North Staffordshire & South Cheshire Branch
KNOBSTICKS Spring 2019
Middlewich Breach — Repaired and waiting to be refilled.
Photo: Roger Evans
I make no apology for putting the Middlewich Breach on the cover (again!) to celebrate the re-opening, which took place the week before Christmas. Further pictures (of the original breach in March 2018, and of the later stages of reconstruction) are on pages 4-5. A report on the activities of the Cheshire Locks work-party is on pages 14-15 with pictures of how splendid Pierpoint Locks now look. I have included an extra picture at the top of this page (taken by John Lawson) which shows some of the workers in action cutting back a lockside hedge. Please note that John Lawson is now the organiser of these work parties. His contact details are on both pages 23 and 24. I attended the Burslem Port workshop in November which Roger Savage mentions on page 6. It was a very interesting day, which showed how far the project has now come, and how much enthusiasm there was from all the attendees to see it Page 2
move forward to make physical progress on site. I was therefore very pleased to read that work will be starting on the footpath this Spring. An important part of our branch’s aim is to campaign for improvements. We pressed for CRT to dredge the Leek arm of the Caldon Canal. Now that they have done this, we need to find out how effective it has been at allowing boats of all sizes to reach (and in some cases turn) at the terminus. Read (and hopefully respond to) the article on pages 8-9 about the “Caldon Canal Campaign Challenge” in June. Also on the Caldon Canal that weekend, boats are needed to try and fit through Froghall Tunnel. Finally, there will be a garden fete fundraising event at Denford on the Saturday. Again, see the article on pages 8 -9. Roger Evans Editor KNOBSTICKS
Deputy Chairman’s Report Festival over the weekend of 1st and 2nd June. If you have any time to spare that weekend why not come along and help on the stand for an hour or two? If you haven’t done this before you will still be very welcome – the main tasks are selling sales items and chatting to the public about the waterways. It can be a great way of getting involved with branch activities.
Our annual branch dinner, an important fundraising event in the branch’s calendar, took place on 25th January at the Red Bull pub in Kidsgrove. The evening had a slightly Scottish flavour, taking place on Burns Night, both in the menu and in some people’s attire, which was great to see. Thank you to all the branch members who supported the event by coming along, buying raffle tickets and bidding generously in the auction (and donating raffle and auction items). Particular thanks are due to Sarah for organising the evening, Gillian for arranging the venue, Jon for taking on the role of auctioneer so brilliantly, and Anne for the quiz that kept us entertained between courses. Raising funds is an important aspect of IWA branch activity, and our next fundraising opportunity will be the branch stand at the Etruria Canals Spring 2019
Another event to raise funds for the branch will take place the following week, on Saturday 8th June, when a garden fete fundraiser will take place as part of our Caldon Canal Campaign Challenge that weekend. The campaign will be the branch’s main objective for 2019, so do support it if you can. There will be opportunities to take part by boat, or just come along on the Saturday afternoon to support the fundraising garden fete. The event will highlight campaigning issues at Leek and Froghall and promote IWA’s Silver Propeller Challenge and the two locations that are in our branch area (for more details see pages 8-9). I look forward to seeing lots of you at the Branch AGM on 8th March, where after the formal business of the evening is concluded (usually only takes half an hour!) we will be showing some videos of local and northern waterways. The footage was taken by Alan Chetwyn in 1995 and will give an opportunity to see how much our waterways have changed over the last two decades. If you would like more details about any of this year’s events, or to discuss ways to volunteer or get involved, email me at . Alison Smedley Page 3
Middlewich Breach — March 2018
Page 4
Middlewich Breach — November & December 2018
Left: Day of Breach. Above: Laying Liner. Below: Refilling.
Spring 2019
Photos: Roger Evans
Page 5
Burslem Port
Roger Savage introduces the public meeting at Middleport Pottery on 24th November 2018 IT’S ALL HAPPENING AT BURSLEM PORT! It certainly is an exciting time for the project, as this year will see the most significant works we have ever undertaken on the site. On the 19th November last year, we reported to a select group of councillors and other stakeholders the contents of the Peter Brett New Strategy study commissioned by Burslem Port with the support of the City Council, LEP and other partners. This meeting was well attended with over 30 suggestions and Page 6
offers of support given by those present. All who attended were sent a copy of the PBA report which we summarised in an earlier edition of Knobsticks. The meeting also highlighted the allocation of a grant of £45,000 from Stoke-onTrent City Council’s Community Investment Fund, plus a further £5,000 from the Canal & River Trust for the creation of a footpath and heritage interpretation panels along the line of the former towpath. The first part of the year will be spent preparing the site ready for ground works in April or May, with path laying to follow after that. We are hoping to lay KNOBSTICKS
Burslem Port the path over consecutive days for one or two weeks as this is easier in terms of both material deliveries and hired in equipment, so will be looking for groups who might want to be involved for one or more of those days. More information on this nearer the time, but if you are part of a group of 6 or more people who might be interested in taking part, please get in touch.
