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WATOTO CHILDREN’S CHOIR We Will Go Meet Leila Meet Frank Meet Liam Meet Mishel Meet Grace

Patrick & a few of his friends from Choir


At the heart of the Watoto Children’s Choir is a message of God’s unfailing love.

It’s what each of our kids has experienced in their own lives—He places abandoned and forgotten children in families full of love.

In 2019, our choir traveled to 11 countries and shared their stories of hope and transformation with almost 300,000 people. From concerts of 200 people to special events in Brazil and the Netherlands with crowds of 50,000, we’re grateful to each and every person who worships with us.

It’s such a beautiful thing when people see our children from Uganda, with their hearts healed and their dreams restored, they can’t help but realize that this same God cares for them, too.

Leila, who traveled to Australia and New Zealand as part of the 100th choir, is one of our kids who had the incredible opportunity to share what Jesus has done in her life. She’s truly a walking miracle. Rescued as a baby, Leila was brought to Watoto to receive the love and care she so desperately needed. At birth she suffered from health challenges, and as she started growing she couldn’t walk on her own. Her Watoto mother, Mama Ruth, never gave up. Working with our medical team, Mama Ruth daily encouraged Leila, prayed with her and even helped her walk to school. God answered these prayers and in 2018 Leila was finally able to walk on her own.

In fact, she’s now not only able to walk, but as she exclaims, she can “dance for Jesus.” This is exactly what she did last year on tour. We’re thrilled for this miracle in Leila’s life.

It brings us such joy that as children like Leila share their personal testimonies and worship God, people around the world are able to see firsthand the power of Jesus’ love transforming lives.


At only 11 years old, Leila has big dreams for her future. When she grows up she wants to be a doctor so that she can treat others who are sick. When she’s not studying, Leila likes to read encouraging storybooks like “The Ugly Duckling”. She shared that it’s her favorite book because it helps teach kids to love people just the way they are. We think that’s pretty special and know that no matter what she ends up doing, it will be something great that helps others.


Frank was welcomed into Watoto with his mom, Catherine, who serves as a mother in one of our villages. With teary eyes he recalled that his mother used to struggle to pay for his school fees and put food on the table. You can tell Frank loves her dearly, and is happy that the two of them are now in Watoto where they have plenty to eat, a home of their own and Frank gets to go to school.


Rescued as a newborn, Liam was welcomed into a loving family at Watoto and given a safe place to call home. Today, his constant smile is as bright as his future. Recently, Liam traveled to the USA as part of the Watoto Children’s Choir. Interestingly enough, Liam shared that working hard is what he does best. That’s pretty wise and industrious for a nine-year-old.


Mishel loves that she gets to go to school at Watoto. In her short life, things weren’t always easy as her mom often struggled to take care of their family’s basic needs. Mishel had to drop out of school when she was younger because her mother didn’t have the money to pay for her tuition. So, Watoto is coming alongside Mishel and her mom through Watoto Neighbourhood, empowering her mother with job skills and providing Mishel with a quality education.


Grace is a bubbly eight-year-old who enjoys learning new things, like dance moves and bible verses. She proudly showed off her knowledge of the bible by reciting her favorite verse Joshua 1:9 which says, “…Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Wow! Grace is incredibly smart for her age and we can’t wait to see what God does through this young girl.

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