Wayfair@Home Holiday 2015 Issue

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Sayhel l ot oyourul t i mat e Thanks gi v i ngt oNew Year ’ s handbook—we’ v egot ent er t ai ni ngt i ps ,f es t i v e decor at i ngi deas ,andmor e t ogui deyout hr oughev er y hol i daycel ebr at i on.Embr ace t hes eas onwi t hours t unni ng decorands hopourf av or i t e gi f t sf orev er yoneonyourl i s t . Fr om s cr umpt i ousChr i s t mas cooki est ogor geoushol i day mant eldi s pl ays ,geti nt he hol i days pi r i twi t hourpages ofi ns pi r at i onahead.

, s r e Che r i a f y TheWa s r o t Edi





1.Ar t i s an5Quar tMi xer2.Chr i s t masDes s er tPl at es 3.St ai nl es sSt eelChr i s t masCooki eCut t er s 4.Mar bl eRol l i ngPi n


2 3



Theedi t or sar er eadyt owel come t hes eas onwi t hl ot sofcr af t i ng, phot os hoot s ,andmor e! 1 Pos i ngi nourl as t mi nut e cos t umesf orWayf ai r ’ scompany Hal l oweenpar t y 2 St yl i ngamoder npi nkandgol d New Year ’ sEvemant el


3 Sneakpeekofahol i dayDI Y pr oj ectwi t hpi necones 4 Gor geousj ewelt oness pot t edby ouredi t or sataNYt r ades how 5 Mannyt heFr enchi el ooki ngf r es h atour1s tannualWayf ai rHear t Homeconf er ence!


6 14Moder nHol i dayT abl eDecor 16Thanks gi vi ngEnt er t ai ni ngTi ps 31Gues tPr epEs s ent i al s 48Gl am Hol i dayPar t yI deas

2 0

4 0

50Edi t or s ’Gui det oChampagne 52Thanks gi vi ngCheckl i s t

10ASophi s t i cat edThanks gi vi ngT abl et op 221Mant el ,3Gor geousSeas onalLooks

18Thanks gi vi ngFavor i t es

38Ever yt hi ngYouNeedf orHanukkah

34OurFavor i t eChr i s t masCooki es

27AnEl egant ,Ti mel es sChr i s t masT r ee

36Cabi nI ns pi r edHotCocoaBar

42AChi cNew Year ’ sEveMant el

47Cl as s yNew Year ’ sEveCockt ai l s


Da n aMi l l e r Hous e*T weaki ng

St aymoder nt hi shol i daybycr eat i ngat abl es cape t hat ’ ss i mpl eandnat ur al .Av oi ddi s t r act i ngl yt al l cent er pi ecesbyl i ni ngt hemi ddl eofyourt abl e wi t hgr eener y.Compl et et her es tyourl ookwi t h t hes es t yl i s ht abl et opdecorf av es .


2 3 1.Pat hSi deChai r2.POVCandl es t i ck 3.Li nenSt r i peNapki n( Setof4) 4.SymphonyWi neGobl et5.St ai nl es sSt eelFl at war e Phot os :Hous e*T weaki ng




Homemaker sar enev erdone;t hey' r eal wayss eeki ngi ns pi r at i on,cl ev eradvi ce,and f r es hi deas .Becomeapar tofourcommuni t yofpas s i onat e,homel ovi ngbl ogger swho i ns pi r e,s har e,andconnectwi t heachot her .



Br eat henew l i f ei nt oyourcl as s i cChr i s t mast r ee s et upwi t haf ew moder nupdat es .Acol orpal et t e ofSant ai ns pi r edr edsi nf us et r adi t i onalhol i day char m,whi l edas hesofbl ack,gol d,ands i l v er cr eat eachi cl ook.




1.St arT r eeT opper2.Mat t eBal lGar l and 3.Pl ai dThr ow Bl anket 4.Ar t i f i ci alChr i s t masT r eewi t hLi ght s 5.Var i et yChr i s t masOr nament s( Setof40)




Cr eat eacoz ys pacet hat ’ swel comi ngandf ul loff es t i v e per s onal i t ywi t houredi t or s ’decor at i ngt i ps .

Cot t onSheetSet

Bur gundyMug

Pl ai dThr ow Bl anket SHOPTHESTORY


Weas kedbl ogger st ogi v eanys hel fi nt hei rhomeaf es t i v emakeov er .Seet hes t unni ngr es ul t s !



Coz yCount r y I ns pi r edbyt hei deaoft i mel es s s i mpl i ci t y ,Al i xAdams ,ofARuf f l edLi f e, dr es s edupt hi sbas i cs hel fwi t hchi caccent s .A combi nat i onoft ext ur es —met al l i cs ,f el t ,wood, cer ami cs — cr eat esadynami cl ook,whi l ea hi ntofgr eenaddscol or .

