A Message from the President Washington Adventist University has weathered many trials, challenges, and threats in its long history. None have been as uniquely hard to predict as COVID-19. No matter what we face, we have faith that God has blessed this ground to support the strong Christian education we have always offered and will continue to provide through this pandemic. Our faculty and staff are hard at work, preparing for any eventuality to ensure that our valuable students continue to receive the best educational opportunities. Our COVID-19 Taskforce has worked to investigate and prepare for the coming semester. This document reflects just some of the many aspects of their work. WAU is continuously looking for methods to stay ahead of and be ready for whatever comes next. Our heart for service will always lead the way as we drive to shine a light of intentional kindness, justice, and love within our WAU community and the community around us. Our Spirit of Community will continue to guide our actions as we prepare for a bright future at Washington Adventist University.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 Introduction 6 Guiding Principles 8 SPRING 2021 - Requirements 10 Return to the Campus 11 General Expectations and Guidelines 11 Symptom Monitoring Requirement 12 Support for Vulnerable People 12 Mental and Emotional Well-being 12 Maintaining Our Inclusive Community 14 Health and Safety Guidance/Personal Safety Practices 14 Universal Face Coverings 14 Use and Care of Face Coverings 15 Social Distancing 16 Handwashing
16 Coughing/Sneezing Hygiene 17 Cleaning 18 Guidance for Use of Campus Facilities 19 Meeting Spaces 19 Cafeteria 19 Classrooms – signage for occupancy 19 Entry/Exit 19 COVID-19 – Exposure 19 Office Environments 19 Restrooms 19 Elevators 19 Meals 20 Athletic Plan 30 Student Life Plan
Photography: Richard Castillo
COVID-19 TASKFORCE MEMBERS: EVP CFO Patrick Farley, Provost Cheryl Kisunzu, Integrated Marketing and Communications VP Richard Castillo, Security Director John Cake, Information Technology Systems Director Ricardo Flores Sr., Facilities Director Steve Lapham, Chair of the Health Wellness and Physical Education Dr. Denise Hinds, VP for the Center for Student Life Ralph Johnson, AVP of Human Resources Jeannie Wright, Dean for the Men’s Residence Hall Timothy Nelson, VP for Admissions William Jackson, Athletic Director Patrick Crarey
Layout & Design: Richard Castillo
Graphic Design: Richard Castillo
wau.edu 7600 Flower Ave. Takoma Park, Maryland 20912 800.835.4212
INTRODU CTION The goal of Washington Adventist University is to provide a safe, educational environment for students, faculty, and staff as the University returns to operation amid a declining in the local pandemic environment. This will be achieved by using best practices in mitigating exposure or transmission of COVID-19. There are four essential tasks that are key to mission success for a safe return of students: 1. Education of students, faculty, and staff on best practices to mitigate exposure 2. Sanitizing and cleaning 3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for students, faculty, and staff 4. Screening or testing of students, faculty and staff Overall, this guide is designed to enhance effectiveness and flexibility in providing a safe return and continued attention to safety, and may be subject to change as events shift. This packet details how Washington Adventist University will execute procedures and protocols to ensure a safe learning environment. Lastly, this guide remains a living document, subject to modification as the growth, development, and knowledge in best practices will continue to be modified.
GUIDING PRINCIPLES To fulfill our mission, we will adhere to our principles of distinctive excellence: quality, service, growth, people, and finance.
We will fulfill our mission and vision of developing morally competent leaders.
We will care by serving the needs of our community for the health and safety of all.
We will review the science and evidence with pragmatism to guide quality decisions
We will be flexible and innovative in the face of evolving circumstances
We will responsibly grow our school during this difficult time.
We will heed our responsibility to ensure the university’s financial strength and stability.
WAU will provide weekly required testing through an on-campus testing partner. Testing will be provided for no cost to individuals with health insurance. Sunday: Residence Hall Students; Wednesday: Community Students, Thursday: Faculty & Staff Rapid Testing will be available to anyone with symptoms, or that has been in direct contact with a symptomatic individual (as defined by CDC; <6 feet for <15 minutes cumulatively) or someone who has tested COVID-19 positive.
TRACING The WAU App is receiving an upgrade. Students, Faculty, and Staff will be required to fill out a daily well-being survey, which will offer each individual a pass to enter campus or a stay-athome status. Individuals will be required to scan QR codes with the WAU App as they move about the campus to keep a verifiable record of movement throughout each day. Compliance will ensure that contact tracing can be implemented, if required, in the case of a possible infection.
