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tampa BaY out + aBout
announcements TAMPA BAY OUT+ABOUT

Project Pride SRQ successfully led the initiative for Sarasota to formally recognize Pride Month June 7 for the first time in the city’s more than 100-year history. During the proclamation’s reading, former City Commissioner Ken Shelin also was honored with a Key to the City for his LGBTQ advocacy. Read more on p. 13. St. Petersburg City Councilmember Darden Rice officially qualified to be on the ballot in the race for mayor of St. Petersburg June 7. If elected, she will become the city’s first openly LGBTQ mayor. “Thank you to everyone who helped me get here,” Rice shared. “I’m running on my experience and vision to make our city work better for everyone. I’ll be the Mayor who works for you.” Daphne Ferraro will hold her self-produced, original musical “Tall Tale” on June 27 at 3p.m. in front of a limited audience at Stageworks Theater. Learn more at TheDaphneFerraro.com.


Tampa Bay Sister of Perpetual Indulgence Daniel Lancaster, AAA Director Julio Soto, Hillsborough Community College teacher David Usrey, Tampa Bay lawyer Scott Bird, Ybor store owner Sharon Rose, Tampa Bay cowboy Roger Bell, St. Pete life-saver Richard Recupero (June 10); Tampa Bay real estate agent Ken Hodges, Tampa marketing whiz La’Trice “Lady LaLa” Sharpe, Tampa Bay leading loaner Keith Louderback, St. Pete SoyBright Candle Company co-owner Tim Huff, Tsunami Sushi & Hibachi owner Samuel Dean Ray (June 11); Tampa native bear Ryan Morris, St. Petersburg city councilmember Darden Rice, Unite Us specialist Lucas Aiden Wehle, League of Women Voters St. Pete ally Julia Sharp, Tampa Bay LGBT Chamber president Justice Gennari (June 12); PNC Diversity & Inclusion VP Ashley T. Brundage, Sarasota activist Joshua Beadle, Red Mesa Cantina marketing manager Tony Pullaro, Oxford Exchange server Curtis Lynch, St. Pete Deputy Mayor Dr. Kanika Tomalin (June 13); Tampa-based performer Lunatique, City Side Lounge first female Raven Lunatique, former TIGLFF president Chris Constantinou, Gay Men’s Chorus of Tampa Bay president Bill Kanouff, Sarasota socialite Trent Henderson (June 14); Tampa photographer Poly Costas, St Pete Q&A founder Jimmy Biascan (June 15); Bodywork Massage and Day Spa owner Roger Medrano, Town ‘n Country banker Travis Hilborne, Sarasota filmmaker Anthony Paull, St. Pete bartender Taylor Pruett (June 16); St. Teresa of Calcuta priest Fr. Victor Ray, former GaYbor Coalition board member John Gorman, St. Petersburg photographer J.J. Respondek, Tampa Bay entertainer Arabella McQueen, St Pete Pride VP Tiffany Freisberg (June 17); Sherloq Solutions’ Jonah VandenBussche, Flex Traffic School owner Tito Rhodes (June 20); Watermark senior Tampa Bay account manager Russ Martin, Tampa Bay chauffer Marty Theriot, St. Pete handyman Adam Miller, KW Realtor Jordan Conover (June 21); #IdRatherBeNaked’s Jason Lee, St. Petersburg Yoga instructor Andre Sur, Tampa Bay entertainer Riquette Ramsey, Tampa Bay Elder Sister Agatha Frisky, Polk County school board member Sarah Fortney, ‘Coolest’ Tampa Bay realtor Tabi Deas (June 22); Tampa Bay performer Ashlee T. Bankx, Tampa Keller Realty star Bill Knecht, Derby diva Mark O’Hara, Treasure Island politico Gail Caldwell, Tampa Bay entertainer Russell Mania, The Mertailor Eric Ducharme (June 23).

1FoUnderS’ circLe: PFLAG Tampa’s Nancy Desmond (L) and PFLAG Riverview’s Faith Moeller strike a pose at The Snap House in Tampa for Tampa Pride’s volunteer appreciation day June 3. Photo
Courtesy PflaG riVerVieW
2PUrPLe reign: PheYonce Montrese hosts the St Pete Pride Bowl for Kids at Ten Pin Lanes benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay June 6. Photo
Courtesy PheyonCe montrese
3gULFPort ProUd: Former State Rep. Jennifer Webb attends the inaugural Gulfport Pride May 29.
Photo Courtesy stoneWalla DemoCrats of Pinellas County
4kicking oFF: St Pete Pride VP Tiffany Freisberg and wife Megan Hickey kick off St Pete PrideFest 2021 at Sirata Beach Resort June
3. Photo by Dylan toDD
5making hiStory: The City of Sarasota presents Project Pride with a proclamation June 7 declaring Pride Month in Sarasota for the first time in more than 100 years. Photo
Courtesy ProJeCt PriDe
6tiS the SeaSon:
St. Petersburg officials
raise the Pride flag above St. Pete City Hall June 1 with St Pete Pride. Photo
7y For aLL: Jimmy Biascan (L) and
Shannon McAllister
meet with representatives of Metro Inclusive Health for the organization’s inclusion initiative June 1. Photo
8PUnky’S ProUd: The staff of Punky’s shows their Pride in Grand Central on June 1. Photo
Courtesy Punky’s bar anD Grill
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