Environmental Education ACTIVITY GUIDE
Youth • Families • Adults • Scouts • Volunteers • 4-H
Table of Contents At A Glance ....................................... pages 4 - 5 Special Events................................... pages 6 - 10 Scheduled Programs ......................... pages 11 - 19 Retzer Nature Center .................... pages 11 - 15 Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium ..... pages 16 - 19 Conservation in the Parks .................. pages 20 - 21 Scout Programs ................................ pages 22 - 26 Recycling ......................................... page 27 Pick-A-Program ................................ pages 28 - 31 Donate & Volunteer .......................... pages 32 - 35 Extension & 4-H ................................ pages 36 - 37 Park System Information................... pages 38 - 39 All programs are held at Retzer Nature Center unless otherwise noted and are subject to change without notice. View our cancellation policy online. Staff may photograph programs, events, and classes for promotional material such as, but not limited to, brochures, advertisement of events, website, etc. Retzer Nature Center S14 W28167 Madison Street, Waukesha, WI 53188 262-970-6680 2
Connect. Explore. Engage. You’re never too young or old to learn or experience something new, and this summer, the Waukesha County Park System will offer many opportunities for people of all ages to do just that!
Connect with the outdoors at Retzer Nature Center which celebrates its 50th Anniversary of being a hub for environmental education, nature-based learning, and more. The Nature Center offers ample opportunity for you to experience wildlife and nature up close. There’s no admission or parking fee, and the Nature Center grounds are open from dawn until 10 p.m. daily.
Explore our parks and facilities this summer where you can enjoy birding, biking, hiking, golfing, skating, swimming, and camping- there’s something for everyone! Looking for a place to relax? We’ve got that covered too! Come have a seat and enjoy a refreshment at The Tap Yard Beer Garden located at Fox Brook, Menomonee and Minooka Park. An annual parks membership will gain you access to all nine fee-based parks with unlimited visits through December 31, 2024.
Engage in our “Conservation in the Parks” programs to help provide research and create healthier, natural areas throughout Waukesha County. Last year, volunteers contributed more than 8,675 hours to our Park System! Community collaboration is a key piece to what we do.
There are a variety of programs listed in this guide and online to keep you and your family busy all summer!
These programs can help us:
• Create opportunities for everyone to explore the outstanding natural resources in the Waukesha County Park System
• Better understand how our actions impact the environment and how we can work collaboratively to conserve our unique natural resources through a variety of science-based programs
• Protect the County’s lakes and streams by informing citizens on how property management decisions impact water quality
• Increase the quality of material recycled from households and businesses to reduce our environmental impact
• Protect the quantity and quality of groundwater resources in the County by promoting water conservation and groundwater infiltration
Enjoy the great outdoors in Waukesha County!
Paul Farrow, Waukesha County Executive
May 2024
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MAY at a glance JUNE See pgs. 11-13 See pgs. 16-19 See pgs. 14-15 4 Wee Wonders Planetarium Shows Wee Wonders Planetarium Show See pgs. 22-26 Planetarium Show Outdoor Classroom for Kids Planetarium Show Sunset Meditation Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows Mission Possible at Muskego Park Planetarium Shows See pgs. 6-9 June 2024 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Outdoor Classroom for Kids Plane tarium Show Camera Club Mtg. Sunset Meditation Wee Wonders Outdoor Classroom for Kids Planetarium Shows Outdoor Classroom for Kids Planetarium Shows Outdoor Classroom for Adults Camera Club Mtg. Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows Fungus ForayMenomonee Park 50th Anniversary Celebration at RNC Wee Wonders Outdoor Classroom for Kids Planetarium Shows Scout Merit Badge: Environmental Science Outd oor Classro om for Kids Planetarium Shows Scout Merit Badge: Reptile & Amphibian Scout Merit Badge: Astronomy Scout Merit Badge: Sustainability Scout Merit Badge: Space Exploration Retzer Guided Butterfly Survey Planetarium Shows Planetarium Show Morning Bird Hike Morning Bird Hike Morning Bird Hike Morning Bird Hike Morning Bird Hike Morning Bird Hike Morning Bird Hike
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Wee Wonders Outdoor Classroom for Kids Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows Camera Club Mtg. Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows Wee Wonders Outdoor Classroom for Kids Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows Outdoor Classroom at Night Planetarium Shows Fungus ForayRetzer See pgs. 11-13 See pgs. 16-19 See pgs. 14-15 See pgs. 22-26 See pgs. 6-9 Outdoor Classroom for Kids Planetarium Shows Wee Wonders Outdoor Classroom for Kids Planetarium Shows & Laser Shows O utd oor Classroom for Kids Planetarium Shows & Laser Shows O u tdoor Classroom for Kids Outdoor Classroom for Kids Planetarium Shows Outdoor Classroom: for Kids and for Adults Camera Club Mtg. Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows & Laser Shows Snapshot Day Planetarium Shows & Laser Shows Pla netarium Shows and LASER Shows Raised Grain Retzer Beer Garden Wee Wonders Planetar ium LASER Shows Raised Grain Retzer Beer Garden August 2024 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 The Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium is closed August 25 - September 20 Build--A-Scarecrow At Home - See pg. 10
July 2024
Unless otherwise noted, these programs are held at Retzer Nature Center. For more information or to register, visit
Mission Possible: Volunteer Workday for the Earth-Tackling Invasive Species
Saturday, May 18, 9 a.m. - Noon, Muskego Park, S83 W20370 Janesville Rd., Muskego
Free and open to volunteers of various skills and abilities. Register online by May 17 at Noon. Calling all Agents: Waukesha County Parks needs YOU to help us restore and protect our parkland from invasive and aggressive plants! Help control invasive Garlic Mustard in the parks through hand pulling and bagging. Adult supervision is required for the duration of the project if a volunteer is under the age of 18. The mission will be held rain or shine. Dress for weather conditions, wear boots and bring your own work gloves.
“Cheers to 50 Years!” Retzer Nature Center’s 50th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, June 22, 3 - 9 p.m.
Join the Friends of Retzer Nature Center during this special celebration for Retzer Nature Center’s 50th Anniversary! Live music, a Beer Garden and food with Delafield Brewhaus, Planetarium shows and more! See pgs. 7 & 19 for additional event information.
Snapshot Day
Saturday, August 10, 8:30 a.m. - Noon
Free and recommended for ages 13+
Join this statewide search for invasive species. Sign up online starting June 3 at:
Raised Grain Pop-Up Beer Garden
Friday, August 23, 4 - 9 p.m. and Saturday, August 24, 3 - 9 p.m.
Free admission
Raised Grain Brewing Company is returning to Retzer Nature Center in August! At this familyfriendly event, enjoy food and beverages, enjoy a laser show (ticket fees apply) in the HorwitzDeRemer Planetarium, and visit with the Friends of Retzer Nature Center. See pg. 8 for details.
Planetarium Laser Shows
$5.00 per person. Purchase tickets online at
Double Feature: Legends of the Night Sky: Perseus and Andromeda & Orion
Saturday, August 17 & Wednesday, August 21 at Noon
Perseus and Andromeda is 20 minutes of fun, while also teaching children and adults the Greek story about the stars. This is an engaging story for the audience that is filled with humorous and exciting characters. Next, Orion takes a lighthearted and imaginative look at the myths and stories associated with the constellation Orion, the great hunter of the winter sky. See pg. 9.