some of the key findings being reported in the local, regional and national media placing a positive light on the project and the wider canal infrastructure surrounding the Stoke area.
Since the events described above, we have met with James Dunn, Director of Place at the City Council and he has agreed to help us on a number of fronts, including land acquisition, drainage and Thanks to sterling work by Lynn Pegler planning. The meeting included the (Canal and River Trust Press Officer), officers responsible for the Etruria there was excellent media coverage with Valley new road and the City Estates a report on BBC Midlands Today officer. including a boat trip from Middleport past the end of the Branch Canal, and We are now evaluating the suggestions featuring the Trust Chairman speaking and offers of support and arranging to about the aspiration to attract boats to follow them up over the coming months. the Branch Canal. Both local radio If any branch members would like stations had brief reports and the regular up-dates or would like to help, Sentinel carried a feature later in the please look us up on our web site, week. Crucially, Cllr Bridges expressed her support for the restoration of the Roger Savage canal saying, “Burslem Port’s day has Chairman, Burslem Port Trust come.” A Waterways World reporter was in attendance and a 2-page article appeared in the January edition. Potto Lotto A leaflet drop in the Middleport area was used to invite people to attend a public This has been a real success for us, so meeting on the 24th November, followed thanks to everyone who has taken part. by a site walk: this was held to provide We already have a number of both the local community with an overview of regular and occasional donors but can the main findings of the New Strategy always use more. Potto Lotto provides study, plus an insight into the project you with a weekly chance to win funded through the Community £25,000 for £1 and provides funds to Investment Fund. Once again, we were much needed good causes across the City pleased by the many suggestions and of Stoke-on-Trent. Each ticket purchased offers of support we received, including through the Burslem Port Trust page the potential involvement of local people and entered into the draw provides us with much-needed financial support to in our work parties. carry on the work we are doing. Both these events caused a media storm Steve Wood with interviews on TV and Radio and Spring 2019
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Caldon Canal Campaign Challenge
The Caldon Canal Campaign Challenge will take place on the weekend of 8th/9th June 2019
reach the top lock and basin of the Uttoxeter Canal the other side of the tunnel. Both the branch and Caldon & Uttoxeter Canals Trust are keen to Calling boaters with craft of all types – explore potential solutions with CRT and cruisers, narrow boats, canoes, historic there is some funding ring-fenced for a narrow boats, coracles and dinghies (and survey of the tunnel. any other type of boat you can think of – a steam boat or two would be good!). Join us this summer for some boating on the Caldon Canal and to “bag” the two IWA Silver Propeller Challenge locations in North Staffordshire & South Cheshire Branch. Both terminuses of the Caldon Canal, Leek and Froghall, have been included in the Challenge (and this event) as both have campaigning issues: At Froghall the campaign is about the headroom through the tunnel, and whether something can be done about this in order to enable more boats to Page 8
Froghall Tunnel (other end) Photo: Mark Hewson (2006) KNOBSTICKS
Caldon Canal Campaign Challenge Meanwhile, on the Leek Arm ... Following on from the dredging carried out by CRT over the winter, the plan is to find out how effective this dredging has been in terms of allowing boats to now turn at the very end of the Leek Arm by the aqueduct over the Churnet, as well as campaigning for improved moorings and facilities to encourage people to stop and visit the market town of Leek. More details about IWA’s Silver Propeller Challenge (to visit at least 20 locations out of a list of over 40) can be found on the IWA website at . The current plan for the campaign challenge weekend is that boats taking part will be free to visit Froghall and Leek at a time of their own choosing during the weekend (or in the days either side), in order to minimise the potential congestion which might arise from everyone trying to use the same section of canal at the same time.
