harsh criticism, even confounding supporters. “Everybody else did the right thing, and she blew it,” said Democratic advisor Bob Poe. “Her latest attempt to appease our community is nothing short of insulting.” The full statement reads: Our country was founded on certain core values, chief among them equality and religious freedom. Therefore, I am glad the question of Florida’s ban on samesex marriage is before the courts to determine if it denies same-sex couples equal rights and protections under the law. Although, as mayor, I have no jurisdiction on this issue, I have read the Miami-Dade lawsuit and believe that a very strong case was made. Regardless of the decision of the court, I hope that religious institutions will continue to have

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

the freedom to de�ine marriage according to their doctrines. Protecting the right to practice one’s religion without interference from government is an equally important cornerstone of our free nation. Public reaction could be measured on Facebook, where numerous posts resulted in hundreds of comments. Some labeled Jacobs’ statement “progress,” “a beginning” and “a step in the right direction.” “It’s pretty clear where she’s headed,” said attorney Patrick Howell, who has spoken with Jacobs about this and other LGBT issues along with activists Mikael Audebert, Carlos Carbonel and Randy Ross. But detractors pointed to the difference in the two paragraphs. “It was a vague statement of non-support for marriage equality,” observed Poe, “followed by a full-throated endorsement of religious freedom to discriminate against us.” Attorney and activist Mary Meeks, who butted heads with Jacobs over passage of a countywide domestic partner registry, characterized the statement as “a smokescreen for bigotry.” The last time Jacobs addressed

continUeD on Pg. 10 | uu |

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July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


orlando news

Zebra Coalition scholarship helps fund college for LGBT youth Samantha Rosenthal


rlando | The Zebra Coalition, in partnership with UCF, will start a fund to provide scholarship opportunities to LGBT youth.

The Zebra Coalition LGBTQ Scholarship Foundation will establish a $25,000 fund that would be dispersed to LGBT youth that may have difficulty securing funding for college. “Awareness is key when you’re talking about any issue, so being able to establish the scholarship alone— and having it specific to LGBT youth—shows that there is a specialized need for this population,” said Dexter Foxworth, director of Zebra Coalition. An information session and donation event was held at the home of Karen Castelloes, co-chair for the Zebra Coalition Scholarship Fund, and Keith Morrison, a member of the Zebra Coalition and representative of Joy MCC. “The important thing that we are trying to do is encourage, recognize, promote and give self-dignity to the LGBT community,” Castelloes said. “Not exactly singling them out, but rewarding them on their hard work and their challenges they’ve encountered in their life.” The plan is to raise $30,000 and the Zebra Coalition Scholarship Fund, with $25,000 to go to a youth each year. The additional $5,000 will be invested into the next year’s fundraising to provide the scholarship to another recipient. Morrison explained how nearly 10% of homeless youth are LGBT, and with this issue comes the added burdens of being able to have access to a higher education due to many of them not having family support. “When you’re an LGBT youth, the range of accessibility can be really low to very high,” Castelloes said. “And the Zebra Coalition focuses on the distressed youth. But there is also a higher group that has made it through school and graduated from high school but maybe don’t have the funds to go on to college. So we are targeting that specific group of students for the higher education.” Many people came to Castelloes and Morrison’s home to learn about the opportunity to donate to the fund, including Director of The UCF Fund Heather Junod, who is helping establish the scholarship fund, and Florida House Rep. Joe Saunders. “I think that UCF is willing to partner with the Zebra Coalition to serve that [LGBT youth] is really incredible,” Saunders said. “There is a real need [for the funding]. I even hear it now when I’m on campus talking with the UCF students.” Junod explained how the Scholarship Fund and UCF have drafted a gift agreement and set the criteria for the scholarship, which will be posted at the financial aid office on campus and online. Along with enrollment and GPA requirements, the candidate will also be required to submit an essay. A scholarship committee, which will include a member from the Zebra Coalition, will then make a selection for the recipient. “The hope is that not only do we get to fund and support the youth but it brings awareness to the real issue as well,” Foxworth said.


P-House to continue operations, despite bankruptcy filing Chris Muscardin


rlando | The iconic Parliament House Resort will continue business as usual, according to its owners, despite filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy right after celebrating its 39th anniversary.

Citing $15.5 million in debt, the unexpected announcement was made July 25. This is not the first time that the Parliament House’s future has brushed rocky shores, after defaulting on loans back in 2009. Since then the business has been locked in an ongoing battle

with creditors, this declaration of bankruptcy being the latest chapter in the story. A Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows debtors to remain in control of the business in order to compile a reorganization plan. Don Granatstein and Susan Unger, the couple who purchased the resort complex 15 years ago, said they have no intent of letting the Parliament House go to creditors. “The Parliament House is our home now,” said Granatstein. “It’s a family business, it’s a community business, and [we’re] going to fight for it.” The 4.5 acre complex on Orange Blossom Trail has been in the midst

of a massive cosmetic overhaul project for much of the summer in an attempt to modernize and install some much needed updates. While this project will be put on the back burner for now, Granatstein assured that the bankruptcy and reorganization should not last more than four to six months. Then, renovations continue, including an additional 100-suite hotel and the expansion of the Parliament House Vacation Club. “We have so many big plans [for the Parliament House], so many things lined up to do, and this has just been standing in the way for a long time,” added Granatstein. “It was time to finally take care of it.”

arrested 45 year-old Jason Combs for towing more than 100 vehicles between June 5 and June 9. The annual festivities draw tens of thousands to the area. The arrest came after numerous complaints that Combs’ ASAP Towing company targeted victims based on their sexual orientation.

Authorities say ASAP Towing made some $16,000 towing the cars but lacked permission to do so. Combs’ attorney said July 26 his client denied the charges. He said Combs had a contract to tow vehicles parked illegally. Combs faces 29 counts of grand theft auto.

of a countywide domestic partner registry was more problematic, but it eventually passed in mid-2012. Many hope that Jacobs will embrace LGBT equality like her counterpart at City Hall, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer. But after Jacobs statement, a

“I believe the mayor is further along in her thinking than her statement indicates,” said Audubert. Others are frustrated that this powerful and influential community leader—currently running for re-election without opposition—seems deaf to what

Man arrested for predatory towing at Orlando Gay Days events Wire report


rlando | Authorities have arrested a man they say illegally towed cars during Orlando’s 2014 Gay Days celebration.

Orange County Sheriffs deputies

| uu | Teresa Jacobs from pg.8

marriage equality directly was in an interview with Watermark during her 2010 campaign for county mayor. At that time she embraced civil unions but not same-sex marriage, saying “I believe marriage is between a man and a woman.” She also opposed adoption rights for gays and lesbians. But she expressed cautious support for non-discrimination protections and partner benefits. After she was elected, Jacobs quietly lobbied commissioners to include sexual orientation in the county’s human rights ordinance. And months after taking office, the county approved domestic partner benefits for county employees with her support. “Seeing the mayor step up and make this a priority is refreshing and exciting,” said Equality Florida’s Joe Saunders, now a state representative. Jacobs’ involvement in passage

watermark Your lgbt life.

“This ‘statement’ was a huge waste of my time.” —Ted Maines comparison between the two on the Metropolitan Business Association Facebook page was removed after strong objections. In her 2010 interview with Watermark, Jacobs referenced generational shifts and her Catholic background. “It may go back to when I grew up, but I worry that I may not be acknowledging where we are,” she mused. “I may change my mind in another 10 or15 years.” Clearly some are trying to accelerate that process.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

Orange County Comptroller Martha Haynie calls “the civil rights cause of our generation.” “When Mayor Jacobs actually says she supports marriage equality, I will be thrilled to express my sincere appreciation,” said Ted Maines. “In the meantime, this ‘statement’ was a huge waste of my time.” Jacobs canceled an interview with Watermark earlier this month. Her office has promised to reschedule it soon.

watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


tampa bay news

rep. daVid Jolly faVors marriage equality decisions Staff report


learwater | U.S. Rep. David Jolly said on July 21 that he supports the decision of a South Florida judge to recognize same-sex marriage in Florida.

Marking progress:

Jolly is a Republican who narrowly defeated Democrat Alex Sink in March for the District 13 seat left open by the death of Rep. Bill Young. In a statement to The Washington Post, Jolly shared that while he personally believes in marriage between one man and one woman, he thinks governments should allow same-sex couples to wed. “As a matter of my Christian faith, I believe in traditional marriage,” Jolly told the Post. “But as a matter of Constitutional principle I believe in a form of limited government that protects personal liberty. sharing a Message: To me, that means that the Rep. David Jolly, seen here sanctity of one’s marriage recording a commercial for should be defined by their his 2014 election campaign, faith and by their church, told The Washington Post he not by their state. supports a judge’s decision “Accordingly, I believe declaring Florida’s ban on sameit is fully appropriate for sex marriage unconstitutional. a state to recognize both PHOTO VIA TWITTER traditional marriage as well as same-sex marriage, and therefore I support the recent decision by a Monroe County Circuit Judge.” Local and national LGBT advocates applauded Jolly’s statement. National marriage equality advocate Freedom to Marry also weighed in. “We congratulate Congressman Jolly for doing the right thing by his constituents and his country in supporting the freedom to marry,” said Marc Solomon, the executive director of Freedom to Marry. “He joins the growing wave of Republicans across America who recognize that marriage for same-sex couples is in sync with Republican values of individual liberty and strong families. All committed couples across the Sunshine State should have the freedom to marry and share in the protections of marriage that are crucial to building a family and taking care of their loved ones.” Supporters of the ban, however, were not thrilled with Jolly’s point of view. “Please know that we consider your reversal on this critical issue to be an act of cowardice and a betrayal to the very persons that worked extremely hard to get you elected to office,” read a letter

continUeD on Pg. 14 | uu |


Commissioner Kevin Beckner: “In 2014, no hard-working American...should have to live in fear of being fired from their job for reasons that have nothing to do with their job performance.” PHOTO By CARRIE WEST

One step closer Hillsborough County Commission votes to find language for an inclusive HRO Aaron Alper


aMpa | Hillsborough County Commissioners are one step closer to undoing a wrong committed in the 1990s. On July 16, the commission unanimously voted to move forward with an authorization for an amendment that would prohibit discrimination within the county on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The 7-0 vote is a stark change to previous LGBT initiatives, which have typically failed or split the board.