TRUSTING Faculty will direct students to sign a Spirit of Community Pledge. The entire campus communityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expectation is full participation, commitment to all regulations for the safety of all.
POLICIES Positive Test: Return to campus will not require a COVID-19 negative test, given that the CDC confirms that these tests may remain positive for up to 90 days but will continue to require a physicianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clearance or negative test. Daily Well-Being Assessment: If your body temperature is at or above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38.0 degrees Celsius), and/or you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed in our COVID-19 daily assessment; you are required to obtain a COVID-19 negative test or obtain a physician clearance. Please do not come to campus until a physician provides COVID-19 clearance (e.g., Tele-Health/Ascend to Wholeness for employees or WAU Tele-Health for students).
If a student is reported for not wearing a mask the first time in a semester, he/she will receive a verbal warning that is noted in a file.
If that student is reported for not wearing a mask a second time in a semester, he/she will receive a written reprimand and must have a conversation with the VP of the Center for Student Life or his designee.
If that student is reported for not wearing a mask for the third time, he/she will be suspended for the remainder of the semester. 9
G E NE R AL EXP EC TAT IO NS & G UI D E LIN ES All students, faculty, and staff are expected to comply fully with the policies, protocols, and guidelines outlined in this Return to Campus Guide. Noncompliance with COVID-19 campus health and safety guidelines could result in loss of access to university facilities, access to face-to-face instruction, as well as corrective and/or disciplinary action.
Symptom Monitoring Requirement: People may not report to campus unless they are free of ALL symptoms potentially related to COVID-19 At this time, these symptoms include, but are not limited to one or more of the following:
Cough Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Fever Chills Repeated shaking with chills Runny nose or Sinus congestion
Muscle pain Headache Sore throat Fatigue GI symptoms Loss of taste or smell
Individuals are required to stay at home while they are sick or experiencing any of the symptoms above unless otherwise directed. See HR policies for more information.
Support for Vulnerable People See HR policy regarding work on campus
Based on CDC guidance, some people may be at higher risk of experiencing COVID-19 outcomes due to their individual circumstances. Faculty, staff, and students who fall within the CDC’s definition of a “vulnerable person” for COVID-19 (as outlined below) may request consideration for telework to their work or learning environment. For students, contact Student Life, Cindy Ming cming@wau. edu. For employees, please contact WAU Human Resources.
Mental and Emotional Well-being WAU provides online counseling for students through TimelyMD. Counseling for faculty and staff is available through LifeWork Strategies with 24/7 Access at 1-877-252-8550.
Maintaining Our Inclusive Community Washington Adventist University is committed to maintaining an educational, working, and living environment that is free of all forms of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct. For every member of our community to thrive—especially as we continue to navigate life and university operations during a global pandemic—each individual must seek to foster mutual respect, support, and inclusion. During this pandemic, where there are many unknowns, taking care of each other is just as important as taking care of ourselves. Making assumptions about or engaging in negative treatment of others based on perceived symptoms, medical conditions or abilities, national origin, racial and ethnic characteristics, or any other protected status hurts our community. Every person’s care, compassion, and empathy for each other makes a positive difference.
H E A LTH & SA F E T Y G UI D AN C E PER S ONAL S AF E T Y P RA CT I C E Universal Face Coverings Face masks or face coverings must be worn by everyone (including all faculty, staff, student, guests, vendors, and visitors) indoors in university buildings, and in and around leased spaces. Exceptions to the requirement for universal face coverings inside are limited to the time spent in a single-occupancy office with a closed-door, while eating, or drinking, or in specific situations described below in the Guidance for Use of Campus Facilities.
Use and Care of Face Coverings When putting on a face-covering/disposable mask, people should do the following: » Wash hands or use hand sanitizer prior to handling the face covering/disposable mask » Ensure the face-covering/disposable mask fits over the nose and under the chin » Situate the face-covering/disposable mask properly with nose wire snug against the nose (where applicable) » Tie straps behind the head and neck or loop around the ears.
Throughout the process » Avoid touching the front of the face covering/disposable mask. » Try to avoid adjusting the mask during the day. » Wash hands/use sanitizer after any adjustments.