Leek Arm before dredging Photo: Nick Grundy (2017) Spring 2019
The weekend will also include a garden fete fundraising event on the Saturday afternoon as well as sociable gatherings on the Friday and Saturday evenings, which will be based around Denford, in the middle of the canal and enabling boats to moor on both the Leek Arm and the main line. Those without boats will have the opportunity to explore around Hazelhurst and Denford on foot, and to learn about the history of the canals in that area. Further details will be developed over the coming weeks. To register your interest in taking part in the event, or to get involved in the planning, please contact Alison Smedley by emailing Article (& main photo): Alison Smedley
Leek Arm after dredging Photo: Peter Matthews Page 9
The Social Scene Winter 2018 into Spring 2019
January Annual Dinner
December Talk Our speaker at December’s social was Richard Parry, Chief Executive of the Canal and River Trust. We were treated to a wide-ranging presentation. Richard explained that, in addition to its waterways, CRT is responsible for historic buildings, structures and landscapes, sites of Special Scientific Interest and less obvious assets, such as historic documents. He reminded us that most people using CRT facilities are not boaters, but pedestrians, cyclists and anglers. He looked at the current funding regime and future financial strategy, and discussed challenges such as this year’s water shortages, the growing problem of flytipping and the breach near Middlewich. The second part of Richard’s talk looked at CRT’s long-term strategy of ensuring we have ‘living waterways that transform places and enrich lives,’ and to ‘improve the wellbeing of the nation.’ Wellbeing has a broad definition. It includes the usual concerns for the physical and mental health of people, but also economic growth, community engagement, sustainability, education, plus culture and heritage. It’s easy to be cynical about mission statements and buzzwords (and that new logo!) but Richard spoke with commitment about CRT’s aspirations and answered questions with refreshing directness and willingness to investigate and report back on issues raised that he could not answer on the night. Page 10
Our annual dinner took place towards the end of January at the Red Bull Hotel in Church Lawton. If you did not manage to join us, you missed an enjoyable night out, with plenty of good food and a fiendish quiz devised by Ann and Alan Chetwyn, while Jon Honeysett (as auctioneer) refereed an unlikely bidding war over jars of home-made jam! February Talk Our February social (“Growing the Wooden Canal Boat Society” by Chris Leah) will have happened before you get this magazine. Report next issue. March AGM (& Film) Put a date in your diary for Friday 8th March which is our AGM. As usual, we will aim to get the formal business dealt with swiftly, so we can enjoy another cruise down memory lane with Alan Chetwyn’s film of his 1995 ‘Endon to Bingley’ journey, so please join us if you can. April Talk Our final talk of this season will by “The Four Ages of the Canals” by Bill Walker on Friday April 12th. Sarah Honeysett Social Secretary and Publicity Officer See full details of our March and April social meetings on the centre pages, along with the Notice and Agenda for our branch’s AGM. KNOBSTICKS
Special offers In-store bakery Food-to-go Hot and cold drinks Groceries Newspapers Lotto Paypoint Payzone Free ATM Fresh fruit and veg Household and pet food A great range of beers, wines and spirits Open Mon-Sat 7am-9pm, Sun 7.30am-8pm
Less than 10 minutes from bridges 14 and 15 of the Caldon Canal
8-10 Diana Road, Birches Head, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 6RS. Tel 01782 263936 Visit our website Find us on Facebook - Londis Birches Head Spring 2019
Page 11
Social Programme
North Staffordshire & South Cheshire Branch Friday 8th March – 7.45 for 8pm Annual General Meeting Followed by a showing of archive film footage of local waterways. “Endon to Bingley” in 1995 by Alan Chetwyn. Friday 12th April – 7.45 for 8pm The Four Ages of The Canals This presentation deals with the four periods our waterways have passed through to get from the start to where they are today. Bill Walker
Admission to talks is FREE Donations to waterway causes welcome! Refreshments available. Non-IWA members are very welcome Venue (unless otherwise stated): Stoke on Trent Boat Club Endon Wharf, Post Lane, Endon STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST9 9DU For further information contact: Sarah Honeysett (01782 772295) or visit the branch webpages at:
Page 12
Notice of AGM
The Inland Waterways Association NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE & SOUTH CHESHIRE BRANCH AGM Notice is hereby given that the 45th Annual General Meeting of the North Staffordshire & South Cheshire Branch of The Inland Waterways Association will be held on:
Friday 8th March 2019 at 7.45 for 8.00 pm at Stoke-on-Trent Boat Club Endon Wharf, Post Lane, Endon, Stoke-on-Trent, ST9 9DT AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Approval of the minutes of the last AGM and any matters arising from these minutes. 3. Report from the Deputy Branch Chairman 4. Financial Report from the Branch Treasurer 5. Election of members of the Committee 6. Any resolutions requested by members of the Branch notified to the Branch Secretary in writing at least six weeks prior to the AGM.
