IWA North Lancs & Cumbria Branch Towing Path Topics Newsletter January 2013

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Newsletter of the North Lancs & Cumbria Branch of The Inland Waterways Association

Page 1 January 2013

Contents From the Editor .................................................................................. 3. From our Branch Chairman ............................................................... 5. Branch website ................................................................................... 6. From our Region Chairman ............................................................... 7. New Members ...................................................................................10. From our Scottish Correspondent .....................................................11. Preston Guild Canal Festival Report.................................................13. Waterway Recovery Group on the Northern Reaches ......................16. Sales 2013 .........................................................................................18. Canal Clean-up August 2012 ............................................................19. Branch Programme ...........................................................................21.

Cover Illustration: 'Our Bridge' The bridge to which North Lancs & Cumbria Branch contributed spans the Ribble Link at its junction with the Lancaster Canal. Line drawing by Celia Lockley from a photograph taken by David M. Smith.

DISCLAIMER The views expressed in Towing Path Topics are not necessarily those of The Inland Waterways Association or of its North West Region or of the North Lancs and Cumbria Branch. They are, however, published as being of interest to our members and readers. Nothing printed may be construed as policy or an official announcement unless so stated. The Association accepts no liability for any matter in this newsletter. No reproduction is permitted without acknowledgment. The Editor retains the right to edit any article or letter submitted for publication.


Janet Dunning, 27 Bridge End, Egremont. Cumbria. CA22 2RE 01946 820875 email: janet.dunning@waterways.org.uk

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From the Editor Localised heavy showers were predicted for the August Bank Holiday weekend. The site of the IWA Campaign Festival in Preston was subjected to a record amount of rain over a very short period on the Saturday but just a few miles away the sun shone brightly! We watched as streams ran down footpaths and storm drains failed to cope with the surge. It has been a very wet summer and it is hard to believe that not too long ago we were suffering from a water shortage. On our return home after the Campaign Festival we discovered that a the side of a nearby property had fallen into the river, the rest of the building was unstable and demolition started as soon as possible. The level of water in the river hadn't been as high as it has in the past and the collapse occurred as the river level was falling, the most likely cause was the erosive force of the river and the collapse could have happened at any time. Fortunately, it happened when nobody was in the building. No lives were lost but an old building which was part of our heritage is no more. The wet weather has had dramatic effects elsewhere in the country with severe flooding during November. The news of the breach on the Trent and Mersey Canal wasn't the sort of thing we want to hear because we know the damage will be costly to repair. It is the time of year when we ask you to consider if you, or a member you know, could be a future member of our branch committee or undertake some of the tasks that can be done by a non-committee member. Our AGM is to be held on Tuesday 12th February 2013 at St Andrew's church hall in Preston. Page 3

From the Editor (continued )

Madeline has decided that it is time for her to step down from the role of Branch Sales Officer and, if the branch is to function efficiently, volunteers are needed to undertake other roles. When a person covers more than one role within an organisation there is a danger that something will get neglected. Some people prefer to be doing something practical whilst others are happy to sit at a computer we need a mixture of both types. I've been editing this magazine for over 13 years and the operating system of the computer I use is now obsolete. My system is not capable of doing what those with newer computers consider to be normal. Whereas a simple black and white publication might be acceptable as printed matter, it doesn't look so good when presented on a website. Whilst we have members who prefer to receive something through the post there are others who prefer e-communications and we need to cater for both. I feel the format of the present magazine is showing its age and I will be happy to hand over to someone who can produce something more in line with current expectations. I hope someone will offer to take over before my system crashes completely! I hope you are able to enjoy the waterways in your chosen manner during 2013 and that the weather doesn't put too much of a damper on that enjoyment.

Janet Dunning.

The next and following issue of TPT Please could copy for the next issue be with the editor by 15th March 2013 at the latest? And for the following issue by 30th June 2013. Thank you. Items for publication may be sent to the editor by post, as either written material or on a computer disk, or by e-mail. Photographs may be sent either as prints or in digital format. Please inform the editor if the material has been published elsewhere or if you wish the material to be returned after use. Page 4

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It’s winter! The waterways are very different. Most of the greenery has gone; to be replaced by a hoar frost. The only bird sounds we hear now are made by ducks and geese. Far less people are to be seen on the towpaths and riverbanks. Only rarely now do we hear the chug-chug of a boat’s diesel engine making its way along the canals.

