Date: Friday, 6 September 2013 Venue: ‘The Chequers’, Great Blakenham. Present: Chard Wadley (Chairman), Charles Stride (Secretary), Lewis Tyler (RGT), Brian Cornell (RST), Clive Saville (Memberships) and Gerry Crease. 1
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Spencer Greystrong, Brian Holt and Diana Holt.
MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 28 JUNE 2013 Lewis mentioned two spelling errors saying that Doggatt should be Doggett and Caverey should be Carvery; with these noted the Chairman duly signed the minutes for 28 June 2013 as being a true record of the proceedings.
COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Chard mentioned the internal bulletin in July regarding a new email address for sending out the branch minutes, this will automatically circulate the minutes to national officers and trustees and places a copy in the Association’s archive. Chard reminded the committee about writing to their MPs regarding the transfer of EA to C&RT which had been postponed from 2015/16 to a later date. Chard told the committee that there had been no response to the request for new people to join the committee. Secretary Charles reported on the following items received: Minutes received and circulated: Great Ouse for July and August 2013 Peterborough for May and June 2013. Planning notices received: Norfolk County Council regarding the Northern Distributor Road. Charles stated that this does not appear to impact on any waterways. IWA HO, various bulletins circulated: National Festival Opening Business Licences Objection Visitor Moorings Letter to MPs re DEFRA. Other items circulated: Waveney Trust – various messages. Brian Cornell passed a letter to the Secretary which he had received on behalf of the River Stour Trust from Will Akast, EA. The main item arising from the letter was the mention of the new ‘Essex and Suffolk Rivers Trust’ and Lewis agreed to find out more. Following the meeting Charles found the website for the Essex and Suffolk Rivers Trust and sent contact asking whether there is any development and pointing out the existence of the River Gipping and River Stour Trusts.
Treasurer Chard read out the financial report of accounts for the last 3 months sent in by Spencer. This report also shows what is currently held in the Restricted Funds at HO with a reminder of the conditions in Doug’s Will that this money can only be spent on the River Gipping. The estimated cost for completion of the Pipps Ford project (excluding lock gates) was also presented and this was discussed. Spencer had stated that other restoration projects in our area should be considered when it comes to making a donation. Charles asked if the River Gipping required the money now and Lewis replied that this report had been produced to see what will be needed. Brian Holt had commented that the contingency of 10% on the net cost could increase to 15% by the time the donation is required. Following on from Spencer’s comment on other projects in our area, Charles stated that no other Trusts had applied at the moment; however, next year we possibly should ask other Trusts if they have any projects. Regarding the IWA National Festival, Spencer stated in his report that he had been asked to give a talk at the Festival about the River Gipping Trust. Spencer said it was a disaster as firstly, he had to pay to get in to the Festival and when he set up in the white marquee, due to it being a sunny day together with the use of an ordinary projector, the pictures were virtually impossible to see. Secondly, the whole festival was on a slope so the screen and projector produced lopsided pictures. Thirdly, the PA system had a speaker right next to the tent which was so loud Spencer had to stop the talk and wait for it to finish and only 6 people turned up to hear the talk. Spencer’s report finished by saying that the Festival had made a substantial loss because not many people attended and he had heard that a future festival is planned near Stratford upon Avon next year. The committee agreed with Spencer in objecting to this idea saying that annual subscriptions should not be thrown away on yet another loss-making project. The committee discussed the implications and agreed that charging a speaker entrance fee is not acceptable and that the IWA should seriously rethink National Festival events as they have been in the past. Public Relations Officer Brian had sent a in a report saying that following a letter received from Frances Hart, he had written to her to say that the Broads Authority were looking for navigation clearance on any bridges built over the river in Norwich and the ongoing work on water quality. Brian had received a thank you card from Frances. Social Secretary Chard read a report from Diana saying that Geoff Doggett had agreed to give a talk at the December meeting. The Southwold Light Railway had replied to say they have no one available on the date suggested but would like to do a talk in the future. Editor, Anglian Cuttings Charles reported that the autumn edition is due for publication and said that he had repeated the page regarding the branch needing new committee members. The next edition will be in December 2013/January 2014. Membership Secretary Clive gave the following membership figures: June 2013 – 450 members and 296 memberships July 2013 – 456 members and 299 memberships. 5
REPORTS ON OTHER BODIES River Gipping Trust Lewis reported that the sluice gates are now fitted at Baylham Lock. At the River Gipping Trust meeting the poor condition of the towpath had been discussed. Lewis said that the trust had researched the possibility of a Trail Boat Festival at Bramford Meadows and this was felt not to be feasible for the near future. Lewis confirmed that Chard had agreed to continue as the 2
IWA representative for the Trust. The next Trust meeting will be held in October. Chard reported that the abutments for the bridge at Pipps Ford are complete and they are now waiting to hear regarding the timber for the bridge. The bridge will be put together in three sections. When this has been done the EA will be approached for approval for the second stage for the weir. Broads Authority Forum Brian had sent a report saying that he had attended a Broads Forum meeting and he has been confirmed as representing the Oulton Broad Community Enterprise and the River Yare Users. However, there is still no one to act as substitute in Brian’s absence. The main discussion on the Forum has been the Network Rail looking to overhaul the railway bridges. In terms of swing bridges; the Authority agreed that Reedham should not be fixed but Somerleyton could be providing its height over the new cut matched Reedhams. The Forum was asked to note that the matter concerning high speed boats trials outside Strumpshaw Fen (initially discussed by the forum in February) was represented to the Authority through a petition on 12 July. The Broads Forum now has an agenda item ‘Public Question Time’. At the Broads Authority meeting in July, Stephen Johnson was re-appointed as Chairman with Jacquie Burgess as Vice Chair of the BA. A decision was taken for the promotion and marketing post (established in July 2012) to be fully funded by a National Park grant for the coming year rather than part funded from navigation expenditure. River Stour Trust. Brian Cornell said that the Dedham lock gates are being measured today. Brian said a quote for materials is required to get a grant. Regarding the trip boats, Brian said that the Waterbus running from Dedham to Flatford is very successful taking about £700 per weekend, the Barge is being chartered once a week and the boat trips to the Talbooth, which Brian runs, are also popular. This weekend is the Sudbury to the Sea event and 300 canoes are expected to take part. Chard asked about Flatford Lock and Brian said that Dedham is taking priority. Gerry asked about water levels and Brian replied that water is pumped up from Denver Sluice. Pickerel Project Group No report. Waveney Trust Charles commented on the opening of the River Waveney Study Centre by Griff Rhys Jones at Earsham on the 19 October 2013, asking if anyone from the branch plans to attend. Chard said that he would like to go and believed that Spencer was also interested. 6
40th ANNIVERSARY – SEPTEMBER 2014. Chard said a meeting was required to discuss arrangements for the lunch which is to be held on 4 October 2014. It was decided to have a discussion following the next committee meeting.
NEXT MEETING Friday, 22 November 2013.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 1.40pm.