1 minute read
In Harmony with the Seasons
Spring 2020 VOL.35 FREE Your guide to the best of Tokyo
Tokyo Reborn with TOKYO 2020 Area Special
―Rinkai Fukutoshin Area, Shibuya and Harajuku
Tokyo tea culture: A taste of Japanese tradition in the modern world

Another 3hr Trip – How to Make the Best of 3 Hours in Tokyo–
Experience Japan, new look, new app

Download & check out our new app for easy-to-read original Japan contents Sign up as Ninja reporter on our app to join mission to exclusive travel reporting trips and event participations
What is Ninja Reporter?
WAttention NINJA Reporter are a group of foreign agents who want to collect and spread information about Japan.
Participate ninja mission to gain access to travel reporting trips in Japan, visit local Japanese restaurants’ pre-opening receptions, attend Japan-related events, concerts, conduct backstage interviews and more...
Experience being WAttention’s media reporter, share your stories of Japan with us and get some amazing rewards in return. It is also a good opportunity to meet new friends and encounter unique and cultural experiences in Japan. ai157490907811_google-play-badge.pdf 1 2019/11/28 11:44:38