10 minute read
Conservation in the Parks..................pages 24
Wetland Monitoring
Strap on some boots and survey for sensitive species that inhabit local wetlands.
Reptile Conservation
Collect data on turtles, snakes, and lizards that live in the park system‘s natural areas.
Bird Conservation
Waukesha County boasts 72 eBird hotspots! Grab some binoculars and help document breeding and migratory birds using the park system‘s vital natural areas during spring, summer, and fall.
Wildlife Nest Box Monitoring
Monitor or build nest boxes for raptors, mammals, ducks, and songbirds. Build and install new nest boxes, providing crucial habitat for wildlife.
Mammal Monitoring
From otters to meadow voles, document what mammal species live in our parks and greenways.
Invertebrate Monitoring
Join staff and experienced invertebrate enthusiasts to learn about essential pollinators and flying insects.
Asian Clam Monitoring
Join staff as we survey local rivers in search of invasive Asian Clams. No experience necessary and come prepared to get wet.
Habitat Restoration Workdays
Work with staff and volunteer Site Stewards to remove invasive species from our natural areas. Our workdays focus on the globally-imperiled oak ecosystems within Waukesha County.
Rare Plant Conservation
Help staff look for and monitor populations of rare, threatened, or endangered plant species. Actively collect and propogate native plant seeds and report new invasive species.
Photo Point Monitoring
Track the progress of restoration projects by capturing photographs at designated photo points throughout the park system.
Stewardship Projects
#WildInWaukesha #DiscoverYourParks
Join other Scouts as you complete adventures! Come as a Scout group or independently, but each Scout must be registered individually for each program. Each Scout attending individually must have a parent chaperone, or packs with their leader chaperones. Leaders/ parents/siblings must also register for Planetarium programs only. Pre-Register by noon on Monday, April 4 at www.waukeshacountyparks.com.
Time Scout Program
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Tiger Sky is the Limit
Discover that the sky is the limit during this visit to HorwitzDeRemer Planetarium. During the star talk and Star Signs planetarium show, observe constellations and names of stars in the night sky. After, explore jobs in astronomy within the literature found in the planetarium lobby.
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Wolf Paws on the Path
Join a naturalist on a hike to identify birds, insects, and other animals along the trails. We will watch and record interesting items we find as we hike.
5:40 - 6:40 p.m.
Bear/ Wolf
Requirements 1 - 6 will be completed during this program.
Space Exploration
Scouts will examine space exploration through the new historical documentary called CapCom Go! The Apollo Story which showcases the achievements of the Apollo program and what it took to put the first human on the Moon.
5:40 - 6:40 p.m.
5:40 - 6:40 p.m.
6:50 - 7:50 p.m.
Tiger Tigers in the Wild Adventure
Enjoy the outdoors while identifying different plants and animals and the signs they have left behind as we hike the trails. Requirements 1-4 and 6-7 will be covered during this program
Webelos Into the Wild Adventure
Learn about bird flyways, wild creatures in their habitats, and identify local animals. Identify components of the food chain and how humans have changed the balance of nature. As we take a hike along wetlands, we will learn about the role of aquatic ecosystems. Requirements 4 - 9 will be completed during this program.
Webelos Adventures in Science
Discover Adventures in Science at the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium and study the night sky by seeing the show “Zodiac: the Stars, the Moon, & the Path of the Sun.” While watching the star talk, scouts are able to sketch the night sky over a 6-hour period by observing constellations like the Big Dipper and names of stars like Polaris.
Unless otherwise noted, scout programs are held at Retzer Nature Center inside the Learning Center and the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium. Visit www.waukeshacountyparks.com for more information or to register.
Join other Girl Scouts as you earn badges! Come as a troop or independently, but each Scout must be registered individually. Each Scout attending individually must have a parent chaperone, or troops with their leader chaperones. Leaders/parents/siblings must also register for Planetarium programs only. Pre-Register by noon on Wednesday, April 6 at www.waukeshacountyparks.com.
Time Scout Program
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Daisy Space Science Explorer
Explore space science by watching a full-dome planetarium show called Max Goes to the Moon, listen to a local star talk, and learn how to make and use a sundial.
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
5:40 - 6:40 p.m.
Brownie Household Elf Badge
Learn how to make your home clean and green by making a non-toxic cleaner. Discover the importance of Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle and take away tips to save water and energy at home to earn your badge. When taking an interactive recycling exhibit tour, visit the eco-house, load recyclables into the truck, operate the mini-recycling facility, deliver recyclables to remanufacturers, and discover how they become new products ready for store shelves.
Daisy Eco Learner Badge
Nature gives us many gifts, Daisy Girl Scouts will learn some ways to give back by protecting nature. Girl Scouts will learn how to be prepared before going outdoors, play a wildlife game, observe plants and animals within a “nature circle”, and learn how to protect nature from trash.
5:40 - 6:40 p.m.
5:40 - 6:40 p.m
6:50 - 7:50 p.m.
Brownie Space Science Adventurer
Girl Scouts will get assistance in becoming a space science adventurer by previewing the full-dome planetarium show called The Little Star That Could and listening to a local star talk.
Junior Flowers Badge
Discover that there’s more to flowers than just good looks. Junior Girl Scouts will uncover the science of a flower, look under the petals, learn how flowers help people and animals, have fun with flowers and send a message in a flower code.
Junior Space Science Investigator
Girl Scouts will get assistance in becoming a space science investigator by previewing the full-dome planetarium shows called “Four Paths of the Sun,” and “Two Small Pieces of Glass,” listening to a local star talk while doing a night sky scavenger hunt.
