Great Ouse Branch
Ouse News - Summer 2022 Newsletter covering the Great Ouse and tributaries Welcome to this unique, I hope, News sheet As you will read in the Chairman’s report our Ouse News editor is out of action for a short while hopefully. Please read the Winter programme carefully as we have had to make changes to it. Apart from the Chairman and Carole one other committee member has also had to step back for a short while. So this leaves us with only 4 committee members (In 2003 we had 9 committee members!!)– we would love to have more to help us out – even if only for a short period.
Chairman’s Corner Please accept my apologies for the reduced format and content in this edition of Ouse News. Unfortunately Carole Alderton, our Newsletter Editor had a serious accident over the Jubilee weekend when she fractured 2 vertebrae in her neck, resulting in a 10-day stay in hospital. However, I am pleased to report that she is now feeling more comfortable and is back home, but will have to limit her activities and wear a neck brace for at least 3 months. Carole and I are therefore stepping back from IWA duties for a while. Meanwhile other committee members are filling the breach and I am sure that you will give them your full support. We hope to be able to publish the autumn edition of Ouse News in the normal full format in due course but in the meantime are pleased to provide details of the branch programme arranged so far. Our spring branch programme concluded with our usual presence at Reach Fair where we once again manned our stand to inform the public about our local waterways and provide WOW (Wild over Waterways) activities for children. Our autumn programme will proceed as planned, with a waterways themed quiz and fish and chip supper on Thursday 27th October. We are breaking with tradition for our November meeting when instead of a lecture meeting we will be holding our annual away-day to see the return of the whooper swans to their winter feeding grounds at the Welney Wetland Centre on Thursday 24th November. It looks as though our boating activities will be severely curtailed this year, but I hope that you are all able to enjoy the summer afloat. Keith Alderton
Branch Programme Winter Meetings are at 8.00 pm at the North Lodge Pavilion, North Lodge Park, Milton, CB24 6UD. THURSDAY 27 t h October 2022 Fish & Chip Supper, together with a Waterways Quiz .
THURSDAY 24 t h November 2022 NO MEETING AT MILTON Outing to Welney Wildlife Centre 15:00 Gathering at WWC for Swan feeding session 17:30 At Lamb & Flag, Welney for Sausage & Mash supper THURSDAY 23 r d February 2023 Talk by a Waterways Chaplain, Sallyann Ford, on the work undertaken by the Chaplaincy THURSDAY 23 r d March 2023 Our Annual General Meeting, together with an update from the Environment Agency
Ouse News – Summer 2022
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In 1984 the then Cambridge Branch of the IWA erected two plaques describing the history of Reach port in the Hythe area of Reach. Amazingly the signs have lasted almost 40 years. This year we discovered that one had gone missing and the other could do with updating and a rebuild. Over time the history of the plaques, together with a leaflet that was also produced, has been lost. We may be lucky and records will be hidden somewhere in the vaults of IWA head office but it would be lovely if any members have any memories or information about these plaque or leaflet.
Thursday 24th November 2022
Thursday 27th October 2022. North Lodge, Milton. 8pm
No meeting at North Lodge
After a break of several years we will have a Waterways quiz which has always been popular – a new setter has “been volunteered” so please support him! We hope to have a light supper (together with our normal tea/coffee) from the local chippy as in previous years. To keep things simple we shall have a limited menu and in these changeable times we shall find out what’s available and the prices nearer the date.
Instead we have arranged a meeting at the Welney Wetland Centre (WWC) then a “Sausage and Mash” meal with coffee/tea at The Lamb & Flag Public House, Welney. PE14 9RB which is on the other side of the Washes Welney Wetland Centre is famous for their swan feed with accompanying commentary. The main observatory is centrally heated with a hearing loop. The cafe open to all 10am – 3.30pm with simple hot food 11am - 2pm We shall be meeting at the WWC (Hundred Foot Bank), Welney. PE14 9TN at 3pm for the 3.30pm feeding session. Please feel free to invite family and friends. Cost will be Welney £7.00 & Supper £10.00 We hope to see you there
For any questions please contact me
Please send form below together with cheque before Friday 18th November to :-
Peter Webb Tel. Email
Peter Webb 35 Norfolk Road, Ely, Cambs. CB6 3EJ
01353 658581
Name …. Tel. No. ...…
If preferred; details from the form below can be E-mailed to Peter and a bank Transfer can be arranged.
Please reserve …………… Adult / …………… Concession places for WWC on the 24 November 2022 @£7.00 each We would like ………... Pork Sausages meal(s) @£10.00 ………... Veggie Sausages meal(s) @£10.00 ………... Gluten Free Sausages meals(s) @£10.00 I am enclosing cheque ( made payable to ” IWA Gt. Ouse Branch” )