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Gov. Evers says priorities for federal money same even if it’s $700 million less
Gov. Tony Evers says his priorities for
coming federal COVID-19 stimulus money remain the same even though the state is now in line to receive $700 million less than expected.
Still, he said a key piece is knowing whether the $2.5 billion will come in two payments split equally over the next year. The state previously expected the money would be sent in a lump sum, and Evers and U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, in mid May wrote the Treasury secretary asking for the money to be sent all at once.
“We need that money now, period,” Evers said on a call with reporters, adding there’s been no response to the request. “Waiting a year, we’ll have to do some prioritizing obviously.”
The state had expected to receive $3.2 billion and Evers had broadly laid out how he wanted to use the money with $700 million toward the state’s ongoing response to the pandemic and $2.5 billion for economic recovery. The second pot of money included $600 million for small businesses, $50 million for tourism and $50 million for grants to Schools.
Evers said the “buckets are pretty well defined” on how he will use the $2.5 billion now coming to the state, saying it will be directed toward sectors that have struggled with the pandemic, particularly small businesses, bars and restaurants.
“We will continue to make sure that they are a priority, even with thev $700 million less,” Evers said.
He added the state will also try to coordinate with local governments, who are getting federal aid, to make sure “we aren’t stepping on each other’s toes.”
Republican lawmakers have been asking for a meeting with Evers to go over his plans for the money after he vetoed 11 bills that sought to dictate how the funds would be used. But he has been insisting they bring plans to expand Medicaid to any such meeting, and Republicans have ruled out covering more people through the program.
Ross quits ethics commission
Scot Ross, a former Dem operative with a reputation for inflammatory exchanges with Republicans, has resigned from the state Ethics Commission.
Ross’ resignation letter to Senate Minority Leader Janet Bewley, D-Mason, included Ross’ trademark rhetorical flourishes as he lamented a democracy “under siege from the racist, Big Lie Republican Party and its nationwide conspiracy attacking the rights of Black and Brown people to vote.”
Ross, who is white, wrote he hoped his departure can “assist in increasing the diversity” of the Ethics Commission.
“In Wisconsin, the cavernous depths to which elected Republicans here will burrow to rig elections, evade public accountability and provide tacit support to the terrorist insurrection of January 6, 2021 are a clear and present danger to everyone in this state, regardless of political ideology,” Ross wrote.

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Unmarried Partners and Estate Planning
More and more people are entering long-term committed relationships without getting married. Unfortunately, many laws do not protect unmarried couples as they do married couples.
If you do no estate planning, your state’s intestacy statute will determine who will receive your property. Intestacy laws vary by state, but unmarried partners are not mentioned in intestacy statutes. If you intended to provide something to your partner but failed to plan, your partner will receive nothing under the law.
If you do not name trusted individuals to handle your financial and medical affairs, the court will appoint someone. Your partner might not get appointed if your other family members don’t agree to it.
If you need help protecting the future for yourself and your partner, call us. We are here to help you create a new estate plan or revise an existing one.