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From our Branch Chairman

The sights and sounds that are to be seen at this time of year are very different. The canal near me is alive with the sound of generators and crane engines. With jack hammers and drills. With pumps keeping empty lock chambers clear. The banks are piled high with new lock gates waiting to be installed. New balance beams still to be painted black and white. Paddle gear that is still shiny black and not yet greased. Yes, the winter work programme is well under way with lock chambers being re-pointed, new sills being built and wash walls being improved. Empty pounds show us clearly how much silt is in the water with just a narrow passage down the middle of the canal. It hardly seems wide enough for two boats to pass. But now we have the news that spending on dredging is to be doubled over the next few years. Another welcome improvement! The sights and sounds may be very different at this time of year but there is still plenty going on to fascinate those who do venture out onto the waterways. You may recall that the Branch organised this year National Campaign Festival at Haslam Park in Preston to coincide with the 2012 Preston Guild. A lot of people from many different organisations contributed to the work involved with the aim of improving the use of the Preston end of the Lancaster Canal and reminding everyone of the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Ribble Link. Despite the herculean efforts of so many people they were not able to organise the weather they really wanted. Two of the three days were washed out with some of the heaviest rain of the summer. As a result programme sales were a disappointment and the event made a loss overall. Despite this I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the team that came Page 5

From our Branch Chairman (continued )

together under the Chairmanship of Madeline Dean for a job well done. If the weather had been better it would have been a great success. On a different note the branch holds a monthly social evening from September to April. In order to be as accessible as possible to as many members as possible these events are split between two locations. One is near the motorway in the Preston area and the other is in the East of Lancashire in Colne. At these gatherings we usually have a speaker who has an interest in waterways or something closely connected to them. There is also time for members from across the wider branch area to meet and catch up with each other. If you have not yet been to one of these meetings then you can be assured of a warm welcome and I am sure will find them interesting. All the details of the events confirmed so far are the back of this magazine along with instructions on how to find the venues.

Alan Davies. Branch Website We need someone to bring the branch area of the IWA website up to date and then maintain it. The branch pages are constructed within a framework so that the corporate identity of the site is maintained but the content of the pages and how the pages are linked together depends on the individual branch. Once a page has been created or updated it doesn't go live until it has been approved by someone with the authority to do so. Training to use the system is available via Head Office and there is a manual for web-editors to access on-line. Additional guidance can be obtained by contacting Gemma Bolton at Head Office. If you think you could take on the role, you will need to be a registered user of the IWA website and should contact Alan Davies so that he can arrange for you to be given permission to access the page editing area of the site. Page 6

From our Region Chairman This month now that the Canal and River Trust is up and running, I thought it might be useful to set out the structure of the Canal & River Trust (C&RT for short please, not CART) as this is somewhat complicated. I thought it might be helpful to try to explain it and to say what powers and duties the various bodies and committees have. Trustees As with all charities the Trustees are ultimately responsible in law for the management of the Charity. The initial eleven Trustees were appointed by DEFRA, but in future they will be elected by the Council. They meet frequently and have executive powers, overseeing the management of the company. Trustees are unpaid but may claim expenses. Directors and Management These are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Trust, maintenance of the system, management of the property assets etc. They are largely the previous British Waterways management who have now transferred over to the new Charity. Under employment law (TUPE regulations) under a restructuring such as this all employees, including directors, transfer over with the same employment terms etc to the new employer. It has recently been announced that some senior directors' remuneration packages are being reduced to levels that are deemed more appropriate to a charity. The C&RT is retaining the basic area structure of the old BW for the time being, but this may change, for example on the incorporation of Environment Agency navigations into the C&RT structure, which is scheduled for 2015. Council The Council's role is principally advisory; debating strategy, raising issues of concern, and being a 'sounding board'. It also has limited (but important) constitutional duties in that it appoints the Trustees and acts as the guardian of the long-term values of the Charity. It will meet twice a year. Some members of the Council, for example boaters and Page 7

