AGM 2010 Minutes

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INLAND WATERWAYS ASSOCIATION IPSWICH BRANCH Annual General Meeting Minutes of the 36th Annual General Meeting held on Friday, 19 February 2010 at the Needham Market Community Centre at 8pm. There were 35 members in attendance. The Chairman, Chard Wadley, opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to the AGM. 1



APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE 2009 AGM The minutes of the previous meeting had been distributed to all persons present. Mr R Kearney commented on a statement recorded under Treasurer as being incorrect. He was advised that the minute was correct as a record of what was said at the meeting. The Chairman then offered Mr Kearney the chance to make a statement to members after the AGM, regarding his position, and this he did. It was then proposed by Don Brazinski and seconded by Trevor Chatting that the minutes were a true record of the proceedings, the vote taken showed 34 members for with 1 against and the minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.


MATTERS ARISING FROM THOSE MINUTES There were no matters arising.


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Chard Wadley, Chairman, reported that Baylham Lock is proceeding well with the efforts of the River Gipping Trust and the branch. Two WRG work camps were held, one in July and one in August with London WRG covering a weekend between. Concrete was laid although there was a set back due to heavy rain. Chard said he had spoken to Jenny Black at HO who had told him that the WRG work camps for Ipswich Branch are always the first to fill and they never have any trouble filling them. Chard continued saying that in the Navvies magazine we had been recognized as one of the best camps. Chard stated that members had been working at Hawks Mill after a local resident had asked the branch and Trust if they could clean up the mill area; this was a great success with good feedback from the local residents. July 2009 saw another gathering of the friends of the Australian Canal Society at the Blue Lias, Stockton where there were 48 people in attendance and 6 boats. The National Chairman, Clive Henderson, gave a brief talk on the IWA followed by Liz Payne, Cotswold Canals Trust, giving an update on their restoration with a slide show. After the talk Liz was presented with a cheque, by the Lock Keeper from Carron, Scotland, for £100 towards the Trust. Once again the May Coach trip went really well and Chard thanked Diana and Brian Holt and Spencer Greystrong for organizing the trip. Chard finished by thanking all those involved in the branch for 2009 and especially the support from his committee and not forgetting the Ladies who make the tea.



TREASURER’S REPORT AND PRESENTATION OF THE ACCOUNTS Spencer Greystrong, Treasurer, asked those in attendance if there were any questions regarding the accounts before them. There were no questions.


ADOPTION OF ACCOUNTS It was proposed by Mitzi Tyler and seconded by Ron Jenkins that the accounts before the AGM for the year under review be adopted. These were agreed.


STATEMENT OF COMMITTEE SIZE Charles Stride explained that the branch committee size remains at 12 although at present we have 9 committee members. Charles explained that Michael Carter was standing down after some considerable time as Editor of Anglian Cuttings and recorded a vote of thanks for all his hard work over the 9 years.


ELECTION OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Charles Stride reported that Chard Wadley and Spencer Greystrong were due to retire this year by rotation. They had both offered themselves back for re-election and Charles had their nomination papers for re-election duly proposed, seconded and signed. The nominations were proposed by Charles Stride and seconded by Gerry Crease, these nominations were approved by 32 members with 1 against. Charles explained there were three vacancies on the committee and said that we had a volunteer namely Gerry Crease who had been nominated and seconded to join the committee. Charles put this to the members and this was agreed. Charles explained that this leaves 2 vacancies and if anyone else wished to join the committee they could do so after the meeting and be co-opted for one year.

Chard Wadley closed the meeting at 8.15pm.


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