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3D Printer Reviews 105
4 22552 Doll
Sun 2014 /01/19 21:09 JST
Danny Choo
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If you have been keeping up with my current life project Mirai Suenag a Smart Doll then you will know that 3D printing has played a vital part of
the production process. Today we are g oing to take a look at our new Form1 3D printer by Formlabs and how it plays a part in the production of our hand made doll. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
To be honest I thoug ht we were never g oing to receive the printer after backing the Kickstarter project in October 2012 - a year later and there was still no sig n of the printer being shipped and all Formlabs would say is "its g oing to ship" - but after a while it looks like they g ot bored and they stopped sending replies. For example I g ot this mail in Feb 2013 after I payed 390 USD for shipping - the mail clearly stated "Ships Immediately." Formlabs were kind enoug h however to g ive me coupons to buy discounted resin - for a printer that I didn't have. Maybe they wanted me to drink it ^^; Then out of the blue, a Fedex g uy turned up on my doorstep over a year later - he charg ed me 30,000 yen import tax and handed me a hug e box - it was the Form1 printer. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
By the time the Form1 arrived however, I had already done the bulk of the printing using external 3D printing services such as Dig imode in Kag urazaka >< But Mirai still needs accessories too and we have been using the Form1 since its arrival to make this n that. An small object that would have previously cost me 300 USD to print externally now costs about 5 - 10 USD in resin costs. Having our own 3D printer in the office helps speed up the production process and enables us to save costs at the same time. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
We use a variety of 3D software to create the data such as Autocad Inventor, SolidWorks, Maya, 3ds Max and ZBrush. We then export to STL (STereoLithog raphy) format and open it with the Form1 software called PreForm available on both Mac and Windows. The g ray bit below the hand are the Support Structures which is g enerated by the software depending on various setting s.
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The software is pretty simple to use - a few clicks to chang e the orientation of the object (if needed) and create the Support Structures. Once thats done just attach your computer to the Form1 via the provided USB cable and send data to the printer - the computer can then be removed once the data has been uploaded to the printer. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
This is the Form Finish Kit thats provided with the Form1 printer. While Stereolithog raphy printing produces very detailed objects - there is quite a bit of cleaning to do after and this little station helps you to remove the printed object from the Build Platform and wash it. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Clear resin supplied by Formlabs - available in 1 liter bottles. At 150 USD per bottle, the resin doesnt exatly come across as cost effective but comparing it to what I would normally pay external services then this is actually considered cheap. For the amount I can print with a liter of resin on my Form1, I would have to pay an external service about 250,000 yen. The bottle next to the resin is Isopropyl alcohol that is needed to wash the 3D printed parts. Folks in Japan can g et some from Tokyu Hands or Rakuten. You would need about 2 liters depending on the size of your print object. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Resin is poured into the Resin Tank - fill it up depending on the size of your print object. For larg e objects you would need to fill in the tank periodically as your object is being printed. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The resin is viscous and you should not sniff, touch, drink or spread on toast. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The orang e cover reduces the amount of lig ht that hits the resin as exposure to lig ht is what makes it solidify. Apparently the resin can be kept in this tank for a few weeks without solidifying as long as the cover is closed. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Even before all the data has been uploaded to the Form1, the printing beg ins. The Form1 will let you know when it is safe to unplug the USB cable from the computer. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
An ultraviolet laser beams up from inside the printer and hits the bottom of the tank to cure the resin. The Build Platform then moves up a wee bit and the process is repeated. Print time is dependent on a variety of variables including layer thickness (0.1mm - 0.025mm), size of object, whether object is hollow etc. Where possible, its g enerally a g ood idea to hollow out your 3D object to save on resin cost and print time. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The Form1 has a display which shows you the status of the current print. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
This hand can take between 2 and 6 hours depending on the layer thickness setting . The hand is attached to the Build Platform with Support Structures which you would g enerate in the PreForm software. You dont have any control of where the Support Structures appear thoug h as its all automatically calculated. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The Build Platform is removed from the Form1 and placed in the Form Finish Kit as described in the Post-Print steps. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
You g enerally don't want to g et any of the liquids on your skin. The resin is supposed to be safe but you don't want to find out a few years later that it wasnt safe after all ^^; Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
All completed objects on the Build Platform are incredibly difficult to remove and usually involves the piece in question flying across the room from the force of trying to scrape it off the platform ^^; Wondering if there could be ejector pins inside the platform just like injection molding . The cost of the Build Platform would increase but at least we would not have to deal with broken pieces that went flying across the room. In the latest version of PreForm, they tried to remedy this by having the Form1 build a g ap at the base of the Support Structures to enable the scraper to be inserted below the object easily - but its still difficult to remove. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The 3D printed part is covered in a layer of wet uncured resin which needs to be washed off in the Rinse Tub that you filled with the isopropyl alcohol.