In the 1990s, the board repealed a human rights ordinance (HRO) that had protections for its LGBT citizens. The amendment was brought up by commissioner Kevin Beckner, the board’s first openly gay member who won his seat in 2008 and was reelected in 2012. “In 2014, no hard-working American, trying to earn a living, trying to provide for his or her family, should have to live in fear of being fired from their job for reasons that have nothing to do with their

watermark Your lgbt life.

job performance,” Beckner told his fellow commissioners. Prior to the July 16 vote, the floor was open to comments and 23 citizens spoke. Fourteen of those speakers supported the amendment to the HRO while nine spoke against it. The naysayers focused on the alleged persecution that the amendment might pose to religion. Most of the offended parties identified themselves as Christians. A few others simply described themselves as “religious.” “If you pass this measure, it will discriminate against Christians and other people of faith, of deeply held moral conviction, who believe homosexual behavior is not normal and violates God’s moral plan,” one man said to the commission. Self-proclaimed “ex-gay” Mark Culligan, who complained of reverse discrimination since “becoming straight,” also spoke against the measure, as did Troy Cluft, who read Leviticus 18:22, the verse commonly cited when arguing the Bible outlaws same-sex sexual encounters. A diverse group of gay, straight,

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

lesbian and transgender speakers spoke in favor of passing the protections. They argued that Hillsborough would receive an economic and moral boon should they pass the amendment. Some of them were married, some were not. Pete Johnson, an HIV-positive man who was infected from an early blood transfusion became emotional when he recalled losing “friends, jobs and associates throughout his life from discrimination.” Transgender resident Stephanie Nicols wore a red shirt to symbolize the “target” she as well as many other transgender citizens face from the moment they start the transition to the end stages of adjusting to their new identity. Not all the speakers were LGBT. A heterosexual women who “despite never even dabbling a little” as a lesbian became visibly emotional when she recalled how similar the anti-LGBT culture now is to the antiwomen culture when she joined the workforce 30-plus years ago. “I was judged by simply having this body,” she recounted. “So I know what it feels like.” Commissioner Kevin Beckner closed the meeting with an impassioned and concise argument as to why he felt the amendment can and must move forward. Rather than mention his own personal experience as a gay man, he drove home the point that to deny equal rights is to continUeD on Pg. 14 | uu |

watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


tampa bay news | uu | Hillsborough HRO

| uu | Rep. David Jolly from pg.12

from pg.12

distributed by Florida Family Policy Council, a group run by John Stemberger, an Orlando activist who led the 2008 campaign for Florida’s ban on gay marriage. “We call upon you to publicly apologize for this mistake and hold fast to your original position that states should define marriage as it has always been, the union of one man and one woman only. We also challenge you to not cower to the pressure, demands and intimidation of homosexual activists.” Monroe County Judge Luis Garcia ruled July 17 that Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional and originally said marriages could begin on July 22. Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi filed an appeal, which halted any marriages from happening. “With many similar cases pending throughout the entire country, finality on this constitutional issue must come from the U.S. Supreme Court,” reads a statement Bondi’s office released quickly after the ruling. Florida’s 13th district encompasses everything from Dunedin to St. Petersburg. Jolly is the eighth Republican in Congress to come out in support of same-sex marriage, The Post reported. Jolly is up for reelection this year. He will run against Libertarian Lucas Overby in November.

Ready and waiting

Equality Florida CEO Nadine Smith snaps a selfie at the White House July 21while waiting for President Barack Obama to sign an executive order protecting LGBT employees of federal contractors from discrimination.

Photo courtesy Nadine Smith

deny growth to Hillsborough itself. “Ninety-one percent of Fortune 500 companies support equal opportunity for gay and lesbian employees, and 61 percent support rights for transgender,” Beckner said. “It is simply about equality, about fairness, about people, and good public policy. And most of all, it is the right thing to do.” Attorney Gary Sasso discussed how his firm has benefited throughout its history by hiring top candidates regardless of sex, race, religion or sexual orientation. Public Defender Julianne Holt mirrored Sasso and Beckner’s sentiments with the closing words. “No one should have to come into our community in fear,” Holt said. “We as elected officials must do everything we can to eliminate discrimination. We must recruit and retain the best of the best.” The amendment will now be drafted by the County Attorney’s office and will be presented at a future meeting for discussion and approval.

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watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

state news

7,000 petitions deliVered to pam bondi in support of marriage equality Samantha Rosenthal

t Changing history: The plaintiffs in the Miami-Dade

lawsuit challenging Florida’s ban on marriage equality include six same-sex couples who live within that county. PHOTO COuRTESy BRETT HuFzIGER VIA EQuALITy FLORIDA

Another step

toward equality Second judge rules Florida’s marriage ban unconstitutional Staff report


iaMi | A Florida judge on July 25 overturned the state’s ban on same-sex marriage in a ruling that applies to Miami-Dade County, agreeing with a judge in another county who made a similar ruling a week earlier. Still, no marriage licenses will be issued for gay couples in either county any time soon to allow for appeals.

The ruling by Circuit Judge Sarah Zabel mirrors the decision made earlier by Monroe County Circuit Judge Luis Garcia. Both found the constitutional amendment approved by Florida voters in 2008 discriminates against gay people. They said it violates their right to equal protection under the law guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment.

``Preventing couples from marrying solely on the basis of their sexual orientation serves no governmental interest,’’ Zabel wrote. ``It serves only to hurt, to discriminate, to deprive same-sex couples and their families of equal dignity, to label and treat them as second-class citizens, and to deem them unworthy of participation in one of the fundamental institutions of our society.’’ Attorney Mary Meeks, who was part of the legal team representing six same-sex couples suing the state over the ban, was thrilled with the decision. “We are so thrilled that Judge Zabel in Miami has joined the parade of courts throughout the nation that have recognized that these marriage bans violate not just the basic tenets of our federal Constitution, but in Judge Zabel’s words, ‘offend basic human dignity,’” Meeks told Watermark.

“We look forward to the day, hopefully very soon, when our plaintiff couples and all Florida citizens will have the freedom to marry the person they love.” The effect of Garcia’s early July ruling was put on hold when Republican Attorney General Pam Bondi filed notice of appeal. Zabel also stayed the effect of her ruling indefinitely to allow time for appeals, which could take months, and Bondi promptly followed up July 25 by filing an appeal notice in the Miami-Dade case. The county of 2.6 million people is in the top 10 in population in the U.S. Both judges were appointed by former Republican Gov. Jeb Bush and have been re-elected. The legal battleground is scheduled to shift to the Miamibased 3rd District Court of Appeal for both cases, but attorneys in the Monroe case have asked the case to move directly to the Supreme Court. “The constitutionality of Florida’s laws barring same-sex couples from marriage is an issue of great public importance that has a great effect on the proper administration of justice throughout the state,” lawyers Bernadette Restivo and Elena Vigil-Fariñas, who represent Key West bartenders Aaron Huntsman continUeD on Pg. 19 | uu |

watermark Your lgbt life.

allahassee | Equality Florida delivered 7,000 petitions to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’s office, asking her to withdraw her notice of appeal that stayed a court decision declaring Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional.

“We have been gathering petitions all across the state to show Pam Bondi that our friends and our neighbors are asking her to do the right thing and to respect all of our families and to let Judge Garcia’s ruling stand,” said Jennie Reiken, a Get Engaged coordinator for Equality Florida. “It was just a great way for folks to be a part of the amazing work that’s going on here in Florida” Reiken said there was a lot of love and hope in the air on July 24 as Florida Equality Institute—along with six same-sex couples—delivered the petitions to the receptionist at Bondi’s office. “For her to see 7,000 Florida signatures on those petitions that come from all political backgrounds, all faiths and from all parts of our state, we hope that she would consider dropping her appeal of the lawsuit and being on the right side of history and helping to usher in the freedom to marry in Florida,” said Michael Farmer, director of development for Equality Florida. Monroe County Judge Luis Garcia ruled July 17 that Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional after a Key West couple filed a lawsuit in April. Garcia’s ruling applies only to Monroe County, and he ordered the clerk’s office to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples within a week. Couples applying for the licenses did not need to be residents of Monroe County. Bondi’s motion put those plans on hold. Bondi and her office have been fighting against overturning the ban, which she says she must uphold since more than 60 percent of voters approved the ban in 2008 through a constitutional amendment. Watermark contacted Bondi’s office for a comment on the petition, but calls were not immediately returned. “I think it’s really a shame because right now she is the sole person who is preventing same-sex couples from having the freedom to marry in Florida,” said Farmer. While Florida voters approved the amendment in 2008, Public Religion Research Institute released “A Shifting Landscape: A Decade of Change in American Attitudes about Same-Sex Marriage and LGBT Issues” at the end of February 2014 noting that 57 percent of Floridians now support marriage equality. “Great change is happening here in the state of Florida,” Reiken said. “Judge Garcia’s decision was huge, and we’re going to keep moving forward like we’ve been doing in all these states across the country.”

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16



watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

state news

Gov. Scott dodges marriage equality questions Staff report


onita Springs, Fla. | Florida governor Rick Scott dodged reporters’ questions about the July 17 ruling that found the state’s ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional.

