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Aura Clearing Using BioResonance, A New Age Method


What Is Aura?

Aura is basically the subtle energy field t hat surrounds a n d penetrate our physical body. Each of us has a n aura. Aura is also known as “Etheric Energy”, “Prana”, “Chi”, “Qi”, or “Orgone” in different parts of the world. The concept of aura was first theorized 5000 years a g o in Hindu scriptures Vedas a n d Upanishads. As per Vedas, illnesses, before manifesting in the physical body, actually appear in the aura or our energy body. An unhealthy aura is thus a n essential s y m p t o m before any disease or disorder manifests. Aura clearing is thus crucial for physical well-being.


Aura and Law of Attraction

The New Age Concept called the "Law Of Attraction" states t h a t "Like Attracts Like." Our a u ra is s u m of our vibrations a n d we a ttra ct things in our life t h a t m a t c h e s our vibrations. An interesting aspect of a u ra is its transmutati on into relationships. It c a n be observed in various relationships or connections between people. When s o me people like each other, get hooked to one another or are averse to each other, all this c a n be understood in terms of their vibrations, which m a t c h or repel each other. Aura clearing is thus crucial for attracting better people a n d better relationships.


What Are Effects Of Negative Aura?

The aura is heavily i mp a c t e d by the situations a n d people we interact with. Since we are constantly exchanging energies with the people around us, it is c o m m o n for our auric field to get weak due to cluttered psychic debris or even picking on other people’s negative emotions a n d energy. As a result, we m a y feel stressed, anxious, irritated, lethargic, impatient, a n d even develop a negative outlook towards the world. Our i m m u n e system m a y also take a beating, ma k i n g us highly susceptible to falling sick.


What Are Different Methods Of Aura Clearing? WAura clearing is essential for spiritual a n d divine well-being. Just like we take a shower a n d brush our teeth daily, we should be as intentional with our subtle energy. Traditionally, there are m a n y ways to cleanse our aura such as following: S mudging Salt b a t h Essential oils Flower essences Prayers & Meditation Mantra chant ing Crystals Yoga & Pranayama Each of the above m e t h o d requires lifestyle modification a n d regular practice, most ly daily. However, there is one little known New Age m e t h o d called Bio-resonance for your cleansing t ha t is the m o s t effective.


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