From our Region Chairman (continued )

trade representatives, are elected and some are nominated by interest groups such as the Ramblers, Sustrans, the Wildlife Trusts and the Local Government Association. The Council as well as the other committees below are all voluntary, but may claim expenses. Technical Advisory Committees Initially there are six Technical Advisory Committees: Navigation, Heritage, Freight, Environment, Angling and Volunteering. These are purely advisory, and meet as required. Area Partnerships Each C&RT Area has its own Partnership Committee under a Chairman who is also a member of the Council. There is also an All Wales Partnership and a Museums & Attractions Partnership. The Partnership Committees are advisory with no executive powers, and meet about every two months. Members are selected to give a wide range of relevant experience, not as representatives of various bodies, although they include many people who are already actively involved on canal matters. User Groups The long-established User Groups in each Waterways Area will continue to meet twice a year to discuss issues of local concern. Commercial Activities Charities by law are not allowed to indulge in commercial activities. The practice adopted by C&RT (as well as by the IWA) is to form a Commercial Trading Subsidiary to manage those aspects of the former BW's operation, such as the marinas and the leasing of 'nonoperational' property, and for this company to transfer its trading profits to the charity. Waterways Infrastructure Trust The actual ownership of the waterways system is vested in a separate Trust so that, in the remote event of the C&RT becoming financially insolvent or otherwise failing, the Government may transfer the management of the waterways to another charity. (The former Page 8

BW's non-operation property has been transferred to the C&RT.) IWA involvement Appointments to all committees are on 'merit' and there are no official 'IWA representatives'. That said their IWA experience and knowledge no doubt influences the thinking of those IWA members who serve on these committees, and there are a number of IWA officers and members serving on them. Among the Trustees John Dodwell is well known within the IWA and Tony Hales the Chairman, is a member. On the National Council all four of the Boaters elected representatives are IWA members; Ann Farrell being a Chester Branch member and Clive Henderson, Ivor Caplan and Vaughan Welch are IWA Trustees. Peter Brown, a Shrewsbury Branch Committee member, is a member of the C&RT Council as nominated by the Railway & Canal Historical Society and also sits on the C&RT's Heritage Advisory Committee. On the North West Area Partnership committee Audrey Smith, a former National Chairman is a member and on the North Wales & Border Counties Partnership, Belinda Davenport is a Chester Branch member and I also sit on this committee. These multiple allegiances must often seem confusing to IWA members - they are confusing enough to me. I just hope we never encounter a serious conflict of interest. The main question is whether all this voluntary input into the structure of the C&RT makes a difference and if that difference is positive. It is early days yet but there seems to be a real effort to improve communications and consultation between the new Charity and the waterways users. However changing the way people think and their attitudes takes time and that goes for both sides of the fence. The main thing is for us all to work towards the fence being lower and free of barbed wire. The two organisations have quite distinct purposes. The C&RT is responsible for the management of much of the waterways in England and Wales under a contract to the Government. The IWA is a totally independent membership-run organisation which is concerned with all Page 9

From our Region Chairman (continued )

the navigable waterways in the country, not just those controlled by the C&RT, and has strong commitment to canal restoration and development. But both want to see a thriving, well-used waterway network.

Alan Platt.

‘Pleased to see you’ We extend a warm welcome to the following branch members who have recently either joined IWA or transferred from other branches:


Mr A J & Mrs M F Champion of Nateby, Lancashire Mr J Dewhurst of Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancashire Mr & Mrs F Finnan of Tarleton, Preston Mr T & Mrs C Haigh of Arkholme, Carnforth Mr J Halls & Ms K Jones of Lancaster Mr D Kelly of Dunoon, Argyll Mr J Olden & Mrs L Fishwick of Burnley, Lancashire Mr J & Mrs C Noble of Dalgety Bay, Dunfermline Mr B Pitt & Ms T Barrow of Skeabost Bridge, Isle of Skye Mr S & Mrs W Porter of Arbroath, Angus Mr G & Mrs J Ritchie of Berwick-upon-Tweed Mr T Sawyer of Mallerstang, Cumbria Mr & Mrs M & C Wavell of Aboyne, Aberdeenshire Mr S Wilkinson of Alston, Cumbria Great Glen Canal Users Association

If you have joined our branch fairly recently you may find that your name is not on this list. However, your receipt of this issue of Towing Path Topics can be taken as confirmation of your membership and your name should appear in the next issue. - Editor

