Meridian Cuttings, IWA South London and North & East London Newsletter, New Year 2014

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Meridi an Cuttin g s Issue No. 006

New Year 2014

The newsletter of the North & East and South London branches of The Inland Waterways Association

Campaigning for the conservation, use, maintenance, restoration and development of the Inland Waterways



elcome to the New Year 2014 edition of Meridian Cuttings - all 28 pages. There’s been so much news recently it’s even been difficult to fit it all into an extended edition. Firstly, the Chairmen’s messages start on the opposite page. South London’s Annual Dinner is becoming a tradition (there’s a booking form on page 26, which you need to return by 6th January) and the branch socials - Libby and Alan provide full details in the Socials Reports starting on page 7.

Page 11 is very much ‘Stop Press’ with the GLA report by Jenny Jones on London moorings, and the item on the public meeting hosted by the Friends of Regent’s Canal on page 18 is similarly topical. Yes, it really is Cavalcade time again in May (page 14) and the planning wheels are whirring - do please come and give us a hand - you’ll love the colour and wonderful atmosphere. Thames Water’s possible change of strategy relating to barge use at Chamber’s Wharf in Southwark is reported on page 12, with some good news about Laburnum Boat Club on the same page. We’ve started a new series about Community Boats with an enthralling first article on page 16 by our Hon. Treasurer Peter Gregory about Camden’s Community Boat ‘Tarporley’ . Gavin Redknapp gave a presentation about the Thames Ironworks (featured in Meridian Cuttings Autumn Edition) to a London Region Social on 27th September and I’m delighted to report that the launch of the Thames Ironworks Heritage Trust is scheduled for 30th November. A completely different project being undertaken on the south bank of the Thames at Deptford, is described in amusing detail on page 19 by Julian Kingston of the Build the Lenox Team - but the implications of the development at Convoys Wharf may make your hair stand on end... Then, of course, I have to remind you that the branch and region AGMs are coming round again in March - you’ll find all the notices and everything you need to nominate yourself for a committee on page 24. Wishing you a joyful Christmas, a peaceful New Year and happy reading! Christine Smith, Editor




A View from the Chair:

Ask not what IWA can do for you.. 13

IWA Canalway Cavalcade 14

London Region 3 North & East London 4 South London 5

South London Sales 6 Socials: North & East London 7 South London 8

Community Boats: Tarporley 16 Friends of Regent’s Canal 18 Build the Lenox at Convoys Wharf 19 Annual General Meeting Notices 24

IWA with London Walks 10

Branch & Region Committee Elections 25

London Assembly Report 11

Committee Nomination Form 26

Thames Tideway News 12

Annual Dinner Booking Form 26

Laburnum Boat Club News 12

Who’s Who on the Committees 27

Welcome new members 13

How to get to the Branch Socials 28


A View from the Chair From London Region Chairman, Paul Strudwick It is always difficult sitting down to write to you. There are always a number of things going on around the Region and nationally, that I would like to talk to you about. The problem is that by the time you get to read my comments they could well have been superseded by new events. You may have seen articles in the waterways press about changing the water points around the country. As I understand it, the present taps have become illegal after some recent changes in water supply regulations and CRT could be prosecuted if they did not change the installations to conform to these regulations. What they need to do is fit a non-return value in the pipework (like the one on your showers at home). I am told they will be retaining the “traditional” cast iron points where they can. Where they cannot the new replacements look cheap, contain sharp metal edges, and where I have met them, they have nearly always been unlocked with the padlock missing! I will bet CRT will have to replace the lot, as now we have warned them of the dangers they could be open to all sorts of claims if someone is hurt. If they had bothered to talk to us, the users, first we could have saved them thousands of pounds! Whilst talking of CRT when I met with them the other week they did mention that the needed more Volunteer Lock keepers in central London next year. If you are interested give them a call. You have probably heard that the National Festival at Cassiobury Park this year was a financial and public relations disaster. As a Trustee I have occasionally to take decisions which are at best unpalatable. At the last Trustees’ meeting we spent a long time looking at the viability of the proposed National Festival at Stratford next year. With great reluctance we agreed that the current proposal to run the Stratford Festival, with an unpaid gate, was not viable and we had to decline the opportunity to run the Festival. We then debated what to do about future National Festivals. The Trustee Board hope to have something to report to you early next year. There is much going on behind the scenes on sorting out the problem of boats overstaying on visitor moorings, but meaningful progress is rather slow. The SE mooring strategy in its final limited form is being implemented. There has been yet another K&A consultation and CRT have at last issued their management plan for the Islington Visitor moorings. Finally, I would like to tell you about what IWA is doing to get the Environment Agency waterways transferred into CRT. All our branches are sending a letter to the MPs in their area. We know these letters work, because there has already been one Parliamentary Question and the Waterways Minister asked the Member of Parliament, who asked the question, to meet him to discuss the situation. There was a change of waterways minister in the recent government reshuffle and this could make our letters more effective as they help to alert the new minister to the problem. At the moment this is a political campaign. If the time comes for direct action involving all our members, we will let you know what we need you to do. Paul Strudwick London Region Chairman Front cover photo:The launch of the Lenox from the Great Double Dock at Deptford in 1678, attended by Charles II and Samual Pepys. Painting by Richard Endsor from his book The Restoration Warship -3-