NOMINATIONS for the BRANCH COMMITTEE Committee members, including those current committee members reaching the end of their 3 year term and wishing to seek re-election, will be elected from the floor at the AGM for a term of 3 years. We welcome any branch member who is interested in joining the committee. ------------------------------------------------Editor’s apology The eagle-eyed lawyers amongst you will have noticed that by the time you received this issue, it was already too late to submit any resolutions for our branch AGM. As you have probably guessed, this AGM notice should have been published in the previous issue of the Knobsticks ! I can only apologise that it was overlooked. The notice has also been published on the IWA web-site at : (in plenty of time as I wasn’t involved!) Spring 2019
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Cheshire Locks work parties
Thursday 15th November 2018 Luckily the weather was perfect (especially for mid-November). We had our regular team of volunteers including Bob and Trevor who joined us last time and also John Brighouse re-joining the fold. The added bonus was a group of 8 additional volunteers on a community volunteering day courtesy of their employers - Sapphire Global Systems Didsbury office with Head Office in the
Page 14
Shard. They were put in touch with us through IWA. We split into 2 work parties - the regulars continued and almost completed all works on Lock 56 and the "rookies" tackled the preparation of all metalwork and woodwork on Lock 55 including the big fence around the bywash. In the afternoon nearly all the painting there was also completed . They put in a really good days work.
Cheshire Locks work parties
Thursday 18th January 2019
alongside the lock was cut back (compare photos at top of this and Despite a cold frosty start we managed to previous page). Both bottom-gate brick complete both Pierpoint Locks. On Lock quadrants were fully exposed and 55 we finished off painting the metal cleared of grass turf and weeds. On Lock paddle gear; the top gate hand- 56 the balance beam on bottom gate was rail, walkway front plate and gate cap; numbered and the strapping posts the lock bridge rails; and the lock ladder. painted. A large encroaching hawthorn hedge John Lawson
Spring 2019
Page 15
wrg Canal Camps for 2019 The IWA’s Waterway Recovery Group (WRG) has released it’s programme of week-long residential working holidays for 2019. This year WRG are running 23 Canal Camps across 13 different waterways that all need the support of up to 20 volunteers each week. In 2018, over 390 volunteers to joined WRG up and down the country, to undertake 2,262 volunteer days (18,096 hours) restoring canals. If time had a value, that’s over £260,000 of labour costs! But of course the time and effort of all IWA and WRG volunteers is priceless. The aim of the Canal Camp programme is to support the admirable work of local canal restoration societies. Across all the Canal Camps in the UK, volunteers will have the chance to learn new skills, meet new people and get stuck into tasks such as restoring locks, re-lining canals, creating towpaths, removing vegetation and uncovering archaeological artefacts. Leading the way! Volunteers are the life blood that keeps WRG alive and each year over 90 volunteer leaders, assistants and cooks are needed. The leadership teams bring invaluable experience, passing down their knowledge and skills to the next generation of Canal Restoration volunteers. WRG’s leadership teams are responsible for making sure each canal camp is a fun-filled, enjoyable experience – they run the canal restoration site, organising social activities in the evenings, and ensure that everyone is still smiling by the end of the week! With support from IWA’s Technical Support Officer, Mikk Bradley, the leadership teams ensure each week is a wellplanned, working closely with the host canal restoration society. Page 16
Mike Palmer, Chair, Waterway Recovery Group, says, “We are looking for volunteers from all walks of life to help us with our canal restoration projects. In return for helping to preserve our industrial heritage and restoring our beloved canals, we can offer volunteers a fantastic chance to learn new skills such as bricklaying, restoring a flight of locks, building a new section of canal, or even rebuilding a bridge. It’s also a great opportunity to have fun and mix with different people who all share a common goal – to bring our waterways back to life.” Family Canal Camps 2019 The IWA recognises families would like to get involved with canal restoration and aims to provide an opportunity to introduce children to restoration work. By offering “family volunteering” the charity hopes to engage children from a young age; enabling them to find out about canal restoration and heritage, working outdoors and learning new skills. The aim of our family residential weekends is to introduce a new generation to the world of waterway restoration and maintenance. After three successful weekends and fantastic feedback in 2018, WRG has extended the programme for 2019 to cover three residential weekends for families. If you would like to book up a Camp in this area or further afield, please visit WRG’s website . Alternatively, you can call WRG head office on 01494 783453 ext 610, or email . Nicola Kiely Volunteer Support Officer KNOBSTICKS
