Banner-News 4-7-22

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The Banner News /

Thursday, April 7, 2022

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Work is nearly done on the new playground area at Kevin Loftin A fantastic piece of the new playground equipment. Riverfront Park. Photos by Alan Hodge

Workers from Carolina Park and Play setting up the equipment.

Construction of the retaining wall for the new parks and rec. center has begun.

This photo shows the length and width of the skating area.


More progress is going on at the new parks and rec. center.

extra land available there, a place for the $200,000 skate park project is being carved out along the 13th St. side of the building. Work on the project began last week. A crew from LAbased Spohn Ranch, who designed the park, have already moved considerable dirt. Project supervisor Justin Ricks, who has built skate parks across the country, watched as his men did their job. The skate park will look somewhat like this, but the finished “It’s always exciting to product will have an extra area added for beginners. build a new park,” he said. “Kids have already been stop- touches are being put on ping buy wanting to know the new playground area at when it will be finished.” Kevin Loftin Riverfront Park According to Rick, the an- by workers from Carolina swer to that question is (drum Parks and Play. The assorted, roll)…about two months. brightly colored, equipment Belmont Parks and Rec. is in place and work has The Cramerton Histori- lian Street, Cramerton. director Zip Stowe is excited started on a large awning that cal Society is sponsoring Musical entertainment about the park too. will cover much of it making “Cramerton High School Re- will be provided by “CODA” “Since the skate park in rain or shine play possible. union” on Saturday, May 14, they play soft rock clas- Charlotte at Eastland closed, The new playground will 2022 at the Cramerton Gym- sics from the 60’s,70’s and I expect our park will see a lot feature rubber-based matting nasium from 5:00 pm to 8:00 80’s and Beach music. Band of use,” Stowe said. that will keep mud and dust pm. Pre-sale tickets will be members are Don Conrad, The park will have the down as well as providing a available for $20 every Satur- lead singer, Bryant Bolin usual jumps, whoops, and cushion in case of stumbles. day from 10:00 am until 1:00 keyboard, Cory Dover bass, bowls, but there will also be When the playground is pm at the Museum located at Nick Gibson saxophone, a section with a milder con- done in a couple of weeks, the lower level of the Cramer- Gary Covitz percussion , and figuration for beginners. Stowe sees Loftin Park reton Community Center, 1 Ju- Les Davis lead guitars. “The beginner’s section turning to large attendance will be about 1,300 sq. ft.,” numbers. Stowe said. “We will have a lot of 2 ROOM Also on the CityWorks families coming here again,” CARPET grounds, work continues on he says. “I believe we will SPECIAL the new parks and rec. center. probably need some more INCLUDES CLEAN, DEODORIZE, PROTECT & DISINFECT Last week, crews were build- picnic shelters.” WHOLE HOUSE AIR * ing the large retaining wall Stowe says that rental of DUCT CLEANING that will nestle the building the picnic shelters helps pay & SANITIZING SAFE FOR UP TO 10 VENTS in the slope in front of City- for park maintenance, but CHILDREN Works. Work on the build- sponsorships are welcome & PETS WE OFFER ing’s foundation is getting too. AIR DUCT DRIES IN Interested in sponsoring CLEANING underway as well. ABOUT AN Across Catawba St. from a new picnic shelter? Call HOUR 704-980-3047 those two projects, the final Stowe at 704-913-2910.

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