When taking off a face covering/disposable mask, people should » Avoid touching their eyes, nose, or mouth » Loop their finger into the strap and pull the strap away from the ear, or untie the straps. » Wash hands immediately after removing face covering/mask
Care, and laundering » People should keep face coverings/disposable mask stored in a paper bag when not in use. » Cloth face coverings may not be used more than one day at a time and must be washed after use. » Cloth face coverings should be hand washed or laundered with regular soap or clothing detergent before first use. » Cloth face coverings should be replaced immediately if soiled, damaged (e.g. ripped, punctured), or visibly contaminated. » Disposable masks must not be used for more than one day and should be placed in the trash or if they are soiled or damaged (e.g., stretched ear loops, torn or punctured material), or visibly contaminated.
Social Distancing Keeping space between yourself and others is one of the best tools we have to avoid being exposed to the COVID-19 virus and to slow its spread. Since people can spread the virus before they know they are sick, it is important that they stay away from others when possible, even if they have no symptoms. Social distancing is important for everyone and required by the university. Everyone on campus is expected to follow social distancing practices. They should: » Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arm’s lengths) from other people whenever possible » Gather in groups as defined by Montgomery County regulations » Avoid large gatherings » Engage in noncontact methods of greetings that avoid handshakes » Adhere to the staggered dining hall meal schedule » Use designated areas and maintain at least 6 feet of separation for meals 15
Handwashing Everyone should wash their hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, especially after they have been in a public place or after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing, or touching their face. It is also suggested that everyone wash their hands as they enter and leave various on-campus spaces and before eating. People should also avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth. If soap and water are not readily available, people can use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. They should cover all surfaces of their hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
Coughing/Sneezing Hygiene Those in a private setting who do not have a cloth face covering on should remember to always cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when they cough or sneeze or use the inside of their elbow. Then throw used tissues in the trash. After sneezing, individuals should immediately wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, they should clean their hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. If a person has been sneezing/coughing into the cloth mask and it becomes contaminated with mucus, they should change the mask and launder it.
WAU Community Pledge Students, faculty, and staff will sign a pledge to abide by the social distancing, handwashing, and sanitizing standards for the campus. The pledge will outline the benefits to both the person individually as well as the entire campus. The WAU Community pledge is a demonstration of our faith-based approach to follow the golden rule of doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. Click here for the pledge.
Daily Self-Screenings 16
Daily Self-screening will be expected for all employees and students.
Cleaning Custodial crews will clean common areas, lobbies, restrooms, classrooms, and conference rooms daily based on CDC guidance. Several times daily, custodians will provide additional cleaning of hightouch points (stairwell and room door handles, elevator buttons, etc.) Individuals will be expected to clean areas of tables, surfaces, or labs with which they made contact and wipe down personal workspaces. Before starting an activity in a space, and before leaving any room in which they have been working, individuals must wipe down all areas with a cleaning agent. This includes any shared-space location or equipment (e.g. copiers, printers, computers, A/V and other electrical equipment, coffee makers, desks and tables, conference tables, light switches, doorknobs, etc.). People should avoid using other people’s phones, desks, offices, or other tools and equipment and should clean and disinfect them before and after use.
Options include but are not limited to: » Bleach solution containing at least 1,000 ppm sodium hypochlorite » 70% ethanol or isopropyl alcohol » Quaternary ammonium disinfectant provided by EVS/Custodial Services Follow label directions for safe and effective use. Follow contact time (surface visually wet). Supplies may be provided for purposes of cleaning multi-use spaces.
Meeting Spaces
Meetings will be conducted virtually. » Dining Hall – See Aladdin Plan » Classrooms – each classroom will be labeled for occupancy, and cleaning of the rooms will be daily with several wipe downs during the day. » Entry/Exit – Security will maintain the proper entrances and exits for the building. Signage will indicate where to enter and exit.
COVID Exposure Self-Quarantine – Taken from Student Life Section Cleaning Following Known or Suspected COVID-19 Exposure – Use John’s Hopkins Protocol In areas where a person who is positive for COVID or suspected positive for COVID has been, additional measures for cleaning will be implemented. Where possible, space(s) should be left unoccupied for a minimum of three hours for labs and 2 hours for other spaces. Increase ventilation or open windows if able to do so without reentering. The cleaning protocol will be overseen by Facility Services, including any requests for access for cleaning earlier than the designated wait time. If earlier access is authorized, appropriate PPE may be required, to include an approved N95 mask or PAPR. » Clean with standard procedures/PPE (gloves and mask). » No special material or protocols required. » Approved Cleaning Products: EPA registered disinfectants.
