IWA North & East and South London Branches Magazine, Meridian Cuttings, Spring 2014

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Meridi an Cuttin g s Issue No. 007

Spring 2014

The newsletter of the North & East and South London branches of The Inland Waterways Association

Campaigning for the conservation, use, maintenance, restoration and development of the Inland Waterways



elcome to the Spring Edition of Meridian Cuttings which, urged on by the warmer weather, has a bit of a spring in its step and will encourage you to get outside - volunteering, boating, walking and generally enjoying yourselves. Firstly there are the ‘View from the Chair’ reports from the Chairpeople, starting on the opposite page. I’m sure you will join me in welcoming Libby as our much-needed new South London Chairman. There are lots of walks coming up under Roger Wilkinson’s guidance, including two new ones which include some World War I features - see page 6. Sally reports wittily about the London Region/North & East London socials and the forthcoming programme appears on page 7, followed by South London’s on page 8. If you’ve any ideas for future cruises or socials do get in touch, we only do it for you, you know! If you fancy getting out and meeting interesting people in a convivial atmosphere why not investigate some of the volunteering opportunities on page 9 - come on, there’s a world outside that armchair! David Hilling has contributed a fascinating piece on page 12 about freight on the Thames - which contains some very encouraging news. There are also updates about Friends of Regent’s Canal, Wandle Valley Regional Park and Thames21. Not forgetting London Region’s very own festival at Little Venice - Canalway Cavalcade between 3rd - 5th May. We’ve included another in our series about community boats: this time we feature the Pirate Castle, with an introduction by Libby, on page 17. If you fancy a ‘little flutter’ - from which the Region will also benefit - then take a look at the London Region 200 Club, which now includes a standing order option, to make contributing even less hastle. All you have to do is fill in the form, cut it from the newsletter and post it to Vernon Draper. All the information and rules are on page 21. Finally, our new committee members (and all the committee vacancies.....) can be found on page 23. Welcome to Shea Richardson, who has agreed to help South London, and congratulations to Sally Naylor, who has been elected Social and Membership Secretary of North & East London. If you think you can spare a few hours a month and take the load off some of our shoulders - we will welcome you with open arms - just lift that phone! Christine Smith, Publicity Officer & Newsletter Editor

Contents Page

A View from the Chair:

Friends of Regent’s Canal 14

Welcome new members 15

London Region 3 North & East London 4 South London 5

IWA with London Walks 6 Socials: London Region/ North & East London 7 South London 8

The Wandle Trail



Canalway Cavalcade 16 Community Boats: Pirates! 17 Thames21 20 London Region 200 Club 21

Volunteering Opportunities 9

Who’s Who on the Committees 23

Old Father Thames Comes to Life 11

How to get to the Branch Socials 24 -2-

A View from the Chair From London Region Chairman, Paul Strudwick With the boating season fast approaching we are looking forward to going boating and have already planned our summer trips. Of course these will depend on the weather - let’s hope it’s a good one. During the three years since I became your regional chairman we have seen great changes to the waterways scene. Three years ago we were looking forward to the creation of C&RT from BW. IWA was working hard behind the scenes to try and get a better funding deal; the final deal was far better than we could have expected. Back then we were already worrying about the number of boats without home moorings that were overstaying in the London area. That problem has, if anything, got worse despite lots of hard work by the region committee. There are some signs of movement, for example the problems at Noel Road, Islington, have been much less this winter and there have even been reports of an empty mooring!!! But we are a long way from getting a resolution across the region. One symptom of how others are getting frustrated by the waterways movement’s inability to solve this problem is boaters on a section of towpath at Leyton Marsh have been asked, by the riparian owners, to move on or take up a long-term mooring contract on the towpath with the local Marina. When the government set up C&RT they did not include the EA waterways. The cuts to their funding, as a result, are of growing concern. Not only has it affected the standards of maintenance but licence fees are going up far faster than on the C&RT waterways. Whilst our Region is not directly affected, we need to start thinking about how we can help the national campaign to demonstrate to the public the threat to all EA navigations, but specifically the Anglian Waterways, by the existing arrangement. If you own a boat that you keep on an EA waterway perhaps, through your local club, you could consider arranging a boat [trip] to highlight what is threatened to be lost. Some things don’t change: we still need to widen the membership of the association so that others recognise us as being a broad “church” representing not only the boating and heritage interests; we still need to broaden the age profile of the association. However, we are getting out more on the C&RT canals and our volunteers are helping to look after the network. If you haven’t been out yet why not contact your branch chairperson and see what you can do to help. Finally, if you think you could spend a few hours a week working for IWA, why not consider putting your name forward for one of the vacancies that exist in your branch committee. We also need volunteers to help us run Cavalcade, and our stands at Rickmansworth and the other events we attend during the year. Follow me on Twitter paul@greenboater Cover Photo: The Pirate Castle narrowboat Pirate Viscount enters The Pool for the Boat Handling Competition at IWA Canalway Cavalcade, 2013. See the article on page 17. Photo: C Smith -3-

