Future IWAKES and Other Events Sunday 22nd May 2022: 10.00am onwards Mark Lane, Gravesend: Thames & Medway Canal “Open Day”: Boat rides to members! Saturday 30th July 2022: Maidstone Town Centre: “Medway River Festival” with evening fireworks. Saturday 3rd September 2022: 10.00am to 5.00pm Meet at Brede Steam Giants, Waterworks Lane, Brede, Rye, TN31 6HG Visit the engines in steam. Proceed to a midday pub meal in Winchelsea. Walk from Winchelsea to Rye (along the Brede). Train back to Winchelsea. Please book with Roy Sutton (RoyDavidSutton@Yahoo.co.uk or 01342 317569) so we can ensure enough tables at the pub. You will be very welcome if you prefer to attend for only part of the itinerary. Thursday 6th October 2022: 7.30 for 8.00pm Strood Yacht Club, Knight Road, Strood. ME2 2AH (map below) “Puffing a’Wey” by Mark Rudall, a stalwart of the Steam Boat Association of Great Britain. Thursday 26th January 2023: 7.30 for 8.00pm “Sustainable Boating on the Inland Waterways” by Bowman Bradley: Arrangements for this talk are still being made. It may be a physical meeting at Strood Yacht Club, or a ‘Zoom’ webinar or a hybrid. Full details will be in the next edition of Cargoes. Meanwhile, please reserve the date. Tea and coffee are available at all IWAKES ‘physical’ evening meetings. Entry is free with a raffle to cover costs. All IWAKES events are open to non-members and you are encouraged to bring friends to ‘physical’ meetings or to tell them about ‘virtual’ meetings. Similarly, if you know a local club or society that might be interested then please do tell them.