At a July 18 appearance in Bonita Springs, reporters asked Scott what he thought about the ruling and immediate appeal made by Florida Attorney Pam Bondi. Scott refused to directly answer any of their questions, the Miami Herald reported. “Nobody wants discrimination in our state,”

| uu | Marriage Lawsuit from pg.17

and William Lee Jones, wrote to the Miami-based Third District Court of Appeal. “There is a need to bring finality to this issue on a statewide basis so that clerks of court throughout the state have uniform guidance as to whether they must issue marriage licenses on an equal basis to otherwise qualified same-sex couples.” While there is still no samesex marriage in Florida, the rulings this month were cause for celebration for gay couples across the Miami area. ``It means so much for a court to recognize our family and say that we must be treated equally,’’ said Catherina Pareto, one of the plaintiffs in the Miami-Dade case. ``We love this state and want nothing more than to be treated as equal citizens who contribute to the community and help make Florida an even better place for everyone who lives here.’’ Marriage equality opponents argue that the referendum vote should be respected and that Florida has sole authority to define marriage in the state. The Florida amendment defined marriage as a union between one man and one woman. “Today’s ruling brings us closer than we’ve ever been to the freedom to marry in Florida,”

Scott said, adding that he believes “in traditional marriage” and citizens’ access to the courts, the Herald reported. Scott went on to say that the ban is what voters wanted in 2008. “Aren’t you trying to have it both ways?” WPLG’s Michael Putney asked Scott.. “People have different views about it in our state,” Scott replied. “But in 2008, the voters decided that this state would be a traditional marriage state. It’s going through the court system. But what’s important to me is I don’t want anybody discriminated against.” Scott not only wouldn’t directly answer questions on

the topic, he also completely changed the subject when Putney asked follow up questions. “Let’s talk about jobs—37,000 jobs in a month! It’s the biggest jump! Michael! Michael! This is our biggest month since I got elected,” Scott said. “We’re over 620,000 jobs [created]. When I ran in 2010, I said seven steps to 700,000 jobs over seven years. And a lot of people questioned whether we could do that…. We’re at 620,000. What’s so exciting is 37,000 a month. I mean I just still think about my dad, watching his face when the only car we had got repossessed. That’s what I want to help with.”

said Equality Florida CEO Nadine Smith. “Now this case also heads to a higher court which hopefully will result in a victory that will apply state wide!” Marriage equality supporters have won more than 20 legal decisions around the country since the U.S. Supreme Court last

efforts to overturn it. Same-sex marriage opponents said the rulings overturning the same-sex marriage ban disenfranchise nearly five million voters—the 62 percent who approved it nearly six years ago. Repealing the amendment would require at least 60

“Preventing couples from marrying solely on the basis of their sexual orientation serves no governmental interest.’’ —miami-dade Judge Sarah Zabel

year struck down a key part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act. Those rulings remain in various stages of appeal. Many legal experts say the U.S. Supreme Court may ultimately have to decide the question for all states. Bondi said in a statement about the Monroe County case that ``with many similar cases pending throughout the entire country, finality on this constitutional issue must come from the U.S. Supreme Court.’’ Nineteen states and the District of Columbia allow gay and lesbian couples to marry. Republican Gov. Rick Scott has said he supports the amendment but opposes discrimination. His top Democratic challenger, former Gov. Charlie Crist, supports

percent support. ``With one stoke of a pen, a mere trial judge has attempted to overthrow an act of direct democracy by five million Floridians who defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman,’’ said John Stemberger, president Florida Family Policy Council, which pushed for passage of the amendment. The cities of Orlando, Miami Beach and Key Biscayne filed legal briefs supporting the gay couples’ quest to have the marriage ban ruled unconstitutional. A separate lawsuit is pending in Tallahassee federal court seeking to both overturn Florida’s gay marriage ban and require the state to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.

watermark Your lgbt life.

Miami Shores Council rejects gay marriage resolution Staff report


iami Shores | The village of Miami Shores voted 3- 2 to reject a resolution supporting marriage equality in Florida.

Since several marriage equality suits were filed and heard in courts this year, mayors from Orlando, Key West, St. Petersburg, Lake Worth and Miami Beach have all announced their support. The resolution was proposed by Vice Mayor Jesse Walters, who is openly gay, according to the Miami New Times. The text of the resolution read, “A resolution of the Miami Shores Village Council supporting marriage equality, urging enactment of a law that would provide for marriage equality in the state of Florida, and providing for an effective date.” Mayor Herta Holly, and Councilmen Jim McCoy and Hunt Davis voted against the resolution, while Vice Mayor Walters and Councilwoman Ivonne Ledesma voted in favor. A few dozen people showed up to the July 15 meeting. The board allowed public comment and members of community spoke on both sides of the issue.

South Florida cities consider partnership benefits Staff Report

Two Florida cities may soon recognize domestic partnerships. Cape Coral and Boynton Beach are both looking to extend benefits to same-sex couples. Dozens of same-sex couples gathered on July 28 at a Cape Coral City Council meeting where leaders discussed and agreed to consider an ordinance to establish a domestic partnership registry, NewsPress.com reported. If the ordinance is approved, domestic partners would be given seven basic legal protections after registering their partnership with the city. Some of those protections include being able to be a part of funeral arrangements and hospital visits if their partner is sick or injured. Boynton Beach will consider similar protections. According to a press release from the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council, officials in Boynton Beach will soon address the issue of offering employees with domestic partners or same-sex spouses the same family benefits currently offered married opposite gender couples. These benefits, if approved, will provide spouses with the same assistance that married couples already receive including, medical, dental, life, accidental death and dismemberment insurances.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


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nation+world news

Gay, transgender workers gain U.S. bias protection Wire Report


ashington, D.C. | President Barack Obama on July 21 ordered employment protection for gay and transgender employees working for the federal government and for companies holding federal contracts, telling advocates he embraced the “irrefutable rightness of your cause.’’ “America’s federal contracts should not subsidize discrimination against the American people,’’ Obama declared at a White House signing ceremony. Obama said it was unacceptable that being gay is still a firing offense in many places in the United States, and he called on Congress

to extend the ban to all employers. But legislation that would extend the ban has become embroiled in a dispute over whether religious groups should get exemptions. The president had long resisted pressure to pursue an executive anti-discrimination order covering federal contractors in the hope that Congress would take more sweeping action. The Senate passed legislation last year with some Republican support, but it has not been considered by the GOP-controlled House. Now, said Obama, ``It’s time to address this injustice for every American.’’ Obama included an exemption in the executive action that allows religious groups with federal contracts to hire and fire based upon religious identity, but he did not grant any exception to

consider sexual orientation or gender identity. Objecting to his order, the Family Research Council said Obama’s action would expose contractors who have moral objections to homosexual behavior to lawsuits and jeopardize their contracts. “People with deeply held convictions regarding the morality of certain types of sexual behavior should not be bound by the dictates of President Obama’s agenda,’’ said Peter Sprigg, the council’s senior fellow for policy studies. The change for federal contracting will affect some 24,000 companies with 28 million workers, or one-fifth of the U.S. workforce. Many large federal contractors already have employment policies barring anti-gay workplace discrimination.

It involves 1,600 gay men and transgender women who took part in the original study showing that daily use of the drug Truvada lowered the risk of getting HIV. After the study ended, they were offered the chance to keep getting the pills for free. Those who did were studied for another 17 months. None who took the pills at least four days a week became infected. Even use two or three days a week lowered the risk of infection compared to taking the pills less often or not at all.

``We’re encouraged,’’ said study leader Dr. Robert Grant, an AIDS expert at the Gladstone Institutes. ``There’s a demand, there’s some forgiveness for missed doses. And it’s safe.’’ Some health officials had worried that taking Truvada might make men less likely to use condoms or to limit their partners. However, study participants reported no increase in these behaviors, and there was no rise in syphilis or herpes, other sexually spread diseases that might suggest risk-taking.

ruling striking down Oklahoma’s same-sex marriage ban. The 10th Circuit, which encompasses Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah, has stayed its decision pending appeal. The Virginia decision is the first to affect the South, however, where states’ rights have held particular sway for generations. The judges ruled 2-1 that Virginia’s constitutional and statutory provisions barring same-sex marriage and denying recognition of such unions performed in other states violate the

U.S. Constitution. The defendants are likely to ask for the ruling to be stayed pending more appeals to the full 4th Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court; otherwise, marriage licenses to same-sex couples could begin to be issued in 21 days. The 4th Circuit decision will apply to other states in the circuit when the decision becomes final. North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper quickly announced that his office will stop defending his state’s ban, but South Carolina’s attorney general, Alan Wilson, said he sees no need to change course.

HIV pills show more promise to prevent infection Wire Report Melbourne, Australia | There is more good news about pills used to prevent HIV infection: Follow-up from a landmark study that proved the drug works now shows that it does not encourage risky sex and is effective even if people skip some doses. The research was discussed July 22 at the International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia.

Courts toss Virginia, Oklahoma marriage bans Wire Report RICHMOND, Va. | Virginia’s same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional, a federal appeals court ruled July 28 in a decision that could overturn similar prohibitions in the Carolinas and West Virginia. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond is the second federal appellate court to overturn gay marriage bans. On July 18, the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver upheld a federal judge’s

watermark Your lgbt life.

in other news Vote on Houston anti-bias ordinance still possible Houston city leaders still don’t know whether opponents of new anti-bias protections for LGBT residents have enough signatures to force a repeal vote in November. The Houston City Council in May adopted the discrimination bans in housing, employment and services provided by private businesses. Opponents claim they’ve collected nearly triple the minimum of 17,000 signatures needed to let voters decide the issue this fall.

Alaska court rejects benefit denial in same-sex case The Alaska Supreme Court on July 25 rejected the denial of survivor benefits to a woman whose same-sex partner was shot to death on the job in 2011. The high court held that denying spousal benefits to Deborah Harris was a violation of equal protection. Kerry Fadely was shot to death while at work at the Millennium Hotel in Anchorage. Same-sex couples are not allowed to marry in Alaska.

7th Circuit set to hear Indiana, Wisconsin marriage bans The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments for appeals of federal court decisions on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage bans in Indiana and Wisconsin on Aug. 26. Federal judges in Indiana and Wisconsin overturned each state’s gay marriage ban in separate rulings. Hundreds of samesex couples were married in both states after the bans were overturned and before stays were issued.

Judge strikes down Colorado marriage ban, stays ruling A federal judge in Denver on July 23 declared Colorado’s gay marriage ban unconstitutional, but he temporarily put the ruling on hold pending an appeal. Judge Raymond P. Moore’s ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed July 1 by six gay couples who asked the court for an injunction ordering that the state’s ban no longer be enforced. Even though Colorado’s gay marriage ban is still in effect, clerks in Boulder, Denver, and Pueblo counties have issued marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Fired Iowa editor claims religious discrimination The former editor of the Newton (Iowa) Daily News filed a complaint July 23 with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission claiming religious discrimination and retaliation for expressing his religious beliefs on a personal blog. In the complaint, Bob Eschliman claims he was fired after he wrote that gay organizations wanted to reword the Bible “to make their sinful nature ‘right with God.’” He also called gay groups the “Gaystapo’’ and ended the post with, “We must fight back against the enemy.”

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


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July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


Ken Kundis

preaching to the converteD a reasonable expectation


s i pedaled through

the West Village on my bike ride recently, I came across a poster taped to a pole on the corner of Christopher Street and the West Side Highway.