NEW! Taylor Swift Laser Show
Saturdays, August 10 & 24 at Noon, and on Wednesday, August 14 at 10 a.m.*
What’s better than a Taylor Swift playlist? A Taylor Swift playlist set to laser lights! Enjoy unforgettable hits from all of her 10 distinct eras. Sing along to all your favorites and let the show transport you through different stories as only laser light can. Players gonna play, haters gonna hate, fakers gonna fake, so just shake it off! *Time is subject to change. See pg. 9.
During the Beer Garden: Friday, August 23, 4 - 9 p.m. and Saturday, August 24, 3 - 9 p.m.
Returning for 2024 during the Retzer Nature Center Beer Garden, enjoy the music of laser shows featuring classic rock artists like Queen, Metallica, Grateful Dead, Taylor Swift, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, and more! See pg. 9 for details.
Seeking Arts & Crafts Fair Vendors, 2024 Apple Harvest Festival
$75 per booth. Apply online by August 31 at
The Friends of Retzer Nature Center Apple Harvest Festival is on Saturday, September 21. Arts & Crafts Fair Vendors must apply online. Call 262-896-8007 for more information.
Build-A-Scarecrow At Home! See pg. 10 for info.
Collaborative Tree Planting
Retzer • Wehr Nature Centers (with local officials) Meet & Greet Friends of Florence & John Retzer Li ve Music J Ryan Trio Jazz Band
A T.
Family Fun
3 PM Tree Planting 4-6PMMeet&Greet 5-7:30PMLiveMusic 3:30 •5 •6:30•8PMPlanetarium Sh ows 3-9PMFun!
Join Us! 3-9 pm 7
| Indoor/Outdoor Activities H istorical Pre sentations History Hikes
Food &
at Retzer Nature Center Friday, August 23 • 4 - 9 pm Saturday, August 24 • 3 - 9 pm Join us! Featuring Laser Shows Laser Shows in the Planetarium with music including Taylor Swift, Pink Floyd, Queen and more! Tickets:
With Visit With Friends of Retzer Nature Center Learn about Retzer and how to become a Friends member!
Double Feature: August 17 & 21 at Noon
Perseus and Andromeda & Orion
$5 admission- buy tickets online at
NEW! Taylor Swift
Saturdays, August 10 & 24 at Noon
Wednesday, August 14 at 10 a.m.*
*Time is subject to change. Call 262-970-4139
at Retzer Nature Center
Laser Shows
with music including Taylor Swift, Pink Floyd, Queen & more! Tickets: in the Planetarium
Fri., Aug. 23 4:30 - 9 PM and Sat., Aug. 24 3:30 - 9 PM Friday, August 23 Saturday, August 24
4:30 p.m.- Rocket Man
5:30 p.m.- Metallica
6:30 p.m.- Taylor Swift
7:30 p.m.- Pink FloydThe Dark Side of the Moon
8:30 p.m.- Beatles
3:30 p.m.- Vinyl
4:30 p.m.- Grateful Dead
5:30 p.m.- Taylor Swift
6:30 p.m.- Queen 7:30 p.m.- Pink FloydThe Wall 8:30 p.m.- Country
Schools, churches, families, businesses, scouts, 4-H, daycares, and individuals... EVERYONE is encouraged to build a familyfriendly scarecrow at home to display at Retzer Nature Center from Sept. 21 to Oct. 31.
• Read the Build-A-Scarecrow Instructions online before creating your scarecrow
• Register & install scarecrows by 4 p.m. on Sept. 20
• Download & complete the I.D. slip from the website, seal in a bag & pin on your scarecrow
• Install your scarecrow on the stakes provided on the blue trail loop to the pond, located near the Children’s Garden from Sept. 14 - 20
• Remove your scarecrow between Nov. 1 - 10
• Any scarecrows not removed by Mon., Nov. 11 will be discarded
10 10
Build-A-Scarecrow At
SponsoredbytheFriendsofRetzerNatureCenter incooperationwithWaukeshaCountyParks, WaukeshaCountyTechnicalCollege, WaukeshaReads,andmore. FEATURING: Sweet Treats • The Apple Market • Arts & Crafts Vendors Live Music by JC Ayer • Delafield Brewhaus Beer Garden
Mark your calendars and plan to join us SATURDAY,
Scarecrow Lane with Scavenger Hunt Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium Shows Story Hike with Bridges Library System Self-Guided Oak Hike & Children’s Activities Friends of Retzer Nature Center's Fundraiser Passport Expedition on the Discovery Trail (accessible)
9:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
Unless otherwise noted, these programs are held at Retzer Nature Center. If required, online registration is at
Retzer Camera Club Meetings
Wednesdays at 7 p.m.: May 1, June 5, July 3, August 7
Recommended for ages 16+. No registration required.
The Camera Club meets monthly with instructional programs, sharing/ critiquing of members’ photographs, discussing equipment and technique, and providing opportunities for taking photographs at Retzer Nature Center and other nature areas. Open to the public! To learn more, find them on Facebook.
Ben Goss Bird Club Meetings
Regularly held September-April. Meetings will resume on Sunday, September 15. Recommended for ages 11+. No registration required.
Benjamin Goss Bird Club provides an opportunity for those interested in an active study of birds and their habitats. The public is invited to attend an in-person meeting, led by expert guest speakers and members, or join the meeting virtually. Keep in touch through the club’s Facebook Discussion Group online. For more information, visit
Morning Bird Hikes
Fridays, 7 - 8:30 a.m.: May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; June 7, 14
Free. Recommended for ages 8+. No registration required. Held rain or shine. Scout areas of Retzer with us to see how many different types of birds we can find on an easy, 1.5 mile walk. No expertise is needed and all skill levels are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Bring your own binoculars or borrow ours (limited quantity); cameras are also welcome. Dress for the weather and meet in the parking lot area by the Learning Center building. If groups of 10 or more plan to attend, please contact Retzer in advance.
Sunset Meditation Planetarium Shows & Retzer-led Night Hikes
Wednesdays: May 1 & 15
7:30 - 8 p.m. - Sunset Meditation Planetarium Show; 8 - 8:45 p.m. - Peaceful Night Hike
Each Sunset Meditation Planetarium Show is 30 minutes in length, followed by a 45-minute Peaceful Night Hike (weather permitting). In case of severe weather, the Planetarium will hold an extended program. $10 per person and recommended for ages 10+. Attendance is limited to 60. Register online at least 24 hours prior to the program. (Please arrive ON TIME. Doors open 15 minutes prior to the show. Late arrivals will not be admitted into the dome.) Come unwind under the dome of the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium and meditate for your mental health! View a planetarium show of an amazing sunset as you travel from the Grand Canyon to the North Pole, then relax under a night sky filled with stars with glimpses of the Northern Lights under the dome. After the show, take a quiet hike outside with a naturalist and discover tranquil sights and sounds of Retzer Nature Center (weather permitting).
Annual Benjamin Goss Bird Club Waukesha Spring Bird Count
Saturday, May 11. Various times and locations in Waukesha County Recommended for ages 16+. For more information, visit Join others for some birding fun during this event, which encompasses an area 15 miles in diameter to tally observed bird species. Those interested in attending the count should email Jasonn Weber at to join a group covering the various areas.
Conservation in the Parks
Conservation in the Parks programs are free and recommended for ages 13+. No prior experience is necessary. Various dates. Register online by Noon one weekday prior to programs. See pgs. 20 - 21.