wrg Canal Camps for 2019 Spring Camps 30th -31st March BCN Clean-up 19th - 27th April Lancaster Canal + Cotswold Canals 18th May Leaders Training Day 19th - 25th May River Waveney
Summer Camps 21st - 23rd June Lichfield Training Weekend 21st - 23rd June Uttoxeter Family Camp 6th - 13th July Wey & Arun Canal + Lichfield Canal + Grantham Canal 13th - 20th July Wey & Arun Canal + Lichfield Canal + Grantham Canal 20th - 27th July Wey and Arun Canal + Derby & Sandiacre Canal + Grantham Canal Spring 2019
3rd - 10th August Shrewsbury & Newport Canal 10th - 17th August Grantham Canal 16th - 18th August Grantham Family Camp 17th - 24th August Grantham Canal 24th - 31st August Swansea Canal + Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation + Grantham Canal 31st August - 7th September Monmouthshire Canal 7th - 14th September Monmouthshire Canal
Autumn Camps 19th - 26th October Grantham Canal 25th - 27th October Wendover Family Camp 2nd - 3rd November Reunion Weekend (venue: TBA)
Winter Camp 26th December-1st January 2020 Christmas Camp (venue: TBA) Page 17
The Boating Adventures of Sonning Bear Sonning goes to Nottingham
Sonning saw from his map that the River Soar doesn't go all the way to the sea but After steering Uplander II through the empties into the River Trent. There is a Foxton Locks, little Sonning the bear watery crossroads at Cranfleet, where went to Market Harborough and the Trent runs west to east and the Leicester, enjoying his visits to both Erewash Canal goes north. He read that places very much. Then he travelled you must be very careful not to follow down the River Soar, stopping at the wrong stream, as there is a very big Birstall, so Polar and Grizzly could visit a weir where the Trent and Soar meet, steam railway. Sonning decided to stay under a long railway viaduct. on the boat, as he thought all the big engines, fire and steam might be too scary for a small bear.
‘Oh no!’ he said to himself. ‘This is even scarier than the Thames.’ He put his life jacket on just in case, but Polar and Grizzly turned the right way. He was already feeling quite nervous, as they were cruising a big river again. Sonning had read in the canal guide that it rises quite rapidly when there is heavy rain. He kept looking up at the towering late summer clouds, hoping there wouldn’t be a thunder storm.
A team of volunteers helped them through the big lock at Cranfleet. It was like being out on the Thames again, cruising along the wide river between lush fields and willow trees. After a little way, they went up through a lock onto the Beeston Canal, which takes boats Page 18
The Boating Adventures of Sonning Bear into Nottingham. The water near the lock was very clear and Sonning could see lots of fish. Polar and Grizzly found a good mooring space in Nottingham, before setting off back to their house for a few days. ‘You’re in charge Sonning!’ said Grizzly.
There were rats too. Sonning was quite nervous when he saw the rats, but they were very friendly. They told the little bear how lucky they were, because they could live on waste food dropped for them by kind humans. ‘People in this city are like Robin Hood, who robbed from the rich to give to the poor.’ The rats explained. 'There's a statue of him, up by the castle.'
Sonning could have stayed aboard and read his bear-sized books, but he wanted to explore. He thought it should be quite easy for a small bear to make his way into town without being seen. It was easy to avoid humans but there were lots of Canada Geese on the towpath, who tried to peck his ears and tail, which wasn't very nice of them.
The rats led Sonning past some old warehouses that were now pubs and clubs. According to the rats, it was a very good area to find free food, as drinking lots of beer made humans buy more food but eat less of it. Spring 2019
Page 19
The Boating Adventures of Sonning Bear Sonning spent the whole day exploring the city. He thought he would have a very long walk home, until he noticed a lot of people standing on a raised pavement.