“Is Monogamy Reasonable?” it asked. I spent the next 19 miles riding and contemplating that concept. Given where it was positioned, across the street from a building that has housed at least four different gay bars that I know of, mere blocks from Stonewall and Sheridan Square, and at the west end of the, dare I say, gayest part of Manhattan, I can be forgiven for thinking that the question was directed squarely at gay men. And gay men are really the only demographic for which this question is, well, reasonable. While cheating or open relationships happen in other male/female configurations, gay men are the only group where you can often here open and loud challenges to the notion that monogamy is at least the desired state for relationships, if not an imperative. “Men just aren’t wired that way.” “I’m going to cheat anyway so why not at least be honest about it.” “Monogamy is for straight people” I’ve heard these arguments and more. As a result, many male couples either immediately or ultimately come to the conclusion to ‘open’ their relationships. Translation? Allowing both partners to seek sex outside the relationship, or at very least, introduce third (or fourth, fifth...) parties into their dyad. It is probably even more common than we know that gay couples have come to a negotiated peace about their sexual lives together. For me, it’s nothing more than arrested development. Part of being in a relationship is about the single act of saying “This is the person I choose. And I choose you, by definition, to the exclusion of

other people.” While I agree that there is a difference between sex and love, and probably a thicker one for men than women, it still isn’t enough for me to buy the argument that open relationships are somehow equal or preferable to ‘closed’ or monogamous ones. Part of my beliefs about this is shaped by example. This always causes a certain set of friends to launch into a laundry list of successful open relationships they know or to call me a sexual fascist, but I’m going to say it anyway: I have never seen an open relationship that genuinely works. There have been some I’ve known where the people are still together. But from where I’m standing, an accommodation so deep must be made that there is a separation—a margin—that exists in their intimacy. Which is exactly counter-intuitive to what a singular love relationship is supposed to be. For many, many more open relationships I’ve witnessed, they’ve just exploded. Often spectacularly. In either case, a tortured set of ground rules must be set, often so compartmentalized and mitigated they border on the comical. “I’m allowed to sleep with someone if I’m out of town, the day of the week starts with a T, and the person is wearing blue, red or green.” But no matter what the rules might be, someone always steps over the line. And why? Because there is a line. You’ve already mitigated your relationship, so the logic of “I can sleep with someone else at these times but not these other times” becomes as ridiculous and unworkable as it sounds. When I’ve said this to certain friends and acquaintances, I’ve been told that I must not have a very high sex drive or that I’m ashamed of

my sexuality. Neither of these things is true. Not to reveal too many details, but the phrase “Ken didn’t have enough casual sex” will never be included in any biography written about me. I just have always believed that being single

reasonable because I’ve seen it. But a lot of gay men want the milk and the cow. But the problem is, someone always breaks the rules. Someone always gets their feelings hurt. Someone always finds themselves lying to their

belief in monogamy. I know for me, it provides a level of peace and comfort that is one of the best outcomes from being in a relationship. I don’t have to worry about Phil coming home and saying “I fell in love with someone else.” I know neither of us are

is the time to do what, and who, you want. Why, I would wonder, be in a relationship if I’m not committed to the very idea of what a relationship is supposed to be? So I wasn’t. Maybe it’s because all the examples in my family of only monogamous couples. At least as far as I know, neither my parents nor either of my sisters have had to deal with cheating. I know monogamy is

partner. Someone always finds someone who is hotter, richer or better in bed than their partner. By introducing other people into your relationship, you’re also throwing a big fistful of risk into it as well. The on-bike rumination came at a timely moment, as today is mine and Phil’s 4-year anniversary. One of the things that brought us together from the very beginning was a common

putting ourselves in the path of that. It’s not always easy. Everyone has needs. But to be perfectly honest, it’s not nearly as tough as a lot of gay men say it is. Here’s what I do: I just think about the look of hurt and pain on Phil’s face if he were to discover I’ve been unfaithful. If I genuinely love him, that image alone should be enough to compel me to keep it in my pants.

“ But a lot of gay men want the milk and the cow; but the problem is, someone always breaks the rules.”

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watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


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July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

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The latest outbreak of war in Gaza gained plenty of steam from maneuverings by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but Hamas was all too eager to accommodate him. Netanyahu has made it clear he has no intention of giving up the West Bank. Hamas, meanwhile, wants to wipe the Jews from the map. Caught up in this are innocent children on both sides, though Israeli children are far safer thanks to Israel’s Iron Dome defense system.

freedom fighters. If you were the parents of the boys killed by Israeli naval shelling on a beach in Gaza on July 16, you could hardly be blamed for taking that view. But conceding that all people have a right to self-defense is only the start of the discussion. Israeli rhetoric equating restraint with disarmament leaves no space for an alternative to endless war. As to Israel’s pro-gay policies, those who cry “Pinkwashing!” have a point: virtues in one area do not excuse wrongs in another. But neither are Israel’s enemies progressive paragons. Those Nazi sympathizers in Europe are no peacemakers. Nor are Americans who use the myth of exceptionalism to whitewash history. A recent example is Hillary Clinton, who told Jon Stewart on July 15: “We are not perfect by any means, but we have a great story about human freedom, human rights, human opportunity, and let’s get back to telling it.” Peter Beinart responded in The Atlantic that “in the developing world ... barely anyone believes that American foreign policy during the Cold War actually promoted those things. What they mostly remember is that in anticommunism’s name, from Pakistan to Guatemala to

That Hamas locates missile launchers near civilians and gains a public relations benefit when return fire causes collateral damage is damnable. That Israel attacks anyway appears to be driven more by domestic political considerations than security. No serious discussion of the Arab-Israeli conflict can ignore the existential threat that Israel has faced since its birth. In decades of arguments with opponents of Israel, I have found that if you press them, many acknowledge that they do not just oppose imperialistic actions like the West Bank occupation and settlements; they oppose Israel’s existence. Some describe Israeli policies toward Palestinians as Apartheid, and say all is fair for

Iran to Congo, America funded dictators and fueled civil wars.” We are all implicated in what is done in our name. We must face our shared responsibility for American politics and its bloody consequences abroad. We war with our own values when we condone behavior by an ally that we would condemn back home. Last week I told bereaved Jewish Iranian

Richard J. Rosendall

Guest column Blood on a Beach


t’s terrible,” my

lover Patrick says by phone from Brussels about antiIsraeli demonstrators holding signs that say, “Hitler was right.” As a native of Congo, he is familiar with war. He knows that peace is not served by fomenting hatred.

As to Israel’s pro-gay policies, those who cry “Pinkwashing!” have a point: virtues in one area do not excuse wrongs in another.

immigrant friends who had lost their mother, “May her memory be for a blessing.” What would I say to relatives of children killed in Gaza? Sorry my taxes subsidized it? Sorry our politics makes it hazardous to talk about innocent Palestinians? There are no innocents? That last one would do Al Qaida proud. One friend said the deaths

were regrettably necessary. Isn’t that a line from Dr. Strangelove? Speaking of cold-blooded analysis, demographic trends show that without a two-state solution, Israel must eventually choose between being a democracy and being a Jewish state. What will America do then? Israel’s bunker mentality, and its posturing as a

victim despite its power, blind it to its slow selfdestruction. Assisted suicide is still suicide. Our ubiquitous social media are a game changer: having seen pictures of dead boys on a beach, we cannot un-see them. Richard J. Rosendall is a writer and activist. He can be reached at rrosendall@starpower.net.

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watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16



watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

ely is. The research e album ArtPOP is ong her fans. So ady Gaga also seems ga gave them strength or were the focus of cipating in the study ollowers to embrace wn differences and rchers found that ho follow the wkward” feel more ial media presence y of Missouritudy froM the


talking points



I think that personnel, coaches, owners—can look at my example, my journey in the NBA and see that after two weeks back,


it was about basketball.

—Jason Collins, in referenCe to tony dungy’s CoMMents about MiChael saM

this tiMe we really Mean all genDers

of u.s. adults said they a were gay, lesbian or biseXual in the largest federal goVernment surVey to f ask about seXual orientation.

new york design CoMpany Created what it thought was an all-inclusive restroom sign indicating use for all genders. But the half man/half woman design wasn’t exactly what transgender advocates had in mind as non-insulting signage. Fortunately, the folks at MyDoorSign.com listened to feedback and re-released their all-gender sign collection, which simply reads All Gender Restroom with a graphic depicting a toilet and a handicapped figure. Marketing Director Conrad Lumm said the company always strived to create a safe place for all gender identities and were glad to hear the feedback, even though it was initially negative. “We always strive to do better for our customers and we’re proud of the design overhaul we’re introducing,” he said.

tyree switches stance on eX-gay theraPy

—Centers for Disease Control

orMer giants reCeiVer daVid tyree, who is the organization’s current director of player development, apparently no longer thinks conversion therapy for gays is necessary. After speaking with Wade Davis, executive director of You Can Play, the one-time Super Bowl star said “No one needs that kind of therapy.” Tyree also said he would have no problem with openly gay player Michael Sam as a teammate. This contrasts with former NFL coach Tony Dungy’s statements that Sam would be too much of a distraction.

watermark Your lgbt life.

MoDel anDreJa PeJic is transgenDer


ith a siMple stateMent on faCebook, 6-foot-2inch international model Andreja Pejic shared with the world that she is transgender. “I like to think that my recent transition hasn’t made me into a different individual,” she posted. Pejic has appeared on the covers of Vogue Paris and Elle. Pejic has modeled men’s and women’s clothing, but will now only model women’s apparel. “I hope to show that after transition one can be happy and successful in their new chapter.”

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

washington state will helP Patients Pay for trUvaDa


ashington state has a brand new prograM which is designed to help those wishing to prevent HIV infection afford the appropriate medication to do just that. Those who qualify to take Truvada as a PrEP, or prevention method, to reduce the risk of HIV infection can now have it paid for by the state. The program covers the cost of the medication for eligible individuals interested in using it to reduce their chance of HIV, regardless of whether they are insured.


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watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16




orlando museum of art debuts ‘art in equality’ to welcome lgbt artists


Aaron Alper

rlando | despite the historiC

ties between the LGBT community and the art world, highlighting those contributions in a mainstream fashion has always proved difficult. Censorship, subjugation and “moral” agendas have too often put a muzzle on how LGBT artists express themselves. Surprisingly, that still happens despite growing LGBT acceptance.