Paul Strudwick London Region Chairman

From North & East London Branch Chairman, Tim Lewis The branch continues to monitor the situation with the number of boats moored on the branch area waterways and the Canal & River Trusts efforts to police the non-compliant continuous cruising licensed boats. At the recent user group meeting it was noted that of the 1000 continuous cruising licensed boat within the London Region some 212 were in the enforcement process. The Branch officers are concerned that boaters are being put off boating to London because of the perceived overcrowding and lack of visitor moorings and difficulty in using locks due to blocked landings. The branch continues to work with the C & RT to identify new mooring sites but notes the concern that the Lea Valley Regional Park has re-designated the moorings North of Wilton Street Footbridge as permanent moorings with little or no consultation. We have also contributed to proposal by the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) to develop moorings within the Olympic Park The Branch has or is intending to respond to all relevant C & RT consultations affecting the Branch area waterways including the review of the 2013/2014 winter moorings and the proposal to establish additional moorings at Paddington including in Browning’s Pool itself. At a recent Branch committee we thanked Alex and Jenny Nunes for all their many years support to the Branch and wished them well in their ‘retirement’ from committee work. We also recorded our thanks to the London Towpath Walks organisers for their fund raising efforts for the Branch. A cheque for the sum of £728.6 was received at the recent Branch AGM towards Branch Funds. The Branch committee is currently short of a number of positions and would welcome all offers of assistance. Our Branch AGM was better supported this year though we suspect that this was more due to Roger Squires’s excellent talk on New York State canals rather that the attraction of listening to formal proceedings! On the planning front we recently attended a meeting where C&RT were proposing, on safety grounds, to remove the derelict stop gates that were put in during the last War to prevent flooding from bomb damage. These gates were now ‘time expired’ and C&RT proposed to replace them with improved stop plank grooves with stop planks on trailers. It had been agreed that four sets of gates would be retained on ‘heritage grounds’. These were those at Little Venice, Kings Cross, the entry to Hertford Union and the entry to the Slough Arm. Interpretation would be provided at all these sites. We continue to monitor and comment on planning applications for developments adjacent to the Branch Area waterways, including the revised plans for the Wood Wharf development on the Isle of Dogs and the successful addition of the Holborn Studios buildings to its Local Heritage list. There are proposals for lighting up the towpath on the Lower Lea. This would be funded by the LLDC and our views were invited. We are pleased to see that works are being carried out to Carpenters Road Lock work by replacing the guillotine gates. However, the current funding only covers flood risk works and we are currently working with C&RT to raises funds for the completion of the restoration works. Tim Lewis North & East London Branch Chairman -4-

From South London Branch Chairman, Libby Bradshaw South London AGM took place on March 12th and I am pleased to say we have welcomed Shea Richardson on to the committee. Shea is a regular attendee at branch socials and a frequent helper on the branch stand. Other committee members remain the same: Secretary: Lesley Pryde; Treasurer: Peter Gregory, Publicity officer/newsletter editor: Christine Smith Social Secretary: Alan Smith. I have rashly agreed to become Chairman rather than ‘Acting’ Chairman and would like to take this opportunity to thank the committee for all their hard work over the past year and I look forward to working with everyone over the coming year. We are reaching the time of year when we will be making plans to take the branch stand to events and still need someone to take on the responsibility for the kit and stock. Christine and Alan have kindly been storing it – gazebo, a table and some stock but are unable to offer the space for much longer. Ideally we need someone to take this on in its entirety but it may be that one of you has the necessary storage space, whilst another could transport it and help to run the stand. Any offers would be much appreciated. One of the things which would enable us to raise more money on the Waterways Game would be if we had some prizes donated; if you are able to contribute a bottle or two that would also be appreciated. We have now received our WoW (Wild over Waterways) mini kit which has a number of activities for children which we can take to events. Shea is a teacher and will be looking at the potential for this with us. The kit will have its first outing at Canalway Cavalcade, 3rd – 5th May. Two members of Middlesex branch will also be helping with this. If anybody who has experience working with children would like to help at Cavalcade or at other events please let me know. It would be good to build this area up again. In January we held what I call our ‘not the Christmas meal’ at RSJ restaurant near Waterloo. 21 people attended and we were pleased to welcome our National Chairman, Les Etheridge, and his wife, Anne. We owe a big thank you to Alan Smith for organising this and to Christine for putting together the raffle. In February there was a ‘Bring your Own Photos’ evening similar to that held in December and in April a talk by Richard Thomas, ‘A day in the life of a Thames Tug’. We continue to monitor what is happening on the River Thames, Wandle and Deptford Creek. A current planning proposal we have been keeping an eye on is the controversial Convoys Wharf development, which has been out for consultation a second time. Hot off the press, as I write this, we have learned the development has got approval. Details on this may be found through this link: http://www.constructionenquirer.com/2014/04/01/1bn-london-convoyswharf-scheme-approved/. Bill Ellson, who is one of our members and chairman of Creekside Forum, will be writing an article for our next edition of Meridian Cuttings on the implications of this. The Olympic Park waterways will be open on 10th May with a cruise for 40 boats, led by St Pancras cruising club. My boat Panacea is due to take part in this, crewed by some of the committee and branch stand helpers. There is also a plan for a further trip down the tidal Thames to the overnight pier moorings at Gravesend in early June. I hope you all have a good summer and look forward to meeting those members I do not know already. Libby Bradshaw South London Branch Chairman -5-

IWA with London Walks Programme Start time for all walks is 2.30 p.m. Normal charge: £9 Concessionary and Student rate: £7 Contact: Roger Wilkinson: 020 8458 9476 roger.wilkinson@waterways.org.uk Date


Start (Tube Stn.)