When Polar and Grizzly came back, Sonning told them about Robin Hood and the rats. Polar made Sonning a Robin Hood costume but said she didn't think it was a good idea for him to have a bow and arrows inside the boat.
'What are they doing?' Sonning asked a pigeon.
'Waiting for the tram,' she said. She explained that trams ran on rails through streets. Because she had seen the city from the air, the pigeon could tell Sonning which tram went closest to the canal and how many stops he should count before getting off. Sonning lost count of the number of stops but, because bears have good noses, he could smell when he was close to the canal again and jumped off near the towpath. The rats invited Sonning to have dinner with them, as they had found a big polystyrene box full of chips and a half-eaten burger, but Sonning politely excused himself as he had plenty of raisins and herby crackers on Uppie. Page 20
Sonning agreed that she was probably right about that! Photos: Sarah Honeysett KNOBSTICKS
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Spring 2019
Page 21
For an extensive range of traditional narrowboat and sailing fittings
ADVICE AND FRIENDLY, HELPFUL SERVICE. Brass fittings, portholes, windows, mushroom vents, tiller bars and pins, pigeon boxes, rope, fenders. Solid fuel stoves and chimneys, cookers, fridges and freezers, showerbaths and basins, water and shower pumps, Hep 2O plumbing.
Send large SAE for our Disc or catalogue Main Honda agents, outboards and generators. Parts and service. Calor gas and fittings, diesel, DIY and yard storage, slipway, pump out.
Gifts • canal souvenirs • maps and books • clothing
Newcastle Road, Stone, Staffs. Tel: Stone (01785) 812688 Fax: (01785) 811317 email:
The Swan Inn Stafford Street, Stone Two minutes from bridge 93 at Star Lock
Serving 10 Real Ales & Scrumpy Cider Bar Snacks available Beer Garden Page 22
North Staffordshire & South Cheshire contacts President: Chris Skelhorne Vice President Roger Savage Deputy Chairmen Alison Smedley 01538 385388 Steve Wood 07976 805858
Web-site Liaison Alison Smedley 01538 385388 Planning VACANT (Use Membership Officer Ju Davenport
Navigation Officer Treasurer 01782 772295 Alan Chetwyn (No Email) 01782 279277 Jon Honeysett Secretary Judith Turner 07789 518816 Burslem Port Work Party Steve Wood 07976 805858 Sales Officer VACANT Use Caldon + Uttoxeter Work Parties Steve Wood 07976 805858 Social Secretary Sarah Honeysett 01782 772295 Cheshire Locks Work Party John Lawson 07940 878923 Publicity Officer Sarah Honeysett 01782 772295 Other committee members: Julie Arnold Maria Frost Newsletter Editor Roger Evans 01606 834471 Rob Frost Roger Savage 10 Long Lane, Middlewich, Cheshire, West Midlands Region Chairman CW10 0BL Helen Whitehouse 01543 491161 The Branch committee meets at 7:30 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at Stoke Boat Club, Endon Wharf, Post Lane, Endon, Stoke-on-Trent, ST9 9DU. All Branch members are invited to attend. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Inland Waterways Association, the West Midlands Region, or our Branch. They are, however, published as being of interest to our members and readers. Š The Inland Waterways Association - Registered as a charity no. 212342 Spring 2019 Page 23
Join Us on a Canal Work Party
Our Branch runs 3 work parties each month, helping to maintain and restore our local canals : Cheshire Locks (Trent & Mersey Canal, Kidsgrove to Wheelock) (jointly organised with the Trent and Mersey Canal Society) 3rd Thursday of each month (except December), 10am to 3pm. Contact: John Lawson Phone: 07940 878923 Email:
Uttoxeter Canal (Bridge 70, near Denstone — or near Alton) (working in partnership with Caldon & Uttoxeter Canals Trust) 2nd Thursday of each month, 10am to 3pm. Contact: Steve Wood Phone: 07976-805858 Email:
Burslem Port, Stoke-on-Trent (working in partnership with Burslem Port Project) 4th Tuesday of each month, 10am to 3pm. Contact: Steve Wood Phone: 07976-805858 Email: ——————————–————-—————————-————— See the IWA website under “Events” for dates. Volunteers are advised to wear stout shoes and old clothes, and to bring waterproofs (and a packed lunch and drink if staying all day) Page 24