Come Back To Me, Symphonica, Symphonica by Absalom Abalone "Symphonica?" "Yeah?" "How did you solve question three in the linear algebra assignment?" She looked up from her laptop. "Want me to show you how I did it?" I nodded. She got up from the other side of the table and stood to my left. "This question took me a while to get, but"—she flashed a grin—"there's a little trick to it that makes it really easy..." Symphonica's laptop was covered in stickers. It was impossible to see the surface of the laptop lid under them all. There was a new sticker on it that I hadn't seen since the first time I saw her. It was in the bottom-left corner: a sparkly little crescent moon the size of my thumbnail.
☾ I always think of her when I hear this song. I used to love listening to it, but now I hate it. I hate it and I love it. How does one hate and love something at the same time? Memories of Symphonica come flooding back in waves, and I am helpless against the tide.
☾ 14