6th April King’s Cross to Camden King’s Cross(taxi rank) 20th April Kings Cross and Hitchcock’s Hackney Kings Cross (taxi rank) 4th May Kensal Green Cemetery to Little Venice Kensal Green 18th May The Olympics, Three Mills & Bow Back Rivers Bromley–by-Bow 1st June Mile End to Islington Mile End 15th June Little Venice to Camden Warwick Avenue 6th July King’s Cross to Camden King’s Cross(taxi rank) 20th July Little Venice to Camden Warwick Avenue 3rd August World War I, Three Mills, Bow Back Rivers, The Olympics Bromley–by-Bow 17th August World War I, Enfield Lock, R. Lee, Ponder’s End Enfield Lock Railway Station 7th September King’s Cross to Camden King’s Cross(taxi rank) 21st September The Olympics, Three Mills & Bow Back Rivers Bromley–by-Bow 5th October Kings Cross to Hitchcock’s Hackney Kings Cross(taxi rank) 19th October Little Venice to Camden Warwick Avenue 2nd November Mile End to Limehouse Mile End 16th November Islington to Hoxton Angel Roger Wilkinson The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of The Inland Waterways Association or of the London Region or its branches. They are, however, published as being of interest to our members and readers. The IWA accepts no liability for any matter within this magazine, including adverts. Editor: Christine L Smith, 41 Jubilee Avenue, Twickenham, TW2 6JA. Tel: 020 8255 1581 or Mob: 07774 890 750. Email: christine.smith@waterways.org.uk Published by the IWA, N & E and South London Branches at: Island House, Moor Road, Chesham HP5 1WA Tel: 01494 783453 The Inland Waterways Association is a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee. Registered in England no. 612245. Registered as a charity no. 212342. Registered Office: Island House, Moor Road, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 1WA Tel: 01494 783453 www.waterways.org.uk -6-

London Region Socials (combined with North & East London ) Tuesday 21st January: An engaging and entertaining film, with Christine Smith acting as film loader (she even got the sound to work). So we could listen to Gryff Rhys Jones’ witty comments as well as watch the film about Thames Sailing Barges; and in case you ask, “No, I will not be cooking lardy cake at Cavalcade”! Tuesday 18th February: To all who were looking forward to the visit from C&RT re Carpenters Road Lock, we apologise for the change of Programme. (We hope to reschedule the date in the autumn – watch this space!) Our thanks to Christine Kemp and Chris Tymkow for coming to the rescue. Christine brought a DVD along called “Heel, Breast and All the Rest” ie the diy of lock gate building, without the diy! Chris then entertained us with a few watery (very topical at the time) canal songs. Tuesday 18th March: Every IWA AGM I have attended has been quick, if not painless! If you were there, you know the answer! If you weren’t – it was both. Refreshments, nibbles and chit-chat complemented the evening. Then Roger Squires gave an excellent insight to the Canals of Upstate New York and like all of USA they are BIG. [Note from Ed: Committee Members and changes can be found on page 23]

Forthcoming Socials Time: 19:00 for 19:30 Venue:

PaddingtonCentral Management Suite, 1A Sheldon Square, Paddington

Contact for details:

Libby Bradshaw Tel: 020 8874 2787 or 07956 655037 or email libby.bradshaw@waterways.org.uk

15th April

Regional Round-up – a chance to hear from all the branches in our region about the work going on in our area including restoration of the Wendover Arm, progress and current plans on the canals throughout London, the Chelmer and Blackwater, and the River Thames.

20th May

Current Restoration Projects

17th June

The Manchester Ship Canal by Richard Thomas

We have a break in July and August and start again on Tuesday 16th September. Sally Naylor and Libby Bradshaw


South London Socials Our last meeting of the year on 11th December was an experiment – a social with fruit punch and members’ photos. There was good selection of photos contributed by several people and it was such a great success we decided to have a repeat performance in 2014. The annual dinner on 17th January was attended by 21 members and friends and an excellent meal was enjoyed with additional entertainment provided by the raffle, which raised £42. The talk at the meeting on 12th February was due to have been given by Paul Leech but unfortunately, owing to serious illness, he had to cancel and as many of you will know he died in early March, a sad loss to the waterways movement. His energy and enthusiasm will be keenly missed. To fill the gap we decided to rerun the members’ slide evening but this time the contributions were sparse and to fill in the time Christine and I showed some of TicketyBoo’s extended travels. The AGMs for both South London Branch and London Region were held on 12th March followed by a presentation by Christine and me on our trip last year along the Leeds & Liverpool Canal from the Bridgewater Canal at Leigh to the docks in Liverpool. Our social programme continues and details follow below. Please make an effort to attend as a lot of effort goes into organising them for your benefit and of course they are a cost to the branch. Attendances so far this year have been disappointing. Looking further ahead another boat trip will be organised and advertised in due course.

Social Calendar 2014 Unless otherwise indicated, the following South London Branch Social Events will take place at 7.30 for 8.00 p.m. at: The Primary Room The United Reformed Church Hall Addiscombe Grove Croydon CR0 5LP There is good parking adjacent to the hall and excellent transport links via East Croydon train and tram stations All are welcome, IWA members or non members There is no admission charge for talks, film shows or presentations but we do ask that you donate a minimum of £2 per person to offset room hire charges and speakers’ expenses, thank you Wednesday 9th April ‘A Day in the Life of a Thames Tug’ by Richard Thomas Wednesday 14th May ‘The Port of London Authority: Overview and the work of the Harbourmaster’ by Steve Rushbrook Wednesday 11th June Waterways & Navigable Rivers of Southern France’ by Roger Squires -8-

There are no social meetings at Croydon during July & August

Wednesday 10th September ‘Thames Eyots & Aits’ by Miranda Vickers Wednesday 8th October ‘London’s Lost Rivers’ by Tom Bolton Wednesday 12th November ‘Canals of Brittany’ by Graham Deavin Wednesday 10th December ‘Bring your own Boating Adventures No. 3’ with Christmas Cheer and Mince pies For more information about South London’s Social Calendar please contact Alan Smith, tel: 020 8255 1581; mobile 07774 890 750 or email alan.smith@waterways.org.uk Alan Smith

For updates and information on all IWA events and branches please go to: www.waterways.org.uk

Volunteering Opportunities North & East London: The North & East London Branch Committee is seeking more active members so it can play a more effective role in protecting and safeguarding the waterways in our Branch area. If you feel you can contribute, please contact the Branch Chairman, Tim Lewis, or the Branch Secretary, Roger Squires at: northandeastlondon@waterways.org.uk. Applicants must hold valid IWA membership.

