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This magazine shows all about a global issue that not only affects animals but humans. Loss of biodiversity is a global issue that needs to be solved now

Loss of Biodiversity A global issue so big it not only affects animals..


What is loss of biodiversity an issue? Issue

Biodiversity is a very important issue in our world. Biodiversity stand for, biological diversity and this is a large group. This is about: plants, animals, and microorganisms. There are also different ecosystems like deserts rainforests and coral reefs. Many cultures interact with the nature in one way or another. No matter mater how small the species are they all have a very important role in our world, in the food chain of the animals.

Taking care of biodiversity is something


should all do. Having a healthy biodiversity helps


in a variety of ways. No matter how big or small animals, from plants to trees. All of them help us


our daily life making a better place for us. They help us in such things as decreasing the pollution in water. This will help us keep all clean and make thing easier. Having a good soil protection and formation, with all the nutrients needed. They give us food and also medical resources and pharmaceutical drugs. All of that is for our good and there is more. But for our recreation we have all

this wanders that we like to visit

and most of them are about nature!

That also benefits the county

economy. Each place on earth has

different animals and plants that

become parte of there culture. The

also the future resources start with

the nature, such as how to make


sources to make energy like biomass, tidal energy and more. Now there is no reason not to take care of all this amazing plants & animals.

But because of humans have killed many of the ecosystems, animals have started to disappear and many of them are less in quantity. Animals need to live their habitats causing over population in other places and because of that they don’t get enough food and that gets to the extension of species. The Arabian oryx when once there were a lot of them now there are about a 100. In Spain there are like 90 imperial eagles left. There are about 60 California condor. In Hawaii gooses have been reduced to 50. The strange rhinoceros are only about 40 of them. And I haven’t talked about how many species have disappeared. We should take more conscious of this important issue.

Ways to solve deforestation

As loss of

biodiversity is becoming a more devastating global issue, a solution is demanded by ecologists, but



will need


know what exactly loss of biodiversity is. Loss of biodiversity is the extinction of species, by either way, overhunting/fishing or the destruction of these animal´s habitat. This has become a global issue since the demands of products obtained from wood have been increasing, this making deforestation more intense. Thus destroying the animal’s habitat and killing lots of species. Also the illegal hunt of exotic species has made the planet loss of biodiversity. Overfishing and invasive alien species are also a very important factor which contributes to the loss of biodiversity. Deforestation as it changes the climate also affects the animals, the extinction rate and way of living. The actual extinction rate is 1 out of 8 birds 1 out of 4 mammals 1 out of 4 conifers 1 out of 3 amphibians 6 out of 7 marine turtles The predictions are that in 30 years more, if the extinction rate keeps the same, one fourth of the world´s species will be extinct and in 100 years, three fourths of the world´s species. This is very alarming, making the need for a solution bigger.

There are many possible solutions but they have not been successful as the problem still exists. For example the prohibition of hunting of specie is a solution. For example the prohibition of elephant hunt is one of the examples. However, elephants are still hunted by illegal hunters, this making the solution not effective. Another possible solution is making safe zones or protected areas for these animals. There are many of these protected areas in zones with many biodiversity, Africa for instance. But again, illegal hunters make sure this is not an efficient solution. Eradicating alien species within a habitat is also a good solution. To exterminate these species as they are alien on the zone and are taking over the area and altering the area´s food chain making loss of biodiversity bigger. For example in the Galapagos islands there are many invasive alien species which were introduced many years ago and now are changing things into a wrong way therefore making some species become endangered. One of the most common invasive species are: -Brown Tree Snake (Boiga irregularis) -Cane Toad (Rhinella marina) -European Starling

(Sturnus vulgaris) -Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) -European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) -Wild Boar (Sus scrofa)

However there are not only invasive alien animals, there are plants too which alter the ecosystem too. Eradicating these invasive alien species will improve the balance of the biodiversity as local species live in harmony without being disturbed by other alien species. Finally the best solution to biodiversity relies on different factors and more than one thing to solve this problem. Eradicating alien species is a very efficient way to solve biodiversity but eradicating alien species will not completely solve loss of biodiversity. The control of illegal hunters and overhunting of animals is also needed. Decline of deforestation

and increase of reforestation is a very important idea to be implemented in order for Earth to preserve its biodiversity and unique species

Effects of Loss of biodiversity

This absence of animals in a lot of habitats is affecting us the humans in a way. Because the animals are being lost, the food chain is being disrupt so it’s affecting others animals that will cause that others animals die of hunger or because they need to develop a new system to live with good condition, and this affect us because if there is less animals and the loss of animals affect others animals and this animals are animals that humans eat so by disappearing this animals in around 100 years humans will not have any food to eat. To stop and avoid this huge problem, humans must stop the illegal hunting, the illegal fishing of fishes in danger of extinction, the destroy of habitats also cause that animals like pandas disappear of their habitats by making them to become in danger of extinction and threat to disappear, the last reason it could cause animals to disappear is the treat in animals as subject of experiments. Animals are disappearing in a very drastic example of them is the bats, there are around like 5000 bats of the most rare species in case that these disappear, this animals are in environments build by humans so they are well conserved.

Another example is the seliberian tiger,(the biggest tiger of all) there are 360 tigers in the wild without being captured and used for decoration with their skin. The mountain gorilla as well as others tips of chimps are in danger of extinction because of the over exploitation of this animals usually used as experiment or the destructions of their

habitats used as wood and for human needs. There are animals that are taking away from their habitats to be used as pets because of their unique mood and enthusiastic, like the Lion-Tailed Macaque that is a monkey that looks like a lion because of his extraordinary mane.

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"Invasive Species: Animals - Formosan Subterranean Termite (Coptotermes Formosanus)."National Invasive Species Information Center. Web. 30 Apr. 2012. <>.

"Endangered Animals of the World." :: Environmental Facts. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <>.

Attenborough, David. "This Heaving Planet." New Statesman 140.5050 (2011): 2832. Literary Reference Center. Web. 3 May 2012.

Shah, Anup. “Biodiversity.” Global Issues. 04 Mar. 2012. Web. 01 May. 2012. <>.

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