Office Environments Offices will be limited to occupancy for appropriate distancing. It will be encouraged that offices be visited by appointment only if necessary, but the use of a virtual platform is the preferred method instead of face-to-face meetings.
Library/Museum Special Research Collections See Library Plan from Academics
Common Spaces Restrooms - Cleaning of restrooms will occur several times per day with a limit of two per restroom in office and classroom buildings. Elevators - Elevators will only be accessible for those with physical difficulties and will only be allowed for two persons at a time with appropriate distancing. Water Fountains - Water fountains will be marked as non-use. Water dispensers may be available to fill personal water bottles. Campus Dining - Policies will follow state and county guidelines. See Aladdin Food Service Guidelines
PLAN AND REQUIREMENTS *All information presented in this document is based upon current CDC/Federal/State & Local health guidelines and recommendations. All dates and information is tentative and subject to change.*
Prior to Return to Campus Student-Athlete/Staff Steps Prior to Return to Campus: Based upon available data, we recommend the following conditions be satisfied before student-athletes and staff return to campus:
Prior to Return to Campus 1. Symptom free for 14 days prior to travel 2. No known contact with COVID-19 illness for 14 days prior to travel. 3. Keep a list of close contacts they had for the 14 days prior to returning to campus. 4. Receive a Negative 1-Day Rapid Test Prior To Arriving On Campus 5. Prior to returning to campus, the CDC Travel Recommendations should be reviewed 6. Completion of Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s return to campus virtual training session 7. Orientation with Residence Halls, Student Life, and Security
Return to Campus Plan Staff/Student Athletes Who Are at Higher Risk: Definition, education and discussion of risk should be performed. Each individual in this category should make an informed decision about whether to return to campus or to remain at home and not to return to facilities or campus. Student-Athletes / Coaches will not be penalized for opting out of participation in athletics.
Upon Return to Athletic Facilities Initial Screening Upon Return to Campus : 1. The self-quarantine reporting sheet should be transmitted electronically and reviewed by the medical staff prior to the athlete leaving their residence to return to the athletic facility. athletic facility.
2. Temperature should be taken prior to entrance to the facility and symptom questions asked again. 3. All student-athletes/coaches will be tested for COVID-19 prior to starting group/ team workouts. If the individual displays symptoms, has a temperature of >100.0 or otherwise indicates high risk for possible infection (e.g., new close exposure), he/she will not be allowed to access the facilities. The individual should contact Athletics staff by phone or via virtual platform to evaluate the individual to determine the appropriate action (return home, seek immediate medical care, etc.) following CDC guidelines. All students and staff should attest they feel totally well and are fit for athletic activities each time they enter the athletic facilities. B. Preparticipation Evaluation 1. There must be adequate time for preparticipation evaluations 2. If student-athlete was COVID-19 positive during break from campus 3. Should undergo additional screening for potential cardiac/pulmonary health concerns C. Health Education Sessions Upon (or before) Return to Campus 1. COVID-19 Health Education Zoom Session (Provided by Health Care Professional)
*Mandatory* 2. Weekly Zoom Meeting With Training Staff for constant compliance
• •
The importance of physical distancing Good hygiene—especially hand hygiene • Proper use of face coverings in public and at work • Importance of staying home and self-isolation • Reporting of any symptoms • How the virus transmits • Importance of contact tracing and how it works • Communicate facility-specific changes such as: 22
• E. Activity Tracing/Contact Tracing System:
1. Close contacts—according to the CDC
• Household contact or close contact, within 6 feet, of an individual with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 during the 48 hours before the individual became symptomatic or was diagnosed. • Direct physical contact with respiratory secretions of the infected individual (e.g., • being coughed on). • For the purposes of athletics, physical contact between players is also considered • close contact.
2. Low-risk contacts
• Brief contact, less than 6 feet, with someone with • COVID-19 for less than 3 minutes with both parties wearing a facial covering or cloth mask. • No contact with the infected person’s oral or nasal discharges. • It is essential to assist in contact tracing and notifications in the event an acute infection occurs. • Consider using technology (when developed) if permitted by your local institution.
