Holiday & Winterbook 2019 | The City Pages

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& y a d i l o H K O O B R WINTE 2018 -19






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PUBLISHEnRotSe the season

I love winters in Wisconsin. Maybe it’s the fond childhood memories of ice skating on a pond under the full moon, and of sledding shenanigans that made my friend and me laugh so hard our bellies hurt. Holiday traditions also connect us to the season, and to each other. So we fill this annual magazine with guides that help you find all these things, like sleigh rides, Christmas tree farms, special churches services, snow and ice sports, and more. To be honest, sometimes I wonder how many people fully go through our extensive lists of information—these guides are meant to be references, not narrative readings, after all. But nearly every year we hear from people who “discovered” something, especially in our Community Wishlist guide to giving that we publish in this magazine every year. While compiling this, we heard from a staffer at Head Start, who wrote, “Kudos to City Pages for helping the community out!!! We have gotten many donations because of this!!!” Also please consider this Holiday & Winter Book a catalog of local shopping for the holidays and beyond. Keeping our money in the community is one of the best ways to spread Christmas cheer. Have a most wonderful time of the year. 

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| publishers note

GIVE PEOPLE WHAT THEY Celebrate your holiday or special occasion and support local businesses at the same time! Details at

Really Want Holidays FOR THE

Pre-order your gift certificates by calling the Chamber at 715-845-6231

200 Washington Street, Suite 120, Wausau


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| 2018-2019

To ensure your gift certificates are ready in time for the holidays, please place orders by Friday, December 7. Cash or credit card payment accepted.


Gift Certificates Available! Spa BODY PACKAGES

ADVERTISERS INDEX ...................................................................................... 6 EIGHT THINGS ..................................................................................................... 8


COMMUNITY WISH LIST .......................................................................... 10


HOLIDAY EATS ................................................................................................ 20 CUT-YOUR-OWN CHRISTMAS TREES ........................................... 24 SLEIGH RIDES ................................................................................................... 26

Winter Skin Consult

Cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and tubing .......................................................................................... 29 Downhill skiing & winter camping .................................................................................................................................. 31 Fat tire biking and sledding ............................................................................................................................................... 34


MUSIC IN REVIEW ......................................................................................... 40 HOLIDAY WORSHIP ..................................................................................... 50


WINTER MUST LIST ....................................................................................... 58 CALENDAR ......................................................................................................... 76



Advertising Graphic Artist Colette Fritz,

Circulation Manager Tim Nyenhuis H����� � W��������� �� ���������� ��





Big Guide & General Manager Kayla Zastrow



Ice skating ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36

Graphic and Layout Designer Alex Eichten



WINTER FUN GUIDE ..................................................................................... 28

Publisher and Editor Tammy Stezenski


on Spa Products

Hot Tub



Advertising Executives Linda Weltzin

in the Snow

Hot Waters Spa

Tiffany Bonham Lisa Lanier


Jake Mizgalski

Winery nery

News Reporter B.C. Kowalski,

2110 Robin Lane, Rib Mtn

715-849-8827 • city pages |


| contents


Vitriesse Glass

Unique Fine Jewelry

Diamonds • Gemstones • Pearls • Opals • Fossils

Tense Canadian Wooden Watches

314 Scott Street n 848-5000

on the Square Downtown Wausau

holiday + winterbook |

Absolute Hair............................................ 67 Amaximmo ............................................... 25 Aspirus ..........................................................2 Axis Insurance .......................................... 33 Blackash Urban Goods & Clothing ..... 67 Bling It Around Again...............................61 Boys & Girls Club ......................................17 Brickner’s Of Wausau ............................. 57 Compass Properties ...............................74 CoVantage Credit Union ...........................9 Central Wisconsin Airport..................... 96 Dayspring Health Spa .............................16 Entrepreneurial & Education Center..... 12 Electrolysis & Laser Center ................... 65 ENT & Allergy Associates....................... 59 Essential Massage & Wellness ..............14 Evolutions in Design ............................... 15 Eyecare Center of Wausau .................... 95 Fabiano Brothers .................................... 44 First United Methodist Church .............51 Goin Postal ............................................... 19 Homme Home-Forest Park Village..... 93 Hot Waters Spa ...........................................5 Hougum Law Firm .................................. 89 Isaac’s Fine Apparel & Accessories......41 Jennison Travel ....................................... 55 Laundry Room ..........................................11 Lil Ole Winemaker ................................... 75 Linetec ....................................................... 53 Medical College of Wisconsin .............. 35 Mill Creek Gardens .................................. 94 Montessori School of Wausau ............. 32 Newman Catholic School ......................51 Nice As New .............................................. 45 Nicole’s Boutique.................................... 75 North Central Health Care .................... 93 North Central Wisconsin MasterGardeners .................................... 79 Northwoods Goldsmith ...........................6 Pearl Luvs Earl ......................................... 13 Peoples State Bank .................................42 Pool People ...............................................43 Prey Real Estate Group .......................... 55 ReVi Design ............................................... 39 Rib Mountain Cycles ............................... 35 Rishi Yoga & Meditation ..........................27 River District Shops ................................ 48 Second Peek Boutique .......................... 63 Shepherd & Schaller Sporting Goods ....29 Skin Clinic & Spa .........................................7 Skin Mint Aesthetics & Spa ................... 75


| 2018-2019

St. Paul’s United Church of Christ ........52 The Local ................................................... 75 Third Street Lifestyle Center..................74 Travel Leaders .......................................... 87 Valley Communities Credit Union ....... 19 Wausau Comprehensive ........................18 Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce ...................................... 4 Wausau Supply ...........................................3 YMCA ........................................................... 19 FOOD & ENTERTAINMENT Basil ............................................................ 63 Becca’s Café, Bistro & Catering.............31 Carmelo’s Italian Restaurant ................81 Central Wisconsin Convention & Visitors Bureau ..................................... 69 Chico’s Restaurant .................................. 85 City Grill Bistro ......................................... 67 Country Fresh Meats .............................. 21 County Market.......................................... 23 Center for the Visual Arts....................... 63 Central Wisconsin Children’s Theatre ... 79 Daly’s Restaurant .................................... 63 Downtown Grocery................................. 15 Grand Theater / PAF ............................... 82 Granite Peak Ski Area ............................. 30 Greenwood Hills Country Club ............ 38 Jalepeno’s Mexican Restaurante ........ 83 Lake Of The Torches Casino ..................91 Loading Zone ........................................... 85 Merrill Ice Drags ....................................... 90 Nueske’s at Gullivers Landing .............. 85 Nueske’s Applewood Smoked Meats ....71 Patina Coffee House ............................... 54 Red Clover Market ....................................16 Red Eye Brewing Company................... 35 Ropa’s Chicago Style Pizza ................... 83 Sam’s Pizza ............................................... 32 Sconni’s Alehouse & Eatery ...................47 Starwood Rides ........................................27 Sweets on Third ....................................... 56 Sunset Hallow Ranch ..............................27 Tri-City Family Restaurant .....................81 Vino Latte ...................................................81 Wausau Children’s Museum ..................37 Wausau Community Theatre ................78 Wausau Events ......................................... 77 Wausau Lyric Choir ................................. 54 Wausau Winters Farmers Market ........ 13 Willow Springs.......................................... 64 Zillman’s Meat Market ............................ 73

T he

Skin Clinic & Spa Transform Your Skin with the Building Blocks for a Healthier Younger You Personalized Programs • Cutting-Edge Service

Gaye Houle • Licensed Esthetician Over 25 years Experience Call 715.848.3338 • 538 S. 1st Avenue, Wausau • Accepting New Clients • Gift Certificates Available city pages |


| advertisers index



you can give

er local p u s g in p p o h s as a gift while Wisconsin shirt at The Local in downtown Wausau

Pre-loaded game card at WOW Family Entertainment Center Depending on the amount, you’re basically giving someone an hour or two of sheer fun. Plus if they play it right, they’ll end up with gift rewards (candy, trinkets, fun stuff ) when they cash in their points. For that extra special person or frenemy, give a round of laser tag, preferably with you.

Something from the Center for the Visual Arts Gift Shop Generally artwork does not make a good gift because beauty is so in the eye of the beholder. But the CVA’s Gift Shop, located in Washington Square, just a block from their main building, offers many practical “things” that happen to be artful, and created by local and regional artists. And things for all ages. A hand-carved wooden treasure box can even charm an adolescent boy, trust us.

A Wausau or Wisconsin-themed item Find a lot to choose from at stores like The Local, Janke Book Store, and others in downtown Wausau.

Massage, spa or beauty treatment “I don’t know if I’ll use this free 60-minute massage” said no one ever. Every place around Wausau offers gift certificates, from massages at Hot Waters Spa in Rib Mountain to facial treatments at Skin Mint Aesthetics & Spa in Weston.

Tickets to a Grand Theater show, or a fundraising gala like Wine, Cheese & All That Jazz or Hooray for Hollywood This might be tricky because of schedules. But even if it turns out your loved one can’t attend, you’ll have contributed to a good cause in their name. Wine & Cheese (Jan. 18) benefits the Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area, and Hooray for Hollywood (March 9) benefits The Women’s Community.

Gift certificate to a local restaurant We all gotta eat, right? So send someone to a place where local chefs are preparing their own creations, or where the establishment is just so Wausau.

Gift basket of local food stuff from the Wausau Winter Market

Membership to Monk Botanical Garden, the Woodson Art Museum and/or the Marathon County Historical Society

You’re buying directly from the producers, so you can’t get more local than that. The market isn’t just about vegetables and meats. You’ll find plenty of shelf-stable foods like maple syrup, jams and pickles.

holiday + winterbook |

All these places offer public programs year-round, but members get the inside scoop, plus discounts and access to special events. This is the gift of VIP. n


| 2018-2019



4.99 APR* %

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5.99 APR* %


6.99 APR* %

$9,999 and below

*Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) accurate as of 11/1/18. Advertised APRs are available for borrowers with credit scores of 683 and above. For borrowers with scores under 683 and/or with a term of 60 months, add 1% to the rates. Loans of $1000 and below have a maximum term of 24 months. For refinances or consolidation loans, at least $1,000 of new money must be borrowed from CoVantage Credit Union. All loans are subject to CoVantage Credit Union’s normal credit requirements and term limitations. Offer ends 12/24/18 at noon.

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| eight things

Y T I N U M M CO Wish List Holidays are the time of giving. Please consider donating money, items, or your time to a local charity this season. This list includes Wausau-area agencies with general and specific needs, especially this winter. Call to find out how you can send or deliver your gift. If you’re unsure where to direct a gift, see the listing on page 15 for United Way of Marathon County, which acts a clearinghouse for many local agencies. D��� K�������, ������� ��� ���� ��� T�� S�������� A���

AARP Tax-Aide Call Center

715-298-5719 or 715-355-5926 Volunteers ages 18+ needed to schedule tax appointments for low-to moderate-income taxpayers, especially those age 60+, at the United Way office in Wausau January through April.

American Red Cross Blood drive Friday Nov. 23, 1-6 pm at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Wausau and Thursday Dec. 13, noon5 pm at Stettin Elementary, or visit Donate $10 to Disaster Relief by texting “redcross” to 90999. For larger donations see

AIDS Resource Center

715-355-6867, Items distributed to HIV+ clients and their families in North Central Wis. • Dish soap, laundry detergent, garbage bags • Shower soaps/gels, shampoo • Female hygiene products • Paper towel, Kleenex & toilet paper

Aspirus Comfort Care and Hospice

715-847-2424, Monetary donations to support room and board at Hospice House for those with limited ability to pay.

Big Brothers / Big Sisters of Northcentral Wis. 715-848-7207, Provides children facing adversity with professionally supported one-to-one relationships. • Volunteer Big Brothers, Sisters, couples and families • White copy paper • Board games, card games and activities Bigs and Littles can do together in a school setting

Blessings in a Backpack, Provides weekend food to 1,200 local children at risk of food insecurity at home. • Gas cards and monetary donations to purchase food • Volunteers to help pack food bags and help run our program

holiday + winterbook |

Benedictine Living Community of Wausau

715-675-9451, Senior care in Wausau rooted in Catholic values but open to all • Bird seed • Garden supplies: potting soil, seeds, gift cards from Menards, Fleet Farm, Home Depot or Down to Earth Green House • Wall clocks with large numbers • Bingo prizes: snack or travel sizes of individually wrapped food items, travel sized lotions, bracelets, figurines, candy bars without nuts • $5 gift cards for Culvers, McDonalds, Briqs, Kruegers Bakery for special events • Photo album and gift card for Shutter Fly for community photos • Papa Murphy’s or Polito’s gift cards for pizza party • Hobby Lobby gift card for crafts • Dollar Store gift card • Kanoodle or IQ Fit, Balderdash • Word search book • Puzzles (300-500 pieces) • Collapsible or packable wagon • Amazon gift cards for purchase of memory game and activities • TV for activity room, 60” or larger • Bose radio


| 2018-2019

Blood Center of Northcentral Wis.

715-842-0761, Draws and processes blood from donors in good health to be sent to hospitals in Wausau, Wisconsin Rapids, Stevens Point, Shawano, Medford & Antigo. The procedure takes about 45 minutes. Wait 8 weeks between donations.

Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area

715-845-2582, • $50-$20 gift cards for places like bookstores, the movies, stores, etc. • Youth and adult socks and new underwear • Feminine hygiene products • Full size soap and shampoo for men and women • Decks of cards • Skateboards, helmets, wrist guards • Gas cards • Guitars, guitar strings • Bike locks • Pool cues, ping pong paddles • Sewing machine • Cribbage boards and new games • Xbox One or Xbox 360 games • New sports equipment such as basketballs, soccer balls and volleyballs

Catholic Charities Warming Center

715-849-3311, Provides overnight shelter to the homeless in Wausau in winter • Fruit, pudding Jello cups, granola bar, individually wrapped snacks • Coffee, sugar, creamer, stir sticks • Cheese slices, string cheese, sandwich meats, peanut butter & jelly, cans of soup • Pancake mix, syrup • Cooking oil, salt/pepper, salad dressing • Paper towel, toilet paper, Kleenex • Sandwich, quart, gallon size baggies • 13-, 22-, 33-gallon garbage bags • Rubber kitchen gloves size L & XL • Individual Kleenex packages • Vinyl or plastic covered pillows • Single fold paper towels • Lysol Disinfecting Spray, liquid hand soap • Cleaning supplies: bleach, Mr. Clean, toilet cleaner, dish soap, laundry detergent, dryer sheets • Chapstick and Odor Eaters • Large backpacks, men’s socks and shoes (size 10-13) • Men’s shirts (L & XL) and jeans (waist sizes 32-36) • Men’s long underwear • Women’s underwear (sizes 7-12) • Winter boots and coats (L-XXL) • Hand warmers

Center for the Visual Arts

715-842-4545, • Office: laminating supplies, copy paper, stamps • Art class supplies: watercolor paper, acrylic paints, brushes, beads of all sizes and colors, watercolor paints, water soluble oil paints, easels, canvas panels, Styrofoam or paper plates, paper towels, digital camera memory cards, canvas boards, gallery wrapped canvases • Gala supplies: white table skirts, clear plastic punch glasses, white cocktail paper napkins • Gallery supplies: spot/flood lights, light cans, walker handing system meta rods/hangers, Loft Gallery stereo system with wireless speakers, closed circuit video, outlet repair • Gift shop supplies: displays, stands

Community Christmas Dinner

Take your wash

715-845-2200 or 715-551-4166 Volunteers from several Wausau churches organize a free Christmas Day meal for people in need and/ or who would otherwise be alone. This year’s dinner served at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, downtown Wausau, beginning at noon. • Volunteers to bake cookies, set up tables, prepare and serve meals and clean up • Live music entertainment • Financial contributions

to the

Laundry Room Save time and do it all at once with softened water! Clothes come out cleaner and brighter!

Central Wis. Children’s Theater

715-842-4416, • Monetary donations, volunteers • Clear 30 gallon storage bins, Z-racks • Computer, inventory-scanning system • Copy paper, 11 x 17 poster frames • Industrial vacuum cleaner/floor maintenance system, Rhoomba • Tablet or iPads • Power tools, lawn mower, snow blower • Storage space

Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes

Top 10 Reasons



Laundry Room Visit us at:

1419 Neupert Ave, Schofield


Across from Kwik Trip off Bus. Hwy. 51 city pages |

22 lbs.

1. Tight on time 2. Company coming /load 3. Hunting apparel needs cleaning 4. Bedding needs washing 5. Your basement sewer backed up 6. Winter jackets need washing 7. Soft water keeps whites white and colors bright 8. Clothes last longer when washed in soft water 9. Laundry has piled up 10. We take credit and debit cards!

888-747-6945, • Adhesive gems, thin ribbon and elastic for making bracelets, pony beads • Baby wipes • Beanie Babies (new or excellent condition) • Brown crafting gift bags with handles • New candles • Card stock, double-sided tape, gel pens, glue & glue sticks, markers, paint, pipe cleaners, scrapbooking supplies, Post-it notes • Disposable bowls & silverware, paper plates, paper towel, plastic cups with lids (5 oz. size) • Electronic thermometer • Frisbee golf goals & discs, volleyball net, canoe paddles, lifejackets, wetsuits, backpacking tents (2- and 4-person) • Fold-up tables • Jingle bells • Label pricing gun • Magic Erasers, pencil pouches • Personal care products: lip balm, feminine hygiene products, hand lotion, deodorant, shower caps • Pop-up portable shade tent • Reusable water bottle • Spatulas • Wheeled carry-all carts & large totes • Wireless Bluetooth portable speaker continues on 12

Wacky Washing Wednesdays


| community wish list



WISHLIST from 11

Community Foundation of North Central Wis.

715-845-9555, Your gift supports vital local programs in the arts, education, health and human services, and resource preservation. Go to, click Give Now, and view funds administered by the Community Foundation, including the Wausau Marathon County Fund, which would welcome your gift using your credit card. Send a gift in someone’s honor and we’ll send them a customized greeting card informing them of your gift.

“We’re not experts at everything, but we’re the conduit to all the experts!”

Goodwill Industries of North Central Wis.

715-355-6086 (Weston), 715-355-9452 (Rib Mountain), Donations of clothing, small appliances/electronics, sporting goods, furniture and household items in good condition for resale. Goodwill team members and program participants process donations for sale and learn different trades of retail.

Head Start Marathon County


715-845-2947, Serves preschool-age children and their families • Snow pants and winter jackets sizes 3-6T, children’s shoes & snow boots sizes 8-12, waterproof mittens • New socks and underwear, new or gently used clothing sizes 3-6T, underwear and socks for ages 3-6 • Books for preschoolers • Backpacks (large enough to fit a folder) • Office supplies: copy paper, white legal and ledger size copy paper, business envelopes, file folders, two-pocket folders, 3-ring binders and divider tabs, tape, staples, paper clips, highlighters, whiteout, sharpie markers • Classroom supplies: construction paper, glue sticks, washable markers • Baby wipes, paper towels, paper cups and plates, laundry detergent • Classroom volunteers, $10 gas cards, bus tokens • Silverware, spoons and salad forks

AND INTO THE WORLD OF BUSINESS • Space to rent for new startups • Office and light manufacturing • State of the art shared use facility • Programs, advisors, teachers, and mentors available to guide your success.

Call 715.848.2016 to secure your new location today! Contact Romey Wagner - Facility Manager at 715.848.2016 or holiday + winterbook |


| 2018-2019

Good News Project, Inc

715-843-5985, Local service group puts volunteers to work in the West Indies and in Wausau, operates a local medical lending closet • Monetary donations always welcome, and are tax deductible • Reams of paper for office • Gently used wheelchairs, Knee scooters, and Depends

Hope Life Center

715-843-4673, Provides confidential support for those facing unplanned pregnancy • Newborn-size to 9 months outfits and sleepers • Leggings and tunic style shirts for women size M-XL • Socks and slippers for teenage girls • Full size body wash and deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, lip balm • Bottled water, paper towels, toilet paper • Gift cards to Target or Wal-Mart • Diapers newborn–size 3

Faith In Action Marathon Co.

715-848-8783, Volunteers and monetary donations to help seniors age 60+ remain independent in their homes, with installation of safety Grab-Bars, transportation to medical appointments, and grocery shopping. For details or to volunteer contact or

Family Resource Center

715-845-6747 (affiliated with Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 715-848-1457). Where parents can connect with resources, access programs, and enjoy family activities with their children at no cost • Art supplies such as markers, crayons, craft materials, Play-doh • Gas only or grocery store gift cards • Small gifts for ages birth to 5 years • Planners and calendars • Activity and coloring books for kids • Whiteboards for families • Fleece tie blankets, stuffed animals • Blank journals • Snacks and drinks for kids: granola bars, crackers, pretzels, juice boxes • Safety supplies: outlet covers, baby gates, cupboard locks, etc. • Waterproof mittens and gloves, winter hats

Hmong American Center

715-842-8390, Leads Southeast Asian families towards social stability, economic self-sufficiency and community integration • Volunteers and monetary donations needed to support organizations

Humane Society of Marathon County

715-845-2810, Dog/puppy supplies: • Specialty adult dry or canned dog food • Interactive/enrichment toys • Kong toys & Kong stuffing, Karunda beds Cat/kitten supplies: • Specialty dry cat food (senior/weight management) • Adult dry cat food • Marth Softwood Pellet Bedding • Canned and dry kitten food Small animal supplies: • Rabbit, guinea pig, rat, ferret food • Cleaning supplies: Contractor and kitchen-size garbage bags, paper towel, liquid laundry detergent, glass cleaner, disinfecting wipes • Forever postage stamps, printer paper • Shell gas cards, Walmart or County Market gift cards for buying produce (lettuce, carrots, etc.) for small animals • 50-foot hose (flexible, soft) • Aluminum cans: please rinse, crush and leave in plastic bags at the shelter. We haul the cans for recycling and money generated goes for medication, spaying and neutering

Junior Achievement of Wisconsin (Northcentral District Office)

715-842-1056, Inspiring and preparing young people in a global economy • Impactful volunteers in K-12 classrooms • Monetary donations • Postage and in-kind printing

Humane Society of Portage County


715-344-6012, • Mr. Clean, bleach, toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissue, dryer sheets, toilet cleaner, air freshener (Air Wick Freshmatic Refills) • Canned cat & kitten food, Friskies pate only • Dry kitten food, Iams, Purina One or Purina Beyond only • Canned Dog food, Iams, Purina One or Purina Beyond only • Cat toys • Monetary donations • Heartworm preventative, flea & tick treatments

Winter Farmers Market EVERY SATURDAY 8 am – noon Nov. 3rd until April 27th New Location!

Boys and Girls Club 1710 N. 2nd St, Wausau

Marathon County Historical Society

All locally grown and made

vegetables & mushrooms eggs & meats • apples & cider dairy products

715-842-5750, • Copy paper, card stock • Invitation size envelopes • Office supplies, especially pencils, rubber bands, manila folders • Step stools, extension ladder • Laminator • Utility carts • Large storage tubs • 8.5 x 11 legal pads

Make your own Taste of Central Wisconsin gift basket with us!

Monk Botanical Gardens

2308 N. 3rd Street, Wausau 715.298.6374

715-261-6309, Urban sanctuary for education, appreciation of our environment, relaxation and recreation. Email with questions, to arrange drop-off time or assistance with item pickup • Red Dragon BP 223 SVC backpack flame weeder • Gas generator, gas cards • Gas-powered metal blade grass trimmer, pitchfork, kneeling pads • Gas chipper/shredder, small gaspowered stump grinder, 16” gas chain saw • Folding chairs for outdoor use • For education: laptops and iPads • Leaf rakes, loppers, hand towels, 5- gallon buckets • Garden/work gloves • Nature related children’s books

continues on 14






| community wish list


WISHLIST from 13

North Central Health Care

Because you are Unique Each customized massage experience is tailored to fit your needs & goals.

Wausau’s Premiere Massage Experience! Featuring: doTERRA oils Essential oil classes Yoga classes Complementary consults Work shops and more!

715-848-4450, Volunteer Services Office or Provides wellness therapy, rehabilitation and counseling at any age. Please drop unwrapped gifts at 1100 Lake View Dr., Wausau, labeled for the Volunteer Office. • Women’s and men’s underwear (small–2XL), T-shirts, men’s undershirts (small-3XL) • Body wash, shampoo, conditioner, hair accessories (brushes, barrettes, combs) • Shaving items, hand cream, deodorant, nail polish, toothbrushes, disposable razors, toothpaste and Polident • Sweat shirts, flannel shirts, sweat pants (size medium & up), warm gloves, mittens, winter caps, scarves • Socks (anklets and diabetic), rubber soled slippers • Wallets, coin purses, watches (slip-on preferred), costume jewelry, necklaces • Men’s belts, suspenders, caps Unique suggestions • Small packages of snacks • Fleece blankets or throws are greatly needed • Movie DVDs (all genres), gift certificates to Walmart, Target, Kwik Trip, cinemas, etc. • Stationary, stamps for mailing • New 25-300 large-piece puzzles, word search and crossword puzzle books • Adult coloring books, pencils • Radio alarm clock, photo albums (small), small fans • Trinkets for Bingo prizes • CD player

New Life Pet Adoption Center

Gift Certificates Available for the Holidays! Come visit us at our new location and book your appointment.

715-443-6699, No-kill center of companion animals awaiting adoption • Simple Green laundry soap, paper towels, toilet paper, 13-gallon garbage bags • Non-clumping cat litter, poop bags

Dudley Tower, 500 1st St., Ste. 2200, Wausau, WI

Call 715.573.7662

Book online at:

holiday + winterbook |


| 2018-2019

The Neighbors’ Place

715-845-1966, A “people-helping-people” food pantry, furniture bank and community center located at 745 Scott St., Wausau. Please call ahead to inquire about making donations. • Food pantry: Non-perishable items such as beef stew, hearty soups, tuna, jam, condiments • Holiday turkeys & hams • Microwaves, toasters, kitchen tables & chairs, couches, lamps • Toddler beds, twin mattress sets, blankets & comforters, bed sheets • Toiletries and personal hygiene products (deodorant, shampoo, body soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, disposable razors, etc.) • Winter gloves, outerwear

Open Door

715-848-4044, Provides clothing, resource help & support group information to recently released inmates of the Marathon County jail system. Will pick up donated items, if needed. • New or gently used clothes such a regular and thermal underwear and outerwear, socks and gloves • Coffee, sugar, creamer • Office and cleaning supplies • Volunteers, monetary donations

Operation Christmas Child Drop-off location at Highland Community Church, 1005 N. 28th Ave., Wausau. Upcoming collection dates: Nov. 15-17, 1-5 pm; Nov. 18, 12:30-3 pm; Nov. 19, 10 am-noon. Individuals, families, churches and groups are working to make Christmas a reality for needy kids around the world by filling shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, hygiene items and notes of encouragement. At this collection site in the Wausau area, anyone can drop off a gift-filled shoebox to send to a child overseas.