Help create healthier natural areas throughout Waukesha County! Take part in stewardship projects or help collect data within your community to assist with local conservation efforts.
Surveys include:
• Asian Clam • Bat • Bumble Bee
• Freshwater Mussel
Bird • Butterfly • Fungi • Dragonfly & Damselfly
Fungus Foray
Recommended for adults. 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. each date
Saturday, June 22, at Menomonee Park* located at W220 N7884 Town Line Rd., Menomonee Falls
Saturday, July 27, at Retzer Nature Center located at S14 W28167 Madison St., Waukesha
Saturday, October 19, at Muskego Park* located at S83 W20370 Janesville Rd., Muskego
*Free to participate, but daily park admission or Waukesha County Parks annual membership is required for park entry. Online registration is required by Noon on the Friday prior to each program date.
Come join Waukesha Parks and the Wisconsin Mycological Society on a walk in the woods and learn all about mushrooms with seasoned foragers. Be sure to dress for the weather and wear appropriate footwear for hiking on turf and woodchipped trails. (Families may also attend, but because trails may not be stroller-friendly, children will either need to hike or be carried.)
Retzer Guided Butterfly Survey
Friday, June 28, 10 a.m. to Noon
Free and recommended for ages 8+. Register online by Noon on June 27. Join us on our annual summer butterfly survey with a brief indoor presentation and outside as we identify and count butterflies observed at Retzer Nature Center. Data will submitted to Bring your own binoculars or use Retzer’s (limited quantity available.)
More information and registration links at:
12 WELL WATER TEST KITS Purchase a Coliform Bacteria Test Kit during Drinking Water Week, May 5-11, and receive a FREE Nitrate test!* Tests available for an added fee include: • Chloride • Iron • Fluoride • Nitrate • Hardness • Coliform Bacteria Courtesy of Waukesha County, a $21 value! *To receive offer, Test Kits must be purchased by phone or in person at 515 W Moreland Blvd., AC Rm 260, Waukesha WI 53188. Call 262-896-8300.
Various Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m., $5 per child per class, Ages 2 - 4
Online registration is required at least 24 hours prior to the program. This monthly program is an opportunity for nature exploration and discovery for children. Wee Wonders offers hands-on experiences about a variety of nature topics. Each child must be accompanied by an adult. Each program includes an outdoor experience; please dress for the weather. Please register at least 24 hours prior to the program. Walk-ins are welcome, space permitting, but please call ahead and arrive no later than 9:15 a.m.
Down in the Dirt
Tuesday, May 7 & Wednesday, May 8
Learn about the parts of a plant above the ground and below. We’ll dig to find what living things lurk in the dirt.
Tadpole Tales
Tuesday, June 11 & Wednesday, June 12
Time to head down to the pond with our mud boots on to find tadpoles and other creatures living in the water.
Dear Deer and Fawns
Tuesday, July 16 & Wednesday, July 17
Learn about these common Retzer visitors with cool artifacts; we’ll hike to look for evidence they’ve been here, and maybe even see a real deer!
Vista Visitors
Tuesday, August 13 & Wednesday, August 14
Travel up to the Retzer Vista as we search for cool creatures hiding among the grasses and flowers. Parents will assist their child with a sweep net as we hunt for insects.
Book Now! Teaching Naturalist Complete an individual interest form: Join our team as a Retzer
utdoor Classroom for Kids!
One-hour programs on select Wednesdays, 10 - 11 a.m.
$5 per student. Ages: Elementary students 4K and up. Maximum 20 children . Free for adults and young siblings not yet in 4K (unless otherwise noted.) Online registration is required at least 24 hours prior to the program. Walk-ins are welcome, space permitting, but please call ahead and arrive no later than 9:45 a.m.
Get outdoors with a naturalist and explore during our Outdoor Classroom series. These one-hour programs focus on seasonal topics and incorporate hands-on discovery and sensory exploration for your elementary age learner. Students must be accompanied by an adult. Programs will be mostly outdoors, so dress for the weather. Indoor activities may be incorporated in case of inclement weather.
May 1 Colors in Nature
May 15 Water Creatures
June 5 Art in Nature- Painting the Pond
June 12 Cicada Mania!
June 19 Bumble Bees & Butterflies
June 26 Art in Nature-Frame it!
July 10 Art in Nature- Biodiversity Puzzle
July 17 Art in Nature- Prairie Paintings
July 31- Art in Nature- Pressed Flowers
August 7 Art in Nature- Flower Cards
August 14 Art in Nature- Sun Prints
August 21 Snakes are Cool!
August 28 Terrific Turtles
Sept. 4 Insect Investigation
Sept. 18 Mammals
14 Book Now!
utdoor Classroom at Night!
*All youth must be accompanied by an adult. $5 per per person (limited to 30 participants.)
Online registration is required least 24 hours prior to the program. (No walk-ins permitted for after-hours programs.)
Wednesday, July 24, 8:30-10 p.m. (or later)
Great for families (kids ages 12 and up) and Adults.
To celebrate National Moth Week, we’ll have “popcorn and a moth movie”. We’ll use special equipment to watch how many elusive species visit Retzer during the evening when we’re typically getting ready for bed. Sometimes the coolest things come out at night! Open to all ages of night owls!
Wednesday, October 23, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Children ages 2 and older are required to register. Join us for a fun night on the Discovery Trail as we meet costumed animals that stay up at night – an owl, raccoon, bats and more!
utdoor Classroom for Adults!
Ages 18 and up. One-hour programs on select Wednesdays from 2 - 3 p.m. unless otherwise noted. $5 per adult (limited to 20.)
Online registration is required at least 24-hours prior to the program. Walk-ins are welcome, space permitting, but please call ahead and arrive no later than 1:45 p.m. Get indoors and outdoors (weather permitting) with a naturalist and explore nature while meeting new people! Great for Advanced Training hours for WI Master Naturalists or Master Gardeners. Additional topics and dates may be added, so stay tuned!
June 5 Cicada Mania
July 24 Moth Madneth (see above)
August 7 Sustainable Yardening
October 2 Bats
December 4 Animal Skull Exploration
Book Now!
Show trailers:
Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium (inside Retzer Environmental Learning Center)
Wednesdays, promptly at 11 a.m. in May, and at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. in June, July and August $5 per person (free for children ages 2 and under). 90 seat capacity, walk-ins welcome, space permitting All shows are held at the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium located inside the Retzer Environmental Learning Center. Private show reservations are available for community groups, private parties, corporate events, or scout groups. If seats are available you can purchase them up to the time of the show. For more information or to register a group, call 262-970-4139.
Spring-Summer Program Offerings:
Show descriptions by title can be found online at:
May 1: 11 a.m.- Dinosaurs: A Story of Survival
May 8: 11 a.m.- Mayan Archeoastronomy: Observers of the Universe
May 15: 11 a.m.- Mars: The Ultimate Voyage
May 22: 11 a.m.- The First Stargazers
May 29: 11 a.m.- Space Aliens: Looking for Life in the Universe
June 5: 11 a.m.- Satelix
1 p.m.- Red-Eye to the Stars
June 12: 11 a.m.- Secret of the Cardboard Rocket
1 p.m.- Sky Wars: Battles of Discovery
June 19: 11 a.m.- One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure
1 p.m.- The Hot and Energetic Universe
June 26: 11 a.m.- Cosmix + Surviving in Space
1 p.m.- Nine Planets and Counting
July 3: 11 a.m.- The Solar System Show
1 p.m.- A Teenager’s Guide to the Galaxy
July 10: 11 a.m.- Cosmic Colors: An Adventure Along the Spectrum
1 p.m.- Out There: The Quest for Extrasolar Worlds
July 17: 11 a.m.- Dark Side of Light
1 p.m.- Aurora: Lights of Wonder
July 24: 11 a.m.- Star Signs
1 p.m.- A Place Like No Other
July 31: 11 a.m.- Space Quiz (all 3 three segments, no star talk)
1 p.m.- Did an Asteroid Really Kill the Dinosaurs?
