2 minute read
There was a common idea throughout all the submissions…myth defined as a traditional story. That being said, Greek mythology and Irish folklore were what you were drawn to the most.
This has been our most popular theme in a long time! The theme was suggested by our co-submissions lead, Grace and our art lead, Jessie (shout out to them). We received a variety of art and written submissions that were a joy to read and look at. As you make your way to the last pages, you will also find this month’s art team challenge, a set of Greek mythology inspired tarot cards.
With this issue, comes the end of the term. As it creeps up on us, so does my time as editor-in-chief. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed exploring what we can do as a collective. Together we have run an art game night, created club pins & club stickers, a physical charity issue, done some face painting, revamped club structures, went from Slack to Discord, hosted a goose(ghost) story booth, AND MORE. From general member to marketing lead to editor-in chief, I’m more than happy to look back at everything we’ve done and everyone I’ve worked with and met throughout these last 8 issues!
The torch will be passed to our current art and marketing team leads Jessie and Chelsea. I know they’ll do great in this new era of the club!
Lastly, a pleasure of writing these editor letters has been the freedom to create a semi-clever sign-off (refer back to the puns and emojis of issues past). It pains me to say that I can not think of anything clever to conclude this time. So instead I’ll settle for an ode to my first send off…
Looking back at the terms and remembering the adventures behind, FOR THE LAST TIME, IT'S BEEN GRAND, Signing off,
Forest by Ahmed Zayan https://unsplash.com/photos/tXwB533Gp9s
Assorted Ink/Paint textures from https://texturelabs.org/?ct=26
Thread and Needle by amirali mirhashemian https://unsplash.com/photos/SmocKx2oDZc
Scissors by Matt Artz https://unsplash.com/photos/SmocKx2oDZc
Watercolour textures by Zaksheuskaya https://www.pexels.com/photo/blue-abstract-painting-1568607/ https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-and-black-floral-textile-4391607/ https://www.pexels.com/photo/purple-and-white-abstract-painting-4391612/

Amaya Kodituwakku
Amaya (they/them) is a 2B English Literature and Rhetoric major and Legal Studies minor student. When they aren’t reading magical realism books, they’re listening to “Sun Bleached Flies” by Ethel Cain on repeat. They hope to potentially work as a book publisher or English university professor in the future.
Instagram: @amaya.kodi
Andie Kaiser
Andie Kaiser (she/they) is a 2B English Literature major. She has always enjoyed reading and writing and hopes to turn these passions into a career after graduating. She also loves watching and thinking about films – particularly period dramas and “obsessed artist” stories, though she mostly just rewatches Carol (2015).
Emily Rutter
Emily Rutter is a PhD Student in the Aging, Health and Wellbeing program at the School of Public Health Sciences. When she isn’t working on her research, she enjoys making zines, comics, painting and creating other paper-based crafts.