Planning Officer: This involves liaison with local council planning departments, the scrutiny of planning proposals relevant to the waterways and providing comments on them, especially where, if approval were granted, it might prejudice the enjoyment and benefits derived from the local waterways.

Work Party Officer: This role needs an enthusiastic individual to organise regular volunteer work parties on North & East London waterways by coordinating with the Branch Campaign Team at Head Office and the relevant navigation authorities. No experience is necessary as training will be provided.

South London: South London Branch would welcome applications from volunteers interested in joining the committee with a knowledge of local waterways within the London area. South London branch is very active, organising monthly talks, presentations and DVD evenings, attending many waterways festivals and events in the South London area with its Waterways Game (a tombola), sales and publicity stand, one cruise and an annual dinner each year – which generate over £1000 of revenue towards IWA causes and projects annually. It publishes a quarterly newsletter jointly with North & East London branch. Committee meetings are normally held every two months, on the fourth Monday in the month, except during the summer months, plus the AGM in March each year. Members also work closely with local -9-

waterways societies, community and volunteer groups. Committee meetings are held at a location convenient to committee members’ homes. Social meetings are held at the United Reformed Church Hall in Addiscombe Grove, Croydon. Applicants must hold valid IWA membership. If you are interested in any of these roles please contact Libby Bradshaw. Email: libby.bradshaw@waterways.org.uk; Tel: 020 88742787; Mobile: 07956 655037

Branch Events & Marketing Officer: We need a self-motivated, organised individual to research local events where IWA’s presence generates interest in the waterways and is an important recruitment tool. The Events Officer will liaise with local events organisers, arrange attendance by the branch and deal with the administration required. They will also liaise with other members of the Committee and branch to agree which events should be attended and to arrange adequate manning of the stand at these events.

South London Branch Minutes Secretary: We are seeking an organised individual to assist the branch at committee meetings as the Minutes Secretary, who will attend Committee Meetings, draft minutes, monitor actions and assist the chairman with producing agendas. Organisational, writing skills and preferably a degree of computer literacy are required. South London Committee meets every two months (except during the summer, when there are no committee meetings) at a location convenient to committee members.

South London Branch Sales Officer: South London Branch regularly attends local events between May and October and generates considerable interest in the work of the IWA via its tombola, known as The Waterways Game, and its Sales Stand. We are looking for an energetic, organised individual who will purchase prizes and sales stock on behalf of the branch and be responsible for the associated administration before and during attendance at various events. Full training will be provided. Use of a storage facility and vehicle are essential.

IWA Canalway Cavalcade: Come and join the team responsible for organising and staging one of the country’s most successful and best attended waterways and community events - London Region’s very own festival, Canalway Cavalcade. Now in its 31st year, it’s held over the three days of the May Day Bank Holiday (3rd – 5th May 2014) in the heart of the capital in iconic Little Venice. We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help in the following areas before and during the festival: • • • • •

Assistant to the Commercial Director (Trade show and stalls) Assistants to the Entertainments Manager (3) Assistant to the Sponsorship & Advertising Manager Catering Assistant Site & Services Team Assistant

There are also lots of other opportunities to help us during this colourful spectacle, even if you can only spare a couple of hours on one day, your assistance will be invaluable: - 10 -

Stewards and marshals: keep the public informed and redirected where necessary, distribute programmes, look after donation buckets, redirect cyclists, take care of the VIPs

IWA marquee: assist with retail transactions, answer customers’ questions, recruit new members

Public Address Announcers

Information points: answer questions posed by the public, e.g. where are the nearest loos, food, ATMs, or where the boat trips go from - as well as answering waterways questions

Waterspace Marquee: Clerical jobs and providing information

For more information and to apply please contact: Jerry Sanders, Commercial Director Email: exhibition@waterways.org.uk Or telephone: 07788 204442

IWA Canalway Cavalcade at Little Venice, May 2013 Photo: R Squires

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Old Father Thames Comes to Life Historically the Thames and London’s port were dependent on lighterage and at its peak there were many hundreds of riverside wharves. Changing cargo-handling technology resulted in the closure of dock systems and riverside wharves many of which were redeveloped for non-transport uses - a process not helped by a widespread negative attitude with respect to waterborne freight. In 2011 just over two million tonnes of cargo moved by barge on the Thames, more than on any other British waterway. In June 2013 the Port of London Authority issued a press release, so significant was the news that in 2012 barge traffic had increased to 3.3 million tonnes. On Bow Creek, the River Lea (Lee) tributary of the Thames, was reported to be back to 1960’s levels. How to explain this impressive and sudden increase? Was this London following the Berlin example of a city taking advantage of waterborne freight to service waterside redevelopment projects? In fact, while there could have been many more examples, there are some cases, the Canary Wharf development most obviously, in which barge transport was brought into use. More simply, the increase in Thames barge traffic resulted from the start of work on several major projects involving tunnels and the generation of very large tonnages of excavated material for removal. The projects concerned were for Thames Water, London’s water supply and sewage treatment company, and Crossrail, a company building a new west-east rail link across London. Between them they would be building 81 km of tunnel, 6.2 to 7.2 m in diameter, and much close to or linking places along the Thames. It would have been impossible not to think in terms of water transport! Thames Water London’s basic sewage system dates from the mid 19th century and to meet demand and satisfy current regulations urgently needs upgrading. This is to be achieved by major improvements at the main treatment plant at Beckton on the Thames and capturing sewage now entering the Lee and Thames rivers, especially at times of heavy rainfall, and directing it to Beckton. In 2010 work started on the 7 km Lee Tunnel from Abbey Mills, on the navigable Bow Creek and just south of London’s Olympic Park, and the Beckton treatment plant. An existing wharf at Abbey Mills was able to take 500 tonne barges and Beckton’s Outfall Pier is capable of taking seagoing ships of up to 2,500 tonnes. Because of the depth from which it has been taken, the excavated material is very clean and non toxic and suitable for land recovery at sites down river. Plans are well advanced for the Thames Tideway Tunnel which will capture sewage now finding its way into the Thames from large parts of western and central London and direct that to Beckton by way of Abbey Mill. A tunnel of 32 km and 7.2 m diameter will, over large parts of its route, be under or close to the line of the Thames. In July Thames Water published its transport strategy with a pledge to move at least 4.2 million tonnes of material by river from 11 construction sites using some existing wharves and some new ones - a welcome reversal of the trend to wharf closure. Longer term maintenance could mean some wharves continuing in use after construction is completed in 2020 and work for barge companies and their staff. Crossrail Now well under way, the Crossrail company is developing a new rail link across London from - 12 -