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From our Scottish Correspondent Well, not much of a summer for boating in Scotland and writing this, as I am, from my Cretan winter hideaway, I sometimes wonder whether it is all worth the bother! Then I think of the wonderful views from just about anywhere on the Lowland Canals, the magic of a trip up (and down) the Falkirk Wheel and the ever changing reflections of light on water, and can easily forget the weather. We managed one trip through to Edinburgh from Kirkintilloch this summer, a number of visits to Linlithgow (our favourite mooring) and at least half a dozen transits of the Wheel to satisfy the apparently endless requests from friends and family and even though it wasn't sunny the whole time, I don't recall getting wet too often! In an earlier report, I mentioned the Draft Waterspace Strategy which Scottish Canals (SC) had published for public consultation. We duly submitted a response, through the Royal Yachting Association Scotland (RYAS) sub-committee on inland waters, which was quite critical of the proposals. We felt that by concentrating virtually entirely on new residential moorings, SC had missed an opportunity to set out a blueprint for the future. In fact, not to put too fine a point on it, the Strategy is really nothing more than a money making exercise. No one disputes that SC needs to increase its income but auctioning moorings in prime locations causes concern to a number of boaters who see it as the 'thin end of the wedge'. Suffice it to say that, by their own admission, SC received generally unfavourable reactions to the auction process but decided to go ahead anyway! The first two moorings to be auctioned in Edinburgh reportedly raised £5,000 and £4,500 per annum respectively. Against this needs to be set the reported £50,000 spent on a refurbished ex-hire boat, which SC apparently intend to rent out. Whether any of this will increase boat movements on the canals or enhance the 'vibrancy' of the waterways (being SC's stated aim), remains to be seen. For the future, what may also be of interest, will be the proposed auctions for Speirs Wharf in Glasgow, where unlike Edinburgh there are no boater facilities (loos, showers etc) and none planned! Page 11

From our Scottish Correspondent (continued )

During the last couple of months, I have attended two meetings of the RYAS sub-committee on inland waters at which the most pressing issue has been a proposal to reconstitute the body. Hitherto, it has not really done much more than respond to SC consultations and keep a watching brief on what is happening on the canals and related waterways. The proposals currently under discussion would extend its remit to include both a developmental and campaigning role and distance it from RYAS, an arrangement which it is hoped, will make it more attractive to the inland boating fraternity. Assuming agreement can be reached, it is likely that the membership of the committee will expand but as yet there are no plans for a more democratic base. One somewhat contentious issue is whether the committee should concentrate its efforts on the Lowland Canals or claim an all-Scotland role. The reality is that just about everyone who attends is based in the Central Belt so the Union and Forth & Clyde tend to dominate, but on behalf of IWA I have put forward the view that, despite this, we nevertheless should aspire to a wider remit, even if it remains a work in progress. If you have any thoughts on these matters and/or should you want to raise issues of concern which are not dealt with here, please feel free to get in touch by email at: johnburt147@hotmail.co.uk

John Burt.

Projector Screen The branch owns a projector screen for use at branch meetings. At present, the screen is only used at the meetings held in Preston and it is being stored in Chorley (a bit far from the scene of action!). Would you be able to give the screen a home and arrange for it to be available for the meetings? Does anyone have a digital projector which we could borrow occasionally? Page 12

Preston Guild Canal Festival IWA National Campaign Festival August 2012 The weather dominated the Festival, as it did 20 years ago with a similar event at the same location for the last Preston Guild. Unlike many events in the soggy summer in Lancashire we did not cancel. The area of Haslam Park planned for use was waterlogged, site plans were abandoned and redrawn to use an area without standing water where tarmac paths gave firmer access. The first day of the event saw the heaviest rain known in the area when a storm drain became a fountain and the path down to the Savick Brook became a fast flowing river. The site plan remained flexible as did the good humoured staff and volunteers. The stoicism of the exhibitors was rewarded on the Sunday when the weather brightened and brought the crowds. The wind and rain returned on the Monday. Traders started packing up. To avoid conflict we allowed them to go and programme sellers were redeployed as vehicle escorts. There was nobody to sell soggy programmes to anyway! The few traders who stayed to the end, mostly waterway charities and the ice cream van, which was waiting to be pulled out of the mud, reaped the benefit when the local people came out with the late afternoon sunshine. Generally the event was a success. 42 boats fulfilled the aims of the Campaign Festival to encourage boats to use the Preston end of the Lancaster Canal. The majority had come via the Ribble Link. The visitors (estimated at around 5,000) enjoyed the carefully selected, varied and well balanced range of activities and 39 trade stands and 4 catering outlets. About 150 children took part in WOW activities. Very few visitors bought programmes although many put a donation in the bucket, especially as they left the site. The Festival team was a mixture ranging from the complete novice to the slightly more experienced. They worked well together over the weekend and to the outsider the event looked well organised. Volunteers came from the boaters, LCT, IWA branch, Preston Guild and the local people. The Guild volunteers worked mainly on the front gate controlling traffic. The rest manned the car park, which was a Page 13

