Municipal Water Leader February 2022

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An Update on the EPA’s New PFAS Testing Method


n September 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), published a draft of Method 1633, the first EPA-validated laboratory analytical method to test for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in eight different environmental media. PFAS are a group of so-called forever chemicals used in firefighting foam, nonstick pans, food packaging, and other products whose effects on human health and the environment are under increasing scrutiny. Method 1633 can be used for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits and other applications. In this interview, Robert Wood, the director of the Engineering and Analysis Division of the Office of Science and Technology in the EPA’s Office of Water, helps clarify how Method 1633 was developed, its uses, and the next steps for PFAS testing. Municipal Water Leader: Please introduce the EPA’s role in validating laboratory analytical methods for water contaminants. Robert Wood: Clean Water Act (CWA) methods are validated and approved for nationwide use through rulemaking, primarily in support of National Pollution and Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits that regulate and monitor point source discharges to Waters of the United States. Dischargers are required by the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to use these approved methods when their permit requires analyses of pollutants for which there are approved methods that can measure to the level the permit requires. When there is not an approved method for a contaminant, as is currently the case for PFAS, it is up to the permitting authority to specify the analytical method that will be used to measure that pollutant parameter. CWA methods are also often used in surface water, biosolids, and other CWA applications. Other EPA method programs exist to support the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Some EPA regions and the Office of Research and Development may use other methods for specific projects or sites. Those other EPA method programs have different requirements for validating methods but contain many of the same steps. Municipal Water Leader: Please tell us about the importance of testing for PFAS. What sort of requirements for PFAS testing currently exist? Robert Wood: Without PFAS testing methods, it is impossible to determine the presence and extent of environmental contamination of PFAS or to gauge their potential effects on human health and the environment. EPA analytical methods provide consistency to stakeholders, including industry, allowing for comparability of laboratory data from multiple sources.

32 | MUNICIPAL WATER LEADER | February 2022

Currently, there are no PFAS methods from any source that have been approved by the EPA for nationwide CWA applications, so NPDES permitting authorities must determine what methods are most appropriate. Different states have taken different approaches to filling that methods gap. The EPA’s Office of Water recommends Method 1633 for CWA applications, since it has undergone singlelaboratory validation in a wide variety of environmental matrices and will likely be proposed for approval through a public comment and rulemaking process in the future. Municipal Water Leader: How was Method 1633 developed? Robert Wood: Method 1633 is still a draft method, so it is more appropriate to ask, “How is Method 1633 being developed?” The entire method development process contains the following steps: 1. The identification of a promising technique or procedure based on internal (EPA) or external development efforts (e.g., literature review, lab standard operating procedures, or voluntary consensus standard body procedures). 2. Formal study planning documentation. 3. Single-laboratory validation, targeting a variety of different water and wastewater matrices. 4. The refinement of any issues identified in the singlelaboratory validation study. 5. The drafting of an actual method in EPA format. 6. Multilaboratory validation testing of a variety of wastewater matrices at several laboratories. 7. The development of quality control acceptance criteria that reflect the real-world performance of the method in the multilaboratory validation study. 8. The publication of a final method. 9. The inclusion of the method and all the supporting documentation in a rulemaking docket, typically for proposal at 40 CFR part 136. 10. Following the proposal, the EPA reviews and responds to all public comments received and makes any needed revisions to the method based on the comments. 11. The method gains approval through a final rule that promulgates the method for nationwide use in CWA NPDES compliance monitoring. Method 1633 is currently undergoing the sixth step above. The EPA is collaborating with the DoD to carry out the multilaboratory validation of the method. No method is formally adopted for nationwide use in NPDES until step 11 of the rulemaking process is complete, but methods that have not yet been promulgated may still be useful to the EPA and other organizations. And importantly, permitting authorities can specify draft methods in permits if no approved method exists for that contaminant.

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