August 7: 11 a.m.- Rusty Rocket’s Last Blast
1 p.m.- 5,000 Eyes- Mapping the Universe with DESI
August 14: 11 a.m.- Galileo: The Power of the Telescope
1 p.m.- Stars of the Pharoahs
August 21: 11 a.m.- 3-2-1 Liftoff! Space Adventure of Elon the hamster
1 p.m.- Forward! To the Moon
Pair your planetarium show with an outdoor education program! See previous pages.
Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium
Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium
All shows are held at the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium located inside the Retzer Environmental Learning Center. Private show reservations are available for community groups, private parties, corporate events, or scout groups. If seats are available, you can purchase them up to the time of the show. For more information or to register a group, call 262-970-4139.
The Planetarium has a 90-seat capacity and is wheelchair accessible. Pre-purchase of tickets online is highly recommended, especially for special event shows and those with limited seating. If unsold seats are available, they can be purchased online or will be available at the door up to the time of the show.
Children’s Planetarium Shows
Double Feature Shows!
Saturdays: May 4, 11, 18, 25
11 a.m., $5 per person
World of Curiosity!
This show dives into the questions “What would it be like to live on an Earth with no Moon?” or “What if the Earth was tilted on its side (like Uranus)?” Join Mateo and Dr. Alicia Woods as they explore how our lives would be different on these Earths, discuss other hypothetical planets that could exist, and marvel at the even stranger worlds that astronomers have discovered beyond our solar system.
Have you ever wondered how astronauts do their job? After watching “Cosmix” it will be absolutely clear to you! But hold tight, it will be a crazy ride. You will find out what a space flight looks like and how to prepare for it. You will jump from a spinning centrifuge straight into a cosmic rocket. And where will it take you? All the way to the International Space Station!
3-2-1 Liftoff! Space Adventure of Elon the hamster
Saturdays: June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
11 a.m., $5 per person
Elon is a hamster scientist who lives in a dump yard. He tries to fit in with the local rats’ community but nobody takes him seriously. The rats aren’t interested in his scientific experiments which often fail in practice. One day Elon hears a crash. In his garden he finds a crater and a damaged robot inside. How did he get here? Elon fixes the robot and finds out that he fell from a spaceship which is going to prepare Mars for colonization. But the ship leaves in three days. And that’s how Elon’s great adventure starts. Will he manage to get the robot back to his ship before it leaves with all the robot’s friends? 3-2-1 Liftoff! is an adventurous animated fulldome film about courage and wits you need to have to get in space and back.
Tickets: Show trailers: On the last Saturday of each month, all shows are open captioned for the hearing impaired. Tickets: Show trailers: NEW
Children’s Planetarium Shows
Dinosaurs! A Story of Survival
Saturdays: July 6, 13, 20, 27
11 a.m., $5 per person
Like almost all children, Celeste is fascinated with dinosaurs. She is preparing a talk for her class about how they went extinct when Moon, a very wise and magical character, poses a tantalizing question: what if I told you that there are still dinosaurs among us? Celeste will join Moon in a journey through time. An exciting adventure that will show them the Earth as it was in a very, very distant past. They will see the fascinating transformations that these animals underwent over millions of years, creating giant creatures, armored beasts and super predators, until the day that a cataclysmic impact event caused a mass extinction on Earth. But all is not lost. Celeste will discover the key to their survival.
Little Draggy Adventure
Saturdays: August 3, 10, 17, 24 11 a.m., $5 per person
Everyone knows their street address and what city they live in. But, where does our Earth “live?” What surrounds it? How far is it from the Earth to the Sun? What makes our planet different from the others? Take a wonderful journey with a cheerful dragon, Woody, who travels around the Universe in search of fantastic adventures. When Woody visits Earth, he meets a bright girl named Lena. Together, they introduce the children to the most interesting things about our planet and tell them about our solar system. The show will travel to the fantastic and infinite world of stars, bright nebulae, galaxies, stars clusters, and comets.
General Audience Planetarium Shows
Aurora: Lights of Wonder
Saturdays: May 4, 11, 18, 25
1 p.m., $5 per person
Experience the aurora borealis as if you were there! Thanks to the pioneering work of astrophotographer Kwon O Chul. “Aurora: Lights of Wonder,” filmed on location in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, features high resolution, hemispherical video recorded in real-time with a special camera system that captures the subtle detail, colors, dynamism and beauty of the aurora. In addition, scientific explanations and beautiful artwork about the legend of the aurora are featured throughout the show.
Cosmic Mashups: Gravity, Galaxies, and Supermassive Black Holes
Saturdays: June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
1 p.m., $5 per person
Supermassive black holes are found in most galaxies and we’re beginning to uncover how the merging of galaxies activates galactic centers.
The Sun, Our Living Star
Saturdays: July 6, 13, 20, 27
1 p.m., $5 per person
The Sun has shone on our world for 4.5 billion years. The light that warms our skin today has been felt by every person who has ever lived. It is our nearest star and our planet’s powerhouse, the source of the energy that drives our winds, our weather and all life. Discover the secrets of our star in this planetarium show and experience neverbefore-seen images of the Sun’s violent surface.
Dark Side of Light
Saturdays: August 3, 10, 17, 24
1 p.m., $5 per person
Have you admired the beautiful night sky dotted with thousands of stars above your head? Isn’t it strange that the naturally dark starry night sky, the one that was a source of inspiration for your ancestors for thousands of years, is now so rare that we have to travel to designated areas to see it in its full beauty? Why and how do we as humans destroy our surroundings with light pollution? Learn what we can do to keep our night skies dark.
Sunset Meditation Planetarium Shows and Retzer-led Peaceful Night Hikes
Wednesdays: May 1 & 15
7:30 - 8 p.m. - Sunset Meditation Planetarium Show; 8 - 8:45 p.m. - Peaceful Night Hike
Each Sunset Meditation Planetarium Show is 30 minutes in length, followed by a 45-minute Peaceful Night Hike (weather permitting). In case of severe weather, the Planetarium will hold an extended program
$10 per person and recommended for ages 10+ Register online at
Online registration is limited to 60 and is required at least 24 hours prior to the program.
(Please arrive ON TIME. Doors open 15 minutes prior to the show. Late arrivals will not be admitted into the dome.) See complete description under Retzer Scheduled Programs on pg. 11.
Planetarium Special Events
Advance online registration for all events is highly recommended:
Friends of Retzer Nature Center 50th Anniversary Celebration!