F. Masks/Mouth-Nose Covering: 1. PPE use (cloth masks for all individuals, appropriate medical-grade equipment for all medical personnel working in a medical environment) is mandatory upon arrival at athletic department facilities. 24
These should be worn at all times. Replacement masks should be available if the mask becomes wet or soiled. 2. Clean cloth face-covering masks should be used each day by athletes, coaches and staff. 3. Cloth face-covering masks should be cleaned (washed) after each day. 4. Wash hands/use hand sanitizer before putting on and after removing PPE and masks. 5. Avoid touching mouth, nose, eyes and nearby surfaces when putting on, using and removing PPE and masks. 6. All student-athletes, coaches and staff will be required to wear face coverings at all times, including away from athletic facilities, unless alone at their home. 7. Cloth face-covering masks reduce exposure to others when the wearer coughs or sneezes (i.e., source control). Cloth face-covering masks do not replace the need for social and physical distancing, frequent handwashing, avoiding touching the face, and staying away from people who are ill.
8. Surgical/medical masks should be reserved for healthcare providers.
6. Food and other essential items will be dropped off to the individual by a staff member
G. Positive Test
1. If a student-athlete tests positive, they will have to quarantine in a designated University space for the 10-14 day period, and will need to be retested with a negative result before returning to play. 2. Notify HR of the individual and fill out the On-Campus Contact Tracing Questionnaire 3. The individual is to remain in that space for the full 14 days 4. Notify HR of the individual and fill out the On-Campus Contact Tracing Questionnaire 5. Individuals that came in close contact with the individual defined as (Being within six feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more within the last 48 hours, providing care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19, Having direct physical contact with the infected person, sharing eating or drinking utensils with the infected person, being touched by respiratory droplets from a sneeze, cough, or other transmission by the infected person
• The athletic department staff will wipe and disinfect all high-frequency touch-points and surfaces in each of the athletic training rooms. Early research has demonstrated that the virus’s survival depends on the type of surface it lands on. The live virus can survive for varying amounts of time depending on the material.
1. Facilities’ Access Considerations:
• Determine occupancy of athletic department areas and implement occupancy limitations. • Modify Emergency Action Plan (EAP) as needed for change in facilities use plan or temporary facilities setup • Limit building entry points when possible • Always require at least 6 feet of physical distancing • Facilitate small groups accounting for each student-athlete in each group • A sequenced ingress/egress procedure will control entry to and exit of the facility to minimize large concentrations of people • Develop flow control patterns where foot traffic is one way only indicated by placement of temporary signage • Temperature (non-contact type preferred) and symptom checks should be done at each entrance i. If person displays symptoms or other wise indicates high risk for possible infection, he/she will not be allowed to access the facility ii. Individual should contact Athletic Department by phone or via virtual platform to evaluate the individual to determine the appropriate action (return home, isolate, seek imme-
diate medical care, etc.) following local and CDC guidelines. • Frequent reminders to wash hands often for at least 20-30 seconds with soap and warm water before and upon entry to the facility. Use hand sanitizer only when soap and water are not available. • No group gatherings outside of functional group activities (e.g., no social hangouts, no facility guests) • Minimize high-touch areas by leaving doors open where appropriate, use of hands-free dispensers along with requiring student-athletes to use individual towels. • Appropriate washing of used towels daily while wearing proper PPE. • Disinfect all “high-touch” surfaces at facilities, such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and bedside tables, multiple times every day using approved cleaning solutions. Also, clean any surfaces that may have blood or body fluids on them. • Use cleaning spray or wipe, according to the label instructions. Labels contain instructions for safe and effective use of the cleaning product, including precautions you should take when applying the product, such as wearing gloves and making sure you have good ventilation during use of the product.
2. Athletic Training Room
• Athletics Department staff are required to complete a temperature and symptom check daily when entering the facility (contact-less thermometer) • Athletic trainers should be wearing a surgical mask and student-athletes should be wearing a cloth mask at all times when working 26 together. Other PPE should be worn when
medical care cannot maintain physical distancing.
3. Outside Medical Personnel
• Follow WAU’s Emergency Action Plan for handling student-athletes who have been • exposed to and tested positive for COVID-19 virus. • Appropriate physical distancing within all facilities should be maintained between all patients and by sports medicine staff when able • Staggering of staff should be considered if possible • Scheduling considerations need to consider the availability of medical staff and facility access
4. Operations
• Temperature and symptom check upon arrival daily. • Number of student-athletes who can utilize a facility at the same time • No walk-in services. • Scheduling of all treatments and rehabilitations. • Protocol for cleaning that follows medical facility standards that has an emphasis on cleaning and disinfecting all contact surfaces after every use. • Consider mitigation for decreasing touch points (e.g., propping doors open) • Handwashing protocol that follows medical standards and mandates student-athletes wash their hands upon arrival in the athletic training room. • Establishing a traffic pattern that limits using the same door for entering and exiting. • Use of appropriate PPE by staff and student athletes.
