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We are excited to announce that we have an option to send the amazing food from our retail store directly to your home! Offering care packages that will ship via Spee-Dee Delivery to people living in Wisconsin.


To Order, call 715.359.1311 Ext. 1007 (or option 1 on the phone tree) or email info@countryfreshmeats.com

Orders will be shipped Monday through Thursday Someone must be present to receive the package. $20 Shipping & Handling per kit.

Pacakages Available

#1 Care package box $84 plus shipping & handling Substitutions may occur 10 - 1# Ground Beef 4 - Bacon Wrapped Chicken Breast

#2 Weekly care box $55 plus shipping & handling Substitutions may occur 2- Boneless Chicken Breast 1- Beef Roast 4- Pork Chops 1- package of Bulk Snack Sticks

#3 Steak box $120 plus shipping & handling Substitutions may occur 2- Ribeye Steak 2- Tenderloin Steak 2- T-bone Steak

#4 Brat Box $40 plus shipping & handling Substitutions may occur 2 - packages of Award-Winning Brats 2 - packages of Tequila 2 - packages of Mushroom Swiss 2 - packages of Maple Cranberries

#5 Breakfast box $58 plus shipping & handling Substitutions may occur 2 - packages of Bacon 2 - packages of Smoked Polish 4 - package of Pork Breakfast Sausage 2 - Kielbasa

Check our website for updates #6 Beef bundle $183.95 plus shipping & handling Substitutions may occur Beef Bundle contains a minimum of 28 lbs. of farm raised beef in the following portions: 2 - 3 pkgs. Round or Sirloin Steak 2 - 3 pkgs. Chuck Roast 1 - 2 pkgs. T-bone Steak 12 - 14 (1 pound) Ground Chuck

#7 Pork bundle $99.95 plus shipping & handling Substitutions may occur Pork Bundle is a quarter hog that contains a minimum of 28 lbs. of lean pork in the following portions: 6 - 8 Pkgs. Pork Chops 1 (3-4 pound) Pork Roast 2 pkgs. Pork Steak 3 pkgs. Bacon 1 pkg Spareribs 1 (5-6 pound) Smoked Ham 1 - 2 Ham Slices 5-6 (1 pound) Breakfast Sausage

#8 Variety Bundle $129.95 plus shipping & handling Substitutions may occur A Variety Bundle contains a minimum of 35 lbs. of farm raised beef, pork and chicken in the following portions: 2 - 3 pkgs. Pork Chops 1 pkg. Pork Roast 2 Pkgs Country Style Ribs ½ Roaster Chicken 1 pkg. Chicken Drums 2 pkgs. Chicken Fryers 2 pkgs. T-bone Steaks 9-12 (1-pound packs) Ground Chuck 1 Pkg. Sirloin Steak

F r o m O u r F a r m s

Country Fresh Meats 9902 Weston Ave. • Weston • 715-359-1311 Mon - Wed 8-5pm • Thurs 8-7pm • Fri 8-5 pm • Sat 8-3 pm 3 miles east of Wausau on Hwy 29, Exit 117 (South Hwy J) LUNCH Mon-Fri 10-2 • countryfreshmeats.com

The many layers of silent heroes

Dear Reader, We are now in the eye of the hurricane and there are many quiet heroes emerging. Immediately coming to mind are all of the healthcare workers, doctors, nurses and their administration staffs, EMTs and ambulance staff who are on the front lines conducting testing and alleviating the miseries of those afflicted with the C-virus. Besides the healthcare heroes, there are many unsung heroes working in retail such as stocking the shelves of supplies of groceries, etc., in all the stores offering essential goods during this time of great need. Additionally there are neighborhood heroes doing whatever they can to help their neighbors in need, whether getting them supplies, or taking out their garbage and recycling or leaving small bags of chocolate covered pretzels at their door steps to brighten up the day. It’s always darkest before dawn. And hopefully dawn will be here before we know it. In the meantime, stay safe and look out for any ways you can be one of the many heroes emerging as a by-product of this pandemic.

Providing continual service Governor Tony Evers’ office has declared this publication an “essential business.” Our staff will continue to provide coverage of local news and advertising online, as well as comprehensive weekly coverage in print during the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

–Patrick Wood, Publisher

Complete, current issue at www.thecitypages.com During this period of social distancing and “Safer at Home” mandate, you can find the entire issue of City Pages online every Thursday, in a flip-page format that replicates the actual paper. Find the link on our website, thecitypages.com. You’ll still also find City Pages at many of the major drop sites that remain open, such as grocery stores and gas stations.

Please vote for Wausau’s future on April 7! Vote Katie Rosenberg.

If you elect me I will focus on: • Robust economic development criteria • Partnership development to find economies of scale • Comprehensive infrastructure & facilities planning • Retiring debt • Diversity, inclusion, & belonging strategy • Evidence-based decision making • Resiliency & continuity planning

Managing Editor Tammy Stezenski, tammy@thecitypages.com

News Reporter/Photographer B.C. Kowalski, brian@thecitypages.com

Production Coordinator/ Layout Designer Alex Eichten, alex@thecitypages.com

General Manager / Big Guide Boss Kayla Zastrow, bigguide@thecitypages.com

Advertising Executives Lisa Lanier, lisa.lanier@thecitypages.com Jessica Buhr, jbuhr@mmclocal.com

Sales & Marketing Manager Anna Moua, anna.moua@thecitypages.com

LOCAL NEWS ..................................................... 5 The show will go on

CANDIDATE PROFILES ....................................... 6 Who will judge?

ELECTION FEATURE ........................................... 9 Choices for the county

HiGHLiGHTS ..................................................... 10 Art Challenges, Playwriting Basics + more virtual events

THE BUZZ .......................................................... 11 Flower Power

Classified Executive Linda Weltzin, advertising@thecitypages.com

Contributing Writers Gina Cornell, Dan Hudak, Peter Weinschenk, Steven Walters, MaryAnn Johanson, WisPolitics.com staff

Riverlife park is rarely empty, but Tuesday afternoon despite warm temps the playground was deserted as people hunkered down to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. ►


City Pages is a locally owned news and entertainment paper published every Thursday by Multi Media Channels LLC, PO BOX 408 Waupaca, WI 54981. City Pages is available free for its intended use—to read. © Copyright Multi Media Channels LLC 2020. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted without the prior written consent of Multi Media Channels LLC.

Postal ............. 300 Third St., Washington Square P.O. Box 942 Wausau, WI 54402-0942 Office .............. 715-845-5171 Fax .................. 715-848-5887 Website .......... thecitypages.com Office hours .. Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm Subscriptions $85 per year Back issues ... $2 per copy $5 per copy mailed USPS

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