Campaign Festival (continued )

short walk away, sold programmes, and did anything else which needed to be done. One local lady happily took charge of litter picking and toilet cleaning. The contribution of the Parks Staff was invaluable in providing and spreading bark to damaged areas, emptying bins (provided by them but we were expecting to empty them) and allowing us to use the Bowls Pavilion as a secure base. Less successful was the financial aspect. We have a loss of around £850 which has been borrowed from Branch funds so that bills can be paid. Without the starter grants from IWAFestivals, Preston Guild and Lancaster Canal Trust and the return of the reinstatement bond from the Parks Dept the losses would gave been considerably greater. WRG North West has generously offered a contribution; the rest of the shortfall – we will have to work harder at fundraising.

Madeline Dean.

The national IWA sales stand in Haslam Park Page 14

Boats taking part in the Campaign Festival

(Photos of the event supplied by Dave and Carol Hannigan ).

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Waterway Recovery Group on the Northern Reaches Between the 21st of July and the 4th of August 2012, volunteers attending Waterway Recovery Group (WRG) Canal Camps were working on the Northern Reaches of the Lancaster Canal between Stainton bridge and Sellet Hall bridge. The purpose of the work was to re-make the channel so that the section could be re-watered. The volunteers on each week-long camp comprised a mix of ages and canal camp experience, included in the number were several young people doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Several Lancaster Canal Trust members were involved as well. Despite the bad weather, which resulted in a couple of feet of mud and water in the bottom of the channel, the heavy equipment used (large excavators and tracked dumpers) enabled most of the work to be completed. The channel has been excavated and most of the sides profiled. A new dam has been created under Sellet Hall bridge which will be the end of the new section. The volunteers also cleared scrub on the section beyond Sellet Hall and at Cinderbarrow wharf. Trees on the embankment by Sedgwick aqueduct were also thinned which resulted in the volunteers doing that being thanked by several locals. While the work was going on near Sellet Hall, an attempt was made to find the opening that was used to drain the canal for maintenance work. Watching 'Time Team' paid off as the change in colour of the soil when those digging down got to the drain was recognised. Testing by pushing a prybar into the soil confirmed the hole had been found. For safety reason the hole has been re-filled but there is now a marker post on the towpath level with the hole. The next stage will be to add a liner to the new section and then, after fitting stop-planks to Stainton bridge, the blockage under that bridge can be removed and the new section slowly filled.

Martyn Clapham. Page 16

Heavy machinery was used to excavate and profile the channel (right)

Looking towards Stainton Crossing Bridge on the final day of the WRG camps (left)

The bund at Stainton, showing the stop plank groove on the offside

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Sales 2013 When Ruth retired as Sales Officer I agreed to take it on again. (Some of you may remember that I first became Sales Officer in 1982.) Unfortunately I now find that the ravages of time and those pesky illnesses that beset some of us poor mortals are taking their toll. I will not be continuing after this year. If the branch is to keep up its previous standard we need a new Sales Officer/Fund Raiser. In the meantime we have a possibility of at least two sales venues in 2013. Skipton Waterways Festival on Saturday 4th May and at the IWA National Festival at Watford on Friday 19th – Sunday 21st July. (There are probably other places as well; if you know of any, let me know.) I cannot set up and run these alone and will not book into them without being sure of help. This will be an excellent opportunity for an aspiring Sales Officer to see what kit we have, how an old hand used to do it and how you could do your own thing. Interested in taking over? Or helping? Contact me on 01257 231861 or via lancsandcumbria@waterways.org.uk

Madeline Dean.