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Unless you g ot a g as mask handy then it would be a g ood idea to open all the windows and take a deep breath when rinsing the part as the smell of isopropyl alcohol is whiffed upwards - surg ical masks don't really help. I g enerally rinse in the tub for about 30 seconds and then leave it inside covered up with the lid. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
It should not really matter how long you leave the 3D part submerg ed in the tub - I usually g o off to do other stuff while it's soaking . Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Subtractive Manufacturing is when a block of material such as wood or metal is machines at to leave a desired shape. Additive Manufacturing is where material deposits are formed layer upon layer until the desired shape is achieved. The Form1 uses this process to print which is why you can see lines across the whole 3D part. Unless you can g et hold of a multi-million dollar 3D printing machine, consumer printers that use this form of Stereolithog raphy will leave your part with these lines or "steps." To use this printout for our doll production, I cut off the Support Structures and then sand down the surface with sandpaper preparing it for the next step which is Casting . My g oal is to create a copper mold used for mass production of Soft Vinyl. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The 3D printout of the hand is used to make a silicon mold in a process called Casting . The mold is cut open once the silicon has solidified and now I can place both parts tog ether and pour in hot wax to make a duplicate of the 3D part.
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This is the copy of the 3D printed part. The wax fresh out of the silicon mold won't be a perfect clone however as it will have a parting seam and other imperfections which then need to be smoothed out. A spout is also added at this stag e to enable the soft vinyl to flow into the mold. Ideally, I would use a 3D printer that can print wax directly but the costs are prohibitively expensive - a pair of hands like this would cost about 270,000 yen to print using external printing services that do wax! At this moment in time, I don't know of any consumer 3D printers that can print in wax at the level of detail we require. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Now we start to make the molds using a process called Electroforming known as "Denchu" [
] in Japanese.
In Electroforming , all these wax pieces are known as mandrels. A copper wire is attached to each mandrel and then sprayed with g raphite-based ink that makes it electrically conductive. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
After each piece has dried, all pieces are then dipped into an electrolytic bath. Deposits of copper then build up on the conductive surface of the
mandrel to replicate the surface atom by atom. This is why it is crucial to ensure that the wax mandrels are perfect with absolutely no scratches or damag e as it will show up in the molds meaning that it will show up in the final vinyl product too. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
After a few days, the copper deposits have formed a mold around the wax. The wax is burned out in a process called De-Waxing and we are left with neg ative space inside the mold. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The copper molds are then welded on to a plate of metal called a "Frypan." Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Soft vinyl is poured into the mold... Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
And here is the final product - we can now make 10,000 pulls-ish before the mold starts to deg rade. There is something very important that is not widely documented and thats Shrinkag e. The 3D part must be printed at about 5 - 6% larg er than the desired size. This is because shrinkag e occurs throug h the process of Casting and Electroplating . If you printed something the same size as it was g oing to be then you would end up with hands 5 - 6% smaller when its pulled out of the final copper mold - this is when you become You Wa Shock and cry.