Peyton’s Promise

715-218-4401, • Monetary donations to purchase meat for area freezers can be delivered to Wausau-area AbbyBank locations and PO Box 271 Schofield, WI. Every $1 will be matched by AbbyBank and Axis Insurance through Dec. 8, 2018. • Nonperishable food and personal items can be donated to area Pick’n Saves, Village of Weston and AbbyBank locations: Cereal, canned soup, canned meals, oatmeal, peanut butter, pancake mix, canned fruit • Personal hygiene products, toilet paper

Salvation Army

715-845-4272 • Hygiene items: deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. • Pantry items: applesauce, dressing, canned meats • Paper bags

Rebecca’s Closet

715-298-5712 Provides infant and children’s items for families in need. • Clean and modern children’s clothing (sizes infant to 16-18) in good condition. Especially needed items include shirts, jeans, sweatpants, sweatshirts, jackets, snow pants, and pajamas. • New children’s shoes, boots, and waterproof mittens. • Baby supplies in new condition: receiving blankets, crib sheets, crib mattress pads, bath towels, bouncers, strollers, and bath tubs.

Randlin Homes

715-212-1868, A faith-based recovery and occupational training program, with emphasis on serving the homeless and military veterans • Bus tokens • Large and XL socks and underwear • Cleaning Supplies • Toilet paper and paper towels • Gift cards

Stable Hands Equine Therapy Center

715-359-6046, Equine assisted therapies and activities for people with special needs Donations support program expansion including classes for veterans and a new mental health program. You can choose to give toward the care of our therapy horses or therapy equipment.

Wausau Area Mobile Meals

715-848-5848, Delivers a hot nutritious meals to those in the greater Wausau area who are elderly, homebound, disabled, or recovering from a hospital stay. • Volunteers needed to deliver meals one day a week, one hour a day Monday thru Friday

Downtown Grocery Fresh, Local, Organic Fruits, Vegetables Grocery, Meats, Dairy Wellness & Beauty Beer, Wine, Spirits.

Food Bar

Hot, Salad, Olives.

Grab & Go

Sandwiches, Wraps Salads, Entrees.


Made from Scratch Breads, Bars, Cookies Cakes, Muffins, Pies, (GF & Vegan, too.)


607 N 3rd Street, Wausau WI 54403 715-848-9800 OPEN DAILY: M-Sa 9-8 • Sunday 11-5 Hot Bar M-Sa 11-3 • Cold Bar M-Sa 11-6 (Food Bar, Closed Sunday)

city pages |

715-842-1681 or 800-472-1638, Provides equal access to justice for northern Wisconsin residents • Tissues, colored copy paper • Bus tokens, gift cards for gas • Pro bono attorneys

United Way of Marathon Co.

715-848-2927, Volunteer Connection helps match volunteers and donors with local nonprofits and their specific needs. Many “wish list” items are on the Volunteer Connection website at unitedwaymc. org. For assistance call 715-848-2927 and ask for Volunteer Connection. United Way is not a drop-off or distribution center. Items must be taken to the agency to which you are donating • For specific seasonal giving, go to, and click on the “Holiday Give & Get Help Guide” link in the rotating banner. continues on 16

EVERYDAY MARKET. Sharing Food Ideas Since 2006 FOOD BAR. BAKESHOP.

Downtown Grocery

Wisconsin Judicare


| community wish list



WISHLIST from 15 The Women’s Community

715-842-5663, Provides services and resources to people affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, and unemployment • New blankets for twin, double and queen beds, new bed pillows, new bath towels and washcloths, twin and full sheet sets • Lock and key sets for doors (deadbolt and without) • Paper towels, dishwasher detergent tabs, high efficiency laundry detergent, dish soap, tall kitchen garbage bags, liquid hand soap dispensers, toilet paper • Gas cards, gift cards (groceries) • Bus tokens • Can openers, potato peelers • Ibuprofen, Tylenol

• Grocery items: non-perishable food, coffee, pasta & sauce, canned fruit, dessert mixes, peanut butter, jelly • Household goods: baking dishes and cake pans w/covers, batteries, silverware, hand mixers, skillets • Storage bags: gallon and sandwich • Aluminum foil, plastic wrap • Hygiene: facial tissues, curling iron, hair straightener, blow dryer • New women’s sports bras, underwear and socks, used clothing for upcoming season only. Please call before bringing in a large quantity as space is limited • White copy paper • Cleaning supplies: disinfecting wipes, bleach, Febreeze & Lysol spray, Simple Green cleaning products: general purpose cleaner, window cleaner, toilet cleaner


715-842-3381, Dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, and dignity for all. • Small, portable PA system for speakers and presentations • Sidewalk salt and sand • Wet and dry Swiffer pads, disinfectant wipes • Knitting supplies: 16” circular bamboo needles, wool yarn • 84” round and 8 foot rectangular table cloths • Yard signs (used is fine) • Coffee, tea, sweetener, creamer n

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Check our new website for healthy news and specials!

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715-849-D’SPA (3772) 16

| 2018-2019


Friday January 18

7:30 to 11:00 pm Central Wisconsin Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild

Wine, cheese, craft beer, outstanding hors d’oeuvres World-class music by the John Greiner Jazz Quartet and String Cheese All proceeds from ticket sales and silent auction benefit the 2,500+ members of the Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area.


Monday, Nov. 26 at (715)845-2582

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| community wish list


Monday, Nov. 26 at

Struggling with an addiction? WE WANT TO HELP! Offering: • Individual and Group Counseling

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Call ahead to schedule a date and time.

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| 2018-2019

WHERE ALL CAN BELONG Everyone belongs at the Y, regardless of ability to pay. We are committed to ensuring every community member, has access to our Ys. Our Annual Campaign funds scholarships for youth and lowered membership fees for adults and families. Learn more at the Y!

Kwik Cash for your holiday mad dash! Our Kwik Cash line of credit is great for holiday shopping and travel. A versatile, personal line of credit available when you need access to cash! Talk to a VCCU loan officer today to apply, or go to

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BRANCHES LOCATED IN Wausau Marshfield Kronenwetter Stevens Point Mosinee Wis. Rapids Membership eligibility required. Insured by NCUA.

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| community wish list


by Tammy Stezenski

You’ve got this

Two holiday-worthy dishes that are way easier than they look and focus on locally available ingredients For seasonal cooking, there’s nothing more basic and versatile than winter squash— those hard-shelled, multi-colored specimens that fill the farmers markets in fall and are available for months to come at the Wausau Winter Market (and grocery stores). Hearty, satisfying and immensely nutritious, squash can be made into soups, side dishes, a savory main course, and of course, pumpkin pie. Decorative pumpkins are basically inedible—they’re a variety of squash bred for looking good, not eating. Most canned pumpkin pie filling is made from butternut squash. Each variety of squash has a slightly different taste, texture and flesh color, and work best in different applications. For example, roasted spaghetti squash is delicious as a savory side, but not for pie because of its stringy texture and pale color.

Sausage Stuffed Squash


You could use just about any variety of winter squash, but my favorite is delicata (smaller oblong), because of its tasty flesh and thinner, edible skin. Acorn, buttercup, and spaghetti work well, too. The pale, oblong butternut is delicious, but its seed cavity is too small. This recipe will fill two medium-sized squash (four halves) or maybe one large spaghetti squash (two halves). Adjust the recipe’s filling proportions as you see fit. You can find locally grown versions of every ingredient (except the cranberries) at the winter markets in Wausau and Stevens Point.

2 medium sized winter squash 1 lb. ground pork or sausage 1/2 – 1 cup chopped onion

1–2 cups cooked rice 1 egg, whisked 1/2 cup grated cheese

1 cup chopped kale or spinach 1/4 cup dried cranberries 1/2 cup diced apple

Cook the squash: Cut it in half the long way (or top down) and scrape out the seeds and stringy bits. Place the halves cut-side-down on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and roast in oven at 400° for about 30–40 minutes, or until the flesh is soft. Check by poking a pointy knife or skewer through the skin. Flip over the halves, salt the inside and leave on the same pan. While the squash is roasting, make the filling: Cook the onion and pork sausage together in a large pan until the meat is thoroughly brown. If using plain ground pork, season it generously with salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning. Drain out most of the fat if you end up with a lot. Turn off the heat, then add in all the other ingredients until everything is well mixed. Fill the squash cavities, packing it in tight. This helps keep it all together if you serve it in slices. Roast the stuffed squash at 400° for about 20 minutes. Serve while hot, cut into slices if necessary.

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| 2018-2019

continues on 22


For Your Holiday Entertaining Needs...

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| food



Homemade “Pumpkin” Pie

This recipe makes two pies, because one is never enough. As of mid-November, I had already made eight pumpkin pies from local squash, and my family is still asking for more. I use far less sugar than most other recipes, mainly because squash is naturally sweet. And the result is a healthier but still delicious dish. I even tell my kids to eat a slice for breakfast if they want, it’s so packed with vegetables, after all. This recipe requires one or two squash, depending on size. You’ll find a great selection of locally grown squash at the Wausau Winter Market well into late winter. What kind of squash to use? Your best bets are: Butternut (oblong, pale skin); Kabocha (squat shape, green knobby skin); Red kuri (roundish, with deep orange skin); Sugar, or pie (resembles a mini-pumpkin).

2 unbaked pie crusts 3–4 cups cooked squash 1 cup brown sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. lemon or almond extract 2 Tbsp. corn starch 2 eggs 2 cups evaporated milk 4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice* 1 tsp. salt Cook the squash: Cut it in half the long way (or top down) and scrape out the seeds and stringy bits. Place the halves cut-side-down on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and roast in oven at 400° for about 30–40 minutes, or until the flesh is soft. Check by poking a pointy knife or skewer through the skin. When cool enough to handle, scoop out the cooked squash into a

bowl and set aside. You can do this ahead and save the cooked squash in the refrigerator for a day or two until you make the actual pie. To make the filling, simply put all the ingredients into a blender and puree until very smooth and silky. Line the pie pans with the unbaked pie crusts, then pour in the filling. Sprinkle the tops with a pinch of salt and a bit of sugar. Bake in preheated oven at 350° for 50 minutes, or until a sharp knife inserted into the center comes out clean. Allow to cool completely—the texture is best when the custard settles down and firms up. Serve with whipped cream or yogurt, or a combination. * If you already have a well-stocked spice rack, you probably don’t need to buy pre-mixed pumpkin pie spice. It’s basically 2 tsp. cinnamon, with the remaining 2 tsp. a combination of nutmeg, allspice, ground cloves and ginger. n


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| 2018-2019

ut s Buttern

Holiday Traditions & Family Favorites

Begin at Crossroads County Market COUNTY MARKET DELI

offers a large variety of meat and cheese, veggie, fruit, and sandwich trays for your entertaining convenience. Stop in and see our selection of dips, crackers, and imported cheeses guaranteed to make any party a success. The deli also offers made-to-order gourmet gift baskets.Stop by or call the deli at 845-8846 to order today!


offers you fresh fruit baskets in many sizes and styles. Choose one from our display or have one custom made to your specifications. With our large variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, you will find just the right items to create a delicious and nutritious gift for someone special this holiday season.


offers the perfect holiday treats for home, school, or the office. Choose from a large variety of holiday cookies, cupcakes, tortes and sheet cakes. We also offer freshly baked round rye and pumpernickel breads perfect for holiday dips. Don’t forget the traditional holiday stollen and fruitcake. Call and order your special holiday treats today.


is at your service this holiday season. Stop by and order your special holiday ham or turkey from our large selection. Entertaining? Stop by our seafood department and stock up on shrimp, herring, and our famous crab salad. Surprise your family this holiday with a Certified Angus Beef prime rib roast or whole beef tenderloin.



in harmony

SATURDAY December 1st 10 am-2 pm



7 Days a Week


220 S. 18th Ave., Wausau • 715-845-8846 • city pages |


| food

Cut your own

E E R T S A M T CHRIS erished tradition. t down your own tree is a ch cu d an t ec sel to try un co A journey to the nks. rides, treats and seasonal dri on ag /w igh sle er off o als Many farms C ODES FOR TREES BF ........................................................................ Balsam Fir BS .................................................................... Blue Spruce CF ........................................................................ Canaan Fir CS ................................................. Colorado Blue Spruce FF .......................................................................... Fraser Fir SP ..................................................................... Scotch Pine WP ...................................................................... White Pine WS ................................................................. White Spruce

Fritz’s Mountain

On Hwy. 64, 4 miles east of Merrill • Open Nov. 23–Dec. 16: Fri.–Sun. 9 am–4 pm. Wreaths, garland, baling. Free hot apple cider, candy canes, horse-drawn sleigh rides for tree–cutting customers Sat.–Sun. 715–574–2238, on Facebook • BF, FF, CF

Budnik’s Tree Farm

South of Central Wis. Airport, 903 Balsam Road, Mosinee. Off Hwy. 51, exit 175 east • Open 9 am–4 pm Fri. Nov. 23, then Sat.–Sun through Dec. 23. Shaking & baling. Free cider and candy for kids, wagon rides. Homemade crafts. 715-693-2250 or 715-348-6188 • BF, FF, WS

Highland Trees

239507 Del Rio Road, 6 miles northeast of Wausau on CTH WW, south on Del Rio Road • Open Nov. 23–Dec. 23, Tues.–Sun. during daylight hours. Shaking and baling available. Wreaths, swags, garland and greens for purchase. Hay wagon rides on weekends for customers. Free cider and cookies. 715-675-7585,, and on Facebook • BF, FF, WS, CF

Rogalla’s Choose and Cut

2004 N. 60th Ave. (corner of Hwy. U and 60th Ave), Wausau • Open Nov. 23 thru Dec. 24, 9 am–dusk on weekends, or by appointment. Pony rides for kids. Baling offered. Boughs for sale. 715-551-5374, on Facebook • BF, FF, SP, WP, BS, WS.

Benaszeski Tree Farm

R11803 Ringle Ave., 1 mile east of CTH J, Ringle • Open daily Nov. 23–Dec. 24: Weekdays 2:30 pm to dark, Sat.–Sun. 9 am to dark. Customers receive one small bag of apples with tree purchase. 715-574-5825 • BF, BS, WS, FF

Newby’s Evergreen Farms

233050 CTH J, 6 miles north of Hwy. 29. From Wausau, take CTH N east to J, then 2 miles north • Open Nov. 23–Dec. 23: Fri.– Sat. 9 am–5 pm, Sun. 10 am–5 pm, and by appt. Mon.–Thurs. Trees, wreaths, garland, boughs, wagon rides, bonfire, warming house, free coffee and gift for children. Locally made crafts for sale. Handicap accessible. 715-574-7272 or 715-842-7271, • BF, FF, WP

Tucker’s Christmas Trees

20 miles northwest of Wausau in Hamburg, corner of County Hwy. F and Seventh Lane. • Open 9:30 am to dusk Fri.– Sat. Nov. 23–24, and Sat.–Sun. Dec. 1–2, Dec. 8–9, Dec. 15–16. Cut-your-own and pre-cut trees, plus wreaths and garlands. 715-409-6960, and on Facebook • BF

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| 2018-2019

Holiday Creek Tree Farm

438 Hwy. 54 west, 3 miles west of Plover • Open daily Nov. 23 –Dec. 16 10 am– 4 pm. On weekends, ride Tommy the Train and get a photo with Olaf. Trees shaken, wrapped & drilled. Wreaths, warming house with fire and refreshments. 715-341-2252, on Facebook • BF, FF

Smiling John’s Christmas Trees

W3750 Center Road, 1.5 miles east of CTH W, Merrill • Open Nov. 23–Dec. 16 (subject to change) Fri.–Sun. 8 am to dusk. Wreaths, refreshments and photo opportunities. Shaking and baling. 715-536-3260, on Facebook • BF, FF, SP, CS

Valley Christmas Trees

N6438 Robin Road, 1 mile east of Wittenberg at Hwy. 29 & Robin Road • Open Sat–Sun. 9 am–4 pm Nov. 24-25, Dec. 1-2 & Dec. 8-9. Choose and cut on 40 acres, walk or drive. Tree baler and shaker available. Handicap accessible. 715-253-2734 or 414-248-3524 • BF 

Gizo Ujarmeli 715-680-0600

Elena Naschke 715-680-0606

Jen Gumz 715-203-3019

Jenny Gordon 715-212-7300

Jacqueline Jacinto 715-203-6381

Kathy Anderson 715-574-2932

Dave Christian 715-410-7012

Paul Anderson 715-393-7222

Rhea Yang 715-797-5847

Lisa Lopez 715-846-5340

Daniel Zipperer 608-630-7611

AMAXIMMO, LLC was locally founded in 2018 to provide progressive, boutique real estate services that you’d only find in larger cities to our clients in the Wausau Metro Area. The agents who make up AMAXIMMO have been selected from among the most talented and respected in the industry.. All of them bring in a wealth of talent and experience to benefit our customers and clients. We believe moving is far more than just a new address, we take this life transition very seriously whether it is your first home or your tenth. And, price doesn’t matter either...YOU matter!

First Class in Real Estate, First Class in Giving When you chose AMAXIMMO to either sell your home or purchase a home, we will donate 5% of the transaction fee to a NONPROFIT organization of your choice. We believe that supporting our local community is important. When you choose the professional realtors at AMAXIMMO to either list your home for sale, or to purchase a new home you are choosing to support the community as well. Our company is committed to making a difference in our community. Help us to build a better, safer and more peaceful community, because we believe…moving is more than just a change of address.

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| tree farms


S E D I R Glide through woods and fields, pulled by horses adorned with jingle bells. Whether on a glistening day or under a starry sky, this is a quintessential winter experience. Snow on the ground isn’t necessary, as most farms also use wagons. Here’s where you can climb aboard within about an hour’s drive from the Wausau area.

Starwood Rides

Brandt Sleigh Rides

Seehafer Acres Sleigh Rides

Palmquists, The Farm

10 miles east of Wausau, 225031 Abt Road, Ringle • Hayrides, sleigh rides (weather permitting) and carriage rides throughout the year. Friendly farm animals, fire, picnic area and bathroom facilities. Bring your own food and beverage. Large groups welcome • Reservations required. 715-446-3458 or 715-446-2485,

Northeast of Marshfield, M243 Hwy. 97 • Two Percheron horses pull sleigh holding 16-20 adults or children. Small sleigh for up to 4 adults available for private sleigh ride. Warming shed available, bring your own food and drink • Call for reservations. 715-384-3928

Fort Wilderness Ministries

About 16 miles north of Rhinelander, 6180 Wilderness Trail, McNaughton • A 45-minute sleigh ride through the woods. Stop-over with campfire for additional fee. Warming house with hot chocolate available • By reservation only. Ask for John Brood at 715-277-2587, ext. 1032

Willow Springs Garden

Want to go under a bright moon? Aim for the evenings of: Dec. 15-24, Jan. 14-22 and Feb. 12-20

3.6 miles north of Fleet Farm on CTH K, west to 5480 Hillcrest Dr. • Sleighs hold 14 people but all groups accommodated. Ride includes campfire with hot chocolate and cider. See website or Facebook page for pricing. Special open days of sleigh rides Sun. Jan. 13, Sun. Jan. 27 and Sat. Feb. 16 • Call for reservations. 715-675-1171,

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| 2018-2019

8 miles northeast of Antigo, N4643 CTH S, Bryant • Sleigh rides on weekends (weather permitting), or wagon rides. Percheron horses, 2-hour route through maple grove. Bring your own food; optional bonfire for cookout. Can accommodate groups of any size • Reservations required. 715-627-7462 or 715-610-7462,, Facebook at Brandt’s SleighWagon Rides

20 miles west of Tomahawk off Hwy. 8, N5136 River Road, Brantwood • A 30-45-minute horse-drawn sleigh ride through this 800-acre ranch. Sleigh accommodates 15–20 people. After the ride, visit warming lodge for apple cider and hot chocolate. Small sleigh for 2-4 available for private experience. Sledding hill and skating pond available with sleigh ride, weather permitting. Meals and overnight accommodations also available • Reservations required. 800-519-2558 or 715-564-2558, on Facebook at Palmquist Farm,

Wild West Campground & Corral

13 miles east of Stevens Point, 9495 Hwy. 54, Amherst • One-hour sleigh rides through the woods for up to eight people. Warm up with cocoa and the fireplace in the lodge, or dinner after the final ride of the day. Open weekends and Christmas vacation • Reservations required. 715-824-5112, on Facebook and

Bring awareness and let it go.

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Visit our new Wine Barn and taste our variety of handcrafted wines Reserve the wine barn for private small events

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Follow us on and our website for list of up coming events such as snowshoeing and wine, yoga and more!

1800 Smoketree Ln., Wausau • 1500 Merrill Ave., Wausau 715-212-4202 •

W3193 PINE RIVER RD, MERRILL • 715-216-4136

On a Sleigh Ride We Will Go!

Starwood Rides

715-446-3458 • 715-446-2485

Reservations required

Ringle, Wisconsin

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| sleigh rides

Guide to N U F R O OUTDO ausau, recreation around the W ice d an ow sn t ou ab ed to know at many of these venues. ing en Here’s everything you ne pp ha ts en ev l ia ec areas. Also note sp Stevens Point and Merrill


Wausau, off N. Sixth Street to Horseshoe Spring Road, right to Sylvan Street This in-city system has 3.7K of crosscountry trails through the park, periodically groomed throughout the season. For beginner to intermediate skiers. Also 1-mile snowshoe trail. Chalet shared with the tubing hill. Donations encouraged.

Rib Mountain State Park

CTH N, 4200 Park Rd, Rib Mountain 10 miles of snowshoe trails, from easy to difficult. Group snowshoe hikes Saturday Jan. 19 and Feb. 23, 6-8 pm, with refreshments and campfire. Limited snowshoes available, all skill levels. Park sticker required., 715-842-2522

Nine Mile Recreation Area

South of CTH N on Red Bud Road, Rib Mtn The most popular ski system in Central Wisconsin has a chalet, 18 miles of trails, including about 4 miles lighted until 9 pm. Trails range from beginner to difficult, double-tracked with a skating lane. The 2-mile Cookie Trail Loop is for youth skiers. Also find 6.7-miles of groomed snowshoe trails. No dogs allowed on groomed trails • Trails open daily, even if chalet is closed. Ski and snowshoe rentals available. For updates and trail conditions call 1-888-575-7669. Open mid-Dec. thru mid-March, weather permitting. Daily or annual pass required.

Ski trail fees Weekdays $12 adult, $8 youth/student, $10 seniors. After 5 pm $7 adults, $5 youth, $6 seniors. Under 12 free. Two-day and season passes, family and group rates available. 715-261-1550 Snowshoe fees Daily $6 adults $4 youth/ student, $5 seniors. Two-day and season passes (by Nov. 30), and group rates available. Under 12 free. Chalet open Mon.-Fri. 9 am-9 pm (after first weekend in February closing at 6 pm), Sat. 8 am–9 pm, Sun. 8 am–5 pm • Amenities include changing area, ski & snowshoe equipment rentals, trail pass sales, restrooms, spacious warming area with wood stove & fireplace. Check online for updates as hours may change during holiday weeks. Ski trails closed to the public during the Snekkevik Classic Ski Race Saturday, Jan. 12, 2019 and for Badger State Games Sat.–Sun. Jan 26–27. Free adult cross-country ski lessons Tuesdays Jan. 8-29, 6:30–8 pm by Wausau Nordic Ski Club. Includes free trail pass and equipment rental (rentals first come, first served ). No children please. Rick at 715-693-4280 or Snow Striders ski lessons for children ages 3–9: Sundays Jan. 6-Feb. 3, 2-3 pm. $15 Nordic Ski Club members, $25 general, includes equipment rental first come, first served. Contact Carol at 715-298-5032 or attend sign-up meeting Dec. 9 at 1 pm in the chalet.

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| 2018-2019

Monk Gardens

North end of First Avenue on Wausau’s west side, 1800 N. First Ave Snowshoe and cross-country skiing among the woods and fields. Candlelight snowshoe walks Fridays Dec. 28 Jan. 25, Feb. 15 Sweetheart Walk (ages 21+), all at 6–8 pm. Free for garden members, $2 general. Limited snowshoes to rent ($2 cash only). Gate is latched but always unlocked.

Dells of the Eau Claire Park

CTH Y east of Wausau near Aniwa Snowshoe along the river’s edge, with scenic views of rock formations and the frozen rapids. Challenging terrain, ungroomed. No pass required. Connects to the Ice Age Trail. 715-847-5235

Greenwood Hills Golf Course 2002 Poplar Lane, east of Wausau off Townline Road Groomed trails for skate-skiing, traditional skiing, and fat tire bikes throughout the course. Approximately 2K of trails, easy to moderate difficulty. Snow shoeing allowed. Dogs welcome on a leash. $45 winter membership allows use of trails for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and fat tire biking, and access to the club’s bar and grill, Mulligan’s Lounge. 715-848-2204, Also see Pass buttons can be purchased at Mulligan’s Lounge

Council Grounds State Park

Off Hwy. 107, 1 mile northwest of Merrill About 3 miles of classic groomed trails for cross-country skiers. Snowshoeing also allowed. Candlelight skiing/walks scheduled periodically. No fee for the activity but state park sticker required to enter. 715-536-8773

Underdown Recreation Area

North of Merrill, Hwy. 51 north to CTH K, right on H, right on Copper Lake Road Over 20 miles of ski trails consisting of several loops, groomed weekly. Snowshoe trails also available. No warming house or equipment rental, pit toilets available • Fees: $8 daily or $25 winter season pass required. Children under 16 free. Lincoln Co. Parks at 715-539-1034

Steinhaugen Recreation Area

3485 Bentley Road, Custer, 7 miles northeast of Stevens Point Ungroomed, marked trail, 2 loops of 1 and 2 miles, through woodland and open grassland. Parking. 715-346-1433.