5. Weight room/conditioning/smallgroup activity:
• WAU’s athletics staff will adhere to social gathering and distancing policies as outlined by the CDC, state and University • Training group size will consist of one student-athlete per rack • Scheduled cleaning periods will be allotted 20-30 minutes before each training group • Facilities management will assist with the cleanings between workout groups in the evenings • Weight room safety protocols, such as spotting, will consist of limited physical contact among the coaching staff and athletes. • Training sessions will be structured to limit weight room traffic. Or oneway traffic flow based on entrances and exit • Hand sanitizing stations will be positioned throughout the weight room for use before, during and after each lift • The staff and student-athletes will record their temperature before each training session • Building access and certain areas will be limited to essential personnel only • At all times, every person present should maintain a minimum of 6 feet of distance from any other person regardless of functional/social group assignments. • Individuals from different functional/social groups should always maintain a minimum of 10 feet of distance from individuals from other functional/social groups. • Face coverings/masks should always be worn by staff and student- athletes in public spaces
6. Facility & Equipment (Weight Rooms): Cleaning and Sanitation
• All weight room surface areas will be cleaned
• • •
with germicidal disinfectant. Masks will be worn by staff and student-athletes (when applicable) during training sessions Coaching staff and athletes will be required to sanitize hands before and after each lift Each station will be cleaned with disinfectant after every use. Deep cleaning is completed at the end of each day (sanitization fogger); specified areas have been shared with Director of Facilities.
Facilities Plan of Action
• WAU Athletics has multiple facilities that undergo routine cleaning and sanitation before, during and following use of them. The introduction and preparation on the cleaning procedures that will be implemented based on the current pandemic will be constantly evaluated and adjusted as needed.
1. Weight Room Clean all used equipment between groups
• Allow time in between – 30 minutes suggested • Clean entire facility & all equipment daily and after each usage
2. Athletic Training Room
• Clean entire facility equipment at opening and closing of the day – by staff or other janitorial service providers. In addition, the facility will be cleaned after each usage.
3. Wet Areas/Cold Tubs
• Clean any surfaces, access water chemicals – by staff or other designated individual • Clean in between uses • Assign proper team grouping measures
• Increase the number of cold tubs to allow for proper cleaning in between use and to better protect student-athletes from exposure to the virus
4. Locker Rooms
• Assign designated group’s access – minimal use in space & areas • Clean areas utilized during the day, between uses • Clean entire facility at opening and closing of the day • 5. Meeting Rooms / Wellness Center / Game Room • Assign designated group’s access – minimal use in space & areas • Clean areas utilized during the day, between uses • Clean entire facility at opening and closing of the day
5. Turf Fields – Soccer/Softball
• Turf fields will undergo routine disinfectant cleaning, in addition to the use of a separate COVID-19 cleaning agent.
Mental Health Overview (WAU Telehealth) An initial step in the return to campus would be to offer mental health screenings to all returning athletes. The mental health screening would be completed online using WAU Telehealth, a Behavioral Health Assessment, used by the WAU. With 24/7 medical, mental health and health coaching support for all undergraduate students at no cost. The physicians, counselors, and health coaches can treat/discuss a wider range of common conditions, and after talking to you will decide on the best 28 course of treatment.
Travel During Competition
• Travel parties will be limited to essential personnel (athletes, coaches, sport administrator, medical staff). • Limit the number of student-athletes assigned to hotel rooms (one per bed) • Face coverings should be worn as much as possible and removal for eating or drinking minimized
Academics Plan of Action The Department of Student Athlete Support Services:
• Dr. Ralph Johnson - VP of Student Life • Becky Barker - FYE Coordinator • Student-Athletes can schedule virtual appointments with Dr. Johnson or Becky Barker with concerns regarding their academics • Freshmen are encouraged to engage fully in the FYE program for first year students. • Considerations for Accessibility • Student-athletes with academic accommodations will still apply; however, student- athletes should contact disability services to receive more information on how they will be supporting students.