Shrinkag e occurs in all types of casting and molding so always take it into consideration and find out what the % is depending on the materials you are using . Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
A full body set all created using the same process of 3D Printing > Casting > Electroforming - all done in the East end of Tokyo. A more detailed look into this process can be read iin my earlier article How To Mass Produce Your Own Products. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
And finally the flash needs to be manually cut off - this is done using a craft knife or scalpel. I'm currently trying to come up with a more automated way of doing this. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Back to our Form1 3D printer. The Build Platform starts off with an even matt surface which over time... Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
...g ets all scratched up. The 3D part cannot be simply pushed off the platform with ease. Once the surface becomes too uneven I g uess we will need to replace the platform which FormLabs conveniently sells separately. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
If you are not g oing to use the resin anytime soon, its a g ood idea to keep it out of lig ht as thats what makes it solidify. Before I would stick it in a lig ht proof bottle but now I just leave it in the tray, cover it with cling film and put the tray in a lig ht proof box. Formlabs recommend that you don't pour it back into the resin bottle but I personally think that it won't be a problem if you do. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Here is another example of how I use the Form1 for production of our Smart Doll. I've created a mecha hand in 3D using Autocad Inventor and then opened it in the PreForm software. I then create support structures and decide where on the Build Platform it should be built - printing in the same spot all the time means that overtime, the Resin Tank will start to g et cloudy due to the laser g oing throug h the same spot over and over ag ain which will lead to print fails. The tank is g oing to g et cloudy overtime anyway but moving the build location around the platform will help prolong the life of the tank.
Once thats done, I upload the data to the Form1 printer via the USB cable. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
About 2 hours later the hand is ready covered with a layer of uncured resin that needs to be washed off. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Time to wrestle with the scraper and Build Platform ^^; Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
This was printed at the lowest quality setting - the lower the quality the faster it will print. But as you can see, even with the lowest quality setting , it makes other domestic plastic extrusion (Fused Deposition Modeling ) based printers look pretty bad. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Folks who build Gunpla kits or cosplay would probably benefit from such a printer as they can print their own custom parts for their work. The Form1 can create objects up to 125 x 125 x 165mm (4.9 x 4.9 x 6.5 inches) which just about covers all parts of our Smart Doll. If you broke a part of your Fig ma or Dollfie - just print another part! The next thing I've been meaning to do is to desig n and print my own custom g lasses. I could then scale the model down and print one for the dolls too ^^; Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The Support Structures are easily cut off using a pair of modeling pliers. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The Support Structure Touch Point size can be set in the PreForm software. Generally, the big g er the structures, the more stable your print is g oing to be but also means that you will be big g er marks left over on your model. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
In this case, I printed the hand out to see how it will look like on the MiraiFrame which g oes inside the Manual Version of Smart Doll. I want to sell the frame standalone as a kit but didn't like the fact that it didn't have hands or a head. As I only decided to add hands (and a head) after most of the Injection mold creation was complete, I only had a wee bit of space left over in the mold to play with which is another reason why I needed to print the 3D model - to see if it looks decent on the frame and to see whether it will fit into the space I have left. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
And here is the head unit that I desig ned. I didn't want it to look too humanoid or big so kept it simple. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The head unit looks pretty decent on the rest of the frame and can also be flipped 180 deg rees to g ive it a Clone Wars Droid look. The frame you see here is T2 which means we are still modifying the mold which is why you can see g aps here and there at this stag e. By the time we g et to T4, we should have a perfect frame with no g aps. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
With the mecha hands attached to the MiraiFrame - looking pretty cool I think ^^; The next step is to machine away at the Injection mold so that the hands and head will be on the same runner and thus the same material and color as the rest of the frame. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Sometimes there are print fails which can be due to various factors. One is forg etting to clean the Resin Tank after a 3D print as there is usually some deposits of cured resin at the bottom. Another reason could be that the Build Platform was not cleaned properly but am not sure whether this is a factor that contributes to print fails. Its always a g ood idea to keep an eye on the print process incase there is a fail so that you can cancel the print - or the laser will just keep shooting at the tank creating a blob of nothing ness. The bottom of the Resin Tank has a layer of silicon and care must be taken not to damag e it when removing any cured silicon. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The Form1 can print very small objects but when the objects are thin like this hair clip for Mirai-chan, the material remains soft and bendy even after its dry. I printed this to check whether the mag net will fit in the hole beneath the clip before sending the data off to Protomold.
