1 minute read
The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these!
The other day, during worship, we celebrated the Lord’s Supper. Serving the bread and the wine is one of the great joys of being a pastor. I understand that Christ is ever present with us. But in the Holy Meal, we have the opportunity to receive a supersaturated, real bit of Christ. Our bodies and souls are nourished for the next leg of our Christian journey. For most of us the Meal is a time to be drawn closer to Christ. It is a time of meditation, reflection, and repentance. But the other day, I experienced something a bit different. After serving the congregation in the Sanctuary, I made my way to the nursery. Knocking on the door, I was welcomed by my three-yearold son. The somber reverence of the sanctuary was replaced with a spirit of celebration. My three-yearold immediately asked if he could have some. My oneyear-old made a B-line for me, flapping his arms in excitement. One young parish-