From North & East London Branch Chairman, Tim Lewis The Branch continues to work with all interested parties in resolving the problem of overstaying boats.The continuing saga of blocked visitor mooring, lock landings and winding points is a major concern. As fast as one ‘Continuous Cruiser’ is moved on so another takes its place. This has led the London Waterbus to cancel all future trips to Limehouse and Greenford. A sad blow for what was once a popular summer tourist attraction. At a recent committee meeting we discussed the Roving Mooring Permit Pilot Scheme proposed for the Uxbridge Area. Committee members believed, in the circumstance, that these pilot scheme proposals offered a practical approach to solving the ‘towpath squatters’ problem. We especially liked and supported the limit on using local visitor moorings by craft in the scheme. Overall, the Committee considered they would support the extension of such a pilot scheme to the North & East London area if and when the matter came up for consideration. We do however recognise that these proposals are controversial and welcome comments from branch members. The Branch has recently made donations to the Wendover Arm Trust and the Thames Ironworks Heritage Trust. The Trust have found some space, albeit temporarily, while they try to agree a more permanent base for a boatyard. The LLDC have some very well sited land available for medium term community projects in Stratford that is becoming available in April and they will be doing their best to secure some of that for 3 - 4 years. In the meantime they have agreement that two of the lifeboat fleet will be put on hard standing at Cody Dock on Bow Creek. A bright sunny day brought out the crowds for the Angel Festival. The Branch had a stand and many visitors to view the information and buy our donated bric-a-brac. Branch presence at the event was considered essential and that profile more than compensated for the slight financial loss. Branch members attended the open weekend at Camden (Hampstead Road) lock where C & RT allowed members of the public to descend into a lock to witness the works taking place to


replace the bottom gates. The top gates of the second Southern lock are also being replaced. In addition to the lock gate works three canal bridges in Camden are being repainted this winter. I took the opportunity whilst in Camden to visit the newly revamped visitor information centre in the old lock house. Starbucks have provided the finance for the new displays which were designed with assistance from Branch members. Leaflet racks here will be stocked with IWA recruitment and other literature. Branch members attended the recent C & RT user group meeting but feel that, whilst informative, the format of the meetings does not give user group representatives time for wider discussion of local concerns. We hope that the recently announced C & RT proposal for wider engagement with their customers resolves this. 44 people took up the offer of a Branch organised boat trip in September when we had a fascinating trip around the revamped waterways through the Olympic Park. On the planning front the Branch was less than pleased when the final master plan for Wood Wharf on the Isle of Dogs was published. It excluded the originally proposed Wood Wharf Canal in favour of a rectangular park. The only compensation was the increased provision of residential moorings in Blackwall Basin. Various additional bridges, although all lift or swing, will make the transit of craft to and from the Blackwall Basin and Poplar Dock moorings more difficult, with at least seven or perhaps eight bridges to lift for any one transit. The Branch has made its concerns about the changes known to the Developers. Tim Lewis North & East London Chairman

From South London (Acting) Chairman, Libby Bradshaw It seems no time at all since we were in the throes of summer and autumn events yet now I am wishing you all a very happy Christmas and looking forward into 2014! I hope to see some of you at the Christmas social on 11th December and maybe also at the Region one on 19th December. Since the last newsletter we have taken the Waterways Game by water (on Panacea) to Angel Canal Festival on 1st September and by road to the Thames Festival on 14th/15th September. We have now ‘put it to bed’ for the winter. As you will know, our main branch waterway is the tidal Thames, including its creeks. Last month, on November 7th, I attended the Thames Estuary Partnership Annual Forum which is represented by a wide range of organisations and interests. We heard about flood risk management, progress at Thames Gateway Port, the proposed Thames Tideway Tunnel, pollution and safety on our beaches as well as a presentation ‘Space for Nature’ from the East of England director of RSPB. One of the people I met there is involved in a plan for ‘River Month’ in September next year and has shown an interest in working with us. I will report further on this once I have met with him. We continue to look for new committee members for the branch to share the load. Currently there are only 5 of us – me as Acting Chairman, Lesley Pryde as Secretary, Peter Gregory as Treasurer, Christine Smith as Publicity Officer/Newsletter Editor and Alan Smith as Social Secretary. We especially need someone to take on the responsibility for the branch stand and sales stock. Alan and Christine Smith have very kindly looked after these since Alan Eggby -5-

died in May and we are all immensely grateful to them for this. However, as you see, they both have other branch responsibilities and many other commitments (as well as a lovely boat to go out on when they get the time!) so they will not be able to do this long term. Please get in touch if you can help. We have ordered a WoW (Wild over Waterways) mini kit which will provide us with activities for children to take to events. We have a member who is a teacher who will look at the potential for this with us when the kit arrives. If anybody would like to help with this and has experience in working with children please let me know, as it would be good to build this area up again. Some of you may remember several years ago when we ran a range of Waterways for Youth activities at the South Norwood lake ‘Take Part’ event. A final bit of news – Alan Eggby left his library of books to the Transport Club and they in turn have identified a large number of waterway related books which they have passed on to South London IWA. We are getting these valued by a branch member and a list will then be available for people to purchase. All money raised will be added to the donations received in memory of Alan. With all good wishes for Christmas and the New Year! Libby Bradshaw South London Acting Chairman

