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New library director named to replace previous director who resigned amidst allegations of a toxic work culture
Roughly six months after the Marathon County
Library Director resigned amidst toxic work culture allegations, the library now has a new director.
The library announced last week that Leah Giordano would be the new library director. Giordano had previously worked at the library and served as the interim director while the Marathon County Library Board worked on filling the role.
The position opened after the library board began an investigation this year into former library director Ralph Illick, over claims the library had become a toxic work environment under his leadership. Illick resigned in May, as did his business manager. The employee who initially brought the complaint to the board was fired after the investigation revealed he’d been harassing other library employees as well.
Giordano joined the Marathon County Public Library staff in 2014 and worked as the library services director until taking the role of interim director May 20. Before moving to Wausau, she worked at the Detroit Public Library and the Eastpointe Memorial Library in Eastpointe, Mich.
Giordano was a finalist in the first search for a new director, but the board elected to broaden its search because it didn’t feel like it had seen a large enough pool of candidates to be satisfied. Giordano was again a finalist for the position after the second search, up against a candidate from Colorado, Library Board President Sharon Hunter told City Pages. “We are excited that Leah applied again and made it through the selection process,” Hunter told City Pages.
DCE super to retire next year
D.C. Everest School District’s superintendent will be retiring next year, she announced last week.
Kristine Gilmore plans to retire from the post June 30, 2022. The D.C. Everest board last week accepted her retirement notice, following 19 years as superintendent.
Gilmore started with the district in 1997, taking a job as the D.C. Everest Junior High Principal and athletic director. She then worked as the Evergreen Elementary School Principal and the D.C. Everest Middle School Principal before coming superintendent.
“Dr. Gilmore has always championed the needs and wellbeing of our students, staff and community,” D.C.Everest School Board President Katie Felch said in a press release. “To serve those interests, she has led our district in becoming an early adopter of technologies that provide learning opportunities for all students, redefined how we measure student achievement, ensured staff have ample opportunity for advancement and professional development, established valuable community partnerships, and completed district-wide updates in a fiscally responsible manner.”
The board will begin a national search for a new superintendent to fill the role when Gilmore retires. Gilmore
Babysitter found guilty in infant’s death
A babysitter charged with the death of an infant in her care was found guilty last week following a plea hearing.
Marissa Tietsort pleaded no contest to charges of child abuse—intentionally causing harm as a repeater and firstdegree reckless homicide.
Tietsort was arrested in October 2018 after police say she was babysitting an infant and it died in her care. According to police reports, Tietsort wrapped up the infant and put a hat over the child’s eyes, to return the child to its mother without telling her about what happened, even taking the time to eat at McDonald’s. She made no effort to call for help or try to resuscitate the child, police reports say.
While in custody, Teitsort wrote a letter to the judge saying that she wasn’t a monster, is a great mom and is loved by many.
Tietsort prior to last week’s plea hearing had changed her plea to not guilty by reason of mental defect, even after a judge had found her mentally fit to stand trial.
A sentencing hearing has been set for March 8.


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Rib Mountain passes chicken ordinance
Chickens are now allowed in the town of Rib Mountain.
The town passed an ordinance last week allowing the chickens, pigeons, ducks and rabbits on lots that are at least 15,000 square feet in size, according to documents included in the town board packet. No roosters or geese are allowed under the ordinance.
The town will allow four chickens, ducks or pigeons, and two rabbits. Larger lots may allow more animals.
The ordinance came after the town received a petition of 60 residents asking for an ordinance. Many municipalities have been adding them. Wausau passed an ordinance allowing backyard chickens in 2017 after passing on a similar ordinance the year prior.
D.C. Everest grad stars in Lionsgate release
A native of D.C. Everest High School has stared in a Lionsgate motion picture and the school will be featuring a special screening to celebrate.
Skylar Witte, a Wisconsin native who attended Altoona and D.C. Everest high schools, stared in a Lionsgate film Last Shoot Out, which is slated to release in select theaters, DVD and streaming, according to a press release by Lionsgate.
Witte, who now lives in Los Angeles, was crowned Miss Wisconsin in 2017 and competed in the Miss America pageant in Las Vegas. She got her start as a model who has twice walked during New York Fashion Week. She’s appeared in several commercials, TV shows and films. That includes a role in the upcoming Top Gun: Maverick.
“After newlywed Jocelyn Miller Callahan (Skylar Witte) learns that her husband Jody Callahan (Michael Welch, Twilight franchise) had her father shot down, she flees from the Callahan ranch in fear,” Lionsgate’s description of the film reads. “She’s rescued by gunman Billy Tyson (Brock Harris), who safeguards her at a remote outpost run by Ryker (David Deluise) as he staves off Jody’s attempts to reclaim his bride.”
D.C. Everest will hold a screening of the film 1:30 pm Sunday, Dec. 5 at the high school.

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Arrest at post office was related to heroin
An arrest at the post office was related to heroin, and had nothing to do with the mail, police say.
Officers arrested a man at the Post Office on Forest Street last week on heroin charges, Marathon County Lt. William Stuart told City Pages. The person arrested was the subject of an investigation by the Central Wisconsin Narcotic Task Force.
The fact that he was arrested at the post office had nothing to do with the mail at all, Stuart told City Pages, though it garnered plenty of speculation on social media. The subject just happened to be going there when they arrested him, Stuart says.
Mosinee schools closing temporarily as COVID cases uptick
Mosinee School District is closing its schools for an extended Thanksgiving as COVID-19 cases are on the rise in the district.
All schools closed Nov. 23 and 24, with elementary schools closed starting on Nov. 18.
According to the district’s dashboard, the district as of Friday had 48 active student cases and 7 active staff cases. The most active cases were in the elementary schools, with 24 active cases. Active cases, according to the dashboard, are those with a positive COVID-19 test who have not yet completed their isolation period.
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