100 Years of Eternity
Saturday, June 22 at 3:30 p.m., 5 p.m., 6:30 p.m. & 8 p.m. $5 per person. All proceeds benefit the Friends of Retzer Nature Center. Hardly anything has shaped the history of civilization as much as man’s confrontation with the heavens. Megalithic stone circles bear witness to this, as do the astronomical origins of science in ancient Greece or the technical principles of modern high seas navigation. Even prehistoric sites tell of the important role the heavens have always played for people, whether in their practical everyday lives or as a repository for mythological imaginings spanning the generations.
The planetarium is the latest representation in a long series of sites and inventions reaching far back into human history that served our preoccupation with the starry heavens and the cosmos surrounding us. On the occasion of the centennial of the invention of the projection planetarium, we embark on a journey which begins with the early cultures of mankind and leads along an ever-changing view of the heavens to the modern star theater.
Planetarium Cub and Girl Scout Programs
To request a private scout program for your troop/den, please visit to submit a request form.
Tiger: Sky is the Limit
Enjoy a star talk, the Star Signs planetarium show and exploring jobs in astronomy.
Wolf/Bear: Space Exploration
Examine space exploration through the CapCom Go! The Apollo Story show.
Webelo: Adventures in Science
Study the night sky by taking an extensive six-hour time lapse tour of the night sky, where you will sketch and draw some of the major constellations of that season, and watch Zodiac: The Stars, the Moon and the Path of the Sun. Add-on options available.
Daisy: Space Science Explorer
Listen to a star talk, explore the planetarium show Max Goes to the Moon, and learn how to make and use a sundial.
Brownie: Space Science Adventurer
Watch The Little Star That Could planetarium show and listen to a local star talk.
Junior: Space Science Investigator
Listen to a star talk, investigate the planetarium shows Four Paths of the Sun and Two Small Pieces of Glass, and do a night sky scavenger hunt.
Cadette: Space Science Researcher
Preview the show Cosmic Colors: Adventures Along a Spectrum and watch Losing the Dark, followed by a local star talk. Add-on options available.
Senior: Space Science Expert
Preview choice of show- Cosmic Recipe: Setting the Periodic Table, or The Hot and Energetic Universe, or From Earth to the Universe, or Big Astronomy, or Europe to the Stars. Add-on options available.
Ambassador: Space Science Master
Preview shows Journey to the Center of the Milky Way, NASA- The Future of Space Exploration, and IBEX: The Search for the Edge of the Solar System Add-on options available.
Help create healthier natural areas throughout Waukesha County!
Take part in stewardship projects or help collect data within your community to assist with local conservation efforts.
• No prior experience is necessary.
• Attendance at a training program is required and equipment will be provided.
• Depending on the project, volunteers may work independently or with trained personnel.
Register at least one weekday prior to program at Supported by 20
SHARING KNOWLEDGE on iNaturalist Project Page
Waukesha County’s iNaturalist project page has grown significantly since it began in 2018. This successful engagement from the community has helped grow the data for Waukesha County.
iNaturalist is one of the most popular nature apps that connects you with a community of more than 400,000 scientists and naturalists who can help teach more about nature.
Contributing your own observations contributes to biodiversity in Waukesha County.
Findings are shared with scientific data repositories to help scientists find and use your data!
Check out the project and submit your observations online:
iNaturalist - Wild in Waukesha User Data
The number of users, species, and observations on Waukesha County’s iNaturalist project page has greatly increased since the beginning of the project page in 2018.
Category 2019 2020 2022 2023 Users 918 1,972 2,453 Species 1,976 3,400 4,109 4,109 Observations 8,644 41,088 60,173 60,173 2,877 4,755 82,598 21
To request a private program for your den/pack (minimum 20 scouts), please visit . Private groups are scheduled Mon.-Thurs., starting no later than 4 or 4:30 p.m. (depending on season.) Fees and the program length are listed for each offering below. The occasional Saturday may be available for an increased fee and is based on staff availability .
Programs must be paid in full at the time of registration and are non-refundable. Please remind Scouts and chaperones to dress appropriately for the outdoor portions for all Cub Scout programs. *This program is available to all Scouts.
SCOUT ANIMAL ADAPTATIONS HIKE* $7 per Scout, 1.5 hour program
Meet the Retzer teaching animals! Make observations and see how an animal’s physical and behavioral traits can help it to survive as we explore the concepts of habitat and survival. Head outside to the Retzer Trails where we will look for animals, evidence of animals, and explore how animals use their adaptations to survive in the wild. Open to all Cub Scouts.
SCOUT POND EXPLORATION* $7 per Scout, 1.5 hr. program
Explore the Retzer Pond and meet cool creatures who call the pond muck home. Learn about the adaptations that reptiles, amphibians and insects possess to live in this watery world.
TIGER: TIGERS IN THE WILD $6 per Scout, 1 hr. program
Enjoy the outdoors while identifying different plants and animals and the signs they have left behind as we hike the trails. We will complete Requirements 1-4 and 6-7.
WOLF: PAWS ON THE PATH $7 per Scout, 1.5 hr. program
Join a naturalist on a hike to identify birds, insects, and other animals along the trails. We will watch and record interesting items we find as we hike. We will complete Requirements 1-6.
BEAR: FUR, FEATHERS AND FERNS $7 per Scout, 1.5 hr. program
During your visit to Retzer Nature Center we will hike the trails and learn how to identify signs of mammals, birds, insect and plants. We will observe wildlife from a distance and plants close up! We will complete Requirements 1, 2, 4, and 5.
WEBELOS: INTO THE WILD $7 per Scout, 1.5 hr. program
Learn about bird flyways, wild creatures in their habitats, and identify local animals. Identify components of the food chain and how humans have changed the balance of nature. As we take a hike along wetlands, we will learn about the role of aquatic ecosystems. We will complete Requirements 4-9.
WEBELOS: INTO THE WOODS $7 per Scout, 1.5 hr. program
Join a naturalist on a hike to identify native trees and plants, their many uses and their importance to our ecosystem. Identify useful things made from wood. Use growth rings to tell a tree’s life story and learn about the function of tree bark. We will complete Requirements 1-4 and 6-7.
Spring 2025 Cub Scout Nights
$6 per scout per
Join us to complete adventures during our Spring Cub Scout Nights at Retzer Nature Center! Come as a Scout Den or independently.
Watch for more details in our September - December Activity guide!
BSA Merit Badge Days
Join us for a week of merit badges June 10 - 14. Come to one or all! Merit Badge workshops are for children in grades 5 and up that are enrolled in the Boy Scouts of America program. PLEASE BE ON TIME: Check-in at 8:15 a.m. Pick up times vary, see chart below. Snacks are provided, but participants must provide their own lunch. Fee: $50 per badge. Registration is limited. Register online FEB. 1 - JUNE 6.
For more information or to register, visit
Date Merit Badge Class Will Cover Prerequisites
Monday, June 10 pickup 3:15 - 4 p.m. Reptile & Amphibian
Tuesday, June 11, pickup at 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 12 pickup 3:15 - 4 p.m.
Thursday, June 13 pickup 3:15 - 4 p.m.
Friday, June 14, pickup at 2:00 p.m.