South London Sales The branch stand and Waterways Game have been taken to the Angel, Islington and the Thames Festival in September, and Christmas cards and calendars were on sale at the November social, all of which generated a profit for the branch’s good causes. The next planned outing for the Waterways Game is expected to be IWA Canalway Cavalcade during the May Day Bank Holiday weekend, 3rd to 5th May at Little Venice. If you are interested in helping at Cavalcade, know of any events where you’d like to see the Waterways Game or think you can assist with the Sales and/or Waterways Game in any way - you’ll be made very welcome, so please get in touch with me. Christine Smith Acting Sales Officer The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of The Inland Waterways Association or of the London Region or its branches. They are, however, published as being of interest to our members and readers. The IWA accepts no liability for any matter within this magazine, including adverts. Editor: Christine L Smith, 41 Jubilee Avenue, Twickenham, TW2 6JA. Tel: 020 8255 1581 or Mob: 07774 890 750. Email: Published by the IWA, N & E and South London Branches at: Island House, Moor Road, Chesham HP5 1WA Tel: 01494 783453 The Inland Waterways Association is a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee. Registered in England no. 612245. Registered as a charity no. 212342. Registered Office: Island House, Moor Road, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 1WA Tel: 01494 783453 -6-

London Region Socials (combined with North & East London ) We have continued to have our social meetings at PaddingtonCentral during the autumn starting with a talk on the ‘Thames Ironworks Lifeboats – a plan for restoration’ by Gavin Redknap, a project featured in the last issue of Meridian Cuttings, This was followed in October by a roundup by Tim Lewis of the restoration projects that London WRG have been working on this year and in November we had a detailed presentation on the Wilts and Berks canal and its restoration plans by their company secretary and acting chairman, Chris Coyle. We have our final social at Paddington on *Thursday 19th December. This is our Christmas quiz and auction with mulled wine and mince pies. Please note the change of date from the Tuesday. This is due to an event at the London Canal Museum which has recently been organised and will affect some of our regular members. Time:

19:00 for 19:30


Up to and including *December 2013: PaddingtonCentral Management Suite, 1A Sheldon Square, Paddington

From January 2014: To be confirmed – due to a change of management at Paddington there is uncertainty as to whether or not we will be able to use the room after this year. Please contact me as below to find out the venue and/or to have your name added to the email circulation list

Contact for details:

Libby Bradshaw Tel: 020 8874 2787 or 07956 655037 or email

2013 19th December

Christmas Quiz and auction with mulled wine and mince pies – please bring items for the auction (NB this is a Thursday not Tuesday)

2014 21st January

Film evening – Thames Sailing Barges - Recreating the journeys once made down the East Coast – presented by Griff Rhys Jones (BBC)

18th February

Olympic Park Legacy and restoration of Carpenters Road Lock – Mark Blackwell, Canal and River Trust

18th March

19.30 20.00

15th April

North and East London Branch AGM Waterways of Up State New York – Roger Squires Regional Round-up – a chance to hear from all the branches in our region about the work going on in our area including restoration of the Wendover Arm, progress and current plans on the canals throughout -7-

London, the Chelmer and Blackwater, and the River Thames.

20th May

Current Restoration Projects

17th June

The Manchester Ship Canal by Richard Thomas

We have a break in July and August and start again on Tuesday 16th September. Libby Bradshaw Thursday 8th August Legacy Cruise Boat Trip round Bow Back Waters. Of the 45 who made it on to the list, 44 turned up. One poor traveller was unwell on the day. She missed a rare sight. (See picture - would you trust anybody there?) We cruised from Three Mills to Old Ford Lock, turned right and onto the Backwaters. What a change! Apart from Carpenters Rd Lock (which our Commentator insisted on calling Carpenters Lock) and Penny Bridge; it was an alien canal. Gone was the junk, pennywort and (sadly) the plum trees! Instead was concrete, grass and neatly clipped hedges. Winded (mind the bump) and returned to Three Mills. 18 of us then went to Bow Bells for beer, food and chats. Mixed reviews as to quality of food, the staff tried their best. Since then Carpenters ROAD Lock has been highlighted for funding. It will be announced on 6th December if it has been successful. Thank you to all who answered the Questionnaire which C&RT publicised. Sally Naylor

South London Socials At the first meeting of the new season on 11th September, a film of working boats was shown which was well received and with a short time remaining, we showed some pictures of our August cruise on the Liverpool Canal Link. The boat trip on the Great Ouse from Bedford to Kempston and back on 29th September in glorious sunshine had 29 participants and was a great success, many appreciative remarks being received. It actually achieved a world record as Roger Squires had never cruised this section of river before! On 9th October, David Bowker treated us to a superb presentation on Scottish Lowland Canals, which he visited by bike, with the added bonus of the delightful Crinan Canal. Aileen Butler gave us something completely different on 13th November with a Magic Lantern -8-

Show. Using Victorian technology which she inherited from her grandfather, she showed historic views of the Thames and various other ‘period pieces’ which would have been revolutionary in their day. This was a fascinating show and our thanks go to Aileen and Shady for lugging the equipment and cases of heavy glass slides over from West London. Our next meeting will be the Christmas Social on 11th December where we hope to see as many people as possible. If you would like to bring 20 or so photos of waterway interest on a memory stick, CD or DVD we will show as many as we have time for. Lesley will be bringing some delicious mince pies - to be washed down with some seasonal cheer. The Annual Dinner is on 17th January, details below. If you would like to donate a prize for the Annual Dinner Raffle please get in touch with Christine. Unless otherwise indicated, the following South London Branch Social Events will take place at 7.30 for 8.00 p.m. at: The Primary Room The United Reformed Church Hall Addiscombe Grove Croydon CR0 5LP There is good parking adjacent to the hall and excellent transport links via East Croydon train and tram stations All are welcome, IWA members or non members There is no admission charge for talks, film shows or presentations but we do ask that you donate a minimum of £2 per person to offset room hire charges and speakers’ expenses, thank you Wednesday 11th December

Christmas Social: Christmas Cheer, mince pies and members’ photos. If you’d like to share your boating adventures please bring a selection of about 20 on a memory stick, CD or DVD

Friday 17th January 2014

Annual Dinner at RSJ Restaurant (corner of Coin Street and Stamford Street, near Waterloo mainline station). £26:00 per person including coffee, mints, VAT and service. If you’d like to come please complete the booking form on page 26 and return to Alan Smith (address on page 27) with a cheque made payable to A J Smith by 6th January. Menus will be sent out in the New Year.

