1 minute read
Don 't fall
Trick skiing can be frustrating sometimes. Trick skiers are like dancers, swinging on water over the boat wake, making flips, loops, stepping over the line, and so forth. It is very difficult to tell who won the competition while watching it live. We must wait for the judges to finish scoring each pass as we wait for the results on the screen.
This years’ trick finals were somehow different, especially the men’s final. The show started with the young prodigy, Jake Abelson, scoring a solid 10,410 points. Dorien Llewellyn is the fourth skier on the water, taking the lead with 11,260 points. Then, skiers started to fall… skier after skier… Martin Koleman, Adam Pickos, Pierre Ballon, Felipe Franco Belmont, Danylo Filchenko, Martin Labra, and even Joel Poland. Dorien is still in the lead with one skier left, Pato Font. Let’s put it this way, for approximately the last two years, Pato won every tournament he attended, so all eyes were on him. Toe pass: starting well until, Toe Wake Back crash! Total: 3920. Pato went through an amazing hand pass, but fell again on his last trick. He finished with 10,830 points, 430 points less than Dorien.

Dorien Lle ellyw n World Trick Champion