Maidenhead in the west, with a link to Heathrow, across central London and eastwards to Shenfield and south-eastwards to Abbey Wood, south of the Thames. Work started in 2009 on a station to serve the Canary Wharf business district and over 100,000 tonnes of excavated material was moved out by barge. Under London, the rail link will be in a twin tube 21 km tunnel of 6.2 m diameter. Excavated material from the western part of the tunnel is being taken by rail from Royal Oak, near Paddington, to Northfleet in Kent and from the eastern drive shaft near Bow Creek a conveyor provides direct loading of barges on the creek at Instone Wharf. From some other shafts, spoil will be taken by road to the Barking Riverside jetty from where it will be moved by barge and ship either to Northfleet or directly to landfill sites. to

In the summer of 2012 a factory at Chatham Dock on the Medway River started production of prefabricated concrete tunnel-lining segments which are shipped by barge directly to the Limmo Wharf on Bow Creek.

Instone Wharf at Bow Creek Mouth, with Limmo Wharf, Crossrail Tunnel Linings in the distance Photo: R Squires

Use of Excavated Material It is not difficult to image the vast amount of excavated material resulting from the boring of over 80 km of tunnel. The destination for much of the spoil will be two land reclamation sites in coastal south Essex. Veolia Environmental Services is capping a former landfill site at Pitsea on the Holehaven Creek in south Essex. This is a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest as a resting and feeding stopover for migratory birds and a home for waterfowl. Spoil from the Crossrail Canary Wharf station was taken in tows of four 350 tonne barges to the mouth of Holehaven Creek and then in pairs when the tide is suitable to the restored Pitsea Lower Wharf. By 2017 five million tonnes will be conveyed to the site from a number of tunnelling sites. Excavated material by rail and water from a number of sources has been moved to wharves in Northfleet from where it is transhipped for the creation at Wallasea Island on the River Crouch - 13 -

north of Southend of a nature reserve for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. This will require six million tonnes of spoil of which Crossrail will be supplying 4.5 to 5.0 million. Pontoon wharves with a conveyor link to the site are able to take two 2,500 tonne ships at all stages of the tide and the Norwegian Hav Management company is providing the ships. In August 2013 a temporary jetty was put in place just east of Tilbury Dock and this will receive spoil by barge for restoration of a former landfill site and better flood protection for the village of East Tilbury. Conclusion With work on the Tideway Tunnel still to start there could be many years of enhanced demand for water transport on the Thames. Apart from the tunnel spoil there is, as a by- product of tunnelling and other project work, a growing demand for concrete, aggregates, other construction materials, machinery and equipment and a number of new construction-waste recycling facilities are also providing barge traffic. To satisfy increasing and more varied demand there has been the need for larger barges and an increasing number in excess of 1000 tonnes are now to be seen on the Thames. These have come from Germany, Netherlands and Czech Republic and existing tugs are being upgraded and new ones delivered on a regular basis. David Hilling

FRIENDS OF REGENT’S CANAL The minutes of last month’s [February] public meeting are now available on the website. You will find them on the following page:http://friendsofregentscanal.org/meetings/minutes-2014-02-19.html Over the next few weeks there are going go be some changes to the way we communicate across the group and to the general public. We are now on Twitter and this allows two-way and unlimited ad-hoc communication about events and views. Naturally, this needs to be approached in a controlled way and any ideas or contributions are welcome. Another area of change is our website. This has already undergone some cosmetic changes but there are opportunities to build up the INFORMATION and GALLERIES sections. The information area will include historic facts and images (continuing from the work we did for the Camden Town visitor centre) and it will also provide locations of cafes, pubs and other facilities along the canal. Contributions will be accepted from various sources, including schools and individuals. If you would like to get involved in any design or technical work or if you can help to coordinate the flow of information then please contact me directly or send and email to friendsregentscanal@gmail.com. Ian Shacklock Chair, Friends of Regent’s Canal Please visit our website - www.friendsofregentscanal.org and visit/follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/Fo_RegentsCanal - 14 -

Welcome to all new members!