Wednesday 12th February

‘The Bedford & Milton Keynes Waterway’ by Paul Leech

Wednesday 12th March

South London and London Region AGMs followed by a short presentation

Wednesday 9th April

‘A Day in the Life of a Thames Tug’ by Richard Thomas

Wednesday 14th May

‘The Port of London Authority: Overview and the Work of the Harbourmaster’ by Steve Rushbrook

Wednesday 11th June

‘Waterways & Navigable Rivers of Southern France’ by Roger Squires


For more information about South London’s Socials please contact Alan Smith, telephone 020 8255 1581, mobile 07774 890 750 or email Alan Smith

Trip Boat John Bunyan on the River Great Ouse Photo by C Smith

For updates and information on all IWA events and branches please go to:

IWA with London Walks Programme Towpath Walks Group is looking for volunteers to guide small parties of walkers on short walks along the towpath of the Regent’s Canal (and elsewhere). This introduces newcomers to the pleasant world of waterways - which most outsiders don’t realise is here! It is also a good way of recruiting new members to the IWA and an excellent method of raising funds for IWA branches in London Region. No experience? No problem, we’ll brief you so, if you’d like to give this a try, please contact Roger Wilkinson All dates are Sundays* Start time for all walks is 2:30 p.m.* *except Wednesday 1 January, which starts at 2:00 p.m. Normal charge: £9, Concessionary and Student rate: £7 Date


8 December 1 January* 5 January 19 January

Regent’s Canal: Little Venice - Camden Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross - Camden Regent’s Canal: Little Venice - Camden Regent’s Canal: Islington - Hoxton - 10 -

Start (Tube Station) Warwick Avenue King’s Cross (taxi rank) Warwick Avenue Angel

2 February 16 February 2 March 16 March 6 April 20 April 4 May

The Olympics, Three Mills & Bow Back Rivers Bromley-by-Bow Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross - Camden King’s Cross (taxi rank) Regent’s Canal: Little Venice - Camden Warwick Avenue Regent’s Canal: Mile End - Limehouse Mile End Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross - Camden King’s Cross (taxi rank) Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross - Hitchcock’s Hackney King’s Cross (taxi rank) Kensal Green Cemetery - Grand Union - Little Venice Kensal Green For more information please contact:

Roger Wilkinson: Telephone: 020 8458 9476 Email:

Moor or Less - London Assembly Report The London Assembly Report “Moor or Less: Moorings on London’s Waterways” was released on 27th November. Here is an extract from their website: “..extra moorings and facilities are need on London’s waterways to help address hotspots of overcrowding as increasing numbers of Londoners are turning to living on the water. With house prices and rents rising to record levels in London, the report carried out by Jenny Jones on behalf of our Environment Committee, says some people are choosing to live on a house boat as a more affordable option. Yet the number of moorings and facilities, such as water supply and waste disposal, has not increased in line with demand. London has 100 miles of canals and 42 miles of the River Thames. We estimate that in the region of 10,000 people* could now be living on them. We highlight how there is overcrowding in certain popular temporary moorings which can contribute to local environmental and nuisance issues, such as air and noise pollution from generators, stoves and engines, as well as navigational challenges for thos trying to use the waterways. We emphasise that there need to be local solutions to these issues, worked out by all the people involved including boaters, land residents, navigation authorities, boroughs and other official bodies. The report’s other recommendations include: •

The Canal and River Trust should look to increase moorings on London’s Canals

Planning authorities should ensure waterside developments do not detract from waterway usage, including residential moorings

Future amendments to the London Plan should include a policy to increase moorings

The Canal and River Trust should trial community moorings which would be run by a non-profit organisation

The Canal and River Trust should review provision of facilities and lighting at existing sites to ensure they are sufficient to cope with demand and review the way moorings are auctioned to make them fairer

All the relevant authoritiies should work to engage boating and waterside communities and the different groups should work together to find local solutions to pollution issues”

To read the full report and associated documents go to: london-assembly/publications/moor-or-less-moorings-on-london-s-waterways *Note from Ed: IWA considers this is an over estimate and that, according to its London Region research, the actual number of residential boaters in the London area is around 1500-2000, see the press release and Chairman’s comment at[0]=news/list - 11 -

Thames Tideway News Plans could change to minimise noise The use of barges overnight at one of the proposed Thames Tideway Tunnel main drive sites in Southwark could no longer be necessary if plans to change the transport strategy go ahead. The project team is looking at ways to use bigger vessels to take away spoil from the tunnel drive site at Chambers Wharf to reduce the number of barges needed. Malcolm Orford, delivery services manager for the Thames Tideway Tunnel, said: “Since submitting our application for development consent in February 2013, we have listened to the concerns from local residents and are reassessing our transport strategy at Chambers Wharf to see if we can stop barge movements during the night.....We are taking further guidance from how the Lee Tunnel and Crossrail projects are performing in similar barging operations in east London.....We are now seeing if we can use larger capacity barges at Chambers Wharf so we can take away more spoil in each vessel. This means we would intend to stop all barge movements between 10pm and 8am” The Planning Inspectorate have been advised of our plans, while the construction team analyse the fine details of the proposed changes. First published in “Tideway Times” Autumn 2013