Scout Project Opportunities
We welcome Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts alike for considering completing their projects with the Waukesha County Park System. If interested, visit our Scout Project Information page and complete an Interest Form: https://www.waukeshacounty.gov/ScoutProjectInformation/
Cub Scout Programs
Additional school programs that can be modified for Scout groups can be found in the Waukesha County Environmental Education School Guide. Programs must be paid in full at the time of registration. Minimum of 10 Scouts per program required. Programs must be scheduled to begin at or before 4 p.m. due to decreased winter/early spring daylight.
Winter Wildlife Adventure
2 hour program $9 per Scout, per program (Minimum of 10 Scouts)
In winter, nature records fascinating activities of animals. We can tell a lot about animals by the signs they leave behind. Join us for a brief indoor presentation to learn how to identify different tracks and evidence of animal activity, then we’ll head outside for a snowshoe adventure. Use Retzer’s snowshoes or bring your own. A trail hike will replace snowshoeing if snow cover is not adequate. (Adults can pay $3 per pair for snowshoe rental.)
Tigers in the Wild Adventure 1.5 hour program $6 per Scout (Minimum of 10 Scouts)
Enjoy the outdoors while identifying different plants and animals and the signs they have left behind as we hike the trails. Requirements 1-4 and 6-7 will be completed during this program. OFFERED ON SCOUT NIGHT
Paws on the Path Adventure 1.5 hour program OFFERED ON SCOUT NIGHT
$6 per Scout (Minimum of 10 Scouts)
Join a naturalist on a hike to identify birds, insects, and other animals along the trails. We will watch and record interesting items we find as we hike. Requirements 1 - 6 will be completed during this program.
Fur, Feathers & Ferns Adventure 1.5 hour program $6 per Scout (Minimum of 10 Scouts)
During your visit to Retzer Nature Center we will hike the trails and learn how to identify signs of mammals, birds, insect and plants. We will observe wildlife from a distance and plants close up! Requirements 1, 2, 4, and 5 will be completed during this program.
Into the Wild Adventure 1.5 hour program OFFERED ON SCOUT NIGHT
$6 per scout (Minimum of 10 Scouts)
Learn about bird flyways, wild creatures in their habitats, and identify local animals. Identify components of the food chain and how humans have changed the balance of nature. As we take a hike along wetlands, we will learn about the role of aquatic ecosystems. Requirements 4 - 9 will be completed during this program.
Into the Woods Adventure 1.5 hour program $6 per Scout (Minimum of 10 Scouts)
Join a naturalist on a hike to identify native trees and plants, their many uses and their importance to our ecosystem. Identify useful things made from wood. Use growth rings to tell a tree’s life story and learn about the function of tree bark. Requirements 1 - 4 and 6 - 7 will be completed during this program.
Registration Starts Feb. 1, 2022
www.waukeshacounty.gov/meritbadge Boy Scout Merit Badge Week Merit Badge workshops are for June 20-24 children in grades 5 and up that June 20, Monday – Bird Study are enrolled in the Boy Scouts of America program. June 21, Tuesday – Space Exploration For more details and to register, visit June 22, Wednesday – Sustainability the web page starting Feb. 1, 2022. June 23, Thursday – Nature Study Registration ends Fri., June 17. June 24, Friday – Soil and Water Conservation
Did You Know?
You don't have to be a school to book a private program at RNC!

Retzer and Planetarium programs are open to families, homeschool groups, scout groups, 4-H groups, adult groups and organizations.
View our School Guide and pages 32-33 for even more opportunities for private bookings. Children should be within two grade levels of each other for best experience. Minimum attendance is required.
Book a program with the
Waukesha County Environmental Education Team!
Girl Scout Programs
Additional school programs that can be modified for Girl Scout groups can be found in the Waukesha County Environmental Education School Guide. Programs must be paid in full at the time of registration. Minimum of 10 Girl Scouts per program required. Programs must be scheduled to begin at or before 4 p.m. due to decreased winter/early spring daylight.
Winter Wildlife Adventure
2 hour program $9 per Scout, per program (Minimum of 10 Scouts)
In winter, nature records fascinating activities of animals. We can tell a lot about animals by the signs they leave behind. Join us for a brief indoor presentation to learn how to identify different tracks and evidence of animal activity, then we’ll head outside for a snowshoe adventure. Use Retzer’s snowshoes or bring your own. A trail hike will replace snowshoeing if snow cover is not adequate. (Adults can pay $3 per pair for snowshoe rental.)
Between Earth and Sky Journey 1.5 hour program $6 per Girl Scout (Minimum of 10 Girl Scouts)
Daisy Girl Scouts will have a hands-on sensory experience as they complete a scavenger hunt discovering different colors, shapes, and textures along Retzer Nature Center’s trails.
Eco Learner Badge 1.5 hour program $6 per Girl Scout (Minimum of 10 Girl Scouts)
Nature gives us many gifts. Daisy Girl Scouts will learn some ways to give back by protecting nature. We will learn how to be prepared before going outdoors, play a wildlife game, observe plants and animals within a “nature circle”, and learn how to protect nature from trash. OFFERED ON SCOUT NIGHT
Bugs Badge 1.5 hour program (offered September – October) $8 per Girl Scout, includes project supplies. (Minimum of 10 Girl Scouts)
Brownie Girl Scouts will talk to a bug specialist, create a bug craft or bug box, see bugs in action, explore bug homes and take a bug walk.
Hiker Badge 1.5 hour program $8 per Girl Scout, includes snack. (Minimum of 10 Girl Scouts)
Brownie Girl Scouts will choose a Retzer hiking trail, try out hiking skills including map reading, learn how to be prepared, eat a healthy snack on the trail, and have fun with an outdoor scavenger hunt.