Study Hall
• Student-athletes will continue to have study hall or regular scheduled team meetings.
• All tutorial services will continue to take place online through: Check with each department’s tutoring schedule.
Staff Plan of Action Among those protocols already mentioned previously in this document are: • Phasing employees back to work and con-
• • • • • • • •
trolling the number of individuals in a particular area at one time Enforcing social distancing policies Limiting face-to-face interaction and allowing telework as needed Providing universal masks and any other necessary PPE, as well as proper sanitation and adequate hand sanitizer or hand washing access points Conducting and recording daily temperature/ health checks within the department Educating and training employees on all relevant information and protocols Creating plans for both testing and contact tracing Making special accommodations for any atrisk populations
Personal Protection Requirements
• If you are sick, you must stay home. • Symptoms may include cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell or fever of 100.4 or higher. Monitor your symptoms daily before reporting to work. • If test positive, automatic 14 days at home and require note from physician to return to work. • All staff are required to wear a face covering in public areas of buildings. • Face coverings may be cloth or medical grade and can be from home. • Face coverings are not needed for individuals in personal spaces (offices) but are highly recommended when more than one individual is in an individual/personal office space. • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. • Wash once you come into work or any time you leave your personal space. • Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow
or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. • Clean and disinfect personal workspaces such as desk, phone, etc. Disinfectant wipes will be available. • Where necessary, separate workstations or place barriers between adjacent workstations. • Avoid hugging and handshakes.
Communications—Internal & External
• Signage should be placed in all areas student-athletes have access to that states the • 6-foot rule and any other rules for that specific area. • Incorporate a virtual education/training with the student-athletes prior to returning to campus on what the new normal will look like and new policies and procedures. • Internal messaging will be sent to student-athletes on a regular basis regarding safety measures, sanitation, COVID-19-related updates, and personal responsibility to maintain a healthy and safe space while on campus and in the community.
1. Students are required to wear a mask in all public areas, which include but is not limited to all classrooms, dining hall, residence hall common areas, workout facilities, worship services, communal restrooms, and outside on the Commons. 2. All office meetings are by appointment only. A mask is required at all times during appointments and in any department that you visit. 3. Handwashing and/or hand sanitizing is required before entering and leaving any facility, office, classroom, etc.. 4. Residence hall students must wear masks and gloves when going to the laundry facility. No more than one person is allowed in the laundry room at a time. 5. All students must wear a facemask at all times when in common areas on campus. 6. No outside guests or visitors are allowed in the residence halls with the exception of those who are attending classes in the lower level of Morrison Hall. Residence hall deans must authorize all visitors. 7. Halcyon Hall residents are required to use the laundry rooms located on the north and south sides of the residence hall. 8. Quarantine and isolation spaces will be made available based on need. 9. Use of all areas such as the study room, rec room, chapel, and Shock Café will be defined by the residence hall deans. 10. Prayer room usage – Students are required to sign in and leave their current school ID at the front desk. Only one student will be allowed in the prayer room at a time, and will be responsible for cleaning and sanitizing after each use. 11. Only single room occupancy will be available for both residence halls during COVID-19. 12. Residence hall students must keep their rooms clearn and sanitized. 13. PPE kits will be given to all students at the beginning of the semester. Evacuation procedures for residence halls students are as follows:
» Halcyon Hall: Residents will organize by floors on the Commons in front of the library. A mask is required and each student must remain 6 feet apart from others. » Morrison Hall: Residents will organize by floors on the Commons across from the residence hall. A mask is required and each student must remain 6 feet apart from others.
Moving into residence halls 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
A negative COVID-19 Test results taken within 48hrs must be provided. * Two family members are welcomed to assist with move-in ONLY. All visitors will be screened before entering the residence hall. Residents and visitors will have sixty minutes to complete the move-in process. Gloves are required during move-in. Residents must wash or sanitize their hands before the move in process begins. If a screening detects any symptoms, residents will be immediately placed into quarantine.
* Be aware you may need to house yourself off-campus if your test results are not current.
Healthy Campus Washington Adventist University is a healthy campus. Therefore the campus is tobacco-free, drug-free and alcohol-free and is committed to a healthy environment. We encourage you to actively affirm your health and well being by practicing good nutrition, social-distance exercise, recommended daily amounts of water, sunlight, rest, temperance, fresh air and a trust in divine power.