The Orlando Museum of Art (OMA) hopes to change that. In August, the popular art destination debuts its “Art in Equality,” a celebration of LGBT artists to be held the first Thursday of each month. Randy Ross, OMA’s director of marketing and public relations, describes it as a night of artistic experimentation that aims to reshape OMA from both a political front as well as how OMA will function as a museum in the modern world. Art in Equality is the museum’s first-

watermark Your lgbt life.

ever LGBT-themed night. “It became clear the prior director had agendas,” Ross says. ”He did a good job, and held the position for 25 years, but he had specific notions of what a museum was supposed to be,” Ross says, adding that those notions ignored the LGBT community of Central Florida. “Most museums throughout the country, throughout the world, are connected to the LGBT audience; that wasn’t happening here.”

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

continUeD on Pg. 36 | uu |



watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


Do yoU Prefer Praise anD worshiP MUsic or conteMPorary work?

I grew up singing hymns and hearing organ music in church which contrasts my first Christian music projects which were much more contemporary pop/ rock style. Then a few years ago I released my first praise and worship CD, and since that time, that way of worshiping through music has stayed with me. My newest project, “In Between the Shades of Gray,” goes back to more of the pop/rock style I started with, but it still has a song or two that I would consider more praise and worship. I think whatever type of music I work on in the future will probably always have some kind of influence from praise and worship style of music. what artists are on yoUr Playlist right now?

sharing the exCiteMent: Songwriter and performer Shawn Thomas says he’s had to come out twice: once as a gay man and again as a Christian in the LGBT community. PHOTO COuRTESy SHAWNTHOMASONLINE.COM

Opening closet doors music+performance Shawn thomas brings his songs of faith to Florida’s west coast


Steve Blanchard

Ver the past 10 years, shawn

Thomas has received critical acclaim and recognition for his music and his service to the community. He’s made a name for himself in the Contemporary Christian music world by not only being an out singer and songwriter, but for sharing his story of coming to terms with his sexuality and his faith. 32

As the owner of Shawn Thomas Studios in West Palm Beach, the 45-year-old gets a chance to write, record and perform with varied artists from across the country. But he also steps out of the studio, and will bring his free, one-man concert to several churches along Florida’s west coast this summer and fall. A love-offering will be accepted at each performance. Thomas, who has been with

watermark Your lgbt life.

his partner since 2008, took time to answer a few questions for Watermark before embarking on his Florida tour:

yoU have a history of MUsic in yoUr faMily, Most notaBly yoUr Mother. when DiD yoU first realize yoU haD that talent as well?

That’s kind of funny, because I grew up with my family singing in the car together, or my sister and I putting on little “shows” in the living room that my grandmother would direct, or making up songs on a hand-me-down guitar—and I just thought that all kids did that. But then I started seventh grade and for the first time we had a class called “Choir.” I remember being completely confused and shocked at how so many of the other kids were acting—like they didn’t want to be there—and then when the teacher started asking us to sing... Well, the was the first time in my life that I realized not everyone can sing!

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

Newsboys, Kerrie Roberts, Jeremy Camp, Royal Tailor, Mandisa, Chris Tomlin, 7eventh Time Down. I also have some secular favorites like Emeli Sande’, Keith Urban, and Kelly Clarkson. In 2011, I recorded a doubledisc project called “Covered and Created” that included 10 cover songs of both Christian and secular artists such as Casting Crowns, Richard Marx, Avalon, and even Cher! yoU were raiseD in chUrch with a Minister as a father. how DiD yoUr faMily hanDle yoUr coMing oUt?

What I continue to share about my growing up with a dad who pastored a church is that I’m grateful that I never heard condemnation of anyone from the pulpit. I learned about a God of grace and love and compassion and mercy. So when I did come out, I didn’t fear going to hell or that God was mad at me. My prayers were asking God to help me understand who I am. However, sometimes I guess when it “hits home” and it’s your own son or family member, it’s harder for some to accept. I came out when I was 26—and unfortunately two decades later, this is still an issue for me and my family. So, as I did when I was younger, I pray for God to help me understand. yoU have talkeD aBoUt coMing oUt of the seconD closet as a christian who haPPens to Be gay anD the DifficUlties

continUeD on Pg. 35 | uu |

watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


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July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

| uu | Shawn Thomas froM Pg.32

yoU’ve faceD in finDing accePtance.

One of the mantras of the LGBT community has always been to “come out, come out, whereever you are”—meaning the courage of those who stand up makes it possible for others to have the courage to stand as well. Unfortunately, I’ve found that one of the contradictions in our claim of accepting diversity is that when someone within the LGBT community doesn’t fit the mold we’ve created for ourselves, then that claim of acceptance and tolerance disappears. Sometimes I don’t fit the mold. I’m politically conservative (Libertarian), and I’m passionate about my faith and love for Christ. I’ve learned how important it is for everyone to stick to the mantra and come out of all closets and be whoever you


by exaMple: Singer Shawn Thomas hopes that living openly as a gay, Christian singer and songwriter, he can help change minds.

—shawn thoMas

Obviously I support the legalization of same-sex couples to marry. My support of that is not based on my faith, but on my understanding of the Constitution (not that I claim to be an expert). While I don’t agree with churches and pastors who preach that homosexuality is a sin, and while, yes—that type of message does frustrate me—I don’t criticize their

and my faith on someone else, or any law that would prevent someone else from practicing their faith as they believe.

what is it yoU hoPe a Person takes away froM one of yoUr concerts?

I hope it’s a time of renewal, of celebration, of assurance, of relationship with Christ. I say that, and realize that’s what I hope for myself too! I get excited about my faith and about the joy that’s running through me and sometimes I feel like I’ll explode (in a good way!) Any time I’m able to sing for anyone, I’m just grateful for the opportunity to share that excitement. It’s hard to hold it back—so singing in church is my chance to let the Spirit out!

where woUlD yoU like to

519 North Mills Avenue Orlando 32803 starting August 11,2014.

It’s very hard to say. I have a song called, “The Other Side” in which the second verse says, “I’m never sure of the path I take. No future plans do I often make....” That’s

your strength and courage can make it easier for someone else.”

so often, the news rePorts on the christian oPPosition to lgBt eQUality, Most notaBly, Marriage eQUality. Does that frUstrate yoU as a christian?

Dr. David Rice would like to announce his new affiliation with EOLA EYES located at

see yoUrself in five years, Professionally?

“I’ve learned how important it is for everyone to come out of all closets and be whoever you are so that

are so that your strength and courage can make it easier for someone else to have the strength and courage to stand up and be who they are.



right to believe as they do or to share that belief with others. What I do criticize is the idea of imposing that belief system through law. Similarly, I oppose any legal action to impose my understanding of God

not to say that I don’t believe in planning responsibly, but the past 10 years of my life (and really prior to that as well), have been a testament to turning things over to God and just celebrating in whatever comes next. So I can’t say for sure where I’ll be next year or in five years, but I can’t wait to find out!




more information

who: Shawn Thomas where: Aug 2-3: Living Stones, 1071 donogan rd., largo; Oct. 4: “Spiritfest” at Christ the Cornerstone Church, 5545 62nd Ave N., Pinellas Park; Nov 7 and 9: Suncoast Cathedral, 3276 Venice Ave., Venice details: ShawnThomasOnline.com

watermark Your lgbt life.


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July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


| uu | Art in Equality froM Pg.29

So a call for artists was made last month and, with the help of the team at OMA, the best of the best were picked to be featured in the inaugural show. Then, through what Ross freely calls “guerilla marketing,” sponsors like the Human Rights Campaign, Equality Florida and Metropolitan Business Association Orlando got involved and Art in Equality was born. The artists, which include Blue Star, Tod Kimbro, Mark Wright, Glozell Green, the Orlando Gay Chorus, the Orlando Ballet, DJ Brianna Lee and poetry by Jason Lecleric, were strategically chosen. “These artists have a following,” Ross says. “We wanted to show both our audiences and their audiences that we were aware of that.” Many of these artists have not been featured in a venue like the OMA. Ross was encouraged by the new director Glen Gentele to challenge the status quo right from the start.

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all welCoMe: This acrylic and metal leaf on canvas by Bruce Collins is appropriately called “Equality,” and will be displayed at the Orlando Museum of Art’s first ‘Art in Equality’ celebration Aug. 7.


more importantly, how to fix them. Again, Ross credits Gentele. “I’m very fortunate that my new director allowed us the opportunity to work to change [those flaws]; and not just for the LGBT community, but for all types of culture and diversity,” Ross says. While the selected artists have some major

traditional. There is so much happening downtown. We have to surprise people and remind them we’re here. In the future, OMA plans to feature a variety of attractions that include plays, performance art and dance troupes. Ross has high hopes for Art in Equality but, more importantly, for OMA itself. “We used to be the

“We can’t just be an ‘old white’ museum anymore; we’re not going to let that happen.” —randy ross, oMa direCtor of Marketing and pr


Buy your Headdress Ball tickets and you and a guest could win a chauffeured ride in a BMW 7 Series to and from the Headdress Ball from Watermark Media and Fields BMW. Go to www.headdressball.org and enter in the promo code BMWPromo when you purchase your tickets in order to be entered to win. Official Rules: Entry must be made by 9/14/14. One entry per purchase. Must enter in promo code BMWPromo at time of entry. Winner will be randomly chosen by Hope & Help Center of Central Florida on 9/15/14. No purchase necessary. Entry can be made at the Hope & Help Center in person by 9/14/14. Employees of Anson-Stoner Inc., Fields Automotive Group and Watermark Media are excluded. Winner will be notified by telephone and email. Round trip chauffeured BMW service, for a maximum of two passengers, is provided for the Headdress Ball event only. This offer has no cash value. This offer is non transferable. Watermark Media, Inc. assumes no liability for any damages associated with this promotion. Winners will also have to sign a waiver assuming liability for any damage they may cause to vehicle during service.


watermark Your lgbt life.