W2540 Pickerel Creek Road, Tomahawk Miles of unmarked trails for hikers, skiers and snowshoers cover the 1,400 acres of forest at this UW-Stevens Point-run retreat center. Check in at office first and notify Treehaven staff of travels. Trail passes required, $5 daily, $25 annual. No pets, bicycles or motorized vehicles on trails. For maps visit, 715-453-4106

Standing Rocks Park

Southeast of Stevens Point 10 miles of groomed trails, mostly medium to expert level due to the hills. Groomed for both diagonal stride and skate skiing. Equipment rental available. One- and two-mile marked snowshoe trails. Trail passes: Skiing: Daily $9 adult, $5 student (9-18), free age 8 & under. Season passes available. Snowshoeing daily pass $4, $10 w/rental, $30 season Lodge open 11 am–4:30 pm weekdays, 8:30 am–4:30 pm weekends. 715-824-3949

Winter Winter Fun Fun Begins Begins @ @ Shep's! Shep's! Ski & Snowboard Gear Snow Shoes Outerwear Boots & Shoes Sportswear Bikes & More Famous Brands, Expert Service Downtown Wausau, Since 1949

T�� S�������� C���� S�� R���, �� N��� M��� R��������� A��� J��. 12, 2019 continues on 30 u

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| outdoor fun guide



Green Circle Trail

All 27 miles in the Stevens Point area is open for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. Open daily 6 am–11 pm except for the University Trail which is open sunrise to sunset. None of the trail sections are lighted. Sections groomed for classic skiing include the Plover River trails (6.2 miles) and Iverson Park (2.5 miles). Snowshoeing, snow biking and hiking allowed on all segments except for groomed ski trails. Free, donations welcome. Schmeeckle Reserve is the headquarters and the visitor center is open daily 8 am–5 pm. 715-346-4992. Other trails, parks, and preserves that the Green Circle links to include: Schmeeckle Reserve (2419 N. Point Drive) · 5 miles of ungroomed trails for skiing and snowshoeing. 715-346-4992 Iverson Park (east end of Jefferson Street) · 2.5 miles of tracked and groomed trail through wooded and gentle terrain. Warming house. 715-346-1531 Plover River Trails (Hwy. 66 past airport) · 6-miles of groomed trail loops through gentle wooded terrain for classic skiing. Trail connects with other trails on Izaak Walton League land. 715-346-1433

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| 2018-2019


County Hwy. NN (N. Mountain Road), Rib Mountain Skiing/boarding on 75 runs, plus full-service equipment rentals and lessons for all ages • Intensive snow-making allows hill to be open Nov. 17 thru mid-April, weather permitting • Tickets, specials, events and other info at, 715-845-2846. Hours include Christmas break, Martin Luther King long weekend (Jan. 19-21), and President’s Day long weekend (Feb. 16-18): Mon.–Thurs. 10 am-9 pm, and Fri.–Sun. 9 am-9 pm Family Fest Weekends feature discounts, live music, horse drawn wagon rides, fireworks on Saturday: Dec. 7-9, Jan. 4-6, Feb. 1-3, March 8-10, April 12-14 Lessons for ages 3 to adult, ski or snowboard. Group & private lessons available, plus Kids Camp. Tip: Parents and partners can relax in the chalet during the sessions. Skiing on a budget? If you’re a casual or beginner skier, here are some specials you might appreciate. Find even more at under “Mid-week & Specials.” Specials typically do not apply on or around holidays: Mon. & Wed.: $58 lift ticket 10 am-5 pm; $28 lift ticket and half priced rentals 5-9 pm Tues., Thurs. & Sun.: 2-for-1 lift tickets 5-9 pm; plus half-price rentals on Sunday Non-skiers can hang out too The chalets and bar are open to the public. Granite Peak again will host several major concerts throughout the season. See this magazine’s Calendar p. 76–93, and check for newly scheduled shows at Granite Peak’s Facebook page.

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Standing Rocks Ski Hill

7 miles southeast of Stevens Point Five ski hills, including beginner, intermediate and expert. Lodge with concessions. Ski and snowboard rental available. 715-824-3949. Open weekends through snow season, weekdays during winter holiday, closed Dec. 24 & 25 Hours: Tow ropes operate 11 am–4 pm. Lodge & ski shop open weekends 8:30 am–4:30 pm Fees: $16 adult, $13 ages 9-18, free 8 and under. Family and season passes available. continues on 32

2 Locations 4002 Schofield Ave. Weston, WI


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| outdoor fun guide

3845 Rib Mountain Dr. Wausau, WI




SLEDDING Iverson Park Winter Sports Area

Just south of Hwy. 66 (Main Street), Stevens Point. South on Sunrise Avenue then east on Hillcrest Drive. Turn left into the parking area. Two 300-ft. toboggan slides, and three sled and saucer hills, one for ages 6 & under and the other for snowboards. All lighted for night use. No snowboards allowed on saucer/sled hills. Bring your own saucer, sled or inner tube, or rent padded toboggans. Staffed warming lodge, vending machines, restrooms. 715-346-1531, Open when conditions permit, approx. second week in December through February, depending on weather and accumulated snowfall. Private party rentals available Fees: Sledding free. Toboggan rentals $8 per hour, $4 per half hour

Sylvan Hill Park Regular hours: Fri. 6–9 pm, Sat. 12–8 pm, Sun. 12–5 pm Holiday hours: Closed Dec. 24–25; open noon–8 pm Dec. 26–Jan. 1

Wausau area parks

Open when snow cover permits, sunrise to 11 pm. No fees. Pleasant View Park, Wausau (lighted)—east side at 12th and Summer streets, just north of Townline Road 3M Park, Wausau (lighted)—southwest side, at Third Avenue and Park Boulevard, south of W. Thomas Street Riverside Park, Wausau (unlit)—near west side at First Avenue and E. Sherman Street Scholfield Park, Wausau (unlit)—northwest side along Wisconsin River, E. Randolph Street George Street Park, Rothschild (unlit) — at corner of Military Road, four blocks east of Bus. Hwy 51.

1329 Sylvan St., off N. Sixth Street, Wausau Six runs on two slopes with wire tows. Tubes provided. Children must be 42” tall minimum. One rider per tube, parents may NOT hold small children on lap. Open Dec. 15 thru March 3, conditions permitting. Call 715-573-2424 for update on weekends. Chalet and tubing slopes available for private party rental. Call Parks Dept. at 715-261-1550. Chalet has a fireplace and snack bar, carryin food allowed only on the lower level Fees: Per session $9.50 ages 14 & up, $7 child 42” to 13 years 4-session pass $36 adults, $26.50 youth 8-session pass $70 adult, $51.75 child 12-session pass $104.50 adult, $77 child Group rates available, contact Parks Dept. Regular Hours: Dec. 15–23 and Jan. 5–March 4: Fri. 6–9:30 pm; Sat. 1:30–5 pm and 6–9:30 pm; Sun. 1:30–5 pm Recess hours Dec. 24–Jan. 1 (closed Dec.25): 1:30-5 pm only Dec. 24, 30, 31 and Jan. 11:30–5 pm and 6–9:30 pm Dec. 26–29 continues on 34


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Fat Tire Snow Biking Big Eau Pleine Park

West of Mosinee off Hwy. 153 10+ miles of groomed snow bike trails for bikes 3.7” or greater. Parking lot and trailhead at the A-frame Park manager’s office. Groomed after each 5” snowfall. Open Dec. 15-March 15, weather permitting. Donations accepted at trailhead. 715-261-1550.

Greenwood Hills Country Club 2002 Poplar Lane, east of Wausau off Townline Road Approx. 6 miles of fat bike trails weave throughout the golf course property offering different levels of difficulty, length and scenery. Look for and yield to skiers and snowshoers. $45/person winter membership offers access to fat bike trails, snowshoeing and cross country skiing, as well as Mulligan’s bar and grill. Winter Trail membership details at 715-848-2204.

CWOCC trail in Ringle

Access at Marathon Co. Landfill, 172900 Hwy. 29 Ten miles of trails and bike repair station, created by Central Wisconsin Off-Road Cycling Coalition. Find updates at CWOCC’s Facebook page.

Green Circle Trail

Schmeeckle Reserve, Stevens Point Fat bikes allowed on all sections except Plover River segment and Iverson park, where the trail is groomed for skiing. No fee. Trailhead at Schmeekle Reserve center. 715-346-4992.

CWOCC ’s new trail at the landfill in Ringle


Standing Rocks Park

Southeast of Stevens Point Biking on single track, 2.5 miles. Daily fee, passes. 715-824-3949.

Underdown Recreation Area North of Merrill, Hwy. 51 north to CTH K, right on H, right on Copper Lake Road Biking allowed on snowshoe trails. No warming house or equipment rental, pit toilets available. Fees: $8 daily or $25 winter season pass required. Children under 16 free. Lincoln Co. Parks at 715-539-1034

Trails open when deemed safe, with maps updated each year. More than 860 miles of trails, with most open to ATVs only when temperature is below 28°. Wausauarea details at, under Departments > Parks Recreation Forestry. Also see for updates, maps and Park & Ride locations for trail access. Parks Dept. at 715-261-1550, trail condition hotline 715-355-8788.

For trail maps in other counties, go to that has a list of nearly 600 local snowmobile clubs statewide, and contact info about finding local maps. Wisconsin does not have a statewide map available. Annual trail passes: Online through the DNR and the its licensed sales agents. $30, or $20 for members of a snowmobile club and AWSC. Details at, or (search “snowmobile”, or call 1-888-936-7463. continues on 36

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| 2018-2019


Hoppy Holidays

“For the ride of your life” 4001 Rib Mountain Drive, Wausau


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Gift Cards Available

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ICE SKATING Wausau outdoor city rinks

Rinks are built as conditions allow and maintained thru Feb. 17, weather permitting. Rinks can be reserved for events through park office, 715-261-1550. Marathon Park Recreation and hockey rink with boards. Warming house, lighted 400 Block, downtown Recreation rink with warming house, lighted Thom Field Recreation rink, warming house, and lighted Rinks open weekdays 5-8 pm, Sat. 10–8 pm, Sun. 10 am–8 pm · Winter break Dec. 23–Jan. 2: Mon.-Sat. 1-8 pm, Sun. 1-4:30 pm . Closed at 8 pm Dec. 24 · Closed Dec. 25

Doepke Park, Rib Mountain

2200 S Mountain Rd Lighted rink and hockey rink with a warming house. Warming house open weekdays 4–9 pm, Sat. & Sun. 1–9 pm. Closed Christmas Eve and Day.

Stevens Point Area Outdoor Rinks

Usually open mid-December through end of February. Emerson School Park (west of downtown at Clark and Reserve streets) and McKinley School (south side, east of Church Street on Blaine). Both unlit Iverson Park (lighted, with warming house) open Fri. 6-9 pm, Sat. 12-8 pm and Sun. 12-5 pm. Holiday hours: Dec. 23 noon8, Dec. 24-25 closed, Dec. 26–Jan. 1 noon–8 pm. Goerke Park (lighted, warming house with restrooms) hockey rink. Open weekdays 6–9 pm, Sat. noon–8 pm, Sun. noon– 5 pm · Holiday hours Dec. 23 noon-9 pm, Dec. 24-25 closed, Dec. 26–Jan. 1 noon– 9 pm. 715-346-1531.

Marathon Park (indoor)

Multi-Purpose Bldg No. 1, Wausau Public skating may be canceled from time to time due to schedule conflicts or special events. Advance notice will be posted at the rinks. Rinks may be reserved for private ice time at website. 715-261-1570. Public skating regular hours: · Weekdays 11 am–1 pm thru March 8 · Wednesday evenings 7–9 pm thru Feb. 20 · Sundays 2–5 pm thru Feb. 17 Holiday hours: · Public skating closed Nov. 22-23, Dec. 24–25, 30 · Dec. 23 open 2–5 pm · Dec. 26-29 open 2-4 pm · Dec. 31 open 1-3 · Jan 1 open 3-5 Fees: Daily $3 adults, $2 youth. Skate rental $3. Bonus cards and season passes available Adult ice skating lessons are no longer taught at Marathon Park.

Greenheck Field House (indoor)

D.C. Everest High School, Weston Public skating sessions (lasting 80 min.) run two or three days or weekends each month. Call the hotline at 715-355-4118 or check the calendar online at for hours. Fees: $3 daily. Skate rental $3, birthday party package available. Skating aids (resemble walkers) available free of charge to help beginning and young skaters Timberline Figure Skating Club: Learn to Skate Classes are held Saturdays Jan. 5-March 2, 10:30-11:20 am. or Central Wisconsin Speed Skating Club Practices held 6-7:30 most Sunday and Wednesday evenings for all skaters. New members welcome any time, all ages and abilities. Marty at 715-581-8262 or

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| 2018-2019

Kennedy Park, Weston

2201 Neupert Avenue Lighted rink and hockey rink with a warming house. Warming house open weekdays 58 pm, Sat.–Sun. and school holidays 1–8 pm.

Smith Center (indoor)

1100 Marc Drive, Merrill In the Merrill Area Recreation Complex, the rink facility includes food & refreshment stand, seating and large lobby area. Public skate sessions Mon.-Fri. 1-3 pm; occasional weekend sessions scheduled. Visit or FB. Call 715-536-6187 or 715-536-7313 Fees: $3 admission, skate rental $2. Punch cards available. Facilities available for rent, including birthday party and other packages.

Mosinee Rec Center (indoor) 709 11th St. Open skate times vary. Check schedule at Free, no rentals. 715-814-1452

K.B. Willett Arena (indoor)

1000 Minnesota Ave., Stevens Point Public skating times subject to change without notice. Rink and facilities available for rental. Birthday party packages and Learn-to-Skate program available. Monthly calendar at To confirm dates and times call 715-346-1576. Public skating hours: · Tues. & Thurs. 9:30–10:50 · Sat. & Sun. 1–2:50 pm (closed for hockey games) · Closed Thanksgiving and Dec. 24-26 · Turkey Skate Friday, Nov. 23, 9-11 am, bring a canned item and skate free · Saturday, Dec. 22 Skate with Santa 12– 1:50 pm, free admission. Skate rental $4. Fees: $3.50 weekends, $3 weekdays. Freestyle $15. Skate rental $4. Families skate for $2 during public skate (Tues., Thurs., Sat. & Sun.), includes skate rental. Passes and punch cards available. n

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nw o o d Hi






CC f





e Event C

Greenwood Hills is a fantastic place to enjoy winter sports and wildlife with a season long $45 Winter Trail Membership. (sorry (sorryy,, no day passes) Located in the beautiful rolling hills just 5 minutes east of downtown Wausau, Greenwood Hills is easily accessible from all directions via highways 29 and 39/51. Enjoy groomed trails - and the deer, turkey and fox that roam our private winter wonderland as you cross country ski, bike, or snow shoe. It’s outdoor activities the whole family can enjoy. After a day on the hills, come into the lounge and warm up with hot drinks and snacks. Call 715-848-2204 for more information and buy your winter pass to fun.

Cross Country Ski | Fat Tire Bike | Snow Shoe

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| 2018-2019

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S W E I V E MUSIC R by Jane Neal

wonderful time of the year st mo e th r fo on x mi s ma ist hr taC Turn up the speakers and ge

Nat King Cole

The Christmas Song Expanded Edition (1963, reissued 2018) As a self-proclaimed yule-a-holic, my holiday music library numbers well over 100 collections. But among those are a few must-plays that get brought out year after year. High on that list is this one. It’s playing when we decorate the tree, and it’s back again when we open presents. Obviously, this is not a new release, but a re-issue a of a much-loved classic by a merry old soul. Cole recorded only one Christmas album, 1960’s The Magic of Christmas. However, through the decades since, the album has been tweaked frequently, with songs added, re-recorded, deleted and rearranged. The original album and the repackaged 1963 version became one of the decade’s best-selling Christmas offerings. Subsequent versions have all been renamed after the title song, Mel Torme’s, “The Christmas Song.” The classic was written in 1945 and Cole was the first to record it in 1946, this rendition being arguably the most popular. Regardless of which version of the album you hear, I bet you’ll still enjoy all the standard holiday faves including the upbeat “Caroling, Caroling,” and his matchless rendition of “O Holy Night.” Some re-issues will feature bonus tracks such as “Buon Natale” and “The Happiest Christmas Tree.” The newest 2018 version also includes a duet version of the title track with his late daughter, Natalie Cole, that originally appeared on her 1998 CD, Holly and Ivy (the two did a similar posthumous duet of “Unforgettable” in 1991). Chances are, you already have a Nat King Cole Christmas album in your own collection. If you don’t, what the heck are you waiting for?

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| 2018-2019

Martina McBride

It’s the Holiday Season (2018) Even if you’re not a country music fan, there’s a lot to like here. McBride released her first Christmas album, White Christmas, in 1998. It was re-released with various additions or deletions in 1999, 2007, and 2013. Clearly, when it comes to Martina McBride Christmas fare, the focus is on freshness, and demand has obviously exceeded supply. While her first offering featured an abundance of Christmas hymns, this latest one is definitely more of a holiday record, brimming with bright, cheery versions of classics like “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” and “Winter Wonderland.” Most of the orchestrations and arrangements are upbeat and jazzy — you might think you’re listening to Ella Fitzgerald instead of a four-time Country Music Association Female Vocalist honoree. Though you also might detect a subtle Southern twang on “Home for the Holidays,” the rest of the album is pure holiday swing, a fun surprise for anyone who leans toward traditional, happy seasonal tunes. With only nine tracks, this album will leave listeners wanting more. continues on 42


Weather Winter in Style

715-842-8038 Washington Square Downtown Wausau city pages |


| music



Leslie Odom Jr.

Simply Christmas Deluxe Edition (2017) Maybe you’ve worn out your Hamilton soundtrack. Or you recognize his voice from the Nationwide commercials. Most people know this guy has a delightful tenor, and that definitely merits a holiday album. Odom won a Tony for his role in Hamilton on Broadway and appeared in the 2017 movie Murder on the Orient Express. What else to do but spread some Christmas cheer? Simply Christmas was released in 2016 with just eight tracks; this deluxe version with four additional songs came out just before Christmas last year. Still, the album seems a bit sparse, maybe due to the selections. It starts strong with a slow version of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” There’s an awkward segue into “My Favorite Things” from The Sound of Music (it’s not a Christmas song!), and a jazzy, up-tempo version of “The Christmas Waltz.” The oddest cut has to be “Edelweiss” (another nonChristmas song from The Sound of Music) sung as a duet with his wife, Nicolette Robinson. He does an excellent job on the haunting Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michelson tune, “Winter Song,” and closes with a reverent “Ave Maria.” If you want to hear a Broadway performer croon a few holiday favorites mixed with show tunes and hymns, this fits the bill. Just don’t expect “simply” Christmas.

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| 2018-2019

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The Monkees

Christmas Party (2018) Hey, hey, it’s the Monkees! Hopes for any new Monkees project appeared to be dashed when Davy Jones passed away in 2012. Never fear. The wonders of technology have got your back. This album features newly recorded material from the surviving members of the iconic 1960s band, plus refreshes two of Davy’s songs from his 1976 album, Christmas Jones, “Silver Bells” and “Mele Kalikimaka,” with new instrumentation and backing vocals — much like the surviving Beatles did for the anthology that included John Lennon songs. Mickey Dolenz tackles lead vocal duty on most of the numbers, but Michael Nesmith steps in with “Snowfall” and a nicely done acoustic take on “The Christmas Song.” Even the seldomsinging Peter Tork contributes with a version of “Angels We Have Heard on High” replete with banjo accompaniment. Although the album is mostly filled with cheerful, upbeat pop you’d expect from the Monkees, there are darker tones in the originals “What Would Santa Do” and the “House of Broken Gingerbread,” which recounts a post-divorce holiday. But mostly this is pure retro fresh delight, including the new songs “Unwrap You at Christmas” and the title track “Christmas Party,” where you can clearly hear Jones chatting among the party crowd noise. Now that’s Christmas magic!

continues on 44


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| music




Eric Clapton Happy Xmas (2018)

This iconic musician has seemingly reinvented himself countless times. Never staying with one band or musical style for very long, Clapton’s various pre-solo incarnations have included The Yardbirds, John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers, Cream, and Derek & the Dominos. He’s had success with reggae (“I Shot the Sherriff ”), country (“Lay Down, Sally”), and mainstream pop (“Wonderful Tonight” and “Tears in Heaven”). But at his heart, Clapton has always been a blues man. And Happy Xmas is definitely bluesy. Clapton said he started by trying to “figure out how to play the blues lines between the vocals” of holiday tunes. You know within the first few seconds of the opener “White Christmas” that he figured it out and then some. He gives the blues treatment to other classics like “Silent Night” and “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” There’s one original tune, along with more obscure R&B holiday songs, including “Lonesome Christmas” and Freddy King’s “Christmas Tears.” The album hits a hitch with a bizarre techno-pop version of “Jingle Bells,” which is almost unrecognizable and sounds like something from Trans-Siberian Orchestra. The preponderance of blues-infused songs does make for a less than jolly release on the whole, but blues aficionados and Clapton fans are sure to find something to love.

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| 2018-2019

Ingrid Michaelson Songs for the Season (2018)

This indie singer/songwriter has gifted us with a sweet and strangely nostalgic holiday album. Almost all the songs feel freshly picked from the 1940s and ’50s. She takes no fewer than four of Bing Crosby’s classic holiday croons and makes them her own, starting with the sentimental and seldom covered “Looks like a Cold, Cold Winter.” She follows that with Crosby’s signature “White Christmas,” and is clearly channeling Judy Garland on “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” from the 1944 musical, Meet Me in St. Louis. She’s joined by her boyfriend Will Chase on “I’ll be Home for Christmas,” another tune first recorded by old Bing. It’s somewhat surprising that this accomplished songwriter includes only one original, “Happy, Happy Christmas,” a melancholy and ironically titled tune she wrote after the death of her mother. Things pick up again when she’s joined by Grace VanderWaal on “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree.” Another page from the Bing Crosby songbook is covered with a spirited “Mele Kalikimaka.” Crosby first recorded it in 1950 with the Andrew Sisters, and Michaelson joined by Allie Moss and Bess Rogers sound for all the world like a 1950s girl group here. The album closes with a quiet version of “Auld Lang Syne,” showcasing Michaelson’s beautiful voice. All things old are new again with this glorious, old-fashioned treat. It’s a keeper.

continues on 46


WAUSAU 2400 Rib Mt. Dr. • 715-845-3328


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STEVENS POINT 24 Park Ridge Dr. • 715-342-1375




John Legend

A Legendary Christmas (2018) John Legend is a media star, recently landing an Emmy for rocking in NBC’s live production of Jesus Christ Superstar last spring. That feat made him the first black man to win an “EGOT” — Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony awards (since 2006, he’s won an astounding 10 Grammys). Along with his soaring fame, his social media savvy wife, Chrissy Teigan, and adorable kids give him plenty to celebrate. His smooth as eggnog voice makes Legend a natural to release a holiday album. He leads off with “What Christmas Means to Me,” a song first recorded by Stevie Wonder in 1967— and that’s Wonder you hear blowing the harmonica. Legend is an accomplished composer, and A Legendary Christmas includes six originals, mostly slower, romantic tunes like “Waiting for Christmas” and “Wrap Me in Your Love” — the sort of tunes you’d expect from Legend. Solid covers of standards include “Silver Bells,” “The Christmas Song,” and a bluesy take on “Please Come Home for Christmas.” One rare gem is a cover of Marvin Gaye’s “Purple Snowflakes.” There’s nothing surprising for Legend fans, just a satisfying mix of slow and upbeat tunes and familiar favorites. Planning a holiday party? Add this to the play list.

William Shatner Shatner Claus (2018)

A Shakespearean-trained actor, Shatner achieved fame as Star Trek’s Captain James T. Kirk. He also played TV cop, T.J. Hooker and went on to win three Emmys between 2005-2008 for The Practice and Boston Legal. But releasing Shatner Claus at age 87 isn’t some late-life attempt to be a Renaissance Man. He created his first album in 1968, the much-maligned and satirized The Transformed Man, and made three more albums, all in his infamous, spoken word style. Essentially, Shatner speaks lyrics very dramatically (or overdramatically) to musical accompaniment and occasional background singers. Now, Shatner Claus foists this gimmick upon the holiday season. No matter how bad you think this will be, it’s worse. Much. More. Worse. Shatner Claus is only noteworthy for the constellation of musicians corralled into this collaboration. Some add vocals that Shatner speaks between (Iggy Pop on “Silent Night”) or speaks over (poor Judy Collins on “White Christmas”), making for a crazed cacophony of chaos. Former punk rocker Henry Rollins and Shatner just sound like a couple of drunk guys screaming “Jingle Bells” at a frenetic pace. The spoken word approach works on “’Twas the Night Before Christmas,” but that’s a poem meant to be read aloud. Many collaborators only provide instrumentation, for example Jethro Tull’s Ian Anderson as flautist on “Silver Bells.” Shatner at least attempts to sing “Blue Christmas” while Brad Paisley good naturedly exchanges lyrics. This album feels like a sad, one-trick pony. Curious types might want to give this mess a listen, but probably just once. 

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| 2018-2019

A STATE OF FOOD & DRINK. | 1239 Schofield Ave, Schofield WI city pages |


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We’re grateful to all local artists who’ve made our gallery one-of-a-kind, and to all the former TALENT SHOP artisans who enhance our Hand-Crafted Creations area! Join us for SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY, NOV. 24 and throughout the Holiday season for unique gifts: paintings, sculptures, jewelry & mosaics to mittens, afghans, doll clothes, quilting, wooden items and SERRV International.