Exploration ($60, w/supplies))
Prerequisites must be complete prior to final card signing:
Prerequisites must be complete prior to final card signing for the bluecard to be complete at the end of the day. Waukesha County will not provide merit badge counselors after August 31 to complete blue cards. After August 31, scouts are responsible for finding their own merit badge counselor to finish their incomplete blue cards. View complete merit badge requirements:
Scout Project & Volunteer Opportunities
We welcome Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts alike to consider completing their projects with the Waukesha County Park System. Volunteer opportunities for individual Scouts and Scout groups are also available. If interested, visit our Scout Project and Volunteer Information pages, and complete the appropriate Interest Form: park-system/ScoutProjectInformation/
Covers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 1, 7, 8 a or 8 b
Astronomy 1 d, 2, 3, 4 a-4 d, 5, 6 d, 7, 8 a, 9 1 a-1 c, 3 a-3 d, 4 a-4 d, 5 a-5 d, 6 a-6 c, 9
3 a 3, 3 b 3, 3 c 1, 3 d 1, 3 f 3, 3 h 1, 4 a, 6 1, 2, 3 e, 5
Sustainability 2 b, 3 b, 4 a, 5 a, 6 c, 7 c and d, 8 b and 9 1, 8 a, 8 c
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 a, 6 & 8 2, 5 b or c, 7, 8
Fall 2024 Girl Scout Nights
$6 per Girl Scout per program
Join us to earn badges during our Fall Girl Scout Nights at Retzer Nature Center! Come as a Troop or independently. (All Girl Scouts must be registered individually for each program.) Each Girl Scout attending individually must have a parent chaperone, or Troops with their leader chaperones. Programs start promptly at scheduled times; please arrive on time as groups will head out on the trails. Portions of programs are outside; dress for the weather. Minimum 10 Girl Scouts required for each program to run.
*Due to the need to review/accept program waivers through the online registration process, late and in-person registrations WILL NOT be accepted. Note: Badges are not included in this fee.
Tuesday, September 24
Time Scout Program
5:00-6:00 p.m.
5:00-6:30 p.m.
Eco Learner (limit 30 Girl Scouts)
Nature gives us many gifts. Daisy Girl Scouts will learn: ways to give back by protecting nature, how to be prepared before going outdoors, and how to protect nature from trash. We will also play a wildlife game and observe plants and animals within a “nature circle.”
*Dress for the weather.
Junior Animal Habitats Badge (limit 60 Girl Scouts)
Junior Girl Scouts will learn about animal habitats in Wisconsin, investigate animal habitats at Retzer Nature Center, learn about endangered habitats and how to protect and create animal habitats. We will complete steps 1-4.
*Dress for the weather.
Thursday, September 26
Time Scout Program
5:00-6:30 p.m.
Brownie Bugs (limit 60 Girl Scouts)
Talk to a bug specialist, see bugs in action, explore bug homes, take a brief bug walk, and take home a bug craft.
*Dress for the weather.
Register online by Noon the day before each program at
To request a private program for your troop (minimum 20 Girl Scouts), please visit . Private groups are scheduled Mon.-Thurs., starting no later than 4 or 4:30 p.m. (depending on season.) Fees and program length are listed for each offering below. The occasional Saturday may be available for an increased fee and is based on staff availability. *These programs are available to all Girl Scouts.
Girl Scout programs without minimum enrollment numbers are offered on designated Girl Scout Nights (see pg. 24.) This date is open to all Girl Scouts who would like to attend, but spaces are limited. Register online by noon the day prior to the program at Minimum 10 Girl Scouts required per program for it to run. Late registrations will not be accepted and program maximum attendance will not be exceeded.
Programs must be paid in full at the time of registration and are non-refundable. Please remind Girl Scouts and chaperones to dress appropriately for the outdoor portions for all Girl Scout programs. Note: Fees do not include patches or badges.
$7 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hour program
Meet the Retzer teaching animals! Make observations and see how an animal’s physical and behavioral traits can help it to survive as we explore the concepts of habitat and survival. Head outside to the Retzer Trails where we will look for animals, evidence of animals, and explore how animals use their adaptations to survive in the wild. Open to all Cub Scouts.
POND EXPLORATION* $7 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hr. program
Explore the Retzer Pond and meet cool creatures who call the pond muck home. Learn about the adaptations that reptiles, amphibians and insects possess to live in this watery world.
DAISY: DESIGN WITH NATURE $6 per Girl Scout, 1 hr. program
Daisy Girl Scouts will explore nature by observing and counting birds, exploring and identifying animal tracks, and making an adventure map.
DAISY: ECO LEARNER $6 per Girl Scout, 1 hr. program
Also offered during Fall Girl Scout Night on September 24- see pg. 24. Nature gives us many gifts. Daisy Girl Scouts will learn some ways to give back by protecting nature. Scouts will learn how to be prepared before going outdoors, play a wildlife game, observe plants and animals within a “nature circle”, and learn how to protect nature from trash.
BROWNIE: BUGS $7 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hr. program
Also offered during Fall Girl Scout Night on September 26- see pg. 24. Brownie Girl Scouts will talk to a bug specialist, see bugs in action, explore bug homes, take a bug walk, and take home a bug craft.
BROWNIE: ECO FRIEND $7 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hr. program
Find out how to treat outdoor spaces with kindness and teach others how they can too. Brownie Girl Scouts will take a hike, find houses in nature and learn how to keep animal homes safe, learn how to build and safely put out a fire, and practice being kind in outdoor spaces.
JUNIOR: ANIMAL HABITATS BADGE $7 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hr. program
Also offered during Fall Girl Scout Night on September 24- see pg. 24.
Junior Girl Scouts will learn about animal habitats in Wisconsin, investigate animal habitats at Retzer Nature Center, create animal houses for Retzer animals, and learn about endangered habitats and how to protect animal habitats. We will complete Steps 1-4.
JUNIOR: SHAPES IN NATURE $7 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hr. program
Nature is a talented artist! It uses patterns, based in math, in many creations. In this badge, we will explore patterns found in nature, learn about symmetry, examine bilateral symmetry in leaves, make circular ephemeral art with natural objects, find fractals in nature and seek out spirals formed by the Fibonacci sequence.
CADETTE: TREES $7 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hr. program
Find out all about trees: from the shade to the science, the fruit to the forest, and the legends to the lumber. Cadette Girl Scouts will observe different tree species, learn about the amazing science of trees, discuss logging, clearcutting and deforestation, learn how Waukesha County Parks cares for its trees, and make a tree project.
NotaSchool? NotaProblem!
Retzer and Planetarium programs are open to families, homeschool groups, scout groups, 4-H groups, adult groups and organizations.
Children should be within two grade levels of each other for the
View our School Guide
___ for even more opportunities for private bookings. Book a program with the Waukesha County Environmental Education Team!
and pages
best experience.
26 For Planetarium Girl Scout Opportunities, see pg. 19.
27 Collecting recyclables in a bag? Empty the contents into the cart. Bags damage equipment. Return plastic bags to retailers.
County Recycles NO PLASTIC BAGS IN THE RECYCLING CART WWW.WAUKESHACOUNTY.GOV/PRODUCTDISPOSAL Think GLOBALLY ACT With 3 simple steps! Locally Consider diverting food waste from the landfill to your backyard compost bin! Keep storm drains clean! Grass clippings, pet waste, leaves, fertilizers, litter and other pollutants wash directly into the nearest waterbody. To the River Think GLOBALLY ACT Know before you throw... With 3 simple steps! For proper disposal, visit Locally 1 2 3 COMPOST Batteries Propane Tanks Bagged Recyclables Learn more :
Waukesha County community groups/organizations can request programs to be hosted at Retzer Nature Center or your public space. For select Recycling and Land Resources programs, grant funding may be available to cover the cost of programming. For non-eligible groups, fees in accordance to Retzer Nature Center programs may apply. Minimum of 10 participants per program is appreciated. Visit to request a program.