Luxur i ousHol i day Foragl amor ousChr i s t mas ,Sar ahSher man SamuelofSmi t t enSt udi oopt edf oragol d, whi t e,andbl ackcol ors chemedot t edwi t hbi t s ofever gr een.Pl ayf ulani malobj ect skeept he s hel vesl i vel yandcas ual .


Scandi navi anI ns pi r ed Br i t t niMehl hof fofPaper& St i t cht akesa s ubt l eappr oacht ohol i daydecor at i ng, choos i ngmoder ni t emst hatwi l lbl endi nt oher exi s t i ngdecorcomeJ anuar y .



Countdownt omi dni ghtasaf ami l ywi t ht hes eent er t ai ni ngact i v i t i esf oral lages !



Movi eMar at hon Cr eat ear et r omovi es et t i ngwi t han ol ds choolconces s i ons t and,compl et ewi t h f r es hpopcor n.Fi l lupcl earj ar swi t hever yone' s f avor i t ecandi esands etouts cooper sf or peopl et os er vet hems el ves .

FancyMi l kandCooki es Ki dsl ovet ot oas t ,t oo!Cel ebr at et henew year wi t hmi l kf i l l edgl as s esandf r es hl ybaked cooki esont op—i t ’ sat as t ys nackf ort heki ds ( andt headul t s ! ) .Us epl as t i cchampagne gl as s esf oraki df r i endl yves s el .

3 FamilyGameNight

Bus toutal lofyourf avor i t egamesf ora f unf i l l edeveni ngwi t ht heki ds .Makei ts peci al f ornew year ’ swi t hcoolt r eat s ,l i kecandy medal sf ort hewi nner sanddomi noi ns pi r ed i cecr eam s andwi ches .


I n t e r i o rI n s p i r a t i o n ? Shopf oranew l ookwi t hW ayf ai r ’ sexcl us i vegal l er y ofdes i gner decor at edr ooms»


Thes ei r r es i s t i bl ecockt ai l sf r om s omeofourf av or i t ebl ogger sar et he per f ectwayt or i ngi nt henew year .



Ras pber r yChampagneSpar kl er Muddl edr as pber r i esandgi npunchupa s i mpl ecockt ai lf om bl oggerConniJ es per s en ofAr ti nt heFi nd.Sodawat erand champagnet opof ft hi sf es t i veconcoct i on.

Whi t eRus s i anCockt ai l Bl oggerMi r yam Qui nnDobl asofEatGood4Li f e s har esherr eci pef oradel i ci ousnonal cohol i c ver s i onoft hi shol i days t apl e.Pl us ,t hecoconut mi l kbas emakesi taveganf r i endl yopt i on!


Bl ackWal nutOl dFas hi oned Ser veupt hi sdr i nkf r om bl oggerKar r i T ai tofHous eofT uber sf oryournew year ’ s cel ebr at i on.Ri chandvel vet y ,wi t hnot esof car amel ,or ange,andr oas t ednut s ,t hi ss pi n ont hecl as s i ccockt ai li sagr eatwayt o enj oyachi l l yeveni ng.

GETTHERECI PES Phot os :Ar ti nt heFi nd,EatGood4Li f e,Hous eofT uber s

Kr i s t aWat t er wor t h Founder& Pr i nci palDes i gner


Q:Whati st hef i r s ts t epi nyourdes i gnpr oces s ? A:Communi cat i on.Thi si smonument albecaus e des i gni sanongoi ngconv er s at i on.Mycl i ent s andIt al ks t r ai ghtands i mpl y—Is av et he i ndus t r yj ar gonf ormypr of es s i onalpeer s . Q:Whati syourf avor i t epar taboutt he des i gnpr oces s ?

Q:Wi t ht hehol i days eas oncomi ngup,whatar e yourt hr eet i pswhenget t i ngr eadyf orhos t i ng?

A:I ns t al l at i on.Af t ermont hsofpl anni ng,dr awi ng, andpur chas i ng,Igett of i nal l ys eemyv i s i on comet ol i f e.Mydes i gnwor kkeepsmeupat ni ghtandIhav edr eamsoft hef i ni s hedpr oduct . I ns t al l at i ondayi sl i t er al l yadr eam comet r ue.

A:1.Decl ut t er ,decl ut t er ,decl ut t er .

Q:Fi ni s ht hes ent ence:Ever yr oom needs______.

2.Don’ tchoos ei t emst hatar et oot hemat i c; us ecol ort ocr eat eahol i dayat mos pher e. 3.Br i ngyours pacet ol i f e!Us er ealf l ower sand pl ant st hr oughouteachr oom.



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