Mr E Berry & Family Mr A Bliss & Mrs L Proto Mr & Miss L & V Bold & Winspear Mr R Colclough Mr P Davis Ms M Gregor Mr & Mrs P & K Harrison Ms & Ms C & S Hassell & Shivanath Mr P M Hearn & Family Mr & Mrs D & E Hillier & Donoghue Mr & Mrs C & G Howard Mr & Ms J & R Norris & Sanderson Mr D O’Brien Mr M Polley Mr J & Mrs B Rogers Mrs B Rudholm Mr & Mrs N & P Spencer

Essex London London Essex Kent London Surrey London Kent Kent London London Romford Essex France Sweden London

The Wandle Trail The Wandle Trail is a fantastic, mainly traffic-free route that follows the River Wandle from its mouth with the River Thames in Wandsworth, through three boroughs to Croydon, where local transport links offer a perfect finishing point for those with tired legs. The 12 mile route offers a great day out for people of all ages, for those on foot or bike. More than ten parks and green spaces lie on the route, providing an opportunity to see local wildlife and escape the hustle and bustle of south west London. Numerous cafes, pubs and restaurants and local attractions such as Merton Abbey Mills, Deen City Farm and Wandsworth Museum mean that there is something for everyone. The Wandle Trail guide is being updated in line with the Sustrans project to improve the route but in the meantime the current leaflet can be downloaded via the website: http://www.wandlevalleypark.co.uk/About/The-Wandle-Trail

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Canalway Cavalcade

3rd - 5th May 2014 Little Venice - London W2 trade & craft stalls Teddy Bears’ picnic Kids’

activities boat parades & processions


Punch & Judy

real ale bar Morris sides

one man band


live music

food and snacks family fun

Saturday 10 - 6 pm - Sunday 10 - 6 pm and 8 pm - 10.30 pm Monday 10 - 5 pm Admission is free! IWA canalway cavalcade

@canalcavalcade - 16 -

Community Boats The following is the second article in our series about Community Boats

The Pirate Club was formed in March 1966 by Viscount St David’s who was asked by a boy on the bank if he could row his boat. This was the beginning of a long relationship with the children of Camden, getting them on the water and creating a youth club. A detailed history of the early years can be found on the website http://www.thepiratecastle.org/history-pirate-club In 1977 the Pirate Castle was built and became the club’s permanent home. The first community boat, Pirate Princess, was named and launched in 1982 by HRH Prince Charles. Pirate Princess was associated for the next 25 years with Giles Higgitt who was skipper and later manager of the club. His untimely death in 2010 left a huge gap. This excerpt from an obituary reflects his determination to give young people a chance “Mr Higgitt, who believed there was no such thing as a dysfunctional child, just a dysfunctional society, did much more than run the Pirate Club. Friends recall him speaking on behalf of young people at court hearings, persuading judges that a few days in his charge in a kayak would help them with behaviour issues. He was almost always right”. Giles’ spirit lives on in the ethos of the club. Between 1999 and 2003 options for extending the premises and making these fully accessible were considered and fundraising for this undertaken. Funding was obtained through the Lottery, Bridge House Trust and a Section 106 planning agreement relating to the development next door. The work was completed in 2008. See http://www.aabarchitects.co.uk/html/ CommBuildings_3/Pirate_Castle.pdf for details. In the past few years funding has been raised for a new, wide beam, accessible boat named Pirate Prince. Below is a description of 2013 activities from the current skipper and manager of the boats. Libby Bradshaw The Pirate Castle – Activities, Boating, Community 2013 dawned cold, frosty and snowy and that cold wind persisted right up until May. However, this year we did actually have a summer compared to the wash out that was 2012 and this improved everyone’s humour enormously. After the winter maintenance period, we hit with the Spring Half Term in mid February, during which we ran a couple of Fishing Days, led by John Cork, as well as running trips for visiting community groups and trips for our youth groups which were very much enjoyed, despite the cold. March saw us running a CCBM Course for staff from Cambridge Council and a well attended Skippers’ Training Weekend, where we boated from the Castle along the Regent’s Canal and onto the Lee Navigation, before heading up to Hertford, enjoying a well deserved curry in the town after consultation with the locals. This was not before we had amused the local gongoozlers (look it up) by going up Hertford Lock backwards to arrive at our mooring! - 17 -

Our return journey saw us battling with wind, frost and snow showers, finally arriving back at the Castle with blue hands and noses. We also began to see the gradual increase of community and private bookings. By the time we had reached Easter, the days were getting longer, the sun was getting shinier but the wind was getting colder! Would it never end! Despite this we ran a successful Junior Skippers’ Course for six of our Club members that resulted in the award of five One Star Junior Skipper Certificates, proudly presented to parents with the words, ‘Look what I’ve got!’ The recommencement of the increasingly popular Fishing Days, run by John Cork with assistance from myself, involved a boat trip with a fishing session included. However, despite our efforts, fish seemed a bit thin on the ground. There was also an Art Project to create decorated panels to be worn by Pirate Viscount during the Decorated Boats Parade at the Cavalcade in Little Venice. The results were fantastic, and showed a linear view of London and its waterways all made with ply, paint and recycled material with mermaids, boats, bridges, planes, anchors, dogs, cats, mice and everything in between. All created by the young people attending the Easter Scheme with the assistance of two tutors. May Bank Holiday saw our annual attendance at a bustling Cavalcade in Little Venice where we heavily promoted our services to the general public, showed people around the boats and offered free taster canoeing sessions, all with the able assistance of our willing band of volunteer pirates, before coming away at the end of the weekend with the Ray Dunford Memorial Can trophy for Best Decorated Community Group Boat, the second time we have won this award, a great testament to all the efforts of all the young people who painted the panels. This year we also visited Rickmansworth Canal Festival for the first time, giving us the chance to further promote ourselves to the many residents who work in London, as well as providing an additional training opportunity for our volunteer skippers and crew June saw our collaboration with the Broadway Project from Arlington House, offering a CCC Course staged over 6 weeks, to previously homeless adults with ongoing alcohol and drug issues. This was very much enjoyed by all the participants and led to the award of eight Certificates. We also ran a couple of successful School Multi Activity Days involving the canal boats, canoes and land based activities. As the weather improved and warmed so did our bookings both from community and private hirers. A difficult turn being executed in the Boat Handling