Branch Meetings Organiser Tony would like to hand over the role of Social and Meetings Secretary to another volunteer. Other commitments mean that he is no longer able to give enough time to finding the speakers for our branch open meetings and ensuring that we can provide any equipment they might need. The meetings are a good way of meeting branch members and others with an interest in the waterways but the attendance is likely to be poor if there isn't a presentation to stir our interest. If you feel able to take on the task, even if you can't attend meetings, contact the branch secretary or chairman. Page 18

Canal Clean-up August 2012 Once again an enthusiastic band of volunteers turned out ready to tackle the tasks in hand. We split into two groups - one to litter pick along the towpath between Haslam Park and the southern end of the canal and the other to clear excess vegetation from the land that was to be used as a carpark for the Campaign Festival. By lunchtime the towpath surrounds were litter free and the back of the work in the carpark had been broken. After lunch the weather started to turn against us but the carpark team headed back to the carpark (unfortunately the heavens opened before they could reach shelter and some of them got rather wet before they could get their waterproofs on). After waiting for the shower to ease, others took grappling irons and went to see what they could find underwater. As the day progressed the showers became more persistent but the carpark team continued until the task was completed; the grappling team decided to call it a day at much the same time. This time we didn't find anything like bicycles or mopeds but we did find something with wheels - a dolls pram found in the towpath hedge was pressed into service as a trolley to carry the bags of rubbish collected by the time it was found. As I walked the length of canal, I was pleased to see there was very little Himalayan Balsam growing alongside the towpath. However, I was not so pleased to see a colony of it where the land was wetter on the other side of the hedge. I feel it is only a matter of time before that Himalayan Balsam spreads and we could be assisting the Canal and River Trust by holding 'balsam bashing' sessions.

Janet Dunning. Page 19

Work Party Organiser You may have seen that other IWA branches have adopted a length of canal in their area and hold regular work parties to make sure that the length is attractive to visitors. There is the potential for us to do something similar but, if we are going to do so, we need a work party organiser (or perhaps more than one if we decide that there is more than one site that could benefit from our regular attention). The canal clean-ups we have done at the Preston end of the Lancaster Canal have shown that branch members will support such practical sessions whatever the weather and members of the local community have welcomed our involvement. In the past we have tidied areas alongside the Leeds and Liverpool Canal and that was appreciated too. If you would like to know more about what is involved contact our branch secretary.

Publicity Officer If we don't tell anyone what we are doing, nobody will know! We need someone to take on the task of advertising our presence. A poster in a local library or shop or a listing in the 'What's on' pages of the waterways magazines and local newspapers has the potential to attract a bigger audience for our speakers or increase the workforce at our work parties. What about our successes? Shouldn't we tell someone about them? Could you be the one to spread the word about us? The branch chairman or secretary will be pleased to hear from you.

For your information, there is no requirement for the Meetings Organiser, Work Party Organiser, Magazine Editor, Website Editor, Publicity Officer or Sales Officer to be a member of our branch committee (although they need to work alongside the committee and keep in touch). However, new committee members are always welcome! Page 20

Inland Waterways Association North Lancashire and Cumbria Branch Programme 2012 - 2013 Enquiries to: 01946 820875 or 07730 113894 lancsandcumbria@waterways.org.uk www.waterways.org.uk

Tuesday 8th January 2013 at 7.30pm The Peter Birtwistle Community Centre, Colne BB8 0JL RMS Titanic Talks - Design, Journey, Sinking and Recovery Nigel Hampson - Titanic Museum, Colne Sunday 10th February 2013 at 12 for 12.30pm Church Inn, Bonds Lane, Garstang PR3 1ZB Sunday Lunch - to request the menu contact Tony Dunning email: lancsandcumbria@waterways.org.uk (or phone as above if you don't have email) Tuesday 12th February 2013 at 7.30pm St Andrew's Church Hall, Tulketh Road, Preston PR2 1ES Branch Annual General Meeting Followed by a slide show comparing photos from the Edmund Barstow collection with the corresponding scenes today. Presented by Martyn Clapham. Tuesday 12th March 2013 at 7.30pm The Peter Birtwistle Community Centre, Colne WRG working on the Montgomery Canal Alan Jervis - Waterway Recovery Group Tuesday 9th April at 7.30pm St Andrew's Church Hall, Tulketh Road, Preston A talk about the L&L short boat Kennet


