Commitee Meeting Minutes 14th May 2010

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INLAND WATERWAYS ASSOCIATION IPSWICH BRANCH Committee Meeting Date: Friday, 14 May 2010. Venue: ‘The Chequers’, Great Blakenham. Present: Chard Wadley (Chairman), Charles Stride (Secretary), Spencer Greystrong (Treasurer), Brian Holt (PRO), Diana Holt (Social), Clive Saville (Memberships), Lewis Tyler (RGT), Susan Brown (RST), Brian Cornell (Pickerel), Gerry Crease, Carolyn Wadley (Minutes). 1



MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 5 MARCH 2010 The Chairman duly signed the minutes for 5 March 2010 as being a true record of the proceedings.




COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Chard reported that Keith Noble had notified him that he is now formally elected to stand for the next 3 years as IWA representative on the River Gipping Trust. Chard had received an email from Jim Shead reference the IWA Waterways Magazine which is asking for articles from branches and regions. This was discussed and Charles said he had sent an article on our SOS2010 event. With regard to the proceeds of the St Ives National 2007 it has now been agreed that the £2,000 will be split equally between Ipswich Branch and Peterborough Branch. However, the letter from Les Etheridge has stated that the £1,000 for Ipswich would be paid direct to the River Gipping Trust. This was discussed and agreed that it should be paid to the Ipswich Branch first and then forwarded to the RGT as required. Chard is to speak to Nigel Long. Secretary Charles had received and circulated the Peterborough minutes for March, April and May, the Milton Keynes minutes for January, February and March and Cambridge minutes for March, and April and their AGM. Regarding planning, Charles had passed to Brian Holt the details of the development of Lowestoft Harbour to which Brian replied that it covers the coastline and therefore not in our remit. Charles had also received the Stowmarket legal review which requires no comment. Information had been received from Neal Edwards regarding the Barrier on the River Orwell, it is noted that there will be access through for boats. Charles had circulated the latest RGT talk’s diary. The Broads Forum minutes were discussed saying we should be receiving a copy. It was mentioned that we no longer have a representative on the Forum following the death of Barry Green and Brian Holt said he had been approached as a possible representative. Treasurer Various items on the accounts statement were discussed. Spencer told the committee that


following Michael Carter’s permission to sell his trailer as a donation to the branch this had been sold on eBay and a reasonable amount had been raised. A thank you is to be sent to Michael. Public Relations Officer Brian said that he had found the website tuition from Dave Forrester at Cambridge very useful. Brian had attended the EAWA AGM which he said was interesting and following the AGM he was able to attend the Council Directors meeting. Brian thanked Charles for covering his position as PRO at the SOS2010 event. Social Secretary Diana stated that Ivan Cane had agreed to speak at our November branch meeting. The programme for the other meetings was discussed. Diana said that 45 people will be on the weekend coach outing. Editor, Anglian Cuttings Charles stated that the next Anglian Cuttings will be sent out before the end of May. Branch members had received a letter explaining how the electronic copies would work and Charles had received some responses and these were discussed. Membership Secretary Clive reported the membership figures as follows: February – 521 members, 333 memberships March – 517 members, 330 memberships 5

SOS2010 ACTION DAY Charles reported that the SOS2010 event on 3 May, held at Sudbury, had attracted 2 Parliamentary candidates and the petition had received 70 signatures. It was agreed that the Raft Race event on the 4 July at Needham Market will also promote the SOS2010 campaign.


REPORTS ON OTHER BODIES River Gipping Trust Lewis reported that the RGT AGM is to be held on 18 May and will be followed by a speaker and refreshments. The latest newsletter has been distributed. Lewis said a donation had been received from TG Lawrence and a letter of thanks had been sent. River Stour Trust Susan reported that the RST AGM is to be held on 29 May and the chairman, Peter Hesketh, will be staying on Council but standing down as Chairman having completed 2 years. The boats trips and the tea room have now started again and the Teddy Bear event, held the same time as the SOS event at Sudbury, was a great success. Susan explained that the Dedham Vale AONB & Stour Valley Partnership has been awarded £1.1m for their ‘Managing a Masterpiece’ project to conserve the Stour Valley. As part of the project the RST’s lighter, John Constable, will be restored by The Pioneer Trust as an electrically­powered boat which may be used as a public trip boat to raise money for its future maintenance. The work is expected to take about 2 years. Susan explained that negotiations are ongoing with the EA to resolve problems with Stratford St Mary Lock restoration before work can continue. Pickerel Project Group


The next meeting is 6 July 2010. 7

ANY OTHER BUSINESS Chard raised the subject of the donation left to the Branch by Doug Tomlinson, in his Will, saying he felt a bench with a plaque in memory of Doug would be a nice gesture. This was agreed and will be investigated as to where the bench should be positioned and what permission is required. Discussions continued on what the main amount of the money should be put towards regarding the restoration. Brian Holt returned to the subject of the Broads Forum and all agreed that Brian should put himself forward as our representative. Charles is to request copies of the minutes.


NEXT MEETING Friday, 6 August 2010.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 3pm.


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