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g through New Year, vin gi ks an Th ts, en ev ch ur ch and A listing of special services d Merrill areas in the Wausau, Mosinee an

Bethany Baptist Church 6601 Alderson St., Schofield, 715-355-1617 · 11/18 Thanksgiving 6:00 pm · Christmas Eve 5:00 pm

Bethlehem Lutheran

1901 Kowalski Road, Kronenwetter, 715-359-6962 · 12/16 Sunday school program 9:30 am · Christmas Eve Service 3 & 5:30pm

Christ Lutheran LCMS

Downtown Mission Church

310 N. Fourth St., Wausau 715-600-1203 · 12/23 Christmas Service 10:30 am · Christmas Eve Candlelight 5 & 6:30 pm

Episcopal Church of St. John 330 McClellan St., Wausau 715-845-6947 · Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist 6 pm · Christmas Eve family Eucharist 4 pm, Choral Eucharist 10:30 pm · Christmas Day Eucharist 9 am

First English Lutheran

1300 Townline Road, Wausau 715-848-2040 · Thanksgiving Eve 6:30 pm · Advent Service 12/6, 12/13, 12/20 at 6:30 pm · Christmas Eve w/communion 4 pm · Christmas Day w/communion 9 am

402 N. Third Ave., Wausau 715-842-5727 · Thanksgiving Eve 7 pm ecumenical service with St. Anne’s at St. Anne’s · 12/16 Christmas choir service 9 am · Christmas Eve 4 & 6 pm candlelight w/communion · Christmas Day w/communion 9 am

Christ Community Church

First Universalist Unitarian

8100 Alderson St., Schofield 715-241-7335 · 12/16 Children’s Musical 10:30 am · Christmas Eve 6:00 pm

Covenant Community Presbyterian

1806 Weston Ave., Schofield 715-359-6467 · 12/16 Children’s Christmas play 4:30 pm · Christmas Eve Children’s Service 4:30 pm, main service 6 pm · Christmas Day dinner 11 am, call for delivery by 12/22

504 Grant St., Wausau 715-842-3697 · 12/16 Christmas Pageant 10:30 am · Christmas Eve 7 pm

Good News Baptist

145919 Lowland Lane, Mosinee, 715-693-4321 · Christmas Eve 7 pm

First United Methodist

903 Third St., Wausau 715-842-2201 · 12/10 United Methodist Women Advent Gathering 7 pm · 12/16 Chapel Service 8 am; Lessons and Carols in the Sanctuary 10 am; Cookie Walk and Mission Store in Fellowship Hall 9 am-noon · Christmas Eve 2 pm in Chapel, 4 & 8 pm in the Sanctuary

First Presbyterian

406 Grant St., Wausau 715-842-2116 · Thanksgiving Day Dinner 1 pm. Free, no reservations necessary, dine-in only, no carry-outs. · 12/2 Advent w/communion 10 am · 12/8 Wausau Lyric Choir Christmas Concert 7:30 pm · 12/9 Wausau Lyric Choir Christmas Concert 3:00 pm · 12/16 children’s Christmas program 10 am · 12/23 Handbells and Chancel Choir Musical Holiday Service 10 am · Christmas Eve Family Service 5 pm, Candlelight w/communion 9 pm

Immanuel Baptist

5100 Hummingbird Road, Wausau, 715-359-2422 · 11/18 Thanksgiving service 6:30 pm · 12/23 Christmas service 6:30 pm

Please confirm as details may change. Not all churches had set their schedules in time for this publication, and might not be listed here. Churches appear generally in alphabetical order, though Catholic churches are grouped together starting on p. 52 holiday + winterbook |


| 2018-2019

Good Shepherd Lutheran

930 Edgewood Road, Wausau 715-675-1997 · Thanksgiving Eve 6:30 pm, pie social after · Advent Services 5:30 pm on 11/28, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19 · 12/24 Children’s Program 5 pm · Christmas Eve Festival Worship 7:00 & 11:00 pm · Christmas Day Festival Worship 9 am

Grace Evangelical Lutheran

6720 CTH A, Wausau, 715-675-3751 · Thanksgiving Eve 7 pm · 12/23 Children’s Service 10:30 am · Christmas Eve service 7:30 pm · Christmas Day 10:30 am · New Year’s Eve 7 pm at St. Paul’s, 11329 Berlin Lane

Grace Evangelical Lutheran

169950 Mercer St., Ringle 715-446-3010 · Thanksgiving Eve 6:30 pm · Advent 12/5, 12/12, 12/19 at 6:30 pm; meal afterward · Christmas Eve candlelight 6:30 pm · Christmas Day 9:30 am · New Year’s Eve w/communion 6:30 pm

Highland Community Church

1005 N. 28th Ave., Wausau 715-842-5683 · 6615 CTH J, Weston · 800 River Road, Marathon · Wausau: Christmas Eve 2 & 4:30 pm · Weston: Christmas Eve 6:30 pm · Marathon: Christmas Eve 6:30 pm

Immanuel Lutheran

New Hope Community

Immanuel Lutheran

Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran

Living Well Faith Community

Peace United Church of Christ

630 Adams St., Wausau, 715-842-3644 · Advent services 12/5, 12/12, 12/19 at 1:00 & 6:00 pm · Christmas Eve 4:00 & 7:00 pm · Christmas Day 9:00 am 2001 Jackson St., Mosinee, 715-693-2910 · Thanksgiving Eve 6:30 pm · Advent services 12/5, 12/12, 12/19 at 6:30 pm · 12/23 Children’s service 9 am · Christmas Eve candlelight 6:30 pm · Christmas Day service 9 am 1707 McIntosh St., Wausau, 715-845-6319 · Christmas Eve 6:00 pm

Mountain of the Lord Lutheran

5506 Bittersweet Road, Wausau, 715-359-9357 · Thanksgiving Eve 6:00 pm · Christmas Eve 6:00 pm · Christmas Day 10:00 am

Mount Olive Lutheran

6205 Alderson St., Weston, 715-359-5546 · Thanksgiving Eve 12:30 & 6:30 pm · Lessons and Carols Services 12/6 at 6:30 pm & 12/9 at 8 am · Christmas Cantata 12/7 at 6:30 pm, 12/8 at 5:30 pm, 12/9 at 10:30 am · 12/18 ages 55+ Christmas potluck lunch and fellowship at noon · Christmas Eve 1:30, 3:30, 5:30 & 7:30 pm · Christmas Day 10 am

Mt. Sinai Congregation

910 W. Randolph St., Wausau, 715-675-2560 · 12/7 Chanukah Shabbat Service 7:30 pm · 12/8 Shabbat Chanukah and Havdalah at the Stevens Point Historical Society 6:00 pm · 12/17 Hanuakh/Latke party and silent auction 11:45 am · 1/11 Community Shabbat 7:30 pm: Rabbi explains service to non-Jewish visitors, reservations appreciated

New Day Christian

Meet at D.C. Everest Middle School, Weston, · Advent 12/2, 12/9, 12/16 at 10 am · Christmas Eve at Rothschild Pavilion 5:00 pm

229375 County Rd. J, Wausau 715-845-8541 · Thanksgiving Eve 7 pm · Christmas Eve candlelight 7 pm

Come Hear The Angels Sing

703 Flieth St., Wausau 715-845-3253 · Thanksgiving Eve 6:30 pm · 12/24 Children’s Christmas Service 4 pm · Christmas Eve Worship 6:30 pm · Christmas Day 9:00 am

Everyone is Welcome

1530 Grand Ave., Schofield 715-359-2136 · Holiday Bazaar & luncheon 9:00 am–2:00 pm · 12/1 Hanging of the Greens 10 am · 12/9 Christmas Music Program 9 am · 12/16 Christmas Pageant/ Program 9 am · Christmas Eve service 4:30 pm, Vesper service 11:45 pm

A Traditional Christmas Concert Wednesday, December 5, 2018 - 6:30PM Newman Catholic Middle & High School 1130 W. Bridge Street Wausau

Pilgrim Lutheran

709 Weston Ave., Wausau 715-842-4544 · 11/20 chili supper 5:30 pm, service of gratitude 6:30 pm · 12/9 Children’s Christmas worship 9:00 am · Christmas Eve candlelight w/communion 5:00 pm · Christmas Day service 9:00 am

Please Join Us! December 16

Chapel Service 8:00 am Mission Store 9:00 am to Noon Cookie Walk 9:00 am to Noon Lessons & Carols 10:00 am

Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran

6404 Old Costa Lane, Weston 715-359-4433 · Thanksgiving Eve 7 pm · Christmas Eve candlelight 6 pm · Christmas Day 9 am

December 24

Christmas Eve Services 2:00 pm • 4:00 pm • 8:00 pm

Rib Mountain Lutheran

3010 Eagle Ave., Wausau, 715-845-2313 · Thanksgiving Eve 7 pm · 12/16 Children’s Christmas program 9 am · 12/23 Christmas Carol Service 9 am · Christmas Eve candlelight 7 pm · Christmas Day festival w/communion 9 am continues on 52

First United Methodist Church


903 Third St., Wausau • 715-842-2201

city pages |


| holiday worship


St. Paul’s

from 51

Church of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ

St. Agnes Parish

Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Parish

St. Florian Catholic Church

St. Mark’s Catholic Church

St. Anne Parish

602 Military Road, Rothschild 715-359-5206 · Thanksgiving Day 9 am · 12/8 Immaculate Conception Mass 9 am · Christmas Eve 4:30 pm, 10:30 pm · Christmas Day 9 am · New Year’s Day 9 am

700 West Bridge St., Wausau 715-849-3930 · Thanksgiving Day 8:30 am · Christmas Eve Mass 4:00 pm, 6:30 pm, 9:30 pm · Christmas Day standard Mass 9:30 am · New Year’s Eve 4 pm · New Year’s Day 9:30 am

St. Michael’s Catholic Church

St. Matthew Catholic Church

621 N. Second St., Wausau 715-845-6715 · Thanksgiving Day 8:30 am · 12/8 Immaculate Conception 9 am · Christmas Eve Mass 8 pm · Christmas Day Mass 8:30 am · New Year’s Day 9 am

United Church of Christ 426 Washington St., Wausau WI 54403 Phone: (715) 842-3733 /

2018 FREE Christmas Events

1104 S. Ninth Ave., Wausau 715-842-4543 · Thanksgiving Day Mass 9 am · Immaculate Conception Mass 12/7 at 6 pm; 12/8 at 9 am · Christmas Eve 4 & 8 pm · Christmas Day 9 am · New Year’s Eve 6 pm · New Year’s Day 9 am

Dec. 8th: Breakfast with Santa 8-11

Dec. 15th: 7pm Living River Quartet Concert Dec. 21st: 7pm Wonder of Christmas Presentation: “A Million Dreams” Dec. 24th: 6pm & 10:30pm Christmas Celebration

611 Stark St., Wausau, 715-842-4283 · 12/7 Immaculate Conception Mass 6 pm · Christmas Eve Mass 4 & 6 pm · Christmas Day Mass 10:30 am · New Year’s Eve 5 pm

This Christmas… Give the Gift of Memories… Take someone special on a trip with us!

St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Oratory

2019 St. Paul’s Trips p

325 Grand Ave., Wausau 715-842-9995 · Thanksgiving Day Mass & Benediction 8:00 am · 12/8 Solemn Mass Mozart’s Missa Brevis in B flat performed by St. Mary’s Choir & Orchestra, 10 am · 12/16 Lessons & Carols, 3 pm · Christmas Eve: Confessions 10–11:30 pm, Carols 11:30 pm, Mass at midnight · Christmas Day: Low Mass w/organ 8 am, High Mass w/choir 10 am · New Year’s Day: Low Mass w/organ 8 am, High Mass w/choir 10 am

*Tulip Time Festival: May 9-11, 2019

*Bluegrass & Bourban Tour: September 14-22, 2019

*Passion Play in Germany: June 11-25, 2020

holiday + winterbook |

6101 Zinser St., Weston 715-359-5675 · Thanksgiving Day 8:30 am · 12/7 Immaculate Conception Mass 5:30 pm · Christmas Eve 4 pm · Christmas Day 8:30 am · New Year’s Day 9:30 am

500 Church Lane, Hatley 715-446-3085 · 11/17 Deer Hunter’s Mass 7 pm · Thanksgiving 9:30 am · 12/7 Immaculate Conception 6:30 pm · Christmas Eve: children’s program at 4 pm, mass 9 pm · Christmas Day 10:30 am · New Year’s Day 8:30 am

229 S. 28th Ave, Wausau, 715-842-3148 · Thanksgiving Day 8 am · Christmas Eve 4:30 & 10 pm · Christmas Day 8 & 10 am · New Year’s Day 12:05 pm

St. Paul Catholic Church

603 4th Street, Mosinee, 715-693-2650 · Thanksgiving Day 9 am · Christmas Eve 4:30 pm & midnight · Christmas Day 9 am · New Year’s Eve 4:30 pm mass · New Year’s Day 9 am

St. Therese Catholic Church

113 W. Kort St., Rothschild, 715-359-2421 · Thanksgiving Day Mass 8 am · 12/7 Immaculate Conception 5:30 pm · 12/8 Immaculate Conception 8 am · Christmas Eve 4:30 pm & midnight · Christmas Day 8 & 10 am · New Year’s Eve 5:30 pm · New Year’s Day 8 & 10 am continues on 54


| 2018-2019


The nation’s largest architectural finishing company, located right here in the heart of Wisconsin.


Quality Begins with our People... city pages |


| holiday worship


Gift Certificates Available

from 52

St. Andrew Lutheran

3200 N. Mountain Road, Wausau, 715-842-3333 · Thanksgiving Eve 6:15 pm · Thanksgiving dinner 11 am-1 pm, free-will donation · Christmas Eve service 4 pm; candlelight 6:00, 8:00 & 10:00 pm · Christmas Day 9:30 am

725 CTH U, Rib Falls, 715-443-2119 · Christmas Day Song Service 10 am

11329 Berlin Lane, Athens 715-675-3751 · Thanksgiving Eve 7 pm at Grace Lutheran, 6720 CTH A · Christmas Eve Hymn Sing 5:30 pm Christmas Eve Children’s Service 6 pm · Christmas Day 8 am · New Year’s Eve 7 pm

St. John Evangelical Lutheran

St. Paul’s United Church of Christ

St. John’s Lutheran

5304 N. 44th Ave., Wausau 715-675-6950 · 11/20 Thanksgiving service 6:30 pm · 12/16 Children’s Christmas program 10:30 am · Christmas Eve candlelight 4:00 & 6:30 pm


St. John Lutheran

164923 CTH Z, Wausau 715-842-5212 · Thanksgiving Eve 7 pm · Christmas Eve 3:30 pm, children’s service 6 pm, candlelight 11 pm · Christmas Day 9 am · New Year’s Eve 7 pm

610 Washington St. • Wausau, WI, 54403

St. Matthew’s Lutheran 206 Hemlock St., Marathon, 715-443-2028 · Thanksgiving Eve 7:30 pm · 12/16 Children’s Christmas service 9:30 am · Christmas Eve candlelight 7:30 pm · Christmas Day 9:30 am

Wausau Lyric Choir

Christmas Concerts 7:30 p.m. Saturday, December 8 3:00 p.m., Sunday, December 9

St. Mark’s Lutheran

600 Stevens Drive, Wausau 715-848-5511 · Thanksgiving Eve 6:00 pm · Advent Service 12/5, 12/12, 12/19 at 6 pm · Christmas Eve 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 pm · Christmas Day 10:00 am

First Presbyterian Church 406 Grant Street, Wausau

No tickets required! Free will donation encouraged.

St. John’s Lutheran

901 11th St., Mosinee, 715-693-3420 · 12/16 Children’s Christmas program 10:30 am · Christmas Eve 4 & 6 pm · Christmas Day 9 am

holiday + winterbook |


St. Paul’s Lutheran: Naugart WELS

| 2018-2019

426 Washington St., Wausau 715-842-3733 · 11/18 Totenfest 9 am, light a candle for a loved one lost this year · Thanksgiving Eve Service 6 pm · 11/25 Worship w/polka band 9 am · 12/8 Breakfast with Santa 8–11 am, free will offering · 12/16 Blue Christmas Worship 6:00 pm, for anyone missing someone during the holidays · 12/21 Wonder of Christmas Presentation: A Million Dreams: 7:00 pm, free admission · Christmas Celebration Services 6:00 & 10:30 pm, live Christmas music 10:00 pm · Christmas Day free community Christmas dinner, at noon

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran

238537 Del Rio Road, Wausau 715-675-9901 · Thanksgiving Eve 6:30 pm · Advent services 12/5 at 1 pm; 12/12 at 1:00 & 6:30 pm; 12/19 at 1 pm w/soup lunch at noon · Christmas Eve 6:30 pm · Christmas Day 9 am · New Year Day 9 am

St. Peter Lutheran

329 CTH, Hamburg, 715-845-3530 · Thanksgiving Eve at Trinity Lutheran Church 7:00 pm · 12/16 Children’s Christmas program 8:30 am · Christmas Eve 4:00 pm · Christmas Day joint service at Trinity Lutheran 9:00 am

Jim Prey 715-574-6870


St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran

1351 Grand Ave., Schofield 715-359-2829 · Thanksgiving Eve 7 pm · Thanksgiving Day 9 am · 12/2 Advent Service 2 pm · Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols 4 & 6 pm, candlelight 10 pm · Christmas Day service 10 am · New Year’s Eve worship w/communion 5 pm

St. Stephen Lutheran

512 McClellan St., Wausau 715-845-7858 · Thanksgiving Eve 6:30 pm · 12/16 Christmas choral service 9 am · Christmas Eve 4 pm & 6 pm · Christmas Day 9 am

Thrive Church (Formerly Christian Assembly)

400 Grand Ave., Wausau, 715-845-3146 · Christmas Eve “Glo” Time TBD

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran

1008 N. 120th Ave., Stettin, 715-845-3530 · Thanksgiving Eve service 7 pm · 12/16 children’s Christmas program 10:15 am · Christmas Eve 7 pm · Christmas Day 9 am

Trinity Lutheran

501 Stewart Ave., Wausau 715-842-0769 · Thanksgiving Eve Worship 6:30 pm in the Upper Sanctuary · Thanksgiving Day Worship: 9 am in the Upper Sanctuary · Advent 12/5 at 10 am & 6:30 pm; 12/12 at 10 am, 6:30 pm in Upper Sanctuary, 1 pm w/communion in the Spiritual Life Center · 12/19 Day School Christmas Worship 10 am & 6:30 pm in the Upper Sanctuary · 12/23 Choral Christmas Service 9 am in Upper Sanctuary · Christmas Eve: carol service, Upper Sanctuary w/communion 2 pm; Contemporary worship in Spiritual Life Center w/communion 3:30 & 5 pm; Candlelight Services in Upper Sanctuary w/communion 6:30 & 10 pm · Christmas Day traditional worship w/communion in Upper Sanctuary 9 am

Ali Tonkin 715-359-0521

Trinity Lutheran

235131 Forest Lawn Road, Wausau, 715-675-9901 · Advent services 6:30 pm 12/5 & 12/19 · Christmas Eve 5 pm

The PREY Real Estate Group Most homes SOLD and highest sales volume

Wausau Alliance Church

2125 Franklin St., Wausau, 715-845-3199 · 11/18 Thanksgiving 6 pm · 12/1 Ladies’ Christmas Celebration 5 pm · Christmas Eve services 4 & 5:30 pm Yvonne Prey 715-571-7653

Wausau Bible Church

1300 Grand Ave., Wausau, 715-845-2315 · Thanksgiving Eve 6 pm, pie social follows · 12/7 Christmas Program 6 pm · Christmas Eve 4 pm

Jim Prey 715-574-6870 Ali Tonkin 715-359-0521

Wesley United Methodist

Call the MOST EXPERIENCED TOP AGENTS at 715-571-7653 • 928 Grand Ave., Schofield

1101 Elm St., Wausau, 715-842-3768 · Thanksgiving Eve Family Worship 6:30 pm · 12/16 Christmas Music Celebration with choirs and handbells 10 am · Christmas Eve with candlelight, carols, music and message 7 pm · New Year’s Eve Hmong Celebration w/food, games and worship 5 pm

Jennison Travel is going to

Switzerland, Austria & Bavaria

Zion Lutheran

709 Sixth St., Wausau 715-848-7286 · Midweek Advent 11/28, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19 at 10 am & 6:30 pm · Christmas Eve service w/ communion 8 pm (broadcast on WSAU 550 AM, 95.1 FM or 99.9 FM; listen live at · Christmas Day w/communion 10 am (broadcast on WSAU 550 AM, 95.1 FM or 99.9 FM; listen live at

June 2019


Zion Lutheran

2214 Hwy. 107, Marathon 715-443-2119 · Thanksgiving Eve 7 pm · 12/23 Christmas Children’s Service at 10 am · Christmas Eve Candlelight 7 pm

continues on 56

715.355.5775 •


city pages |


| holiday worship


from 55

MERRILL AREA Christ United Methodist 300 N. Mill St., Merrill 715-536-4676 · 12/23 Christmas Children’s Program 10:30 am · Christmas Eve 1:30 pm, candlelight 7 pm

Sweet Season’s Greetings! Gourmet chocolates Fine candies Espresso & craft coffees Great gift ideas! Hand-scooped Chocolate Shoppe ice cream made in Madison

Immanuel Lutheran Church LCMS

N1660 Leafy Grove Road, Merrill, 715-536-7242 · 11/21 Thanksgiving Eve 7:30 pm · Advent 12/5, 12/12, 12/19 at 7:30 pm · Christmas Eve children’s service 5 pm, candlelight 7:30 pm · Christmas Day w/ communion 10 am

1708 E. 10th St., Merrill 715-536-2803 · Thanksgiving Day Mass 8 am · Christmas Eve Mass 4 pm · Christmas Day Mass 8 & 10 am

St. Stephen’s United Church of Christ 903 E. Second St., Merrill 715-536-7322 · Christmas Eve 4:00, 7:00, 9:00 pm · 12/30 Lessons & Carols 9:00 am

Trinity Lutheran

1104 E. Third St., Merrill 715-536-4722 · Thanksgiving Eve 6 pm · Thanksgiving Day 10 am · Advent 12/5, 12/12, 12/19 at 10 am & 6 pm; 4:30 pm soup supper · 12/8 Living River Christmas Concert 5:30 pm, Cookie Walk follows · 12/9 Festival of Lessons and Carols 8 & 10 am, Cookie Walk follows both · 12/15 Day school Christmas program 5:30 pm · Christmas Eve family worship 5 pm, Candlelight worship 7 & 10 pm · Christmas Day 10 am · New Years Eve 6 pm

107 N. State St., Merrill 715-536-5482 · Thanksgiving Eve w/communion 6:30 pm · Thanksgiving Day w/communion 9:30 am · 12/1 Living Nativity, soup meal, Christmas bread, candy-cookie sale 3 pm · 12/11 Grades 5-8 Children’s Christmas Program 6:30 pm · 12/18 Grades 1-4 Children’s Christmas Program 6:30 pm · 12/210 Preschool-4K-K Children’s Christmas Program 6:00 pm · Christmas Eve family service 3 pm, candlelight services 5 & 7 pm · Christmas Day w/communion 9:30 am · New Year’s Eve Remembrance Service w/communion 7 pm

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church–Independent

Wildwood United Methodist Chapel

St. John Lutheran Church

12625 Ninth Lane, Hamburg 715-536-7242 · 11/20 Thanksgiving 7:30 pm · Advent 12/6, 12/13, 12/20 at 7:30 pm · Christmas Eve children’s program 6:15 pm · Christmas Day w/communion 8:30 am

Open 7 days a week 615 Third St, Wausau | 715-842-7171 holiday + winterbook |

St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church


| 2018-2019

W106 CTH C, Gleason, 715-536-4676 · Christmas Eve 4 pm n

Check out our new Wausau Facility



The All New


2525 Grand Avenue, Wausau

TOLL FREE 888/261-3317 • city pages |


| holiday worship


The fun doesn’t stop just because the temperature drops. Here are some don’t-miss special events happening around Wausau and central Wisconsin this winter. BY KAYLA ZASTROW


For many years this has been the Wausau-area event to kick off the holiday season. Stroll through a dazzling, winter wonderland forest of more than 100 holiday trees, wreaths, mantels and specialty items, all beautifully crafted by local organizations and businesses. While you browse, enjoy a complimentary cookie and beverage and local entertainers performing holiday music. Visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus at the North Pole, and explore Santa’s Workshop filled with beautiful toys. Get some design inspiration or take home your favorite tree or specialty item by placing a winning bid. All proceeds benefit Aspirus Comfort Care and Hospice Services. • Opening Night Gala on Tuesday, Nov. 20, 6-9 pm. Eat, drink, and be merry at this party featuring live music, signature cuisine, complimentary champagne, mimosas and beer, a silent auction and raffles. Advance tickets $50, $60 after Nov. 18. • Teddy Bear Breakfast, Sat.-Sun. 9-10:30 am. For the young and the young at heart, don’t miss this magical event for children and their favorite teddy bear. Kids visit with Santa while participating in activities for ages infant through 12 years. Reservations required, seating is limited. Tickets $15 adult, $10 age 12 and younger, $3 under age 2. • General viewing runs from Wednesday through Sunday— yes, open on Thanksgiving—starting with the Senior Stroll on Wed. 9-noon. Open to all Wed. noon-5 pm, Thurs. 15 pm, Fri. 9 am-5 pm, Sat. noon-5 pm, Sun. noon-2 pm • Tickets at the door: $5 general, $4 Senior Stroll, $3 ages 12 & under, free under 2. Advance tickets required for Opening Night Gala and Teddy Bear Breakfast. Call 715-847-2470 or purchase at

holiday + winterbook |


| 2018-2019

Introducing 715.847.2021 • 800.897.3307 • Our New Clinic

ENT ENT & & Allergy Allergy Opening Early 2019

Central Wis. Children’s Theatre:



ENT & All

715.847.2021 • 800.897.3307 •



Introducing Introducing Our Our New Clinic New Clinic


ENT & Allergy

ASSOCIATES, S.C. Opening 20192019 OpeningEarly Early

CWCT always produces a great show for the Thanksgiving weekend. This one is being touted as perhaps the biggest CWCT has ever done, with a cast of 60+ kids and adults, huge set pieces, two additional shows, and of course a hot Broadway musical. It’s based on the 1992 film, which was inspired by the real-life Newsboys Strike of 1899 in New York City. Set in turn-of-the century New York, the musical tells the rousing tale of Jack Kelly, the charismatic newsboy and leader of the teenaged “newsies.” When the publisher raises distribution prices at the newsboys’ expense, Jack rallies newsies from around the city to strike these unfair conditions. The musical features a Tony Award-winning score and a book by Tony Award winner Harvey Fierstein. You’ll love the inspiring songs “Carrying the Banner,” “Seize the Day,” and “Santa Fe.” This show packed with nonstop thrills and a timeless message is perfect for all ages.