Laburnum Boat Club News Laburnum Boat Club on the Regent’s Canal is celebrating securing a £9,600 Heritage Lottery (HLF) Grant. The money will be used to explore the canal’s heritage, which has incluenced the development of the surrounding South Hackney aea over the years. The boat club is a voluntary organisation run by residents which gives young people and their families an opportunity to participate in a range of water-based activities such as kayaking and narrow boat trips. The HLF project will involve young people in exploring archives and photographing the canal today, contrasting those with past images and recording the changes that have taken place over time. Club coordinator Jim Armstrong said “it’s great that we have been awarded this grant. We can’t wait to find out more about the canal and the buildings alongside it. We’ll include the findings in our educational work with schools and young people and use them in our work with the community, such as on boat trips and open days.” Sue Bowers, head of HLF London, added “This programme is a wonderful opportunity for communities to delve into their local heritage and we are delighted to be able to offer this grant so that Laburnum Boat Club can embark on a real journey of discovery.” The project organisers are particularly interested in interviewing people who have stories and memories of living or working on or by Regent’s Canal. Photos, articles and emphemera are welcome. To take part, contact Carolyn Clark on: 07773 784 517; or email: First published on 18th November - 12 -

Welcome to all new members! Mr M McRae Mr S Brocklehurst Mr G & Mrs L Bartlett Mr G Laguillo & Family Mr J Hindle Miss S Bentsik Mr D & Mrs A Charlesworth Mr A Telford Mrs C Spray

New South Wales, Australia Surrey East London Middlesex South East London North London Kent France Kent

.....ask not what IWA can do for you, ask what


can do for your Branch..... What does being an IWA member mean to you? What views do you have about the lack of volunteers in some of London Region’s branches - should more branches be amalgamated? Should we revert to being a London Branch? If you come to the socials - what draws you? If you go on the cruises and outings - what attracts you? If you don’t go - what would you like to do? Where would you like to go? Do you enjoy Meridian Cuttings? If so, what interests you? Email, phone or write your answers to The Editor (contact details on page 6)

North & East London and South London Branch Committees are becoming so depleted that their continued ability to function is at risk. We have vacancies for the following specific posts and more committee members: North & East London:

Branch Planning Officer Branch Working Party Officer

South London:

Minutes Secretary Sales & Waterways Game Administrator

If you can spare an hour or so every couple of months (no meetings during the summer) please get in touch with a Committee member... soon!

It’s YOUR branch - use it or lose it! - 13 -


3 - 5 may 2014 AT

little venice london w2

IWA canalway cavalcade

@canalcavalcade - 14 -



Come and join the team responsible for mounting one of the country’s most successful and best attended waterways and community events. IWA Canalway Cavalcade has been held in the heart of the Capital at Little Venice since 1983, over the three days of the May Day Bank Holiday We are looking for enthusiastic people in the following areas: Assistant Advertising & Sponsorship Manager Assist with selling advertising and procuring sponsorship packages to support the festival expenditure.

Assistant to the Catering Manager Assist in managing the day to day operational needs of a small group of quality outside caterers, most of whom have attended the festival over a number of years. No previous experience of catering or the catering trade is required.

Assistant to the Entertainments Manager Assist entertainers to locate their equipment correctly and in a timely fashion ensuring that an accurate programme schedule can be maintained during the festival.

Assistant Site & Services Manager Assist with logistics, procurement and event planning leading up to and during the event. Preferably London based.

If you’re interested in any of these vacancies or have a few hours to spare before or during the event please contact: Jerry Sanders Commercial Director email: or telephone: 07788 204442 - 15 -

Community Boats The following is the first article in a series we are planning about Community Boats:


‘Tarporley’ was built in 1937 by Yarwood’s in Cheshire and was one of 37 Large Northwich “Town” Class boats ordered by the Grand Union Canal Carrying Company. She was fitted with a National diesel engine, paired with a wooden butty (originally ‘Taunton’, built by Walkers of Rickmansworth) and together they could carry between 50 and 60 tons of cargo. They were based at Bulls Bridge, at the junction of the Paddington and Brentford arms of the Grand Union and, during and after the war carried cargo around the London area and brought coal down to London from the Coventry Canal. In 1957 she was leased to Willow Wren who continued carrying cargo in her, but then changed hands several times, finally being sold for £811 in 1970, still as a working boat, to Malcolm Braine at Norton Canes. In 1972 she was bought by the London Borough of Camden who wanted to provide residential and day trips for the young, the elderly and the disadvantaged. She was converted with this purpose in mind, retaining the boatman’s cabin and the engine room but covering the cargo space with a wooden cabin with accommodation for twelve passengers, a shower room and a galley. She was also re-engined with a 1958-built 2-cylinder air-cooled Lister H Series. LBC employed a fulltime skipper and for more than twenty years ‘Tarp’ was busy taking groups of people of all ages on day, evening and residential trips. She regularly made extended voyages in the summer (as far north as Cheshire), with LBC bussing passengers to and from the boat. By the mid 1990’s LBC had decided that they had more important things to spend council tax on and would therefore transfer the boat, and the opportunities that it provided to the local community, to the voluntary sector. Thus Camden Canals & Narrowboat Association, a company and registered charity, was set up in 1998 by volunteers, originally working in - 16 -

partnership with sympathetic Camden councillors. Initially there was an annual council grant to help with the running costs, but this gradually decreased to nothing and for several years now our income has come from hiring to private individuals, corporate events such as ‘bonding days’, donations and occasional grants from organisations such as the Association for Industrial Archaeology. Community groups are charged the actual running costs, plus a small mark-up. There are no paid staff, everyone involved is a volunteer, and of the forty or so on our books, about half are regularly involved in crewing and actively keeping a 76-year old boat running and in as good a condition as possible.