Recycling: Up Close and Personal
Recommend for ages 16+
45 minutes
We use a lot of finite resources. Discover the numbers behind consumption on a global and nationwide scale and how you can reduce this number. Find out what happens to many of these materials and how recycling helps us manage much of what we consume.
Food Safety
Recommended for ages 8+ 30 - 60 minutes
Become aware of food safety and the consequences of mishandling food. Hand washing is emphasized and interactive activities are available.
Green Cleaning Workshop
Recommended or ages 16+
45 minutes
We strive to keep our homes clean and healthy, but sometimes use toxic chemicals to do so. Is there a safer way? Find out what common household ingredients can be used to keep your home healthy, clean, and safe.
Groundwater: Our Buried Treasure
Recommended for ages 8+
30 - 60 minutes
Discover how the ground provides clean water for us to drink. Learn how that water can become contaminated and how to eliminate the dangers. Leave with actions you can take at home to keep your ater safe.
Home Composting for Healthy Soils
Recommended for ages 16+ 45 minutes
Learn how to create and use your own compost. Look at different bin styles to build or buy. Understand how compost works to improve the health of your soils for lawns and gardens.
Home Makeover: Green Edition
Recommended for ages 16+ 45 minutes
Whether you’re looking to green your home, your lawn, or your wallet – we’ll cover them all! Learn ways to live a comfortable and sustainable lifestyle from recycling right to simple lawn care.
I Live in a Watershed
Recommended for ages 8+ 45 minutes
Our watershed model provides a hands-on, interactive demonstration of the sources and effects of runoff pollution. Learn about the watershed you live in and see how it connects…all the way to the ocean! By the end of this program, you will understand what a watershed is, how it functions and how you are part of it.
28 Book Now!
Lunch N’ Learn
Held at your work place
Recommended for ages 16+ 30 - 45 minutes.
Fees may apply for non-partner communities. Waukesha County Land Resources staff will share their expertise with your employees through a 30 or 45 minute interactive presentation. Select one topic for a 30 minute presentation or select two topics for a 45 minute presentation.
Choose from:
Recycling • Green Cleaning & HHW
• Rain Barrels • Rain Gardens
• Water Friendly Lawn Care • Composting
Please email with requests and questions.
Nature Connection for Seniors, Service Clubs, and Special Needs Groups
60 minutes: $5 per person
Recommended for ages 18+
Join a Retzer Teaching Naturalist for a handson experience that engages and connects participants with the natural world. Topics include: Animal Ambassadors, Prairie Above & Below, Plants & Pollinators, Butterflies, Birds, Animal Skull Exploration, Owls (mounted specimens), Nature at Night, Turtles, and Insect Exploration. Call 262-896-8007 with traveling program inquiries.
Volunteer Service Project
Recommended for ages 8+
Assist park system staff individually or as a group. Volunteers may assist with seasonal natural land management, species conservation, special events, or Retzer Nature Center animal and aquarium care. For more information, or to submit a Volunteer Interest Form, visit us at:
Rain Gardens and Rain Barrels
Recommended for ages 18+
60 minutes
Rain barrels have been used for many generations. Discover how they can actually help restore a more natural water flow while saving you money. Not only will we explore how to install rain barrels, but we will learn about the benefits of rain gardens too! Rain gardens and rain barrels can be a beautiful solution to water pollution.
Sustainable Yardening
Recommended for ages 18+
60 minutes
Learn how to make your yard and garden more than just another pretty place. Make your space a contributor to a healthy environment by creating habitat, planting native and protecting water. Discover practical ways to make a healthy environment around your home and see how together we can make a big difference.
29 Book Now!
Summer Camp | Preschool | Daycare | Summer School | Parent Groups
Request programs online at (under General Public - Youth) or call 262-970-6680 for more details and availability of the following programs at Retzer Nature Center.
Don’t see what you want? We can customize a program to fit your needs.
2024 Summer RNC Field Trips
1 hour program: $4.00 per student (Minimum of 20, maximum of 60 children, unless otherwise noted.)
Retzer Nature Center’s Booking & Cancellation Policy
Initial fee for 20 child minimum will be assessed at the time of booking and is due within 30 days to avoid cancellation. Final invoice will be assessed on the day of the program with verified attendance. For bookings less than 30 days away, these fees are due upon receipt. All bookings require a minimum 10-day advance notice. If the customer cancels a program within 30 days of the program date, we reserve the right to forfeit the program fee or issue a credit instead of a refund. Credit must be redeemed within the same calendar year unless otherwise noted.
Nature Storytime Hike
Ages 4 - 6, 1 hour
This program focuses on reading and roaming! Naturalists will share a story and lead indoor and outdoor hands-on explorations designed to complement the program topic and story.
• Water Discovery
• Insect Investigation
• Life in a Shell (turtles, insects, eggs & seeds)
• Terrific Trees (trees, seeds, nuts & leaves)
• Colors in Nature
• Things with Wings (birds, butterflies, bees & bats)
Animal Adaptations - Indoor Program
Ages 5 - 12, 1 hour
Enjoy a visit from the Retzer teaching animals!
See how an animal’s physical and behavioral traits can help it to survive as we explore the concepts of habitat and adaptation.
Select your topic, choose from:
• Retzer Animal Ambassadors
• Reptiles & Amphibians
Navigating Nature
Ages 5 - 12, 1 hour
• Insects
• Birds
Work as a team using a map to navigate Retzer’s trails. Depending on the trail you choose we’ll discover frogs, birds, skunk cabbage, insects, flowers and more as we navigate through nature!
Water Discovery
Ages 5 - 12, 1 hour
Meet pond and stream creatures close-up! Learn about the adaptations and features they possess to live in these watery worlds. (One chaperone is recommended per four children for ages 6 and younger.)
Insect Investigation
Ages 5 - 12, 1 hour
Meet some insects that call Retzer home. We will explore the insect world, learn about their adaptations and get a close-up look at these six-legged creatures!
Nature Exploration
Ages 5 - 12, 1 hour
Using our powers of observation and sensory skills, we will have a hands-on outdoor experience exploring the natural treasures of the season.
Art in Nature
Ages 5 - 12, 1 hour
Nature creates unique artwork all around us with beautiful colors, interesting patterns, and unusual textures. During this program, we will look for artistic inspiration on the Retzer Trails and create an ephemeral art piece or nature journal to record the art we found in nature.
2024 Summer Traveling Programs
Traveling programs are limited to a 30 minute radius of Retzer Nature Center. Other distances subject to approval and fee increase. $140 per program
(Maximum of 30 children)
School-age Add-On Program:
Toddler Add-On Program: $85 per added program during same visit $50 per 30 minute program
Nature Storytime
Ages 4 - 6, 1 hour
Our Naturalist will visit you, share a story on your choice of topic, and bring a variety of hands-on nature objects for the children to explore.
• Insect Investigation
• Life in a Shell (turtles, insects, eggs & seeds)
• Terrific Trees (trees, seeds, nuts & leaves)
• Colors in Nature
• Things with Wings (birds, butterflies, bees & bats)
Animal Adaptations
Ages 5 - 12, 1 hour
Nature Storytime for Toddlers
Ages 2 - 3, 30 minutes
This program focuses on reading and exploring! We will read a story, meet a Retzer animal and have an age-appropriate hands-ons activity.