Museums have the luxury of being considered essential to the arts from both a historical and financial standpoint, with the security of state funding and a board of trustees. This safety net, however cushy, is a double-edged sword; by not having to compete for funding a museum can become complacent to the point of stagnation. Ross, who has lived in Orlando for 20 years, admits that OMA was not an integral part of his experience of the Orlando art scene. In fact, it wasn’t until being hired three months ago that Ross got a clear understanding of the museum’s flaws and,

star power, especially in LGBT circles, that’s not the only element to guarantee success. It’s the combination of art, theme and politics working in tandem that will have the synthetic effect; a vindication to diversity and a splash of color against the austere coldness of what OMA has become. “We’ve been here for 90 years,” Ross admits. “We can easily look like a mausoleum. We can’t just be an ‘old white’ museum anymore. We’re not going to let that happen.” But that doesn’t mean OMA is saying goodbye to tradition. “We can still be a traditional museum,” Ross insists. “But we can also be a place that brings in the non-traditional with the

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

place that said ‘No’,” says Ross. “We’re not saying no anymore. Now we’re the place that says ‘How can we make this happen?’” Art in Equality is Aug. 7 at 6 p.m. Admission is $10 for non-members and free to members. For details or to submit your artwork for consideration, visit OMART.org.

more information

what: Art in Equality where: Orlando museum of art when: Aug. 7 and every first Thursday of the month tiCkets: $10 for non-members info: Omart.org

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watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

eventplanner event planner


community calendar



Dirty Heads, Pepper, Aer and Katastro, July 31, The Beacham. 407-246-1419; TheBeacham.com

the Artwork of emily Jones 6 p.M., saturday, aug. 2 winter park beer CoMpany 1809 e. winter park road, orlando

Leaky Con, through Aug. 3, Orange County Convention Center. 407-685-9800; Leakycon.com Behind the Curtain: MichLee Puppets and the Art of Puppetry, through Aug. 24, The Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens. 407-647-6294; Polasek.org Crealde Student Artist Exhibition, through Aug. 9, Crealde School of Art. 407-671-1886; Crealde.org Backwards in High Heels: The Ginger Rogers Musical, Aug. 1-Aug. 23, The Winter Park Playhouse. 407-645-0145; WinterParkPlayhouse.org Maxwell, Aug. 2, Bob Carr Performing Arts Center. 407-246-4262; TodayAndTonight.com yes, Aug. 3, Bob Carr Performing Arts Center. 407-246-4262; TodayAndTonight.com Filter, Aug. 3, House of Blues, Orlando. 407-934-2583; HouseOfBlues.com/Orlando Jesse McCartney, Aug. 5, House of Blues, Orlando. 407-934-2583; HouseOfBlues.com/Orlando Crosby, Stills & Nash, Aug. 7, Bob Carr Performing Arts Center. 407-246-4262; TodayAndTonight.com The ultimate Rolling Stones Tribute: u.S. Stones, Aug. 8, House of Blues, Orlando. 407-934-2583; HouseOfBlues.com/Orlando Beyond Therapy, Aug. 8-16, Moonlight Players Theatre. 352-243-5875; MoonlightPlayers.com

For one night only, meet the artist Emily Jones, an Impressionist painter who overcame epilepsy to bring her vision to canvas. Since her first surgery, Jones’ work has taken on a Matisse-like quality, and her work can be found in educational institutions and private collections around the world. For details contact Boris Garbe at 407-234-7033 or email borisgarbe@icloud.com.



Cabaret is a

Venice Theatre’s high school and college summer troupe present the hit musical Cabaret from July 31 through Aug. 10. Tickets range from $13-$25 at VeniceStage.com or by calling 941-488-1115.

Voice of the Apostles, Aug. 11-15, Orange County Convention Center. 407-685-9800; VOA2014.com

An Evening with yes, Aug. 2, The Mahaffey Theater. 727-892-5767; TheMahaffey.com

Keyshia Cole, Aug. 11, House of Blues, Orlando. 407-934-2583; HouseOfBlues.com/Orlando

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Aug. 2-31, freeFall Theatre. 727-498-5205; FreefallTheatre.com

Lauryn Hill, Aug. 15, House of Blues, Orlando. 407-934-2583; HouseOfBlues.com/Orlando

Marly Music Chamber Series: Gary Schocker & Jason Vieaux, Aug. 3, Museum of Fine Arts. 727-896-2667; Fine-Arts.org

taMPa Bay

Rock Star Retreat Showcase, Aug. 8, Straz Center. 813-229-7827; StrazCenter.org

The History Books, Aug. 8- Sept. 7, Mad Cow Theatre. 407-297-8788; MadCowTheatre.com

Inventing Van Gogh, through Aug. 3, Straz Center. 813-229-7827; StrazCenter.org

The Abbey Goes Bonkerz, Aug. 9, The Abbey. 407-704-6103; AbbeyOrlando.com

The Agreeable Husband and All in the Timing, Aug. 2, Straz Center. 813-229-7827; StrazCenter.org

Memphis Music Festival, Aug. 8, The Mahaffey Theater. 727-892-5767; TheMahaffey.com Evening of Dance, Aug. 9, Straz Center. 813-229-7827; StrazCenter.org

Dinner & Jazz, every Friday night, Museum of Fine Arts. 727-896-2667; Fine-Arts.org Gongfu Chinese Tea Ceremony, Aug. 10, Museum of Fine Arts. 727-896-2667; Fine-Arts.org

sarasota Very Merry Jerry Day, Aug. 3, Fogartyville Community Media and Arts Center. 941-894-6469; WSLR.org/Station-Events Marvin Gaye: Prince of Soul, through Aug. 10, Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe; WCBTTSRQ.org Taking Shakespeare, Through Aug. 17, Florida Studio Theatre, Sarasota. 941-366-9000; FloridaStudioTheatre.org

To submit your upcoming event, concert, performance, or fundraiser visit watermarkonline.com.

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July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

tampa Bay Bears membership meeting 4 p.M., sunday, aug. 3 Cityside lounge 3703 henderson blVd., taMpa The Tampa Bay Bears will gear up for a new year of events and activities and introduce the new board of directors at the annual membership meeting on Aug. 3. The free gathering of the burly and hirsute will take place at CitySide Lounge in Tampa, a longtime supporter of the social and charitable organization.


equality Connection 6 p.M., wednesday, aug. 6 fsu Center for the perforMing arts 5555 n. taMiaMi trail, sarasota Equality Florida members, supporters and members of the public are invited to Equality Connection at the FSU Center for the Performing Arts in Sarasota Aug. 6. Free light bites and a cash bar is available and Equality Florida will offer an update on the march toward equality. The Sarasota Ballet will also offer a sneak peak at the upcoming show, The Secret Garden. RSVP at EQFL.com/EqualityConnection/Suncoast2.

st. PetersBUrg

Priscilla Queen of the Desert 7:30 p.M., wednesday, aug. 13 freefall theatre, 6099 Central aVe., st. petersburg The Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival presents The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert at freeFall Theatre in St. Petersburg on Aug. 13. The film tells the hilarious story of three friends who journey across the Australian outback toward a posh cabaret engagement. For tickets, visit TIGLFF.com.


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watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

ShotonSite 4


Tampa Bay 1- Historical impact: (L-R) Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner talks with Ed Lally at Unity Tampa following a Monroe County Judge’s decision ruling Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. Photo by Vinny D’Ippolito

2- Bear invasion: Bartenders at The Social in Ybor prepare for the monthly NeighBearHood crowd on July 19. Photo courtesy Carrie West

3- Celebrating progress: Kevin Clifford (L) and his partner Tom show their pride at King of Peace MCC in Tampa on July 17, the day a south Florida judge ruled Florida’s ban on marriage equality is unconstitutional. Photo by Steve Blanchard




4- Showing support: PFLAG Tampa’s Nancy and John Desmond listen to arguments for and against adding sexual orientation and gender identity to Hillsborough County’s human rights ordinance on July 16. Photo courtesy Carrie West 5- Maintaining balance: Balance Tampa Bay members enjoy each other’s company at Watermark Wednesday, held at Stageworks Theatre in Tampa on July 23. Photo by Steve Blanchard

6-Dance with purpose: AIDS Service Association of Pinellas executive director William Harper welcomes attendees to the Red Ribbon Dance at the Gulfport Casino July 27 as outreach coordinator Jay Aller looks on. Photo by Steve Blanchard 7- Enjoying the Journey: (L-R) Spouses Vilia Corvison and Phyllis Hunt, who were married in Toronto in 2004 alongside partners Lawrence Conrad and Bob Pope, celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary at ASAP’s Red Ribbon Dance in Gulfport July 27. Photo by Steve Blanchard




8- Starting the party: Karla Hartley, director of Stageworks Theatre in Tampa, welcomes a large crowd supporting Balance Tampa Bay to Watermark Wednesday July 23. Photo by Steve Smith

Overheard Strike Out for AIDS turns 8!


he annual bowling benefit for the Francis House is upon us again, marking eight years of Strike Out for AIDS. The fun bowl returns to Pinchasers in Tampa on August 16 from 6-9 p.m. Registration fees are only $35 per person and $140 per team. If you don’t have a team, Francis House will build a team for you and give you an opportunity to win some prizes, including a $10,000 jackpot! Interestingly, the bowl coincides with Francis House’s move into a new building, which will help it better serve its clients

in Hillsborough county. Check out StrikeOutForAIDS.org for info and to register, or call Joy Winheim at 813-237-3066.

Tampa Pride set for March in Ybor


version of Tampa Pride is returning to Hillsborough County in 2015! According to Carrie West of MC Film in Ybor City, Tampa Pride will happen on March 28, 2015, along 7th Avenue in Ybor City. The street festival will incorporate a parade along the historic roadway during the afternoon, which gives local bartenders and entertainers time to rest up from

the previous night’s activities. Details aren’t finalized just yet, but West was excited to share the news with Watermark during the July 19 NeighBearHood Takeover party at The Social in Ybor City. Expect a lot of details to start hitting the media and soon, ways to register floats and vendor booths will be available online. We’ll keep you posted!