Tarporley in her commercial carrying days

We’ve upgraded the boat, so that she now has a steel cabin (and a flushing loo!), but the controls remain original (none of this modern Morse business - there are times when you could really do with three arms when skippering!) as does the boatman’s cabin (which is still used by the skipper on overnight trips). In 2006 ‘Tarp’ was placed on the Register of National Historic Ships and we were proud to be invited to take part in the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Pageant last year.

We are also a Training Centre recognised by the National Community Boats Association and encourage those who crew for us (and want to) to qualify as skippers. ‘Tarp’s “home” is Kings Place on the Regents Canal, on the corner of Battlebridge Basin, just around the corner from the Canal Museum (for whom we run trips through Islington Tunnel once a month during the summer). Our ‘standard’ day trip would be to Little Venice and back (going west) or Victoria Park and back (going east). For an evening or half-day trip we would wind at Kingsland Basin (east) or Dead Dog Hole (just above Hampstead Road Locks) or Cumberland Turn (west) – depending on whether or not locks are in our favour. Some passengers seem surprised that a 72’ boat can’t turn anywhere on the cut! But if you don’t want ‘standard’, we’ll go wherever a hirer wants (provided it’s ‘do-able’!). We have one charity which hires ‘Tarp’ twice a year for a weekend, once going west as far as Cowley Lock and once up the River Lea to Ponders End or Enfield. From my point of view, it’s a great way of getting afloat and helping the withdrawal symptoms when I can’t get away on my own (shared) narrowboat. And I’m helping people have a great time – which all our passengers seem to do - and showing them parts of London which most of them didn’t know about. And it’s all because I came to a South London meeting a few years ago when a couple of the CCNA volunteers told us about the boat and the charity. IWA has a lot to answer for……….. Photos by Terry Putnam

Peter Gregory - 17 -

FRIENDS OF REGENT’S CANAL Starbucks & the Canal Information Centre In late September, after 11 years of negotiations between Starbucks, the Canal & River Trust, the council and civic groups and pressure by canal enthusiasts, the Canal Information Centre was re-opened in the Lock Keeper’s cottage in Camden Town, which has been occupied by Starbucks since 2002. There is, however, still some dissent about the signage for the Information Centre: Have you visited the site? What do you think of the new signage (RH picture) - is it sufficiently prominent, is the height right, is it visible from the road bridge?

Mooring, pollution, litter and anti-social behaviour On 10th October Islington Council passed a motion to put pressure on the navigation authority (C & RT) to address mooring, pollution, litter and anti-social behaviour problems along the towpath. You can read the full text of the motion on the FoRC website. The topic was discussed at the FoRC public meeting on 20th November and, indepently, the Islington Tribune published some proposals that had been put forward about 2 hours before the meeting: Did you attend the meeting? What are your views? If you’d like to find out more about the Islington Council Motion, the London Assembly Mooring Review, Holborn Studios and the FoRC’s other activities - and how you can get involved please go to: or email: Ian Shacklock - 18 -

Build the Lenox at Convoys Wharf A project to build a seventeenth century warship on the site of King Henry VIII’s Royal Dockyard at Deptford This is how the project to build a replica of one of the most extensively documented 17th century warships, “Lenox” came about. The story of this ship has recently been collated and beautifully described in “The Restoration Warship” a 20 year labour of love (obsession?) by Richard Endsor who is now one of our team. It was the combined effect of this book and a book describing the French project to build a replica of La Fayette’s frigate L’Hermione that set me on this path. Knowing that they were probably “igniting the touch-paper” these books were lent to me by the gentlemen who own The Master Shipwright’s House who, along with many here in Deptford, are keen defenders of the Royal Dockyard site. So, I suppose I’d better explain why they particularly chose to hand me these books. The main reason is I’m a boatbuilder. I arrived here by boat in 1985 to a very edgy and exciting Deptford however still reeling from the tensions of the New Cross fire coupled with stratospherically high unemployment and poverty which is, shamefully, still with us.

My boat, an 1895 German steamer, was in dire need of restoration as only the pumps kept her afloat when I bought her (with the proceeds of the sale of my last narrowboat “Gort”). Deptford proved ideal for this. I “squatted” an old graving dock in the hands of a developer and whilst I weighed out the necessary materials from the many local scrap-yards in the old Stowage. On the other side of the river the towers of Canary Wharf soon rose out of the old docks. The demolition of the old was so frenzied that enough was thrown in the river to make it worthwhile for me to go salvaging and beach-combing most days. Much of the teak and mahogany in my ship came from the river during this time. My first wife had left just prior to this, cleaning out the joint account and leaving me with the debts and our 2yr old son, hence the elderly boat as a home. As I made a living on the Thames beach repairing boats he grew up in this magical environment though I think he just thought - 19 -