• Insects
• Turtles
• Birds
Enjoy a visit from the Retzer teaching animals! See how an animal’s physical and behavioral traits can help it to survive as we explore the concepts of habitat and adaptation. Select your topic, choose from:
• Retzer Animal Ambassadors
• Reptiles & Amphibians
• Insects
• Birds
• Frogs
• Rabbits
In 2017 the Planetarium completed a major technology upgrade that converted the technology used to digital-full dome-video, and Astronomy programming expanded to include Biology, Health, Weather Systems, and Chemistry.
The planetarium is now turning its attention to needs in its reception, student laboratory, and pre- and post-show areas. The project plan includes creating spaces which will simulate an outer space environment where students and visitors can be challenged with rotating, hands-on exhibits, experiments and encouraging scientific exploration.
*Donors that contribute $250 or more will have their names printed within a night sky graphic on dark ceiling panels in the Planetarium exhibit hall.
The “Friends” of the Planetarium was formed in January of 2000. It is a community organization for anyone interested in astronomy, space exploration and the effective use of the planetarium. It is also a support group for the ongoing activities, outreaches and the spread of science education to our community. Friends memberships run from the 2024 Spring Equinox (Tuesday, March 19) to the 2025 Spring Equinox (Thursday, March 20.).
In celebration of our 25th Anniversary, join us for a FREE Entry Day at participating Waukesha County Parks on Saturday, August 3, 2024!
2727 N Grandview Blvd, Suite 301 Waukesha, WI 53188 262-513-1861 |
Help Protect Your Parks
The Parkland Conservation Fund helps protect, restore, and enhance greenspaces throughout the Waukesha County Park System.
This stewardship fund focuses on wildlife habitat restoration and improvements to natural areas. Donations are an investment in local natural resources, public lands and parks for generations to come.
Brown’s Fen Revitalization Project at Retzer Nature Center - NEW!
Phase 1 of this project will include forestry mowing and treatment of the invasive woody brush followed by the reintroduction of prescribed fire. These proposed activities would not only bring the fen back to a more manageable state for our staff and volunteers to maintain, but they would improve the hydrological function provided by the fen ecosystem and increase the unique species diversity that is present there, including the unique pollinator species Baltimore Checkerspot and the Federally-endangered Rusty-Patched Bumble Bee.
Help us reach our goal!
Monches Property Restoration
Over 500 trees and shrubs have been planted as part of phases 1 and 2. We have 8 acres and 400 more trees to go along the Oconomowoc River Greenway!
Help us reach our goal!
Discovery Trail Project
Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use strives to enhance and expand access to natural resources and environmental education for all ages and abilities. We are asking for your help because everyone deserves the opportunity to connect with nature and explore our world. More giving levels available online! All levels of support are accepted and appreciated. Every bit helps build barrier-free access to nature! Donate Today $5,000 Monarch Butterfly • Extra Large logo on trail donor board (11” x 7”) • Participation in feature trail event • Certificate of Thanks • Three social media tagged posts $2,500 Green Darner Dragonfly • Large logo on trail donor board (7” x 5”) • Participation in feature trail event • Certificate of Thanks $1,000 Dog-day Cicada • Medium logo on trail donor board (5.25” x 3.5”) • Participation in feature trail event • Certificate of Thanks $500 Rusty Patched Bumble Bee • Small logo on trail donor board (4.25” x 2”) • Certificate of Thanks $250 Common Eastern Firefly • Name listed on trail donor board (3.35” x 2”) • Certificate of Thanks Looking for other ways to support this project? All contributors over $250 will be recognized on a donor board displayed on the Discovery Trail. Thank you in advance for your support!
Perfect for individuals, groups, students, teachers, Master Naturalist and Master Gardener Volunteers!
Volunteering with Parks and Land Use is a great opportunity for individuals and groups to enjoy the outdoors while giving back:
• Park Maintenance (weeding, painting, trail woodchipping)
• Invasive Species Control / Removal
• Adopt-A-Trail Program
• Adopt-A-Drain Program
• Adopt-A-Park Program
• Retzer Nature Center Special Events
• Citizen Science Programs
• Stewardship Projects
• Scout Project Information
35 Submit an Interest Form!
Yard or Garden Questions?
Contact the Horticulture Helpline. This free service allows you to speak with a trained UW-Madison Extension Master Gardener volunteer regarding plant, bug, or soil questions.
For more information, email or call 262-548-7779.
Soil Questions?
Having soil problems? Tired of guessing about additives for your lawn or garden? A soil test will tell you what nutrients your plants or lawn need and will recommend the amount of fertilizer (N-P-K) to add to your soil. It will also tell the current pH of your soil and an analysis of the amount of organic matter in your soil. For more information, visit or call 262-548-7775.
Plant or Plant Insect Questions?
Let UW-Madison Extension Horticulture Educators identify your outdoor and indoor plant samples and outdoor plant insects. There is a $5 charge per sample. Call 262-548-7775 or e-mail before bringing in any samples to the office to confirm office hours as well as plant/insect submission procedures.
36 515 W Moreland Blvd Admin G22 | Waukesha, WI 53188
38 Valid from date of purchase through December 31, 2024 PARks annual MEMBERSHIPs Lake access MEMBERSHIP 2024 2024 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS ON SALE NOw! PARks + LAKE access BUNDLE 2024 1 vehicle 2 vehicles REGULAR $40 $60 Senior $20 $30 1 vehicle 2 vehicles REGULAR $100 $150 REGULAR $130 per vehicle BUY ONLINE Buying in person? Details here DISCLAIMER: Annual memberships are stickerless. We like to say they’re “invisible.” Your membership(s) are verified by the license plate scanner upon entry to a Parks facility.
Annual Park Membership
allows for unlimited visits to:
Fox Brook Park
Fox River Park
Menomonee Park
Minooka Park
Mukwonago Park
Muskego Park
Naga-Waukee Park
Nashotah Park
Ryan Park
Lake Access
Annual Lake Access Membership allows for unlimited visits to: Pewaukee Lake
Nagawicka Lake
Nemahbin Lake
School Section Lake
Ashippun Lake*
*No fee
Nature Center
*No fee
Golf Courses
Ice Arenas
Q 5 43 43 94 18 18 94 190 74 175 145 164 74 164 16 16 16 83 83 83 K W V K 83 W W E K CW 67 67 B C C P 18 C Z G 164 59 59 59 164 D X X DE E D D H I I U Y L ES ES ES L NN LO LO 59 67 67 D D C Z Z Z Z N Z C Z C C E 36 HH O YY KF T T Menomonee Park Fox Brook Park Eble Ice Arena Minooka Park Muskego Park Fox River Park Retzer Nature Center Moor Downs Golf Course Mukwonago Park Naga-Waukee Park & Lake Access Naga-Waukee War Memorial Golf Course Golf Course Naga-Waukee Ice Arena Nashotah Park Expo Center Pewaukee Lake Access Ashippun Lake Access Ashippun Lake Access School Section Lake Access School Section Access Nemahbin Lake Access Ryan Park Bugline Trail Lake Country Trail New Berlin Trail Glacial Drumlin State Trail Fox River Trail Waukes
County Pa rk System
h a
Retzer Nature Center*
Moor Downs Golf Course Naga-Waukee War Memorial Golf Course
Park Ice Arena
Park Ice Arena Expo
Waukesha County Exposition Center