4 minute read
Personal fitness trainer and nutritionalist
Hey, I’m Abbie and I am just like you! I am an online personal trainer, but before we get into our similarities let me tell you a little about me so you can get a feeling for why my clients find it easy to work with me. Sometimes having a connection is what makes the best partnerships. And in what I do, having a really good vibe with my team is the first things that unites us in achieving those body goals.
I have always been athletic, by that I probably mean competitive! As a young girl in Junior School I would thrive on Sports Day, cross county, long jump and anything that meant using my body to achieve results. I was never much of an academic, bored easily my attention span would wain, however sports would always have me eager to dig deeper to get a better result every time.
After college aged 18 I ended up using my body for looks rather then ability as I was picked up by a London modelling agency after entering a competition for a magazine to be their next cover girl. I was shy, although desperate
to be noticed and I challenged my timid nature to make sure I pushed myself to compete against the high competition. I came close to winning, but by this time I had gained much public exposure and my face had been in most newspapers, magazines, music videos and short film roles by the time I had turned 24.
The industry was full of glamour, girls with perfect bodies, big boobs and beautiful smiles. It wasn’t a place for the shy, you either buckled up or bailed out. So I hit the gym! I would be cast on a weekly basis for photoshoots, commercials and film, the pressure to look skinny or as I’d say like Jessica Rabbit was intense. That was the look then in the early 2000’s things were different. Online now over 15 years later women embrace being strong, healthy and and more educated on nutrition. Thank goodness, because todays influencers are not campaigning size zero anymore, but carbs, fitness, rounded shoulders and flat stomach born out of health rather than starvation.
Any way back to London I would travel week after week, knock back after knock back, shoot after shoot. I sailed through my early twenties paying the mortgage based on how my body looked and how cocky I could be to push to the front every time.
I got tired, deflated and constantly questioned my body. I got a breast enlargement, developed an eating disorder and by age 26 I left the modelling industry behind for good. Inside I sighed with relief, I wouldn’t change any of it as this is what set me up for the rest of my life and many of yours too as I spread my message to the rest of the world along with many other women who promote health and happiness over industry image trends.
This resulted in my need for something challenging - I found fitness! I threw myself into the gym, taking classes in Body Combat, yoga, playing with machines I knew nothing about and trying to figure out what the hell I was supposed to eat. I was lost when it came to nutrition, I didn’t understand a thing about what I needed or why and for another decade I fought with a very bad relationship with food. During this time I needed a new career so I went back to college. I had fallen in love with fitness so much so I embarked on a Gym Instructor course. As soon as I passed I took my Personal Training qualification, then I went on to take my Teaching in Further Education qualification and alongside working in gyms I taught in colleges while training clients privately and finding happiness in my career.
So here’s where you and I are the same. I too was once lost and confused with how to get my body to look a certain way. Feeling inadequate and always trying diet after diet that never really fulfilled me long enough before I quite and tried something new. A silly shake diet, a zero carb diet or not eating much at all diet. I circled around for a long time and even though I had qualifications that suggested I should know how to overcome my need for knowledge, learning the ropes in real life compared to knowing whats written in a text book is where someone really gains their knowledge. Ultimately knowledge is power and this is what I want to share with you. The story of how a bad relationship with food turned good and the appreciation I developed for weight training and what it could do for my body. And this is where skinny turned strong!
If you’re looking to get on the right path get in touch with me. Helping others is what Abbie Curtis Fitness is here for, why not meet the community at Abbie Curtis Fitness https://linktr.ee/ abbie_curtis_swim
Abbie Curtis Director info@abbiecurtis.com +44(0)7732 436978 www.abbiecurtis.com