Speedos and bras


hile we are still definitely in the dog days of summer (where’s the A/C?), it’s never too early to think about the holidays or, more specifically, fundraising programs over

watermark Your lgbt life.

the cooler months. Jay Aller, outreach coordinator for the AIDS Service Association of Pinellas, announced July 27 that this year’s Santa Speedo Run is set to return to Ybor City Dec. 14, and will incorporate Mrs. Claus in Bras. The newly expanded title of the one-mile run, Santa Speedo Run and Mrs. Claus in Bras, will hopefully increase female participation in the fundraiser. Last year, more than 150 people turned out for the run, which begins and ends in Centennial Park in Ybor City. Aller also announced the identity of of this year’s chairperson of the event—Watermark editor Steve Blanchard.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

Break out the Christmas sweaters


e realize it’s 90-plus degrees outside, but it’s important to stick to the theme of a Christmas party in the summer. That’s exactly what’s going on at Cream Thursdays at Ivory Lounge in Sarasota on July 31. The fundraiser’s Christmas in July mixer will be decorated to the hilt in reds and greens and Christmas trees. Hostess Chyna Nicole will no-doubt be fabulously festive and those attending are encouraged to keep with the spirit of Christmas. Visit Cream Thursdays on Facebook for more details.



watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

ShotonSite 1




1- NO DAY BUT TODAY: (L to R) Joe Saunders, Eduardo Rivera, Kevin Fernandez, Fredd Joseph, Ruby Quirindongo, Omar Montes, Lisa-Marie Legg and Monica Rae Andrews stand together as they sing the closing number for the Osceola Center for the Art’s production of RENT. Photo by Danny Garcia 2- EVENING AT THE MUSEUM: Orlando Museum of Art’s Marketing Director Randy Ross (left) and former Watermark cover model Logan Donahoo (right) strike a pose at Watermark’s Third Thursday social July 17 at OMA. Photo by Samantha Lena Rosenthal

3- BRAINS AND BOOZE: (L to R) Scottie Campbell, Christina Sockol, Jaime DeFrancesco, John Babshaw, Mike DeFrancesco, Alfredo Mendez and Elena Haas test their brainpower at trivia night, hosted by Campbell, July 22 at The Hammered Lamb.


Photo by Jason Bartee

4- TRASH TO TREASURE: Local artists Danny Rock and Patty Sheehan admire a beautified dumpster July 19 on Mills 50. Photo by Joanne Grant


5- SEEING RED: (L to R) Cathy Keene, Grace Eastman, Cynthia Johnson, Armen Silverbach and Chris Stephenson lunch and network at RED Group Central July 22 at The Center. Photo by Danny Garcia

6- TWERKIN’ THE NIGHT AWAY: (L-R) Watermark giveaway ticket winners Matthew Mazzoni and Jeff Early enjoy their night at Todrick Hall’s Twerk du Soleil, July 18 at Hard Rock Live. Photo by Danny Garcia

7- STONEWALL PRIDE: Watermark Director of Online Media Jamie Hyman visits the iconic Stonewall Inn to soak up LGBT history during a weekend trip to New York City. Photo by Matt Huertas




8- OITNB INVADES THE BRINK: Taryn Manning, who plays Tiffany “Pennsatucky” Doggett on Netflix’s Orange Is the New Black, allows an audience member to help her deejay at The Brink July 26. Photo by Veronica Brezina

Overheard Todrick Hall twerks his way on stage


ouTube sensation, singer and entertainer Todrick Hall had the crowd twerking with him as he performed at Hard Rock Live for his Twerk Du Soleil tour on July 18. The American Idol season 9 alum has also appeared on Broadway and worked as Beyonce’s choreographer. What he’s best known for today, however, are his Disney-themed parodies on YouTube and target flash mobs. Hall brought those videos to life on stage with “Beauty and the Beat,” in which Belle gets her hair done in the hood,

and “Once Upon a Grime,” with his Judge Judy impersonation as Disney characters appear in court. Of course his big hit, “Twerking in the Rain,” was the big crowd-pleaser.

Sayonara Sassy


-House show girl Sassy Devine will say farewell Aug. 9. Sassy has been a cast member of the Footlight Theater for the last 8 years and has certainly left a mark as one of Orlando’s sexiest and most genuine performers. Sassy may now focus on her true passion: art and interior design. Aside from her on-stage persona, she’s

also known in the community as an accomplished artist with several local art shows under her belt. Sassy is leaving on extremely good terms with the world famous LGBT resort and has been advised by the owners that she’s more than welcome to return anytime.

Electrifying Headliner!


eaddress Ball 2014 will bring bigger and better entertainment to commemorate the 25th anniversary—and would you ‘Believe’ that Watermark heard that one of the many performers will include

watermark Your lgbt life.

RuPaul’s Drag Race veteran Chad Michaels? Michaels, of course, is best known for his incredible Cher impersonation. As for the headliner, get ready to Shake Your Love with former teen scene queen Debbie Gibson. And yeah, Gibson is back to using ‘Debbie.’ More great acts are expected to be announced soon.

Nun of that


rlando Sister Stryka Pose got an unwelcome surprise recently when she visited a tattoo parlor in Orlando, only to have her ink denied because of her HIV

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

status. The artist said the store’s policy was not to tattoo those with HIV. Nun too happy; the Sister voiced her concerns on social media, resulting in outrage and suggestions for alternative parlors. Many suggested local tattoo shop the Chrome Lotus. That shop’s owner, Tara Renee, verified to us that each tattoo shop had its own (personal) policies, but that if parlors followed proper state guidelines, HIV statuses should not be an issue. Despite the open door offer from the Chrome Lotus, Sister Stryka Pose notified us the owner of the original location contacted her and has offered to tattoo the sister himself.



watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


Community Announcements loss of a bear iCon:

Dallas resident Chris Miklos, known for his work as a muscular bear model for several companies like Burley Shirts and Bear World, died of an apparent heart attack sometime on July 20. While he called Dallas home, the 40-year-old had ties in several cities across the country and a network of friends from Tampa and Orlando to Fort Lauderdale and beyond. He was rumored to be working on the 2015 Bear World calendar at the time of his death. Details of his memorial are pending.

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another great year: The Massage Spa

owners Dianne Boulay and Cindy Bonsignori, who held a wedding ceremony July 2, celebrate seven years of business in St. Pete on Aug. 11.

sophistiCated Celebration: Suave Orlando designer and Project Runway alum Jesse LeNoir celebrates a birthday Aug. 6.


local birthdays

College Park couple Joe Royals and Kent Ouellette celebrated one year of legal marriage on July 27. The couple were married in Lakebay, Wash., just south of Seattle in 2013. The couple have been together nearly six years.

God-like actress Elizabeth Murff, Orlando Realtor Danny Veal, former Tampa homeless advocate Rayme Nuckles, Ireland native and Tampa vocalist and performer Donal Noonan (July 31); LGBT-affirming St. Petersburg mayor Rick Kriseman, Sarasota visual artists and AIDS activist George Box (Aug. 2); dynamite derby girl Kiersten Taylor, former Tampa Eagle wrestler and Iowa’s AccessOnline editor Arthur Bruer (Aug. 3); sky 60-Niners slugger Donnie McCammon (Aug. 4); Orlando Penthouse Acupuncture owner Mike Eghbal, St. Petersburg java flinger and Starbucks supervisor Mark Mercado, Tampa scuba diver and beach fan Nick Walters, Metro City Realtor Eric Rollings (Aug.5); Hillsborough County ally Russell Patterson, Orlando designer and Project Runway alum Jesse LeNoir, GaYbor District Coalition board member emeritus Rich Kerin (Aug.6); Tampa showgirl and laser professional Jamie Cole, Parliament House jack-of-all-trades Drew Sizemore (Aug. 7); Kirkpatrick Veterinary Hospital manager Victor Daza, St. Petersburg doc Kush Patel, Orlando softball champion and bowling superstar Scott Dunkle (Aug. 8); Sarasota actor/writer Steve Warren, numbers-cruncher Rose Gamba (Aug. 9); Hospice of Florida chaplain Randall Forshee, St. Petersburg activist Karen Murray, Largo beautician Jay Berwanger (Aug. 10); St. Petersburg’s Equality Florida spokesman Brian Winfield, St. Petersburg spiritual leader Fred Baldwin (Aug. 11); Rotten S’more Shiala Morales (Aug. 12); Tampa Bay leather bear daddy Eric Siglin, Stand Up Florida’s Bryan Arnette(Aug. 13); Regalia owner and beauty pageant emcee David Lang, Tampa performer Robyn Demornay (Aug. 14).

Tami Bartels and Laine Clements, owners of Daytona Beach’s All Things Pride, celebrate the business’s eighth anniversary on July 31. Marlyn and Melissa Moir of Joy MCC in Orlando celebrate 32 years together on July 31.

Are you making a Transition? Having a birthday or anniversary? Did you get a new job or promotion? See your news in Watermark! Send your Transition to Editor@WatermarkOnline.com or go to WatermarkOnline.com/Submit-a-Transition - it’s that easy!

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July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16



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July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

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Tony Dungy says he wouldn’t have drafted Michael Sam Staff Report Former Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy told The Tampa Tribune that he would not have taken Michael Sam on board his team because of the distractions surrounding the University of Missouri alum’s sexuality. “I wouldn’t have taken him,” said Dungy, who is now an instudio analyst for NBC’s Sunday Night Football. “Not because I don’t believe Michael Sam should have a chance to play, but I wouldn’t want to deal with all of it. It’s not going to be totally smooth … things will happen.” Dungy did not elaborate on what “things” may occur. Sam, a former Missouri defensive end and the reigning Southeastern Conference codefensive player of the year, became the first openly gay player

drafted into the NFL. Sam was a first-team All-American. After he publicly disclosed his sexual orientation in mid-February and struggled at the NFL combine, his stock fell. He eventually was drafted 249th overall, with the 34th pick in the seventh round, by the Rams. Rams general manager Les Snead and coach Jeff Fisher seem to be aware of the history being made and, far from shying away, understand the increased scrutiny Sam brings to the organization. Though Dungy said Sam should have a chance to play, in 2007 he said he “embraced” Indiana’s proposed ban on same-sex marriage. Since the original story was released, Dungy has released a statement explaining his remarks, adding that the interview was done several weeks ago. “I was asked whether I would have drafted Michael Sam and I

Tony Dungy

answered that would not have drafted him,” the statement reads. “I gave my honest answer, which is that I felt drafting him would bring much distraction to the team. At the time of my interview, the Oprah Winfrey reality show that was going to chronicle Michael’s first season had been announced.” He went on to discuss Sam’s career in the NFL and with the Rams.

watermark Your lgbt life.

“I was not asked whether or not Michael Sam deserves an opportunity to play in the NFL. He absolutely does,” he said. “I was not asked whether his sexual orientation should play a part in the evaluation process. It should not. I was not asked whether I would have a problem having Michael Sam on my team. I would not.” Dungy goes on to say that he has been asked those questions many times and have always answered the same way by saying “playing in the NFL is, and should be, about merit.” “The best players make the team, and everyone should get the opportunity to prove whether they’re good enough to play,” Dungy said. “That’s my opinion as a coach. But those were not the questions I was asked. “What I was asked about was my philosophy of drafting... that was developed over the

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

years, which was to minimize distractions for my teams.” Sam’s sexual orientation, Dungy explained, won’t be a distraction to the Rams organization. The media attention that could surround it, however, can be a distraction. “Unfortunately we are all seeing this play out now, and I feel badly that my remarks played a role in the distraction,” he said. “I wish Michael Sam nothing but the best in his quest to become a star in the NFL and I am confident he will get the opportunity to show what he can do on the field. “My sincere hope is that we will be able to focus on his play and not on his sexual orientation.” A day after Dungy tried to explain his comments, Sam had a chance to react. “Thank god he wasn’t the St. Louis Rams coach,” Sam joked to the media. “But I have a great respect for Coach Dungy, and like everyone in America, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. My focus is on making this team. I’m so excited to be back with the guys. Football’s fun.”