The arrival of the Summer Holiday Competition at Cavalcade 2013 - 18 -

Photo: C Smith

Scheme brought with it fine summer weather and a four day Pirate Residential Cruise to Cheshunt and back for young club members on board Pirate Prince and narrowboat Tarporley using our own staff and volunteers. Two three-day residential trips with the 115 Pupil Referral Unit proved a challenging but fun experience. We also ran two Boat Art Cruises where the young people expressed their artistic talents onboard with copious poster paint, crayon and glitter! I’m still finding it! In addition we ran an increasing number of community and private trips as we headed toward the end of the School Holidays After a welcome holiday in September, the Autumn Half Term saw the return of the Fishing Days and a Junior Skippers’ Two Star Course which saw the award of five Certificates and visits from a variety of youth and community groups. A CCBM Course for our own volunteers saw the award of four Certificates and hence four new skippers to add to the roster which now numbers about thirty trained volunteers Despite the drop in trip numbers, the year was fun and varied with areas such as Junior Skipper and the Fishing Days developing nicely. Mention must also be made of dedication and hard work put in by our team of volunteers over the year, without which we simply could not operate. Well done to them! Highs The Summer Scheme Four Day Boat Residential Trip – Why? Because it allowed more young people from the Summer Scheme to attend by getting them to meet us by train in Cheshunt for the return journey, so one group on the outward leg and one on the return. The residential trip gave scope for the young people to bond, learn and work together towards a shared common goal by shared activities on board and off such as working the locks, steering the boat, preparing and cooking food, washing up and tidying, so developing a sense of personal responsibility as well as their skills. You cannot hide for long on a boat! Also, because we had two days out and two days back it allowed us to get further away from central London and so provide a more rural experience along the way with the benefits that that brings such cleaner air, country walks, night ghost stories on the Marshes, as well as relaxation (not for the staff that is!), something that often gets forgotten. Young people can get stressed out too. The Competent Crew Course with the Broadway Project – Why? We ran this course in collaboration with the Broadway Project from Arlington House, the idea being to train those who have been homeless and/ or have had alcohol or drug abuse problems in boat handling skills leading to the award of a CCC Certificate. The course allowed the clients, some of whom have had serious problems, to gain new skills and develop their self confidence enabling them to become more outgoing and less withdrawn, leading to better interaction with other people and society in general. It was noticeable the difference in the clients’ attitude as the course progressed and they thoroughly enjoyed attending, with no-one dropping out. Volunteer staff John Cork and Hazel Saunders acted as Training Mentors on the course under my supervision. They did very well and told me they very much enjoyed their roles as it enabled them both to improve their own training skills as well as passing on their own skills to others. Fishing Day on Prince – Why? Because I caught two perch, the first in forty years! During the year we ran a total of 212 community, charity and disability trips on our two boats as well as a number of private trips plus the training and festival events mentioned in the report. Andrew ‘Chip’ Carpenter Boats Manager The Pirate Castle - 19 -

Thames21 launches a new citizen science project for the tidal Thames It isn’t easy to get a true picture of the health of the tidal Thames. Whilst the river has improved massively over the last 60 years and now supports loads of fish, we know that it is polluted with millions of tonnes of sewage which pour into the Thames when it rains. Thames River Watch enables Londoners to get closer to the river and involved with understanding the health of the tidal Thames. Read more about how you can become involved with Thames River watch via this link: http://www.thames21.org.uk/project/thames-river-watch/

Get ready for This is your River week in July Thames21 and Museum of London Docklands are excited to announce our ‘This is your River’ education week for primary schools. As part of the Fixing Broken Rivers Project: from July 7th - 11th we are inviting classes to join us for half a day of river discovery. Through facilitated workshops and museum exploration pupils will learn how the water quality of our rivers has Litter picking is a vital aspect of Thames River watch changed over time. What caused pollution in the past? What are our Photo by Corporate Headshots, London rivers like today? Pupils will leave armed with the facts and inspiration they need to help make positive changes for the future of our rivers. Contact Edel.Fingleton@thames21.org.uk for more information.

Love the Lea Early February saw the gathering of supporters of Thames21’s Love the Lea campaign at the House Mill in Bromley by Bow. The Love the Lea Day set out where the campaign has got to and how could better get the message to the people living in East London. Key to this is devolving the campaign to as local a level as possible so many more people can help turn these polluted waterways into healthy, flourishing rivers. Great ideas abounded so the way we present the water quality information on our website will be improved and more events will be run at a weekend giving people a hands on way of helping to make rivers healthier. Note from Ed: The items above are reproduced from the Thames21 Newsletter published in March 2014. If you would like to receive their monthly e-newsletter you can sign up via the website at: http://www.thames21.org.uk/e-newsletter/ - 20 -

London Region 200 Club The IWA London Region 200 Club was formed some years ago to help fund the running of the Region so that other sources of income could be devoted more fully to campaigning and donations to waterways causes. At the moment the Club is well below its target of 200 members. If you have not yet joined, why not do so now? Members of the Club must be IWA members aged 18 or over. The annual subscription to the Club is £12, payable by annual cheque or standing order (either for £12 annually or £1 monthly). A member may hold more than one membership of the Club. Prizes are awarded by a draw which takes place six times a year. When the Club has its full quota of 200 members each draw awards four prizes of £100, £50, £25, £25. When the Club has less than 200 members, prizes are reduced so that the ratio of prizes to subscriptions remains the same. Rules of the Club are reproduced below. All queries should be addressed to Vernon Draper at the address overleaf. The Inland Waterways Association London Region Rules of the 200 Club 1. Name - The name of the club is “The Inland Waterways Association London Region 200 Club” (“the Club”). 2. Object -The object of the Club is to raise funds for “the Inland Waterways Association London Region” (“IWA London”). 3. Membership -Membership of the Club shall be limited to 200 persons; each person must be over 18 years of age and a paid up member of the Inland Waterways Association. 4.