715.847.2021 • 800.897.3307 •

ASSOCIATES, S.C. 715.847.2021 • 800.897.3307 •




715.847.2021 • 800.897.3307 • en ENT & Allergy



Introducing Our New Introducing Our New Clinic Clinic

• Shows Fri.-Sat. 2 pm & 7 pm; Thurs. 7 pm. $15 adults, $12 children and seniors. Tickets at the door or in advance through

Opening Early Opening Early2019 2019

ENT & All

715.847.2021 715.847.2021 800.897.3307 Introducing Our New Clinic 800.897.3307 Eight Locations: Opening Early 2019 Wausau, Rhinelander, Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids, Medford, Antigo,

715.847.2021 Introducing Our New Clinic Hurley and Weston. 800.897.3307 Opening Early 2019

continues on 60

715.847.2021 800.897.3307 u

city pages |


| winter must list



MUST LIST from 59

Eastbay Turkey Trot THURSDAY NOV. 22 | EASTBAY, WAUSAU

Last year 1,750 people started their Thanksgiving Day with this 5K run/walk. Now in its ninth year, this run for the whole family is more than a quick jog, it’s a festive event. Many participants dress in crazy fun costumes, from tutus and turkey hats to pilgrim costumes and Santa beards. Be prepared for any weather as this event is held rain or shine. Last year’s Trot sold out, so Eastbay is raising its capacity once again, this year to 2,000 participants, with the goal of raising even more money for the Marathon County Hunger Coalition — 100% of proceeds go toward local food pantries. Last year’s event raised more than $52,000, helping the coalition increase healthy and nutritious foods, says Amanda Tabin, Community Impact Director for United Way of Marathon County. • Turkey Trot begins 8:30 am. $30, free 5 and under. Register at until 11/19. If spots remain, you may register in person Wed. 11/22 at Eastbay Corp. office on First Avenue during packet pickup noon–7 pm. No race day registration. • The course begins at the corporate office at 111 S. First Ave., north to Bridge Street, then back south through downtown and crossing the river on Scott Street. Participants are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to donate.

Rotary Winter Wonderland



Decorating for the holidays means hours of hanging up, like, a million lights. Maybe you feel that way, but it’s not an overstatement for the Marshfield Rotary. The group, thanks to the help of over 1,000 volunteers, sets up literally 1.5 million lights throughout the zoo and park, and it really is a wonder to behold. Trees, snowflakes, pretty presents, archways, gingerbread houses, animated displays and more are wrapped in or created entirely from strings of shining lights. Saturday nights offer free horse-drawn wagon rides through the displays 6–8 pm (first-come, first-served). The Gingerbread Jamz return again this year with a line-up of local musicians performing every Wed.–Sun. 6–8 pm. The best part is, the event is held for a good cause: Since its beginning in 2006, this group has provided over 560,000 food items to 29 food pantries in Marshfield and the surrounding areas. • Winter Wonderland display is open daily 5–9 pm. Admission is free, but food and monetary donations are encouraged to help local food pantries around Marshfield • Dress to stay warm! You’ll be outside for at least an hour walking through numerous displays. A driving route is available, though you won’t get nearly as many close-up experiences. • Full schedule of Gingerbread Jamz performers and other details at


It’s not just a farmers market, it’s a full on foodie morning. Plus, it’s one of the best ways to “shop local” over the holidays and beyond. For on-the-spot dining, there’s locally roasted coffee, breakfast from Urban Street Bistro (most days), and even freshly made soft serve ice cream made from a local dairy farm. This is now the second year the market has operated in the spacious Boys & Girls Club (on Second Street, just north of Bridge Street). If you love the summer/ fall outdoor market, don’t miss this winter collection of eggs, meats and fish plus pastries, jams, maple syrup and, of course, loads of veggies. Many farmers have invested in hoophouses so that fresh greens are growing even in winter. You’ll also find plenty of long-storage vegetables like onions, carrots, squash and turnips, many all the way through April. • Open 8 am–noon every Saturday through April 27, 2019. See their their Facebook page.

holiday + winterbook |


| 2018-2019

continues on 62


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Stop in for your free tasting today and see the difference for yourself!

city pages |


| winter must list

• Improved energy balance


MUST LIST from 60

▲ Badger State Winter Games

JANUARY –APRIL | WAUSAU AREA AND CENTRAL WIS. This winter marks the 30th anniversary of the Badger State Winter Games, with nearly 25 sports competitions taking place in central Wisconsin, most in the Wausau, Stevens Point and Merrill areas. The games are open to all Wisconsinites of any age (even young kids) and athletic ability— these games are all about coming together and competing in a sport you love or would like to try. Quintessential winter sports such as figure skating, skiing, curling, snowshoeing, and hockey return, along with a new event this year, the winter triathlon (run, mountain bike, and crosscountry ski, all on the snow). But there’s more! Check out the archery, trap shooting, table tennis, pickleball and cornhole bean bag toss (yes, cornhole) competitions. There’s even winter disc golf. Though competitive, these events are meant to be fun for the athletes and entertaining for spectators as they cheer on friends and family. Check out registration details NOW, so you can start practicing: See The site also includes helpful spectator information.

Schedule of events • Alpine Skiing · Sat. 1/12, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau • Archery · Fri.-Sun. 1/25-27, Rib Mountain Bowmen, north of Wausau off 32nd Ave. • Archery NASP · Sat. 1/12, John Muir Middle School, Wausau • Billiards · Fri.-Sat. 2/15-17, Mad Apple Billiards, Appleton • Bowling · Sat. 2/23, Coral Lanes, Rothschild • Crossfit · Sat. 4/6, Crossfit Bull Falls, Wausau • Cornhole · Fri.-Sat. 2/22-23, Elks Lodge, Wausau • Curling · Fri.-Sun. 2/1-3, Wausau Curling Center • Disc Golf · Sat. 2/23, Big Eau Pleine County Park, Wausau • eGames · Fri.-Sun. 1/4-6, Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild • Fat Tire Bike Racing · Sat. 2/2, Prairie Dells, Merrill • Figure Skating · Thurs.-Sun. 1/24-27, Mosinee Recreation Center • Gymnastics · Date TBD, Gym Sport Gymnastics, Weston • Martial Arts · Sun. 1/27, Wausau West Fieldhouse • Nordic Skiing · Sat. 1/26, Nine Mile Forest, Wausau • Pickleball · Sat.-Sun. 2/23-24, Sentry World, Stevens Point • Pistol Shooting · Sat. 2/16, Zingers & Flingers, Marathon • Ski Jumping · Sun. 2/17, Tri-Norse Ski Club & Winter Park, Nekoosa • Snowshoeing · Sat. 2/23, RiverEdge Golf Course, Marshfield • Table Tennis · Sat.-Sun. 4/6-7, Northland Lutheran High School, Kronenwetter • Trap Shooting · Sat. 1/26, Marathon Trap & Sportsman Club, Marathon • Winter Triathlon · Sun. 1/27, Nine Mile Forest, Wausau • Youth Hockey Squirt A & B · Fri.-Sun. 1/4-6, Marathon Park, Wausau • Youth Hockey Bantam A & B · Fri.-Sun. 1/25-27, Marathon Park, Wausau • Youth Hockey PeeWee A & B · Fri.-Sat. 2/8-10, Marathon Park, Wausau • Youth Snowmobiling · Sun. 1/27, 8911 N. Mountain Road, Wausau continues on 64

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| winter must list


MUST LIST from 62

Wausau Holiday Parade


This annual parade is full of twinkling lights, winter magic and heaps of holiday spirit. The route starts at Marathon Park and heads downtown to The 400 Block via Stewart Avenue, First and Jefferson Streets. Non-candy items are handed out along the entirety of the route, with candy arriving with Santa’s elves on the last float. Stay after the parade for a tree lighting ceremony on the square. And then, don’t leave yet! After the parade, find warming festivities in the Grand’s Theaters Great Hall, including hot chocolate, live music and Santa visiting with the kids. • Parade starts at 6:30 pm, and the first floats arrive downtown around 7 pm. Details at

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Sleigh Rides


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| 2018-2019

Central Wis. Symphony Orchestra:

Alone Together Holiday, with Cantus SAT.-SUN. DEC. 1-2 | SENTRY THEATER, STEVENS POINT The symphony orchestra’s holiday concert this year brings in some pro pipes: the worldrenowned, Minneapolis-based vocal ensemble Cantus. The group is known for its warmth and engaging performances of music ranging from the Renaissance to the 21st Century. The ensemble presents their newest offering, “Alone Together,” which explores the struggle of building meaningful connections in a world that has never been more connected. The show will be an introspective look at what it means to connect in our modern world with these excellent musicians. • Sat. 7:30 pm; Sun. 4:00 pm. $42 adults, $32 senior, $12 student. Tickets: continues on 66



C A L L 7 15 . 8 4 5 . 2 76 8

EL EC T R O LY SI S & L A SER C EN T ER B O T OX | J U V E D E R M | V O L U M A | B -12 | L AT I S S E 15 Y E A R S E X PERIENCE | DENISE WINEK , RN city pages |


| winter must list


MUST LIST from 65

The Nutcracker


This lavish, eye-popping local production is not to be missed. Even if you don’t know much about ballet, you’ve heard of The Nutcracker and know the music. Central Wisconsin School of Ballet has presented this annual holiday dance extravaganza for decades, always visually impressive and always to big crowds. It looks professional because it is, with professional guest dancers rounding out the cast. Tchaikovsky’s ballet follows Clara, who goes to sleep on Christmas Eve with her new doll, only to wake to find a war breaking out between the Rat King, his army, and the Nutcracker soldiers. Every scene rings a new professional-level wonder to the stage, and the lush sets and dreamy costumes make it a must-see. • Shows Sat. 1:30 & 7:00 pm; Sun. 1:30 pm. Tickets $22–$40. 715-842-0988,

Wausau Community Theatre:

A Christmas Carol



If you haven’t seen this annual production, prepare to be impressed and emotionally moved. This is the 12th year WCT has staged this classic holiday story, and it’s a beloved tradition for many who come back year after year to see it. Many of the actors also return annually to portray the characters from Charles Dickens’ story of holiday spirit and redemption. In the performance, the stage becomes a cozy, wintery scene set in the late 1800s, and the quick set transitions whisk us from Scrooge’s haunted bedroom through the different periods of his life with his guides, the spirits of Christmases past, present and future. The tale of resurrected goodness is not only a celebration of the transformative power of the Christmas spirit, but a lesson in human compassion. Sure, you know the story. But experiencing it live on stage somehow makes the tale so much more powerful.

• Shows Fri.-Sat. 7:30 pm; Sun. 2 pm. $22 adults, $18 seniors, $14 youth in advance. (Prices increase $3 at door)., 715-842-0988. continues on 68

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| 2018-2019



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| winter must list

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Group Snowshoe Hikes Wisconsin turns into a wonderful wintry playground after the snow falls, and that includes countless trails on which to snowshoe or hike, just about whenever you’d like. Or join an organized outing, most with candlelit trails, treats and maybe a fire. There are at least six organized hikes in the Wausau area this season. Trust us, these are fun: • Rib Mountain State Park | Saturday Jan. 19 and Feb. 23: Go for the most scenic

trails high above the city, traversing wood copses and rock formations. Then enjoy hot chocolate, cider and marshmallows around the campfire. Meet at the new building, the Friends Gathering Space. Flashlights and headlamps suggested. 6-8 pm. Free, but state park vehicle sticker required for park entry. Organized by Friends of Rib Mountain.

Monk Garden snowshoe walk

• Monk Gardens Luminary Snowshoe Walks | Fridays Dec. 28, Jan. 25, and Feb. 15: Walking in the dark through the

fabulous grounds is a fun experience, and the bonfire with hot chocolate, apple cider and roasted marshmallows in the outdoor kitchen make it even more worthwhile. New this year is the Sweetheart Walk on Feb. 15 for ages 21+, which includes mulled cider at the bonfire. A limited number of snowshoes are available for a $2 donation. 6-8 pm. Free for Monk Garden members or $2 for walks on Dec. 28 and Jan. 25; $5 for the Sweetheart Walk on Feb. 15. Details at

• Woodson YMCA Corkscrews and Snowshoes | Saturday, Feb. 23: This annual

fundraiser is for adults 21+ only. Enjoy the hiking trails at the YMCA’s Camp Sturtevant in Weston, then head inside to that great lodge to sample red and white wine varieties along with appetizers and desserts. If conditions aren’t ideal for snowshoeing, it’s a hike! 3-5 pm. $30, register in advance at the Wausau or Weston locations, or call 715-841-1850.

Merrill Ice Draggers

SATURDAYS JAN. 19–MARCH 2 | COUNCIL GROUNDS STATE PARK, MERRILL The fastest 1/8th mile drag racing on ice in the world happens on Lake Alexander in Merrill. The Merrill Ice Drags were founded back in 1965 so local men and women could have automobile-style racing fun in the winter. Since then, the sport has become more competitive with record spectator attendance. Racing on the ice, cars have managed to get up to 141.6 miles per hour in just 660 feet. That’s fast! And the racers have a sense of humor, which you’ll see in the vehicles off all shapes and sizes, makes and models. • Races are subject to weather conditions, so check for updates and possible new dates. Racing starts at noon. Pit gate admission: $15 adult, $10 kids 6-14, under 6 free; $50 adult season pass. • Jan. 19: Test & Tune Day

• Jan. 26: Merrill Winterfest • Feb. 2: Mayor’s Choice Award • Feb. 9: MID Memorial Race • Feb 16: Championship • Feb 23: Bracket Races • March 2: Banquet and championship awards

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Alpine Skiing: Saturday, January 12th Archery: Friday-Sun January 25th-27th Archery NASP: Saturday, January 12th Billiards: Friday-Sunday, Feb. 15th - 17th Bowling: Saturday, February 23rd Bull Falls Crossfit: Saturday, April 6th Cornhole (Bean Bag Toss): Friday & Saturday, Feb. 22-23rd Curling: Friday-Sunday, Feb. 1st-3rd Disc Golf: Saturday, February 23rd eGames: Fri-Sun, January 4th-6th Fat Tire Bike Racing: Saturday, February 2nd Figure Skating: Thur-Sun, January 24th-27th Gymnastics: Date TBD Martial Arts: Sunday, January 27th

Earn your way to the National State Games of America by Medaling in our Badger State Games

Nordic Skiing: Saturday January 26th Pickleball: Saturday & Sunday, February 23-24th Pistol Shooting: Saturday, February 16th Ski Jumping: Sunday, February 17th Snowshoeing: Saturday, February 23rd Table Tennis: Saturday-Sunday, April 6th & 7th Trap Shooting: Saturday, January 26th Winter Triathlon: Sunday, January 27th Youth Hockey: Jan. 4th-6th, Jan. 25th-27th, February 8th-10th Youth Snowmobiling: Sunday, January 27th Times and dates are subject to change - see website for details

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| winter must list

Special Gold, Bronze and Silver “Spinner” Medals for our anniversary!


MUST LIST from 68

Horseshoes & Hand Grenades perform at Granite Peak March 30

Granite Peak Music & New Years Eve

MUSIC NOVEMBER–APRIL| GRANITE PEAK SKI AREA, WAUSAU The two chalets at the ski hill are designed to accommodate hundreds of people at a time, so why not use them as a venue for live music? Granite Peak again hosts an array of events all season long, open to the public, skiers and non-skiers alike. The ski hill rings in 2019 with a New Years Eve Party that will blow your moisture-wicking socks off. In addition to the annual fireworks on the slope, they also host a free party for ages 18+. Get your groove on to music by Chicago dance band Hello Weekend, with black lights, glow items galore and a balloon drop at midnight. Their “big” ticketed concert series features a variety of regional touring bands, like Breakfast Club (Dec. 22), an 80s cover band from Chicago, and Wisconsin acts Feed the Dog (Jan. 12) and local bluegrass heroes Horseshoes & Hand Grenades (March 30). You’ll also find more subdued live music for free in the Sundance and Historic chalets, typically Wednesdays-Sundays, and during other special events at the ski hill. These performances feature local musicians, often playing acoustically. A few concert highlights:

• Jan. 26 Alex Rossi • Feb. 9 Suburban Cowboys • Feb. 23 Comedy Juggler Show • March 15 The Infamous Stringdusters

• March 23 Fool House • Granite Peak is adding more events during the season, so get updates at and their Facebook page, or look to City Pages’ Big Guide every week.

The OK Factor: Have Yourself An OK Christmas THURSDAY DEC. 20 | GRAND THEATER, WAUSAU

The Grand always hosts several holiday acts in November and December. This year, one of those shows is part of the Grand’s 10x10 Concert Series, which feature modern up-andcoming artists in a more “lounge” set up on stage. Two classically trained musicians from the Midwest joined forces to create this alternative folk duo. Cellist Olivia Diercks and violinist Karla Dietmeyer perform their original music in a classical crossover style. With influences from classical, Americana and Irish fiddle, this twosome has great ears for creating and executing their tunes. They celebrate the holiday season with inventive arrangements of holiday favorites, creating unique and unexpected musical experiences. According to The Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier, “Their music fills the room, making it hard to believe that only two instruments are creating the sounds… they pull the audience in with their unorthodox style of playing.” Their warm, cozy sound is ideal for the intimate setting of the 10x10 Concert Series. • Show at 8 pm. $10 advance, $15 at door; $60 table of 4, $30 table of 2., 715-842-0988.

The OK Factor

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| 2018-2019

Winter Fest & Winter Brew Fest

FRIDAY (BREW) JAN. 25 | ELKS LODGE, DOWNTOWN WAUSAU SATURDAY JAN. 26 | 400 BLOCK AND DOWNTOWN WAUSAU One of the best ways to chase away the winter blues is to get outside and have fun. Wausau Event’s annual Winter Fest is that perfect excuse, for a day of free activities for all ages. The majority of the action—the snow slide, ice skating, horse-drawn wagon rides, curling demos and more—happen right on the 400 Block. Other events are spread throughout downtown. You’ll find kids story time and crafts at the library, story hour with Cooper the therapy dog at Janke Bookstore, a beach party at the Wausau Center Mall, live owls from REGI in the City Square Office Center, a model magic art project at the Center for the Visual Arts, cupcake decorating at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, and much more. The annual mac-n-cheese contest returns to the Great Hall. For $5 try versions from five local restaurants, then vote for your favorite. On the eve of Winter Fest, it’s a Friday night adults-only celebration with food, craft beer and wine at the Elks Lodge. Try over 40 different beer samples from local breweries, eat from the potato bar, and sip wine from Lil Ole Winemaker. Then groove to the party music of the String Cheese Band. This is a ticketed event with proceeds raising money for Wausau Events’ free programs year-round. • Winter Fest Saturday events run 10 am-3 pm. For a full schedule, see • Winter Brew Fest on Friday runs 7-10 pm. $25 until January 1, includes samples, food, glass and live music. 715-297-9531. continues on 72




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| winter must list


MUST LIST from 71

Manitowoc Minute’s Charlie Berens: Oh My Gosh!

FRIDAY FEB. 8 | GRAND THEATER, WAUSAU FRIDAY NOV. 30 | DREYFUS UNIVERSITY CENTER, UW-STEVENS POINT FRIDAY JAN. 11 | LAKE OF THE TORCHES, LAC DU FLAMBEAU Holy cow, guys! After a sold out show last May, the Grand Theater is bringing him back to Wausau. Revel in cheesehead humor with this comedian, journalist and YouTube star. Born and raised in Wisconsin with his 11 siblings, Berens began his career at UW-Madison reporting for MTV’s Choose or Lose. Since then he’s worked with Fox, CBS Sports Network, and Funny or Die to name a few. You probably know him for his YouTube show, Manitowoc Minute, the minute-long show about everything from national news to Wisconsin news. Hearing his good-humored jokes playfully poking fun at Wisconsin accents, phrases and life are guaranteed to make you laugh. Alight, keep ‘er movin’. • UWSP show 7:30 pm. Tickets $24 adult, $20 student, $40 VIP meet and greet. • Lake of the Torches show 7 pm, $20. • Wausau Show at 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $25 or $48 for a VIP Meet & Greet.

Victor Vasarely: Op Art Master

DEC. 1-FEB. 24 WOODSON ART MUSEUM, WAUSAU This world-renowned Hungarian-French artist (1906-1997) is considered the father of the optical-kinetic art movement —creating three-dimensional experiences through two-dimensional artworks, featuring bold colors and geometric shapes. Vasarely’s groundbreaking use of optical illusions became popular in the 1960s and 70s, when Op Art infiltrated everyday life through design, advertisements, and architecture. This traveling exhibition includes more than 150 of Vasarely’s works from the collection of Herakleidon Museum in Athens, Greece. His optical illusion art provides a fascinating look at visual perception and spatial relationships that will make you do a double-take. • Gallery hours Tues.–Fri. 9 am–4 pm, Sat.–Sun. noon– 5 pm; open until 7:30 on first Thurs. of each month. 715-845-7010, 

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| 2018-2019

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| winter must list


CALENDAR A long-range listing of major events, holiday programs and winter fun in the Wausau and Central Wisconsin area, now through March. Check City Pages’ Big Guide every week for more and updated events.

ONGOING Wausau Winter Market · Saturdays thru April 27, Boy & Girls Club, Wausau. Featuring local food products direct from the farmers, bakers, roasters, chefs and bee keepers. 8 am-noon. On Facebook Merrill Ice Draggers · Saturdays 1/19-2/23, Lake Alexander, Merrill. Fastest 1/8th mile drag auto racing on ice in the world. Racing starts at noon. Free, pit gate admission $50 adult season pass, $15 adult, $10 kids 6-14, free under 6. Details at Marshfield Rotary Winter Wonderland · Open Daily Nov. 23-Dec. 31, Wildwood Park, Marshfield. 1.5 million lights on display with family activities. Bring non-perishable food item. 5-9 pm. Central Wis. Speed Skating Club, Greenheck Field House, Weston. Join any time, free to try. Opportunity to compete at national/ local levels. Skates provided for kids through season. $235 + US & State Speed Skating fees. Practice most Sundays 6-7:30 pm., 715-581-8262 Open Skating · Marathon Park, Wausau. Mon.-Fri. 11 am1 pm; Wednesdays & Sundays. Wed. 7-9 pm; Sun. 2-5 pm. $2 youth, $3 adults. $3 rental. Special hours or closed during school vacations and holidays, call to check hours at 715-261-1570

NEW EXHIBITS OPENING Woodson Art Museum, Wausau · Free admission. Gallery hours Tues.–Fri. 9 am–4 pm, Sat.–Sun. noon–5 pm; open until 7:30 on first Thursday of each month. 715-845-7010, Victor Vasarely: Op Art Master · Dec. 1-Feb. 24. Threedimensional experiences via two-dimensional artworks featuring bold colors and geometric shapes. Cut Up/Cut Out · March 2-June 2. Contemporary take on the ancient, yet ever-evolving, art of cutting paper. The Work of Man-Soo Lee · Feb. 11-March 11, UW– Stevens Point Carlsten Gallery. Gallery hours: Mon.-Fri. 10 am-4 pm & 7-9 pm; Sat.-Sun. 1-4 pm. Pinned Down: Observations of the Caging of Humans in Contemporary America · March 18-April 14, UW– Stevens Point Carlsten Gallery. Gallery hours: Mon.-Fri. 10 am-4 pm & 7-9 pm; Sat.-Sun. 1-4 pm. Starting Out · Dec. 10-Feb. 1, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield. Juried exhibit of Wisconsin university student work. Gallery hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 am-4 pm.

Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art · Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat. noon-5 pm. 715-571-6551, Joyce Polance: Exchanges · Jan. 5-March 30. Paintings. Reception and lecture 1/7, 6-9 pm Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau · Free. Gallery hours Tues.–Fri. 10 am–5 pm; Sat. noon–4 pm. 715-842-4545, Gifted By Hand · Nov. 16-Dec. 29. Opening Gala: 11/30, 5-7 pm CVA Student/Volunteer Exhibit · Nov. 16-Dec. 29. Opening Gala: 11/30, 5-7 pm CVA Artists & Art by the Food · Dec. 7-29. Art by the Food benefits CVA Scholarship Fund. 29th Annual Midwest Season · Jan. 4-March 9. Work in all mediums and styles describe seasons of the Midwest. Opening Gala: 1/18, 5-7 pm Anders Shafer · Jan. 11-March 23. Perk O Ladies · March 15-May 11. Opening Gala: 3/22 5-7 pm Arfully Adjusted · March 29-May 18. Art of the Quilter V: Stitches in Time · Jan. 19-Feb. 3, WOWSPACE, Wittenberg. Annual open quilt show. Gallery open Sat.-Sun. 11 am-3 pm.