PR2 1ES Page 21

Meetings start at 7.30pm and finish at 9.30pm, are open to everyone and there is no charge for attendance. A hot drink and biscuits are available in the interval (and often for those arriving early too). We hold a raffle during the evening, the proceeds of which go towards branch funds. Peter Birtwistle Community Centre, 14 Keighley Road, Colne BB8 0JL is on the B6250 about 200 yards east of its junction with the A56 in the centre of Colne. From the end of the M65: follow the A6068 (Vivary Way) heading towards Keighley, Skipton, A56, Earby, Barnoldswick. Continue on the A6068 until you reach the second roundabout then take the 3rd exit onto Skipton Road (A56 towards Colne) at the traffic lights turn left onto the B6250, Keighley Road. The community centre is on the right before the traffic islands. There is some roadside parking close by and lots of off-street parking in the centre of town. St Andrew's Church Hall, Tulketh Road, Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston PR2 1ES Tulketh Road is on the south side of Blackpool Road to the east of the B5411 (Woodplumpton Road). There is reasonable off-road parking for up to 20 vehicles. From M6 Junction 32, turn onto A6 South towards Preston, take next left onto B6241 Eastway, take the first exit from the roundabout, to pass under A6, then turn right at the next roundabout to continue on B6241 Eastway / Lightfoot Lane / Tom Benson Way. At next roundabout take second exit (of five) B5411 Tag Lane / Woodplumpton Road to next mini-roundabout. Take second exit (of two) B5411 Woodplumpton Road until traffic lights are reached, then turn right onto A5085 Blackpool Road. At traffic lights turn left onto A5072 Tulketh Road; the Church Hall is the first entrance on the left. Bus services from Preston Bus Station: Service 68 (Stagecoach) to Tulketh Road, St Andrew's School (drops you opposite); Service 31 or 61 (Preston Bus) to Newton Road will drop you on Blackpool Road before the traffic lights at Tulketh Road (walk on to next road [100 yards] turn left, hall on left) To return to the bus station after the meeting you will need to cross Blackpool Road.

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IWA North Lancs & Cumbria Branch Committee 2012 - 2013 email: lancsandcumbria@waterways.org.uk Chairman Mr ALAN DAVIES 14 Linden Road, Colne. BB8 9BA 01282 867469 Vice Chairman Miss MADELINE DEAN Runnymede, Bolton Road, Heath Charnock, Chorley. PR7 4AZ 01257 231861 Secretary Mr TONY DUNNING 27 Bridge End, Egremont. CA22 2RE 01946 820875 or 07730 113894 Treasurer Mrs WENDY HUMPHREYS Nether Greenlowe Farm, Bury Fold Lane, Darwen. BB3 2UA 01254 703553 Membership Secretary Mr LES FRAGLE Brock Cottage, 6 Thistleton Road, Thistleton, Preston. PR4 3XA 01995 672230

Social & Meetings Secretary Mr TONY DUNNING 01946 820875 Scottish Representative Mr JOHN B URT 36 Cuthbert Street, Kirkcudbright. DG6 4HZ 01557 339081 Northern Reaches Representative Mr DAVID SMITH Brewery Wharf, 15 Dark Lane, Whittle-le-Woods, Chorley. PR6 8AE 01257 274440 Other Committee Members Mrs SHARON DAVIES 14 Linden Road, Colne. BB8 9BA 01282 867469

Region Chairman Mr ALAN PLATT Argoed, Pen y Cefn Rd, Caerwys, Flintshire CH7 5BH 01352 720649 / 07860 250152 email: alanplatt@hotmail.co.uk

Sales Miss MADELINE DEAN 01257 231861 Publicity Vacant

Head Office: The Inland Waterways Association, Island House, Moor Road, Chesham HP5 1WA 01494 783453

Environment & Planning Mr ALAN DAVIES 01282 867469

Registered as a Charity. (No. 212342.) www.waterways.org.uk

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Printed by: INPRINT SOLUTIONS, Page 24

Unit 4, Matrix House, Friday Street, Chorley. PR6 0AA Telephone: 01257 230530

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