we were poor. (He’s the one pulling his ears, he’s 31 now.) The plan had been to take five years to rebuild the boat and then go travelling but somehow Deptford got into the blood. The ghosts of a glorious past are very strong here, the dramatic former Town Hall, St Nick’s the pirate church with the stone skulls and crossed bones on its gateposts warning would-be utopians, mutineers, and ship-stealers of their fate. The 17th century ship timbers occasionally uncovered by tidal scour of the foreshore. Tsar Peter the Great’s aged mulberry tree quietly collapsing in the tiny remaining fragment of John Evelyn’s once-great gardens. The few remaining granite sett-paved back streets awaiting the misguided Highways Department purge in the name of “cycling safety”! The magical survival of the Master Shipwright’s House, not only from German bombs but also the postwar purges of council slum “clearances” into a bland new world. They are the tip of a historical iceberg. Then there are the people, whose ancestors were the shipwrights, caulkers, joiners, labourers, scavelmen, sawyers and oakum-boys to name but a fraction of the dockyard trades. The town was almost exclusively geared to supplying the yard. Victuallers, blacksmiths, locksmiths, ironmongers, tanners and watermen. Their descendants are still here now enhanced by the more recent waves of people who have made London their home. The epicentre of these glorious ghosts is Deptford’s Royal Dockyard. The earliest recipient of a Royal Charter in 1513 from Henry VIII. Above ground, there is only the listed Olympia Boatbuilding Shed to be seen but below ground this massive 43 acre site contains an entire dockyard of buried structures. The Great Dock where Lenox was built, slipways, mast-ponds, The Great Basin, and the undercroft of the massive Tudor Store, shamefully demolished in the ‘50s though providing much needed bricks for Hampton Court! It was the largest industrial building of its time in the whole of Europe. - 20 -

Over 400 warships and countless other vessels were built here before the yard closed in the 1860s. Lenox and her sister ships marked a turning-point. Manoeuvrable yet heavily armed and efficiently run by Pepys’s reforms. England, by the end of the seventeenth century, was heading for complete supremacy over the French, Dutch, and Spanish fleets. As the birthplace of empire Deptford has not fared so well in recent years. Boundary changes, town hall closure, and an ethos on the part of L.B. Lewisham to “do to” not “do for” have not helped. But the 17th century “Cape Canaveral” is still a pretty stunningly creative place with a thriving arts community boosted by a history of immigration over the dockyard’s 500 year history. This year is that anniversary.

The Master Shipwright’s House - a hidden gem

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We’re a stubborn lot too. When Rupert Murdoch acquired the dockyard site under somewhat dubious circumstances from the M.O.D. he shut down cargo operations and applied to build the usual “luxury waterfront towers”. The community, sensing their exclusion from this, fought him all the way to City Hall and won! The victory was pretty temporary however, as he sold the site to his Hong-Kong equivalent, Hutchison Whampoa retaining a profit-share on any residential “units” built on the site. Now the buildings proposed are even higher and will dominate the London skyline and dwarf

Greenwich. We all accept something has to be built there but the proposed massing is absurd and the exclusion of the surrounding community almost total. Lasting employment is negligible but the profits are enormous…..for Hong Kong…….and Mr Murdoch.

Lenox could really change this, with very little inconvenience to the developer. L.B. Lewisham needs to back our proposal with an effective tourism policy and make our project a condition of any planning consent. Hutchison need to seriously consider the benefits of heritage tourism and not just profits from “investment” apartments, and everyone needs to realise the potential for skills training and real employment. At the centre of this, a glorious ship! (Note from Ed: see cover photo). Deptford is what makes sense of Greenwich. Please visit our website, read our Project Vision document and, if you feel like lobbying the planners at Lewisham, please do so as the outline planning application will be heard soon*. Ask them to make our project a condition to any planning consent given on the site. Our team is small, light on its feet, and totally committed to putting Deptford’s culture, history, and identity back on the map as well as generating training, real jobs, and hopefully a sense of fun and adventure. If you are able to donate then you have our thanks as, until we have a confirmed deal, formal fundraising is something of a challenge. Julian Kingston A lot has happened since September, when Julian wrote this article, here is his update: We met recently with the Mayor’s senior planner at City Hall, the gist of this was that following the Mayor’s decision to* ‘call in’ [the outline planning application] in this fashion they were uncertain enough to seek QC’s opinion which, they say, supports the legality of the move. However, the underlying tone is that the Mayor will push this through and we were advised not to challenge the housing element (3500 units) as they help meet central government targets as well as the Mayor’s (irrespective of the fact that they will be unaffordable and marketed in - 22 -

Hong Kong). The Mayor of Lewisham recently held “Deptford 500” anniversary celebrations for the Dockyard’s Royal Charter which was attended by most of the borough mayors and other dignitaries who now wish to be briefed in order to challenge Mayor Boris. There are very good briefings on the local blogs, too:

Let’s hope I don’t have to load this thing to fulfill the project aims!

Contact us: If you would like more information or to get involved please contact Julian Kingston at:

Donate: Help us to publicise this unique and inspirational project by donating towards our costs. Send cheques, payable to Build The Lenox, 2A Creekside, London SE8 4SA. We can also accept donations via Paypal to buildthe The Lenox Project CIC. Registered in England and Wales. Company No: 7952149

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Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meetings of the London Region of the Inland Waterways Association, and of its North & East London and South London Branches, will take place as follows: London Region At:

8:30 p.m. approximately* on Wednesday 12th March The Primary Room The United Reformed Church Hall Addiscombe Road Croydon CR0 5LP

*after the South London Branch AGM business has been completed South London At:

8:00 p.m. on Wednesday 12th March The Primary Room The United Reformed Church Hall Addiscombe Road Croydon CR0 5LP

North & East London At:

7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 18th March Venue to be confirmed - please contact Libby for more information AGENDA