NOVEMBER Mamma Mia! · Thurs.-Sun. 11/15-18, DC Everest Senior High School, Schofield. Musical about woman’s search for birth father feat. songs of ABBA presented by DCE Performing Arts. Thurs. 6:30 pm; Fri.-Sat. 7 pm; Sun. 1 pm. $12 adults, $8 students, seniors. Heathers: The Musical · Thurs.-Sat. 11/15-17, UW-Stevens Point Jenkins Theatre. Based on dark, cult classic 1988 film, edgy and humorous Off-Broadway rock musical about high school hierarchy and a mysterious new student. Recommended for mature audiences. 7:30 pm. $24 adults and seniors, $14 youth. Fellowship of Christian Athletes Celebration Banquet · Thurs. 11/15, Highland Community Church, Wausau. Food, fundraising and inspiration with baseball legend Darryl Strawberry. 5:30 pm. Reservations required: 715-897-5394, Matty Ann & the Vacant · Thurs. 11/15, UW-Stevens Point Dreyfus Center. Punk rock. 8 pm. $5. Holiday Roping · Thurs. 11/15, Hsu Growing Supply, Wausau. Learn to make own holiday garland. 5-7 pm. $45., 715-675-5856 Lorie Line performs at the Grand Theater Dec. 18

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| 2018-2019

Beauty in a Broken World · Fri.-Sat. 11/16-17, St. Anthony Spirituality Center, Marathon. Storytelling in the framework of praying, beadwork, conversations. Fri. 5:30 pm-Sun. 3:30 pm. $95. Register: Open Skate · Fri.-Sun. 11/16-18, Smith Center, Merrill. Fri. 6:30-8:30 pm; Sat. 1-3 pm & 6-8 pm; Sun. 1:30-3:30 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-7313 Richard Marx · Fri. 11/16, North Star Casino, Bowler. Pop and rock performer, songwriter and producer with over 30 million albums sold worldwide. 8 pm. Tickets start at $35. Dream To Discovery · Fri. 11/16, Planetarium, Wausau West High School. Experience excitement of today’s space missions as you journey from NASA’s test facilities all the way to Pluto. 6 pm. $5 adult, $4 youth and senior. Reserve: Public Skating · Fri. 11/16, Greenheck Field House, Weston. $3 skate rental, $3 admission. 7-8:20 pm. 715-359-6563 Vintage Board Game Night · Fri. 11/16, Woodson History Center, Wausau. 100+ games or bring one to share. 710 pm. Free. 715-842-5750, Stevens Point Holiday Parade · Fri. 11/16, downtown, Stevens Point. Magic of the Polar Express theme, runs from the start of Main St. near Post Office to Town Square. 6-7 pm. Open Climbing Wall · Fri. 11/16, Greenheck Field House, Weston. Climbing instructions, proper fit for harness and helmet. 6:30-8:30 pm. $5, space limited. 715-359-6563 Night of Legends Christmas show · Fri. 11/16, Les & Jim’s Lincoln Lanes, Merrill. Molly Brown as Patsy Cline, Chris Lonsdorf as Buddy Holly, Kenny Yahnke as Elvis & Johnny Cash, and Mike Petterson as Dean Martin and Neil Diamond. 6:30 pm. $15 advance, $20 at door. Benefits Northwoods Veterans Post. 6:30 pm. 715-218-2528 Magic Mike XXL · Sat. 11/17, Coral Lanes, Rothschild. Men dance to steamy choreographed routines. 9 pm. Tickets start at $25. Tickets:

Warren Miller’s “Face of Winter” · Sat. 11/17, Grand Theater, Wausau. Legendary film series takes film-goers across the world to some of the most spellbinding skiing outposts. 6:30 pm. $20., 715-842-0988 Michael Stephenson · Sat. 11/17, UW-Stevens Point Dreyfus Center. 8 pm. $5. HUNKS: The Show · Sat. 11/17, Weston Lanes. Male revue show for ages 21+. 8 pm. $15. Tickets: Acrylic Pointillism a la Seurat Workshop with Val Berkely · Sat. 11/17, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Learn about Seurat and color theory. 1-3:30 pm. $75, includes supplies. Register: DINOvember · Sat. 11/17, Colossal Fossils, Wausau. Listen to musical masterpieces by Mozart and Beethoven as you peruse gallery. 10 am-3 pm. $6, $5 seniors, free 3 and under. Wintering Woodpeckers · Sat. 11/17, Schmeeckle Reserve Visitor Center, Stevens Point. Take a walk to look for woodpeckers and discover clues they leave behind. Dress for the weather. 1-2 pm. 715-346-4992 Explore the Magic Harry Potter Event · Sat. 11/17, Barnes and Noble, Wausau. Activities, games, cosplay, LEGO building, more. 2 pm. 715-241-6360 Tanya Tucker · Sat. 11/17, Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau. Country start with breakout hit “Delta Dawn”. 7 pm. Tickets start at $30. Empty Bowls · Sat. 11/17, Wausau West. Soup, live music, silent auction; fights hunger in north central Wis. 11 am2 pm. $12 meal and bowl, ages 6-12 $5 meal only, 5 and under meal only free. 715-845-1966 Holiday Bazaar · Sat. 11/17, Peace United Church of Christ, Schofield. Bakery, crafts, country store, books, raffle, luncheon, more. 9 am-2 pm. 715-359-2136 Central Wis. Hemp Expo · Sat. 11/17, Marshfield Mall Expo. Exhibitors, speakers and more. Presented by Hemp for Fitness. 9 am-6 pm. $5 general admission.

All Holidays Country Store and Bake Sale · Sat.-Sun. 11/17-18, Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Wausau. Décor, collectibles, gifts, taco lunch. Use S. 10th Ave. parking lot. Sat. 9 am-5 pm; Sun. 9 am-noon. 715-845-4832 St. Therese Holiday Showcase · Sat. 11/17, St. Therese, Schofield. Holiday craft fair with 70 vendors, bake sale and luncheon. 9 am-3 pm. Free admission. 715-359-2421 Arts & Craft Show · Sat. 11/17, Plaza Hotel & Conference Center, Wausau. 10 am-5 pm. Free. 715-845-4341 Santa’s Workshop Craft Show · Sat. 11/17, Sara Park, Tomahawk. Handcrafted and unique items from 32 of Santa’s helpers. 9 am-3 pm. 715-224-2450 The Stargazer · Sun. 11/18, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Explore the nature of the stars and stellar life cycles. 2 pm. Be Amazing Annual Fall Fest · Sun. 11/18, Greenheck Field House, Weston. Glow skate, teddy bear clinic, bounce houses, service projects, more. 2-4 pm. On Facebook Tinsel Trail · Sun. 11/18, Holiday Inn, Stevens Point. Hundreds of arts and crafts vendors sell homemade items and goods. Proceeds reinvested into Portage Co. 9 am4 pm. $3 entrance fee. Facebook: Tinsel Trail 2018 Divas in a Man’s World · Mon. 11/19, Grand Theater, Wausau. Vegas style production of favorite hits from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and today featuring female impersonators of Cher, Dolly Patron, Diana Ross and Joan Rivers. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $29. Create a Turkey Windsock · Mon. 11/19, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. Make a turkey windsock using variety of craft supplies. 3:30 pm. 715-693-2144 Stitchers and Rippers · Tues. 11/20, Marathon Co. Library, Stratford. Tweens, teens and adults practice math and learn to quilt. 3:30-4:30 pm. 715-687-4420 Girls Night Out Show · Tues. 11/20, Mountain Edge, Wausau. Magic Mike male dancers. 8-11 pm. $21.95 general admission. Tickets:

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Parade from Marathon Park to The 400 Block 60+ Floats Cookies Visit with Santa Live Music For full event schedule go to:



BREW FEST FRI., JAN. 25 7 - 10 PM

Elks Lodge #248, Downtown Sample 40+ Local Brews Live Music Appetizers $25 until January 1

includes samples, food, glass, live music

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SAT., JAN. 26 10 AM - 3 PM

Downtown Wausau Snow Slide Mac-n-Cheese Competition Dog Weight Pull Wagon Rides and more!


CALENDAR from 77

Art 101: Surveying Sculpture · Wed. 11/21, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Join curator of exhibitions for gallery walk focused on sculpture and the artists who create 3D artworks. 12:15-1 pm. 715-845-7010 Open Climbing Wall · Wed. 11/21, Greenheck Field House, Weston. Climbing instructions, proper fit for harness and helmet. 6:30-8:30 pm. $5, space limited. 715-359-6563 Public Skating · Wed. 11/21, Greenheck Field House, Weston. $3 skate rental, $3 admission. 7-8:20 pm. 715-359-6563 Festival of Trees · Wed.-Sun. 11/21-25, Stoney Creek Hotel & Conference Center, Rothschild. View and bid on trees and décor. Wed. noon-5 pm; Thurs. 1-5 pm; Fri. 9 am5 pm; Sat. noon-5 pm; Sun. noon-2 pm. $5 adults, $3 age 12 & under (free under 2). Senior Stroll · Wed. 9 am-noon, seniors $4. Teddy Bear Breakfast · Sat.-Sun. 9-10:30 am, children and teddy bears visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus and enjoy holiday activities. $15 adults, $10 ages 12 and under, $3 under 2. Reservations required. Opening Gala · Tues. 6-9 pm, exclusive viewing of trees with live music, raffles, silent auction and more. $50 before 11/17, $60 after. Stevens Point Turkey Trot · Thurs. 11/22, Pfiffner Park, Stevens Point. Non-competitive walk/run. 9 am. Free, bring non-perishable food item. Turkey Jam Aerobics · Thurs. 11/22, Woodson YMCA, Wausau. Try moves from Zumba, Yoga, Insanity, Kick boxing and R.I.P.P.E.D during Turkey Jam or Thankful Cycle Burn. Both at 8 am. Free with non-perishable food donation. Fitness Feast · Thurs. 11/22, Aspirus YMCA, Weston. Thanksgiving workouts. Turkey Shred 8:15-9:15 am or Turkey Tabata 9:15-10:15 am.

Tuba Christmas at Bull Falls Brewery Dec. 8 Eastbay Turkey Trot · Thurs. 11/22, Eastbay, Wausau. 5K run/walk certified by USA Track and Field with flat, fast course along city streets. 8:30 am. $30, free 5 and under. Fees donated to Marathon Co. Hunger Coalition. Register: Boogie & The Yo Yo’z · Fri. 11/23, North Star Casino Resort, Bowler. Country. 9 pm. Free. Newsies · Fri.-Sat. 11/23-24, Thurs. 11/29 & Sat. 12/1, UWSP-Wausau Center for Civic Engagement. Musical tale of newsboy strike when publishers raise distribution prices set in 1899 NYC. Presented by Central Wis. Children’s Theatre. Fri.-Sat. 2 pm & 7 pm; Thurs. 7 pm. $15 adult, $12 youth & seniors.

holiday + winterbook |


| 2018-2019

Breakfast with Santa · Sat. 11/24, Labor Temple, Wausau. All you can eat, Santa, face painting, elf shelf. 8 am-noon. $6 adults, $3 ages 5-12, free under 5. 715-848-1768 Holiday Making Workshop · Sat. 11/24, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Ages 9+ make gift tags and collage ornaments. Noon-3 pm. $35, includes supplies. Register:, 715-298-9198 Small Business Saturday · Sat. 11/24, Wausau. Shop local stores and give the gift of a sustainable community. Open Climbing Wall · Sat. 11/24, Greenheck Field House, Weston. Climbing instructions, get properly fitted for harness and helmet. 2-4 pm & 6:30-8:30 pm. $5, space limited. 715-359-6563 Mosinee Papermakers Hockey · Sat. 11/24, Mosinee Recreation Center. Vs. Monroe Blues. 8 pm. Wausau RiverWolves Hockey · Sat. 11/24, Marathon Park, Wausau. Vs. Milwaukee Power. 5 pm. $10 adults, $8 seniors, $5 ages 5-18, free under 5., 715-869-3132 Public Skating · Sat. 11/24, Greenheck Field House, Weston. $3 skate rental, $3 admission. 2:30-3:50 & 7-8:20 pm. 715-359-6563 Open Skate · Sat.-Sun. 11/24-25, Smith Center, Merrill. Sat. 6-8 pm; Sun. 2:30-4:30 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-7313 Callbacks · Sat. 11/24, Creske Center, Mosinee. 20th anniversary reunion show, brings back alumni and popular acts. 7 pm. Free will donation. Holiday Musicale · Sun. 11/25, Merrill History & Culture Center. Performances by The Vocal Jayz, Jim Bjorklund, Joshua Olson & Saydie Stewart, Carol & David Finanger with Marlene Graap as organist. 4 pm. Free will donation. Reservations required: 715-536-5652 An Evening with Paul Ehlers and Friends · Mon. 11/26, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Americana artist. 7:30 pm. $10. Tickets:, 715-365-4646

Little Town of Bethlehem Film and Discussion · Mon. 11/26, UWSP-Wausau Terrace Room. The reality of life for Christians, Jews and Muslims in Israel and Palestine. 6:30-8:30 pm. $39. Register: Wheel Throwing with Max Reinhardt · Tuesdays or Wednesdays 11/27-1/1, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Learn to center clay, build simple bowl and mug forms, trimming techniques, glazing practices, clay firing process. Beginning: Tues. 11/27-1/8 (not 12/15 or 1/1); Beginning to Intermediate: Wed. 11/28-12/19. 6:309 pm. $135. Register:, 715-298-9198 Learning in Retirement: Pet Therapy Dogs · Tues. 11/27, UWSP-Wausau Terrace Room. A representative from Therapy Dogs International presents the evaluation process and uses for therapy dogs. 10 am. $35 membership required. Register: Quilting & Beyond · Tues. 11/27, Stratford Community Hall. Work on quilting project. 1 pm. 715-687-4420 Which is Better? Book-to-Movie Night: Holes · Tues. 11/27, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Watch 2003 adaptation, discuss how it compares to book by Louis Sachar. 5:30 pm. 715-261-7200 Holiday Wreath Workshop · Tues. 11/27, Hsu Growing Supply, Wausau. Make and decorate wreath. 5-7 pm. $45., 715-675-5856 MCPL DIY: CD Etching · Wed. 11/28, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. Teens and adults learn to etch creative designs into recycled CDs. 6 pm. 715-359-6208 Construct Your Own Christmas or Holiday Poem · Thurs. 11/29, UWSP-Wausau Room 241. Write festive, meaningful poem to share with family and friends. 6-8 pm. $21. Register: Empower, Not Enable with Jeff VanVonderan · Thurs. 11/29, DC Everest Middle School, Schofield. Learn to raise up those struggling for long term sobriety. 6:30 pm. Free. Register:

Handbuilding with Pam Zahn · Thursdays 11/29-1/3, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Techniques, work on projects. 5:30-8:30 pm. $135. Register:, 715-298-9198 Ignite the Leader Within · Thurs. 11/29, Hilton Garden Inn, Wausau. Brett Davis, President and CEO of Aspirus Arise Health Plan facilitates three TEL Talks (version of TED Talks) presented by business and community leaders with breakout sessions. 3:30-7 pm. $20 or $120 table of 8. Register: Create a Colorful One-of-a-kind Paperweight in Glass · Thurs. 11/29, UWSP-Wausau Ceramic Studio. Skill and thrill of making glass paperweight using glassblowing tools. 6-9 pm. $79. Register: United Way RSVP: Secrets of the Happiest Retirees · Thurs. 11/29, United Way, Wausau. Learn about nonfinancial aspects of planning for retirement. 9:3011:30 am. Register: 715-298-5721 Christmas is For Children · Fri. 11/30 & Sun. 12/2, First English Lutheran Church, Wausau. Wausau Pro Musica featuring Wausau Conservatory of Music Children’s Choirs. Fri. 7 pm; Sun. 3 pm. Charlie Berens · Fri. 11/30, UW-Stevens Point Dreyfus Center. Comedian, host, actor and creator of Manitowoc Minute video series. 7:30 pm. $25, $40 VIP with meet and greet. Central Wis. Master Chorale: Ring Yuletide Bells! · Fri.Sun. 11/30-12/2. Carols spanning the centuries in multiple languages. Fri. 7 pm at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Stevens Point; Sat. 6:30 pm at First United Methodist Church, Waupaca; Sun. 2 pm at St. Joseph Convent Chapel, Stevens Point. $12 adult at door, $8 seniors, $5 children, free 2 and under. Wausau Holiday Parade · Fri. 11/30, Marathon Park to 400 Block. Arrives downtown around 7 pm, tree lighting and warming party after. 6:30 pm.

DECEMBER Central Wis. School of Ballet: The Nutcracker · Sat.-Sun. 12/1-2, Grand Theater, Wausau. Tchaikovsky’s ballet presented by Central Wis. School of Ballet tells story of Clara, who goes to sleep on Christmas Eve with new doll, only to wake to find a war breaking out between the Rat King, his army, and Nutcracker soldiers. 1:30 pm; Sat. 7 pm. Tickets start at $22., 715-842-0988 ABC Kids Christmas & Baby Gear Sale · Sat. 12/1, Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild. Toys, baby and kid items. 8 am-5 pm. Open Skate · Sat.-Sun. 12/1-2, Smith Center, Merrill. Sat. 6-8 pm; Sun. 1:30-3:30 pm. $3. Skates $2. 715-536-7313 Frostbite Road Race and Winter Walk · Sat. 12/1, Stevens Point YMCA. 5 mile walk or race, 10 mile race to beat the winter blues. Noon. $25/person or family $22/person by 11/20 or $35/$33 after. Kris Kringle Christmas Market · Sat. 12/1, Marathon Park East Gate Hall, Wausau. Crafts, treats, entertainment, Santa pictures. 9 am-4 pm. $2. Bold Brush Workshop · Sat.-Sun. 12/1-2, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Explore acrylic mediums and their potential to create textural, abstract paintings. 10 am4 pm. $300. Register:, 715-298-9198 Meet Author Jan Brett · Sat. 12/1, Janke Bookstore, Wausau. Famed children’s author and illustrator. 5 pm. O’Tannenbaum Tour · Sat.-Sun. 12/1-2, St. Stephens Church, Merrill. Rudolph guides tour of trees, wreaths and baskets with raffles and silent auction. Details TBD. Facebook: O’Tannenbaum Tour Merrill Christmas Parade · Sat. 12/1, Merrill. Starts at S. Genesee St. and ends at Courthouse with Santa turning Christmas lights on. 5-6 pm. Breakfast with Santa · Sat. 12/1, North Central Tech College, Wausau. Breakfast, activities, visit with Santa. 10 amnoon. Free, bring non-perishable food item.

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Coming in April 2019

Coming in June 2019

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CALENDAR from 79

Santa Paws Open House · Sat. 12/1, Humane Society of Portage Co., Stevens Point. Santa visits with furry friends. Details TBD. Mosinee Christmas Festival & Parade · Sat. 12/1, Mosinee High School & downtown, Mosinee. Artisans, crafts and small business show 9 am-3 pm, Santa and more 9-11 am, parade starts at 6 pm. Details: Nature’s Ornaments · Sat. 12/1, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Make holiday décor with natural materials. 10 am-noon. $2. Christmas at the Houses · Sat. 12/1, Woodson History Center and Yawkey House, Wausau. Tour decorated museums, see holiday collectibles and hear stories by costumed actors. Last tour leaves at 3:30 pm. 11 am4:30 pm. $5. Park Lane Manor Luminaria and Santa Visit · Sat. 12/1, Bell Tower, Merrill. Ring in Christmas season after holiday parade with lights, cookies, pictures with Santa and hot cocoa. 6-9 pm. 715-536-5575 ext. 405 Old-Fashioned Christmas Festival · Sat.-Sun. 12/1-2, Willow Springs Garden, 4 miles north of Wausau. Live music, crafts, horse-drawn wagon rides, food, more. Sat. 10 am-8 pm; Sun. 10 am-1 pm. The Ultimate Tribute to Rod Stewart · Sat. 12/1, Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau. John Anthony performs favorite Rod Stewart hits with a dynamic stage presence and energy. 7 pm. $15. Living River Quartet: Lean on Me · Sat. 12/1, Plaza Hotel & Suites Two River Room, Wausau. Program provides peace with blend of spiritual songs, feel-good and traditional Christmas music. Hosted by Wings, A Grief Ministry. 4-6 pm. Free. Holiday with Cantus · Sat.-Sun. 12/1-2, Sentry Theater, Stevens Point. Program of Holiday arrangements by the Central Wis. Symphony Orchestra with vocal group Cantus. Sat. 7:30-9:30 pm; Sun. 4-6 pm. $39.81 adults, $30.33 senior, $11.37 student. Tickets: Wausau RiverWolves Hockey · Sun. 12/2, Marathon Park, Wausau. Vs. Coulee Region Chill. 5 pm. $10 adults, $8 seniors, $5 ages 5-18, free under 5., 715-869-3132 UWSP Planetarium Shows · Sundays 12/2-16, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Winter Wonders: Multicultural look at holiday customs and the winter solstice. 2 pm · Seasons of Light: Discover astronomy concepts, holiday traditions of several cultures and religions. 3:15 pm. Quartetto Gelato · Sun. 12/2, Merrill High School Auditorium. Exotic blend of musical virtuosity, artistic passion and humor. Part of Merrill Area Concert Assoc. series. 3-5 pm. Requires membership $45 adults, $18 students, $115 family. 715-252-6295, History Speak in Mosinee: The Arts in the Community · Mon. 12/3, Mosinee High School. Presentation by Sarah Rudolph. 7 pm. 715-842-5750 It’s a Wonderful Life: Live from WVL Radio Theatre · Tues. 12/4, Campanile Center for the Arts, Minocqua. It’s Christmas Eve in 1945, and only a handful of Radio’s actors have braved the blizzard to perform broadcast of It’s a Wonderful Life and keep the station afloat. 7 pm. $25 advance, $30 at door. Tickets: Expressive Portrait and Figure Painting Workshop · Tues.Wed. 12/4-5, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Learn to paint from reference photos with Tonja Sell. 10 am4 pm. $300. Register:, 715-298-9198 The Hidden Lives Among Us · Tues. 12/4, Schmeeckle Reserve Visitor Center, Stevens Point. Animals are master hiders, follow clues to find the unseen critters of Schmeeckle. 6-7 pm. 715-346-4992 Deck the Halls! Craft Day · Tues. 12/4, Marathon Co. Library, Stratford. All ages make holiday crafts. 3:30 pm. 715-687-4420 All I Want for Christmas is the Right to Grieve · Tues. 12/4, Aspirus Wausau Hospital Medallion Room. Learn common complaints grievers feel, expectations without compromising feelings. 6-7:30 pm. Free. 715-845-4159

Willow Springs’ Old-Fashioned Christmas Festival Dec. 1-2 MCPL Movie Night: “Won’t You Be My Neighbors?” · Tues. 12/4, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Screen documentary about Mr. Rogers. 6:30 pm. 715-261-7200 The Midtown Men: Holiday Hits · Wed. 12/5, Grand Theater, Wausau. Sold out, tickets may become available. 7:30 pm., 715-842-0988 MCPL DIY: Snowy Jar Candle Holders · Wed. 12/5, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon. Make “snow” covered jar candle. 4:30 pm. 715-443-2775 Traditional Christmas Concert · Wed. 12/5, Newman Catholic Middle & High School, Wausau. 6:30 pm. It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play · Wed.-Thurs. 12/5-6, Thrive Foodery, Wausau. Beloved American holiday classic comes to life as a 1940s radio broadcast. Presented by Out of the Woods Theatre. 6 pm. Reservations required: 715-393-4040 Adult Night at the Library: Holiday Crafting · Wed. 12/5, Marathon Co. Library, Edgar. 5 pm. 715-352-3155 Cults and New Religions · Wednesdays 12/5-19, UWSPWausau Room 240. Examine important issues at the intersection of religion, culture and politics in America. 9-10:30 am. $39. Register: UWSP-Wausau Winter Instrumental Concert · Thurs. 12/6, UWSP-Wausau Veninga Theater, Wausau. Feat. Concert Band & Jazz Ensemble. 7 pm. $5. Art 101/Hands On Art: Op Art Exploration · Thurs. 12/6, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Re-create Op Artinspired images for notecards, illustrations, etc., create illusions by drawing. 5:30-7 pm. 715-845-7010 DIY Gift Bags · Thurs. 12/6, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. 5:30 pm. 715-693-2144 Hobbies and Crafts Night · Thurs. 12/6, Marathon Co. Library, Athens. Creating, socializing. 6 pm. 715-257-7292 Vintage Board Game Night: 21+ Night · Thurs. 12/6, Limericks, Wausau. Vintage board game collection available with vintage cocktails. 7 pm. 715-842-5750 Afterimages 2018 · Thurs.-Sun. 12/6-9, UW-Stevens Point Jenkins Theatre. Student-directed show highlights student choreographers, performers, lighting and costume designers and gives students the full experience of creating their own work. Fri.-Sat. 7:30 pm; Sun. 2 pm. $24 adults and seniors, $14 youth. Christmas Craft Sale and Tree Decorating and Lighting · Fri.-Sat. 12/7-8, Wowspace, Wittenberg. Craft and bake sale Fri. 3-8 pm & Sat. 9 am-3 pm. Christmas tree lighting and decorating Fri. 7 pm.

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| 2018-2019

Open Skate · Fri.-Sat. 12/7-8, Smith Center, Merrill. Fri. 6:30-8:30 pm; Sat. 1-3 pm & 6-8 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-7313 International Dinner Lecture: Iceland · Fri. 12/7, UWSPWausau Center for Civic Engagement. With Sue Kissinger and UWSP Adventure Tours. 5:30-9 pm. $35. Register: Family Festival Weekend · Fri.-Sun. 12/7-9, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. Family fun weekend with Saturday night fireworks. Jingle & Mingle: Flannel and Frost · Fri. 12/7, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. S’mores Bar, fire and live music by String Cheese band. For ages 18+. 7:45 pm. $10 general admission. Register: Mick Sterling’s At Christmas · Fri. 12/7, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Family-fueled comedy drama with live band. 7:30 pm. $15., 715-365-4646 Steve March-Tormé · Fri. 12/7, Lettie Jensen Center, Amherst. Holiday vocals with catered Italian dinner. 5:30 pm. $18 show only, $25 dinner and show. Tickets: A Madrigal Evening · Fri. 12/7, St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, Wausau. Medieval night of food, drink, entertainment, merriment by Central Wis. Youth Choir featuring Bella Voice. 7 pm. $20. Tickets: Christmas Cabaret: A Musical Holiday Evening · Fri. 12/7, Wausau Conservatory of Music. Stroll through Conservatory enjoying appetizers and desserts while listening to holiday music by 100+ local musicians. 6-9 pm. $10. A Christmas Carol · Fri.-Sun. 12/7-9, Grand Theater, Wausau. Classic tale of Ebenezer Scrooge who is visited by ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future. Presented by Wausau Community Theater. 7:30 pm, Sun. 2 pm. $22 adults, $18 seniors, $14 youth in advance. (Prices increase $3 at door). Tuba Christmas · Sat. 12/8, Bull Falls Brewery, Wausau. Tubas perform holiday tunes. 3 & 4:15 pm. 715-842-2337 Yoga 4 Paws · Sat. 12/8, Stevens Point Parks & Rec Dept. Class by Ana Marie Yoga benefits Humane Society of Portage Co. 10-11 am. $25. On Facebook Breakfast with Santa · Sat. 12/8, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Wausau. With photo opportunity. 8-11 am. Free will offering.

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CALENDAR from 80

Colossal Fossils Open · Sat. 12/8, Colossal Fossils, Wausau. See how dinosaurs decorated for the holidays. 10 am3 pm. $6; $5 seniors, free 3 and under. Wausau Rotary Reindeer Run · Sat. 12/8, Doepke Park, Rib Mountain. 5K chip timed run and 1K kids fun run. 10 am-noon. $30 advance, $35 day of, $10 kids fun run. Register: Breakfast with Santa · Sat. 12/8, Smith Center, Merrill. Pictures with Santa. 8-11 am. $3 donation. Reserve: 715-536-7313 Alien Invaders · Sat. 12/8, Schmeeckle Reserve Visitor Center, Stevens Point. Learn how invasive species threaten native plants and animals, and destroy the diverse landscape. 2:30-3:30 pm. 715-346-4992 Cookie Walk · Sat. 12/8, Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, Rothschild. Select variety of handmade cookies. Proceeds go towards charitable projects of Mount Calvary Lutheran Church. 9-11 am. 715-551-8757 St. Agnes Sweet Shop · Sat. 12/8, St. Agnes, Weston. Fancy cookies and candy, luncheon, raffle and prizes. 11 am2 pm. 715-359-5675 Deck the Malls Holiday Bazaar · Sat.-Sun. 12/8-9, Cedar Creek Mall, Rothschild. Vendors, kids activities and breakfast with Santa on Sat. 8-10 am. Sat. 8 am-5 pm; Sun. 11 am-4 pm. 262-643-4430 Central Wis. Christmas Expo · Sat.-Sun. 12/8-9, Central Wis. Convention Center, Rothschild. 80+ vendors, Santa pictures, live holiday music. Sat. 10 am-4 pm; Sun. 9 am2 pm. Free admission. Owl Be Home For Christmas · Sat. 12/8, Wild Birds Unlimited, Wausau. Meet education owls from Raptor Education Group. 1-4 pm. Santa Paws · Sat. 12/8, Humane Society of Marathon Co., Wausau. Bring furry family members for photos with Santa and refreshments. Noon-5 pm.