Officers - The Club shall be administered by three officers appointed annually by the committee of IWA London. The officers shall select one from amongst their number to be responsible for keeping the accounts of the Club and arranging for the payment of prizes and the transfer of surplus income to IWA London. The decision of the officers in any matter relating to the operation of the Club shall be final


Subscriptions - The annual subscription to the Club shall be £12 payable either on admission to the club or by monthly payments of £1 paid by standing order. The annual subscription may be paid by cheque or standing order for £12 annually. A member may hold more than one membership of the Club.

6. Prizes 6.1 A draw shall take place on six occasions in each year. There shall be four prizes in each draw in the amounts of £100, £50, £25 and £25. 6.2 In the event that the membership of the Club is fewer than 200 members in any year the officers shall be entitled to reduce the amounts of the prizes or the number of draws (or both) provided however that the ratio of prize money to subscriptions shall not be affected. 6.3 Each draw will be made by or under the direction of the officers. The results of each draw will be announced on the IWA London Region website shortly after the date of the draw 6.4 Prize winners will be notified in writing of their entitlement to receive a prize and payment will be made by cheque posted to the address shown on the membership - 21 -

form or to such other address as the member may subsequently have notified to the officers.

7. Accounts - The accounts of the Club shall be kept by the Officers and shall be examined annually by a suitably qualified person. The Officers shall keep a roll of membership and each membership shall be allocated a roll number. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM To the Officers I wish to become a member of the Inland Waterways Association London Region 200 Club. I have completed and enclose the standing order / enclose a cheque as payment for ............ membership/s at £12 each. Full name .................................................................................................................................. Address...................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................Postcode............................................................. Phone .....................................................Email.......................................................................... I am a member of the Inland Waterways Association and I agree to be bound by the rules of the London Region 200 Club. Signed..............................................................Date.................................................................. Cheques should be made payable to ‘IWA London Region 200 Club’ To: The Manager ....................................................................................Bank/Building Society Address: .................................................................................................................................... Postcode ......................................................... Please pay to Barclays Bank plc Kettering Branch, Sort code 20-45-77 for the credit of The Inlands Waterways Assocition London Region 200 Club Account No. 80204234, quoting reference .......................................(*) as follows: [(*) will be inserted by Officers when processing] (ANNUAL OPTION) the sum of £ ....................................(.......................pounds only) with immediate effect and on the first day of ...................................................(*) each year thereafter until further notice from me.

OR (MONTHLY OPTION) the sum of £ .................................(.......................pounds only) with immediate effect and on the first day of ...................................................(*) each month thereafter until further notice from me Please debit my account in the name of ................................................................................... Account No. .....................................................Sort Code ........................................................ accordingly. Signature..........................................................Date ................................................................. The two halves of the form should be sent to: Vernon Draper, 12 Chipperfield Close, New Bradwell, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK13 0EP - 22 -

Committee Members

Role North & East London

Chairman Deputy/Acting Chairman


Minutes Secretary

Tim Lewis 5 Herongate Road Wanstead, London E12 5EJ Tel: 020 8530 0425 / 07802 518094 Email: tim.lewis@waterways.org.uk

South London Libby Bradshaw Ground Floor Flat, 61 West Side, Wandsworth Common, London SW18 2ED Tel: 020 8874 2787 Email: libby.bradshaw@waterways.org.uk



Roger Squires 46 Elephant Lane Rotherhithe, London SE16 4JD Tel: 020 7232 0987 Email: roger.squires@waterways.org.uk

Lesley Pryde 2 Hepworth Road Streatham, London SW16 5DQ Tel: 020 8679 9866 / 07787 372408 Email: southlondon@waterways.org.uk




Ian Israel 32 Walfield Avenue, London N20 0PR Tel: 020 8446 1823 Email: ian.israel@waterways.org.uk

Peter Gregory 20 Ashley Gardens, Orpington BR6 9NH Tel: 07932 149959 Email: peter.gregory@waterways.org.uk

Social Secretary

Sally Naylor 21 Pitchford Street, Stratford, E15 4RZ Tel: 020 8519 7481 Email: snaylor@ymail.com

Alan Smith 41 Jubilee Avenue, Twickenham TW2 6JA Tel: 020 8255 1581 Email: alan.smith@waterways.org.uk

Publicity Officer & Newsletter Editor

Membership Secretary

Christine Smith 41 Jubilee Avenue, Twickenham TW2 6JA Tel: 020 8255 1581 / 07774 890 750; Email: christine.smith@waterways.org.uk Sally Naylor 21 Pitchford Street, Stratford, E15 4RZ Tel: 020 8519 7481 Email: snaylor@ymail.com

Dorothy Robbie 23 Porcupine Close, Mottingham, London SE9 3AE Tel: 020 8857 6367 Email: dorothy.robbie@waterways.org.uk

Sales Officer


Events & Marketing Officer


Planning Officer


Work Party Officer


Committee Members Ex-Officio as Region Chairman South London Representatives

Roger Wilkinson - London Walks Representative 2 Lytton Close, N2 0RH Tel: 020 8458 9476 Email: roger.wilkinson@waterways.org.uk

Shea Richardson, 7 Barrow Road, Streatham, London SW16 5PE Tel: 020 8677 0196 / 07803 904 803 Email: shea.richardson@homecall.co.uk

Paul Strudwick 40 Fifth Avenue, Chelmsford CM1 4HD Tel: 01245 358342 / 07885 240291; Email: paul.strudwick@waterways.org.uk Planning & Navigation Committee: Wandle Valley developments: Deptford Creek developments:

Eric Garland Libby Bradshaw Eric Garland

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How to get to the London Region (combined with North & East London) Social Meetings:

How to get to South London’s Social Meetings:

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