Protomold will then create a mold for me to create a few thousand hairclips in POM (Polyoxymethylene) at a more affordable price. Protomold require data in the STP format. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Testing out a print of the hairclip for Mirai's Solar Marine uniform. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
We also use 3D printing to assist us on the production of the Automated Version of Smart Doll. During the development of the AeonFrame, we use 3D printers to form the casing which will eventually be injection molded. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
We have also developed our own Servomotors from scratch and 3D printing is used to print the case and cog wheels too. The cog wheels will eventually be metal. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Now lets take a look at a few other options out there on the market. If you had the cash then g oing for a Dig ital Wax Systems printer would be a rather nice choice. This is a photo of an older model snapped at the Good Smile Company offices but you can whip up a recent model like the XFab laser printer for about 5000 USD - that particular one can print rubber too. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The Makerbot Replicator 2 is a consumer printer that uses Fused Deposition Modeling to print objects. Folks g enerally recommend one to use such printers when working on a budg et and where surface finishes are not so important. The Makerbot Replicator 2 costs 2208 USD while the material (filament) costs between 43USD and 130USD for a kilog ram - see it in action below.
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Japan currently has a 0.3% share of the 3D printer market at the moment - the US has 70%, Germany about 17% and China 3%. I read that the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (of which I am a member of their CIIC) is working to help Japan g ain more share throug h providing funding but not sure if Open Cube and their SCOOVO 3D printer is part of their project. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The SCOOVO uses the same Fused Deposition Modeling technolog y as Makerbot to create objects. As you can see from the sample here - the level of detail is low quite a bit of sanding would be needed if I wanted to use this for casting and then electroplating . However, for larg er structures where detail or surface is not so important, one of these FDM printers may make more sense due to the lower cost. There is hardly any maintenance involved too unlike the Form1. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The Form1 costs 3299 USD while resin costs 149 USD per liter. Shipping cost me 390 USD to Japan and import tax was about another 300 USD bring ing the total to about 4130 USD. You g et detail required for casting and electroplating from the Form1 but at a cost. The Form1 meets my needs for the development of Smart Doll body parts and small accessories.
When developing furniture and vehicles for Smart Doll however, it would be more cost effective to use a FDM based printer such as Makerbot or SCOOVO. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
The Form1 has a sleek desig n that also looks cool on the desktop too - I particularly like the matt silver that g oes with all the macs in the office it also comes in Mirai colors too ^^; There is another thing apart from the hig her costs that one should take into consideration when thinking about owning the Form1 - the not so g ood customer service - particularly in reg ards to when the product is g oing to ship. I g ot countess unanswered emails and the ones which were answered were worded in a "yes we are shipping " tone. I think the important thing for Formlabs is to set expectations and not make promises they can't keep. If I was told "It will ship over a year later" then at least that would be better than silence or more promises of "we are shipping ." The Form1 help center also seems to be vag ue reg arding certain questions especially when it comes to resin which makes one think that they purposely do that so that you end up buying more Resin, Resin Tanks and Build Platforms. Not being able to control placement of the Support Structures in the PreForm software is a bit fishy too. PreForm places Support Structures in places that other 3D printing software would not - makes you wonder if that is done to use as much resin as possible so that you buy more -
you can only use resin from Formlabs. But as long as we have Goog le Sensei, you don't really need the Form1 customer support. I g uess I can look at it this way - I'd prefer poor customer service but g ood quality builds and not g reat quality service with crap builds ^^; How many of you thinking of g etting a 3D printer? Do you already have one or have access to one at school or work? Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
In an up n coming article, I'm g oing to talk about how 3D printing helped me to make the Injection Mold for the MiraiFrame that g oes inside the Manual Version of Smart Doll and for that we head up to snowy Yamag ata a few hours North of Tokyo by Shinkansen bullet train. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
Mirai-chan all wrapped up in Winter g ear joins us too ^o^ Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
And this is what the Injection mold for MiraiFrame looks like so far. The invoice for this was 16,000,000 yen - g ood thing I saved a wee bit of cash from my days at Amazon and Microsoft. Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
And this is the result - all parts on the runner (also known as Gates) that will also be sold separately as a kit for mecha kit fans ^^; In the meantime, you can catch up on the production of Smart Doll in the posts listed up below. World is Mirai Culture Japan Wonder Festival 20131216 Update Mag ical Mirai Jimmy Choo & Danny Choo Smart Doll Mirai Suenag a Doll How To Mass Produce Your Own Products 3D Printing in Japan View more Mouse over photo to load notes or add comment
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Danny Choo
Director for Culture Japan. Creator of Mirai Suenag a. Member of the Japanese g overnments METI CIIC.
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