INLAND WATERWAYS ASSOCIATION IPSWICH BRANCH Annual General Meeting Minutes of the 39th Annual General Meeting held on Friday, 8 February 2013 at the Needham Market Community Centre at 7.30pm. There were 32 members in attendance. The Chairman, Chard Wadley, opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to the AGM. 1
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE 2012 AGM The minutes for the AGM held in 2012 had been distributed to all persons present. It was then proposed by Charles Stride and seconded by Spencer Greystrong that the minutes were a true record of the proceedings; the vote taken showed 32 members approved with no-one against and the minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
MATTERS ARISING FROM THOSE MINUTES There were no matters raised from the floor.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Chard Wadley, Chairman, started by saying that Ipswich Branch still maintains a steady membership and at the last count we had 468 members and 312 memberships. Since the change to the Canal & River Trust started Chard said he felt it was looking promising and continued saying he had noticed more volunteers at various locks and along the canals. Regarding the work parties, Chard explained that this has now moved to Pipps Ford Lock and the River Gipping Trust has received permission from the EA to re-open the by-wash giving access to repair the top wing walls of the lock. Chard explained that the sluice gates have been made and are at Baylham Lock waiting to be fitted but this has been delayed due to bad weather and high water levels. Chard then explained that September 2014 is the 40th Anniversary of Ipswich Branch and the committee has two ideas for celebrating this event, however, they would welcome other ideas if anyone has anything to put forward. The first is a coach trip over 3 days in September 2014 and the second is a lunch to be held in October 2014. The venue for the lunch is still to be decided and it is hoped that someone from HO would attend and an after dinner speaker is to be considered. Chard said he would like to see as many people as possible supporting both events and more details will be forthcoming. Regarding the National IWA AGM 2013, Chard said this will be held on the last Saturday in September in the Birmingham area. Chard finished by thanking everyone for their help and support through the year and thanked Diana and Brian for arranging speakers throughout the winter program. Chard also thanked his committee for their help and support.
TREASURER’S REPORT AND PRESENTATION OF THE ACCOUNTS Spencer Greystrong, Treasurer, started by explaining that although it appears on the accounts that we made a profit this year, this is not exactly true and is due to deposits being paid in for the May Coach Trip which will eventually be paid out. 1
Spencer then said that various items had been purchased through the year for the restoration project. He continued saying that all branches had to give an undertaking to the Charity Commission that we are not just collecting money because, as far as the Charity Commission is concerned, if a Charity receives money it is a requirement that it spends it. So we had to give assurance to them that we would spend this money on good works within the IWA. Trevor Chatting then asked if we pay £1,000 each year for the equipment container and Spencer explained that the initial cost for the container was £1,000 and the RGT now pays an annual rent for the ground it stands on. Brian Holt then asked Spencer to explain the capitation for Anglian Cuttings for those who may not know why we receive this payment. Spencer explained in detail this payment and went on to say that HO is now printing and distributing Anglian Cuttings for the Branch. This in turn has saved the branch money and has also saved time for those branch members who normally put the magazine together for distribution. It was agreed that the printed copies from HO are of very good quality. Barry Scoles then asked how much had been raised by the sale of scrap metal. Spencer said that the money raised is split between the IWA and the RGT and the IWA had received £336 and the RGT had received £400. 6
ADOPTION OF ACCOUNTS It was proposed by Lewis Tyler and seconded by Gerry Crease that the accounts before the AGM for the year under review be adopted. This was agreed by all present with no-one against.
ELECTION OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Charles Stride reported that 3 members of the committee are due for retirement namely Chard Wadley, Spencer Greystrong and Gerry Crease and Charles reported that all were willing to stand again. Charles had not received any other requests. These three nominations were proposed by Charles Stride and seconded by Dale Green. This was agreed by all present with no-one against.
Chard Wadley closed the meeting at 8.00pm.