3 minute read

Region Chair

members, Welcome to Sou’Wester No 193 and to the start of Spring! It’s wonderful to see the seasons change into what many of us consider the boating season even though our canals and rivers are open all year long. Many people, myself included, are on the water and using our towpaths every day. I’ve also had a busy start to the year since my last update, not least that I’ve just embarked on a grand tour of some of the English canals and rivers this year, after spending three years on the Monmouthshire and Brecon canal (Mon & Brec). My narrowboat along with two others have made the short trip by road over to the main network, to see what we might have been missing so I’m sure the next few updates will contain some mildly interesting insights into the nuances of the different canals!


In IWA South West news specifically, I have made several trips this quarter around the region. It was great to spend a day hosted by the Cotswold Canals Trust visiting the current Phase 1B of the restoration, titled Cotswold Canals Connected. It was wonderful to see the passion and enthusiasm for the project from volunteers and staff, the restoration work completed to date by Waterways Recovery Group (WRG) and other parties, and see the impact the restoration is having on the local community and the potential still to be realised. Andrew Strawson, Region Secretary, and I also met in person with Mark Evans, Canal and River Trust (CRT) Regional Director for Wales and the West to make his acquaintance with the view of providing productive two-way communication in the future. Finally, my partner and I made a trip to the West Country for a tour of the region’s waterways, led by Ray Alexander, chair of the IWA West Country Branch. We had a fantastic day, beginning in Bridgwater, travelling as far as Exeter; Langport and cont on page 4/…

…/cont from page 3 many places in between, and the vibrancy and variation of the waterways in this region was brilliant to see. This was especially interesting as it brought the case studies and work shared at the West Country Waterways Forum held last October to life.

You may have seen the latest campaign entitled “Protect Our Waterways” led by IWA. The campaign seeks to raise awareness about the threats to our waterways and petition to protect canals and rivers from funding cuts. After all, the waterways of today would not exist without the Inlands Waterways Association and the work of our dedicated members and volunteers who, over many years, ensured that canals and rivers were saved and enhanced. As part of this, IWA is on the lookout for photographs to highlight the threats facing our canals and rivers, for example, from lack of maintenance, climate change, plastic pollution and invasive species. “Before and after” photos showing how things have either got worse over time or been improved by volunteer action would be particularly impactful. If you have any such photos, please send them through to protect@waterways.org.uk

Although I won’t be boating this season in this region, I will certainly be continuing the work of IWA, so please do get in touch if there’s anything I can help you with. For now, I wish you all the best as we hopefully (!) have seen the last of the foul weather and can enjoy all that the region has to offer regardless of how you may be getting out and about. With very best wishes.

Hannah Sterritt


Formal Notice Of The South Wales Branch Agm Hysbysiad O Gyfarfod Ccb Cangen De Cymru

To be held at 2pm on Saturday, 13th May, 2023

Fourteen Locks Canal Centre, Cwm Lane, Rogerstone, Newport, NP10 9GN


1. Apologies for absence / Introduction

2. Minutes of AGMs and any matters arising from these Minutes

3. Report from the Branch Chairman

4. Treasurer’s Report and accounts

5. Election of Committee

6. Any resolutions requested by members of the branch previously notified in writing to the Chair prior to the AGM

The South Wales Branch covers the navigable waterways from the River Wye and across South Wales. We are a small group of Members in South Wales, just over 100, who financially support and monitor the wellbeing of all the UK waterways.

Those that attend the AGM in person will be invited to tour the Canal Centre and flight of locks. Food and drinks will be available at the Centre at cost.

Would you please put your name forward and become an (armchair) Branch Committee Member via ZOOM. Without your support, your Branch is not sustainable, it takes up little of your time.

Can’t make it to Fourteen Locks Canal Centre in person - register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/ tZAtf-isqzItEtPhtH1pNXTMG6clCh3ZhKZY

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting virtually.

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