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July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


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watermark Your lgbt life.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

photo captions


1- Adam Lambert was runner-up on top-rated 8th season of American Idol, but he remains one of the most talked about contestants. Does anyone remember winner Kris Allen? 2- Chris Colfer’s Kurt Hummel was just one of the LGBT characters introduced to viewers on Glee. 3- Outrageous Lady Gaga exploded on the pop music scene in 2009 and became an outspoken advocate for LGBT rights.


4- Rumors were rampant as party promoter Johnny Chisholm was forced to cancel or relocate events just weeks before Gay Days Weekend.


5- In November, out parks and recreation staffer Steve Kornell narrowly won election to St. Pete’s City Council. He easily won election to a second term. 6- Beloved Seminole Heights photographer and LGBT historian Rex Maniscalco died in April.





7- This smiling Lady Liberty was one of more than 80,000 in attendance at the 7th St. Pete Pride in that city’s Grand Central District. 8- Stuart Milk (right) and Orlando discovered each other at Come Out With Pride. The activist gave an inspiring speech, and has since become a regular visitor. Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer also reinforced the city’s support for its LGBT community.


ON THE COVER Watermark turns 20 this coming Labor Day. In the issues between now and then, founder and publisher Tom Dyer looks back at a remarkable two decades. On this page, he returns to 2009.


Out Tampa Chief of Police Jane Castor balances work and home life FOCUS ON


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Kathy Castor’s warm, smiling face was like tonic to the City of Tampa. Just eight years prior, the police department was reeling from the death of Police officer Lois Marrero and the controversy surrounding the denial of pension benefits to her partner, Micky Mashburn. So the promotion of the popular--and out Castor--was greeted with enthusiasm throughout the city. Castor remained in the position for more than four years, and retired as one of the most respected police officers in the state.






10- Two years after Suncoast Resort closed, The Flamingo Resort opened in St. Petersburg. Bay Area LGBTs once again had a permanent pool party.

looking back gbt’s blossoMed on

television in 2009. With its positive depictions of gays, lesbians and transgendered persons, Tom Dyer PUBLISHER Glee was a game-changer. So were Mitch and Cam on Modern Family. Neil Patrick Harris hosted the Tony Awards—and nailed it. And RuPaul’s Drag Race was a surprise hit.

There was important progress in the real world, too. The addition of Iowa and Vermont doubled the number of states where same-sex marriage is legal. The Matthew Shepard Act passed, finally, providing tougher penalties for federal hate crimes based on sexual orientation. The huge Equality March on Washington was the first in more than two decades. But raids on gay bars in Dallas and Atlanta demonstrated that homophobia still exists. Uganda took up legislation making homosexuality

punishable by death. In Tampa, out officer Jane Castor was appointed Chief of Police. Across the bay, Steve Kornell won election as St. Petersburg’s first gay city commissioner. But Commissioner Ken Shelin lost his bid for reelection in Sarasota. St. Pete Pride attracted record numbers, remaining the biggest Pride event in the state. Just prior, NBC affiliate WFLA aired an American Family Association infomercial about the “evils of homosexuality,” sparking protests and an Equality

watermark Your lgbt life.

9- Alexis de la Mer attended the opening of Hamburger Mary’s in Ybor City. The popular restaurant has been a lynchpin of the local LGBT community since.

Florida-led boycott. Winter Pride was canceled in Tampa, but Sarasota Pride continued to grow. Sarasota also celebrated the appointment of an openly gay rabbi at Temple Beth El. Both Dunedin and Tampa protected transgender city employees. There was drama during Orlando’s Gay Days Weekend when party promoter Johnny Chisholm imploded due to unpaid debts. Couples seeking a marriage license were turned away at the Orange County Courthouse on Valentine’s Day. Come Out With Pride blossomed at Lake Eola. A protest at The Holy Land Experience fizzled. Bear Bust split into two packs, and The Center eyed a looming balloon payment on their Mills/50 headquarters warily. At Watermark, the tanking economy forced severe staff cuts. I took over as editor until we promoted Steve Blanchard to the position. By the end of the year we’d hired our first online editor, Jamie Hyman.

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

11- The Orlando Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence came out to raise funds for The Center, which faced a daunting balloon payment on their Mills/50 headquarters.

5 YEARS AGO Most PoPUlar song

Boom Boom Pow by The Black Eyed Peas Best selling alBUM

Fearless by Taylor Swift highest rateD tv show

American Idol

highest grossing filM


Best PictUre oscar

The Hurt Locker

oUt celeBrites

Meredith Baxter, Chaz Bono, Chris Colfer, lady Gaga, adam Lambert, Wanda Sykes, ricky martin states with Marriage eQUality

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont


photo captions 1- For many, the high point of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver was k.d. lang’s performance of “Hallelujah” at the Opening Ceremonies. 2- Many in the Central Florida Softball League still mourn Tommy Martin, a popular—and very talented-— player who died in 2010.


3- 2010 ended on a high note when Congress voted to repeal the 1993 ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ law that resulted in the removal of more than 13,500 LGBT service members. 4- A breakout star from the first season of America’s Got Talent, Prince Poppycock performed to packed audiences at GBar and The Honey Pot in Ybor City. 5- A rash of suicides led writer and blogger Dan Savage to create the ‘It Gets Better’ project. Thousands posted YouTube videos telling LGBT teens to ‘hang in there.’



6- Brian Humphries (center at COWP) was the high-profile face of Mr. Sisters, an unlikely and beautiful bar and restaurant on East Colonial that survived for less than two years.




7- Greg Louganis was grand marshal at the biggest-ever Come Out With Pride. He’s pictured with City Commissioner Patty Sheehan and COWP director David Baker-Hargrove, who stepped down from the position later in the year.


8- Robert Geller, the former owner of Bourbon St. Boxers, used his entrepreneurial talent to create Outings & Adventures, a recreational group for LGBTs in Tampa Bay. 9- When Michael Vance stepped down at The Center, interim director Randy Stephens revamped programs and rejuvenated the board and volunteer staff. He was appointed director, and just left the position last month.




10- Judge Vaughn Walker declared California’s Prop 8 ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. Adding to the drama? Walker is gay. 11- Paulo was one of the striking models for a calendar sponsored by Trans*Action in Tampa Bay.

4 YEARS AGO Most PoPUlar song

TiK ToK by Ke$ha

Watermark turns 20 this coming Labor Day. In the issues between now and then, founder and publisher Tom Dyer looks back at a remarkable two decades. On this page, he returns to 2010.


Best selling alBUM


Recovery by eminem

highest rateD tv show

American Idol

highest grossing filM

Toy Story 3

Best PictUre oscar

The King’s Speech

oUt celeBrites

Sarah Gilbert, Sean Hayes (officially), Amber Heard, Anna Paquin, Chely Wright states with Marriage eQUality

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, vermont, district of columbia, New Hampshire




Soak Up This Year’s

WAVE-Worthy LIST OF WINNERS Midterm Election Recap:

What it means for LGBT equality

By 2010 the WAVEs (Watermark Awards for Variety and Excellence) had become a coveted symbol of recognition by LGBT peers in Orlando and Tampa Bay Awards. We receive thousands of votes each year, and the results are often unexpected. This cover captures the joy and diversity of winners in Tampa Bay, including (L-R): MC Film Fest’s Carrie West and Mark Bias, entertainer Judy B. Goode, realtor Jenna Becker, massage therapist Roger Medrano, St. Pete Pride resident Chris Rudisill, physician Dr. Mike Hopkins and Keith Frye.


looking back

010 Marked the

death of two loathsome laws: ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ and Florida’s ban on gay adoption. With Tom Dyer fleeting majorities in both the House PUBLISHER and Senate, Democrats voted to repeal DADT before the end of the year.

And in Florida, the path was cleared for adoption by gays and lesbians after Attorney General Bill McCollum opted not to appeal a court ruling. Maybe that’s because McCollum’s expert witness, George Reker, was busted vacationing with an escort from RentBoy.com. New Hampshire and the District of Columbia legalized same-sex marriage. And in California, Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling that the state’s Prop 8 ban was unconstitutional opened the possibility in the nation’s most populous state. But in an ominous development, Iowa voters ousted three state

watermark Your lgbt life.


Supreme Court judges who ruled for marriage equality. Jane Lynch won an Emmy for her memorable portrayal of the diabolical Sue Sylvester on Glee. And a gay JetBlue flight attendant became a folk hero when he stood up to an obnoxious passenger, grabbed a beer, deployed the emergency exit and slid out of the plane. In Florida, mid-term elections were dominated by Gov. Charlie Crist, who chose to run for U.S. Senate. Marco Rubio bested him in the Republican primary, and Crist was then trounced running as an Independent. With arm-twisting from

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16

Commissioner Linda Stewart and others, Orange County voted to include sexual orientation in its human rights ordinance. And after promising to enact domestic partner benefits and a registry, Republican Teresa Jacobs was elected County Mayor with LGBT support. Greg Louganis helped draw record numbers to Come Out With Pride, and Gina Duncan and Mikael Audebert took over the reins. The Parliament House tangled with a foreclosure lawsuit and faced competition from Mr. Sisters—all without missing a disco beat. And Tyra Sanchez won the 2nd season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Under the leadership of new director Chris Rudisill, St. Pete Pride approached 100,000 in attendance, but an August Pride on 7th event in Ybor City fell flat. Flamingo Resort regular Coco Montrese was crowned Miss Gay America in St. Louis. And Sarasota filmmaker Tom Murray died.

e : l al AT na tiv e D tio Fes T h rna lm ! ve te Fi 11 SA a In ian r 3 mp sb e Ta d Le ctob n O y a is Ga

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watermark Your lgbt life.

PNC: Proud to be the Presenting Sponsor of TIGLFF 2014

July 31 - Augus t 13, 2014 // Issue 21.16


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