Wausau Lyric Choir Christmas Concert · Sat.-Sun. 12/8-9, First Presbyterian Church, Wausau. Concert celebrates holidays. Sat. 7:30 pm; Sun. 3 pm. Birds of Chicago · Sat. 12/8, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Rock and roll poetry, roots, Americana. 7:30 pm. $25. Tickets:, 715-362-6000 Toys for Tots · Sat. 12/8, Eagles Club, Wausau. Live music by Bobby Blues and Tortured Soul at 6:30 pm. 5 pm. $5 or new unwrapped toy. 715-845-4795 The Doo Wop Project · Sat. 12/8, Lucille Tack Center, Spencer. Pop songs in classic, doo wop style. 7:30 pm. $57 premium, $47 reserved. Monteverdi Chorale: Voices of Christmas · Sat.-Sun. 12/89, Stevens Point. Carols, hymns and songs from around the world and across the centuries. Sat.: St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 7:30 pm; Sun.: Holy Spirit Catholic Church 3 pm., 715-342-5636 Christmas with Living River · Sat. 12/8, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Merrill. Contemporary praise, worship, gospel and a cappella styles. 5:30 pm. UWSP-Wausau Winter Choral Concert · Sun. 12/9, UWSPWausau Veninga Theater. 7 pm. $5. Advent Day of Prayer: Journeying to Bethlehem · Sun. 12/9, St. Anthony Spirituality Center, Marathon. Day of reflection and prayer. 9 am-3 pm. $45. Ancient Animals · Sun. 12/9, Schmeeckle Reserve Visitor Center, Stevens Point. Come face-to-face with the ancient animals that roamed during the Ice Age. Unlock mysteries of these extinct giants on an interactive winter hike. Dress for weather. 1-2 pm. 715-346-4992 MCPL DIY: Holiday Decorations · Tues. 12/11, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. 1:30 pm. 715-261-7200 UWSP Community Lecture: Ethics and Conscious Machines · Tues. 12/11, Portage Co. Library Pinery Room, Stevens Point. Presented by philosophy professor Joshua Horn. 6:30 pm. Free. 715-346-1548,

Learning in Retirement: Bombs and Landmines in Laos · Wed. 12/12, UWSP-Wausau Terrace Room. Jim Harris discusses his work to remove unexploded bombs in Laos. 10 am. $35 membership. Register: Jazz Listening Session: Sara Rifleman Trio · Wed. 12/12, Scarabocchio Art Museum, Stevens Point. Jazz. 7 pm. $10 donation. 715-345-7726 It’s a Very Joe.e Christmas · Wed. 12/12, Grand Theater, Wausau. Holiday celebration with modern arrangements of Christmas classics and contemporary hits. Benefits Toys for Tots of Marathon Co. 7 pm. $10 and a new, unwrapped toy., 715-842-0988 Jon Rineman · Wed. 12/12, UW-Stevens Point Dreyfus Center. Comedian. 9 pm. $5. Aileeah Colgan · Thurs. 12/13, UW-Stevens Point Dreyfus Center. Singer, songwriter. 8:30 pm. $5. I Remember When Club · Thurs. 12/13, Woodson History Center, Wausau. Write stories to share with children and grandchildren. 10:30 am. Snowshoe Outing or Hike · Thurs. 12/13, Mead Wildlife Area, Milladore. Explore Mead Wildlife Center by snowshoeing or hiking. Snowshoes provided. 1-3 pm. $21. Register: Snowflake Science · Thurs. 12/13, Schmeeckle Reserve Visitor Center, Stevens Point. Investigate the science behind these miniature works of art, build own snowflake, and go on snowflake safari. Dress for weather. 5:30-6:30 pm. 715-346-4992 American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Class · Thurs.Sun. 12/13-16, John Muir Middle School, Wausau. Ages 15+ become certified lifeguard. Portion of class must be completed online prior to in-person class. Thurs.-Fri. 48 pm; Sat.-Sun. 9 am-6 pm. $150. Register: 715-261-1550 Grow Your Customer Base · Thurs. 12/13, UWSP-Wausau Sonnentag Room. Learn to increase sales through networking, sales techniques, and marketing. 34:30 pm. Free members, $15 non-members. Pre-registration required:

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Mannheim Steamroller Christmas · Thurs. 12/13, Grand Theater, Wausau. Sold out, tickets may become available. 7:30 pm., 715-842-0988 Wausau RiverWolves Hockey · Fri. 12/14, Marathon Park, Wausau. Vs. Peoria Mustangs. 7:30 pm. $10 adults, $8 seniors, $5 ages 5-18, free under 5., 715-869-3132 Open Skate · Fri.-Sun. 12/14-16, Smith Center, Merrill. Fri. 6:30-8:30 pm; Sat. 7-9 pm; Sun. 1:30-3:30 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-7313 Like a Storm with Palisades · Fri. 12/14, Q&Z Expo Center, Ringle. Metal. 6 pm. $20 in advance, $25 day of. Tuba Christmas · Fri. 12/14, UW-Stevens Point Noel Fine Arts Center. Wear festive attire for tubas and euphoniums playing carols. 7:30 pm. Free. A Miracle on 34th Street · Fri.-Sat. 12/14-15, Sentry Theater, Stevens Point. The story, presented as a radio play, about a young girl who meets Kris Kringle. Presented by Central Wis. Area Community Theater. 7:30 pm. $5 tickets at door. Altenburgh Christmas Extravaganza · Fri. 12/14, Grand Theater, Wausau. Night of the best of jazz, blues, and the Holiday songs you know and love. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $43., 715-842-0988 Gingerbread House Construction · Fri. 12/14, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Use creativity and engineering skills to create gingerbread house, ages 8 and under must be accompanied by adult. 3:15-5:15 pm. 715-536-7191 Christmas with Living River · Fri. 12/14, Highland Community Church, Wausau. Contemporary praise, gospel, a cappella styles. 7 pm. Holiday Makers Market · Sat. 12/15, Elks Club, Wausau. Peruse unique local makers while sipping brews and signature drinks with live music. 11 am-5 pm. Facebook: Wausau Makers Market Co.

Angels Among Us Holiday Festival · Sat. 12/15, Rothschild Pavilion. Games, crafts, photos with Santa, and much more. 3-6 pm. Hosted by Foundation of St. Clare’s Hospital. 715-393-2514 Christmas with Living River · Sat. 12/15, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Wausau. Contemporary praise, gospel and a cappella styles. 7 pm. Sylvan Hill Tubing Opening Weekend · Sat.-Sun. 12/15-16, Sylvan Hill, Wausau. Sat. 1:30-5 pm & 6-9:30 pm; Sun. 1:30-5 pm. $9.50 adults, $7 youth. 715-261-1550 Wausau Academy of Dance: Most Wonderful Time of the Year · Sun. 12/16, Grand Theater, Wausau. Holiday dance performance of classics and new favorites. 5 pm. $17.50. Tickets: Book Folding Art · Mon. 12/17, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon. Learn to fold paper into creative designs. 3 pm. 715-443-2775 Lorie Line: Lord of Lords · Tues. 12/18, Grand Theater, Wausau. Holiday extravaganza from pianist with pop chamber orchestra and guest vocalist. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $57. Tickets: Art 101: Op Art Exploration · Wed. 12/19, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Create small-scale Op Art illusions. 12:15-1 pm. 715-845-7010 The OK Factor: Have Yourself An OK Christmas · Thurs. 12/20, Grand Theater, Wausau. Celebrate Holidays with original compositions and inventive arrangements of Holiday favorites by classical-crossover duo. Part of 10x10 series. 8 pm. $10 advance, $15 at door., 715-842-0988 Diamond Rio · Fri. 12/21, North Star Casino, Bowler. Country. 8 pm. Tickets start at $25. Open Skate · Fri.-Sat. 12/21-22, Smith Center, Merrill. Fri. 6:30-8:30 pm; Sat. 6-8 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-7313 Santa Visits Granite Peak · Sat. 12/22, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. Kids meet and get photo taken with Santa. 1-4 pm. Free.

Mosinee Papermakers Hockey · Sat. 12/22, Mosinee Recreation Center. Vs. Fox Cities Ice Dogs. 8 pm. Home Free: A Country Christmas · Sat. 12/22, Grand Theater, Wausau. Sold out, tickets may become available. 7:30 pm. The Breakfast Club · Sat. 12/22, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. 80’s cover band, dance your socks off to ACDC, Poison, Guns N’ Roses, more. Ages 18+. 8-11:30 pm. Free. Free Ski Day · Wed. 12/26, Standing Rock Co. Park, Stevens Point. Cross country and downhill skiing with limited free equipment rentals on first come first serve basis. 11 am4 pm. Free. Colossal Fossils Winter Break · Thurs.-Fri. 12/27-28, Colossal Fossils, Wausau. View fossils and replicas. 10 am-3 pm. $6 adults and children, $5 seniors, free 3 and under. Vintage Board Game Night · Fri. 12/28, Woodson History Center, Wausau. 100+ available or bring one to share. 7-10 pm. Free. 715-842-5750, Open Skate · Fri.-Sun. 12/28-30, Smith Center, Merrill. Fri. 6:30-8:30 pm; Sat. 6-8 pm; Sun. 2:30-4:30 pm. $3 admission, $3 skate rental. 715-536-7313 Luminary Snowshoe Walk · Fri. 12/28, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Bring family, friends and dogs for a lit walk with bonfire, hot chocolate, marshmallow and more. Held with or without snow. Snowshoe rental $2 donation. $2 admission, free members. 6-8 pm. Dinosaur Theatre · Sat. 12/29, Colossal Fossils, Wausau. Double-feature movie. Bring chairs and blanket. 10 am3 pm. $6, free 3 and under. Holiday Break in the Gardens Camp · Mon.-Tues. 12/311/1, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Grades 1-3 explore the world of plants and animals in the winter. 9 am-noon. $15 per day. Register:

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| calendar



CALENDAR from 83

Trampled By Turtles, at the Grand Theater Jan. 10 Family New Year’s Eve Bash · Mon. 12/31, YMCA, Stevens Point. Inflatable fun, ice cream, open swimming and New Year’s countdown. 5-8 pm. Free. New Year’s Eve Celebration · Mon. 12/31, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. Chicago Dance Band Hello Weekend, black lights, glow items, balloon drop at midnight. 8-12:30 pm. Free. New Year’s Eve Pawty · Mon. 12/31, Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild. Ages 21+ enjoy live music, dancing, appetizers, cash bar, games, raffles, and more. Supports Humane Society of Marathon Co. 8 pm12:30 am. $35.

JANUARY 2019 Vintage Board Game Night: 21+ Night · Thurs. 1/3, Limericks, Wausau. Vintage board game collection with special vintage cocktails. 7 pm. 715-842-5750 Art 101: Op Art Survey · Thurs. 1/3, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Learn evolution of Op Art and artists who shaped the movement. 5:30-6:30 pm. 715-845-7010 Hands-on Art: Weaving Illusions · Thurs. 1/3, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Create woven collage designed to trick the eye. 5:30-7 pm. 715-845-7010 Open Skate · Fri.-Sat. 1/4-5, Smith Center, Merrill. Fri. 6:30-8:30 pm; Sat. 1-3 pm & 6-8 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-7313 Mosinee Papermakers Hockey · Fri. 1/4, Mosinee Recreation Center. Vs. West Bend. 8 pm. Family Festival Weekend · Fri.-Sun. 1/4-6, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. Family fun with Saturday night fireworks. Badger State Winter Games · Fri.-Sun. 1/4-6. eGames: Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild. Youth Hockey: Marathon Park, Wausau. Squirt A & B. Details, schedule: Evercon · Fri.-Sun. 1/4-6, Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild. Gaming, anime convention. Fri. 11 am-10 pm; Sat. 9 am-10 pm; Sun. 9 am-5 pm. $35 weekend; $15 Fri. or Sun.; $25 Sat. Wausau RiverWolves Hockey · Fri.-Sat. 1/4-5, Marathon Park, Wausau. Vs. Willmar WarHawks. 7:30 pm. $10 adults, $8 seniors, $5 ages 5-18, free under 5., 715-869-3132 Mosinee Papermakers Hockey · Sat. 1/5, Mosinee Recreation Center. Vs. Minnesota Warriors. 7 pm. Art Park Open Studio · Sat. 1/5, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. All ages drop in to create woven optical-illusion collage. 1-3 pm. 715-845-7010

Kids Snow Striders Ski Lessons · Sundays 1/6-2/3, Nine Mile Recreation Area, Rib Mountain. Ages 4-9 learn to cross country ski. Some equipment available, first come first served. 2-3 pm. $15 Nordic Club members, $25 general. Sign Up Meeting Sun. 12/9, Nine Mile, 1 pm., 715-302-5689 Adult Night at the Library: Pull String Art · Mon. 1/7, Marathon Co. Library, Edgar. Basics, make own creation. 5:30 pm. 715-352-3155 Health and Wellness Club: Cures for the Winter Blues · Tues. 1/8, Marathon Co. Library, Athens. Group discussion on health, natural remedies that cure winter blues. 11:30 am. 715-257-7292 Local Author Visit: Cindy Meyering · Wed. 1/9 & Sat. 1/12, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon. Meet local author and hear about book “I’m There For You.” Wed. 5:30 pm; Sat. 10 am. 715-443-2775 Free Adult Cross Country Ski Lessons · Tuesdays 1/8-29, Nine Mile Forest Recreation Area, Wausau. Open to adults and high school students, with cookies, hot chocolate and cider after. Includes trail passes and ski rentals (first come, first served). No children. 6:30 pm registration, 7-8 pm lessons. Free. Trampled By Turtles · Thurs. 1/10, Grand Theater, Wausau. Bluegrass band with Them Coulee Boys. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $29.50. Abby Jeanne · Fri. 1/11, Grand Theater, Wausau. Singer, songwriter and producer performs rock and poetry. Part of 10x10 Series. 8 pm. $10 in advance, $15 at door. Christmas Tree Recycling and Campfire · Fri. 1/11, Hsu Growing Supply, Wausau. Drop off tree anytime 7 am8 pm, campfire 4-8 pm. Free. 715-675-5856 Open Skate · Fri.-Sat. 1/11-12, Smith Center, Merrill. Fri. 6:30-8:30 pm; Sat. 6-8 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-7313 Mosinee Papermakers Hockey · Fri. 1/11, Mosinee Recreation Center. Vs. Fox Cities. 8 pm. Charlie Berens · Fri. 1/11, Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau. Comedy show featuring creator of Manitowoc Minute. 7 pm. $20. Leinenkugel’s Classic Pond Hockey · Fri.-Sun. 1/11-13, Marathon Park, Wausau. Multiple divisions, concessions, music. Games begin 5 pm Fri. Register: Duel in the New Year · Fri. 1/11, City Grill, Wausau. Hors d’oeuvres, cash bar, entertainment by Piano Fondue, featuring two baby grand pianos and two singers. 711:30 pm. $35 or $64 a couple by 12/14. 715-848-2900 Feed the Dog · Sat. 1/12, Granite Peak Sundance Chalet, Wausau. Eclectic, action-packed, high-energy, jam-rock grass band. Ages 18+. 8-11:30 pm. Free.

Snekkevik Ski Race · Sat. 1/12, Nine Mile Recreation Area, Wausau. Classic and skate-style cross-country ski race. 3.5K, 6K, 12K, 24K adult courses with free 1K children’s event for ages 9 and under. 8 am registration, 9:30 am race. Details: Badger State Winter Games · Sat. 1/12, Wausau. ArcheryNASP: John Muir Middle School. Elementary, middle and high school divisions. 8 am. Apline Skiing: Granite Peak. Racing begins at 8:45 am. Live Ice Sculpting · Sat. 1/12, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. Watch sculpture be made out of ice with light features. 2-4 pm. Illusion Quilts Workshop · Sat. 1/12, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Adults learn patterns that create dimension and depth in quilts. 1-4 pm. $35 members, $50 non-members. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Open Sleigh Rides, Soup & Sandwich Buffet · Sun. 1/13, Willow Springs, Wausau. 9 am-3 pm. $20 per person with soup, $12 ride only. Nigh at the Opera · Sun. 1/13, First Presbyterian Church, Wausau. Concert by Wausau Symphony Orchestra. Details TBD. 4 pm. Total Barre Class · Mon. 1/14, Croi Croga Studio, Wausau. Fun workout set to the beautiful music of Adolphe Adam’s Giselle. Part of the Grand’s Community Engagement Series. 4:30-5:30 pm. Myths and Truths: Human Trafficking in Central Wis. · Tues. 1/15, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Learn about human trafficking, how the topic hits home in central Wis. 6 pm. 715-261-7200 Women’s Leadership Conference · Wed. 1/16, Central Wis. Convention + Expo Center, Rothschild. Keynote speakers, breakout sessions, cash bar, more. 8:30 am-5 pm. $75 members, $90 non-members. Register: Art 101: Op Art Survey · Wed. 1/16, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Explore rise and fall of Op Art movement of 1960s and 70s. 12:15-1 pm. 715-845-7010 Russian National Ballet: Giselle · Thurs. 1/17, Grand Theater, Wausau. 50 of Russia’s finest dancers enchant all ages with haunting romantic story, stirring score, and sumptuous choreography of renowned ballet. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $35., 715-842-0988 Tasting Barre · Center for the Visual Arts Gallery and Loft, Wausau. Whiskey and Wine tasting prior to Russian National Ballet performance. 6 pm. $25., 715-842-0988 Growing Microgreens and Other Leafy Greens · Thurs. 1/17, Hsu Growing Supply, Wausau. 5-6 pm. Free., 715-675-5856 I Remember When Club · Thurs. 1/17, Woodson History Center, Wausau. Write family stories to share with children and grandchildren. 10:30 am.

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| calendar


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CALENDAR from 84

Handbuilding with Pam Zahn · Thursdays 1/17-2/21, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Techniques, work on projects. 5:30-8:30 pm. $135. Register:, 715-298-9198 MCPL DIY: Homemade Pine Cone Fire Starters · Thurs. 1/17, Marathon Co. Library, Athens. Learn to use pine cones as natural fire starter. 6 pm. 715-257-7292 Randy Bachman · Fri. 1/18, Grand Theater, Wausau. Artist honors remarkable musical legacy of early mentor, hero and inspiration, Beatles guitarist and songwriter George Harrison. 8 pm. Tickets start at $47. Finger and Arm Knitting · Fri. 1/18, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Drop in and learn to knit. 1 pm. 715-446-3537 Wine, Cheese & all that Jazz · Fri. 1/18, Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild. Annual fundraiser for Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area with tables and tables of food, wine; live music. Details TBD. Mosinee Papermakers Hockey · Fri. 1/18, Mosinee Recreation Center. Vs. Eagle River Falcons. 8 pm. L.J. Booth and Chris Kokesh · Sat. 1/19, Lettie Jensen Center, Amherst. Variety. Part of Tomorrow River Concert Series. 7:30 pm. Tickets: Tim Buchholz Octet · Sat. 1/19, Merrill High School Auditorium. Nationally recognized singer and arranger joined by seven regional jazz artists. Part of Merrill Area Concert Association series. 7-9 pm. Requires season membership $45 adults, $18 students, $115 family. 715-252-6295, Snow Sculpture: Cool Cube Illusion · Sat.-Sun. 1/19-20, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Team USA Snow Sculptors carve an Op Art-inspired sculpture from snow. Noon-5 pm. 715-845-7010 Rib Mountain Candlelight Snowshoe Hike · Sat. 1/19, Rib Mountain State Park Friends Gathering Space. Some snowshoes available to borrow. Flashlights/ headlamps suggested. Hot chocolate, cider, marshmallows around campfire. 6-8 pm. State sticker required for entry., 715-842-2522 Million Dollar Quartet · Sat. 1/19, North Star Casino, Bowler. Classical rock musical. 8 pm. Tickets start at $45. Open Skate · Sun. 1/20, Smith Center, Merrill. 2:304:30 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-7313 Dawn of Astronomy · Sundays 1/20-3/3, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Learn how the ancients, through their astronomical observations, measured time, determined direction, more. 2 pm. Learn to Quilt · Tues. 1/22, Marathon Co. Library, Stratford. Ages 10+ learn fundamentals. 3:30 pm. 715-687-4420 Snowflake Craft Day · Tues. 1/22, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. Craft decorative snowflakes with paper, beads and pipe cleaners. 2 pm. 715-693-2144 Quilting & Beyond · Tues. 1/22, Marathon Co. Library, Stratford. Quilting project. 2 pm. 715-687-4420 Birding for Beginners · Wed. 1/23, Marathon Co. Library, Stratford. All ages learn about birds in Wis., create bird feed and nature journal. 6 pm. 715-687-4420 The Highwaymen Live · Thurs. 1/24, Campanile Center, Minocqua. Legendary American Outlaw tribute with Willie Nelson, Bob Gill and Johnny Cash. 7 pm. $29 in advance, $35 at door. Tickets: Badger State Winter Games: Figure Skating · Thurs.-Sun. 1/24-27, Mosinee Recreation Center, Mosinee. Synchronized and team entertainment events. 8 am. Details, schedule: Open Skate · Fri.-Sat. 1/25-26, Smith Center, Merrill. Fri. 6:30-8:30 pm; Sat. 7-9 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-7313 Wausau RiverWolves Hockey · Fri. 1/25, Marathon Park, Wausau. Vs. Coulee Region Chill. 7:30 pm. $10 adults, $8 seniors, $5 ages 5-18, free under 5., 715-869-3132 Wisconsin Singers · Fri. 1/25, Lakeland Union High School, Minocqua. Featuring top talents from UW-Madison. 7 pm. $20 adults, $5 students.

Wisconsin author and humorist Michael Perry, the keynote speaker at Garden Visions Jan. 25 Luminary Snowshoe Walk · Fri. 1/25, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Bring family, friends and dogs for a walk with bonfire, hot chocolate, marshmallows and more. Held with or without snow. Snowshoes available for $2 donation. $2, free members. 6-8 pm. Winter Brew Fest · Fri. 1/25, Elk’s Lodge, Wausau. Taste local craft beers with potato bar and live music. 7-10 pm. $25 tickets by 1/1. Winter Fest · Sat. 1/26, 400 block and downtown Wausau. Horse-drawn carriage rides, snow slide, ice sculptures, mac-n-cheese contest, art projects, cookie decorating, ice skating and more. 10 am-3 pm. Vintage Board Game Night · Fri. 1/25, Woodson History Center, Wausau. 100+ games or bring own to share. 710 pm. Free. 715-842-5750, Badger State Winter Games · Fri.-Sun. 1/25-27. Archery: Rib Mountain Bowmen, Merrill. Multiple age divisions. Fri. 5 pm; Sat.-Sun. 8 am; Youth Hockey: Marathon Park, Wausau. Bantam A & B. Details: Garden Visions · Fri.-Sat. 1/25-26, North Central Tech. College, Wausau. Annual garden conference Saturday features exhibits, vendors, workshops and speakers 7:30 am -4:15 pm. Kicks off Friday night with keynote speaker Michael Perry at 5 pm and Slow Food Dinner at 6 pm. Dinner $45. Saturday conference: $57 in advance with lunch included or $50 at door without lunch, $25 half day.

holiday + winterbook |


Live From Laurel Canyon · Fri. 1/25, Grand Theater, Wausau. Experience songs and stories of Southern California neighborhood, and legendary artists that changed the sound of American pop music. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $25., 715-842-0988 Alex Rossi · Sat. 1/26, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. Details TBD. Merrill Winterfest Sled Dog Race · Sat.-Sun. 1/26-27, Pine River Elementary School, Merrill. ISDRA-sanctioned race with 100+ mushers competing. Sat. 10 am; Sun. 9 am., 715-873-4787 Seeing & Not Seeing · Sat. 1/26, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Emily J. Ward, UW-Madison assistant professor of the Visual Cognition Laboratory, discusses cognitive science of visual perception. 1-2 pm. 715-845-7010 Wausau 525 Snowmobile Championship · Sat.-Sun. 1/2627, 8911 N Mountain Road, Rib Mountain. Ice oval race. Pit gate 6 am, spectator gate 8 am, race 10 am. $15 day, $25 weekend, free 12 and under. Badger State Winter Games · Sat. 1/26. Trap Shooting: Marathon Trap & Sportsman Club, Marathon. Adult and junior divisions. 9 am. Nordic Skiing: Nine Mile Forest Recreation Area, Wausau. Youth, high school team, adult and adaptive races. Details, schedule: Central Wis. Wedding & Fashion Show · Sat.-Sun. 1/26-27, SentryWorld, Stevens Point. 100+ exhibitors, four fashion shows, wine tasting, more. $10; $5 grooms to be and fathers of bride. 10 am-4 pm. America’s Diamond · Sat. 1/26, Grand Theater, Wausau. Neil Diamond tribute. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $25., 715-842-0988 The Siegmann Family · Sun. 1/27, Lucille Tack Center, Spencer. Family harmonies and skilled musicianship. 2 pm. $15. Badger State Winter Games · Sun. 1/27, Wausau. Martial Arts: Wausau West Fieldhouse. Several age and belt color brackets. 9:30 am. Youth Snowmobiling: Wausau 525. Several classes and divisions. 10 am. Winter Triathlon: Nine Mile Forest Recreation Area. Youth and adult races. Details, schedule: Open Sleigh Rides & Pizza Party · Sun. 1/27, Willow Springs, Wausau. 9 am-3 pm. $20 per person with pizza buffet, $12 ride only. Richie Yurkovich Band · Sun. 1/27, Lettie Jensen Center, Amherst. Polka dance band. 2-5 pm. Grow Your Own Microgreens · Tues. 1/29, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Learn about microgreens and how to grow them. 5-7 pm. 715-261-7230 The Stuff of Romance: A Valentine’s Day DIY · Wed.-Thurs. 1/30-31, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Make romanceinspired coasters using romance novel and craft supplies. Wed. 1:30 pm; Thurs. 6 pm. 715-261-7200 Charlotte’s Web · Wed. 1/30, Grand Theater, Wausau. Play based on E.B. White’s classic story of friendship between a pig named Wilbur and spider named Charlotte. 10 am & 1 pm. Tickets call 715-842-0988 Big River: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn · Thurs.Sat. 1/31-2/2 & Thurs.-Sun. 2/7-10, Wausau East Theater. Broadway hit based on story by Mark Twain presented by Central Wis. Educational Theater Alliance, with professional actor/singer Jay Pierce. 7 pm; Sun. 2 pm. $15 adults, $10 seniors and students.