1. Apologies for absence 2. Approval of the Minutes of the 2013 AGM plus Matters Arising 3. Report from the Chairman 4. Presentation of Accounts 5. Business of the meeting notified under byelaw 1.3^ 6. Election to fill posts on the Committee 7. Questions from the floor The formal AGM will be followed by another activity as per the branch’s social programme

CONTACT DETAILS London Region Chairman/ Paul Strudwick 40 Fifth Avenue Acting Chairman Chelmsford

Essex CM1 4HD Email: paul. strudwick@

South London Libby Bradshaw Ground Floor Flat, 61 West Side, Wandsworth Common, London SW18 2ED Email: libby.bradshaw@

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North & East London Tim Lewis 5 Herongate Road Wanstead London E12 5EJ Email: tim.lewis@

London Region Secretary

Robin Bishop 11 Lichfield Road, Cricklewood London NW2 2RE Email: robine.bishop@

South London Lesley Pryde 2 Hepworth Road Streatham London SW16 5DQ Email: lesley.pryde@

North & East London Roger Squires 46 Elephant Lane Rotherhithe London SE16 4JD Email: roger.squires@

^NOTE : Byelaw 1.3 provides that any member of a region or branch may propose business to appear on the Agenda of an AGM of their region or branch, provided that notice of such business is delivered in writing to the Chairman of the region or branch at least six weeks before that meeting. If any such items are received, a revised Agenda for the relevant meeting will be in a Branch Newsletter which is due to be published before the AGMs.


To facilitate elections at the AGMs, nominations for election to a Branch or Region Committee must be received by the relevant Branch or Region Secretary before or at the AGM (see above). All candidates and their proposers must be paid-up members of the relevant Branch or Region and the candidate must indicate his/her willingness to stand. All elected members of a Region or Branch Committee who have held office for a term of three years have to retire, as does any member co-opted during the committee meetings since the last AGM. Members in either category are eligible for re-election, provided that they are duly nominated as detailed above. The particulars for each Committee are as follows:

London Region

South London

North & East London

Robin Bishop

Lesley Pryde

Roger Squires

12th March

12th March

18th March




Members completing 3 years in post

Paul Strudwick Carole Beeton

Lesley Pryde Alan Smith Christine Smith

Ian Israel Roger Wilkinson

Members coopted since last AGM




Secretary Deadline for nominations Current number of elected members

Note: Please note that under the new Bye-laws all Committees may vary in size according to the

numbers elected. In addition to these elected members, the Region Chairman is ex officio a member of the Region Committee. We look forward to receiving further nominations for Committee membership. - 25 -



delete those not applicable


Print Name



Candidate Proposer Seconder

SOUTH LONDON ANNUAL DINNER FRIDAY 17th JANUARY 2014 7:30 for 8:00 p.m. at RSJ RESTAURANT 33 COIN STREET LONDON SE1 9NR £26:00 per person including coffee, mints, VAT & service (excluding soft and alcoholic drinks) BOOKINGS WITH £10 DEPOSIT PER PERSON BY 6 JANUARY * PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO A J SMITH * TO:


Telephone: 020 8255 1581 or scan and email: *menus will be available in the New Year Name & Address

Telephone No.

- 26 -

Number of Places Required

*Menu (S) Standard or (V) Vegetarian

Committee Members

Role North & East London Chairman

South London

Tim Lewis 5 Herongate Road Wanstead, London E12 5EJ Tel: 020 8530 0425 / 07802 518094 Email:

Deputy/Acting Chairman

Vacancy (Libby has been Acting Chairman since Alan Eggby’s death in May 2013) Libby Bradshaw Ground Floor Flat, 61 West Side, Wandsworth Common, London SW18 2ED Tel: 020 8874 2787 Email:



Roger Squires 46 Elephant Lane Rotherhithe, London SE16 4JD Tel: 020 7232 0987 Email:

Lesley Pryde 2 Hepworth Road Streatham, London SW16 5DQ Tel: 020 8679 9866 / 07787 372408 Email:


Ian Israel 32 Walfield Avenue London N20 0PR Tel: 020 8446 1823 Email:

Peter Gregory 20 Ashley Gardens Orpington BR6 9NH Tel: 07932 149959 Email:

Social Secretary

Jenny Nunes 63 Salisbury Road Barnet, Herts Tel: 020 8440 8962 Email:

Alan Smith 41 Jubilee Avenue Twickenham TW2 6JA Tel: 020 8255 1581 Email:

Publicity Officer & Newsletter Editor Membership Secretary

Committee Members

Christine Smith 41 Jubilee Avenue Twickenham TW2 6JA Tel: 020 8255 1581 / 07774 890 750; Email: Alex Nunes (contact details as above)

Dorothy Robbie 23 Porcupine Close Mottingham, London SE9 3AE Tel: 020 8857 6367 Email:

Roger Wilkinson 2 Lytton Close, N2 0RH Tel: 020 8458 9476 Email: roger.wilkinson@waterways.


Sally Naylor 21 Pitchford Street, Stratford, E15 4RZ Tel: 020 8519 7481 Email: Ex-Officio as Region Chairman Representatives

Paul Strudwick 40 Fifth Avenue Chelmsford CM1 4HD Tel: 01245 358342 / 07885 240291; Email: Planning & Navigation Committee: Wandle Valley developments: Deptford Creek developments:

Eric Garland Libby Bradshaw Eric Garland

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How to get to the London Region (combined with North & East London) December Social Meeting:

How to get to South London’s Social Meetings:

- 28 Printed by Colourimage

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