FEBRUARY Willy Wonka · Early Feb TBD. Based on Roald Dahl’s book, show follows enigmatic candy manufacturer and golden ticket contest. Presented by Central Wis. Children’s Theatre. Details TBD. Mosinee Papermakers Hockey · Fri. 2/1, Mosinee Recreation Center. Vs. Eagle River. 8 pm. Open Skate · Fri.-Sat. 2/1-2, Smith Center, Merrill. Fri. 6:30-8:30 pm; Sat. 7-9 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-7313 Family Festival Weekend · Fri.-Sun. 2/1-3, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. Family fun weekend with Saturday night fireworks.

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| 2018-2019



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| calendar


CALENDAR from 86

Caribbean Dinner & Entertainment · Fri. 2/1, Willow Springs, Wausau. Details TBD. Badger State Winter Games: Curling · Fri.-Sun. 2/1-3, Wausau Curling Center. Junior and adult teams. Fri. TBD; Sat.-Sun. 8 am. Details, schedule: A Comedy of Tenors · Fri.-Sun. 2/1-3 and 2/8-10, Sentry Theater, Stevens Point. Play set in 1930s Paris, stage is set for the concert of the century as long as Henry Saunders can keep Italian superstar and hot-blooded wife from causing chaos. Presented by Central Wis. Area Community Theater. Fri.-Sat. 7:30 pm; Sun. 2 pm. $12 adult, $8 youth. Velvet Caravan · Fri. 2/1, Grand Theater, Wausau. Gypsy swing, honky-tonk and Latin jazz quintet. Part of the 10x10 series. 8 pm. $10 in advance, $15 at door., 715-842-0988 Badger State Winter Games: Fat Tire Bike Racing · Sat. 2/2, Prairie Dells, Merrill. Male, female and kids races. Details, schedule: Artspower Presents: Amber Brown is Not a Crayon · Sat. 2/2, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Funny musical portrays feisty young girl who refuses to let her problems get the better of her. For grades 1-4. 11 am. $8 general, $6 students, seniors. Tickets:, 715-365-4646 Mosinee Papermakers Hockey · Sat. 2/2, Mosinee Recreation Center. Vs. De Pere. 8 pm. Arctic Run Model Railroad Show & Sale · Sat.-Sun. 2/2-3, Holiday Inn Convention Center, Stevens Point. Trains, vendors, activities and more. Sat. 9 am-5 pm; Sun. 9 am-3 pm. $4 adults, $2 youth, free 11 and under. Details: The One and Only Ivan · Mon. 2/4, Grand Theater, Wausau. Ivan the gorilla was a dull cage in shopping mall until he meets Ruby, a baby elephant captured in the wild. 10 am & 1 pm. Tickets call 715-842-0988 Glass Etching Class · Tues. 2/5, Hsu Growing Supply, Wausau. 5-6 pm. $10., 715-675-5856 The Lettermen · Thurs. 2/7, Grand Theater, Wausau. Details TBD., 715-842-0988 Art 101: Understanding the Art of Vision · Thurs. 2/7, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Shiela Reaves, professor and director of Undergraduate Studies in Dept. of Life Sciences Communication at UW-Madison, shares research surrounding the intersections of neuroscience and the visual brain. 5:30-6:30 pm. 715-845-7010 Hands-on Art: Chess Musings · Thurs. 2/7, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Create cut-paper collages with a chess motif. 5:30-7 pm. 715-845-7010 French Film Festival · Thurs.-Fri. 2/7-8, Fri. 2/15, Sun. 2/17, Sat. 2/23 & Thurs. 2/28, UWSP-Wausau. Screen films followed by discussion. Presented by UWSP-Wausau Fine Arts and Lecture Series. 7 pm; except Sun. 2 pm. $7. Details and schedule: MCPL DIY: Decoupage Jars · Thurs. 2/7, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Use Mod Podge to decorate glass jars with tissue paper. 4-7 pm. 715-446-3537 Vintage Board Game Night: 21+ Night · Thurs. 3/7, Limericks, Wausau. Vintage board game collection with special vintage cocktails. 7 pm. 715-842-5750 Kodachrome · Fri.-Sat. 2/8-9, UW-Stevens Point Studio Theatre. Stage reading of new play about love, nostalgia, the seasons and how we learn to say goodbye. 7:30 pm. $23 adults and seniors, $13 youth. Badger State Winter Games: Youth Hockey · Fri.-Sun. 2/8-10, Marathon Park, Wausau. PeeWee A & B. Details, schedule: Central Wis. Deer & Hunting Expo · Fri.-Sun. 2/8-10, Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild. Firearms, hunting gear, wildlife art and gifts, archery, power sports, taxidermy, resorts, campgrounds and guides, real estate and more. $8 adults, free 12 and under. Fri. 3-8 pm, Sat 9 am-6 pm, Sun. 10 am-4 pm. 715-757-2370, Wausau RiverWolves Hockey · Fri. 2/8, Marathon Park, Wausau. Vs. Milwaukee Power. 7:30 pm. $10 adults, $8 seniors, $5 ages 5-18, free under 5., 715-869-3132

LUMA: Art in Darkness, Feb. 17 at the Grand Theater Manitowoc Minute’s Charlie Berens: Oh My Gosh! · Fri. 2/8, Grand Theater, Wausau. Comedian, Emmy-winning journalist and YouTube channel host. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $25. Local Food Fair · Sat. 2/9, SentryWorld, Stevens Point. Brings together producers, consumers, local businesses and educators with chef competition and more. 11 am3 pm. 715-544-6154 Wausau Antique Sale & Show · Sat.-Sun. 2/9-10, DC Everest Sr. High, Weston. 50+ dealers with antiques, vintage finds and eclectic designs from 1800’s to mid-century. Clock repairer on site. Sat. 9 am-5 pm; Sun. 10 am-4 pm. $5 admission good for both days. 715-355-5144, Gina Chavez · Sat. 2/9, Lucille Tack Center, Spencer. Latina pop-songstress blending sounds of the Americas. 7:30 pm. $25. Father-Daughter Sweetheart Dance · Sat. 2/9, Woodson YMCA, Wausau. Music, crafts, raffles, photos and more. Semi-formal attire required. 12:30 pm. $14 members, $19 non-members in advance ($3 discount additional daughters); $22 at door. Suburban Cowboys · Sat. 2/9, Granite Peak Ski Area Sundance Chalet, Wausau. Country. Ages 18+. 8-11:30 pm. Free. Wausau Symphony & Band: Winter Band Concert · Sun. 2/10, First Presbyterian Church, Wausau. Details TBD. 4 pm. Celebrate 120 Year of Mosinee Branch · Mon. 2/11, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Learn history and celebrate the branch. 2-3 pm. 715-693-2144 The Sound of Music · Tues. 2/12, Grand Theater, Wausau. National touring production of updated Broadway musical, about Maria and the von Trapp Family. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $70., 715-842-0988

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MCPL DIY: Spa Night · Tues. 2/12, Marathon Co. Library, Stratford. Ages 8+ create own spa products such as bath bombs and sugar scrubs. 4:30 pm. 715-687-4420 Cribbage at the Library · Tues. 2/12, Marathon Co. Library, Spencer. Play cribbage. 1 pm. 715-659-3996 UWSP Community Lecture: Barbies or Monster Trucks? · Tues. 2/12, Portage Co. Library Pinery Room, Stevens Point. The Role of Gender in Children’s Toy Interests presented by Psychology professor Erica Weisgram. 6:30 pm. Free. 715-346-1548, Tim Hawkins · Thurs. 2/14, Grand Theater, Wausau. Gut-busting comedy. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $24. I Remember When Club · Thurs. 2/14, Woodson History Center, Wausau. Write stories to share with children and grandchildren. 10:30 am. Valentine Tea · Thurs. 2/14, Woodson History Center, Wausau. Elegant tea party with sweets and savories and special historical program. $30 members, $35 nonmembers. 2-4 pm. Reservations required: 715-842-5750 Singin’ in the Rain Jr. · Fri.-Sat. 2/15-16, Sentry Theater @1800, Stevens Point. Details TBD. Presented by Playhouse Theater Group. Don McLean · Fri. 2/15, Grand Theater, Wausau. One of America’s more enduring singer-songwriter known for classic hits such as “Vincent (Starry Starry Night),” “Crying,” and “American Pie.” 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $30., 715-842-0988 Sweetheart Walk · Fri. 2/15, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Luminarylit snowshoe walk ending at the Kitchen Garden, with bonfire, mulled cider and roasted marshmallows for ages 21+. Dogs welcome. $5 or free members. 6-8 pm. Open Skate · Fri.-Sun. 2/15-17, Smith Center, Merrill. Fri. 6:30-8:30 pm; Sat. 6-8 pm; Sun. 2:30-4:30 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-7313

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| 2018-2019


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CALENDAR from 88

Wausau RiverWolves Hockey · Fri.-Sat. 2/15-16, Marathon Park, Wausau. Vs. Wis. Whalers. 7:30 pm. $10 adults, $8 seniors, $5 ages 5-18, free under 5., 715-869-3132 Central Wis. Sports Show · Fri.-Sun. 2/15-17, Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild. Seminars, fishing tackle & equipment, boats. motors, charters, campgrounds & resorts, docks, paddle sports, more. $8 adults, free 12 and under. 3-8 pm, Sat. 9 am-6 pm, Sun. 10 am4 pm. 715-757-2370, Mother & Child Tea Party · Sat. 2/16, Woodson History Center, Wausau. Children brings favorite adult and uses best manners at tea party with treats and old-timey craft. 2-4 pm. $15 adults, $10 child. Reservations required: 715-842-5750 Badger State Winter Games: Pistol Shooting · Sat. 2/16, Zingers & Flingers, Marathon. Men’s and women’s divisions. 10 am. Details, schedule: Open Sleigh Rides, Soup & Sandwich Buffet · Sat. 2/16, Willow Springs, Wausau. 9 am-3 pm. $20 per person with soup, $12 ride only. EagleMania · Sat. 2/16, Grand Theater, Wausau. Eagle’s greatest hits and solo work of Don Henley, Glenn Frey and Joe Walsh. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $33., 715-842-0988 Peter Mayer · Sat. 2/16, Lettie Jensen Center, Amherst. Variety. Part of Tomorrow River Concert Series. 7:30 pm. Tickets: Davina and the Vagabonds · Sat. 2/16, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. High energy blues quintet. 7:30 pm. $25. Tickets:, 715-362-6000 Midwinter Cabaret · Sun. 2/17, Holiday Inn and Convention Center, Stevens Point. Dinner concert showcases individual singers and full Chorale with pop, jazz, Broadway and more. 5 pm. $55. Presented by Monteverdi Chorale.

2016 Dates

LUMA: Art in Darkness · Sun. 2/17, Grand Theater, Wausau. Light spectacle with colorful illuminated illusions with rhythmic gymnastics, dance, magic, puppetry and physics. 6:30 pm. Tickets start at $25., 715-842-0988 Which is Better? Book-to-Movie Night: Bridge to Terabithia · Tues. 2/19, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Watch film adaptation, discuss how it compares to book by Katherine Paterson. 5:30 pm. 715-261-7200 Art 101: Gallery Walk · Wed. 2/20, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Explore Victor Vasarely’s artwork as Museum educator leads conversation. 12:15-1 pm. 715-845-7010 Open Skate · Fri.-Sun. 2/22-24, Smith Center, Merrill. Fri. 6:30-8:30 pm; Sat. 1-3 pm & 6-8 pm; Sun. 2:30-4:30 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-7313 Vintage Board Game Night · Fri. 2/22, Woodson History Center, Wausau. 100+ games or bring own to share. 7-10 pm. Free. 715-842-5750, Badger State Winter Games · Fri.-Sat. 2/22-23: Cornhole: Elk’s Lodge, Wausau. Doubles teams. 1 pm. Bowling: Coral Lanes, Rothschild. Youth and adult divisions. 10 am. Disc Golf: Big Eau Pleine Co. Park, Wausau. Multiple men’s and women’s divisions, including juniors. 10 am. Snowshoeing: RiverEdge Golf Course, Marshfield. Youth 400 meter, 5K and 10K. Noon. Details: Marshfield Cultural Fair · Sat. 2/23, UWSP-Marshfield. Ethnic performances and activities, children’s center, food. 10 am-4 pm. Wausau Area Silver Pageant · Sat. 2/23, Wausau East Auditorium. Women 75+ share stories, accomplishments and lives. 2-4:30 pm. 715-574-0575 Rib Mountain Candlelight Snowshoe Hike · Sat. 2/23, Rib Mountain State Park Friends Gathering Space. Some snowshoes available. Flashlight/ headlamp suggested. Hot chocolate, cider, around campfire. 6-8 pm., 715-842-2522 Wausau Polar Plunge · Sat. 2/23, Plunge into Manmade Lake to benefit Special Olympics. Plunging and live music at noon. Details, register:



MERRILL ICE DRAGGERS INC. Test & Tune Day Race Day - “Merrill WinterFest” Race Day - “Mayor’s Choice Award” Race Day - “MID Memorial” Race Day - Championship & “Alumni Racer Reunion” Grudge Match/Bracket Races

OUR TRACK RECORDS: 5.431 ET & 141.6 MPH in 660 Ft.!

Sat. Jan. 16th Sat. Jan. 23rd Sat. Jan. 30th Sat. Feb. 6th

Badger State Winter Games: Pickleball · Sat.-Sun. 2/23-24, SentryWorld, Stevens Point. Men’s, women’s and mixed doubles. 8 am. Details, schedule: Corkscrews & Snowshoes · Sat. 2/23, YMCA Camp Sturtevant, Wausau. Enjoy hiking trails then wine sampling paired with cheeses and desserts. Supports Community Partners Campaign. 3 pm. $30. Pre-registration required: 715-847-1850 Balloon Rally and Winter Fest & Dog Race · Sat.-Sun. 2/23-24, Willow Springs, Wausau. Snowshoeing, sledding, sled dog race, educational information. Sat. morning balloon flight and night glow. Sat. 10 am-7 pm; Sun. 10 am-4 pm. Led West Band: Final Farewell · Sat. 2/23, Plaza Hotel & Suites, Wausau. Fan appreciation night with Minute To Win It Games from 6:30-7:30 pm and music from 7:30-11:30 pm. $5. 715-572-9405 Central Wis. Symphony Orchestra: Friends & Favorites · Sat.-Sun. 2/23-24, Sentry Theater, Stevens Point. Stage concert celebrates years of collaboration and friendship. Sat. 7:30-9:30 pm; Sun. 4-6 pm. Tickets: Comedians and Jugglers · Sat. 2/23, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. Comedian and object manipulator Mark Hayward, comedian and juggler Josh Casey and James the Magician. Ages 18+. 8-11 pm. Handbuilding with Pam Zahn · Mondays 2/25-4/1, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Techniques, work on projects. 5:30-8:30 pm. $135. Register:, 715-298-9198 Jim Belushi and the Board of Comedy · Tues. 2/26, Grand Theater, Wausau. Alum of Saturday Night Live and Chicago’s famed Second City present hilarious night of improvisational comedy. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $52., 715-842-0988 Learn to Quilt · Tues. 2/26, Marathon Co. Library, Stratford. Ages 10+ learn fundamentals. 3:30 pm. 715-687-4420 Quilting & Beyond · Tues. 2/26, Stratford Community Hall. Working on quilting project. 1 pm. 715-687-4420

MERRILL ICE DRAGS - 2019 DATES Test & Tune Day Race Day - “Merrill WinterFest” Race Day - “Mayor’s Choice Award” Race Day - “MID Memorial” Race Day - Championship Grudge Match/Bracket Races Banquet & Raffle Drawing

Sat. Jan. 19th Sat. Jan. 26th Sat. Feb. 2nd Sat. Feb. 9th Sat. Feb. 16th Sat. Feb. 23rd Sat. Mar. 2nd

Sat. Feb. 13th Sat. Feb. 20th

(Races Start at Noon – Weather Permitting)

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Merrill Ice Drags • 715.218.9668 • Races Start @ Noon (Weather Permitting)

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| 2018-2019

MARCH Celtic Nights · Fri. 3/1, Grand Theater, Wausau. Featuring dozens of Ireland’s most talented dancers, singers, and musicians, Celtic Nights uses music, song, and dance to capture the essence of Irish history. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $25., 715-842-0988 Hawaiian Dinner and Entertainment Night · Fri. 3/1, Willow Springs, Wausau. Details TBD. Mosinee Papermakers Hockey · Fri. 3/1, Mosinee Recreation Center. Vs. Portage Lake. 8 pm. Una Notte Bella · Fri. 3/1, Wausau Conservatory of Music. Annual fundraising bash. Details TBD. Macbeth · Fri.-Sun. 3/1-3 & Thurs.-Sat. 3/7-9, UW-Stevens Point Jenkins Theatre. In William Shakespeare’s classic thriller, Macbeth is urged by wife to kill the king and throne for himself, resulting in murder and madness. Not suitable for young children. 7:30 pm, except Sun. 2 pm. $24 adults and seniors, $14 youth. Open Skate · Sat. 3/2, Smith Center, Merrill. 7-9 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-7313 Mosinee Papermakers Hockey · Sat. 3/2, Mosinee Recreation Center. Vs. Calumet. 8 pm. 24-Hour Arts Festival Performance · Sat. 3/2, UWSPWausau. Veninga Theater. Feat. 24-hour choir, writers, artists, poets and more. 7 pm. Free. The UW Madhatters · Sat. 3/2, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Premier men’s a cappella group at UWMadison. 7:30 pm. $15., 715-365-4646 Wild Skies · Sat. 3/2, Grand Theater, Wausau. Folk, rock and Americana with three-part harmonies and big hooks. Part of the 10x10 Series. 8 pm. $10 in advance, $15 at door. Missoula Children’s Theatre: King Arthur’s Quest · Sat. 3/2, Lucille Tack Center, Spencer. Join Knights and Squires of the Round Table in family-friendly musical. 3 & 5:30 pm. $10 adult, $5 youth.


Mike and the Moonpies perform at the Wittenberg-Birnamwood High School March 10

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CALENDAR from 91

Starting Garden Plants · Tues. 3/5, Marathon Co. Library, Spencer. Learn to start tomatoes, peppers, cabbage and more. 9 am. 715-659-3996 What’s the Buzz? Honey Bees and Beekeeping · Thurs. 3/7, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. Learn about honey bees, beekeeping and more. 11 am. 715-359-6208 Jesus Christ Superstar · Thurs.-Sat. 3/7-9, Grand Theater, Wausau. Musical follows the last week of Jesus Christ’s life. Presented by Wausau Community Theater. Thurs. 6:30 pm; Fri.-Sat. 7:30 pm; Sat. 2 pm. $22 adults, $18 seniors, $14 youth in advance. (Prices increase $3 more at door)., 715-842-0988 Vintage Board Game Night: 21+ Night · Thurs. 3/7, Limericks, Wausau. Vintage board game collection with special vintage cocktails. 7 pm. 715-842-5750 Mosinee Papermakers Hockey · Fri. 3/8, Mosinee Recreation Center. Vs. Marquette. 8 pm. Mardi Gras Party · Fri. 3/8, Plaza Hotel, Wausau. The Plaza presents this event, with Doo-Wop Daddies performing 50s and 60s swing music with food, drinks and prizes. 611:30 pm. $15 advance, $20 at door. Tickets: 715-572-9405 Family Festival Weekend · Fri.-Sun. 3/8-10, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. Family fun weekend with Saturday night fireworks. Central Wis. RV & Camping Show · Fri.-Sun. 3/8-10, Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild. RVs and campers, equipment, campgrounds, power sports and more. $8 adults, free 12 & under. Fri. 3-8 pm, Sat. 9 am-6 pm, Sun. 10 am-4 pm. 715-757-2370, Wausau RiverWolves Hockey · Fri.-Sun. 3/8-10, Marathon Park, Wausau. Vs.. St. Louis Jr. Blues. Fri.-Sat. 7:30 pm; Sun. 1:00 pm. $10 adults, $8 seniors, $5 ages 5-18, free under 5., 715-869-3132 Open Skate · Sat. 3/9, Smith Center, Merrill. 7-9 pm. $3 admission, $2 skate rental. 715-536-731 Harmonious Wail · Sat. 3/9, Lettie Jensen Center, Amherst. Gypsy jazz. Part of Tomorrow River Concert Series. 7:30 pm. Tickets: Under the Streetlamp · Sun 3/10, Grand Theater, Wausau. Classic hits from the American radio songbook with tight harmonies and slick dance moves. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $47. Mike and the Moonpies · Sun. 3/10, WittenbergBirnamwood High School. Six-piece country band. Ticket cost TBD. 4 pm. Aurora · Sun. 3/10 & 3/31, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Look at understanding of the Aurora Borealis or northern lights. 2 pm. Tapestry · Mon. 3/11, Merrill High School Auditorium. Heartfelt tribute to Carole King by singer Suzanne Davis. Part of the Merrill Area Concert Association series. 79 pm. Requires season membership $45 adults, $18 students, $115 family. 715-252-6295, Diary of a Worm, a Spider, and a Fly · Mon. 3/11, Grand Theater, Wausau. Dallas Children’s Theatre presents the coolest rock-n-roll romp in a bug’s world, capturing the droll humor and whimsy of the popular books. 1 & 10 pm. Tickets call 715-842-0988 UWSP Community Lecture: Science Fairs in the Age of Sputnik · Tues. 3/12, Portage Co. Library Pinery Room, Stevens Point. Presented by History and International Studies professor Sarah Scripps. 6:30 pm. Free. 715-346-1548, Seed Starting Class · Tues. 3/12, Hsu Growing Supply, Wausau. 5-6 pm. Free., 715-675-5856 Houses in Bloom · Tues.-Sun. 3/12-17, Marathon Co. Historical Society, Wausau. Local florists dress up houses with spring blossoms. Time TBD. Woodson History Center, free; Yawkey House, $7, $6, $5. 715-842-5750

Eilen Jewell performs at Nicolet College March 23

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| 2018-2019



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CALENDAR from 92

I Remember When Club · Thurs. 3/14, Woodson History Center, Wausau. Write stories to share with children and grandchildren. 10:30 am. Gaelic Storm · Wed. 3/13, UW-Stevens Point Dreyfus Center. Irish pub and rock band. 7:30 pm. $25 advance, $30 day of. Classic Albums Live: Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Chronicle, Vol. 1” · Thurs. 3/14, Grand Theater, Wausau. All of CCR’s greatest hits including “Fortunate Son,” “Have You Ever Seen the Rain?,” “Proud Mary,” and many more. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $30., 715-842-0988 The High Kings · Thurs. 3/14, Lucille Tack Center, Spencer. Traditional and original Irish songs. 7:30 pm. $45 premium, $35 reserved. Frindle · Fri. 3/15, Grand Theater, Wausau. Kids play based on the book by Andrew Clements and illustrator Brian Selznick. Fifth-grader Nick creates a new word that spreads at his school, his town, around the country. 10 am & 1 pm. Tickets call 715-842-0988 The Infamous Stringdusters · Fri. 3/15, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. Details TBD. Hobbies and Crafts Night · Mon. 3/18, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Creating, socializing. 3 pm. 715-446-3537 Gardening Techniques for Adults · Wed. 3/20, Marathon Co. Library, Edgar. Various techniques and ideas. 6-7 pm. 715-352-3155

Minocqua Artrageous · Wed. 3/20, Campanile Center, Minocqua. Artists, musicians, singers and dancers pay tribute to art forms, pop icons and musical genres culminating in a gallery of finished paintings. 7 pm. $25 advance, $30 at door. Tickets: Havana Cuba All Stars: Asere! A Fiesta Cubana · Wed. 3/20, Grand Theater, Wausau. Showcases classic rhythms and melodies from the cha-cha to the rumba and highlight a variety of Cuban beats. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $29., 715-842-0988 UWSP-Wausau Spring Concert Band Performance · Thurs. 3/21, UWSP-Wausau Veninga Theater. 7 pm. $5. Vic Ferrari: Symphony on the Rocks · Fri. 3/22, Grand Theater, Wausau. Details TBD. 7:30 pm., 715-842-0988 Vintage Board Game Night · Fri. 3/22, Woodson History Center, Wausau. 100+ games provide, or bring own. 7-10 pm. Free. 715-842-5750, Fool House · Sat. 3/23, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. Ultimate 90s dance party. Ages 18+. 8-11:30 pm. Eilen Jewell · Sat. 3/23, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Early blues, rockabilly, surf-noir, to 1960s era rock and roll. 7:30 pm. $25. Tickets:, 715-362-6000 Logging and Sawmills of Marathon Co. · Mon. 3/25, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. Learn how logging became such an important part of the area’s culture and economy. 6-7 pm. 715-693-2144

Chicago Harp Quartet · Thurs.-Fri. 3/28-29, Leading harp ensemble in US with innovative, charismatic and forwardthinking performances. Thurs.: Lakeland Union High School, Minocqua. 7 pm. $20 adults, $5 students.; Fri.: Merrill High School Auditorium. Part of Merrill Area Concert Assoc. series. 7-9 pm. Requires season membership $45 adults, $18 students, $115 family. 715-252-6295, Learn to Quilt · Tues. 3/26, Marathon Co. Library, Stratford. Ages 10+ learn fundamentals. 3:30 pm. 715-687-4420 Quilting & Beyond · Tues. 3/26, Stratford Community Hall. Working on quilting project. 1 pm. 715-687-4420 Sparky & Rhonda Rucker · Sat. 3/30, Lettie Jensen Center, Amherst. Musicians, storytellers, authors. Tomorrow River Concert Series. 7:30 pm. Horseshoes & Hand Grenades · Sat. 3/30, Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. Details TBD. John Muir: University of the Wilderness · Sat. 3/30, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. The Chance Ensemble present creative reconstruction of John Muir’s journey through original composition. 7:30 pm. $15. Tickets:, 715-365-4646 EgoCon · Sat. 3/30, Holiday Inn, Stevens Point. Family gaming convention with trivia, vendors and fun for fans of Doctor Who, fantasy, sci-fi, more. 9:30 am-11 pm. 715-573-3021, n

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